blob: a4d2fe6a57565fe62ba454e9bc83ce72d986c1d8 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Cass Everitt, NVIDIA
Daniel Pageau, Blizzard
Daniel Koch, TransGaming
Ian Romanick, IBM
Jason Green, TransGaming
Johan Andersson, DICE/Electronic Arts
Jon Leech
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
Nicholas Vining, Destineer
Pat Brown, NVIDIA
Patrick Doane, Blizzard
Robert Barris, Blizzard
Ryan Gordon, Destineer
Scott Nations, NVIDIA
Yanjun Zhang, S3 Graphics
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Jeff Juliano, NVIDIA
Jon Burgess, NVIDIA
Mike Marcin
Nigel Stewart, NVIDIA
Jason McKesson
Graham Sellers, AMD
Vladimir Vukicevic, Mozilla
Mark J. Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation (mjk 'at'
Complete, except for GLX protocol
Version 1.0 implemented by NVIDIA, shipping November 2008
Version 1.1 implemented by NVIDIA, shipping January 2009
Last Modified Date: 02/24/2014
Author revision: 39
Version 1.2
(version 1.0 lacked OpenGL 3.0 support)
(version 1.1 lacked GL_TEXTUREi support for glVertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT)
(version 1.1 didn't clearly specify GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY works with glGetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT)
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 specification.
This extension interacts with the matrix manipulation commands
introduced by OpenGL 1.0.
This extension interacts with the texture object manipulation commands
introduced by EXT_texture_object and standardized by OpenGL 1.1.
This extension interacts with the 3D texture object manipulation
commands introduced by EXT_texture3D and standardized by OpenGL 1.2.
This extension interacts with the multitexture command introduced
by ARB_multitexture and standardized by OpenGL 1.2.1.
This extension interacts with the matrix transpose manipulation
commands introduced by ARB_transpose_matrix and standardized by
OpenGL 1.3.
This extension interacts with the local parameter program object
manipulation commands introduced by ARB_vertex_program.
This extension interacts with the texture rectangle enable and target
binding introduced by ARB_texture_rectangle (and NV_texture_rectangle
and EXT_texture_rectangle).
This extension interacts with the buffer manipulation commands
standardized by OpenGL 1.5.
This extension interacts with the GLSL uniform commands standardized
by OpenGL 2.0.
This extension interacts with the GLSL uniform matrix commands
standardized by OpenGL 2.1.
This extension interacts with the framebuffer object commands
introduced by EXT_framebuffer_object and standardized by OpenGL 3.0.
This extension interacts with the framebuffer blit commands introduced
by EXT_framebuffer_blit and standardized by OpenGL 3.0.
This extension interacts with the framebuffer multisample commands
introduced by EXT_framebuffer_multisample and standardized by
OpenGL 3.0.
This extension interacts with the vertex array object commands
introduced by APPLE_vertex_array_object and standardized by
OpenGL 3.0.
This extension interacts with the integer texture parameter commands
introduced by EXT_texture_integer and standardized by OpenGL 3.0.
This extension interacts with the texture buffer commands introduced
by EXT_texture_buffer_object.
This extension interacts with the GLSL integer uniform commands
introduced by EXT_gpu_shader4.
This extension interacts with the local plural parameter program
object manipulation commands introduced by EXT_gpu_program_parameters.
This extension interacts with the local integer parameter program
object manipulation commands introduced by NV_gpu_program4.
This extension trivially interacts with the EnableIndexedEXT
and DisableIndexed commands and the integer and boolean indexed
queries introduced by EXT_draw_buffers2, EXT_transform_feedback,
and NV_transform_feedback.
This extension interacts with NV_explicit_multisample.
This extension trivially interacts with EXT_texture_array.
This extension trivially interacts with NV_texture_cube_map_array.
This extension interacts with the buffer data copying command
introduced by EXT_copy_buffer and standardized by OpenGL 3.0.
This extension introduces a set of new "direct state access"
commands (meaning no selector is involved) to access (update and
query) OpenGL state that previously depended on the OpenGL state
selectors for access. These new commands supplement the existing
selector-based OpenGL commands to access the same state.
The intent of this extension is to make it more efficient for
libraries to avoid disturbing selector and latched state. The
extension also allows more efficient command usage by eliminating
the need for selector update commands.
Two derivative advantages of this extension are 1) display lists
can be executed using these commands that avoid disturbing selectors
that subsequent commands may depend on, and 2) drivers implemented
with a dual-thread partitioning with OpenGL command buffering from
an application thread and then OpenGL command dispatching in a
concurrent driver thread can avoid thread synchronization created by
selector saving, setting, command execution, and selector restoration.
This extension does not itself add any new OpenGL state.
We call a state variable in OpenGL an "OpenGL state selector" or
simply a "selector" if OpenGL commands depend on the state variable
to determine what state to query or update. The matrix mode and
active texture are both selectors. Object bindings for buffers,
programs, textures, and framebuffer objects are also selectors.
We call OpenGL state "latched" if the state is set by one OpenGL
command but then that state is saved by a subsequent command or the
state determines how client memory or buffer object memory is accessed
by a subsequent command. The array and element array buffer bindings
are latched by vertex array specification commands to determine
which buffer a given vertex array uses. Vertex array state and pixel
pack/unpack state decides how client memory or buffer object memory is
accessed by subsequent vertex pulling or image specification commands.
The existence of selectors and latched state in the OpenGL API
reduces the number of parameters to various sets of OpenGL commands
but complicates the access to state for layered libraries which seek
to access state without disturbing other state, namely the state of
state selectors and latched state. In many cases, selectors and
latched state were introduced by extensions as OpenGL evolved to
minimize the disruption to the OpenGL API when new functionality,
particularly the pluralization of existing functionality as when
texture objects and later multiple texture units, was introduced.
The OpenGL API involves several selectors (listed in historical
order of introduction):
o The matrix mode.
o The current bound texture for each supported texture target.
o The active texture.
o The active client texture.
o The current bound program for each supported program target.
o The current bound buffer for each supported buffer target.
o The current GLSL program.
o The current framebuffer object.
The new selector-free update commands can be compiled into display
The OpenGL API has latched state for vertex array buffer objects
and pixel store state. When an application issues a GL command to
unpack or pack pixels (for example, glTexImage2D or glReadPixels
respectively), the current unpack and pack pixel store state
determines how the pixels are unpacked from/packed to client memory
or pixel buffer objects. For example, consider:
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 640);
glDrawPixels(100, 100, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, pixels);
The unpack swap bytes and row length state set by the preceding
glPixelStorei commands (as well as the 6 other unpack pixel store
state variables) control how data is read (unpacked) from buffer of
data pointed to by pixels. The glBindBuffer command also specifies
an unpack buffer object (47) so the pixel pointer is actually treated
as a byte offset into buffer object 47.
When an application issues a command to configure a vertex array,
the current array buffer state is latched as the binding for the
particular vertex array being specified. For example, consider:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 23);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 12, pointer);
The glBindBuffer command updates the array buffering binding
(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) to the buffer object named 23. The
subsequent glVertexPointer command specifies explicit parameters
for the size, type, stride, and pointer to access the position
vertex array BUT ALSO latches the current array buffer binding for
the vertex array buffer binding (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING).
Effectively the current array buffer binding buffer object becomes
an implicit fifth parameter to glVertexPointer and this applies to
all the gl*Pointer vertex array specification commands.
Selectors and latched state create problems for layered libraries
using OpenGL because selectors require the selector state to be
modified to update some other state and latched state means implicit
state can affect the operation of commands specifying, packing, or
unpacking data through pointers/offsets. For layered libraries,
a state update performed by the library may attempt to save the
selector state, set the selector, update/query some state the
selector controls, and then restore the selector to its saved state.
Layered libraries can skip the selector save/restore but this risks
introducing uncertainty about the state of a selector after calling
layered library routines. Such selector side-effects are difficult
to document and lead to compatibility issues as the layered library
evolves or its usage varies. For latched state, layered libraries
may find commands such as glDrawPixels do not work as expected
because latched pixel store state is not what the library expects.
Querying or pushing the latched state, setting the latched state
explicitly, performing the operation involving latched state, and
then restoring or popping the latched state avoids entanglements
with latched state but at considerable cost.
Consider the following routine to set the modelview matrix involving
the matrix mode selector:
void setModelviewMatrix(const GLfloat matrix[16])
GLenum savedMatrixMode;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MATRIX_MODE, &savedMatrixMode);
Notice that four OpenGL commands are required to update the current
modelview matrix without disturbing the matrix mode selector.
OpenGL query commands can also substantially reduce the performance
of modern OpenGL implementations which may off-load OpenGL state
processing to another CPU core/thread or to the GPU itself.
An alternative to querying the selector is to use the
glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib commands. However this approach typically
involves pushing far more state than simply the one or two selectors
that need to be saved and restored. Because so much state is
associated with a given push/pop attribute bit, the glPushAttrib
and glPopAttrib commands are considerably more costly than the
save/restore approach. Additionally glPushAttrib risks overflowing
the attribute stack.
The reliability and performance of layered libraries and applications
can be improved by adding to the OpenGL API a new set of commands
to access directly OpenGL state that otherwise involves selectors
to access.
The above example can be reimplemented more efficiently and without
selector side-effects:
void setModelviewMatrix(const GLfloat matrix[16])
glMatrixLoadfEXT(GL_MODELVIEW, matrix);
Consider a layered library seeking to load a texture:
void loadTexture(GLint texobj, GLint width, GLint height,
void *data)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texobj);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8,
width, height, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, data);
The library expects the data to be packed into the buffer pointed
to by data. But what if the current pixel unpack buffer binding
is not zero so the current pixel unpack buffer, rather than client
memory, will be read? Or what if the application has modified
the GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH pixel store state before loadTexture
is called?
We can fix the routine by calling glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER,
0) and setting all the pixel store unpack state to the initial state
the loadTexture routine expects, but this is expensive. It also risks
disturbing the state so when loadTexture returns to the application,
the application doesn't realize the current texture object (for
whatever texture unit the current active texture happens to be) and
pixel store state has changed.
We can more efficiently implement this routine without disturbing
selector or latched state as follows:
void loadTexture(GLint texobj, GLint width, GLint height,
void *data)
glTextureImage2D(texobj, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8,
width, height, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, data);
Now loadTexture does not have to worry about inappropriately
configured pixel store state or a non-zero pixel unpack buffer
binding. And loadTexture has no unintended side-effects for
selector or latched state (assuming the client attrib state does
not overflow).
