blob: b35f9e96ac0b468f8b693a952f246a3681a843e5 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'
Eric Werness, NVIDIA Corporation (ewerness 'at'
Last Modified: 08/04/2004
NVIDIA Revision: 8
ARB_fragment_program is required.
NV_fragment_program_option is required.
This extension, like the NV_fragment_program_option extension, provides
additional fragment program functionality to extend the standard
ARB_fragment_program language and execution environment. ARB programs
wishing to use this added functionality need only add:
OPTION NV_fragment_program2;
to the beginning of their fragment programs.
New functionality provided by this extension, above and beyond that
already provided by the NV_fragment_program_option extension, includes:
* structured branching support, including data-dependent IF tests, loops
supporting a fixed number of iterations, and a data-dependent loop
exit instruction (BRK),
* subroutine calls,
* instructions to perform vector normalization, divide vector components
by a scalar, and perform two-component dot products (with or without a
scalar add),
* an instruction to perform a texture lookup with an explicit LOD,
* a loop index register for indirect access into the texture coordinate
attribute array, and
* a facing attribute that indicates whether the fragment is generated
from a front- or back-facing primitive.
* Should this extension expose projective forms of the LOD-modifying
texture instructions?
RESOLVED: No. The user can manually add a DIV instruction to achieve
the same effect.
* Should this extension expose precision explicitly?
RESOLVED: Only for storage using the SHORT TEMP and LONG TEMP syntax
(similar to NV_fragment_program_option).
* How are resources (such as registers and condition codes) scoped?
RESOLVED: All resources are globally scoped. This means that if, for
instance, a subroutine modifies a condition code, that modification
effects both the caller and the callee.
* How is the scope determined for instructions required to be within a
specific loop construct?
RESOLVED: The scope is determined statically at compile time. This means
that calling BRK and using A0 from a subroutine called within a loop is
a compile error.
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetProgramivARB:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization)
Modify Section 3.11 of ARB_fragment_program (Fragment Program):
Delete the sentence referring to the lack of branching or looping.
Modify Section 3.11.2 of ARB_fragment_program (Fragment Program Grammar
and Restrictions):
(mostly add to existing grammar rules, as extended by
<optionName> ::= "NV_fragment_program2"
<statement> ::= <branchLabel> ":"
<instruction> ::= <FlowInstruction>
<ALUInstruction> ::= <VECSCAop_instruction>
<FlowInstruction> ::= <BRAop_instruction>
| <FLOWCCop_instruction>
| <IFop_instruction>
| <LOOPop_instruction>
| <ENDFLOWop_instruction>
<VECTORop> ::= "NRM"
<VECSCAop_instruction> ::= <VECSCAop> <instResult> "," <instOperandV> ","
<VECSCAop> ::= "DIV"
<BINop> ::= "DP2"
<TRIop> ::= "DP2A"
<TEXop> ::= "TXL"
<BRAop_instruction> ::= <BRAop> <branchLabel> <optBranchCond>
<BRAop> ::= "CAL"
<FLOWCCop_instruction> ::= <FLOWCCop> <optBranchCond>
<FLOWCCop> ::= "RET"
| "BRK"
<IFop_instruction> ::= <IFop> <ccTest>
<IFop> ::= "IF"
<LOOPop_instruction> ::= <LOOPop> <instOperandV>
<LOOPop> ::= "LOOP"
| "REP"
<ENDFLOWop_instruction> ::= <ENDFLOWop>
<ENDFLOWop> ::= "ELSE"
<optBranchCond> ::= /* empty */
| <ccMask>
<branchLabel> ::= <identifier>
<attribFragBasic> ::= "texcoord" "[" <arrayMemRel> "]"
| "facing"
<arrayMemRel> ::= <addrUseS> <arrayMemRelOffset>
<arrayMemRelOffset> ::= /* empty */
| "+" <addrRegPosOffset>
<addrRegPosOffset> ::= <integer> from 0 to 9
<addrUseS> ::= <addrVarName> <scalarAddrSuffix>
<scalarAddrSuffix> ::= "." <addrComponent>
<addrComponent> ::= "x"
Note: This extension provides a pre-defined address register (A0) that
matches the <addrVarName> grammar rule and can be used as a loop counter
(Section 3.11.3.Y). It is not possible to declare additional address
register variables.
