Tables: made TableUpdateBorders() use IsVisibleX flag. comments.
diff --git a/imgui_internal.h b/imgui_internal.h
index 9d03758..e142bec 100644
--- a/imgui_internal.h
+++ b/imgui_internal.h
@@ -2066,8 +2066,8 @@
     ImGuiTableColumnIdx     NextEnabledColumn;              // Index of next enabled/visible column within Columns[], -1 if last enabled/visible column
     ImGuiTableColumnIdx     SortOrder;                      // Index of this column within sort specs, -1 if not sorting on this column, 0 for single-sort, may be >0 on multi-sort
     ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelCurrent;            // Index within DrawSplitter.Channels[]
-    ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelFrozen;
-    ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelUnfrozen;
+    ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelFrozen;             // Draw channels for frozen rows (often headers)
+    ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx DrawChannelUnfrozen;           // Draw channels for unfrozen rows
     bool                    IsEnabled;                      // Is the column not marked Hidden by the user? (even if off view, e.g. clipped by scrolling).
     bool                    IsEnabledNextFrame;
     bool                    IsVisibleX;                     // Is actually in view (e.g. overlapping the host window clipping rectangle, not scrolled).
diff --git a/imgui_tables.cpp b/imgui_tables.cpp
index 8c020b9..786c7ea 100644
--- a/imgui_tables.cpp
+++ b/imgui_tables.cpp
@@ -1164,9 +1164,8 @@
         if ((table->Flags & ImGuiTableFlags_NoBordersInBody) && table->IsUsingHeaders == false)
-        if (table->FreezeColumnsCount > 0)
-            if (column->MaxX < table->Columns[table->DisplayOrderToIndex[table->FreezeColumnsCount - 1]].MaxX)
-                continue;
+        if (!column->IsVisibleX && table->LastResizedColumn != column_n)
+            continue;
         ImGuiID column_id = TableGetColumnResizeID(table, column_n, table->InstanceCurrent);
         ImRect hit_rect(column->MaxX - hit_half_width, hit_y1, column->MaxX + hit_half_width, border_y2_hit);