New Procedures and Functions
<OpenGL 1.1: New client commands>
void ClientAttribDefaultEXT(bitfield mask);
void PushClientAttribDefaultEXT(bitfield mask);
<OpenGL 1.0: New matrix commands add "Matrix" prefix to name,
drops "Matrix" suffix from name, and add initial "enum matrixMode"
void MatrixLoadfEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoaddEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixMultfEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultdEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixLoadIdentityEXT(enum matrixMode);
void MatrixRotatefEXT(enum matrixMode, float angle,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixRotatedEXT(enum matrixMode, double angle,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixScalefEXT(enum matrixMode,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixScaledEXT(enum matrixMode,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixTranslatefEXT(enum matrixMode,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixTranslatedEXT(enum matrixMode,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixOrthoEXT(enum matrixMode, double l, double r,
double b, double t, double n, double f);
void MatrixFrustumEXT(enum matrixMode, double l, double r,
double b, double t, double n, double f);
void MatrixPushEXT(enum matrixMode);
void MatrixPopEXT(enum matrixMode);
<OpenGL 1.1: New texture object commands and queries replace "Tex"
in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture" parameter>
void TextureParameteriEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, int param);
void TextureParameterivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const int *param);
void TextureParameterfEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, float param);
void TextureParameterfvEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const float *param);
void TextureImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void TextureImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void TextureSubImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void TextureSubImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyTextureImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y, sizei width, int border);
void CopyTextureImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height, int border);
void CopyTextureSubImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset,
int x, int y, sizei width);
void CopyTextureSubImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
void GetTextureImageEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
enum format, enum type, void *pixels);
void GetTextureParameterfvEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetTextureParameterivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetTextureLevelParameterivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, int *params);
<OpenGL 1.2: New 3D texture object commands replace "Tex" in name with
"Texture" and adds initial "uint texture" parameter>
void TextureImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void TextureSubImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyTextureSubImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
<OpenGL 1.2.1: New multitexture commands and queries prefix "Multi"
before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit" parameter (to identify
the texture unit).>
void BindMultiTextureEXT(enum texunit, enum target, uint texture);
void MultiTexCoordPointerEXT(enum texunit, int size, enum type,
sizei stride, const void *pointer);
void MultiTexEnvfEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
float param);
void MultiTexEnvfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
const float *params);
void MultiTexEnviEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
int param);
void MultiTexEnvivEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
const int *params);
void MultiTexGendEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
double param);
void MultiTexGendvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
const double *params);
void MultiTexGenfEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
float param);
void MultiTexGenfvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
const float *params);
void MultiTexGeniEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
int param);
void MultiTexGenivEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
const int *params);
void GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
float *params);
void GetMultiTexEnvivEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
int *params);
void GetMultiTexGendvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
double *params);
void GetMultiTexGenfvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
float *params);
void GetMultiTexGenivEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
int *params);
void MultiTexParameteriEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int param);
void MultiTexParameterivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const int *param);
void MultiTexParameterfEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, float param);
void MultiTexParameterfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const float *param);
void MultiTexImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void MultiTexImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void MultiTexSubImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void MultiTexSubImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyMultiTexImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y, sizei width, int border);
void CopyMultiTexImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height, int border);
void CopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset,
int x, int y, sizei width);
void CopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
void GetMultiTexImageEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
enum format, enum type, void *pixels);
void GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetMultiTexParameterivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, int *params);
void MultiTexImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void MultiTexSubImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
<OpenGL 1.2.1: New indexed texture commands and queries append
"Indexed" to name and add "uint index" parameter (to identify the
texture unit index) after state name parameters (if any) and before
state value parameters>
void EnableClientStateIndexedEXT(enum array, uint index);
void DisableClientStateIndexedEXT(enum array, uint index);
<OpenGL 3.0: New indexed texture commands and queries append "i"
to name and add "uint index" parameter (to identify the texture
unit index) after state name parameters (if any) and before state
value parameters>
void EnableClientStateiEXT(enum array, uint index);
void DisableClientStateiEXT(enum array, uint index);
<OpenGL 1.2.1: New indexed generic queries (added for indexed texture
state) append "Indexed" to name and add "uint index" parameter
(to identify the texture unit) after state name parameters (if any) and
before state value parameters>
void GetFloatIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, float *params);
void GetDoubleIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, double *params);
void GetPointerIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, void **params);
<OpenGL 3.0: New indexed generic queries (added for indexed texture
state) replace "v" for "i_v" to name and add "uint index" parameter
(to identify the texture unit) after state name parameters (if any)
and before state value parameters>
void GetFloati_vEXT(enum pname, uint index, float *params);
void GetDoublei_vEXT(enum pname, uint index, double *params);
void GetPointeri_vEXT(enum pname, uint index, void **params);
<OpenGL 1.2.1: Extend the functionality of these EXT_draw_buffers2
commands and queries for multitexture>
void EnableIndexedEXT(enum cap, uint index);
void DisableIndexedEXT(enum cap, uint index);
boolean IsEnabledIndexedEXT(enum target, uint index);
void GetIntegerIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, int *params);
void GetBooleanIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index,
boolean *params);
<ARB_vertex_program: New program commands and queries add "Named"
prefix to name and adds initial "uint program" parameter>
void NamedProgramStringEXT(uint program, enum target, enum format,
sizei len, const void *string);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
double x, double y,
double z, double w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const double *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
float x, float y,
float z, float w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const float *params);
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
double *params);
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
float *params);
void GetNamedProgramivEXT(uint program, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetNamedProgramStringEXT(uint program, enum target,
enum pname, void *string);
<OpenGL 1.3: New compressed texture object commands replace "Tex"
in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture" parameter>
void CompressedTextureImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
int border, sizei imageSize,
const void *data);
void CompressedTextureImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void GetCompressedTextureImageEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, void *img);
<OpenGL 1.3: New multitexture compressed texture commands and queries
prefix "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit"
parameter (to identify the texture unit).>
void CompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
int border, sizei imageSize,
const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, void *img);
<OpenGL 1.3: New transpose matrix commands add "Matrix" suffix
to name, drops "Matrix" suffix from name, and add initial "enum
matrixMode" parameter>
void MatrixLoadTransposefEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoadTransposedEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixMultTransposefEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultTransposedEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
<OpenGL 1.5: New buffer commands and queries replace "Buffer" with
"NamedBuffer" in name and replace "enum target" parameter with
"uint buffer">
void NamedBufferDataEXT(uint buffer, sizeiptr size,
const void *data, enum usage);
void NamedBufferSubDataEXT(uint buffer, intptr offset,
sizeiptr size, const void *data);
void* MapNamedBufferEXT(uint buffer, enum access);
boolean UnmapNamedBufferEXT(uint buffer);
void GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(uint buffer,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetNamedBufferPointervEXT(uint buffer,
enum pname, void* *params);
void GetNamedBufferSubDataEXT(uint buffer,
intptr offset, sizeiptr size, void *data);
<OpenGL 2.0: New uniform commands add "Program" prefix to name and
add initial "uint program" parameter>
void ProgramUniform1fEXT(uint program, int location, float v0);
void ProgramUniform2fEXT(uint program, int location,
float v0, float v1);
void ProgramUniform3fEXT(uint program, int location,
float v0, float v1, float v2);
void ProgramUniform4fEXT(uint program, int location,
float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3);
void ProgramUniform1iEXT(uint program, int location, int v0);
void ProgramUniform2iEXT(uint program, int location,
int v0, int v1);
void ProgramUniform3iEXT(uint program, int location,
int v0, int v1, int v2);
void ProgramUniform4iEXT(uint program, int location,
int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3);
void ProgramUniform1fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform1ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniform2ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniform3ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniform4ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
<OpenGL 2.1: New uniform matrix commands add "Program" prefix to
name and add initial "uint program" parameter>
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
<EXT_texture_buffer_object: New texture buffer object command
replaces "Tex" in name with "Texture" and adds initial "uint texture"
void TextureBufferEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum internalformat, uint buffer);
<EXT_texture_buffer_object: New multitexture texture buffer command
prefixes "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit"
parameter (to identify the texture unit).>
void MultiTexBufferEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum internalformat, uint buffer);
<EXT_texture_integer: New integer texture object commands and queries
replace "Tex" in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture"
void TextureParameterIivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const int *params);
void TextureParameterIuivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const uint *params);
void GetTextureParameterIivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetTextureParameterIuivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, uint *params);
<EXT_texture_integer: New multitexture integer texture commands and
queries prefix "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit"
parameter (to identify the texture unit).>
void MultiTexParameterIivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const int *params);
void MultiTexParameterIuivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const uint *params);
void GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, uint *params);
<EXT_gpu_shader4: New integer uniform commands add "Program" prefix
to name and add initial "uint program" parameter>
void ProgramUniform1uiEXT(uint program, int location, uint v0);
void ProgramUniform2uiEXT(uint program, int location,
uint v0, uint v1);
void ProgramUniform3uiEXT(uint program, int location,
uint v0, uint v1, uint v2);
void ProgramUniform4uiEXT(uint program, int location,
uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3);
void ProgramUniform1uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
void ProgramUniform2uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
void ProgramUniform3uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
void ProgramUniform4uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
<EXT_gpu_program_parameters: New program command adds "Named" prefix
to name and adds "uint program" parameter>
void NamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index, sizei count,
const float *params);
<NV_gpu_program4: New program commands and queries add "Named"
prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint program">
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
int x, int y,
int z, int w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const int *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index, sizei count,
const int *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
uint x, uint y,
uint z, uint w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const uint *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index, sizei count,
const uint *params);
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
int *params);
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
uint *params);
<OpenGL 3.0: New renderbuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name
and replace "enum target" with "uint renderbuffer">
void NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT(uint renderbuffer,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height);
void GetNamedRenderbufferParameterivEXT(uint renderbuffer,
enum pname, int *params);
<OpenGL 3.0: New renderbuffer commands add "Named"
prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint renderbuffer">
void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(uint renderbuffer,
sizei samples,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height);
<NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage: New renderbuffer commands
add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint
void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT(uint renderbuffer,
sizei coverageSamples,
sizei colorSamples,
enum internalformat,
sizei width,
sizei height);
<OpenGL 3.0: New framebuffer commands add "Named" prefix to name
and replace "enum target" with "uint framebuffer">
enum CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum target);
void NamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level);
void NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level);
void NamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level, int zoffset);
void NamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum renderbuffertarget,
uint renderbuffer);
void GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum pname,
int *params);
<OpenGL 3.0: New texture commands add "Texture" within name and
replace "enum target" with "uint texture">
void GenerateTextureMipmapEXT(uint texture, enum target);
<OpenGL 3.0: New texture commands add "MultiTex" within name and
replace "enum target" with "enum texunit">
void GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT(enum texunit, enum target);
<OpenGL 3.0: New framebuffer commands>
void FramebufferDrawBufferEXT(uint framebuffer, enum mode);
void FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT(uint framebuffer, sizei n,
const enum *bufs)
void FramebufferReadBufferEXT(uint framebuffer, enum mode);
<OpenGL 3.0: New framebuffer query>
void GetFramebufferParameterivEXT(uint framebuffer, enum pname,
int *param);
<OpenGL 3.0: New buffer data copy command>
void NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT(uint readBuffer, uint writeBuffer,
intptr readOffset, intptr writeOffset,
sizeiptr size);
<EXT_geometry_shader4 or NV_gpu_program4: New framebuffer commands
add "Named" prefix to name and replace "enum target" with "uint
void NamedFramebufferTextureEXT(uint framebuffer, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level);
void NamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
uint texture,
int level, int layer);
void NamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT(uint framebuffer, enum attachment,
uint texture,
int level, enum face);
<NV_explicit_multisample: New texture renderbuffer object command
replaces "Tex" in name with "Texture" and add initial "uint texture"
void TextureRenderbufferEXT(uint texture, enum target,
uint renderbuffer);
<NV_explicit_multisample: New multitexture texture renderbuffer command
prefixes "Multi" before "Tex" and add an initial "enum texunit"
parameter (to identify the texture unit)>
void MultiTexRenderbufferEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
uint renderbuffer);
<OpenGL 3.0: New vertex array specification commands for vertex
array objects prefix "VertexArray", add initial "uint vaobj" and
"uint buffer" parameters, change "Pointer" suffix to "Offset",
and change the final parameter from "const void *" to "intptr offset">
void VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayColorOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
sizei stride, intptr offset);
void VertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum texunit,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type,
sizei stride, intptr offset);
void VertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
uint index, int size,
enum type, boolean normalized,
sizei stride, intptr offset);
void VertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
uint index, int size,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
<OpenGL 3.0: New vertex array enable commands for vertex array
objects change "ClientState" to "VertexArray" and add an initial
"uint vaobj" parameter>
void EnableVertexArrayEXT(uint vaobj, enum array);
void DisableVertexArrayEXT(uint vaobj, enum array);
<OpenGL 3.0: New vertex attrib array enable commands for vertex
array objects change "VertexAttribArray" to "VertexArrayAttrib"
and add an initial "uint vaobj" parameter>
void EnableVertexArrayAttribEXT(uint vaobj, uint index);
void DisableVertexArrayAttribEXT(uint vaobj, uint index);
<OpenGL 3.0: New queries for vertex array objects>
void GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT(uint vaobj, enum pname,
int *param);
void GetVertexArrayPointervEXT(uint vaobj, enum pname,
void **param);
void GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT(uint vaobj,
uint index,
enum pname,
int *param);
void GetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT(uint vaobj,
uint index,
enum pname,
void **param);
<OpenGL 3.0: New buffer commands replace "Buffer" with "NamedBuffer"
in name and replace "enum target" parameter with "uint buffer">
void *MapNamedBufferRangeEXT(uint buffer, intptr offset,
sizeiptr length, bitfield access);
void FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT(uint buffer, intptr offset,
sizeiptr length);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanIndexedvEXT,
GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, GetFloatIndexedvEXT, GetDoubleIndexedvEXT:
GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetFloati_vEXT, GetDoublei_vEXT:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Insert the following after the 2nd sentence in the 4th paragraph in
Section 2.5 (Errors):
"Certain commands and queries provide direct state
access to named objects (such as TextureParameteriEXT,
NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT, NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT,
NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT, GetTextureImageEXT, etc.) and perform
implicit object initialization when provided unused object names.
When these commands and queries are given an object name not
currently used, these commands and queries will first (prior to
any further error checking) make the name used and appropriately
initialize the named object to a new object state vector. After this
object initialization for unused names takes place, the command may
subsequently generate an error. In this case, the command's state
update or query's result is ignored, but the name still becomes used
and the object initialization still takes place."
Add after the paragraph describing EnableClientState in Section 2.8
(Vertex Arrays):
"The following commands:
void EnableClientStateIndexedEXT(enum array, uint index);
void DisableClientStateIndexedEXT(enum array, uint index);
void EnableClientStateiEXT(enum array, uint index);
void DisableClientStateiEXT(enum array, uint index);
are equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
if (array == TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) {
int savedClientActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedClientActiveTexture);
} else {
// Invalid enum
where index is the index parameter to the listed commands and XXX is
the name of the command without its "Indexed" or "i" suffix (either
EnableClientState or DisableClientState). The error INVALID_VALUE
is generated if index is greater or equal to the implementation's
NUM_TEXTURE_COORDS value. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if
array is not TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY."
Add before the last paragraph in Section 2.8 (Vertex Arrays):
"The following command:
void MultiTexCoordPointerEXT(enum texunit, int size, enum type,
sizei stride, const void *pointer);
is equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
int savedClientActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedClientActiveTexture);
where ... is the list of the arguments for the command excluding
the index parameter."
Add to the end of section 2.9 (Buffer Objects), before section 2.9.1
(Vertex Arrays in Buffer Objects):
"The following commands:
void NamedBufferDataEXT(uint buffer, sizeiptr size,
const void *data, enum usage);
void NamedBufferSubDataEXT(uint buffer, intptr offset,
sizeiptr size, const void *data);
void* MapNamedBufferEXT(uint buffer, enum access);
boolean UnmapNamedBufferEXT(uint buffer);
void *MapNamedBufferRangeEXT(uint buffer, intptr offset,
sizeiptr length, bitfield access);
void FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT(uint buffer, intptr offset,
sizeiptr length);
void NamedCopyBufferSubDataEXT(uint readBuffer, uint writeBuffer,
intptr readOffset, intptr writeOffset,
sizeiptr size);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Named" is
deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are dropped or updated
appropriately) except, rather than updating the currently bound buffer
for the buffer target parameter (a parameter not present for these
listed commands), these "Named" commands update the buffer object
named by the initial buffer parameter. The remaining parameters
following the initial buffer parameter for the listed "Named" commands
match the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named" buffer command
(except the target parameter is not needed because the buffer object
to update is identified by its name) and are interpreted as they
are for the non-"Named" buffer command. If the buffer object named
by the buffer parameter has not been previously bound or has been
deleted since the last binding, the GL first creates a new state
vector, initialized with a zero-sized memory buffer and comprising the
state values listed in table 2.6. There is no buffer corresponding
to the name zero, these commands generate the INVALID_OPERATION
error if the buffer parameter is zero."
