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Name Strings
Ben Bowman
Yuan Wang
Benj Lipchak
Ben Bowman, Imagination Technologies (benji 'dot' bowman 'at' imgtec 'dot' com)
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
IP Status
Complete. Approved by the OpenGL ES WG on November 11, 2009.
Approved by the Khronos Board of Promoters on January 29, 2010.
Version 16, April 17, 2014
OpenGL ES Extension #71
This extension is written against the OpenGL ES Common 1.1.12
Specification (April 24, 2008) and the OpenGL ES 2.0.24
Specification (April 22, 2009).
OES_matrix_palette affects the definition of this extension.
This extension introduces vertex array objects which encapsulate
vertex array states on the server side (vertex buffer objects).
These objects aim to keep pointers to vertex data and to provide
names for different sets of vertex data. Therefore applications are
allowed to rapidly switch between different sets of vertex array
state, and to easily return to the default vertex array state.
* Should vertex array objects be sharable across multiple OpenGL ES
RESOLVED: No. The OpenGL ES working group took a straw poll and agreed
that the advantages of compatibility with OpenGL and ease of
implementation were more important than the disadvantage of creating
the first non-shared named object in OpenGL ES.
* Is it required for a vertex array object name to be explicitly
generated before being bound?
RESOLVED: Yes. The OpenGL ES working group agreed that
compatibility with OpenGL and the ability to to guide developers to
more "future looking" object usage were more important than keeping
consistency with other objects in OpenGL ES 1 and 2.
* Should a vertex array object be allowed to encapsulate client
vertex arrays?
RESOLVED: No. The OpenGL ES working group agreed that compatibility
with OpenGL and the ability to to guide developers to more
performant drawing by enforcing VBO usage were more important than
the possibility of hurting adoption of VAOs.
* Should client array indices be employed by DrawElements when a
non-zero vertex array object is bound?
RESOLVED: Yes. The original ARB_vao and OpenGL 3.0 incarnations of
this feature allowed client index data, so this extension should
* When an application attempts to utilise a zero-named vertex array
buffer or a zero-named element array buffer, while a non-zero
vertex array object is presently attached, what should happen?
RESOLVED: Generally speaking, these kinds of endeavours are
erroneous, but some cases are deliberately tolerated. And they are
detailed as follows:
- Binding a zero-named vertex array buffer:
this can be detected by *Pointer(ES1) or VertexAttribPointer(ES2);
- if the pointer argument is not NULL:
this means to bind a client vertex array;
an INVALID_OPERATION error will be returned.
- if the pointer argument is NULL:
the result or drawing will be undefined, but with no GL error;
this enables a previously encapsulated vertex array buffer to
be detached from a vertex array object.
- Binding a zero-named element array buffer:
this can be identified by DrawElements;
- no restrictions.
New Procedures and Functions
void BindVertexArrayOES(uint array);
void DeleteVertexArraysOES(sizei n, const uint *arrays);
void GenVertexArraysOES(sizei n, uint *arrays);
boolean IsVertexArrayOES(uint array);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv:
Additions to Chapter 2 (OpenGL ES Operation)
* Add a new Section "2.X Vertex Array Objects" after Section "2.9
Buffer Objects".
The buffer objects that are to be used by the vertex stage of the
GL ES are collected together to form a vertex array object. All
state related to the definition of the data used by the vertex
processor is encapsulated in a vertex array object.
The command
void GenVertexArraysOES(sizei n, uint *arrays);
returns <n> previous unused vertex array object names in <arrays>.
These names are marked as used, for the purposes of
GenVertexArraysOES only, but they acquire array state only when
they are first bound, just as if they were unused.
Vertex array objects are deleted by calling
void DeleteVertexArraysOES(sizei n, const uint *arrays);
<arrays> contains <n> names of vertex array objects to be deleted.
Once a vertex array object is deleted it has no contents and its
name becomes unused again. If a vertex array object that is
currently bound is deleted, the binding for that object reverts to
zero and the default vertex array becomes current. Unused names in
<arrays> are silently ignored, as if they have the value zero.
The name space for vertex array objects is the unsigned integers,
with zero reserved for the GL ES.
A vertex array object is created by binding an unused name with the
void BindVertexArrayOES(uint array);
and <array> here is the vertex array object name. The resulting
vertex array object is a new state vector, comprising all the state
values (listed in Tables 6.4 & 6.5, except CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE
BindVertexArrayOES may also be used to bind an existing vertex
array object. If the binding is successful, no change is made to
the state of the bound vertex array object, and any previous
binding is broken.
BindVertexArrayOES fails and an INVALID_OPERATION error is
generated if array is not a name returned from a previous call to
GenVertexArraysOES, or if such a name has since been deleted with
DeleteVertexArraysOES. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if
any of the *Pointer commands specifying the location and
organization of vertex array data are called while a non-zero
vertex array object is bound, zero is bound to the ARRAY_BUFFER
buffer object binding point, and the pointer argument is not NULL
[fn1: This error makes it impossible to create a vertex array
object containing client array pointers, while still allowing
buffer objects to be unbound.]
The currently bound vertex array object is used for all commands
that modify vertex array state, such as
all commands that draw from vertex arrays, such as
and all queries of vertex array state (see Chapter 6).
and <array> here is the vertex array object name. The resulting
vertex array object is a new state vector, comprising all the state
values (listed in Table 6.2, except ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING):
BindVertexArrayOES may also be used to bind an existing vertex
array object. If the binding is successful, no change is made to
the state of the bound vertex array object, and any previous
binding is broken.
