| Name |
| |
| NV_shading_rate_image |
| |
| Name Strings |
| |
| GL_NV_shading_rate_image |
| |
| Contact |
| |
| Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at' nvidia.com) |
| |
| Contributors |
| |
| Daniel Koch, NVIDIA |
| Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA |
| Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA |
| Mathias Schott, NVIDIA |
| Pyarelal Knowles, NVIDIA |
| |
| Status |
| |
| Shipping |
| |
| Version |
| |
| Last Modified: March 16, 2020 |
| Revision: 3 |
| |
| Number |
| |
| OpenGL Extension #531 |
| OpenGL ES Extension #315 |
| |
| Dependencies |
| |
| This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 Specification |
| (Compatibility Profile), dated October 24, 2016. |
| |
| OpenGL 4.5 or OpenGL ES 3.2 is required. |
| |
| This extension requires support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) |
| extension "NV_shading_rate_image", which can be found at the Khronos Group |
| Github site here: |
| |
| https://github.com/KhronosGroup/GLSL |
| |
| This extension interacts trivially with ARB_sample_locations and |
| NV_sample_locations. |
| |
| This extension interacts with NV_scissor_exclusive. |
| |
| This extension interacts with NV_conservative_raster. |
| |
| This extension interacts with NV_conservative_raster_underestimation. |
| |
| This extension interacts with EXT_raster_multisample. |
| |
| NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples is required. |
| |
| If implemented in OpenGL ES, at least one of NV_viewport_array or |
| OES_viewport_array is required. |
| |
| Overview |
| |
| By default, OpenGL runs a fragment shader once for each pixel covered by a |
| primitive being rasterized. When using multisampling, the outputs of that |
| fragment shader are broadcast to each covered sample of the fragment's |
| pixel. When using multisampling, applications can also request that the |
| fragment shader be run once per color sample (when using the "sample" |
| qualifier on one or more active fragment shader inputs), or run a fixed |
| number of times per pixel using SAMPLE_SHADING enable and the |
| MinSampleShading frequency value. In all of these approaches, the number |
| of fragment shader invocations per pixel is fixed, based on API state. |
| |
| This extension allows applications to bind and enable a shading rate image |
| that can be used to vary the number of fragment shader invocations across |
| the framebuffer. This can be useful for applications like eye tracking |
| for virtual reality, where the portion of the framebuffer that the user is |
| looking at directly can be processed at high frequency, while distant |
| corners of the image can be processed at lower frequency. The shading |
| rate image is an immutable-format two-dimensional or two-dimensional array |
| texture that uses a format of R8UI. Each texel represents a fixed-size |
| rectangle in the framebuffer, covering 16x16 pixels in the initial |
| implementation of this extension. When rasterizing a primitive covering |
| one of these rectangles, the OpenGL implementation reads the texel in the |
| bound shading rate image and looks up the fetched value in a palette of |
| shading rates. The shading rate used can vary from (finest) 16 fragment |
| shader invocations per pixel to (coarsest) one fragment shader invocation |
| for each 4x4 block of pixels. |
| |
| When this extension is advertised by an OpenGL implementation, the |
| implementation must also support the GLSL extension |
| "GL_NV_shading_rate_image" (documented separately), which provides new |
| built-in variables that allow fragment shaders to determine the effective |
| shading rate used for each fragment. Additionally, the GLSL extension also |
| provides new layout qualifiers allowing the interlock functionality provided |
| by ARB_fragment_shader_interlock to guarantee mutual exclusion across an |
| entire fragment when the shading rate specifies multiple pixels per fragment |
| shader invocation. |
| |
| Note that this extension requires the use of a framebuffer object; the |
| shading rate image and related state are ignored when rendering to the |
| default framebuffer. |
| |
| New Procedures and Functions |
| |
| void BindShadingRateImageNV(uint texture); |
| void ShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint first, sizei count, |
| const enum *rates); |
| void GetShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint entry, |
| enum *rate); |
| void ShadingRateImageBarrierNV(boolean synchronize); |
| void ShadingRateSampleOrderNV(enum order); |
| void ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV(enum rate, uint samples, |
| const int *locations); |
| void GetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV(enum rate, uint samples, |
| uint index, int *location); |
| |
| New Tokens |
| |
| Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, by the |
| <target> parameter of Enablei, Disablei, IsEnabledi, EnableIndexedEXT, |
| DisableIndexedEXT, and IsEnabledIndexedEXT, and by the <pname> parameter |
| of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev, |
| GetDoubleIndexedv, GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v, |
| GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, |
| and GetFloatIndexedvEXT: |
| |
| |
| Accepted in the <rates> parameter of ShadingRateImagePaletteNV and the |
| <rate> parameter of ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV and |
| GetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV; returned in the <rate> parameter of |
| GetShadingRateImagePaletteNV: |
| |
| |
| Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, |
| GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv: |
| |
| |
| Accepted by the <order> parameter of ShadingRateSampleOrderNV: |
| |
| |
| |
| Modifications to the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Compatibility Profile) |
| |
| Modify Section 14.3.1, Multisampling, p. 532 |
| |
| (add to the end of the section) |
| |
| When using a shading rate image (Section 14.4.1), rasterization may |
| produce fragments covering multiple pixels, where each pixel is treated as |
