| Name |
| |
| WGL_NV_gpu_affinity |
| |
| Name Strings |
| |
| WGL_NV_gpu_affinity |
| |
| Contact |
| |
| Barthold Lichtenbelt, NVIDIA (blichtenbelt 'at' nvidia.com) |
| |
| Notice |
| |
| Copyright NVIDIA Corporation, 2005-2006. |
| |
| Status |
| |
| Completed. |
| |
| Version |
| |
| Last Modified Date: 11/08/2006 |
| Author revision: 11 |
| |
| Number |
| |
| 355 |
| |
| Dependencies |
| |
| WGL_ARB_extensions_string is required. |
| |
| This extension interacts with WGL_ARB_make_current_read. |
| |
| This extension interacts with WGL_ARB_pbuffer. |
| |
| This extension interacts with GL_EXT_framebuffer_object |
| |
| Overview |
| |
| On systems with more than one GPU it is desirable to be able to |
| select which GPU(s) in the system become the target for OpenGL |
| rendering commands. This extension introduces the concept of a GPU |
| affinity mask. OpenGL rendering commands are directed to the |
| GPU(s) specified by the affinity mask. GPU affinity is immutable. |
| Once set, it cannot be changed. |
| |
| This extension also introduces the concept called affinity-DC. An |
| affinity-DC is a device context with a GPU affinity mask embedded |
| in it. This restricts the device context to only allow OpenGL |
| commands to be sent to the GPU(s) in the affinity mask. |
| |
| Handles for the GPUs present in a system are enumerated with the |
| command wglEnumGpusNV. An affinity-DC is created by calling |
| wglCreateAffinityDCNV. This function takes a list of GPU handles, |
| which make up the affinity mask. An affinity-DC can also |
| indirectly be created by obtaining a DC from a pBuffer handle, by |
| calling wglGetPbufferDC, which in turn was created from an |
| affinity-DC by calling wglCreatePbuffer. |
| |
| A context created from an affinity DC will inherit the GPU |
| affinity mask from the DC. Once inherited, it cannot be changed. |
| Such a context is called an affinity-context. This restricts the |
| affinity-context to only allow OpenGL commands to be sent to those |
| GPU(s) in its affinity mask. Once created, this context can be |
| used in two ways: |
| |
| 1. Make the affinity-context current to an affinity-DC. This |
| will only succeed if the context's affinity mask is the same |
| as the affinity mask in the DC. There is no window |
| associated with an affinity DC, therefore this is a way to |
| achieve off-screen rendering to an OpenGL context. This can |
| either be rendering to a pBuffer, or an application created |
| framebuffer object. In the former case, the affinity-mask of |
| the pBuffer DC, which is obtained from a pBuffer handle, |
| will be the same affinity-mask as the DC used to created the |
| pBuffer handle. In the latter case, the default framebuffer |
| object will be incomplete because there is no window-system |
| created framebuffer. Therefore, the application will have to |
| create and bind a framebuffer object as the target for |
| rendering. |
| 2. Make the affinity-context current to a DC obtained from a |
| window. Rendering only happens to the sub rectangles(s) of |
| the window that overlap the parts of the desktop that are |
| displayed by the GPU(s) in the affinity mask of the context. |
| |
| Sharing OpenGL objects between affinity-contexts, by calling |
| wglShareLists, will only succeed if the contexts have identical |
| affinity masks. |
| |
| It is not possible to make a regular context (one without an |
| affinity mask) current to an affinity-DC. This would mean a way |
| for a context to inherit affinity information, which makes the |
| context affinity mutable, which is counter to the premise of this |
| extension. |
| |
| New Procedures, Functions and Structures: |
| |
| |
| typedef struct _GPU_DEVICE { |
| DWORD cb; |
| CHAR DeviceName[32]; |
| CHAR DeviceString[128]; |
| DWORD Flags; |
| RECT rcVirtualScreen; |
| |
| BOOL wglEnumGpusNV(UINT iGpuIndex, |
| HGPUNV *phGpu); |
| |
| BOOL wglEnumGpuDevicesNV(HGPUNV hGpu, |