Modify Section, Fragment Attributes
(add new bindings to binding table)
Fragment Attribute Binding Components Underlying State
-------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
fragment.texcoord[A0.x+n] (s,t,r,q) indexed texture coordinate
fragment.facing (f,0,0,1) fragment facing
If a fragment attribute binding matches "fragment.texcoord[A0.x+n]", a
texture coordinate number <c> is computed by adding the current value of
the "A0.x" address register (the loop index -- Section 3.11.3.Y) and <n>.
The "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the fragment attribute variable
are filled with the "s", "t", "r", and "q" components, respectively, of
the fragment texture coordinates for texture coordinate set <c>. If <c>
is negative or greater than or equal to MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB, the
fragment attribute variable is undefined.
If a fragment attribute binding matches "fragment.facing", the "x"
component of the fragment attribute variable is filled with +1.0 or -1.0,
depending on the orientation of the primitive producing the fragment. If
the fragment is generated by a back-facing polygon (including point- and
line-mode polygons), the facing is -1.0; otherwise, the facing is +1.0.
The "y", "z", and "w" coordinates are filled with 0, 0, and 1,
Add New Section 3.11.3.Y, Fragment Program Address Register (insert after
Section 3.11.3.X, Condition Code Register)
Fragment program address register variables are a set of four-component
signed integer vectors where only the "x" component of the address
registers is currently accessible. Address registers are used as indices
when performing relative addressing in the "fragment.texcoord" attribute
array (section
Fragment program address registers can not be declared in a fragment
program. There is only a single built-in address register, "A0.x" (loop
index), which is available inside LOOP/ENDLOOP blocks. A fragment program
that accesses A0.x outside a LOOP/ENDLOOP block will fail to load.
A0.x is initialized in by the LOOP instruction and updated by the ENDLOOP
instruction. When LOOP blocks are nested, each block has its own value
for A0.x, but only the A0.x value for the innermost block can be used. The
value of A0.x is clamped to be greater than or equal to 0.
Modify Section 3.11.4, Fragment Program Execution Environment
(modify instruction table) There are sixty-seven fragment program
Instr. R H X C S Inputs Output Description
------- - - - - - ------ ------ --------------------------------
ABS X X X X X v v absolute value
ADD X X X X X v,v v add
BRK - - - - - c - break out of loop instruction
CAL - - - - - c - subroutine call
CMP - - - X X v,v,v v compare
COS X X - X X s ssss cosine with reduction to [-PI,PI]
DDX X X - X X v v partial derivative relative to X
DDY X X - X X v v partial derivative relative to Y
DIV X X - X X v,s v divide vector components by scalar
DP2 X X X X X v,v ssss 2-component dot product
DP2A X X X X X v,v,v ssss 2-comp. dot product w/scalar add
DP3 X X X X X v,v ssss 3-component dot product
DP4 X X X X X v,v ssss 4-component dot product
DPH X X X X X v,v ssss homogeneous dot product
DST X X - X X v,v v distance vector
ELSE - - - - - - - start if test else block
ENDIF - - - - - - - end if test block
ENDLOOP - - - - - - - end of loop block
ENDREP - - - - - - - end of repeat block
EX2 X X - X X s ssss exponential base 2
FLR X X X X X v v floor
FRC X X X X X v v fraction
IF - - - - - c - start of if test block
KIL - - - - - v or c - kill fragment
LG2 X X - X X s ssss logarithm base 2
LIT X X - X X v v compute light coefficients
LOOP - - - - - v - start of loop block
LRP X X X X X v,v,v v linear interpolation
MAD X X X X X v,v,v v multiply and add
MAX X X X X X v,v v maximum
MIN X X X X X v,v v minimum
MOV X X X X X v v move
MUL X X X X X v,v v multiply
NRM X X - X X v v normalize 3-component vector
PK2H - - - - - v ssss pack two 16-bit floats
PK2US - - - - - v ssss pack two unsigned 16-bit scalars
PK4B - - - - - v ssss pack four signed 8-bit scalars
PK4UB - - - - - v ssss pack four unsigned 8-bit scalars
POW X X - X X s,s ssss exponentiate
