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Name Strings
Bob Beretta, Apple Computer
Dan Ginsburg, AMD
Evan Hart, NVIDIA
Benj Lipchak, AMD
James McCombe, Apple Computer
Jason Mitchell
and contributors to the ARB_vertex_program working group,
the product of which provided the API for program specification
and object management.
Benj Lipchak, AMD (benj.lipchak 'at'
Jeremy Sandmel, Apple Computer (jsandmel 'at'
Shipping on MacOS X, version 10.2
Last Modified Date: November 4, 2006
Author Revision: 1.0.11 (based on 1.5 of ATI_fragment_shader)
ARB_multitexture is required by this extension.
ARB_shadow interacts with this extension.
ARB_vertex_program is referred to for documentation on the
program management API, but not specifically required as long
as the entry points are exported by this extension.
ATI_fragment_shader is the architectural basis for this extension,
but is not specifically required by this extension.
The extension is written against the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification.
The ATI_fragment_shader extension exposes a powerful fragment
processing model that provides a very general means of expressing
fragment color blending and dependent texture address modification.
The processing is termed a fragment shader or fragment program and
is specifed using a register-based model in which there are fixed
numbers of instructions, texture lookups, read/write registers, and
ATI_fragment_shader provides a unified instruction set
for operating on address or color data and eliminates the
distinction between the two. That extension provides all the
interfaces necessary to fully expose this programmable fragment
processor in GL.
ATI_text_fragment_shader is a redefinition of the
ATI_fragment_shader functionality, using a slightly different
interface. The intent of creating ATI_text_fragment_shader is to
take a step towards treating fragment programs similar to other
programmable parts of the GL rendering pipeline, specifically
vertex programs. This new interface is intended to appear
similar to the ARB_vertex_program API, within the limits of the
feature set exposed by the original ATI_fragment_shader extension.
The most significant differences between the two extensions are:
(1) ATI_fragment_shader provides a procedural function call
interface to specify the fragment program, whereas
ATI_text_fragment_shader uses a textual string to specify
the program. The fundamental syntax and constructs of the
program "language" remain the same.
(2) The program object managment portions of the interface,
namely the routines used to create, bind, and delete program
objects and set program constants are managed
using the framework defined by ARB_vertex_program.
(3) ATI_fragment_shader refers to the description of the
programmable fragment processing as a "fragment shader".
In keeping with the desire to treat all programmable parts
of the pipeline consistently, ATI_text_fragment_shader refers
to these as "fragment programs". The name of the extension is
left as ATI_text_fragment_shader instead of
ATI_text_fragment_program in order to indicate the underlying
similarity between the API's of the two extensions, and to
differentiate it from any other potential extensions that
may be able to move even further in the direction of treating
fragment programs as just another programmable area of the
GL pipeline.
Although ATI_fragment_shader was originally conceived as a
device-independent extension that would expose the capabilities of
future generations of hardware, changing trends in programmable
hardware have affected the lifespan of this extension. For this
reason you will now find a fixed set of features and resources
exposed, and the queries to determine this set have been deprecated
in ATI_fragment_shader. Further, in ATI_text_fragment_shader,
most of these resource limits are fixed by the text grammar and
the queries have been removed altogether.
New Procedures and Functions
NOTE: Though this extension introduces no new procedures and
functions, it relies on the program object management API from the
pending ARB_vertex_program extension with the introduction of
a new program target and program specification syntax.
See the ARB_vertex_program specification for full details on the
use of these procedures and functions.
New Tokens
Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Disable, Enable, and IsEnabled,
and by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv,
and GetDoublev, and by the <target> parameter of ProgramStringARB,
BindProgramARB, ProgramEnvParameter4{d,dv,f,fv}ARB,
GetProgramEnvParameter{dv,fv}ARB, GetProgramLocalParameter{dv,fv}ARB,
GetProgramivARB, GetProgramfvATI, and GetProgramStringARB.
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization)
Add New Section 3.10, (p. 154) (subsequent sections get incremented)
3.10 Fragment Programs
The texture application and texture environments may optionally be
replaced by an application supplied program referred to here as a
fragment program. In this case, subsequent processing is still
applied normally, including fog, color sum, and antialiasing
The framework for specifying and managing fragment programs is
the one defined in section 5.7 of ARB_vertex_program. For fragment
programs, TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI is used as the <target> for these
program management entrypoints.
A fragment program is similar in concept to a vertex program,
described in section 2.14 of ARB_vertex_program, except that its
processing is performed at a later stage in the GL pipeline. Where
a vertex program takes the current values of the vertex components
as its inputs, a fragment program takes the fragments and their
associated data, produced by rasterization, as inputs. Likewise,
while a vertex program outputs a homogeneous position and a set of
attributes, a fragment program outputs a color.
3.10.1 Fragment Program Grammar and Semantic Restrictions
Fragment programs are specified as string of ASCII characters
encoding the programs. When a program is loaded by a call to
ProgramStringARB (section 5.7.1), with a target of
TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI, the program string is parsed into
a set of tokens possibly separated by white space. Spaces, tabs,
newlines, carriage returns, and comments are considered whitespace.