| UINT iDeviceIndex, |
| PGPU_DEVICE lpGpuDevice); |
| |
| HDC wglCreateAffinityDCNV(const HGPUNV *phGpuList); |
| |
| BOOL wglEnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV(HDC hAffinityDC, |
| UINT iGpuIndex, |
| HGPUNV *hGpu); |
| |
| BOOL wglDeleteDCNV(HDC hdc); |
| |
| New Tokens |
| |
| New error codes set by wglShareLists, wglMakeCurrent and |
| wglMakeContextCurrentARB: |
| |
| |
| New error codes set by wglMakeCurrent and |
| wglMakeContextCurrentARB: |
| |
| |
| Additions to the WGL Specification |
| |
| GPU Affinity |
| |
| To query handles for all GPUs in a system call: |
| |
| BOOL wglEnumGpusNV(UINT iGpuIndex, HGPUNV *phGPU); |
| |
| <iGpuIndex> is an index value that specifies a GPU. |
| |
| <phGPU> upon return will contain a handle for GPU number |
| <iGpuIndex>. The first GPU will be index 0. |
| |
| By looping over wglEnumGpusNV and incrementing <iGpuIndex>, |
| starting at index 0, all GPU handles can be queried. If the |
| function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function |
| fails, the return value is FALSE and <phGPU> will be unmodified. |
| The function fails if <iGpuIndex> is greater or equal than the |
| number of GPUs supported by the system. |
| |
| To retrieve information about the display devices supported by a |
| GPU call: |
| |
| BOOL wglEnumGpuDevicesNV(HGPUNV hGpu, |
| UINT iDeviceIndex, |
| PGPU_DEVICE lpGpuDevice); |
| |
| <hGpu> is a handle to the GPU to query. |
| |
| <iDeviceIndex> is an index value that specifies a display device, |
| supported by <hGpu>, to query. The first display device will be |
| index 0. |
| |
| <lpGpuDevice> pointer to a GPU_DEVICE structure which will receive |
| information about the display device at index <iDeviceIndex>. |
| |
| By looping over the function wglEnumGpuDevicesNV and incrementing |
| <iDeviceIndex>, starting at index 0, all display devices can be |
| queried. If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If |
| the function fails, the return value is FALSE and <lpGpuDevice> |
| will be unmodified. The function fails if <iDeviceIndex> is |
| greater or equal than the number of display devices supported by |
| <hGpu>. |
| |
| The GPU_DEVICE structure has the following members: |
| |
| typedef struct _GPU_DEVICE { |
| DWORD cb; |
| CHAR DeviceName[32]; |
| CHAR DeviceString[128]; |
| DWORD Flags; |
| RECT rcVirtualScreen; |
| |
| <cb> is the size of the GPU_DEVICE structure. Before calling |
| wglEnumGpuDevicesNV, set <cb> to the size, in bytes, of |
| |
| <DeviceName> is a string identifying the display device name. This |
| will be the same string as stored in the <DeviceName> field of the |
| DISPLAY_DEVICE structure, which is filled in by |
| EnumDisplayDevices. |
| |
| <DeviceString> is a string describing the GPU for this display |
| device. It is the same string as stored in the <DeviceString> |
| field in the DISPLAY_DEVICE structure that is filled in by |
| EnumDisplayDevices when it describes a display adapter (and not a |
| monitor). |
| |
| <Flags> Indicates the state of the display device. It can be a |
| combination of any of the following: |
| |
| DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP If set, the device is part |
| of the desktop. |
| |
| desktop is on this device. Only one device in the system can have |
| this set. |
| |
| <rcVirtualScreen> specifies the display device rectangle, in |
| virtual screen coordinates. The value of <rcVirtualScreen> is |
| undefined if the device is not part of the desktop, i.e. |
| DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED_TO_DESKTOP is not set in the <Flags> |
| field. |
| |
| The function wglEnumGpuDevicesNV can fail for a variety of |
| reasons. Call GetLastError to get extended error information. |
| Possible errors are as follows: |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE <hGpu> is not a valid GPU handle. |
| |
| A new type of DC, called an affinity-DC, can be used to direct |