RCP X X - X X s ssss reciprocal
REP - - - - - v - start of repeat block
RET - - - - - c - subroutine return
RFL X X - X X v,v v reflection vector
RSQ X X - X X s ssss reciprocal square root
SCS X X - X X s ss-- sine/cosine without reduction
SEQ X X X X X v,v v set on equal
SFL X X X X X v,v v set on false
SGE X X X X X v,v v set on greater than or equal
SGT X X X X X v,v v set on greater than
SIN X X - X X s ssss sine with reduction to [-PI,PI]
SLE X X X X X v,v v set on less than or equal
SLT X X X X X v,v v set on less than
SNE X X X X X v,v v set on not equal
STR X X X X X v,v v set on true
SUB X X X X X v,v v subtract
SWZ X X - X X v v extended swizzle
TEX - - - X X v v texture sample
TXB - - - X X v v texture sample with bias
TXD - - - X X v,v,v v texture sample w/partials
TXL - - - X X v v texture same w/explicit LOD
TXP - - - X X v v texture sample with projection
UP2H - - - X X s v unpack two 16-bit floats
UP2US - - - X X s v unpack two unsigned 16-bit scalars
UP4B - - - X X s v unpack four signed 8-bit scalars
UP4UB - - - X X s v unpack four unsigned 8-bit scalars
X2D X X - X X v,v,v v 2D coordinate transformation
XPD X X - X X v,v v cross product
Table X.5: Summary of fragment program instructions. The columns "R",
"H", "X", "C", and "S" indicate whether the "R", "H", or "X" precision
modifiers, the C condition code update modifier, and the "_SAT"/"_SSAT"
saturation modifiers, respectively, are supported for the opcode. In
the input/output columns, "v" indicates a floating-point vector input or
output, "s" indicates a floating-point scalar input, "ssss" indicates a
scalar output replicated across a 4-component result vector, "ss--"
indicates two scalar outputs in the first two components, and "c"
indicates a condition code test. Instructions describe as "texture
sample" also specify a texture image unit identifier and a texture
Modify Section, Fragment Program Destination Register Update
(modify saturation discussion) If the instruction opcode has the "_SAT"
suffix, requesting saturated result vectors, each component of the result
vector is clamped to the range [0,1] before updating the destination
register. If the instruction opcode has the "_SSAT" suffix, requesting
signed saturation, each component of the result vector is clamped to the
range [-1,1] before updating the destination register.
Add Section 3.11.4.X, Fragment Program Branching (before Section,
Fragment Program Result Processing)
Fragment programs support a limited model of branching. Fragment programs
can specify one of several types of instruction blocks: IF/ELSE/ENDIF
blocks, LOOP/ENDLOOP blocks, and REP/ENDREP blocks. Examples include the
LOOP {5, 0, 1}; # 5 iterations with loop index at 0,1,2,3,4
ADD R0, R0, R1;
REP repCount;
ADD R0, R0, R1;
IF GT.x;
MOV R0, R1; # executes if R0.x > 0
MOV R0, R2; # executes if R0.x <= 0
Instruction blocks may be nested -- for example, a LOOP block may be
contained inside an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block. In all cases, each instruction
block must be terminated with the appropriate instruction (ENDIF for IF,
ENDLOOP for LOOP, ENDREP for REP). Nested instruction blocks must be
wholly contained within a block -- if a LOOP instruction is found between
an IF and ELSE instruction, the ENDLOOP must also be present between the
IF and ELSE. A fragment program will fail to load if any instruction
block is terminated by an incorrect instruction or is not terminated
before the block containing it.
IF/ELSE/ENDIF blocks evaluate a condition to determine which instructions
to execute. If the condition is true, all instructions between the IF and
ELSE are executed. If the condition is false, all instructions between
the ELSE and ENDIF are executed. The ELSE instruction is optional. If
the ELSE is omitted, all instructions between the IF and ENDIF are
executed if the condition is true, or skipped if the condition is false.
A limited amount of nesting is supported -- a fragment program will fail
to load if an IF instruction is nested inside MAX_PROGRAM_IF_DEPTH_NV or
more IF/ELSE/ENDIF blocks.