Comments begin with the character "#" and are terminated by a
newline, a carriage return, or the end of the program array.
The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) grammar below specifies the syntactically
valid sequences for fragment programs. The set of valid tokens can
be inferred from the grammar. The token "" represents an empty
string and is used to indicate optional rules. A program is invalid
if it contains any undefined tokens or characters.
A text fragment shader program is required to begin with the header
string "!!ATIfs1.0", without any preceding whitespace. This string
identifies the subsequent program text as a text fragment shader
program (version 1.0) that should be parsed according to the
following grammar and semantic rules. Program string parsing begins
with the character immediately following the header string.
<program> ::= <optionalConstDeclareBlock>
<constDeclareBlock> ::= ""
| "StartConstants" ";"
"EndConstants" ";"
<constDeclareSequence> ::= <constDeclareSequence> <constDeclareStatement>
| ""
<constDeclareStatement> ::= "CONSTANT" <programConstName> "=" <constBinding> ";"
<constBinding> ::= <progEnvParam>
| <programLocalParam>
| <literalConstBinding>
<progEnvParam> ::= "program" "." "env"
"[" <progEnvParamNum> "]"
<progEnvParamNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to 7
<progLocalParam> ::= "program" "." "local"
"[" <progLocalParamNum> "]"
<progLocalParamNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to 7
<literalConstBinding> ::= "{" <normalizedFloat> "}"
| "{" <normalizedFloat> ","
<normalizedFloat> "}"
| "{" <normalizedFloat> ","
<normalizedFloat> ","
<normalizedFloat> "}"
| "{" <normalizedFloat> ","
<normalizedFloat> ","
<normalizedFloat> ","
<normalizedFloat> "}"
<optionalPrelimPassBlock> ::= ""
| "StartPrelimPass" ";"
"EndPass" ";"
<outputPassBlock> ::= ""
| "StartOutputPass" ";"
"EndPass" ";"
<initRegSequence> ::= <initRegSequence> <initRegStatement>
| ""
<initRegStatement> ::= <initRegOp> <initRegDst> <initRegSrc> ";"
<initRegOp> ::= "PassTexCoord"
| "SampleMap"
<initRegDst> ::= <regName>
<initRegSrc> ::= <regName> <threeTupleSelect>
| <texCoordName> <threeTupleSelect>
<aluSequence> ::= <aluSequence> <aluStatement>
| ""
<aluStatement> ::= <unaryOp> <unaryOpArgs> ";"
| <binaryOp> <binaryOpArgs> ";"
| <ternaryOp> <ternaryOpArgs> ";"
<unaryOpArgs> ::= <dstInfo> <argInfo>
<binaryOpArgs> ::= <dstInfo> <argInfo> "," <argInfo>
<ternaryOpArgs> ::= <dstInfo> <argInfo> "," <argInfo> "," <argInfo>
<dstInfo> ::= <dstName> <optionalDstMask> <optionalDstMod>
<optionalDstMask> ::= ""
| "." "r"
| "." "g"
| "." "rg"
| "." "b"
| "." "rb"
| "." "gb"
| "." "rgb"
| "." "a"
| "." "ra"
| "." "ga"
| "." "rga"
| "." "ba"
| "." "rba"
| "." "gba"
| "." "rgba"
<optionalDstMod> ::= <dstModSetting> <optionalSaturate>
<dstModSetting> ::= ""
| "." "2x"
| "." "4x"
| "." "8x"
| "." "half"
| "." "quarter"
| "." "eighth"
<optionalSaturate> ::= "." "sat"
<dstName> ::= <regName>
<argInfo> ::= <argName> <optionalArgReplicate> <optionalArgMod>
<argName> ::= <regName>
| <programConstantName>
| <fixedConstantName>
| <colorName>
<optionalArgReplicate> ::= ""
| "." "r"
| "." "g"
| "." "b"
| "." "a"
<optionalArgMod> ::= ""
| <optionalNegate> <optional2Times> <optionalBias> <optionalComplement>
<optionalNegate> ::= ""
| "." "neg"
<optional2Times> ::= ""
| "." "2x"
<optionalBias> ::= ""
| "." "bias"
<optionalComplement> ::= ""
| "." "comp"
<texCoordName> ::= "t0"
| "t1"
| "t2"
| "t3"
| "t4"
| "t5"
<threeTupleSelect> ::= "." "str"
| "." "stq"
| "." "str_dr"
| "." "stq_dq"
<regName> ::= "r0"
| "r1"
| "r2"
| "r3"
| "r4"
| "r5"
<programConstantName> ::= "c0"
| "c1"
| "c2"
| "c3"
| "c4"
| "c5"
| "c6"
| "c7"
<fixedConstantName> ::= "0"
| "1"
<colorName> ::= "color0"
| "color1"
<unaryOp> ::= "MOV"
<binaryOp> ::= "ADD"
| "MUL"
| "SUB"
| "DOT3"
| "DOT4"
<ternaryOp> ::= "MAD"
| "LERP"
| "CND"
| "CND0"
The <integer> rule matches an integer constant. The integer
consists of a sequence of one or more digits ("0" through "9").
