blob: 865ee35e365d873dd3bcb6f70a03d9e49f9ead92 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017-2021 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - create HTML indices for the OpenGL extension registry
# Use: key
# where 'key' is 'arbnumber', 'number', or 'esnumber' for ARB OpenGL,
# Vendor OpenGL, and OpenGL ES extensions, respectively.
# Only extensions marked 'public' will be included in the index.
import copy, os, re, string, sys
# Keys in glregistry:
# arbnumber OpenGL ARB extension # (if present)
# number OpenGL vendor/EXT extension # (if present)
# esnumber OpenGL ES extension # (if present)
# flags Set containing one or more of 'public' 'private' 'obsolete' 'incomplete'
# url Relative URL to extension spec
# esurl Relative URL to ES-specific extension spec (if present)
# alias Set of additional extension strings defined in the same document
# comments Arbitrary string with metainformation about the extension
# supporters Set of strings with supporting vendor names (both obsolete
# and incomplete - useless save for historical purposes)
def makeLink(name, link):
return '<a href="' + url + '">' + name + '</a>'
# See if the specified key of the extension has the specified flag
def hasFlag(extension, key, flag):
return (key in extension and flag in extension[key])
if __name__ == '__main__':
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
key = sys.argv[1]
key = 'number'
isGLES = (key == 'esnumber')
# print('makeindex: key =', key)
# Load the registry
file = ''
# Select extensions with the matching key
dict = {k:v for k,v in registry.items() if key in v.keys()}
# print('Filtered', len(dict), 'extensions')
# Sort matching extensions by the key value
sortext = sorted(dict.items(), key = lambda kv : kv[1].get(key))
# Generate the HTML ordered list of extensions (selecting only public ones)
for (name,ext) in sortext:
index = ext.get(key)
if hasFlag(ext, 'flags', 'public'):
# Only select the alternate ES path if we're generating the ES index
if (isGLES and 'esurl' in ext):
url = ext['esurl']
url = ext['url']
# Create the main indexed link
print('<li value=', index, '>', makeLink(name, url), sep='')
if ('alias' in ext):
for alias in sorted(ext['alias']):
print('\n <br> ', makeLink(alias, url), sep='')