The condition of an IF test is specified by the <ccTest> grammar rule and
may depend on the contents of the condition code register. Branch
conditions are evaluated by evaluating a condition code write mask in
exactly the same manner as done for register writes (section
If any of the four components of the condition code write mask are
enabled, the branch is taken and execution continues with the instruction
following the label specified in the instruction. Otherwise, the
instruction is ignored and fragment program execution continues with the
next instruction. In the following example code,
MOVC CC, c[0]; # c[0]=(-2, 0, 2, NaN), CC gets (LT,EQ,GT,UN)
CAL label1 (LT.xyzw); # call taken
CAL label2 (LT.wyzw); # call not taken
the first CAL instruction loads a condition code of (LT,EQ,GT,UN) while
the second CAL instruction loads a condition code of (UN,EQ,GT,UN). The
first call will be made because the "x" component evaluates to LT; the
second call will not be made because no component evaluates to LT.
LOOP/ENDLOOP and REP/ENDREP blocks involve a loop counter that indicates
the number of times the instructions between the LOOP/REP and
ENDLOOP/ENDREP are executed. Looping blocks have a number of significant
limitations. First, the loop counter can not be computed at run time; it
must be specified as a program parameter. Second, the number of loop
iterations is limited to the value MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_COUNT_NV, which must
be at least 255. Third, only a limited amount of nesting is supported --
a fragment program will fail to load if a LOOP or REP instruction is
The BRK instruction is available to terminate a loop block early. A BRK
instruction can be conditional; the condition is evaluated in the same
manner as the condition of an IF instruction, and the loop is terminated
if the condition is true. A fragment program will fail to load if it
contains a BRK instruction that is not nested inside a LOOP/ENDLOOP or
Fragment programs can contain one or more instruction labels, matching the
grammar rule <branchLabel>. An instruction label can be referred to
explicitly in subroutine call (CAL) instructions. Instruction labels can
be used at any point in the body of a program, and can be used in
instructions before being defined in the program string. Instruction
labels can be defined anywhere in the program, except inside an
IF/ELSE/ENDIF, LOOP/ENDLOOP, or REP/ENDREP instruction block. A fragment
program will fail to load if it contains an instruction label inside an
instruction block.
Fragment programs can also specify subroutine calls. When a subroutine
call (CAL) instruction is executed, a reference to the instruction
immediately following the CAL instruction is pushed onto the call stack.
When a subroutine return (RET) instruction is executed, an instruction
reference is popped off the call stack and program execution continues
with the popped instruction. A fragment program will terminate if a CAL
instruction is executed with MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV entries already in
the call stack or if a RET instruction is executed with an empty call
stack. Subroutine calls may be conditional; the condition is specified by
the <optBranchCond> grammar rule and evaluated in the same way as the
condition of the IF instruction. If no condition is specified, it is as
though "(TR)" were specified -- the branch is unconditional.
If a fragment program has an instruction label "main", program execution
begins with the instruction immediately following the instruction label.
Otherwise, program execution begins with the first instruction of the
program. Instructions will be executed sequentially in the order
specified in the program, although branch instructions will affect the
instruction execution order, as described above. A fragment program will
terminate after executing a RET instruction with an empty call stack. A
fragment program will also terminate after executing the last instruction
in the program, unless that instruction was a taken branch.
A fragment program will fail to load if an instruction refers to a label
that is not defined in the program string.
A fragment program will terminate abnormally if a subroutine call
instruction produces a call stack overflow. Additionally, a fragment
program will terminate abnormally after executing
MAX_PROGRAM_EXEC_INSTRUCTIONS instructions to prevent hangs caused by
infinite loops in the program.