Add to the end of Section 2.10 (Vertex Array Objects):
"The following commands:
void VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayColorOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
sizei stride, intptr offset);
void VertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum texunit,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
void VertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type,
sizei stride, intptr offset);
void VertexArrayVertexAttribOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
uint index, int size,
enum type, boolean normalized,
sizei stride, intptr offset);
void VertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
uint index, int size,
enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "VertexArray"
is deleted from the name and "Offset" is changed to "Pointer" (and
extension suffixes are dropped or updated appropriately) except,
1) rather than updating the currently in use vertex array object,
these "VertexArray" commands update the vertex array object named
by the initial vaobj parameter, and 2) the corresponding command
operates as if the ARRAY_BUFFER buffer binding is bound to the
buffer named by the buffer parameter. The remaining parameters
following the initial vaobj parameter for the listed "VertexArray"
commands match the parameters for the corresponding non-"VertexArray"
vertex array specification command and are interpreted as they
are for the non-"VertexArray" vertex array specification command.
The one exception is that final intptr offset parameter of the
"VertexArray" command is cast to the final pointer parameter of the
non-"VertexArray" command (intptr is guaranteed to be large enough
to store any pointer value).
If the vertex array object named by the vaobj parameter has not
been previously bound but has been generated (without subsequent
deletion) by GenVertexArrays, the GL first creates a new state
vector in the same manner as when BindVertexArray creates a new
vertex array object. However these commands fail and an
INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if vaobj is not a name returned
from a previous call to GenVertexArrays, or if such a name has since
been deleted with DeleteVertexArrays.
If the buffer object named by the buffer parameter is non-zero and
has not been previously bound or has been deleted since the last
binding, the GL first creates a new state vector, initialized with
a zero-sized memory buffer and comprising the state values listed
in table 2.6. If the buffer object named by the buffer parameter
is zero, these commands update the vertex array client-state.
If the buffer object named by the buffer parameter is non-zero and
the offset parameter is negative, generate the INVALID_VALUE error.
No error is generated in the case where buffer is zero because the
offset might be valid pointer than just happens to be negative when
cast to a intptr type.
The following commands:
void EnableVertexArrayEXT(uint vaobj, enum array);
void DisableVertexArrayEXT(uint vaobj, enum array);
void EnableVertexArrayAttribEXT(uint vaobj, uint index);
void DisableVertexArrayAttribEXT(uint vaobj, uint index);
operate identically to EnableClientState, DisableClientState,
EnableVertexAttribArray, and DisableVertexAttribArray respectively
except rather than updating the current vertex array client-state
these "VertexArray" commands update the vertex array enables
within the vertex array object named by the initial vaobj parameter.
The array parameter matches the array parameter for the corresponding
EnableClientState and DisableClientState commands. The index
parameter matches the index parameter for the corresponding
EnableVertexAttribArray and DisableVertexAttribArray commands.
Additionally EnableVertexArrayEXT and DisableVertexArrayEXT accept
the tokens TEXTURE0 through TEXTUREn where n is less than the
implementation-dependent limit of MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS. For these
GL_TEXTUREi tokens, EnableVertexArrayEXT and DisableVertexArrayEXT
act identically to EnableVertexArrayEXT(vaobj, TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY)
or DisableVertexArrayEXT(vaobj, TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) respectively
as if the active client texture is set to texture coordinate set i
based on the token TEXTUREi indicated by array.
If the vertex array object named by the vaobj parameter has not
been previously bound but has been generated (without subsequent
deletion) by GenVertexArrays, the GL first creates a new state
vector in the same manner as when BindVertexArray creates a new
vertex array object. However these commands fail and an
INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if vaobj is not a name returned
from a previous call to GenVertexArrays, or if such a name has since
been deleted with DeleteVertexArrays."
Add to the end of Section 2.12.2 (Matrices):
"The following commands:
void MatrixLoadfEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoaddEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixLoadTransposefEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixLoadTransposedEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixMultfEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultdEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixMultTransposefEXT(enum matrixMode, const float *m);
void MatrixMultTransposedEXT(enum matrixMode, const double *m);
void MatrixLoadIdentityEXT(enum matrixMode);
void MatrixRotatefEXT(enum matrixMode, float angle,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixRotatedEXT(enum matrixMode, double angle,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixScalefEXT(enum matrixMode,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixScaledEXT(enum matrixMode,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixTranslatefEXT(enum matrixMode,
float x, float y, float z);
void MatrixTranslatedEXT(enum matrixMode,
double x, double y, double z);
void MatrixOrthoEXT(enum matrixMode, double l, double r,
double b, double t, double n, double f);
void MatrixFrustumEXT(enum matrixMode, double l, double r,
double b, double t, double n, double f);
void MatrixPushEXT(enum matrixMode);
void MatrixPopEXT(enum matrixMode);
are equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
int savedMatrixMode;
GetIntegerv(MATRIX_MODE, &savedMatrixMode);
if (matrixMode >= TEXTURE0 && matrixMode <= TEXTURE31) {
int savedActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedActiveTexture);
} else {
where matrixMode is the matrixMode parameter to the listed commands,
XXX is found in Table 2.selectorFreeMatrixCommands, and ... is the
list of the remaining arguments for the command that follow the
initial matrixMode parameter.
Table 2.selectorFreeMatrixCommands:
Selector-free Command Name XXX
-------------------------- --------------------
MatrixLoadfEXT LoadMatrixf
MatrixLoaddEXT LoadMatrixd
MatrixLoadTransposefEXT LoadTransposeMatrixf
MatrixLoadTransposedEXT LoadTransposeMatrixd
MatrixMultfEXT MultMatrixf
MatrixMultdEXT MultMatrixd
MatrixMultTransposefEXT MultTransposeMatrixf
MatrixMultTransposedEXT MultTransposeMatrixd
MatrixLoadIdentityEXT LoadIdentity
MatrixRotatefEXT Rotatef
MatrixRotatedEXT Rotated
MatrixScalefEXT Scalef
MatrixScaledEXT Scaled
MatrixTranslatefEXT Translatef
MatrixTranslatedEXT Translated
MatrixOrthoEXT Ortho
MatrixFrustumEXT Frustum
MatrixPushEXT PushMatrix
MatrixPopEXT PopMatrix"
Add to the end of Section 2.20.3 (Shader Variables):
"Program-specific Uniform Updates
The following commands:
void ProgramUniform1fEXT(uint program, int location, float v0);
void ProgramUniform2fEXT(uint program, int location,
float v0, float v1);
void ProgramUniform3fEXT(uint program, int location,
float v0, float v1, float v2);
void ProgramUniform4fEXT(uint program, int location,
float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3);
void ProgramUniform1iEXT(uint program, int location, int v0);
void ProgramUniform2iEXT(uint program, int location,
int v0, int v1);
void ProgramUniform3iEXT(uint program, int location,
int v0, int v1, int v2);
void ProgramUniform4iEXT(uint program, int location,
int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3);
void ProgramUniform1fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const float *value);
void ProgramUniform1ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniform2ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniform3ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniform4ivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const int *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fvEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, boolean transpose,
const float *value);
void ProgramUniform1uiEXT(uint program, int location, uint v0);
void ProgramUniform2uiEXT(uint program, int location,
uint v0, uint v1);
void ProgramUniform3uiEXT(uint program, int location,
uint v0, uint v1, uint v2);
void ProgramUniform4uiEXT(uint program, int location,
uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3);
void ProgramUniform1uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
void ProgramUniform2uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
void ProgramUniform3uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
void ProgramUniform4uivEXT(uint program, int location,
sizei count, const uint *value);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Program" is
deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are dropped or updated
appropriately) except, rather than updating the currently in use
program object, these "Program" commands update the program object
named by the initial program parameter. The remaining parameters
following the initial program parameter for the listed "Program"
commands match the parameters for the corresponding non-"Program"
uniform command and are interpreted as they are for the non-"Program"
uniform command. If the program named by the program parameter
is not created or has not been successfully linked, the error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated."
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Add to the end of section 3.8.12 (Texture Objects):
"Texture Object State Update
The command
void BindMultiTextureEXT(enum texunit, enum target, uint texture);
operates identically to BindTexture except, rather than binding the
named texture object to the current active texture's target binding
specified by the target parameter, BindMultiTextureEXT binds the
named texture to the specified target binding of texunit.
These texture object state update commands:
void TextureParameteriEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, int param);
void TextureParameterivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const int *param);
void TextureParameterfEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, float param);
void TextureParameterfvEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const float *param);
void TextureParameterIivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const int *params);
void TextureParameterIuivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, const uint *params);
void TextureImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void TextureImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void TextureSubImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void TextureSubImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyTextureImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y, sizei width, int border);
void CopyTextureImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height, int border);
void CopyTextureSubImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset,
int x, int y, sizei width);
void CopyTextureSubImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
void TextureImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void TextureSubImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyTextureSubImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
void TextureBufferEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum internalformat, uint buffer);
void CompressedTextureImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
int border, sizei imageSize,
const void *data);
void CompressedTextureImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureSubImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureSubImage2DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureSubImage1DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedTextureImage3DEXT(uint texture, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void TextureBufferEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum internalformat, uint buffer);
void TextureRenderbufferEXT(uint texture, enum target,
uint renderbuffer);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Texture"
is substituted for "Tex" (and extension suffixes are dropped or
updated appropriately) except, rather than updating the current bound
texture for the texture unit indicated by the current active texture
state and the target parameter, these "Texture" commands update the
texture object named by the initial texture parameter. If the
texture parameter is zero, then the target parameter selects the
default texture of the specified target to update. The remaining
parameters following the initial texture parameter for the listed
"Texture" commands match the parameters for the corresponding "Tex"
command and are interpreted as they are for the "Tex" command.
If the texture parameter is for an unused name, the name becomes
used and the named texture object is set to a new state vector,
comprising all the state values listed in section 3.8.11, set
to the same initial values prior to the command's state update.
If the texture parameter is for a used name and that named texture
object has a different target than the specified target parameter,
the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated. One consequence of this
error for commands that accepts TEXTURE_PROXY_* as a valid target
parameter is TEXTURE_PROXY_* target tokens generate errors if used
with a non-zero texture parameter because the target of a non-default
(non-zero) texture object is never a proxy target."
Add before the last paragraph of Section 3.8.16 (Texture Application):
"The following commands (introduced by EXT_draw_buffers2):
void EnableIndexedEXT(enum cap, uint index);
void Enablei(enum cap, uint index);
void DisableIndexedEXT(enum cap, uint index);
void Disablei(enum cap, uint index);
are equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
int savedActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedActiveTexture);
where index is the index parameter to the listed commands and XXX
is the name of the command without its "Indexed" or "i" suffix
(either Enable or Disable) when the cap parameter is one of
the texture-related enable token depending on the active texture
Add NEW section 3.8.X (Multitexture Commands): after section 3.8.16
(Texture Application):
"These multitexture commands:
void MultiTexCoordPointerEXT(enum texunit, int size, enum type,
sizei stride, const void *pointer);
void MultiTexEnvfEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
float param);
void MultiTexEnvfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
const float *params);
void MultiTexEnviEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
int param);
void MultiTexEnvivEXT(enum texunit, enum target, enum pname,
const int *params);
void MultiTexGendEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
double param);
void MultiTexGendvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
const double *params);
void MultiTexGenfEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
float param);
void MultiTexGenfvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
const float *params);
void MultiTexGeniEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
int param);
void MultiTexGenivEXT(enum texunit, enum coord, enum pname,
const int *params);
void MultiTexParameteriEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int param);
void MultiTexParameterivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const int *param);
void MultiTexParameterfEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, float param);
void MultiTexParameterfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const float *param);
void MultiTexParameterIivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const int *params);
void MultiTexParameterIuivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, const uint *params);
void MultiTexImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void MultiTexImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void MultiTexSubImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void MultiTexSubImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyMultiTexImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y, sizei width, int border);
void CopyMultiTexImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, enum internalformat,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height, int border);
void CopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset,
int x, int y, sizei width);
void CopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int xoffset, int yoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
void MultiTexImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, int internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
int border,
enum format, enum type, const void *pixels);
void MultiTexSubImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth,
enum format, enum type,
const void *pixels);
void CopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset,
int x, int y,
sizei width, sizei height);
void CompressedMultiTexImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height,
int border, sizei imageSize,
const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, int border,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexSubImage3DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
int zoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
sizei depth, enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexSubImage2DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, int yoffset,
sizei width, sizei height,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void CompressedMultiTexSubImage1DEXT(enum texunit, enum target, int level,
int xoffset, sizei width,
enum format,
sizei imageSize, const void *data);
void MultiTexBufferEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum internalformat, uint buffer);
void MultiTexRenderbufferEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
uint renderbuffer);
are equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
int savedActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedActiveTexture);
where XXX is the name of the command without its "Multi" prefix
(and extension suffixes are dropped or updated appropriately)
and ... is the list of the arguments for the command excluding the
index parameter."
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Add new section 4.4.7 (Named Access):
"The following commands:
void NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT(uint renderbuffer,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height);
void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(uint renderbuffer,
sizei samples,
enum internalformat,
sizei width, sizei height);
void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT(uint renderbuffer,
sizei coverageSamples,
sizei colorSamples,
enum internalformat,
sizei width,
sizei height);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Named" is
deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are dropped or updated
appropriately) except, rather than updating the currently bound
renderbuffer for the renderbuffer target parameter (a parameter not
present for these listed commands), these "Named" commands update the
renderbuffer object named by the initial renderbuffer parameter.
The remaining parameters following the initial renderbuffer
parameter for the listed "Named" commands match the parameters
for the corresponding non-"Named" renderbuffer command and are
interpreted as they are for the non-"Named" renderbuffer command;
and the target parameter is assumed to be RENDERBUFFER. If the
renderbuffer object named by the renderbuffer parameter has not
been previously bound or has been deleted since the last binding,
the GL first creates a new state vector in the same manner as when
BindRenderbuffer creates a new renderbuffer object.