The <normalizedFloat> rule matches a floating-point constant in the
range of 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.
If TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI is enabled, but the currently bound
program is invalid, the results of drawing commands are undefined.
A program may be invalid because it specifically violates the
syntax of the above grammar or because the specified program
violates one of the additional semantic restrictions given in
summary below with details following:
Summary of semantic restrictions:
1. All "cX" constants used by a program must be declared in a
constant block, and program constants can be bound at most once.
2. If an instruction refers to "cX" constants as arguments, at most
2 different constants can be used in a single instruction.
3. "color0" and "color1" may be used only in the output pass.
4. A preliminary pass must contain at least one ALU operation.
5. A maximum of 8 pairs or implicit pairs of color and alpha
instructions (not including "PassTexCoord and" "SampleMap") can
be used in a single pass.
6. A given destination register can only be written by a SampleMap
or PassTexCoord instruction once in a given pass.
7. The second argument to "PassTexCoord" and "SampleMap" can not be
an "rX" register in the first pass.
8. Once a texture coordinate source is specified with a particular
choice for coordinate selection, (i.e "str" or "stq"), the
program may not refer to that same texture coordinate with a
different choice later on. The exception is that a different
projection can be specified (i.e. using both "t2.str" and
"t2.str_dr" on the same texture coordinate set is legal, but
using "t2.str" and "t2.stq" is not)
9. The second argument to "PassTexCoord" and "SampleMap" in the
output pass can not be a register that uses "stq" or "stq_dq"
as a component choice selection.
10. Alpha destination masks for DOT2ADD, DOT3, and DOT4 instructions
can only be specified in combination with color destination masks.
11. If a DOT4 is specified to not write the alpha channel of it's
destination, then it is illegal to specify the next instruction
to write *only* the alpha channel of it's destination.
12. A program can not issue an instruction which requires the
use of the alpha component of a "color1" (secondary color)
13. A program may not refer to a register number greater than
the number of supported texture units.
14. A program may not refer to a texture coordinate set greater
than the number of supported texture units.
The details of the above restrictions and usage guidelines are given
There are three types of data that can be in a fragment program:
registers, constants, and interpolators. The 6 "rX" registers
can be used as source or destination in any instruction.
The final result of the program is whatever value is in
the register "r0". This value will be the final color of the
output fragment passed by the programmable fragment processing
unit to subsequent non-programmable fragment processing.
There are 8 constant registers available, "c0" through
"c7". To use these constants, a program must include a
constant declaration block which indicates how the constants are
to be bound. Constants can be bound to program local parameters,
program global parameters, or literal string constants. Program
locals represent per-program storage, while program environment
parameters are global to all programs. See the ARB_vertex_program
documentation for details on the use of
ProgramLocalParameter4{d,dv,f,fv}ARB, and
ProgramEnvParameter4{d,dv,f,fv}ARB to set these bound constants.
Constants can also be bound to a constant floating point vector
within the program text itself, such as "{ 1.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.5 }".
"cX" constants can be used as source in any instruction,
but at most 2 different constants may be used as source arguments
in any single instruction.
Additionally, the primary and secondary color interpolators are
available as source in any instruction, but only in
the last pass of the program (i.e., the only pass of a one-pass
program or the second pass of a two-pass program).
Either one or two passes may be specified in a program. The
passes can be thought of as an optional preliminary
pass and a required final output pass. The passes are
delineated by the occurence of the "StartPrelimPass" and "EndPass"
tokens for the optional preliminary pass, and the
"StartOutputPass" and "EndPass" tokens for the output pass. Note
that in a two-pass shader, the preliminary pass must contain
at least one match for the <aluStatement> rule in the grammar.
Or put another way, the preliminary pass can not consist solely of
PassTexCoord and SampleMap operations.
Each pass may use up to 8 pairs of instructions for a total of at
most 16 pairs in the shader. A pair consists of one color
instruction followed immediately by one alpha instruction.
In ATI_fragment_shader, color and alpha instructions were specified
independently through the use of ColorFragmentOp and AlphaFragmentOp.
In ATI_text_fragment_shader color instructions are identified by the
use of the "r", "g", or "b" write masks on the destination register
of the instruction. Alpha instructions are identified by the use of
the "a" write mask. If the "a" mask and at least one of "r", "g",
or "b" masks are used, or if no mask is used at all, the
instruction is considered to be an implicit pair that will apply
the same operation to the color and the alpha channels.
For instance, the following would be considered color operations
"DOT3 r2.rgb, r0, r3;"
"MUL r1.g, r0, r2;"
The following would be considered alpha operations
"MOV r2.a, r0;"
"MUL r1.a, r0, r2;"
The following would each be considered an implicit pair of color
and alpha operations (i.e. three example pairs are given below)
"DOT3 r2, r0, r3;"
"MUL, r0, r2;"
"MUL r1.rgba, r0, r2;"
Therefore, the following examples indicate legal pairs of
instructions, each of which would count against the limit of 8
instruction pairs per pass.