When a fragment program terminates, normally or abnormally, it will emit a
fragment whose attributes are taken from the final values of the fragment
program result variables (section
Add to Section of ARB_fragment_program (Fragment Program
Section, NV_fragment_program2 Option
If a fragment program specifies the "NV_fragment_program2" option, the
ARB_fragment_program grammar and execution environment are extended to
take advantage of all the features of the "NV_fragment_program" option,
plus the following features:
* structured branching support, including data-dependent IF tests, loops
supporting a fixed number of iterations, and a data-dependent loop
exit instruction (BRK),
* subroutine calls,
* several new instructions:
* NRM -- vector normalization
* DIV -- divide vector components by a scalar
* DP2 -- two-component dot product
* DP2A -- two-component dot product with scalar add
* TXL -- texture lookup with explicit LOD specified
* IF/ELSE/ENDIF -- conditional execution blocks
* REP/ENDREP -- loop block
* LOOP/ENDLOOP -- loop block using index register
* BRK -- break out of loop block
* CAL -- subroutine call
* RET -- subroutine return
* a loop index register inside LOOP/ENDLOOP blocks that can be used for
indirect access into the texture coordinate attribute array, and
* a facing attribute that indicates whether the fragment is generated
from a front- or back-facing primitive.
Modify Section 3.11.5, Fragment Program ALU Instruction Set
Section, DIV: Divide (Vector Components by Scalar)
The DIV instruction divides each component of the first vector operand by
the second scalar operand to produce a 4-component result vector.
tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = ScalarLoad(op1);
result.x = tmp0.x / tmp1;
result.y = tmp0.y / tmp1;
result.z = tmp0.z / tmp1;
result.w = tmp0.w / tmp1;
This instruction may not produce results identical to a RCP/MUL
instruction sequence.
Section, DP2: 2-Component Dot Product
The DP2 instruction computes a two-component dot product of the two
operands (using the first two components) and replicates the dot product
to all four components of the result vector.
tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
dot = (tmp0.x * tmp1.x) + (tmp0.y * tmp1.y);
result.x = dot;
result.y = dot;
result.z = dot;
result.w = dot;
Section, DP2A: 2-Component Dot Product w/Scalar Add
The DP2 instruction computes a two-component dot product of the two
operands (using the first two components), adds the x component of the
third operand, and replicates the result to all four components of the
result vector.
tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
tmp2 = VectorLoad(op2);
dot = (tmp0.x * tmp1.x) + (tmp0.y * tmp1.y) + tmp2.x;
result.x = dot;
result.y = dot;
result.z = dot;
result.w = dot;
Section, NRM: 3-Component Vector Normalize
The NRM instruction normalizes the vector given by the x, y, and z
components of the vector operand to produce the x, y, and z components of
the result vector. The w component of the result is undefined.
tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
scale = ApproxRSQ(tmp.x * tmp.x + tmp.y * tmp.y + tmp.z * tmp.z);
result.x = tmp.x * scale;
result.y = tmp.y * scale;
result.z = tmp.z * scale;
result.w = undefined;
Note that the normalization uses an approximate scale and may be carried
at lower precision than a corresponding sequence of DP3, RSQ, and MUL
Add Section, TXL: Texture Lookup with Explicit LOD
The TXL instruction takes the x, y, and z components of the vector operand
and maps them to s, t, and r, respectively. These coordinates are used to
sample from the specified texture target on the specified texture image
unit in a manner consistent with its parameters.
The level of detail is computed as specified in section 3.8.8, except that
rho(x,y) is given by 2^w, where w is the w component of the vector
The resulting sample is mapped to RGBA as described in table 3.21
and written to the result vector.
tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
result = TextureSample(tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z, 0.0, op1, op2);
Add Section 3.11.X, Fragment Program Flow Control Instruction Set
(immediately after Section 3.11.6, Fragment Program Texture Instruction
3.11.X.1, BRK: Break
The BRK instruction conditionally transfers control to the instruction
immediately following the next ENDLOOP or ENDREP instruction. A BRK
instruction has no effect if the condition code test evaluates to FALSE.
The following pseudocode describes the operation of the instruction:
if (TestCC(cc.c***) || TestCC(cc.*c**) ||
TestCC(cc.**c*) || TestCC(cc.***c)) {
continue execution at instruction following the next ENDLOOP or
3.11.X.2, CAL: Subroutine Call
The CAL instruction conditionally transfers control to the instruction
following the label specified in the instruction. A CAL instruction has
no effect if the condition code test evaluates to FALSE.
When executed, the CAL instruction pushes a reference to the instruction
immediately following the CAL instruction onto the call stack. When a
matching RET instruction is executed, execution will continue at that
instruction after executing the matching RET instruction.