| a sample. If SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV is enabled for any viewport, |
| primitives will be processed with multisample rasterization rules, |
| regardless of the MULTISAMPLE enable or the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS. If |
| the framebuffer has no multisample buffers, each pixel is treated as |
| having a single sample located at the pixel center. |
| |
| |
| Delete Section, Sample Shading, p. 532. The functionality in |
| this section is moved to the new Section 14.4, "Shading Rate Control". |
| |
| |
| Add new section before Section 14.4, Points, p. 533 |
| |
| Section 14.4, Shading Rate Control |
| |
| By default, each fragment processed by programmable fragment processing |
| (chapter 15) [[compatibility only: or fixed-function fragment processing |
| (chapter 16)]] corresponds to a single pixel with a single (x,y) |
| coordinate. When using multisampling, implementations are permitted to run |
| separate fragment shader invocations for each sample, but often only run a |
| single invocation for all samples of the fragment. We will refer to the |
| density of fragment shader invocations in a particular framebuffer region |
| as the _shading rate_. Applications can use the shading rate to increase |
| the size of fragments to cover multiple pixels and reduce the amount of |
| fragment shader work. Applications can also use the shading rate to |
| explicitly control the minimum number of fragment shader invocations when |
| multisampling. |
| |
| |
| Section 14.4.1, Shading Rate Image |
| |
| Applications can specify the use of a shading rate that varies by (x,y) |
| location using a _shading rate image_. Use of a shading rate image is |
| enabled or disabled for all viewports using Enable or Disable with target |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV. Use of a shading rate image is enabled or disabled |
| for a specific viewport using Enablei or Disablei with the constant |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV and the index of the selected viewport. The shading |
| rate image may only be used with a framebuffer object. When rendering to |
| the default framebuffer, the shading rate image operations in this section |
| are disabled. |
| |
| The shading rate image is a texture that can be bound with the command |
| |
| void BindShadingRateImageNV(uint texture); |
| |
| This command unbinds the current shading rate image, if any. If <texture> |
| is zero, no new texture is bound. If <texture> is non-zero, it must be |
| the name of an existing immutable-format texture with a target of |
| TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY with a format of R8UI. If <texture> has |
| multiple mipmap levels, only the base level will be used as the shading |
| rate image. |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| INVALID_VALUE is generated if <texture> is not zero and is not the |
| name of an existing texture object. |
| |
| INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <texture> is not an immutable-format |
| texture, has a format other than R8UI, or has a texture target other |
| |
| When rasterizing a primitive covering pixel (x,y) with a shading rate |
| image having a target of TEXTURE_2D, a two-dimensional texel coordinate |
| (u,v) is generated, where: |
| |
| |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV are the width and height of the |
| implementation-dependent footprint of each shading rate image texel in the |
| framebuffer. If the bound shading rate image has a target of |
| TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, a three-dimensional texture coordinate (u,v,w) is |
| generated, where u and v are computed as above. The coordinate w is set |
| to the layer L of the framebuffer being rendered to if L is less than the |
| number of layers in the shading rate image, or zero otherwise. |
| |
| If a texel with coordinates (u,v) or (u,v,w) exists in the bound shading |
| rate image, the value of the 8-bit R component of the texel is used as the |
| shading rate index. If the (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate is outside the |
| extent of the shading rate image, or if no shading rate image is bound, |
| zero will be used as the shading rate index. |
| |
| A shading rate index is mapped to a _base shading rate_ using a lookup |
| table called the shading rate image palette. There is a separate palette |
| for each viewport. The number of entries in each palette is given by the |
| implementation-dependent constant SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_SIZE_NV. The |
| base shading rate for an (x,y) coordinate with a shading rate index of <i> |
| will be given by palette entry <i>. If the shading rate index is greater |
| than or equal to the palette size, the results of the palette lookup are |
| undefined. |
| |
| Shading rate image palettes are updated using the command |
| |
| void ShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint first, sizei count, |
| const enum *rates); |
| |
| <viewport> specifies the number of the viewport whose palette should be |
| updated. <rates> is an array of <count> shading rate enums and is used to |
| update entries <first> through <first> + <count> - 1 in the palette. The |
| set of shading rate values accepted in <rates> is given in Table X.1. The |
| default value for all palette entries is |
| |
| Shading Rate Size Invocations |
| ------------------------------------------- ----- ----------- |
| |
| Table X.1: Shading rates accepted by ShadingRateImagePaletteNV. An |
| entry of "<W>x<H>" in the "Size" column indicates that the shading |
| rate results in fragments with a width and height (in pixels) of <W> |
| and <H>, respectively. The entry in the "Invocations" column |
| specifies the number of fragment shader invocations that should be |
| generated for each fragment. |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| INVALID_VALUE is generated if <viewport> is greater than or equal to |
| MAX_VIEWPORTS or if <first> plus <count> is greater than |