| OpenGL commands to a specific GPU or set of GPUs. An affinity-DC |
| is a device context with a GPU affinity mask embedded in it. This |
| restricts the device context to only allow OpenGL commands to be |
| sent to the GPU(s) in the affinity mask. An affinity-DC can be |
| created directly, using the new function wglCreateAffinityDCNV and |
| also indirectly by calling wglCreatePbufferARB followed by |
| wglGetPbufferDCARB. To create an affinity-DC directly call: |
| |
| HDC wglCreateAffinityDCNV(const HGPUNV *phGpuList); |
| |
| <phGpuList> is a NULL-terminated array of GPU handles to which the |
| affinity-DC will be restricted. If an element in the list is not a |
| GPU handle, as returned by wglEnumGpusNV, it is silently ignored. |
| |
| If successful, the function returns an affinity-DC. If it fails, |
| NULL will be returned. |
| |
| To create an affinity-DC indirectly, first call |
| wglCreatePbufferARB passing it an affinity-DC. Next, pass the |
| handle returned by the call to wglCreatePbufferARB to |
| wglGetPbufferDCARB to create an affinity-DC for the pBuffer. The |
| DC returned by wglGetPbufferDCARB will have the same affinity mask |
| as the DC used to create the pBuffer handle by calling |
| wglCreatePbufferARB. |
| |
| An affinity-DC has no window associated with it, and therefore it |
| has no default window-system-provided framebuffer. (Note: This is |
| terminology borrowed from EXT_framebuffer_object). A context made |
| current to an affinity-DC will only be able to render into an |
| application-created framebuffer object, or a pBuffer. The default |
| window-system-framebuffer object, when bound, will be incomplete. |
| The EXT_framebuffer_object specification defines what 'incomplete' |
| means exactly. |
| |
| A context created from an affinity-DC, by calling wglCreateContext |
| and passing it an affinity-DC, is called an affinity-context. This |
| context will inherit the affinity mask from the DC. This affinity- |
| mask cannot be changed. The affinity mask restricts the affinity- |
| context to only allow OpenGL commands to be sent to those GPU(s) |
| in its affinity mask. |
| |
| The function wglCreateAffinityDCNV can fail for a variety of |
| reasons. Call GetLastError to get extended error information. |
| Possible errors are as follows: |
| |
| ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES Insufficient resources exist to |
| create the affinity-DC. |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_DATA <phGpuList> is empty or contains no |
| valid GPU handles |
| |
| An affinity-context can only be made current to an affinity-DC |
| with the same affinity-mask, otherwise wglMakeCurrent and |
| wglMakeContextCurrentARB will fail and return FALSE. In the case |
| of wglMakeContextCurrentARB, the affinity masks of both the "read" |
| and "draw" DCs need to match the affinity-mask of the context. |
| |
| If a context that has no affinity mask is made current to an |
| affinity-DC, wglMakeCurrent and wglMakeContextCurrentARB will fail |
| and return FALSE. In the case of wglMakeContextCurrentARB it will |
| fail if either the "read" or "draw" DC is an affinity-DC. |
| |
| If an affinity-context is made current to a DC obtained from a |
| window, by calling GetDC, then rendering will only happen to the |
| subrectangle(s) of the window that overlap the parts of the |
| desktop that are displayed by the GPU(s) in the affinity-mask of |
| the context. Note that a DC obtained from a window does not have |
| an affinity mask set. |
| |
| The following error codes are added to the description of |
| wglMakeCurrent and wglMakeContextCurrentARB: |
| |
| ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_AFFINITY_MASKS_NV The device context(s) and |
| rendering context have non-matching affinity masks. |
| |
| ERROR_MISSING_AFFINITY_MASK_NV The rendering context does |
| not have an affinity mask set. |
| |