Implementations may have a limited call stack. If the number of CAL
instructions that have been performed without returning is
MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV, a CAL instruction will cause the call stack to
overflow and the fragment program to terminate.
The following pseudocode describes the operation of the instruction:
if (TestCC(cc.c***) || TestCC(cc.*c**) ||
TestCC(cc.**c*) || TestCC(cc.***c)) {
// Check for call stack overflow.
if (callStackDepth >= MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV) {
terminate fragment program;
push instruction following the CAL instruction on the call stack;
continue execution at instruction following <branchLabel>;
3.11.X.3, ELSE: Beginning of ELSE Block
The ELSE instruction signifies the end of the "execute if true" portion of
an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block.
If the condition evaluated at the IF statement was TRUE, when a program
reaches the ELSE statement, it has completed the entire "execute if true"
portion of the IF/ELSE/ENDIF block. Execution will continue at the
corresponding ENDIF instruction.
If the condition evaluated at the IF statement was FALSE, program
execution would skip over the entire "execute if true" portion of the
IF/ELSE/ENDIF block, including the ELSE instruction.
3.11.X.4, ENDIF: End of IF/ELSE Block
The ENDIF instruction signifies the end of an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block. It has
no other effect on program execution.
3.11.X.5, ENDLOOP: End of LOOP Block
The ENDLOOP instruction specifies the end of a LOOP block. When an
ENDLOOP instruction executes, the loop count is decremented and the loop
index increment value is added to the loop index (A0.x). If the
decremented loop count is greater than zero, execution continues at the
top of the LOOP block.
LoopIndex += LoopIncr;
if (LoopCount > 0) {
continue execution at instruction following corresponding LOOP
3.11.X.6, ENDREP: End of REP Block
The ENDREP instruction specifies the end of a REP block. When an ENDREP
instruction executes, the loop count is decremented. If the decremented
loop count is greater than zero, execution continues at the top of the REP
if (LoopCount > 0) {
continue execution at instruction following corresponding LOOP
3.11.X.7, IF: Beginning of IF Block
The IF instruction conditionally transfers control to the instruction
immediately following the corresponding ELSE instruction (if present) or
ENDIF instruction (if no ELSE is present).
Implementations may have a limited ability to nest IF blocks at run time.
If the number of IF/ENDIF blocks that are currently active is
MAX_PROGRAM_IF_DEPTH_NV, an IF instruction will cause the fragment program
to terminate. If an IF instruction is executed inside a subroutine, any
active IF/ENDIF blocks in the calling code count against this limit.
if (IF block nested too deeply) {
terminate fragment program;
// Evaluate the condition. If the condition is true, continue at the
// next instruction. Otherwise, continue at the
if (TestCC(cc.c***) || TestCC(cc.*c**) ||
TestCC(cc.**c*) || TestCC(cc.***c)) {
continue execution at the next instruction;
} else if (IF block contains an ELSE statement) {
continue execution at instruction following corresponding ELSE;
} else {
continue execution at instruction following corresponding ENDIF;
3.11.X.8, LOOP: Beginning of LOOP Block
The LOOP instruction begins a LOOP block. The x, y, and z components of
the single vector operand specify the initial values for the loop count,
loop index, and loop index increment, respectively.
The loop count indicates the number of times the instructions between the
LOOP and corresponding ENDLOOP instruction will be executed. If the
initial value of the loop count is not positive, the entire block is
skipped and execution continues at the corresponding ENDLOOP instruction.
The loop index (A0.x) can be used for indirect addressing in the set of
texture coordinate fragment attributes. A fragment program can only use
the loop index of the current LOOP block; loop indices for containing LOOP
blocks are not available.
Implementations may have a limited ability to nest LOOP and REP blocks at
run time. If the number of LOOP/ENDLOOP and REP/ENDREP blocks that have
not completed is MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_DEPTH_NV, a LOOP instruction will cause
the fragment program to terminate. If a LOOP instruction is executed
inside a subroutine, any active LOOP/ENDLOOP or REP/ENDREP blocks in the
calling code count against this limit.
if (LOOP block nested too deeply) {
terminate fragment program;
// Set up loop information for the new nesting level.
tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
LoopCount = floor(op0.x);
LoopIndex = floor(op0.y);
LoopIncr = floor(op0.z);
if (LoopCount <= 0) {
continue execution at the corresponding ENDLOOP;
LOOP blocks do not support fully general branching -- a fragment program
will fail to load if the vector operand is not a program parameter.