# pair #1
"DOT3 r2.rgb, r0, r3;"
"MUL r1.a, r0, r2;"
# pair #2
"SUB r4.r, r0, r3;"
"MUL r6.a, r0, r2;"
# (implicit) pair #3
"SUB r4.rgba, r0, r3;"
# (implicit) pair #4
"ADD, r0, r3;"
# (implicit) pair #5
"DOT4 r5, r2, r3;"
The color and alpha instructions of a pair are executed in
parallel: the result of the color instruction cannot affect the
source arguments of the alpha instruction. In other words,
if an alpha instruction refers to a temporary register ("rX") that
was written by it's paired color instruction, then the value of
that register used by the alpha instruction will be the value
before the color instruction was executed.
For instance, consider the following color alpha pairing:
"SUB r4.rgb, r0, r3;"
"MUL r6.a, r4, r2;" # MUL instruction will use the value
# in r4 that r4 had before SUB
# instruction was issued.
Both a color and an alpha instruction need not be specified for
every pair; the necessary color or alpha no-op is automatically
inserted by the GL to complete each instruction pair.
Note that a given register can only be used as a destination
at most once during the <initRegSequence> of each pass. In other
words, a program may not initialize the same register twice in
one pass using the PassTexCoord or SampleMap instructions. Writing
to the same register by the <aluSequence> instructions is quite
legal, however.
The first instructions specified in each pass of a program are "free"
instructions in that they don't count against the 8 instructions
available in each pass. They are routing instructions that specify
from where the contents of the registers come. They are specified
with the "SampleMap" and "PassTexCoord" tokens.
The token sequence
"PassTexCoord <initRegDst> <initRegSrc>;"
specifies that the value present in <initRegSrc> is passed directly
into the contents of <initRegDst> (one of the registers "rX").
This value is then available for use as a source argument to
subsequent color and alpha instructions following in the same pass.
<initRegSrc> may either be the texture coordinates on a texture unit
("tX"), or in the case of a two-pass program's second pass, it may
be the value of a register set in the first pass ("rX").
Note that in order to preserve the contents of a register from the
first pass to the second, there must be a "PassTexCoord"
instruction in the setup for the second pass that assigns that
register to itself. For example:
"PassTexCoord r1, r1.str;"
will preserve the first 3 components of "r1" for use in the
second pass.
The token sequence
"SampleMapATI <initRegDst> <initRegSrc>;"
specifies that the value present in the texture data bound on the
unit associated with <initRegDst> will be written to that register.
A value for <initRegDst> of "rX" means that the actively bound
texture on texture unit X will be sampled, and the result written to
"rX". The <initRegSrc> parameter specifies which texture coordinate
interpolator is used to sample the map. A value of "rX" for
<initRegSrc> in the second pass of a two-pass program will do
dependent texture read sampling using the value in register X.
Otherwise, specifying "tX" will sample the map using the texture
coordinates on unit X.
Only the first 3 components of <initRegSrc> are used in
"PassTexCoord" and "SampleMap". As such, it is necessary to
identify which 3 components are to be used. To do so, one can append
a component selection operator on to the end of the <initRegSrc>
This parameter was called a swizzle in ATI_fragment_shader and is
referred to by the <threeTupleSelect> token in the
ATI_text_fragment_shader grammar. This parameter is used to select
which of the 4 original components of the source register or
texture coordinates will be mapped to the 3 available positions,
and whether or not a projection (division by the q component) will
Table 3.20 shows the <swizzle> modes:
Coordinates Used for 1D or Coordinates Used for
Swizzle 2D SampleMap and PassTexCoord 3D or cubemap SampleMap
------- ----------------------------- -----------------------
"str" (s, t, r, undefined) (s, t, r, undefined)
"stq" (s, t, q, undefined) (s, t, q, undefined)
"str_dr" (s/r, t/r, 1/r, undefined) (undefined)
"stq_dq" (s/q, t/q, 1/q, undefined) (undefined)
Table 3.20 Coordinate swizzles
For example, a fragment program could specify
"PassTexCoord r1, r1.str;"
"SampleMap r1, t2.stq_dq;"
Each texture coordinate source ("tX") used as a <initRegSrc> can
only draw upon "str" or "stq" components throughout the program.
For example, if "t2" is used in a SampleMapATI as "t2.str", it
cannot be used again later as "t2.stq". The projection, however,
may vary. That is, it would be okay to later use "t2.str_dr".
Additionally, when the <initRegSrc> is a register (in the second
pass of a two-pass program), only "str" and "str_dr" are allowed.
Note that if this is a PassTexCoord, the fourth component (alpha
channel if the register contains RGBA) is not passed along and the
fourth component of <initRegDst> becomes undefined.
The color and alpha instructions are divided into unary, binary, and
ternary instructions depending upon the number of arguments
each instruction requires.
