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Name Strings
Graham Sellers (graham.sellers 'at'
Jon Leech
Piers Daniell, NVIDIA
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Specification Update Policy
Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to
issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL Working Group. For
extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification,
fixes will first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will eventually
be backported to the extension document. This policy is described in
more detail at
Approved by the ARB on 2012/06/12.
Last Modified Date: February 18, 2014
Version: 13
ARB Extension #121
OpenGL 1.5 is required.
The definition of this extension is dependent on EXT_direct_state_access.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.2 (Core) Specification.
Buffer objects are fundamental to the operation of OpenGL. Buffers are used
as a source of data for vertices and indices, read through buffer textures
in shaders, used to transfer texture and image data into and out of
textures and framebuffers, and may be written to by operations such as
transform feedback. OpenGL contains mechanisms to copy sections of buffers
from one to another, but it has no mechanism to initialize the content
of a buffer to a known value. In effect, it has memcpy, but not memset.
This extension adds such a mechanism and has several use cases. Examples
include clearing a pixel unpack buffer before transferring data to
a texture or resetting buffer data to a known value before sparse updates
through shader image stores or transform feedback.
IP Status
No known IP claims.
New Procedures and Functions
void ClearBufferData(enum target,
enum internalformat,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
void ClearBufferSubData(enum target,
enum internalformat,
intptr offset,
sizeiptr size,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
When EXT_direct_state_access is present:
void ClearNamedBufferDataEXT(uint buffer,
enum internalformat,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
void ClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT(uint buffer,
enum internalformat,
intptr offset,
sizeiptr size,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(OpenGL Operation)
Append to the end of Section 2.9.2, "Creating Buffer Object Stores"
To fill all or part of an existing buffer object's data store with a
constant value, call
void ClearBufferSubData(enum target,
enum internalformat,
sizeiptr offset,
sizeiptr size,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
with <target> set to the target to which the destination buffer is bound.
<target> must be one of the targets listed in Table 2.8.
<internalformat> must be set to one of the format tokens listed in Table
3.15, "Internal formats for buffer textures". <format> and <type> specify
the format and type of the source data and are interpreted as described in
Section 3.7.2. <offset> set to the offset, measured in basic
machine units, into the buffer object's data store from which to begin
filling, and <size> set to the size, also in basic machine units, of the
range to fill. Both <offset> and <range> must be multiples of the number
of basic machine units per-element for that internal format specified by
<internalformat>, otherwise the error INVALID_VALUE is generated.
<data> is a pointer to an array of between one and four components
containing the data to be used as the source of the constant fill value.
The elements of <data> are converted by the GL into the format specified by
<internalformat> in the manner described in section 2.3.1, and then used to
fill the specified range of the destination buffer. If <data> is NULL, then
the pointer is ignored and the sub-range of the buffer is filled with zeros.
If <offset> or <size> is less than zero, or if <offset> + <size> is
greater than the value of BUFFER_SIZE for the buffer bound to <target>
then the error INVALID_VALUE is generated. The command
An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if any part of the specified
range of the buffer bound to <target> is currently mapped.
void ClearBufferData(enum target,
enum internalformat,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
is equivalent to calling ClearBufferSubData with <target>,
<internalformat> and <data> as specified, with <offset> set to zero,
and <size> set to the value of BUFFER_SIZE for the buffer bound to
The commands:
void ClearNamedBufferDataEXT(uint buffer,
enum internalformat,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
void ClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT(uint buffer,
enum internalformat,
sizeiptr offset,
sizeiptr size,
enum format,
enum type,
const void * data);
are equivalent to calling ClearBufferData and ClearBufferSubData,
respectively, except that the buffer object to be accessed is specified
in the <buffer> parameter rather than being derived from the <target>
buffer binding point.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(State and State Requests)
INVALID_ENUM is generated by ClearBufferSubData if <internalformat>
is not one of the sized internal format identifiers listed in Table 3.15.
INVAILD_ENUM is generated by ClearBufferSubData <target> is not a legal
buffer binding point.