The following commands (and query):
void NamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level);
void NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level);
void NamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level, int zoffset);
void NamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum renderbuffertarget,
uint renderbuffer);
void NamedFramebufferTextureEXT(uint framebuffer, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level);
void NamedFramebufferTextureLayerEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
uint texture,
int level, int layer);
void NamedFramebufferTextureFaceEXT(uint framebuffer, enum attachment,
uint texture,
int level, enum face);
void GetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum attachment,
enum pname,
int *params);
operate identically to the corresponding command (or query) where
"Named" is deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are dropped
or updated appropriately) except, rather than updating the currently
bound framebuffer for the framebuffer target parameter (a parameter
not present for these listed commands and query), these "Named"
commands update (or the query queries) the framebuffer object named by
the initial framebuffer parameter. The remaining parameters following
the initial framebuffer parameter for the listed "Named" commands
(or query) match the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named"
framebuffer command (or query) and are interpreted as they are for the
non-"Named" framebuffer command (or query); and the target parameter is
assumed to be FRAMEBUFFER. If the framebuffer object named by
the framebuffer parameter has not been previously bound or has been
deleted since the last binding, the GL first creates a new state
vector in the same manner as when BindFramebuffer creates a new
framebuffer object.
The commands
void FramebufferDrawBufferEXT(uint framebuffer, enum mode);
void FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT(uint framebuffer, sizei n,
const enum *bufs)
void FramebufferReadBufferEXT(uint framebuffer, enum mode);
operate identically to DrawBuffer, DrawBuffers, and ReadBuffer
(without the initial framebuffer parameter) respectively except rather
than updating the draw buffers or read buffer of the currently bound
framebuffer object or the default window-system-provided framebuffer
(i.e., FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is zero), these commands update the
draw buffers or read buffer of the framebuffer object named by the
framebuffer parameter. When the framebuffer parameter is zero,
the default window-system provided framebuffer is updated (even if
the window-system-provided framebuffer is not currently bound).
If the framebuffer object named by the framebuffer parameter has not
been previously bound or has been deleted since the last binding,
the GL first creates a new state vector in the same manner as when
BindFramebuffer creates a new framebuffer object.
The query
void GetFramebufferParameterivEXT(uint framebuffer, enum pname,
int *param);
returns the framebuffer state of the framebuffer object specified
by the framebuffer parameter. The pname parameter must be one of
framebuffer dependent values listed in either table 4.nnn (namely
The query returns the same value in param that GetIntegerv would
return if called with pname and param as if the framebuffer specified
by the framebuffer parameter had been bound with BindFramebuffer.
If the framebuffer object named by the framebuffer parameter has not
been previously bound or has been deleted since the last binding,
the GL first creates a new state vector in the same manner as when
BindFramebuffer creates a new framebuffer object.
The command
enum CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum target);
operates identically to CheckFramebufferStatus except rather
than checking the currently bound framebuffer for the framebuffer
target parameter, the status of the named framebuffer is checked
where the target parameter indicates how the framebuffer would
be bound. Because FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED can be returned by
CheckFramebufferStatus due to an implementation-dependent set of
restrictions that might not be known until the framebuffer object is
bound with BindFramebuffer, CheckNamedFramebufferStatusARB may in
rare circumstances (ideally never) return FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE
when CheckFramebufferStatus with the same framebuffer object bound
would return FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED. The framebuffer is checked
for drawing if target is FRAMEBUFFER or DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER,
and checked for reading if the target is READ_FRAMEBUFFER.
If the framebuffer object named by the framebuffer parameter has not
been previously bound or has been deleted since the last binding,
the GL first creates a new state vector in the same manner as when
BindFramebuffer creates a new framebuffer object.
The commands
void GenerateTextureMipmapEXT(uint texture, enum target);
void GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT(enum texunit, enum target);
operate identically to GenerateMipmap except they use the
texture specified by the named texture or specified texture unit
respectively. The target parameter must be a token accepted by
If GenerateTextureMipmapARB's texture parameter is for an unused
name, the name becomes used and the named texture object is set
to a new state vector, comprising all the state values listed in
section 3.8.11, set to the same initial values prior to the command's
state update. If the texture parameter is for a used name and that
named texture object has a different target than the specified target
parameter, the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (Special Functions)
In Section 5.4 (Display Lists):
Add to list (page 310) of "Client state" commands "not compiled into
the display list but are executed immediately":
PushClientAttribDefaultEXT, ClientAttribDefaultEXT
Add to list (page 310) of "Framebuffer and renderbuffer objects"
commands "not compiled into the display list but are executed
CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT, NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT,
NamedFramebufferTexture1DEXT, NamedFramebufferTexture2DEXT,
NamedFramebufferTexture3DEXT, NamedFramebufferRenderbufferEXT,
GenerateTextureMipmapEXT, GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT
Add to the list (page 310) of "Vertex Buffer Objects" commands
"not compiled into the display list but are executed immediately":
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (State and
State Requests)
Change section 6.1.1 (Simple Queries) so the second and third
paragraphs read:
"Indexed simple state variables are queried with the commands:
void GetBooleani_v(enum target, uint index, boolean *data);
void GetIntegeri_v(enum target, uint index, int *data);
void GetFloati_vEXT(enum target, uint index, float *data);
void GetDoublei_vEXT(enum target, uint index, double *data);
void GetBooleanIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, boolean *data);
void GetIntegerIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, int *data);
void GetFloatIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, float *data);
void GetDoubleIndexedvEXT(enum target, uint index, double *data);
target is the name of the indexed state and index is the index of
the particular element being queried. data is a pointer to a scalar
or array of the indicated type in which to place the returned data.
An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if index is outside the valide
range for the indexed state target.
Table 6.indexedGenericQueryCommands:
Selector-free Command Name GetXXX
-------------------------- --------------------
GetBooleanIndexedvEXT GetBooleanv
GetIntegerIndexedvEXT GetIntegerv
GetFloatIndexedvEXT GetFloatv
GetDoubleIndexedvEXT GetDoublev
GetBooleani_v GetBooleanv
GetIntegeri_v GetIntegerv
GetFloati_vEXT GetFloatv
GetDoublei_vEXT GetDoublev
When the target to one of these indexed queries is one
PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_EXT, the query operates indentically to
(assuming no errors):
int savedMatrixMode;
GetIntegerv(MATRIX_MODE, &savedMatrixMode);
switch (target) {
where GetXXX is found in Table 6.indexedGenericQueryCommands.
When the target to one of these indexed queries is one
GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, the query operates indentically (assuming
no errors) to:
int savedActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedActiveTexture);
GetXXX(target, params);
where GetXXX is found in Table 6.indexedGenericQueryCommands.
When the target to one of these indexed queries is one of
operates indentically (assuming no errors) to:
int savedClientActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedClientActiveTexture);
GetXXX(target, params);
where GetXXX is found in Table 6.indexedGenericQueryCommands.
boolean IsEnabled(enum value);
can be used to determine if value is currently enabled (as with
Enable) or disabled and the queries
boolean IsEnabledi(enum target, uint index);
boolean IsEnabledIndexedEXT(enum cap, uint index);
can be used to determine if the indexed state corresponding to target
and index is enabled or disabled. An INVALID_VALUE error is generated
if index is outside the valid range for the indexed state target.
When the target to IsEnabledi or IsEnabledIndexedEXT is
or TEXTURE_GEN_Q, the query operates indentically (assuming no
errors) to:
int savedActiveTexture;
boolean rv;
GetIntegerv(ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedActiveTexture);
rv = IsEnabled(cap);
return rv;
When the target to IsEnabledi or IsEnabledIndexedEXT is
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, the query operates indentically (assuming no
errors) to:
int savedClientActiveTexture;
boolean rv;
GetIntegerv(CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedClientActiveTexture);
rv = IsEnabled(cap);
return rv;"
Add new paragraph to the end of section 6.1.3 (Enumerated Queries):
"These commands
void GetTextureImageEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
enum format, enum type, void *pixels);
void GetTextureParameterfvEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetTextureParameterivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetTextureLevelParameterivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetTextureParameterIivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetTextureParameterIuivEXT(uint texture, enum target,
enum pname, uint *params);
operate identically to the corresponding texture query command where
"Texture" is substituted for "Tex" (and extension suffixes are dropped
or updated appropriately) except, rather than querying the current
bound texture for the texture unit indicated by the current active
texture state and the target parameter, these "Texture" commands
query the texture object named by the initial texture parameter.
The remaining parameters following the initial texture parameter
for the listed "Texture" commands match the parameters for the
corresponding "Tex" command and are interpreted as they are for the
"Tex" command." If the texture parameter is for an unused name, the
name becomes used and the named texture object is set to a new state
vector, comprising all the state values listed in section 3.8.11,
set to the same initial values prior to the command's state query.
If the texture parameter is for a used name and that named texture
object has a different target than the specified target parameter,
the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated. One consequence of this
error for commands that accepts TEXTURE_PROXY_* as a valid target
parameter (GetTextureLevelParameter*, but not GetTextureParameter*)
is TEXTURE_PROXY_* target tokens generate errors if used with a
non-zero texture parameter because the target of a non-default
(non-zero) texture object is never a proxy target."
Add new paragraph after the GetPointerv description in section 6.1.11
(Pointer and String Queries):
"The following query
void GetPointerIndexedvEXT(enum pname, uint index, void **params);
is equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
int savedClientActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedClientActiveTexture);
GetPointerv(pname, params);
where index is the index parameter to the listed queries and GetXXX
is found in Table 6.indexedGenericQueryCommands. when the pname
Add new paragraph to the end of section 6.1.13 (Buffer Object Queries):
"These commands
void GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT(uint buffer,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetNamedBufferPointervEXT(uint buffer,
enum pname, void* *params);
void GetNamedBufferSubDataEXT(uint buffer,
intptr offset, sizeiptr size, void *data);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Named" is
deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are dropped or updated
appropriately) except, rather than querying the currently bound buffer
for the buffer target parameter (a parameter not present for these
listed commands), these "Named" commands query the buffer object
named by the initial buffer parameter. The remaining parameters
following the initial buffer parameter for the listed "Named" commands
match the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named" buffer command
(except the target parameter is not needed because the buffer object
to query is identified by its name) and are interpreted as they
are for the non-"Named" buffer command. If the buffer object named
by the buffer parameter has not been previously bound or has been
deleted since the last binding, the GL first creates a new state
vector, initialized with a zero-sized memory buffer and comprising the
state values listed in table 2.6. There is no buffer corresponding
to the name zero, these commands generate the INVALID_OPERATION
error if the buffer parameter is zero."
Add new paragraph to the end of section after 6.1.14 (Vertex Array
Object Queries):
"The commands
void GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT(uint vaobj, enum pname,
int *param);
void GetVertexArrayPointervEXT(uint vaobj, enum pname,
void **param);
void GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT(uint vaobj,
uint index,
enum pname,
int *param);
void GetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT(uint vaobj,
uint index,
enum pname,
void **param);
queries the parameters of the vertex array object named by vaobj. For
GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT, pname must be one of the "Get value" tokens
in tables 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, and 6.9 that use GetIntegerv, IsEnabled, or
GetPointerv for their "Get command" (so excluding the VERTEX_ATTRIB_*
tokens). For GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT, pname must be one of the
"Get value" tokens in tables 6.8 and 6.9 that use GetVertexAttribiv
or GetVertexAttribPointerv (so allowing only the VERTEX_ATTRIB_*
tokens) or a token of the form TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY (the enable) or
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_*; index identifies the vertex attribute
array to query or texture coordinate set index respectively. For
GetVertexArrayPointervEXT, pname must be a *_ARRAY_POINTER token from
tables 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 excluding VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER. For
GetVertexArrayPointeri_vEXT, pname must be VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER
or TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER with the index parameter indicating
the vertex attribute or texture coordindate set index.
If the state queried by GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT or
GetVertexArrayVertexAttribIntegervEXT is maintained as a pointer,
the least significant bits of the pointer that fit within an int are
returned in case a pointer is larger than an int. This behavior
allows pointers treated as offsets (when less than 2^31) to be
returned as integer values.
If the vertex array object named by the vaobj parameter has not
been previously bound but has been generated (without subsequent
deletion) by GenVertexArrays, the GL first creates a new state
vector in the same manner as when BindVertexArray creates a new
vertex array object (hence the initial state will be returned).
However these queries fail and an INVALID_OPERATION error is
generated if vaobj is not a name returned from a previous call
to GenVertexArrays, or if such a name has since been deleted with
Add NEW section after 6.1.15 (Shader and Program Queries):
"16.1.X Multitexture Queries
These queries
void GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetMultiTexEnvivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetMultiTexGendvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord,
enum pname, double *params);
void GetMultiTexGenfvEXT(enum texunit, enum coord,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetMultiTexGenivEXT(enum texunit, enum coord,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetMultiTexImageEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
enum format, enum type, void *pixels);
void GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetMultiTexParameterivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
enum pname, uint *params);
void GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, float *params);
void GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT(enum texunit, enum target,
int level, void *img);
are equivalent (assuming no errors) to the following:
int savedActiveTexture, savedClientActiveTexture;
GetIntegerv(ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &savedActiveTexture);
where GetXXX is found in Table 6.MultiTexQueryCommands and
... is the list of the arguments for the command excluding the
index parameter.
Table 6.MultiTexQueryCommands:
Selector-free Command Name GetXXX
------------------------------ --------------------
GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT GetTexEnvfv
GetMultiTexEnvivEXT GetTexEnviv
GetMultiTexGendvEXT GetTexGendv
GetMultiTexGenfvEXT GetTexGenfv
GetMultiTexGenivEXT GetTexGeniv
GetMultiTexImageEXT GetTexImage
GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT GetTexParameterfv
GetMultiTexParameterivEXT GetTexParameteriv
GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT GetTexParameterIiv
GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT GetTexParameterIuiv
GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT GetTexLevelParameteriv
GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT GetTexLevelParameterfv
GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT GetCompressedTexImage
Add new paragraphs after the first paragraph of section 6.1.15
(Saving and Restoring State):
"The command
void ClientAttribDefaultEXT(bitfield mask);
resets portions of the client state, depending on the bits set
in the mask parameter, to the initial values of the state.
When CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT is set in mask, the pixel store
state is set to the initial values documented in table 6.23.
When CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT is set in mask, the client vertex
array state is set to the initial values documented in table 6.6,
6.7, and 6.8.
The command
void PushClientAttribDefaultEXT(bitfield mask);
is equivalent to:
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification (Invariance)
Interactions with the ARB_texture_rectangle specification
If ARB_texture_rectangle (or NV_texture_rectangle or
EXT_texture_rectangle) is NOT supported, ignore references to
section 3.8.16 and new section 6.1.X.
Interactions with the ARB_vertex_program specification
If ARB_vertex_program is NOT supported, ignore the support
and PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_EXT described for the
GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, GetFloatIndexedvEXT,
and GetDoubleIndexedvEXT commands in section 6.1.X.
Additions to the ARB_vertex_program specification
Add to the end of section 2.14.1 (Program Objects):
"This command
void NamedProgramStringEXT(uint program, enum target, enum format,
sizei len, const void *string);
operates identically to ProgramStringARB except, rather than
specifying the string for the currently bound program for the program
target parameter, NamedProgramStringARB specifies the program string
for the program object named by the initial program parameter.
If the program parameter is for an unused program, the name becomes
used and the named program object is set to a new program state
vector as if BindProgramARB had been called on the unused program
name with the given target parameter but without changing the target's
program binding.
If the program parameter is for a used name and that named program
object has a different target than the specified target parameter,
the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
These commands
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
double x, double y,
double z, double w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const double *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
float x, float y,
float z, float w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const float *params);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Named"
is deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are updated to
ARB appropriately) except, rather than updating the currently bound
program for the program target parameter (a parameter not present for
these listed commands), these "Named" commands update the program
object named by the initial program parameter. If the program
parameter is zero, then the target parameter selects the default
program of the specified target to update. The remaining parameters
following the initial program parameter for the listed "Named"
commands match the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named"
command and are interpreted as they are for the non-"Named" command.
If the program parameter is for an unused name, the name becomes
used and the named program object is assigned target-specific
default values (see section 2.14.7 for vertex programs or section
3.11.8 for fragment programs), set to the same initial values prior to
the command's state update. If the program parameter is for a used
name and that named program object has a different target than the
specified target parameter, the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Add to the end of section 6.1.12 (Program Queries):
"These queries
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
double *params);
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
float *params);
void GetNamedProgramivEXT(uint program, enum target,
enum pname, int *params);
void GetNamedProgramStringEXT(uint program, enum target,
enum pname, void *string);
operate identically to the corresponding query where "Named" is
deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are updated to ARB
appropriately) except, rather than querying the currently bound
program for the program target parameter (a parameter not present for
these listed query), these "Named" queries query the program object
named by the initial program parameter. If the program parameter
is zero, then the target parameter selects the default program of
the specified target to query. The remaining parameters following
the initial program parameter for the listed "Named" queries match
the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named" query and are
interpreted as they are for the non-"Named" query. If the program
parameter is for an unused name, the name becomes used and the named
program object is assigned target-specific default values (see section
2.14.7 for vertex programs or section 3.11.8 for fragment programs),
set to the same initial values prior to the query's state query.
If the program parameter is for a used name and that named program
object has a different target than the specified target parameter,
the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Additions to the EXT_gpu_program_parameters specification
Add to the end of section 2.14.1 (Program Objects):
"This command
void NamedProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index, sizei count,
const float *params);
operate identically to ProgramLocalParameters4fvEXT except, rather
than updating the currently bound program for the program target
parameter (a parameter not present for these listed commands), these
"Named" commands update the program object named by the initial
program parameter. If the program parameter is zero, then the
target parameter selects the default program of the specified target
to update. The remaining parameters following the initial program
parameter for the listed "Named" commands match the parameters for
the corresponding non-"Named" command and are interpreted as they
are for the non-"Named" command. If the program parameter is for
an unused name, the name becomes used and the named program object
is assigned target-specific default values (see section 2.14.7
for vertex programs or section 3.11.8 for fragment programs), set
to the same initial values prior to the command's state update.
If the program parameter is for a used name and that named program
object has a different target than the specified target parameter,
the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Additions to the NV_gpu_program4 specification
Add to the end of section 2.14.1 (Program Objects):
"These commands
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4iEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
int x, int y,
int z, int w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4ivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const int *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParametersI4ivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index, sizei count,
const int *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uiEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
uint x, uint y,
uint z, uint w);
void NamedProgramLocalParameterI4uivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index,
const uint *params);
void NamedProgramLocalParametersI4uivEXT(uint program, enum target,
uint index, sizei count,
const uint *params);
operate identically to the corresponding command where "Named"
is deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are updated to
NV appropriately) except, rather than updating the currently bound
program for the program target parameter (a parameter not present for
these listed commands), these "Named" commands update the program
object named by the initial program parameter. If the program
parameter is zero, then the target parameter selects the default
program of the specified target to update. The remaining parameters
following the initial program parameter for the listed "Named"
commands match the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named"
command and are interpreted as they are for the non-"Named" command.
If the program parameter is for an unused name, the name becomes
used and the named program object is assigned target-specific
default values (see section 2.14.7 for vertex programs or section
3.11.8 for fragment programs), set to the same initial values prior to
the command's state update. If the program parameter is for a used
name and that named program object has a different target than the
specified target parameter, the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Add to the end of section 6.1.12 (Program Queries):
"These queries
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIivEXT(uint program, enum target, uint index,
int *params);
void GetNamedProgramLocalParameterIuivEXT(uint program, enum target, uint index,
uint *params);
operate identically to the corresponding query where "Named" is
deleted from the name (and extension suffixes are updated to NV
appropriately) except, rather than querying the currently bound
program for the program target parameter (a parameter not present for
these listed query), these "Named" queries query the program object
named by the initial program parameter. If the program parameter
is zero, then the target parameter selects the default program of
the specified target to query. The remaining parameters following
the initial program parameter for the listed "Named" queries match
the parameters for the corresponding non-"Named" query and are
interpreted as they are for the non-"Named" query. If the program
parameter is for an unused name, the name becomes used and the named
program object is assigned target-specific default values (see section
2.14.7 for vertex programs or section 3.11.8 for fragment programs),
set to the same initial values prior to the query's state query.
If the program parameter is for a used name and that named program
object has a different target than the specified target parameter,
the INVALID_OPERATION error is generated."
Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or the EXT_texture_integer specification
If NEITHER OpenGL 3.0 nor EXT_texture_integer are supported, ignore
the support for TextureParameterIivARB, TextureParameterIuivARB,
GetTextureParameterIivARB, GetTextureParameterIuivARB,
MultiTexParameterIivARB, MultiTexParameterIuivARB,
GetMultiTexParameterIivARB, and GetMultiTexParameterIuivARB.
Interactions with the EXT_texture_buffer_object specification
If EXT_texture_buffer_object is NOT supported, ignore the support
for TextureBufferARB and MultiTexBufferARB.
Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or the APPLE_vertex_array_object
If NEITHER OpenGL 3.0 nor EXT_texture_integer are supported, ignore XXX
If either OpenGL 3.0 or APPLE_vertex_array_object is supported, then
ClientAttribDefaultARB also sets the VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING vertex-array
state to zero if the mask parameter has CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT set.
This means PushClientAttribDefaultARB also sets the
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_APPLE vertex-array state to zero after pushing
the client state. if the mask parameter has CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT
Interactions with EXT_geometry_shader4 or NV_gpu_program4
If both EXT_geometry_shader4 and NV_gpu_program4 are NOT
supported, ignore the support for NamedFramebufferTextureARB,
NamedFramebufferTextureLayerARB, and NamedFramebufferTextureFaceARB.
Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or EXT_framebuffer_blit
If NEITHER OpenGL 3.0 nor EXT_framebuffer_blit are supported,
ignore the references to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER and READ_FRAMEBUFFER in
the discussion of CheckNamedFramebufferStatusARB and do not allow
these tokens for the command's target parameter.
Interactions with OpenGL 3.0 or EXT_framebuffer_multisample
If NEITHER OpenGL 3.0 or EXT_framebuffer_multisample are supported,
ignore the support for NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleARB.
Interactions with NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage
If NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage is NOT supported, ignore the
support for NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageARB.
Interactions with the NV_explicit_multisample specification
If NV_explicit_multisample is NOT supported, ignore the
support for TextureRenderbufferARB, MultiTexRenderbufferARB,
Interactions with the NV_texture_cube_map_array specification
If NV_texture_cube_map_array is NOT supported, ignore the support
Interactions with OpenGL 3.0
If OpenGL 3.0 is NOT supported, ignore the support for
EnableClientStateiEXT, DisableClientStateiEXT, GetFloati_vEXT,
GetDoublei_vEXT, GetPointeri_vEXT, VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT,
VertexArrayColorOffsetEXT, VertexArrayEdgeFlagOffsetEXT,
VertexArrayIndexOffsetEXT, VertexArrayNormalOffsetEXT,
VertexArrayTexCoordOffsetEXT, VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT,
VertexArrayFogCoordOffsetEXT, VertexArraySecondaryColorOffsetEXT,
VertexArrayVertexAttribIOffsetEXT, EnableVertexArrayEXT,
DisableVertexArrayEXT, EnableVertexArrayAttribEXT,
DisableVertexArrayAttribEXT, GetVertexArrayIntegervEXT,
GetVertexArrayPointervEXT, GetVertexArrayVertexAttribParameterivEXT,
GetVertexArrayVertexAttribPointervEXT, MapNamedBufferRangeEXT,
and FlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT.
If OpenGL 3.0 is NOT supported, ignore references to Enablei,
Disablei, IsEnabledi, GetBooleani_v, and GetIntegeri_v.
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
GLX Protocol
XXX incomplete! ZZZZ values need to be registered!
XXX ARB_vertex_program support is specified.
The following rendering commands are sent to the server as part of a
glXRender request:
2 36 rendering command length
2 ZZZZ rendering command opcode
4 ENUM program
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 params[0]
4 FLOAT32 params[1]
4 FLOAT32 params[2]
4 FLOAT32 params[3]
2 48 rendering command length
2 ZZZZ rendering command opcode
4 ENUM program
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 params[0]
8 FLOAT64 params[1]
8 FLOAT64 params[2]
8 FLOAT64 params[3]
The NamedProgramStringEXT is potentially large, and hence can be
sent in a glXRender or glXRenderLarge request.
2 20+len+p rendering command length
2 ZZZZ rendering command opcode
4 ENUM program
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM format
4 sizei len
len LISTofBYTE program
p unused, p=pad(len)
If the command is encoded in a glxRenderLarge request, the command
opcode and command length fields above are expanded to 4 bytes each:
4 20+len+p rendering command length
4 ZZZZ rendering command opcode
The remaining commands are non-rendering commands. These commands are
sent separately (i.e., not as part of a glXRender or glXRenderLarge
request), using the glXVendorPrivateWithReply request:
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 ZZZZ vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM program
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n (number of parameter components)
if (n=1) this follows:
4 FLOAT32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 ZZZZ vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM program
4 CARD32 index
4 ENUM target
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n*2)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n (number of parameter components)
if (n=1) this follows:
8 FLOAT64 params
8 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 ZZZZ vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM program
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
4 INT32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 ZZZZ vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM program
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 (n+p)/4 reply length
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
16 unused
n STRING program
p unused, p=pad(n)
All the commands in this extension excepting ClientAttribDefaultEXT
are expressed in terms of existing GL commands and the error that
apply to those commands apply to the new commands. If an error
occurs for any of the commands introduced by this extension, any
selector used by the command is left undisturbed.