Unary instructions have the form:
<op> <dst>, <a1>;
Unary instructions include:
Binary instructions have the form:
<op> <dst>, <a1>, <a2>;
Binary instructions include:
Ternary instructions have the form:
<op> <dst>, <a1>, <a2>, <a3>;
Ternary instructions include:
Table 3.21 shows the effect of each <op>.
R(d), G(d), B(d), and A(d) are the destination component
values and a1, a2, and a3 represent the source arguments to the
Op Result
-- ------
"ADD" R(d) = R(a1) + R(a2)
G(d) = G(a1) + G(a2)
B(d) = B(a1) + B(a2)
A(d) = A(a1) + A(a2)
"SUB" R(d) = R(a1) - R(a2)
G(d) = G(a1) - G(a2)
B(d) = B(a1) - B(a2)
A(d) = A(a1) - A(a2)
"MUL" R(d) = R(a1) * R(a2)
G(d) = G(a1) * G(a2)
B(d) = B(a1) * B(a2)
A(d) = A(a1) * A(a2)
"MAD" R(d) = R(a1) * R(a2) + R(a3)
G(d) = G(a1) * G(a2) + G(a3)
B(d) = B(a1) * B(a2) + B(a3)
A(d) = A(a1) * A(a2) + A(a3)
"LERP" ** R(d) = R(a1) * R(a2) + (1 - R(a1)) * R(a3)
G(d) = G(a1) * G(a2) + (1 - G(a1)) * G(a3)
B(d) = B(a1) * B(a2) + (1 - B(a1)) * B(a3)
A(d) = A(a1) * A(a2) + (1 - A(a1)) * A(a3)
"MOV" R(d) = R(a1)
G(d) = G(a1)
B(d) = B(a1)
A(d) = A(a1)
"CND" R(d) = (R(a3) > 0.5) ? R(a1) : R(a2)
G(d) = (G(a3) > 0.5) ? G(a1) : G(a2)
B(d) = (B(a3) > 0.5) ? B(a1) : B(a2)
A(d) = (A(a3) > 0.5) ? A(a1) : A(a2)
"CND0" R(d) = (R(a3) >= 0) ? R(a1) : R(a2)
G(d) = (G(a3) >= 0) ? G(a1) : G(a2)
B(d) = (B(a3) >= 0) ? B(a1) : B(a2)
A(d) = (A(a3) >= 0) ? A(a1) : A(a2)
"DOT2ADD" * R(d) = G(d) = B(d) = A(d) = R(a1) * R(a2) +
G(a1) * G(a2) +
"DOT3" * R(d) = G(d) = B(d) = A(d) = R(a1) * R(a2) +
G(a1) * G(a2) +
B(a1) * B(a2)
"DOT4" * ** R(d) = G(d) = B(d) = A(d) = R(a1) * R(a2) +
G(a1) * G(a2) +
B(a1) * B(a2) +
A(a1) * A(a2)
Table 3.21 Color and Alpha Fragment Shader Instructions
Special Notes:
* - DOT2ADD/DOT3/DOT4 can use an alpha destination mask
only in combindation with a color destination mask.
That is, it is illegal to use only a ".a" mask specifier
on the destination register of these instructions
** - If a DOT4 is specified with a destination mask that
does not include alpha (i.e. ".r", ".rb", "g", etc)
then the immediately following instruction must write
at least one color channel and can not use the
alpha only destination mask specifier ".a".
*** - The blend factor (a1) of LERP_ATI must be in the range
[0,1] or the results are undefined.
The <dst> parameter specifies to which register ("rX") the
result of the instruction is written.
Each <dst> parameter can optionally have a mask appended to the
"rX" name, as in "r1.r", or "". The mask parameter
specifies which of the color components in <dst> will be written.
If there is no mask specified, everything is written, or any of the
masks "r", "g", "b", and/or "a" can be added to enable writing the
output red, green, blue, and/or alpha channels, respectively. The
masks must be specified in "rgba" order.
Further, each <dst> parameter can optionally have appended a
modification parameter, as in "r3.2x" or "r3.half". These can
be combined with the mask parameter as in "r4.rg.8x". The result
of an instruction can be modulated by appending *one* of the
following: "2x", "4x", "8x", "half", "quarter", or "eighth".
These are all mutually exclusive. However, you can optionally add
"sat" that clamps the result after any modulation occurs.
Table 3.22 shows the result of each modification.
Modifier Result
-------- ------
"" d = d
"2x" d = 2 * d
"4x" d = 4 * d
"8x" d = 8 * d
"half" d = d / 2
"quarter" d = d / 4
"eighth" d = d / 8
"sat" d = clamp(d) to range [0, 1]
Table 3.22 Result of destination modification
Note that the internal precision of the fragment program allows
values in the range [-8, 8].
The <a1>, <a2>, and <a3 parameters specify the source arguments.
The source can come from "rX", "cX", "0", "1", "color0", or "color1",
where "color0" is the primary fragment color and "color1" is the
secondary fragment color. Note that in a two-pass program, "color0"
and "color1" cannot be used in the first pass of the program.
Each source argument can be given a single optional replication
parameter that specifies the replication of each component.