| |
| INVALID_ENUM is generated if any entry in <rates> is not a valid |
| shading rate. |
| |
| Individual entries in the shading rate palette can be queried using the |
| command: |
| |
| void GetShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint entry, |
| enum *rate); |
| |
| where <viewport> specifies the viewport of the palette to query and |
| <entry> specifies the palette entry number. A single enum from Table X.1 |
| is returned in <rate>. |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| INVALID_VALUE is generated if <viewport> is greater than or equal to |
| MAX_VIEWPORTS or if <entry> is greater than or equal to |
| |
| If the shading rate image is enabled, a base shading rate will be obtained |
| as described above. If the shading rate image is disabled, the base |
| shading rate will be SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV. In either |
| case, the shading rate will be adjusted as described in the following |
| sections. |
| |
| The rasterization hardware that reads from the shading rate image may |
| cache texels it reads for maximum performance. If the shading rate image |
| is updated using commands such as TexSubImage2D, image stores in shaders, |
| or by framebuffer writes performed when the shading rate image is bound to |
| a framebuffer object, this cache may retain out-of-date texture data. |
| Calling |
| |
| void ShadingRateImageBarrierNV(boolean synchronize); |
| |
| with <synchronize> set to TRUE ensures that rendering commands submitted |
| after the barrier don't access old shading rate image data updated |
| directly (TexSubImage2D) or indirectly (rendering, image stores) by |
| commands submitted before the barrier. If <synchronize> is set to FALSE, |
| ShadingRateImageBarrierNV doesn't wait on the completion of commands |
| submitted before the barrier. If an application has ensured that all |
| prior commands updating the shading rate image have completed using sync |
| objects or other mechanism, <synchronize> can be safely set to FALSE. |
| Otherwise, the lack of synchronization may cause subsequent rendering |
| commands to source the shading rate image before prior updates have |
| completed. |
| |
| |
| Section 14.4.2, Sample Shading |
| |
| When the shading rate image is disabled, sample shading can be used to |
| specify a minimum number of fragment shader invocations to generate for |
| each fragment. When the shading rate image is enabled, sample shading can |
| be used to adjust the shading rate to increase the number of fragment |
| shader invocations generated for each primitive. Sample shading is |
| controlled by calling Enable or Disable with target SAMPLE_SHADING. If |
| MULTISAMPLE or SAMPLE_SHADING is disabled, sample shading has no effect. |
| |
| When sample shading is active, an integer sample shading factor is derived |
| based on the value provided in the command: |
| |
| void MinSampleShading(float value); |
| |
| When the shading rate image is disabled, a <value> of 0.0 specifies that |
| the minimum number of fragment shader invocations for the shading rate be |
| executed and a <value> of 1.0 specifies that a fragment shader should be |
| on each shadeable sample with separate values per sample. When the |
| shading rate image is enabled, <value> is used to derive a sample shading |
| rate that can adjust the shading rate. <value> is not clamped to [0.0, |
| 1.0]; values larger than 1.0 can be used to force larger adjustments to |
| the shading rate. |
| |
| The sample shading factor is computed from <value> in an |
| implementation-dependent manner but must be greater than or equal to: |
| |
| factor = max(ceil(value * max_shaded_samples), 1) |
| |
| In this computation, <max_shaded_samples> is the maximum number of |
| fragment shader invocations per fragment, and is equal to: |
| |
| - the number of color samples, if the framebuffer has color attachments; |
| |
| - the number of depth/stencil samples, if the framebuffer has |
| depth/stencil attachments but no color attachments; or |
| |
| - the value of FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES if the framebuffer has no |
| attachments. |
| |
| If the framebuffer has non-multisample attachments, the maximum number of |
| shaded samples per pixel is always one. |
| |
| |
| Section 14.4.3, Shading Rate Adjustment |
| |
| Once a base shading rate has been established, it is adjusted to produce a |
| final shading rate. |
| |
| First, if the base shading rate specifies multiple pixels for a fragment, |
| the shading rate is adjusted in an implementation-dependent manner to |
| limit the total number of coverage samples for the "coarse" fragment. |
| After adjustment, the maximum number of samples will not exceed the |
| implementation-dependent maximum MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV. However, |
| implementations are permitted to clamp to a lower number of coverage |
| samples if required. Table X.2 describes the clamping performed in the |
| initial implementation of this extension. |
| |
| Coverage Samples per Pixel |
| Base rate 2 4 8 16 |
| --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- |
| 1x2 - - - 1x1 |
| 2x1 - - 1x1 1x1 |
| 2x2 - - 1x2 1x1 |
| 2x4 - 2x2 1x2 1x1 |
| 4x2 2x2 2x2 1x2 1x1 |
| 4x4 2x4 2x2 1x2 1x1 |
| |
| Table X.2, Coarse shading rate adjustment for total coverage sample |
| count for the initial implementation of this extension, where |
| MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV is 16. The entries in the "2", "4", "8", |
| and "16" columns indicate the fragment size for the adjusted shading |
| rate. |
| |
| If sample shading is enabled and the sample shading factor is greater than |
| one, the base shading rate is further adjusted to result in more shader |
| invocations per pixel. Table X.3 describes how the shading rate is |
| adjusted in the initial implementation of this extension. |
| |
| Sample Shading Factor |
| Base rate 2 4 8 16 |
| ---------- --------- ------- -------- -------- |
| 1x1 / 1 1x1 / 2 1x1 / 4 1x1 / 8 1x1 / 16 |
| 1x2 / 1 1x1 / 1 1x1 / 2 1x1 / 4 1x1 / 8 |