Several errors are truly "new" with this extension:
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by CopyTextureImage1DEXT,
CopyTextureImage2DEXT, CopyTextureSubImage1DEXT,
CopyTextureSubImage2DEXT, CopyTextureSubImage3DEXT,
GetCompressedTextureImageEXT, GetTextureImageEXT,
GetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT, GetTextureLevelParameterivEXT,
GetTextureParameterfvEXT, GetTextureParameterIivEXT,
GetTextureParameterIuivEXT, GetTextureParameterivEXT,
TextureBufferEXT, TextureImage1DEXT, TextureImage2DEXT,
TextureImage3DEXT, TextureParameterfEXT, TextureParameterfvEXT,
TextureParameteriEXT, TextureParameterIivEXT, TextureParameterIuivEXT,
TextureParameterivEXT, TextureSubImage1DEXT, TextureSubImage2DEXT,
TextureSubImage3DEXT, and GenerateMultiTexMipmapEXT if the target
parameter does not match the target type of the texture object named
by the texture parameter.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetNamedBufferParameterivEXT,
GetNamedBufferPointervEXT, GetNamedBufferSubDataEXT,
MapNamedBufferEXT, NamedBufferDataEXT, NamedBufferSubDataEXT, and
UnmapNamedBufferEXT if the buffer parameter is zero.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by ProgramUniform1fEXT,
ProgramUniform2fEXT, ProgramUniform3fEXT, ProgramUniform4fEXT,
ProgramUniform1iEXT, ProgramUniform2iEXT, ProgramUniform3iEXT,
ProgramUniform4iEXT, ProgramUniform1fvEXT, ProgramUniform2fvEXT,
ProgramUniform3fvEXT, ProgramUniform4fvEXT, ProgramUniform1ivEXT,
ProgramUniform2ivEXT, ProgramUniform3ivEXT, ProgramUniform4ivEX,
ProgramUniformMatrix2fvEXT, ProgramUniformMatrix3fvEXT,
ProgramUniformMatrix4fvEXT, ProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv,
ProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv, ProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv,
ProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv, ProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv,
ProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv, ProgramUniform1uiEXT, ProgramUniform2uiEXT,
ProgramUniform3uiEXT, ProgramUniform4uiEXT, ProgramUniform1uivEXT,
ProgramUniform2uivEXT, ProgramUniform3uivEXT, and
ProgramUniform4uivEXT if the program named by the program parameter
has not been successfully linked.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by NamedProgramLocalParameter4dEXT,
NamedProgramLocalParameter4dvEXT, NamedProgramLocalParameter4fEXT,
NamedProgramLocalParameter4fvEXT, GetNamedProgramLocalParameterdvEXT,
GetNamedProgramLocalParameterfvEXT, GetNamedProgramivEXT, and
GetNamedProgramStringEXT if the program named by the program parameter
does not exist.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MultiTexCoordPointerEXT,
VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT, MultiTexEnvfEXT, MultiTexEnvfvEXT,
MultiTexEnviEXT, MultiTexEnvivEXT, MultiTexGendEXT, MultiTexGendvEXT,
MultiTexGenfEXT, MultiTexGenfvEXT, MultiTexGeniEXT, MultiTexGenivEXT,
MultiTexParameteriEXT, MultiTexParameterivEXT, MultiTexParameterfEXT,
MultiTexParameterfvEXT, MultiTexParameterIivEXT,
MultiTexParameterIuivEXT, MultiTexImage1DEXT, MultiTexImage2DEXT,
MultiTexSubImage1DEXT, MultiTexSubImage2DEXT, CopyMultiTexImage1DEXT,
CopyMultiTexImage2DEXT, CopyMultiTexSubImage1DEXT,
CopyMultiTexSubImage2DEXT, MultiTexImage3DEXT, MultiTexSubImage3DEXT,
CopyMultiTexSubImage3DEXT, MultiTexBufferEXT, GetMultiTexEnvfvEXT,
GetMultiTexEnvivEXT, GetMultiTexGendvEXT, GetMultiTexGenfvEXT,
GetMultiTexGenivEXT, GetMultiTexImageEXT, GetMultiTexParameterfvEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterivEXT, GetMultiTexParameterIivEXT,
GetMultiTexParameterIuivEXT, GetMultiTexLevelParameterivEXT,
GetMultiTexLevelParameterfvEXT, and GetCompressedMultiTexImageEXT if
the texunit parameter names a texture unit that is greater or equal in
number to the implementations limit for maximum texture image units.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT if a
color buffer not currently allocated to the GL context is specified.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT if <n>
is greater than the state MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT if value
in <bufs> does not correspond to one of the allowed buffers.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferDrawBuffersEXT if a
draw buffer other then NONE is specified more then once in <bufs>.
New State
New Implementation Dependent State
NVIDIA Implementation Details
NVIDIA drivers prior to 330.00 (August 2013) have a bug where
glMultiTexGeniEXT acts identically to glTexGeni (so glMultiTexGeniEXT
ignores its texture unit parameter).
As a workaround, use glMultiTexGenivEXT. So problematic code written
glMultiTexGeniEXT(texUnit, coord, pname, value);
can be rewritten as:
GLenum pvalue = value;
glMultiTexGenivEXT(texUnit, coord, pname, &pvalue);
NVIDIA drivers prior to 330.00 (August 2013) do not support
the glEnableVertexArrayEXT and glDisableVertexArrayEXT with the
GL_TEXTUREi tokens and instead generate a GL_INVALID_ENUM error.
See issue 32. The only workaround is to change the texture
unit selector (glActiveTexture) and bind the vertex array
object (glBindVertexArray) and call glEnable or glDisable with
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY. Alternatively use generic vertex attribute
arrays instead of texture coordinate arrays.
(0) What is changed from version 1.0 to version 1.1 of this extension
to support OpenGL 3.0?
RESOLVED: Changes are primarily cosmetic except the addition
of API for selector-free access to vertex array objects since
that functionality is part of OpenGL 3.0:
1) Update all references to section numbering to OpenGL 3.0
section numbers.
2) Where EXT extensions have become part of OpenGL 3.0, refer
to the functionality as part of OpenGL 3.0 rather than by
extension name.
3) New selector-free API for vertex buffer objects since these
were introduced by OpenGL 3.0. The EXT version specified
a necessary glClientAttribDefaultEXT interaction with
APPLE_vertex_buffer_object but didn't provide an selector-free
API for vertex buffer objects.
4) Add new selector-free API for fine control over mapping
buffer subranges into client space (glMapNamedBufferRangeEXT)
and flushing modified data (glFlushMappedNamedBufferRangeEXT).
5) Add OpenGL 3.0-style aliases for the version 1.0 commands
and queries that have "Indexed" in the name. OpenGL 3.0 has a
convention where an "i" indexed indexed commands and queries.
For example, glGetFloati_v and glGetFloatIndexedvEXT are
identical queries. Likewise glEnableClientStateIndexedEXT and
glEnableClientStateiEXT are identical commands.
(1) What should this extension be called?
RESOLVED: EXT_direct_state_access
"direct" means state updates and queries are not indirected
through a selector such as the matrix mode, active texture
unit, active client texture unit, current texture binding,
current vertex/fragment/geometry program, current GLSL program,
or current buffer binding.
"state" so there's not confusion about what this extension
provides direct access to (not direct access to the hardware or
the framebuffer, etc.).
"access" is because this extension applies to both queries (reads)
and updates (writes) of OpenGL state. Access is general enough
to encompass both queries and updates.
(2) Should we have a "direct_state_access" extension for each type
of OpenGL state involved (matrix, program, GLSL, texture unit,
texture object) or have one uber-extension? For example,
EXT_direct_matrix_access, EXT_direct_texture_access, etc.
RESOLVED: One uber-extension.
This extension introduces no additional hardware functionality
but rather provides commands to perform state updates and queries
without having to change (and possibly query and restore) API
The dependencies sections make it clear that if some functionality
(say, GLSL) is not supported, implementations supporting this
extension ignore the direct access API for the particular missing
This simplifies the burden on applications to use the new direct
access API. When this extension is supported, the application can
assume all functionality supported by their respective extensions
is available through the direct access commands introduced by
this extension.
(3) Explain the methodology for naming selector-free commands.
The naming conventions seek to maximize consistency but
differences between the various selectors and command subsets
dictate differences in approach.
The chosen naming conventions has two guiding principles: 1)
making the selector-free commands similar to the existing
selector-based commands in naming but also clearly and
consistently distinguished (at least within each group of
commands) from the existing selector-based commands to which
selector-free commands correspond by a simple pattern, and 2)
being conscious of the length in characters of the resulting
command names.
Selector-less matrix commands all start glMatrix* (rather than gl*
or gl*Matrix[fd] for the corresponding selector-based commands).
Rationale: The selector-based matrix commands have the
classic verb-noun format (example: glLoadMatrixf) described
in Kurt Akeley's "Syntax Rules for OpenGL Extensions" document
(henceforth abbreviated SRfOE) while the selector-free versions
have a noun-verb format. This variance from SRfOE conventions
is deemed warranted for the sake of consistent naming of all the
selector-free matrix commands.
The alternative of using "NamedMatrix" as a suffix to the
matrix commands was considered (example: glLoadNamedMatrixf
rather than glLoadMatrixf) but most matrix commands do not
contain the word Matrix so this leads to awkward constructions
such as glFrustumNamedMatrix and glLoadIdentityNamedMatrix.
glMatrixFrustum and glMatrixLoadIdentity were preferred despite
the variance this creates with SRfOE. Also considered was
adding "Named" or "NamedMatrix" as a prefix to the matrix
commands (example: glNamedLoadMatrixf, glNamedFrustum,
glNamedLoadIdentity; or glNamedMatrixLoadMatrixf,
glNamedMatrixFrustum, glNamedMatrixLoadIdentity). But the
"Named" prefix is awkward because it is not the frustum,
etc. that is named but rather a matrix. The "NamedMatrix" prefix
becomes awkward because of the length of the resulting commands
while having a noun-verb format. The "Matrix" prefixed format
(where "Matrix" appears in the command name only once) provides
consistency of naming and minimizes command name length but
at the consistency cost of varying with the SRfOE's verb-noun
Selector-less texture object commands all start glTexture*
or glGetTexture* (rather than glTex* and glGetTex* for the
corresponding selector-based commands).
Rationale: SRfOE states "Tex" is an abbreviation for "Texture"
in command names. However in the context of texture objects, the
abbreviated "Texture" is used instead (example: glIsTexture,
not glIsTex). The abbreviation "Tex" is used when texture is
used as an adjective to describe state being specified (examples:
glTexParameter* and glTexImage*). The unabbreviated "Texture"
is used as a noun in command names.
The selector-free texture object commands use the unabbreviated
"Texture" as an adjective since a texture object is accessed
directly where the "Tex" commands refer to texture state accessed
indirectly based on the currently bound texture object.
Selector-less multitexture texture unit commands and queries
all replace "Tex" with "MultiTex" and a new initial texunit
identifies the texture unit by token (mimicking how TexCoord2f
is MultiTexCoord2f for multitexture immediate mode).
Selector-less generic enables (glEnable, glDisable)
for texture unit enables make use of the convention for
indexed queries introduced by EXT_draw_buffers2 and also
used by EXT_transform_feedback so use glEnableIndexedEXT and
Selector-less generic queries (glGetIntegerv, glGetFloatv,
glGetPointerv, etc) for texture unit state make use
of the convention for indexed queries introduced by
EXT_draw_buffers2 and also used by EXT_transform_feedback so use
glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT, glGetFloatIndexedvEXT,
glGetDoubleIndexedvEXT, glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT, and
OpenGL 3.0 introduced a new naming convention for indexed
state enables and queries so glGetIntegeri_v, glGetFloati_vEXT,
glGetDoublei_vEXT, and glGetBooleani_v, glIsEnabledi operate
identically respectively to the prior indexed query list.
Selector-less buffer object commands all start with glNamedBuffer
or glGetNamedBuffer.
Selector-less program parameter commands (for
ARB_vertex_program-based extensions) all start glNamedProgram
or glGetNamedProgram.
Selector-less uniform commands for GLSL all start glProgramUniform.
Selector-less framebuffer object commands all start
with glNamedFramebufer, glGetNamedFramebuffer, or
glCheckNamedFramebuffer. The selector-less framebuffer
control commands are glFramebufferDrawBufferEXT,
glFramebufferDrawBuffersEXT, and glFramebufferReadBufferEXT.
Selector-less renderbuffer object commands all start
with glNamedRenderbuffer or glGetNamedRenderbuffer.
(4) Should the selector-free glTexture* and glNamedProgram* commands
and glGetTexture* and glGetNamedProgram* queries have target
parameters (for passing GL_TEXTURE_2D or GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB,
It would be desirable to update a texture parameter for a given
texture object without having to know the target of the texture
object. For example, one could change the GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER
of a texture object without knowing if the texture object was
a 1D, 2D, 3D, or cube map texture.
As desirable as that might be, OpenGL's texture target scheme
makes that difficult in general for several reasons.
First, a side-effect of glBindTexture is that a texture object of
the indicated target is created if the specified texture object
name does not map to an existent texture object. In this case,
a texture object of the specified target is created and its state
is initialized to the initial texture object state based on the
specified target. The selector-free texture object commands
should operate the same way if a non-existent texture object
is specified.
Second, cube maps have face-specific targets
(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, etc.) as well as the
face-independent target (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP). Commands for
texture image specification (glTexImage2D, etc.) and query
(glGetTexImage) require the target parameter to select the
appropriate face.
Assembly program commands have a similar need for a target
parameter. Calling glBindProgramARB is specified to create an
empty program of the specified target type of the bind.
Semantically, glTexture* commands (and glGetTexture* queries) are
semantically equivalent of performing a glBindTexture followed
atomically by the equivalent glTex* command (or equivalent
glGetTex* query).
Likewise semantically, glNamedProgram* commands (and
glGetNamedProgram* queries) are semantically equivalent of
performing a glBindProgramARB followed atomically by the
equivalent glProgram* command (or equivalent glGetProgram* query).
Note that buffer commands do not have this same need for a target
parameter in their selector-less form.
(5) The OpenGL API has "latched" state. Explain latched state
and how this extension addresses latched state.
RESOLVED: Examples of latched state in the OpenGL API are the
current array and array element buffers and the pixel store
pack/unpack state. Latched stated is all client-side state
(pixel store or vertex array).
The state of the current array buffer acts as an extra parameter
to all the gl*Pointer calls to configure vertex arrays. The state
of the current element array buffer acts as an extra parameter to
the glDrawElements family of commands. The pixel store unpack
state acts as a collection of extra parameters to glTexImage*,
glTexSubImage*, glDrawPixels, glBitmap, glColorTable,
glPolygonStipple, glConvolutionFilter*, etc. The pixel store pack
state acts as a collection of extra parameters to glReadPixels,
glGetTexImage, glGetColorTable, etc.
Whereas a selector is an extra parameter that designates what
state variable is to be updated or queried, latched state is
actual state values the command uses to update other state
variables or control the operation of the command.
Latched state is similar in its undesirability for layered
libraries because it requires OpenGL state variables to be
modified to update particular state variables or control the
operation of the command.
Fixing the latched state problem with additional API is involved
because it would require introducing a new command for every
existing OpenGL command accepting a pointer to specify vertex
arrays or pixel data or transform feedback buffer with a "uint
buffer, intptr offset" set of parameters rather than a pointer.
This extension addresses latched state by adding a new command
glClientAttribDefaultEXT that uses its mask parameter to set all
the client vertex array or pixel store state to its default state.
The glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT performs the
glClientAttribDefaultEXT in combination with a glPushClientAttrib
command. This provides an inexpensive way to save-and-restore the
latched client state so layered libraries that want well-defined
latched client state can use these commands.
Because the state affected by glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT
and glClientAttribDefaultEXT is all client-side, this state
is inexpensive to update (unlike the glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib
Some consideration was given to providing extra mask bits to
control just the vertex array enables (to disable them all) or
pixel store pack and unpack state independently (just the pack
or just the unpack state). The entire set of vertex array and
pixel store state is compact enough that it doesn't make sense
to add extra mask bits for subsets of the state.
