ColorEdit: Fixed not being able to pass the ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha or ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR flags to SetColorEditOptions(). Demo tweak.
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.txt b/CHANGELOG.txt
index 8a485fa..7fe3095 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -76,12 +76,13 @@
 - DragFloat: Improved computation when using the power curve. Improved lost of input precision with very small steps. Added an assert than power-curve requires a min/max range. (~#642)
 - DragFloat: The 'power' parameter is only honored if the min/max parameter are also setup.
 - DragInt, SliderInt: Fixed handling of large integers (we previously passed data around internally as float, which reduced the range of valid integers).
+- ColorEdit: Fixed not being able to pass the ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha or ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR flags to SetColorEditOptions().
 - Nav: Fixed hovering a Selectable() with the mouse so that it update the navigation cursor (as it happened in the pre-1.60 navigation branch). (#787)
 - Style: Changed default style.DisplaySafeAreaPadding values from (4,4) to (3,3) so it is smaller than FramePadding and has no effect on main menu bar on a computer. (#1439)
 - Fonts: When building font atlas, glyphs that are missing in the fonts are not using the glyph slot to render a dummy/default glyph. Saves space and allow merging fonts with 
   overlapping font ranges such as FontAwesome5 which split out the Brands separately from the Solid fonts. (#1703, #1671)
 - Misc: Added IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro to compare version string and data structure sizes in order to catch issues with mismatching compilation unit settings. (#1695, #1769)
-- Misc: Added IMGUI_DISABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS in imconfig.h to make it slightly easier to redefine wrappers to std maths functions such as fabsf(), fmodf(), cosf(), etc.
+- Misc: Added IMGUI_DISABLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS in imconfig.h to make it easier to redefine wrappers for std/crt math functions.
 - Misc: Fix to allow compiling in unity builds where stb_rectpack/stb_truetype may be already included in the same compilation unit.
 - Demo: Simple Overlay: Added a context menu item to enable freely moving the window. 
 - Demo: Added demo for DragScalar(), InputScalar(), SliderScalar(). (#643)
diff --git a/imgui.cpp b/imgui.cpp
index 01c0ccd..a48775b 100644
--- a/imgui.cpp
+++ b/imgui.cpp
@@ -11891,15 +11891,11 @@
     const float w_items_all = CalcItemWidth() - w_extra;
     const char* label_display_end = FindRenderedTextEnd(label);
-    const bool alpha = (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha) == 0;
-    const bool hdr = (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR) != 0;
-    const int components = alpha ? 4 : 3;
-    const ImGuiColorEditFlags flags_untouched = flags;
     // If we're not showing any slider there's no point in doing any HSV conversions
+    const ImGuiColorEditFlags flags_untouched = flags;
     if (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs)
         flags = (flags & (~ImGuiColorEditFlags__InputsMask)) | ImGuiColorEditFlags_RGB | ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoOptions;
@@ -11916,6 +11912,10 @@
         flags |= (g.ColorEditOptions & ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask);
     flags |= (g.ColorEditOptions & ~(ImGuiColorEditFlags__InputsMask | ImGuiColorEditFlags__DataTypeMask | ImGuiColorEditFlags__PickerMask));
+    const bool alpha = (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha) == 0;
+    const bool hdr = (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR) != 0;
+    const int components = alpha ? 4 : 3;
     // Convert to the formats we need
     float f[4] = { col[0], col[1], col[2], alpha ? col[3] : 1.0f };
     if (flags & ImGuiColorEditFlags_HSV)
diff --git a/imgui_demo.cpp b/imgui_demo.cpp
index 049cc06..b161899 100644
--- a/imgui_demo.cpp
+++ b/imgui_demo.cpp
@@ -983,13 +983,12 @@
             if (inputs_mode == 4) flags |= ImGuiColorEditFlags_HEX;
             ImGui::ColorPicker4("MyColor##4", (float*)&color, flags, ref_color ? &ref_color_v.x : NULL);
-            ImGui::Text("Programmatically set defaults/options:");
+            ImGui::Text("Programmatically set defaults:");
             ImGui::SameLine(); ShowHelpMarker("SetColorEditOptions() is designed to allow you to set boot-time default.\nWe don't have Push/Pop functions because you can force options on a per-widget basis if needed, and the user can change non-forced ones with the options menu.\nWe don't have a getter to avoid encouraging you to persistently save values that aren't forward-compatible.");
-            if (ImGui::Button("Uint8 + HSV"))
-                ImGui::SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 | ImGuiColorEditFlags_HSV);
-            ImGui::SameLine();
-            if (ImGui::Button("Float + HDR"))
-                ImGui::SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float | ImGuiColorEditFlags_RGB);
+            if (ImGui::Button("Default: Uint8 + HSV + Hue Bar"))
+                ImGui::SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags_Uint8 | ImGuiColorEditFlags_HSV | ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueBar);
+            if (ImGui::Button("Default: Float + HDR + Hue Wheel"))
+                ImGui::SetColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float | ImGuiColorEditFlags_HDR | ImGuiColorEditFlags_PickerHueWheel);