| Name |
| |
| WGL_I3D_genlock |
| |
| Name Strings |
| |
| WGL_I3D_genlock |
| |
| Contact |
| |
| Dale Kirkland, Intense3D (kirkland 'at' intense3d.com) |
| |
| Status |
| |
| Complete |
| |
| Version |
| |
| Date: 04/17/2000 Revision 1.0 |
| |
| Number |
| |
| 252 |
| |
| Dependencies |
| |
| The extension is written against the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification |
| although it should work on any previous OpenGL specification. |
| |
| The WGL_EXT_extensions_string extension is required. |
| |
| Overview |
| |
| The genlock extensions allows application control of the genlock |
| features. Genlock is used to synchronize the refresh of the |
| monitor to an external signal. |
| |
| There are five different parameters that can be used to control |
| genlock: |
| |
| Enable/Disable |
| Source Selection |
| Source Sample Edge |
| Source Sample Rate |
| Source Delay |
| |
| IP Status |
| |
| None |
| |
| Issues |
| |
| None |
| |
| New Procedures and Functions |
| |
| BOOL wglEnableGenlockI3D(HDC hDC) |
| |
| BOOL wglDisableGenlockI3D(HDC hDC) |
| |
| BOOL wglIsEnabledGenlockI3D(HDC hDC, |
| BOOL *pFlag) |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSourceI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uSource) |
| |
| BOOL wglGetGenlockSourceI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT *uSource) |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSourceEdgeI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uEdge) |
| |
| BOOL wglGetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT *uEdge) |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSampleRateI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uRate) |
| |
| BOOL wglGetGenlockSampleRateI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT *uRate) |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSourceDelayI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uDelay) |
| |
| BOOL wglGetGenlockSourceDelayI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT *uDelay) |
| |
| BOOL wglQueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT *uMaxLineDelay, |
| UINT *uMaxPixelDelay) |
| |
| New Tokens |
| |
| Accepted by the <uSource> parameter of wglGenlockSourceI3D: |
| |
| |
| Accepted by the <uEdge> parameter of wglGenlockSourceEdgeI3D: |
| |
| |
| Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation) |
| |
| None |
| |
| Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization) |
| |
| None |
| |
| Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment |
| Operations and the Frame Buffer) |
| |
| None |
| |
| Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Special Functions) |
| |
| None |
| |
| Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (State and |
| State Requests) |
| |
| None |
| |
| Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Invariance) |
| |
| None |
| |
| Additions to the WGL Specification |
| |
| The genlock trigger is used to synchronize the start of a frame |
| with a trigger pulse. If field data is being displayed (e.g. |
| frame-sequential stereo), the synchronization only occurs at the |
| frame boundary, not each field boundary. |
| |
| The genlock trigger is derived from the genlock source. The |
| genlock source can be selected from six different inputs to the |
| system by calling wglGenlockSourceI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSourceI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uSource) |
| |
| <hDC> is a device context for the graphics adapter or a window |
| residing on the graphics adapter that supports genlock. There is |
| only a single genlock source for each graphics adapter regardless |
| of the number of monitors supported by the adapter. |
| |
| <uSource> specifies one of the following sources: |
| |
| Selects the multiview sync signal as the genlock source. |
| |
| Selects the external genlock vertical sync component. |
| |
| Selects the external genlock field component. |
| |
| Selects the external genlock as a TTL-level signal. |
| |
| Selects the digital genlock vertical sync component. |
| |
| Selects the digital genlock field component. |
| |
| The current genlock source can be queried by calling |
| wglGetGenlockSourceI3D. |
| |
| A genlock pulse is generated from the input source based on the |
| rising, falling, or both edges of the source. The edge selection |
| is set by calling wglGenlockSourceEdgeI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSourceEdgeI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uEdge) |
| |
| <uEdge> specifies one of the following source edges modes used |
| to generate the genlock trigger. |
| |
| Selects the falling edge of the source. |
| |
| Selects the rising edge of the source. |
| |
| Selects both edges of the source. |
| |
| The current genlock source edge mode can be queried with |
| wglGetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D. |
| |
| The genlock trigger is generated by sampling the genlock pulses. |
| The sample rate of the genlock pulses is controlled by calling |
| wglGenlockSampleRateI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSampleRateI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uRate) |
| |
| <uRate> specifies every nth pulse be used for the genlock trigger. |
| For example, if <uRate> were set to a value of 2, every other |
| genlock pulse would generate a genlock trigger. The minimum |
| value for <uRate> is 1. The maximum value for <uRate> is 6. |
| |
| The current genlock sample rate can be queried by calling |
| wglGetGenlockSampleRateI3D. |
| |
| The genlock trigger can be delayed up to an entire frame by |
| calling wglGenlockSourceDelayI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglGenlockSourceDelayI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT uDelay) |
| |
| <uDelay> specifies the delay (in pixels) that the trigger is |
| delayed before being used to synchronize the screen refresh. |
| <uDelay> must be in the range [0, <maxDelay>] where <maxDelay> |
| is the number of pixel clocks needed to display an entire frame. |
| The maximum delay <maxDelay> can be calculated by the following |
| equation: |
| |
| <maxDelay> = <maxLineDelay> * <maxPixelDelay> |
| |
| where <maxLineDelay> and <maxPixelDelay> can be queried by |
| calling wglQueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglQueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D(HDC hDC, |
| UINT *uMaxLineDelay, |
| UINT *uMaxPixelDelay) |
| |
| The current source delay can be queried by calling |
| wglGetGenlockSourceDelayI3D. |
| |
| Genlock is enabled for each monitor by calling wglEnableGenlockI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglEnableGenlockI3D(HDC hDC) |
| |
| Genlock is enabled for the monitor attached to the device with |
| the device context <hDC> of a window created on the monitor. |
| |
| Genlock can be disabled for a monitor by calling |
| wglDisableGenlockI3D. |
| |
| BOOL wglDisableGenlockI3D(HDC hDC) |
| |
| The current genlock enable can be queried by calling |
| wglIsEnabledGenlockI3D. |
| |
| In order to avoid synchronization to an incomplete genlock |
| specification, genlock should be disabled while the genlock |
| parameters are being changed. The exception to this is changing |
| the genlock trigger delay with wglGenlockSourceDelayI3D. |
| |
| Dependencies on WGL_EXT_extensions_string |
| |
| Because there is no way to extend wgl, these calls are defined in |
| the ICD and can be called by obtaining the address with |
| wglGetProcAddress. Because this extension is a WGL extension, it |
| is not included in the GL_EXTENSIONS string. Its existence can be |
| determined with the WGL_EXT_extensions_string extension. |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| If any of the genlock functions succeed, a value of TRUE is |
| returned. If a function fails, a value of FALSE is returned. To |
| get extended error information, call GetLastError. |
| |
| ERROR_DC_NOT_FOUND The <hDC> was not valid. |
| |
| ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES The genlock functionality is not |
| supported. |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_DATA <uSource> is not one of the valid |
| sources. |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_DATA <uEdge> is not one of the valid |
| source edge modes. |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_DATA <uRate> is less than a value of 1 or |
| greater than a value of 6. |
| |
| ERROR_INVALID_DATA <uDelay> is greater than <maxDelay>. |
| |
| New State |
| |
| None |
| |
| New Implementation Dependent State |
| |
| None |
| |
| Revision History |
| |
| 10/26/1999 0.1 First draft. |
| 04/17/2000 1.0 Released driver to ISVs. |