(6) How is the expense of a per-command specified texture object,
assembly program object, buffer object, or GLSL program object
name lookup minimized?
RESOLVED: Modern OpenGL driver implementations implementing
this extension are expected to cache most recently used object
names so accessing the last name repeatedly is fast.
The details of this is left up to the OpenGL implementation but
developers can expect consecutive direct access commands to the
same named object will be efficient.
(7) What should the selector-free glBindTexture routine be called?
RESOLVED: glBindMultiTextureEXT
This name shares the same "Multi" subword with the other routines
(glMultiTexGen*, glMultiTexEnv*, glMultiTexParameter*, etc.).
The name uses "MultiTexture" instead of simply "MultiTex" because
the glBindMultiTextureEXT command takes a texture object parameter
(hence "Texture" instead of "Tex" used for texture unit-based
commands) as well as a texture unit parameter.
(8) Should glGetIntegeri_v, glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT, glIsEnabledi,
glIsEnabledIndexedEXT, etc. work of all query tokens or just
query tokens for indexed state such as query tokens where the
active texture or client active texture apply?
RESOLVED: Just for query tokens for indexed state.
This is consistent with how EXT_draw_buffers2 and
EXT_transform_feedback work for their Indexed commands.
How the index parameter is interpreted depends on the queried state.
For texture related state the index refers to the active texture unit
or active client texture unit appropriately.
Said index texture tokens are:
For EXT_draw_buffers2 or EXT_transform_feedback queries, the
index refers to the draw buffer or transform feedback buffer
(9) Why does the equivalent code for glGetIntegeri_v,
glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT, glIsEnabledi, glIsEnabledIndexedEXT,
etc. save and restore the active texture and client active
texture state appropriately?
RESOLVED: Most query tokens use the active texture but some
(those starting with GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY involving vertex
arrays) use the client active texture.
For historical reasons, glEnable/glDisable can be used to
enable/disable client state that would be better enabled/disabled
with glEnableClientState/glDisableClientState.
The appropriate selector (active texture or client active texture)
is saved or restored based on the query target.
(10) Can these selector-free state update commands be compiled into
display lists?
The object name, texture unit, or matrix mode parameter is
compiled into the display list by-value like any other value
This capability to compile selector-free commands into display
lists is one of the significant benefits of this extension.
Prior to this extension, the only reliable way to update
state for a particular texture unit, matrix, buffer, or
texture without disturbing OpenGL selector state was using
glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib which is too expensive to be practical.
However the glGet* selector-free commands, being queries, cannot
be compiled into display lists.
(11) Why are there no glGetProgramUniform* query commands for GLSL?
RESOLVED: OpenGL 2.0 already has glGetUniform* query commands
that accept a program parameter as a parameter so are already
(12) Is glMatrixLoadfEXT(GL_TEXTURE, matrixData), etc. legal?
This will update the texture matrix based on the current active
texture. This avoids the matrix mode selector but still relies
on the active texture selector.
Use GL_TEXTUREn where n is the texture unit to reference a
specific texture unit's texture matrix without changing either
the matrix mode or active texture state.
(13) Some glTex* and glGetTex* routines accept proxy targets. How do
proxy textures work with the selector-free commands?
RESOLVED: Proxy targets work with the glTex* (glTexImage*)
and glGetTex* (glGetTexLevelParameter*) commands that support
proxy textures BUT the texture name must be 0 to avoid a
This is a consequence of the requirement that the target parameter
must match the target of the named texture object.
Only the texture object name zero (which exists for all the
supported texture targets, including proxies) exists as a
proxy target.
This should work:
GLuint texobj = 0;
GLint width;
glTexureImage2D(texobj, GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,
0, GL_RGB, 32, 32, 0, GL_RGB,
glGetTextureLevelParameterivEXT(texobj, GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,
if (width > 0) {
// 32x32 RGB texture supported by implementation
} else {
// 32x32 RGB texture NOT supported by implementation
This same code would generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error if
texobj was a non-zero value.
(14) What does glClientAttribDefaultEXT(GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT) do?
RESOLVED: It is equivalent to:
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, 0);
glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0);
Note both the pack and unpack state are set to their initial
Keep in mind that the initial unpack/pack alignment of 4, while
the specified initial value, is often surprising to OpenGL
developers who expect the alignment to be 1.
(15) What does glClientAttribDefaultEXT(GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT) do?
RESOLVED: It is equivalent to:
int i;
GLint max;
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
glEdgePointer(0, 0);
glIndexPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glSecondaryColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glFogCoordPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS, &max);
for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
glClientActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
glTexCoordPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glVertexPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glWeightPointerARB(0, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &max);
for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
glVertexAttribPointer(i, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
Keep in mind the initial state of the vertex array enable
is disabled. Applications will typically at least
want glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) called after
glClientAttribDefaultEXT(GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT) for this
(16) Should glGetFloatIndexedvEXT and glGetDoubleIndexedvEXT return
values for non-texture state parameters similar to the parameters
that work for glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT and glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT
that EXT_draw_buffers2, EXT_transform_feedback, and
NV_transform_feedback support?
RESOLVED: glGetFloatIndexedvEXT and glGetDoubleIndexedvEXT
should accept without error parameter tokens supported
by glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT and glGetBooleanIndexedvEXT
through the EXT_draw_buffers2, EXT_transform_feedback, and
NV_transform_feedback extensions. In these cases, GLfloat or
GLdouble values respectively of the indexed state should be
The EXT_draw_buffers2 extension specifically considered adding
glGetFloatIndexedvEXT and glGetDoubleIndexedvEXT queries but
left them out since none of the indexed state introduced was
floating-point. This extension adds floating-point indexed state
and so adds glGetFloatIndexedvEXT and glGetDoubleIndexedvEXT
and thereby enhances the functionality of these unrelated
extensions supporting glGetIndexedv, etc. by introducing
glGetFloatIndexedvEXT and glGetDoubleIndexedvEXT and expecting
them to operate consistently with glGetIntegerIndexedvEXT except
returning GLfloat and GLdouble versions of the queried state
Following the OpenGL 3.0 function naming convention for indexed
state, version 1.1 of this specification adds glGetFloati_vEXT
and glGetDoublei_vEXT queries.
(17) Should there be a selector-free way to query the "program"
matrices introduced by ARB_vertex_program?
glGetFloati_vEXT, glGetFloatIndexedvEXT, etc. query the program
matrices specified by GL_MATRIX0_ARB, etc.
The ARB_vertex_program (and NV_vertex_program) introduced the
GL_CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB query tokens to get back the
current matrix based on the glMatrixMode state. This avoided
adding a large set of tokens to query the matrix, transpose
matrix, and matrix stack depth for all the program matrices.
But this made querying these matrices always dependent on the
matrix mode selector. The indexed glGet queries are allow
indexed access to the program matrices but the above new query
tokens must be added for this purpose.
(18) How does this extension interact with APPLE_vertex_array_object?
client vertex-array state so glClientAttribDefaultEXT and
glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT should, when their mask parameter has
state to its initial value of zero.
This could go unsaid if the APPLE_vertex_array_object
specification explicitly listed the VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_APPLE
state in one of tables 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8.
(19) glGetProgramivARB queries per-program state corresponding to
the current program for the specified target but also queries
per-target state. Should glGetNamedProgramivEXT return
only per-program state and not per-target state? Or should
glGetNamedProgramivEXT return both per-program and per-target
RESOLVED: glGetNamedProgramivEXT should accept the same pname
parameters as glGetProgramivARB and thus should handle BOTH
per-program AND per-target queries.
However glGetNamedProgramivEXT does require the specified
program object's target must match the specified (supported)
target parameter otherwise an INVALID_OPERATION error occurs.
Program object zero applies to all program targets so specifying
program object zero avoids the possibility of this error.
This resolution avoids having to keep a list of allowed
per-program vs. disallowed per-target tokens up-to-date with
future extensions.
The ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program per-target
program query tokens are GL_PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB,
The NV_parameter_buffer_object extension adds
The ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program per-program
program query tokens are GL_PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB,
The NV_gpu_program4 extension adds GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_EXT,
(20) When multiple contexts are sharing objects such as textures,
programs, and/or buffers what expectations exist for when other
contexts will see the state updates to textures, programs,
and buffers manipulated by this extension?
RESOLVED: This extension doesn't change the expected semantics
for multiple context sharing objects within a share group, but
this is an appropriate place to document these expectations for
both developers and implementers.
Object state updates are visible in two ways: 1) queries return
the current (most recently updated) state, and 2) rendering
results are affected by the updated state.
When a context updates objects, that updating context must observe
those updates immediately for both queries and rendering results.
This is a strong requirement for "sequential consistency" of
updates and queries based on the context's own sequential stream
of commands and queries.
Queries by other OpenGL rendering contexts in the same share
group with a context updating some shared OpenGL object must
observe the effect of another context's update with "transactional
consistency". Program state updates and queries are treated as
"transactions" that must be consistent with some serialized order.
Implementations typically achieved this by guaranteeing mutual
exclusion for all object updates and queries. This is a strong
consistency requirement.
Rendering results based on updated state are subject to a
weaker consistency requirement. Rendering results by other
OpenGL rendering contexts in the same share group with a context
updating some shared OpenGL object may see a stale version of
the object's state if the those contexts sharing the object are
bound to the object when the state update occurs.
Even so, the stale values of the object's state must always
represent a consistent state of the object transactionally
consistent when the object was last "bound" or otherwise used
for rendering. We refer to this weaker consistency as "bind
This requirement means, for example, a texture object should NEVER
observe the red and green components to be from one state update
while the red and alpha components correspond to a subsequent
state update.
A context other than the context performing an update is
guaranteed to see a "transactional consistent" view of an
object's state when the context next processes a command to bind
or otherwise "use" an object for rendering. However if the
object being updated is currently bound or "used" by another
context, when this update is observed is not well-defined.
So to guarantee an up-to-date version of a bound object's state,
the context must re-bind to the updated object.
(UNRESOLVED: Should a re-bind require binding to a different
object and then binding back to the object, or is simply rebinding
to the same name already bound enough? As a performance
optimization, an OpenGL implementation may treat binding to
an already bound object as a no-op. However it would be nice
if binding to any already bound object at least checked if the
object had been updated since the last bind and, if an update
has occurred, update the context's view of the object used for
Some examples (with serialized order shown):
Sequential consistency for one thread:
thread A:
glBindMultiTextureEXT(GL_TEXTURE1, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 23);
glEnablei(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1);
glDrawElements(...); // first render
glDrawElements(...); // second render
The first render must observer texture 23 using GL_LINEAR
minification filtering while the second render must observe
GL_NEAREST minification filtering.
Transactional consistency for queries by multiple sharing
thread A:
glGetTextureParameteriv(23, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, &geti1);
thread B:
thread A:
glGetTextureParameteriv(23, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, &geti2);
geti1 should return GL_LINEAR bug geti2 should return GL_NEAREST.
Bind consistency for rendering by multiple sharing contexts:
thread A:
glBindMultiTextureEXT(GL_TEXTURE1, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 23);
glEnablei(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1);
thread B:
thread A:
glDrawElements(...); // first render
glBindMultiTextureEXT(GL_TEXTURE1, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 23);
glDrawElements(...); // second render
The first render may or may not observe the minification
filter be set to GL_NEAREST; an implementation could use the
stale GL_LINEAR state. The second render should observe the
minification filter be set to GL_NEAREST.
Perhaps a bind away might be required for consistency, binding
away from 23, then back to 23:
thread A:
glBindMultiTextureEXT(GL_TEXTURE1, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
glBindMultiTextureEXT(GL_TEXTURE1, GL_TEXTURE_2D, 23);
glDrawElements(...); // second render
(20) Should direct access commands and queries be added for
renderbuffer and framebuffer objects?
These should be added for completeness.
(21) Should the Named framebuffer and renderbuffer object commands take
a target parameter in addition to the initial GLuint
framebuffer/renderbuffer parameter?
RESOLVED: No, except for CheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT (see
the next issue).
The rationale for including a target parameter for the texture
commands is that the default texture object zero and cube map
face targets need the target for disambiguation.
Likewise assembly programs needs a target parameter to know
how source text should be parsed, etc. Programs really have
different target types (vertex, geometry, fragment).
Buffer objects do not include a target parameter in their Named
commands because the target identifies the binding point for the
buffer while buffers themselves do not have a target type so the
target is relevant for binding buffers, but not accessing buffers.
The only legal values for target or RENDERBUFFER and
FRAMEBUFFER respectively so there is really one type of
renderbuffer and framebuffer respectively.
The target parameter could be used by future extensions but
so far the several extensions that extend framebuffer and
renderbuffer objects already (EXT_framebuffer_multisample,
NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage, EXT_geometry_shader4,
and NV_gpu_program4) maintain a single legal framebuffer and
renderbuffer target value.
This does not preclude new binding targets for renderbuffer or
framebuffers in the way buffer objects support lots of binding
targets but buffers themselves are target-free (unlike textures
and programs).
(22) How should the target parameter work for
RESOLVED: The target parameter determines whether the status
check is for reading or drawing.
OpenGL 3.0 (by incorporating the EXT_framebuffer_blit extension)
A framebuffer object may be supported for drawing but perhaps
not reading (or vice versa). glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT
uses its target parameter to determine whether the check is for
reading or writing.
Because glCheckFramebufferStatus allows for "an
implementation-dependent set of restrictions" for
which GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED may be returned,
it is possible for glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT
to return GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE when binding to
the framebuffer object with glBindFramebuffer and
then calling glCheckFramebufferStatus may generate
GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE may be returned, it is possible
for glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT could return still return
Despite this allowance, the intent here however is that an
application should be able to create a framebuffer object and
determine in most cases that a framebuffer object can be supported
with glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT.