| 2x1 / 1 1x1 / 1 1x1 / 2 1x1 / 4 1x1 / 8 |
| 2x2 / 1 1x2 / 1 1x1 / 1 1x1 / 2 1x1 / 4 |
| 2x4 / 1 2x2 / 1 1x2 / 1 1x1 / 1 1x1 / 2 |
| 4x2 / 1 2x2 / 1 2x1 / 1 1x1 / 1 1x1 / 2 |
| 4x4 / 1 2x4 / 1 2x2 / 1 1x2 / 1 1x1 / 1 |
| 1x1 / 2 1x1 / 4 1x1 / 8 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 |
| 1x1 / 4 1x1 / 8 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 |
| 1x1 / 8 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 |
| 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 1x1 / 16 |
| |
| Table X.3, Shading rate adjustment based on the sample shading factor in |
| the initial implementation of this extension. All rates in this table |
| are of the form "<W>x<H> / <I>", indicating a fragment size of <W>x<H> |
| pixels with <I> invocations per fragment. |
| |
| If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled and the shading rate indicates |
| multiple fragment shader invocations per pixel, implementations are |
| permitted to adjust the shading rate to reduce the number of invocations |
| per pixel. In this case, implementations are not required to support more |
| than one invocations per pixel. |
| |
| If the active fragment shader uses any inputs that are qualified with |
| "sample" (unique values per sample), including the built-ins "gl_SampleID" |
| and "gl_SamplePosition", the shader code is written to expect a separate |
| shader invocation for each shaded sample. For such fragment shaders, the |
| shading rate is set to the maximum number of shader invocations per pixel |
| (SHADING_RATE_16_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV). This adjustment effectively |
| disables the shading rate image. |
| |
| Finally, if the shading rate indicates multiple fragment shader |
| invocations per sample, the total number of invocations per fragment in |
| the shading rate is clamped to the maximum number of shaded samples per |
| pixel described in section 14.4.2. |
| |
| |
| Section 14.4.4, Shading Rate Application |
| |
| If the palette indicates a shading rate of SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV, |
| for pixel (x,y), no fragments will be generated for that pixel. |
| |
| When the final shading rate for pixel (x,y) is results in fragments with a |
| width and height of <W> and <H>, where either <W> or <H> is greater than |
| one, a single fragment will be produced for that pixel that also includes |
| all other pixels covered by the same primitive whose coordinates (x',y') |
| satisfy: |
| |
| floor(x / W) == floor(x' / W), and |
| floor(y / H) == floor(y' / H). |
| |
| This combined fragment is considered to have multiple coverage samples; |
| the total number of samples in this fragment is given by |
| |
| samples = A * B * S |
| |
| where <A> and <B> are the width and height of the combined fragment, in |
| pixels, and <S> is the number of coverage samples per pixel in the draw |
| framebuffer. The set of coverage samples in the fragment is the union of |
| the per-pixel coverage samples in each of the fragment's pixels. The |
| location and order of coverage samples within each pixel in the combined |
| fragment are the same as the location and order used for single-pixel |
| fragments. Each coverage sample in the set of pixels belonging to the |
| combined fragment is assigned a unique sample number in the range |
| [0,<S>-1]. When rendering to a framebuffer object, the order of coverage |
| samples can be specified for each combination of fragment size and |
| coverage sample count. When using the default framebuffer, the coverage |
| samples are ordered in an implementation-dependent manner. The command |
| |
| void ShadingRateSampleOrderNV(enum order); |
| |
| sets the coverage sample order for all valid combinations of shading rate |
| and per-pixel sample coverage count. If <order> is |
| COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV, coverage samples are ordered in an |
| implementation-dependent default order. If <order> is |
| COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV, coverage samples in the combined |
| fragment will be ordered sequentially, sorted first by pixel coordinate |
| (in row-major order) and then by per-pixel coverage sample number. If |
| <order> is COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV, coverage samples in the |
| combined fragment will be ordered sequentially, sorted first by per-pixel |
| coverage sample number and then by pixel coordinate (in row-major order). |
| |
| When processing a fragment using an ordering specified by |
| COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV sample <cs> in the combined fragment |
| will be assigned to coverage sample <ps> of pixel (px,py) specified by: |
| |
| px = fx + (floor(cs / fsc) % fw) |
| py = fy + floor(cs / (fsc * fw)) |
| ps = cs % fsc |
| |
| where the lower-leftmost pixel in the fragment has coordinates (fx,fy), |
| the fragment width and height are <fw> and <fh>, respectively, and there |
| are <fsc> coverage samples per pixel. When processing a fragment with an |
| ordering specified by COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV, sample <cs> in |
| the combined fragment will be assigned using: |
| |
| px = fx + (cs % fw) |
| py = fy + (floor(cs / fw) % fh) |
| ps = floor(cs / (fw * fh)) |
| |
| Additionally, the command |
| |
| void ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV(enum rate, uint samples, |
| const int *locations); |
| |
| specifies the order of coverage samples for fragments using a shading rate |
| of <rate> with <samples> coverage samples per pixel. <rate> must be one |
| of the shading rates specified in Table X.1 and must specify a shading |
| rate with more than one pixel per fragment. <locations> specifies an |
| array of N (x,y,s) tuples, where N is the product the fragment width |
| indicated by <rate>, the fragment height indicated by <rate>, and |
| <samples>. For each (x,y,s) tuple specified in <locations>, <x> must be |
| in the range [0,fw-1], y must be in the range [0,fh-1], and s must be in |
| the range [0,fsc-1]. No two tuples in <locations> may have the same |