Table 3.23 shows the result of each source replication modifier.
Replication Result
----------- -----
"" R(s) = R(s)
G(s) = G(s)
B(s) = B(s)
A(s) = A(s)
"r" R(s) = R(s)
G(s) = R(s)
B(s) = R(s)
A(s) = R(s)
"g" R(s) = G(s)
G(s) = G(s)
B(s) = G(s)
A(s) = G(s)
"b" R(s) = B(s)
G(s) = B(s)
B(s) = B(s)
A(s) = B(s)
"a" R(s) = A(s)
G(s) = A(s)
B(s) = A(s)
A(s) = A(s)
Table 3.23 Result of source replication
Note that the GL secondary color is specified to contain red,
green, and blue components only. It is therefore illegal to specify
a program which requires the use of the alpha component of the
"color1" parameters. This means that using "color1.a" source argument
replication would be prohibited. Additionally, issuing an alpha
operation using the alpha component of "color1", either implicitly
or explicitly would also be prohibited.
For instance, the following statements would all be illegal:
"MOV r0, color1; # implicit alpha op in pair "
"MOV r0.ra, color1; # explicit alpha op in pair "
"MOV r0.a, color1; # explicit single alpha op "
"MOV r0.rgb, color1.a # can't replicate non-existent alpha channel "
On the other hand, both of these are legal:
"MOV r0.rgb, color1; # explicit color op, no alpha op specified "
"MOV r0, color1.g # non-alpha component replicated on src "
Each argument can also be given an optional modification parameter
that specifies modifiers to each component. Any or all of the
following can be specified "neg", "comp", "bias", "2x".
Table 3.24 shows the result of each source modifier.
Modifier Result
-------- ------
"" s = s
"neg" s = -s
"comp" s = 1 - s
"bias" s = s - 0.5
"2x" s = 2 * s
Table 3.24 Result of source modification
If multiple source modifiers are applied, the order of operations is
"comp", "bias", "2x", then "negate". The following equation
shows the order of operations if all modifiers were to be applied:
s = -(2 * ((1.0 - s) - 0.5))
In order to set the constants that can be used by program
instructions, the following entry points (identical to those in
the pending ARB_vertex_program extension) are used:
void ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(enum target, uint index,
double x, double y,
double z, double w);
void ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(enum target, uint index,
const double *params);
void ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(enum target, uint index,
float x, float y, float z, float w);
void ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(enum target, uint index,
const float *params);
void ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(enum target, uint index,
double x, double y,
double z, double w);
void ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(enum target, uint index,
const double *params);
void ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(enum target, uint index,
float x, float y, float z, float w);
void ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(enum target, uint index,
const float *params);
The <target> must be TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI. The <index> specifies
the number of the parameter to update. For ATI_text_fragment_shader,
<index> is limited to the range 0 to 7. Note that this does *not*
necessarily correspond to the "X" in the constant named "cX",
but rather to the parameter index (env or local) to which "cX" is
bound in the constant declaration block at the beginning of the
program. For instance, if constant "c1" is bound as follows:
"StartConstants; "
" CONSTANT c1 = program.local[3]; "
"EndConstants; "
then to set the value of constant "c1", to the vector value of
{ 0.4, 0.0, 0.5, 0.25), the application could call
glProgramLocalParameter4dARB(TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI, // target
3, // index
0.4, // x
0.0, // y
0.5, // z
0.25); // w
The <params> pointer, must contain four floating point values in
the range [0, 1] to set the components of the constant. Similarly,
the <x>, <y>, <z>, and <w> parameters must also be in the range
[0,1]. Constant registers loaded with floating point values
outside of this range will have undefined values.
Note that binding a program constant to a literal string constant
within the program text is roughly analogous to
ATI_fragment_shader's use of the call to SetFragmentShaderConstant
within a BeginFragmentShader/EndFragmentShader pair. That is, the
constant value can not be changed without respecifying the program
and the program constant value is local to the program.
Binding a program constant to a program environment parameter is
roughly analogous to ATI_fragment_shader's use of a call to
SetFragmentShaderConstant outside of a BeginFragmentShader /
EndFragmentShader pair. That is, the program constant's value can
be changed without redefining the program and the program constant
value is global to all programs with a binding to that specific
program environment parameter.
Binding a program constant to a program local parameter has no
direct analogue in ATI_fragment_shader as it represents a way
to specify a program parameter which is local to a given
fragment program object, but allows the parameter's value to
be changed without redefining the fragment program itself.
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Framebuffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Special
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (State and
State Requests)
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Interactions with ARB_shadow
The texture comparison introduced by ARB_shadow can be expressed in
terms of a fragment shader, and in fact use the same internal
resources on some implementations. Therefore, if fragment shader
mode is enabled, the GL behaves as if TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE_ARB is
New State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
--------- ---- ----------- ------- ----------- ------ ---------
TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI B IsEnabled False Fragment shader enable 3.8.11 enable
Table X.6. New Accessible State Introduced by ATI_text_fragment_shader.
Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute
--------- ------ ----------- ------------- ------------------- ------ ---------
- 6xR4 - undefined temporary registers 3.8.11 -
Table X.9. Fragment Shader Per-fragment Execution State. All per-fragment
execution state registers are uninitialized at the beginning of program
New Implementation Dependent State
Deprecated Functionality
The original ATI_fragment_shader spec included some deprecated
functionality for determining implementation-dependent constants
and limits. Since that functionality was deprecated to the
point where those queries are specified to return fixed values, and
most of the limits are specified by the fragment program grammar,
those queries are not included in the ATI_text_fragment_shader
Sample Usage
# The following program shows how to perform a simple modulation
# between the interpolated color and a single texture:
SampleMap r0, t0.stq_dq; #sample the texture
MUL r0, r0, color0; #perform the modulation
# The following program shows how to use the constant
# declaration block in a fragment program.
CONSTANT c0 = program.env[0];
CONSTANT c1 = program.local[3];
CONSTANT c2 = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.75 };
MUL r2, c1, c0; # multiply global param by local param
ADD r0, c2, r0; # add constant param and put result in r0
# The following is an example that performs bumped
# cubic environment mapping:
PassTexCoord r0, t0.str; # 1st row of 3x3 basis matrix
PassTexCoord r1, t1.str; # 2nd row of 3x3 basis matrix
PassTexCoord r2, t2.str; # 3rd row of 3x3 basis matrix
PassTexCoord r3, t3.str; # Eye vector
SampleMap r4, t5.str; # Sample normal map
# Three dot products transform from tangent space to cube map space
DOT3 r0.r, r0, r4;
DOT3 r0.g, r1, r4;
DOT3 r0.b, r2, r4;
DOT3 r2.2x, r0, r3; # 2 * (N dot Eye)
MUL r2, r0, r2; # 2 * N * (N dot Eye)
DOT3 r1, r0, r0; # N dot N
MAD r1, r3.neg, r1, r2; # 2 * N * (N dot Eye) - Eye * (N dot N)
SampleMap r0, r0.str; # Sample diffuse cubic env map
SampleMap r1, r1.str; # Sample specular cubic env map
SampleMap r2, t5.str; # Sample the base map (gloss in a)
MUL r0, r0, r2; # diffuse * base
MAD r0, r0, r2.a, r1; # (diffuse * base) + (spec * gloss)
# Chrome shader from ATIRadeon8500_PointLight_Shader demo
# get the outputs from the vertex shader
PassTexCoord r1, t1.str; # N
PassTexCoord r2, t2.str; # light to vtx vector in light space
PassTexCoord r3, t3.str; # H
SampleMap r4, t4.str; # L (sample cubemap normalizer)
DOT3 r4, r1, r4.2x.bias; # reg4 = N.L
DOT3 r1, r1, r3; # reg1 = N.H
DOT3 r1.g, r3, r3; # reg1(green) = H.H aka |H|^2)
DOT3 r2, r2, r2; # reg2 = |light to vertex|^2
SampleMap r0, t5.str; # sample env map using eye vector
SampleMap r2, r2.str; # sample atten map
SampleMap r3, r1.str; # sample spec NHHH map = (N.H)^256
PassTexCoord r4, r4.str; # pass N.L through
# this ensures a pixel is only lit if facing the light
# (since the spec exp makes negative N.H positive
# we must do this)
MUL r3, r3, r4; # reg3 = ((N.H)^256 * N.L)
MUL r3, r0, r3; # reg3 = spec * env map
MUL r4, r0, r4; # reg4 = diff * env map
ADD r0, r3, r4; # reg0 = ((spec * env map) + diff * env map)
MUL r0.sat, r0, r2.r; # apply point light attenuation
# Rusty shader from ATIRadeon8500_PointLight_Shader demo
# get the outputs from the vertex shader
SampleMap r1, t0.str; # N from bump map
PassTexCoord r2, t2.str; # light to vertex vector in light space
PassTexCoord r3, t3.str; # H
SampleMap r4, t4.str; # L (sample cubemap normalizer)
SampleMap r5, t0.str; # specular map (provides our k term for computing N.H^k)