| Sharing OpenGL objects between affinity-contexts, by calling |
| wglShareLists, will only succeed if the contexts have identical |
| affinity masks. The following error codes are added to the |
| description of wglShareLists: |
| |
| matching affinity masks. |
| |
| To delete an affinity-DC call: |
| |
| BOOL wglDeleteDCNV(HDC hdc) |
| |
| <hdc> Is a handle of an affinity-DC to delete. |
| |
| If the function succeeds, TRUE is returned. If the function fails, |
| FALSE is returned. Call GetLastError to get extended error |
| information. Possible errors are as follows: |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE <hdc> is not a handle of an affinity-DC. |
| |
| To retrieve a list of GPU handles that make up the affinity-mask |
| of an affinity-DC, call: |
| |
| BOOL wglEnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV(HDC hAffinityDC, |
| UINT iGpuIndex, |
| HGPUNV *phGpu); |
| |
| <hAffinityDC> is a handle of the affinity-DC to query. |
| |
| <iGpuIndex> is an index value of the GPU handle in the affinity |
| mask of <hAffinityDC> to query. |
| |
| <phGpu> upon return will contain a handle for GPU number |
| <iGpuIndex>. The first GPU will be at index 0. |
| |
| By looping over wglEnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV and incrementing |
| <iGpuIndex>, starting at index 0, all GPU handles associated with |
| the DC can be queried. If the function succeeds, the return value |
| is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is FALSE and |
| <phGPU> will be unmodified. The function fails if <iGpuIndex> is |
| greater or equal than the number of GPUs associated with |
| <hAffinityDC>. |
| |
| Call GetLastError to get extended error information. Possible |
| errors are as follows: |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE <hAffinityDC> is not a handle of an |
| affinity-DC. |
| |
| Interactions with WGL_ARB_make_current_read |
| |
| If the make current read extension is not supported, all language |
| referring to wglMakeContextCurrentARB is deleted. |
| |
| Interactions with WGL_ARB_pbuffer |
| |
| If the pbuffer extension is not supported, all language referring |
| to puffers, wglGetPbuferDC and wglCreatePbuffer are deleted. |
| |
| Interactions with GL_EXT_framebuffer_object |
| |
| If the framebuffer object extension is not supported, all language |
| referring to framebuffer objects is deleted. |
| |
| Usage examples |
| |
| // Example 1 - Normal window creation, DC setup and |
| // context creation. |
| |
| int pf; |
| HDC hDC; |
| HGLRC hRC; |
| HWND hWnd; |
| |
| hWnd = CreateWindow(...); |
| hDC = GetDC(hWnd); |
| |
| memset(&pfd, 0, sizeof(pfd)); |
| pfd.nSize = sizeof(pfd); |
| pfd.nVersion = 1; |
| pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; |
| pfd.cColorBits = 32; |
| |
| // Note, for ease of code reading no error checking is done. |
| pf = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd); |
| SetPixelFormat(hDC, pf, &pfd); |
| DescribePixelFormat(hDC, pf, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), |
| &pfd); |
| |
| hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC); |
| wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC); |
| |
| |
| // Example 2 - Offscreen rendering to one GPU using a FBO |
| // It is assumed that a context already has been created (and |
| // possibly destroyed) and was used to query the proc addresses |
| // of the WGL affinity related entrypoints. |
| |
| #define MAX_GPU 4 |
| |
| int pf, gpuIndex = 0; |
| HGPUNV GpuMask[MAX_GPU]; |
| HDC affDC; |
| HGLRC affRC; |
| |
| // Get a list of the first MAX_GPU GPUs in the system |
| while ((gpuIndex < MAX_GPU) && wglEnumGpusNV(gpuIndex, |
| &hGPU[gpuIndex])) { |
| gpuIndex++; |
| } |
| |
| // Create an affinity-DC associated with the first GPU |
| GpuMask[0] = hGPU[0]; |
| GpuMask[1] = NULL; |
| |
| affDC = wglCreateAffinityDCNV(GpuMask); |
| |
| // Set a pixelformat on the affinity-DC |