| values. |
| |
| When using a sample order specified by ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV, |
| sample <cs> in the combined fragment will be assigned using: |
| |
| px = fx + locations[3 * cs + 0] |
| py = fy + locations[3 * cs + 1] |
| ps = locations[3 * cs + 2] |
| |
| where all terms in these equations are defined as in the equations |
| specified for ShadingRateSampleOrderNV and are consistent with a shading |
| rate of <rate> and a per-pixel sample count of <samples>. |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| * INVALID_ENUM is generated if <rate> is not one of the enums in Table |
| X.1. |
| |
| * INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <rate> does not specify a |
| shading rate palette entry that specifies fragments with more than |
| one pixel. |
| |
| * INVALID_VALUE is generated if <sampleCount> is not 1, 2, 4, or 8. |
| |
| * INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the product of the fragment width |
| indicated by <rate>, the fragment height indicated by <rate>, and |
| samples is greater than MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV. |
| |
| * INVALID_VALUE is generated if any (x,y,s) tuple in <locations> has |
| negative values of <x>, <y>, or <s>, has an <x> value greater than or |
| equal to the width of fragments using <rate>, has a <y> value greater |
| than or equal to the height of fragments using <rate>, or has an <s> |
| value greater than or equal to <sampleCount>. |
| |
| * INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any pair of (x,y,s) tuples in |
| <locations> have identical values. |
| |
| In the initial state, the order of coverage samples in combined fragments |
| is implementation-dependent, but will be identical to the order obtained |
| by passing COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV to ShadingRateSampleOrderNV. |
| |
| The command |
| |
| void GetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV(enum rate, uint samples, |
| uint index, int *location); |
| |
| can be used to determine the specific pixel and sample number for each |
| numbered sample in a single- or multi-pixel fragment when the final |
| shading rate is <rate> and uses <samples> coverage samples per pixel. |
| <index> specifies a sample number in the fragment. Three integers are |
| returned in <location>, and are interpreted in the same manner as each |
| (x,y,s) tuples passed to ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV. The command |
| GetMultisamplefv can be used to determine the location of the identified |
| sample <s> within a combined fragment pixel identified by (x,y). |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| INVALID_OPERATION is returned if <rate> is |
| |
| INVALID_VALUE is returned if <index> is greater than or equal to the |
| number of coverage samples in the draw framebuffer in a combined pixel |
| for a shading rate given by <rate>. |
| |
| When the final shading rate for pixel (x,y) specifies single-pixel |
| fragments, a single fragment with S samples numbered in the range |
| [0,<S>-1] will be generated when (x,y) is covered. |
| |
| If the final shading rate for the fragment containing pixel (x,y) produces |
| fragments covering multiple pixels, a single fragment shader invocation |
| will be generated for the combined fragment. When using fragments with |
| multiple pixels per fragment, fragment shader outputs (e.g., color values |
| and gl_FragDepth) will be broadcast to all covered pixels/samples of the |
| fragment. If a "discard" is used in a fragment shader, none of the |
| pixels/samples of the fragment will be updated. |
| |
| If the final shading rate for pixel (x,y) indicates <N> fragment shader |
| invocations per fragment, <N> separate fragment shader invocations will be |
| generated for the single-pixel fragment. Each coverage sample in the |
| fragment is assigned to one of the <N> fragment shader invocations in an |
| implementation-dependent manner. |
| |
| If sample shading is enabled and the final shading rate results in |
| multiple fragment shader invocations per pixel, each fragment shader |
| invocation for a pixel will have a separate set of interpolated input |
| values. If sample shading is disabled, interpolated fragment shader |
| inputs not qualified with "centroid" may have the same value for each |
| invocation. |
| |
| |
| Modify Section 14.6.X, Conservative Rasterization from the |
| NV_conservative_raster extension specification |
| |
| (add to the end of the section) |
| |
| When the shading rate results in fragments covering more than one pixel, |
| coverage evaluation for conservative rasterization will be performed |
| independently for each pixel. In a such a case, a pixel considered not to |
| be covered by a conservatively rasterized primitive will still be |
| considered uncovered even if a neighboring pixel in the same fragment is |
| covered. |
| |
| |
| Modify Section 14.9.2, Scissor Test |
| |
| (add to the end of the section) |
| |
| When the shading rate results in fragments covering more than one pixel, |
| the scissor tests are performed separately for each pixel in the fragment. |
| If a pixel covered by a fragment fails either the scissor or exclusive |
| scissor test, that pixel is treated as though it was not covered by the |
| primitive. If all pixels covered by a fragment are either not covered by |
| the primitive being rasterized or fail either scissor test, the fragment |
| is discarded. |
| |
| |
| Modify Section 14.9.3, Multisample Fragment Operations (p. 562) |
| |
| (modify the end of the first paragraph to indicate that sample mask |
| operations are performed when using the shading rate image, which can |
| produce coarse fragments where each pixel is considered a "sample") |
| |
| ... This step is skipped if MULTISAMPLE is disabled or if the value of |
| SAMPLE_BUFFERS is not one, unless SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV is enabled for one |
| or more viewports. |
| |
| (add to the end of the section) |
| |
| When the shading rate results in fragments covering more than one pixel, |