BindVertexArrayOES fails and an INVALID_OPERATION error is
generated if array is not a name returned from a previous call to
GenVertexArraysOES, or if such a name has since been deleted with
DeleteVertexArraysOES. An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if
VertexAttribPointer is called while a non-zero vertex array object
is bound, zero is bound to the <ARRAY_BUFFER> buffer object binding
point and the pointer argument is not NULL [fn1].
[fn1: This error makes it impossible to create a vertex array
object containing client array pointers, while still allowing
buffer objects to be unbound.]
The currently bound vertex array object is used for all commands
that modify vertex array state, such as VertexAttribPointer and
EnableVertexAttribArray; all commands that draw from vertex arrays,
such as DrawArrays and DrawElements; and all queries of vertex
array state (see Chapter 6).
And the presently attached vertex array object has the following
impacts on the draw commands:
While a non-zero vertex array object is bound, if any enabled
array's buffer binding is zero, when DrawArrays or
DrawElements is called, the result is undefined.
Additions to Chapter 3 (Rasterization)
* None.
Additions to Chapter 4 (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer)
* None.
Additions to Chapter 5 (Special Functions)
* None.
Additions to Chapter 6 (State and State Requests)
* Add a new paragraph at the end of Section 6.1.2: Data Conversions
(Page 119).
Vertex array state variables are qualified by the value of
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES to determine which vertex array object is
queried. Tables 6.4 & 6.5 define the set of state stored in a
vertex array object.
* Add a new Section "6.1.X Vertex Array Object Queries" after
Sections "6.1.6 Buffer Object Queries" (Page 120).
The command
boolean IsVertexArrayOES(uint array);
returns TRUE if <array> is the name of a vertex array object. If
<array> is zero, or a non-zero value that is not the name of a
vertex array object, IsVertexArrayOES returns FALSE. No error is
generated if <array> is not a valid array object name.
* Add a new paragraph at the end of Section 6.1.2: Data Conversions
(Page 123).
Vertex array state variables are qualified by the value of
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES to determine which vertex array object is
queried. Table 6.2 defines the set of state stored in a vertex
array object.
* Add a new Section "6.1.X Vertex Array Object Queries" between
Sections "6.1.6 Buffer Object Queries" and "6.1.7 Framebuffer
Object and Renderbuffer Queries" (Page 126).
The command
boolean IsVertexArrayOES(uint array);
returns TRUE if <array> is the name of a vertex array object. If
<array> is zero, or a non-zero value that is not the name of a
vertex array object, IsVertexArray returns FALSE. No error is
generated if <array> is not a valid array object name.
* Modify lines in Section 6.1.8: Shader and Program Queries
Page 131: replace "Note that all the queries except
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB return client state."
"Note that all the queries except CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB return
values stored in the currently bound vertex array object (the value
of VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING). If the zero object is bound, then the
queries return client state."
Page 131: add lines after "<pname> must be VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER."
The value returned is queried from the currently bound vertex array
object. If the zero object is bound, the value is queried from
client state.
Additions to Appendix C (Deleting Shared Objects)
* Add another section in C.2 Sharing objects across multiple OpenGL
ES contexts (Page 163).
Objects which cannot be shared in this manner include:
vertex array objects
Dependencies on OES_matrix_palette
If OES_matrix_palette is supported, the language below should be
added into Chapter 2.
The vertex array object can also comprise the following state values:
And the currently bound vertex array object can also be used for the
following commands
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
------- ---------- ------------ -----------------------------------------------------
16 04/17/14 Jon Leech Update wording of first issue (Bug 7847).
15 02/05/10 Jon Leech Update Status and assign extension number.
Reflow spec text to standard widths.
14 10/11/09 Ben Bowman Allow VAO to employ client indices.
13 09/11/09 Yuan Wang Forbade VAO to employ client array indices.
12 04/11/09 Ben Bowman Updated EXT to OES and adopted resolutions of the
OpenGL ES working group meeting on 04/11/09. (re)
disallow user generated (non Gen'd) names.
11 23/10/09 Ben Bowman Fixed INVALID_OPERATION error for client arrays.
10 14/10/09 Ben Bowman Adopted resolutions of the OpenGL ES working group
meeting on 14/10/09. (re) disallow client arrays to
be included in VAOs. Disallow sharing of VAOs.
9 14/10/09 Yuan Wang Added dependencies on OES_matrix_palette
8 14/10/09 Ben Bowman Formatting. Reopen of shared object decision.
7 09/09/09 Ben Bowman Cleanup of issues list.
6 04/09/09 Yuan Wang Changed contact details and added contributors.
Replaced IMG with EXT, added the extension for ES1
specification and added revision history.
5 20/08/09 Yuan Wang Allowed VAO to encapsulate client attribute arrays.
4 16/07/09 Yuan Wang Added ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING into VAO's
contained states, but took ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING
out of the states.
3 07/07/09 Yuan Wang Removed VERTEX_ARRAY_IMG token, and removed target
param from BindVertexArrayIMG, since there is only
one type of target for VAO.
2 26/06/09 Yuan Wang Added IMG affix and VERTEX_ARRAY target for
1 15/06/09 Yuan Wang Initial revision.