| pf = ChoosePixelFormat(affDC, &pfd); |
| SetPixelFormat(affDC, pf, &pfd); |
| DescribePixelFormat(affDC, pf, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), |
| &pfd); |
| |
| affRC = wglCreateContext(affDC); |
| wglMakeCurrent(affDC, affRC); |
| |
| // Make a previously created FBO current so we have something |
| // to render into. Since there's no window, the default system |
| // created FBO is incomplete. |
| glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb); |
| |
| <Now draw> |
| |
| // Example 3 - Offscreen rendering to one GPU using a pBuffer |
| // It is assumed that a context already has been created (and |
| // possibly destroyed) and was used to query the proc addresses |
| // of the WGL affinity and pbuffer related entrypoints. |
| |
| #define MAX_GPU 4 |
| |
| int gpuIndex = 0; |
| HGPUNV GpuMask[MAX_GPU]; |
| HDC affDC, pBufferAffDC; |
| HGLRC affRC; |
| |
| // Get a list of the first MAX_GPU GPUs in the system |
| while ((gpuIndex < MAX_GPU) && wglEnumGpusNV(gpuIndex, |
| &hGPU[gpuIndex])) { |
| gpuIndex++; |
| } |
| |
| // Create an affinity-DC associated with the first GPU |
| GpuMask[0] = hGPU[0]; |
| GpuMask[1] = NULL; |
| |
| affDC = wglCreateAffinityDCNV(GpuMask); |
| |
| // Setup desired pixelformat attributes for the pbuffer |
| // including WGL_DRAW_TO_PBUFFER_ARB. |
| HPBUFFERARB handle; |
| int width = 512, height = 512, format = 0; |
| unsigned int nformats; |
| |
| int attribList[] = |
| { |
| 0, |
| }; |
| |
| wglChoosePixelFormatARB(affDC, attribList, NULL, 1, |
| &format, &nformats); |
| |
| handle = wglCreatePbufferARB(affDC, format, width, height, NULL); |
| |
| // pbufferAffDC will have the same affinity-mask as affDC. |
| pBufferAffDC = wglGetPbufferDCARB(handle); |
| |
| // affRC will inherit the affinity-mask from pBufferAffDC. |
| affRC = wglCreateContext(pBufferAffDC); |
| wglMakeCurrent(pBufferAffDC, affRC); |
| |
| <Now draw into the pBuffer> |
| |
| Issues |
| |
| 1) Do we really need an affinity-DC, or can we do with just an |
| affinity context? |
| |
| DISCUSSION: If affinity is not part of a DC, a new function will |
| need to be defined to create an affinity-context or set an |
| affinity-mask for an existing context. Passing NULL as a HDC to |
| wglMakeCurrent will then be one way to create an off-screen |
| rendering context, where rendering will have to go to a FBO. If |
| the HDC passed to wglMakeCurrent is one for a pBuffer, the |
| affinity-mask in the affinity-context dictates where rendering is |
| direct to. This might mean pBuffer resources will have to move, or |
| alternatively, duplicated across all GPUs in a system. That is |
| counter to the whole idea of this extension. Thus an affinity-DC |
| is definitely needed for a pBuffer. |
| |
| Thus the question reduces to, do we need an affinity-DC in order |
| to facilitate off-screen rendering to a FBO? Having an affinity-DC |
| has the following advantages: |
| |
| a) It is consistent with making current to a pBuffer or window, |
| that does need a DC. |
| b) passing NULL as a HDC to wglMakeCurrent might be filtered out |
| by the MS layer on future OSes. |
| c) The driver implementation might benefit from knowing at DC |
| creation time what the affinity-mask is, rather than at |
| wglMakeCurrent time. |
| |
| |
| 2) Should the GPU affinity concept also apply to D3D and/or GDI |
| commands? |
| |
| DISCUSSION: It could be especially desirable to apply the |
| affinity concept to D3D. However, D3D is sufficiently different |
| that this extension doesn't directly apply. |
| |
| RESOLUTION: That falls outside this extension. |
| |
| 3) Should setting a pixelformat on an affinity-DC be required? |
| |
| DISCUSSION: Setting a pixelformat on an affinity-DC is not |
| strictly necessary if the application does off-screen rendering to |
| a FBO. However, the Microsoft layer of wglMakeCurrent requires |
| that the pixelformats of the DC and RC passed to it match. This |