| each fragment will a composite coverage mask that includes separate |
| coverage bits for each sample in each pixel covered by the fragment. This |
| composite coverage mask will be used by the GLSL built-in input variable |
| gl_SampleMaskIn[] and updated according to the built-in output variable |
| gl_SampleMask[]. Each bit number in this composite mask maps to a |
| specific pixel and sample number within that pixel. |
| |
| When building the composite coverage mask for a fragment, rasterization |
| logic evaluates separate per-pixel coverage masks and then modifies each |
| per-pixel mask as described in this section. After that, it assembles the |
| composite mask by applying the mapping of composite mask bits to |
| pixels/samples, which can be queried using GetShadingRateSampleLocationfvNV. |
| When using the output sample mask gl_SampleMask[] to determine which |
| samples should be updated by subsequent per-fragment operations, a set of |
| separate per-pixel output masks is extracted by reversing the mapping used |
| to generate the composite sample mask. |
| |
| |
| Modify Section 15.1, Fragment Shader Variables (p. 566) |
| |
| (modify fourth paragraph, p. 567, specifying how "centroid" works for |
| multi-pixel fragments) |
| |
| When interpolating input variables, the default screen-space location at |
| which these variables are sampled is defined in previous rasterization |
| sections. The default location may be overriden by interpolation |
| qualifiers. When interpolating variables declared using "centroid in", |
| the variable is sampled at a location inside the area of the fragment that |
| is covered by the primitive generating the fragment. ... |
| |
| |
| Modify Section 15.2.2, Shader Inputs (p. 566), as edited by |
| NV_conservative_raster_underestimation |
| |
| (add to new paragraph on gl_FragFullyCoveredNV) |
| |
| enabled, the built-in read-only variable gl_FragFullyCoveredNV is set to |
| true if the fragment is fully covered by the generating primitive, and |
| false otherwise. When the shading rate results in fragments covering more |
| than one pixel, gl_FragFullyCoveredNV will be true if and only if all |
| pixels covered by the fragment are fully covered by the primitive being |
| rasterized. |
| |
| |
| Modify Section 17.3, Per-Fragment Operations (p. 587) |
| |
| (insert a new paragraph after the first paragraph of the section) |
| |
| If the fragment covers multiple pixels, the operations described in the |
| section are performed independently for each pixel covered by the |
| fragment. The set of samples covered by each pixel is determined by |
| extracting the portion of the fragment's composite coverage that applies |
| to that pixel, as described in section 14.9.3. |
| |
| |
| Dependencies on ARB_sample_locations and NV_sample_locations |
| |
| If ARB_sample_locations or NV_sample_locations is supported, applications |
| can enable programmable sample locations instead of the default sample |
| locations, and also configure sample locations that may vary from pixel to |
| pixel. |
| |
| When using "coarse" shading rates covering multiple pixels, the coarse |
| fragment is considered to include the samples of all the pixels it |
| contains. Each sample of each pixel in the coarse fragment is mapped to |
| exactly one sample in the coarse fragment. The location of each sample in |
| the coarse fragment is determined by mapping the sample to a pixel (px,py) |
| and a sample <s> within the identified pixel. The exact location of that |
| identified sample is the same as it would be for one-pixel fragments. If |
| programmable sample locations are enabled, those locations will be used. |
| If the sample location pixel grid is enabled, those locations will depend |
| on the (x,y) coordinate of the containing pixel. |
| |
| Dependencies on NV_scissor_exclusive |
| |
| If NV_scissor_exclusive is not supported, remove references to the |
| exclusive scissor test in section 14.9.2. |
| |
| Dependencies on NV_sample_mask_override_coverage |
| |
| If NV_sample_mask_override_coverage is supported, applications are able to |
| use the sample mask to enable coverage for samples not covered by the |
| primitive being rasterized. When this extension is used in conjunction |
| with a shading rate where fragments cover multiple pixels, it's possible |
| for the sample mask override to enable coverage for pixels that would |
| normally be discarded. For example, this can enable coverage in pixels |
| that are not covered by the primitive being rasterized or that fail the |
| scissor test. |
| |
| Dependencies on NV_conservative_raster |
| |
| If NV_conservative_raster is supported, conservative rasterization |
| evaluates coverage per pixel, even when using a shading rate that |
| specifies multiple pixels per fragment. |
| |
| If NV_conservative_raster is not supported, remove edits to the "Section |
| 14.6.X" section from that extension. |
| |
| Dependencies on NV_conservative_raster_underestimation |
| |
| If NV_conservative_raster_underestimation is supported, and conservative |
| rasterization is enabled with a shading rate that specifies multiple |
| pixels per fragment, gl_FragFullyCoveredNV will be true if and only if all |
| pixels covered by the fragment are fully covered by the primitive being |
| rasterized. |
| |
| If NV_conservative_raster_underestimation is not supported, remove edits |
| to Section 15.2.2 related to gl_FragFullyCoveredNV. |
| |
| Dependencies on EXT_raster_multisample |
| |
| If EXT_raster_multisample is not supported, remove the language allowing |
| implementations to reduce the number of fragment shader invocations |
| per pixel if RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled. |
| |
| Interactions with NV_viewport_array or OES_viewport_array |
| |
| If NV_viewport_array is supported, references to MAX_VIEWPORTS and |
| GetFloati_v apply to MAX_VIEWPORTS_NV and GetFloati_vNV respecively. |
| |
| If OES_viewport_array is supported, references to MAX_VIEWPORTS and |
| GetFloati_v apply to MAX_VIEWPORTS_OES and GetFloati_vOES respectively. |