(23) Do we need glFramebufferDrawBufferEXT, glFramebufferDrawBuffersEXT
and glFramebufferReadBufferEXT commands?
UNRESOLVED: Yes, add them.
The READ_BUFFER and DRAW_BUFFER state is per-framebuffer object
and glDrawBuffers, glReadBuffer, and glDrawBuffer update the
currently bound framebuffer object. These commands use the
current framebuffer object binding as a selector so there should
be selector-free versions of this commands.
Since these commands didn't have Framebuffer in the name before,
we avoid saying "NamedFramebuffer" in the commands.
(24) Should there be a selector-free way to query the Framebuffer
Dependent Values (table 9.nnn) for a named framebuffer object?
It makes sense to provide selector-free queries for API-settable
but framebuffer dependent values of a framebuffer object state
are really derived state value and depends on the status of a
framebuffer object bind.
OpenGL 3.0 (by incorporating the EXT_framebuffer_object)
describes per-framebuffer object state in its tables 4.nnn
and 9.nnn. The framebuffer object API allows this state to be
queried with glGetIntegerv, etc. based on the current framebuffer
object binding (a selector). The glGetFramebufferParameteriv
command queries table 4.nnn state, but not table 9.nnn state.
Issue #25 in the EXT_framebuffer_object specification is relevant
here. Issue #25 (the issue could be more clear...) indicates
that zero may be returned if a given buffer is not attached
(the case where the framebuffer object is inconsistent).
The GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED status can occur due to "an
implementation-dependent set of restrictions". Presumably these
restrictions might not be evaluated until glBindFramebuffer
time. This blanket "didn't work" status means the appropriate
per-framebuffer state may not be determined without binding to
the framebuffer object.
A future revision of this specification (such as its integration
into an FBO-enabled core specification) may wish to reconsider
this issue and add table 9.nnn state to the state queriable by
If so, there should also be a query
glGetFramebufferMultisamplefvEXT for NV_explicit_multisample
for similar reasons.
void GetFramebufferMultisamplefvEXT(uint framebuffer,
enum pname, uint index,
float *val);
(25) Should the selector-free versions of various OpenGL 3.0 and
EXT_framebuffer_object framebuffer object commands not be allowed
in display lists when the selector-based versions are specified
to not be compiled into display lists?
RESOLVED: Yes, keep this same restriction.
It is unfortunate that commands such as glGenerateMipmap
are explicitly specified to not be compiled into display lists;
this extension simply retains these same restrictions.
(26) Direct state access commands and queries can implicit object
initialization when provided unused object names. If implicit
object initialization is required but the command would
subsequently generate an error, should the object be initialized
and the name now be used?
RESOLVED: Yes, an object for an unused name can be initialized
but if the command generates an error, the object should still
be initialized and the name now used.
Most OpenGL commands (excepting GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY errors) are
ignored if an error occurs.
Direct state access commands are an exception because they
should be "morally equivalent" to doing a glBind* followed by
the selector-based command. For example:
GLuint update2D = 27;
glTextureImage2D(update2D, GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...);
should be morally equivalent to:
GLuint update2D = 27;
GLint bound2D;
glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &bound2D);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, update2D);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ...);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, bound2D);
If the ... arguments to glTexImage2D and glTextureImage2D
resulted in an error (say a GL_INVALID_ENUM), in both cases we
want texture object 27 to exist after the sequence.
The rationale for this behavior is an application lacking
EXT_direct_state_access should be able to generate equivalent
command sequences and have "morally equivalent" error behavior.
It is deemed undesirable for an non-EXT_direct_state_access path
to behave differently (initializing unused objects on glBind*)
despite an error in the subsequent state-setting command or
state-querying query.
(27) How many entry points are introduced?
This extension adds just 3 tokens but specifies 214 functions
(192 for version 1.0 plus 22 for OpenGL 3.0 support added by
version 1.1).
Technically 5 of these functions were previously introduced by
EXT_draw_buffers2 and are now part of OpenGL 3.0.
OpenGL 2.1 and 3.0 contains 583 and 666 functions respectively.
So the OpenGL 2.1 subset of EXT_direct_state_access is +22%
more functions beyond OpenGL 2.1's function set.
By comparison, OpenGL 2.0 added 93 functions (primarily for GLSL
support) to OpenGL 1.5's 484 functions, a +19% increase in the
function set. OpenGL 3.0 added 83 new functions.
OpenGL's immediate mode API function count is considerably
larger than the number of EXT_direct_state_access functions.
There are 212 "vertex attribute" functions (counting all core
OpenGL 2.1 glVertex*, glColor*, glSecondaryColor*, glNormal*,
glTexCoord*, glMultiTexCoord*, glVertexAttrib*, glMaterial*,
glRasterPos*, and glWindowPos* variants).
So the core EXT_direct_state_access function count is 63% of
the count of core OpenGL 2.1 "vertex attribute" functions.
Another way to measure the footprint of EXT_direct_state_access
is in terms of the optimized compiled user-space driver
the size (text+data) of a modern Windows XP OpenGL driver
supporting EXT_direct_state_access compared to the same
driver without EXT_direct_state_access supported compiled in.
The EXT_direct_state_access driver is +2.5% larger.
(28) How should vertex array objects be supported?
RESOLVED: The EXT version of this specification didn't provide
interactions with the glVertexArrayBindAPPLE selector introduced
by the APPLE_vertex_buffer_object extension. Now that this
extension is incorporated into OpenGL 3.0, it makes sense for
an ARB extension to incorporate selector-free support for vertex
buffer objects.
Selector-free versions of the vertex array specification commands
are of the form (using glColorPointer as an example):
void glVertexArrayColorOffsetEXT(uint vaobj, uint buffer,
int size, enum type, sizei stride,
intptr offset);
There are two initial parameter for both the vertex array
object selector (vaobj) and the latched buffer state (buffer).
The vaobj parameter is needed for the commands to be
selector-free. The latched buffer is an explicit parameter to
avoid having disturb the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER selector.
(While using glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT/glPopClientAttrib
works to avoid disturbing latched client vertex array buffer
binding state--ignoring client attrib stack overflows--that
approach doesn't work for vertex array objects because
glPushClientAttribDefaultARB/glPopClientAttrib would default all
the initial values of the currently bound vertex array object.)
Also the last "const GLvoid * pointer" parameter is changed to
an "intptr offset" parameter. This change reflects the more
encouraged and generally more efficient usage of pulling vertex
arrays from vertex buffer objects. This usage avoids having to
always cast an offset to a pointer.
Because the GLintptr type has the same sizeof as a pointer,
applications seeking to pass pointers with a zero value for the
buffer parameter can do so by casting their pointer to a GLintptr.
static GLfloat colors[3*20];
glVertexArrayColorOffsetEXT(27, /*client-state*/0,
3, GL_FLOAT, 12, (GLintptr)colors);
Also added are selector-free vertex array object enable/disable
commands and queries. The queries return GLintptr values to
make sure pointers as well as offsets can be returned.
(29) How should vertex array object queries be supported?
RESOLVED: Provide both glGetVertexArray*Parameteriv and
glGetVertexArray*Pointerv queries.
Rather than providing both integer and pointer queries, it is
tempting to provide just a query accepting a GLintptr pointer.
But that's a likely pitfall for 64-bit coding. Someone coding for
32-bit could pass a GLint* without complaint from the compiler
since both GLint* and GLintptr* are pointers to a 32-bit value,
but in a 64-bit compilation environment, GLintptr* is a pointer
to a 64-bit value. While 64-bit compilers are likely to error
(or at least warn) about this situation, a GLintptr* is likely
to encourage 64-bit portability problems. Having both a pointer
and integer query avoids this problem.
(30) What should happen when a negative offset is passed to the
glVertexArray*OffsetEXT routines?
RESOLVED: When the buffer is non-zero, the offset really should
be a positive value so generate an GL_INVALID_VALUE if a negative
offset is passed to these routines when buffer is non-zero.
When the buffer is non-negative, the GLintptr offset parameter
will be treated as a pointer; in this case, there should be
no check for negative values of the offset parameter since the
negative parameter could, in fact, be a valid pointer.
This raises the interesting point as to whether the several
core OpenGL buffer API commands such as glBufferSubData,
glMapBufferRange, and glFlushMappedBufferRange should actually
have a type of GLsizeiptr for their offset parameter. Doing so
would simplify the language in section 2.9 (Buffer Object) by
eliminating the need to document GL_INVALID_OFFSET errors for
negative offset parameters. Such a change could be made in a
compatible way because GLintptr and GLsizeiptr are typedef'ed
to the same underlying type (a signed int of the same size in
bytes as a pointer).
(31) Should the internalformat parameter of various DSA versions of
gl*Tex*Image* routines be a GLint or GLenum?
RESOLVED: Match the type for internalformat of the pre-DSA
version of the routine.
This is a legacy of OpenGL 1.0 where the internalformat parameter
to glTexImage1D and glTexImage2D was a GLint-typed value that
could be 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the number of components.
In OpenGL 1.1, internal texture formats were introduced to provide
more specificity to the internal representation of texels within
a texture. This was part of introducing texture objects to OpenGL
(a feature not originally in OpenGL 1.0).
The intent of this decision is to make it easier for existing
code converting use the selector-free DSA routines without
signed/unsigned warnings because GLenum is unsigned while GLint
is signed.
This means the following commands take a GLint internalformat
This means the following commands take a GLenum internalformat
Warning: pre-July 2013 versions of glext.h have the DSA prototypes that
should be using GLint internalformat using GLenum instead. See:
(32) How can a particular vertex array object's texture coordinate
set array be updated without depending on the active client
texture selector?
RESOLVED: The glEnableVertexArrayEXT and glDisableVertexArrayEXT
commands should be extended to accept GL_TEXTUREi tokens where
GL_TEXTUREi indicates the specific vertex array for texture
coordinate set i to enable or disable respectively.
Due to a specification lapse, this behavior was not specified in
the version 1.1 of this specification but was added for version
The use of a GL_TEXTUREi token follows the precedent set for how
GL_TEXTUREi is supported for the selector-free matrix routines.
Implementations of EXT_direct_state_access prior to July 2013
cannot be expected to implement this behavior and will generate
a GL_INVALID_ENUM error instead. This error can be used to
distinguish version 1.2 and earlier versions of this extension.
Calling glEnableVertexArrayEXT or glDisableVertexArrayEXT with
GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY can be expected to update the texture
coordinate array based on the current active client texture
coordinate set of the indicated vertex array object, effectively
depending on the current active texture selector but not the
current bound vertex array object selector.
Querying the enable of multitexture texture coordinate arrays
uses glGetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT with GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY
for the pname. This behavior was not clearly specified before
version 1.2.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
1 11/20/07 mjk Initial version
2 12/03/07 mjk Feedback from JeffB
3 01/02/08 mjk Formatting
4 01/02/08 mjk NV_gpu_program4 additions
5 01/02/08 mjk EXT_gpu_program_parameters additions
6 03/06/08 mjk Switch from "MultiTex" to "Indexed"
texture API
7 03/27/08 mjk Feedback from TransGaming
8 03/28/08 mjk Program matrix query and
indexed query restructuring
9 03/31/08 mjk MultiTex API complete
10 04/03/08 mjk Fix CompressedTexture and CompressedMultiTex
lapses noticed by Ian
11 04/14/08 mjk Add target parameters to NamedProgram and
GetNamedProgram calls
12 04/17/08 mjk ARB_texture_rectangle interaction
13 04/28/08 mjk Add issue #19
14 05/02/08 mjk Add issue #20 about multi-thread
interactions as suggested by Yanjun Zhang
15 05/06/08 mjk Typos: glGetMultiTexCompressedTextureEXT
prototype and GLX protocol suffixing
16 05/22/08 mjk Add FBO support
17 05/23/08 mjk Fix Generate{Texture,MultiTex}MipmapEXT
18 06/06/08 mjk glCheckNamedFramebufferStatusEXT needs target
Issues #22 and #23
19 06/10/08 mjk Add FramebufferDrawBufferEXT,
20 07/01/08 mjk Add NV_explicit_multisample interaction
21 07/07/08 mjk Typo fixes from Daniel Koch, error
semantics, new issues, limit
GetFramebufferParameterivEXT to 4.nnn state,
fix NamedProgramStringEXT discussion,
add EXT_texture_array and
NV_texture_cube_map_array interactions
22 07/15/08 mjk Just typos
23 11/05/08 mjk Destineer support
24 11/05/08 mjk Destineer support
25 12/15/08 mjk Version 1.1 adds OpenGL 3.0 support
26 12/19/08 mjk Fix VertexArrayVertexOffsetEXT duplicate
entry point; eliminated version missing stride
27 12/22/08 mjk NamedRenderbufferStorageEXT shouldn't have
target parameter
28 12/23/08 mjk Fixed various "index" functions for 3.0
29 01/12/09 mjk Add error for negative offsets for
glVertexArray*Offset commands when buffer
parameter is non-zero
30 01/26/09 mjk Correct glPopClientAttrib usage
31 02/17/09 mjk Add glVertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT
New names: GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT,
32 03/13/09 groth Add EXT_copy_buffer interaction
33 06/10/09 mjk add VertexArrayMultiTexCoordOffsetEXT to
list of errors for exceeding the maximum
texture image units
34 09/07/10 mjk some Get*Indexedv instanced needed EXT
suffixes; issue 27 update
35 06/18/13 mjk add issue 31; glext.h had GLenum internalformat
when spec said GLint for gl*Tex*Image*EXT commands
36 06/24/13 mjk fix glEnableVertexArrayEXT and
glDisableVertexArrayEXT so they accept the
GL_TEXTUREi tokens to be free of active
client texture selector (issue 32)
37 07/29/13 mjk document NVIDIA driver bugs
38 10/22/13 mjk add Matrix*Transpose*EXT routines missing
from section 2.12.2 list
39 02/24/15 mjk add & operator to glMultiTexGenivEXT in NV Impl.