Tables: Added ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel to request TableHeadersRow() to not submit label for a column. (#4206)
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
index cdead85..c2bdabc 100644
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 Other Changes:
 - TabBar: Fixed using more than 32 KB-worth of tab names. (#4176)
+- Tables: Added ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel to request TableHeadersRow() to not submit label for a column.
+  Convenient for some small columns. Name will still appear in context menu. (#4206).
 - Fixed printf-style format checks on non-MinGW flavors. (#4183, #3592)
 - Demo: Fixed requirement in 1.83 to link with imgui_demo.cpp if IMGUI_DISABLE_METRICS_WINDOW is not set. (#4171)
   Normally the right way to disable compiling the demo is to set IMGUI_DISABLE_DEMO_WINDOWS, but we want to avoid
diff --git a/imgui.h b/imgui.h
index 275f6c8..2738757 100644
--- a/imgui.h
+++ b/imgui.h
@@ -1180,6 +1180,7 @@
     ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending  = 1 << 13,  // Make the initial sort direction Descending when first sorting on this column.
     ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentEnable          = 1 << 14,  // Use current Indent value when entering cell (default for column 0).
     ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IndentDisable         = 1 << 15,  // Ignore current Indent value when entering cell (default for columns > 0). Indentation changes _within_ the cell will still be honored.
+    ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel         = 1 << 16,  // TableHeadersRow() will not submit label for this column. Convenient for some small columns. Name will still appear in context menu.
     // Output status flags, read-only via TableGetColumnFlags()
     ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsEnabled             = 1 << 20,  // Status: is enabled == not hidden by user/api (referred to as "Hide" in _DefaultHide and _NoHide) flags.
diff --git a/imgui_demo.cpp b/imgui_demo.cpp
index b69bbed..a85cf04 100644
--- a/imgui_demo.cpp
+++ b/imgui_demo.cpp
@@ -3509,6 +3509,7 @@
     ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_NoSort", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSort);
     ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_NoSortAscending", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSortAscending);
     ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_NoSortDescending", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoSortDescending);
+    ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_NoHeaderLabel", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel);
     ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_NoHeaderWidth", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderWidth);
     ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_PreferSortAscending", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortAscending);
     ImGui::CheckboxFlags("_PreferSortDescending", p_flags, ImGuiTableColumnFlags_PreferSortDescending);
diff --git a/imgui_tables.cpp b/imgui_tables.cpp
index 971dce3..8c020b9 100644
--- a/imgui_tables.cpp
+++ b/imgui_tables.cpp
@@ -2780,8 +2780,11 @@
     float row_height = GetTextLineHeight();
     int columns_count = TableGetColumnCount();
     for (int column_n = 0; column_n < columns_count; column_n++)
-        if (TableGetColumnFlags(column_n) & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsEnabled)
+    {
+        ImGuiTableColumnFlags flags = TableGetColumnFlags(column_n);
+        if ((flags & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsEnabled) && !(flags & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel))
             row_height = ImMax(row_height, CalcTextSize(TableGetColumnName(column_n)).y);
+    }
     row_height += GetStyle().CellPadding.y * 2.0f;
     return row_height;
@@ -2818,7 +2821,7 @@
         // Push an id to allow unnamed labels (generally accidental, but let's behave nicely with them)
         // - in your own code you may omit the PushID/PopID all-together, provided you know they won't collide
         // - table->InstanceCurrent is only >0 when we use multiple BeginTable/EndTable calls with same identifier.
-        const char* name = TableGetColumnName(column_n);
+        const char* name = (TableGetColumnFlags(column_n) & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHeaderLabel) ? "" : TableGetColumnName(column_n);
         PushID(table->InstanceCurrent * table->ColumnsCount + column_n);