| |
| Interactions with OpenGL ES 3.2 |
| |
| If implemented in OpenGL ES, remove all references to GetDoublev, |
| GetDoublei_v, EnableIndexedEXT, DisableIndexedEXT, IsEnabledIndexedEXT, |
| GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, GetFloatIndexedvEXT and |
| GetDoubleIndexedv. |
| |
| If implemented in OpenGL ES, remove all references to the MULTISAMPLE enable |
| state. |
| |
| Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications |
| |
| None |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| See the "Errors" sections for individual commands above. |
| |
| New State |
| |
| Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Description Sec. Attribute |
| --------- --------------- ---- ------------- ----------- ---- --------- |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV IsEnabledi 16+ x FALSE Use shading rate image to 14.4.1 enable |
| B determine shading rate for |
| a given viewport |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_ GetIntegerv Z 0 Texture object bound for 14.4.1 none |
| BINDING_NV use as a shading rate image |
| <none> GetShadingRate- 16+ x SHADING_RATE_1_- Shading rate palette 14.4.1 none |
| ImagePaletteNV 16+ x INVOCATION_PER_- entries |
| Z12 PIXEL_NV |
| <none> GetShadingRate- many n/a Locations of individual 14.4.3 none |
| SampleLocation- 3xZ+ samples in "coarse" |
| fragments |
| |
| New Implementation Dependent State |
| |
| Minimum |
| Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. |
| --------- ----- --------------- ------- ------------------------ ------ |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_ Z+ GetIntegerv 1 Width (in pixels) covered by 14.4.1 |
| TEXEL_WIDTH_NV each shading rate image texel |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_ Z+ GetIntegerv 1 Height (in pixels) covered by 14.4.1 |
| TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV each shading rate image texel |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_ Z+ GetIntegerv 16 Number of entries in each 14.4.1 |
| PALETTE_SIZE_NV viewport's shading rate |
| palette |
| MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_ Z+ GetIntegerv 1 Maximum number of samples in 14.4.3 |
| PALETTE_SIZE_NV "coarse" fragments |
| |
| Issues |
| |
| (1) How should we name this extension? |
| |
| RESOLVED: We are calling this extension NV_shading_rate_image. We use |
| the term "shading rate" to indicate the variable number of fragment |
| shader invocations that will be spawned for a particular neighborhood of |
| covered pixels. The extension can support shading rates running one |
| invocation for multiple pixels and/or multiple invocations for a single |
| pixel. We use "image" in the extension name because we allow |
| applications to control the shading rate using an image, where each |
| pixel specifies a shading rate for a portion of the framebuffer. |
| |
| We considered a name like "NV_variable_rate_shading", but decided that |
| name didn't sufficiently distinguish between this extension (where |
| shading rate varies across the framebuffer at once) from an extension |
| where an API is provided to change the shading rate for the entire |
| framebuffer. For example, the MinSampleShadingARB() API in |
| ARB_sample_shading allows an application to run one thread per pixel |
| (0.0) for some draw calls and one thread per sample (1.0) for others. |
| |
| (2) Should this extension support only off-screen (FBO) rendering or can |
| it also support on-screen rendering? |
| |
| RESOLVED: This extension only supports rendering to a framebuffer |
| object; the feature is disabled when rendering to the default |
| framebuffer. In some window system environments, the default |
| framebuffer may be a subset of a larger framebuffer allocation |
| corresponding the full screen. Because the initial hardware |
| implementation of this extension always uses (x,y) coordinates relative |
| to the framebuffer allocation to determine the shading rate, the shading |
| rate would depend on the location of a window on the screen and change |
| as the window moves. While some window systems may have separate |
| default framebuffer allocations for each window, we've chosen to |
| disallow use of the shading rate image with the default framebuffer |
| globally instead of adding a "Can I use the shading rate image with a |
| default framebuffer?" query. |
| |
| (3) How does this feature work with per-sample shading? |
| |
| RESOLVED: When using per-sample shading, an application is expecting a |
| fragment shader to run with a separate invocation per sample. The |
| shading rate image might allow for a "coarsening" that would break such |
| shaders. We've chosen to override the shading rate (effectively |
| disabling the shading rate image) when per-sample shading is used. |
| |
| (4) Should BindShadingRateImageNV take any arguments to bind a subset of |
| a complex texture (e.g., a specific layer of an array texture or a |
| non-base mipmap level)? |
| |
| RESOLVED: No. Applications can use texture views to create texture |
| that refer to the desired subset of a more complex texture, if required. |
| |
| (5) Does a shading rate image need to be bound in order to use the shading |
| rate feature? |
| |
| RESOLVED: No. The behavior where there is no texture bound when |
| SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV is enabled is explicitly defined to behave as if a |
| lookup was performed and returned zero. If an application wants to use |
| a constant rate other than SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV, it |
| can enable SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV, ensure no image is bound, and define |
| the entries for index zero in the relevant palette(s) to contain the |
| desired shading rate. This technique can be used to emulate 16x |
| multisampling on implementations that don't support it by binding larger |
| 4x multisample textures to the framebuffer and then setting a shading |
| |
| (6) How is the FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB query (from |