3.11.X.9, REP: Beginning of REP Block
The REP instruction begins a REP block. The x component of the single
vector operand specifies the initial value for the loop count. REP blocks
are completely identical to LOOP blocks except that they don't use the
loop index at all.
The loop count indicates the number of times the instructions between the
REP and corresponding ENDREP instruction will be executed. If the initial
value of the loop count is not positive, the entire block is skipped and
execution continues at the instruction following the corresponding ENDREP
Implementations may have a limited ability to nest LOOP and REP blocks at
run time. If the number of LOOP/ENDLOOP and REP/ENDREP blocks that have
not completed is MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_DEPTH_NV, a REP instruction will cause
the fragment program to terminate. If a REP instruction is executed
inside a subroutine, any active LOOP/ENDLOOP or REP/ENDREP blocks in the
calling code count against this limit.
if (REP block nested too deeply) {
terminate fragment program;
// Set up loop information for the new nesting level.
tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
LoopCount = floor(op0.x);
if (LoopCount <= 0) {
continue execution at the corresponding ENDREP;
REP blocks do not support fully general branching -- a fragment program
will fail to load if the vector operand is not a program parameter.
3.11.X.10, RET: Subroutine Return
The RET instruction conditionally returns from a subroutine initiated by a
CAL instruction. A RET instruction has no effect if the condition code
test evaluates to FALSE.
When executed, the RET instruction pops a reference to the instruction
immediately following the corresponding CAL instruction onto the call
stack and continues execution at that instruction.
If a RET instruction is issued when the call stack is empty, the fragment
program is terminated.
if (TestCC(cc.c***) || TestCC(cc.*c**) ||
TestCC(cc.**c*) || TestCC(cc.***c)) {
if (callStackDepth <= 0) {
terminate fragment program;
pop instruction following the CAL instruction off the call stack;
continue execution at that instruction;
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (State and
State Requests)
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Dependencies on ARB_fragment_program
ARB_fragment_program is required.
This specification and NV_fragment_program_option are based on a modified
version of the grammar published in the ARB_fragment_program
specification. This modified grammar includes a few structural changes to
better accommodate new functionality from this and other extensions, but
should be functionally equivalent to the ARB_fragment_program grammar.
See NV_fragment_program_option for details on the base grammar.
Dependencies on NV_fragment_program2_option
NV_fragment_program_option is required.
If the NV_fragment_program2 program option is specified, all the
functionality described in both this extension and the
NV_fragment_program_option specification is available.
GLX Protocol
New State
New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec Attrib
----------------------------------- ---- --------------- ------ ----------------- -------- ------
MAX_PROGRAM_EXEC_INSTRUCTIONS_NV Z+ GetProgramivARB 65536 maximum program 3.11.4.X -
execution inst-
ruction count
MAX_PROGRAM_CALL_DEPTH_NV Z+ GetProgramivARB 4 maximum program 3.11.4.X -
call stack depth
MAX_PROGRAM_IF_DEPTH_NV Z+ GetProgramivARB 48 maximum program 3.11.4.X -
if nesting
MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_DEPTH_NV Z+ GetProgramivARB 4 maximum program 3.11.4.X -
loop nesting
MAX_PROGRAM_LOOP_COUNT_NV Z+ GetProgramivARB 255 maximum program 3.11.4.X -
initial loop count
(add to Table X.10. New Implementation-Dependent Values Introduced by
ARB_fragment_program. Values queried by GetProgramivARB require a <pname>
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- ------- --------------------------------------------
8 08/04/04 pbrown Fixed two typos in the TXL instruction.
7 07/08/04 pbrown Fixed entries for KIL and RFL in the opcode
6 05/16/04 pbrown Documented that "A0" is a pre-defined address
register variable for the purposes of the
grammar, and that no other address register
variables can be declared.
5 -------- pbrown Internal pre-release revisions.