INVALID_ENUM is generated by ClearBufferSubData if <format> or <type> is
not one of the supported format or type tokens.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by ClearBufferSubData if <offset>
or <size> is less than zero.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by ClearBufferSubData if no buffer is bound
to the binding point indicated by <target>.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by ClearBufferSubData if <offset> +
<size> is greater than the value of BUFFER_SIZE for the buffer bound to
INVALID_VALUE is generated by ClearBufferSubData if <offset> or <size>
is not an integer multiple of the element size indicated by
<internalformat>. The element size is the number of components for
<internalformat> from table 3.15 multiplied by the size of the base type
for <internalformat> in that table.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by ClearBufferSubData if any part of the
specified range of the buffer bound to <target> is currently mapped.
New State
Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access
If EXT_direct_state_access is not supported, then remove all references to
ClearNamedBufferDataEXT and ClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT.
Conformance Tests
1) Do we need to have restrictions on the alignment of <offset> and/or
<size> for ClearBufferSubData
RESOLVED: Yes, we restrict both <offset> and <size> to be integer
multiples of the element size for the format indicated by
2) Should the ClearBufferObject take int/float/uint types, or take
format + type poarameters more like glTexImage2D etc.?
RESOLVED: ClearBufferSubData takes an <internalformat> parameter
to indicate the internal storage format for the buffer, and
a <format> and <type> parameter for the application-supplied data.
This is consistent with APIs such as TexSubImagenD.
3) Currently, the legal tokens for <internalformat> are taken from the
texture internal format types in table 3.12. Is this sufficient?
Do we need to also allow other formats such as those in table 3.22
(image formats), or table 3.2 (packed pixel formats).
RESOLVED: Updated in revision 4 to use table 3.15, which is actually
more concise than 3.12. However, it represents the complete list
of formats that are reasonably easily filled by existing hardware.
If the application bit-packs other formats, this should be sufficient
for the intended use-cases of this extension.
4) Do we want DSA-style ClearNamedBufferSubData, ClearNamedBufferData?
RESOLVED: Yes. Documented dependency on EXT_dsa.
5) How do we specify data formats that are not supported for buffer
textures - for example, R3_G3_B2 or RGB10_A2?
RESOLVED: It is the application's responsibility to bit-pack the
components of the source data into a number of native types (unsigned
bytes, shorts or ints), and then pass them using a supported internal
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- ---------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
13 02/18/2014 Jon Leech Change order of ClearBufferSubData arguments
in spec body to be consistent with New
Procedures declaration ((offset,size,format,
type) instead of the erroneous (format,type,
offset,size)) (Public Bug 1122).
12 12/12/2013 Jon Leech Change order of ClearNamedBufferSubDataEXT
arguments in spec body to be consistent with
New Procedures declaration ((offset,
size,format,type) instead of the erroneous
(format,type,offset,size)) (Bug 11378).
11 08/07/2013 mjk Better indicate DSA entrypoints
10 09/12/2012 Jon Leech Modify error condition when the target buffer
is mapped to only be generated when the
mapped region intersects the region being
cleared (bug 9343).
9 07/25/2012 Jon Leech Fix typos from bug 8935.
8 07/23/2012 Jon Leech Clarify offset/alignment constraints as
based on the total size of a texel in
7 06/28/2012 pdaniell Modify the parameter order of the *SubData
functions to match the ordering of
TexSubImage parameters. Also change the
<offset> parameter to intptr.
6 05/29/2012 Jon Leech Fix capitalization of <internalformat>.
5 05/15/2012 Jon Leech Fix typo in error condition.
4 04/26/2012 gsellers Add interaction with EXT_dsa, resolve issue 4.
Document <format> and <type> parameters.
Correct reference to Table 3.15 (Internal
formats for buffer textures).
Resolve issue 3. Add issue 5.
Change behavior of NULL for <data> to fill the
buffer subrange with zeros.
3 04/02/2012 gsellers Delete 'either/or' approach.
Change API to texture-like ClearBufferSubData.
Resolve issues (1) + (2).
Address feedback from bug 8132.
Add issues (3) and (4).
2 12/19/2011 gsellers Rename to ARB. Strip suffixes from APIs.
Add format + type versions of APIs for
consideration. Allow NULL for <data> in
1 09/27/2011 gsellers Initial draft