| ARB_pipeline_statistics_query) handled with fragments covering |
| multiple pixels? |
| |
| RESOLVED: The fragment shader invocation for each multi-pixel fragment |
| is counted exactly once. |
| |
| (7) How do we handle the combination of variable-rate shading (including |
| multiple invocations per pixel) and target-independent rasterization |
| |
| RESOLVED: In EXT_raster_multisample, the specification allows |
| implementations to run a single fragment shader invocation for each |
| pixel, even if sample shading would normally call for multiple |
| invocations per pixel: |
| |
| If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, the number of unique samples to |
| process is implementation-dependent and need not be more than one. |
| |
| The shading rates in this extension calling for multiple fragment shader |
| invocations per pixel behave similarly to sample shading, so we extend |
| the allowance to this extension as well. If the shading rate in a |
| region of the framebuffer calls for multiple fragment shader invocations |
| per pixel, implementations are permitted to modify the shading rate and |
| need not support more than one invocation per pixel. |
| |
| (8) Both the shading rate image and the framebuffer attachments can be |
| layered or non-layered. Do they have to match? |
| |
| RESOLVED: No. When using a shading rate image with a target of |
| TEXTURE_2D with a layered framebuffer, all layers in the framebuffer |
| will use the same two-dimensional shading rate image. When using a |
| shading rate image with a target of TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY with a non-layered |
| framebuffer, layer zero of the shading rate image will be used, except |
| perhaps in the (undefined behavior) case where a shader writes a |
| non-zero value to gl_Layer. |
| |
| (9) When using shading rates that specify "coarse" fragments covering |
| multiple pixels, we will generate a combined coverage mask that |
| combines the coverage masks of all pixels covered by the fragment. By |
| default, these masks are combined in an implementation-dependent |
| order. Should we provide a mechanism allowing applications to query |
| or specify an exact order? |
| |
| RESOLVED: Yes, this feature is useful for cases where most of the |
| fragment shader can be evaluated once for an entire coarse fragment, but |
| where some per-pixel computations are also required. For example, a |
| per-pixel alpha test may want to kill all the samples for some pixels in |
| a coarse fragment. This sort of test can be implemented using an output |
| sample mask, but such a shader would need to know which bit in the mask |
| corresponds to each sample in the coarse fragment. The command |
| ShadingRateSampleOrderNV allows applications to specify simple orderings |
| for all combinations, while ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV allows for |
| completely customized orders for each combination. |
| |
| (10) How do centroid-sampled variables work with fragments larger than one |
| pixel? |
| |
| RESOLVED: For single-pixel fragments, attributes declared with |
| "centroid" are sampled at an implementation-dependent location in the |
| intersection of the area of the primitive being rasterized and the area |
| of the pixel that corresponds to the fragment. With multi-pixel |
| fragments, we follow a similar pattern, using the intersection of the |
| primitive and the *set* of pixels corresponding to the fragment. |
| |
| One important thing to keep in mind when using such "coarse" shading |
| rates is that fragment attributes are sampled at the center of the |
| fragment by default, regardless of the set of pixels/samples covered by |
| the fragment. For fragments with a size of 4x4 pixels, this center |
| location will be more than two pixels (1.5 * sqrt(2)) away from the |
| center of the pixels at the corners of the fragment. When rendering a |
| primitive that covers only a small part of a coarse fragment, |
| interpolating a color outside the primitive can produce overly bright or |
| dark color values if the color values have a large gradient. To deal |
| with this, an application can use centroid sampling on attributes where |
| "extrapolation" artifacts can lead to overly bright or dark pixels. |
| Note that this same problem also exists for multisampling with |
| single-pixel fragments, but is less severe because it only affects |
| certain samples of a pixel and such bright/dark samples may be averaged |
| with other samples that don't have a similar problem. |
| |
| (11) How does this feature interact with multisampling? |
| |
| RESOLVED: The shading rate image can produce "coarse" fragments larger |
| than one pixel, which we want to behave a lot like regular multisample. |
| One can consider each coarse fragment to be a lot like a "pixel", where |
| the individual pixels covered by the fragment are treated as "samples". |
| |
| When the shading rate is enabled, we override several rules related to |
| multisampling: |
| |
| (a) Multisample rasterization rules apply, even if we don't have |
| multisample buffers or if MULTISAMPLE is disabled. |
| |
| (b) Coverage for the pixels comprising a coarse fragment is combined |
| into a single aggregate coverage mask that can be read using the |
| fragment shader input "gl_SampleMaskIn[]". |
| |
| (c) Coverage for pixels comprising a coarse fragment can be modified using |
| the fragment shader output "gl_SampleMask[]", which is also |
| interpreted as an aggregate coverage mask. |
| |
| Note that (a) means that point and line primitives may be rasterized |
| differently depending on whether the shading rate image is enabled or |
| disabled. |
| |
| Also, please refer to issues in the GLSL extension specification. |
| |
| Revision History |
| |
| Revision 3 (pbrown), March 16, 2020 |
| - Fix cut-and-paste error in "New Procedures and Functions" incorrectly |
| listing ShadingRateSampleOrderNV as a second instance of |
| ShadingRateImageBarrier. |
| |
| Revision 2 (pknowles) |
| - ES interactions. |
| |
| Revision 1 (pbrown) |
| - Internal revisions. |