| becomes an issue when making an affinity-context current to a DC |
| obtained from a window. The DC has a pixelformat set by the |
| application, and therefore the affinity-context needs to have the |
| same pixelformat. This means the affinity-DC, that the affinity- |
| context is created from, needs to have the same pixelformat set. |
| |
| RESOLUTION: YES. Setting a pixelformat on an affinity-DC is |
| required. |
| |
| 4) Is it allowed to make an affinity-context current to an |
| affinity-DC where the mask of the context spans more GPUs than the |
| mask in the DC? |
| |
| 5) Is it allowed to make an affinity-context current to an |
| affinity-DC where the mask of the context spans less GPUs than the |
| mask in the DC? |
| |
| DISCUSSION: Issues 4 and 5 are lumped together in this discussion. |
| For example, is this scenario something we want to support: An |
| application wants to share objects across two contexts and have |
| these two contexts each render to a different GPU. It can do this |
| by creating two affinity-DCs. One has an affinity mask for the |
| first GPU, the other for the second GPU. It also creates two |
| affinity-contexts that both have an affinity-mask that spans both |
| GPUs. Making one context current to the first affinity-DC will |
| lock the context to the GPU in the mask of that affinity-DC. Make |
| another context current to the second affinity-DC will lock that |
| context to the second GPU. This is effectively what issue 4) is |
| asking. . The simplest solution is to disallow these cases, and |
| that is how the spec is currently written. |
| |
| RESOLUTION: NO, we will not allow this to keep the spec simple. If |
| necessary, these restrictions can always be lifted later. |
| |
| 6) What should an application do if the enum functions that return |
| BOOL fail for another reason than they are done? For example, if |
| they fail because they run out of memory? |
| |
| RESOLUTION: An application will have to call GetLastError to find |
| out the reason of failure. |
| |
| 7) The "Enum" API commands in this extension assume that the list |
| of things being enumerated does not change dynamically. Is that |
| reasonable? |
| |
| DISCUSSION: Display devices, and possibly GPUs in the future, can |
| be changed dynamically and/or hotplugged. Thus yes, this is a |
| potential issue. Existing OS functionality like EnumDisplayDevices |
| and even wglMakeCurrent will suffer from this too. In the latter |
| case, the application could make a context current to a device |
| that was removed from the system. A possible solution would be |
| some sort of notification mechanism to the application. Possibly |
| combined with being able to snapshot state first, then enumerate |
| that snapshot. That snapshot of state might immediately become |
| invalid, but at least the enumeration will walk a consistent list. |
| |
| RESOLUTION: This is a wider issue than just this specification, |
| and not currently addressed. |
| |
| 8) How do I transfer data efficiently between two affinity- |
| contexts? |
| |
| DISCUSSION: It is desired for an application to render in one |
| context, and transfer the result of that rendering to another |
| context. These two contexts can be on different GPUs. If they are, |
| how does the application efficiently transfer this data? Currently |
| OpenGL provides two mechanisms, neither of which are ideal: |
| |
| 1) The application can do a ReadPixels followed by a DrawPixels / |
| TexImage call. This involves transfer through host memory, which |
| can be slow. |
| |
| 2) The application can share objects among the two contexts using |
| wglShareLists(). This will work, but is counter to the premise of |
| this extension where each GPU has its own set of resources, not |
| shared with another GPU. |
| |
| RESOLUTION: This is a hole which needs to be addressed separately. |
| |
| Revision history |
| |
| None |