DOT3 r4, r1.2x.bias, r4.2x.bias; # reg4 = N.L
DOT3 r1, r1.2x.bias, r3; # reg1 = N.H
MUL r1, r1, r1; # reg1 = N.H * N.H = (N.H)^2
DOT3 r1.b, r3, r3; # reg1(blue) = H.H = |H|^2
MUL r1.g.half, r1.b, r5; # reg1(green) = |H|^2 * 0.5 * k
DOT3 r2, r2, r2; # reg2 = |light to vertex|^2
SampleMap r0, t0.str; # base map
SampleMap r2, r2.str; # attenuation
# note the swizzle (str_DR) because we devide by R we get the following:
# <(N.H)^2, |H|^2 * 0.5 * k> / |H|^2 = <(N.H)^2/|H>H|^2, 0.5 * k>
# note that N.H^2 / |H|^2 effectively takes care of the denormalized H term
# and reduces to N.H^2 also note that raising this to the (0.5*k) power
# results in (N.H)^k ... it's a little tricky but it works and now you
# get per pixel specular lighting with per pixel k exponents!
SampleMap r3, r1.str_dr; # (N.H)^k
PassTexCoord r4, r4.str; # N.L
# reg3 = (N.H)^k * (N.L)
# this ensures a pixel is only lit if facing the light
# (since the specular exponent makes negative N.H look positive,
# we must do this)
MUL r3, r3, r4;
MUL r3, r0, r3; # reg3 = specular * basemap
MUL r4, r0, r4; # reg4 = diffuse * basemap
ADD r0, r3, r4; # reg0 = specular + diffuse
MUL r0.sat, r0, r2.r; # apply attenuation
Revision History
Date: 11/4/2006
Revision: 1.0.11
- Updated contact info after ATI/AMD merger.
Date: 9/5/2002
Revision: 1.0.10
- final version for submission to registry
- clarified contact/contributor info
- fixed a misplaced ".half" typo in the rusty shader example
Date: 8/9/2002
Revision: 1.0.9
- fixed a typo which refered to "color1" and "color2" instead of
"color0" and "color1"
- clarified semantic restrictrions surrounding DOT2ADD/DOT3/DOT4
to make them slightly less restrictive and more closely aligned
with underlying hardware implementation and original
ATI_fragment_shader restrictions.
Date: 7/9/2002
Revision: 1.0.8
- fixed a typo where constant declarations were missing the
"CONSTANT" keyword
Date: 6/26/2002
Revision: 1.0.7
- clarified additional semantic constraints regarding
pass delimiters (prelim pass must have at least one ALU op)
- fixed a typo in the rusty shader example code
- clarified error conditions involving the use of the alpha
component of the secondary color parameter.
Date: 6/23/2002
Revision: 1.0.6
- Very minor spec bug fixes:
- removed _ATI from several instructions
- fixed up some wrong line wrappings
- formally listed the <optionalDstMask> options to disallow
masks of the form ".r.g.b.a." which were never really legal,
but were allowed by the grammar as specified before.
- cleaned up the list of GL functions which accept
- formally defined the value of TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI
- fixed 2 typos in the "simple modulation" sample shader
(SampleMap uses the r# to choose the texture unit,
and make sure to use the stq_dq source selector)
- removed an ambiguous "1.0" from the example code on
how to set a constant bound to a program local parameter.
Date: 6/6/2002
Revision: 1.0.5
- Apple would now like the program local/env syntax added
in version 1.0.3 added back in to fit better into their
"pipeline program" based architecture and program token
stream syntax. Adding back in the changes introduced
in version 1.0.3.
- Fixed a typo in the description of constant binding syntax
where text referred to "c4" but the sample code referred
to "c1". "c1" is correct.
- Synced spec with version 1.4 and 1.5 of ATI_fragment_shader
1.5: Added interaction with ARB_shadow.
1.4: Specified that LERP's blend factor must be in the range
Date: 5/31/2002
Revision: 1.0.4
- To get the equivalent functionality to ATI_fragment_shader,
we only need inline constants and program env parameters,
So,based on some feedback from Apple, for simplicity, we remove
the usage of program locals that was added in 1.0.3 .
We keep program env parameters however.
Date: 5/31/2002
Revision: 1.0.3
- added in the ability to declare constants as
program local/env parameters as in ARB_vertex_program
- added in the ability to declare constants as textual
string constants.
- above changes required additional "constant declaration"
block before the preliminary pass block, in order to
specify the program constant bindings.
- changed some tokens in the grammar to add the word
optional (they were already optional, just changed the name).
- fixed a reference in the text where "2x" was called "scale"
- fixed a bug in the grammar where it was possible to specify the
"." of a <dstMask> (now <optionalDstMask>) without specifying
the "r","g","b", or "a" mask values.
Date: 5/26/2002
Revision: 1.0.2
- some spec language english grammatical fixes
- cleaned up description in usage guidelines to refer
to tokens named in the text grammar
- reordered semantic restriction summary to correspond to
order of explanations in following section.
- clarify that ATI_text_fragment_shader does not
replace color sum stage, (neither did ATI_fragment_shader).
- pulled "!!ATIfs1.0" header token from grammar and simply
required it to identify the subsequent language as
was done for ARB_vertex_program, version 24.
- clarified that the restriction on using a destination
register once in a singe pass applies only to
the PassTexCoord and SampleMap instructions.
Date: 5/23/2002
Revision: 1.0.1
- added back in the concept of color/alpha pairing that was
removed in the first pass at the extension grammar
This lets color and alpha instructions be co-issued and
gives a program the opportunity to do different operations
on color and alpha components.
This feature of ATI_fragment_shader should not have been removed
in the original ATI_text_fragment_shader spec.
- add commas between instruction arguments in the grammar and
- clean up some white space issues
- add a couple of references to TEXT_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ATI as
the target of the entry points shared with ARB_vertex_program.
Date: 5/22/2002
Revision: 1.0
- first fully specified version
- based on the 1.3 version of ATI_fragment_shader specification