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Name Strings
Graham Sellers, AMD (graham.sellers 'at'
Graham Sellers
Complete, shipping.
Last Modified Date: Febuary 14, 2011
Revision: 2
OpenGL 4.0 or ARB_draw_indirect is required.
The extension is written against the OpenGL 4.1 Specification, Core Profile,
July 25, 2010
The ARB_draw_indirect extension (included in OpenGL 4.0) introduced
mechanisms whereby the parameters for a draw function may be provided in
a structure contained in a buffer object rather than as parameters to the
drawing procedure. This is known as an indirect draw and is exposed as two
new functions, glDrawArraysIndirect and glDrawElementsIndirect. Each of
these functions generates a single batch of primitives.
This extension builds on this functionality by providing procedures to
invoke multiple draws from a single procedure call. This allows large
batches of drawing commands to be assembled in server memory (via a buffer
object) which may then be dispatched through a single function call.
New Procedures and Functions
void MultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD(enum mode,
const void *indirect,
sizei primcount,
sizei stride);
void MultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD(enum mode,
enum type,
const void *indirect,
sizei primcount,
sizei stride);
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.1 (Core) Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Section 2.8.3, "Drawing Commands"
After the description of MultiDrawArrays and before the introduction of
DrawElementsInstanced, insert the following on p.36:
The command
void MultiDrawArraysIndirectAMD(enum mode,
const void *indirect,
sizei primcount,
sizei stride);
behaves identically to DrawArraysIndirect, except that <indirect> is
treated as an array of <primcount> DrawArraysIndirectCommand structures.
<indirect> contains the offset of the first element of the array within the
buffer currently bound to the DRAW_INDIRECT buffer binding.<stride>
specifies the distance, in basic machine units, between the elements of the
array. If <stride> is zero, the array elements are treated as tightly
packed. <stride> must be a multiple of four, otherwise an INVALID_VALUE
error is generated.
It has the same effect as:
if (<mode> is invalid)
generate appropriate error
else {
const ubyte * ptr = (const ubyte *)indirect;
for (i = 0; i < primcount; i++) {
if (stride == 0)
ptr += sizeof(DrawArraysIndirectCommand);
} else
ptr += stride;
<primcount> must be positive, otherwise an INVALID_VALUE error will be
After the description of DrawElementsIndirect and before the introduction
of MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, insert the following on p.39:
The command
void MultiDrawElementsIndirectAMD(enum mode,
enum type,
const void *indirect,
sizei primcount,
sizei stride);
behaves identically to DrawElementsIndirect, except that <indirect> is
treated as an array of <primcount> DrawElementsIndirectCommand structures.
<indirect> contains the offset of the first element of the array within the
buffer currently bound to the DRAW_INDIRECT buffer binding. <stride>
specifies the distance, in basic machine units, between the elements of the
array. If <stride> is zero, the array elements are treated as tightly
packed. <stride> must be a multiple of four, otherwise an INVALID_VALUE
error is generated.
It has the same effect as:
if (<mode> or <type> is invalid)
generate appropriate error
else {
const ubyte * ptr = (const ubyte *)indirect;
for (i = 0; i < primcount; i++) {
if (stride == 0)
ptr += sizeof(DrawElementsIndirectCommand);
} else
ptr += stride;
Modifications to Section 2.9.8 "Indirect Commands in Buffer Objects"
Modify both instances of "DrawArraysIndirect and DrawElementsIndirect" on
p.51 to read "DrawArraysIndirect, DrawElementsIndirect,
MultiDrawArraysIndirect and MultiDrawElementsIndirect".
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 4.1 (Core) Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.1 (Core) Specification (Per-Fragment Operations
and the Framebuffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 4.1 (Core) Specification (Special
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.1 (Core) Specification (State and
State Requests)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
GLX Protocol
INVALID_VALUE is generated by MultiDrawArraysIndirect or
MultiDrawElementsIndirect if <primcount> is negative.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by MultiDrawArraysIndirect or
MultiDrawElementsIndirect if <stride> is not a multipe of four.
New State
New Implementation Dependent State
None, so far.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
2 02/14/2011 gsellers Add stride parameters
1 01/06/2011 gsellers Initial draft