blob: a68b46d9ed0c9002dccd91c89559b5dbee5f5ec9 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Graham Sellers (graham.sellers 'at'
Jon Leech
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Approved by the ARB on 2012/06/12.
Last Modified Date: August 7, 2013
Version: 8
ARB Extension #139
ARB_texture_buffer_object or OpenGL 3.1 is required.
The definition of this extension is dependent on EXT_direct_state_access.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.2 (Core) Specification.
ARB_texture_buffer_object (which was promoted to core in OpenGL 3.1)
introduced the ability to attach the data store of a buffer object
to a buffer texture and access it from shaders. The extension only allows
the entire store of the buffer object to the texture. This extension
expands on this and allows a sub-range of the buffer's data store to
be attached to a texture. This can be used, for example, to allow multiple
buffer textures to be backed by independent sub-ranges of the same buffer
object, or for different sub-ranges of a single buffer object to be used
for different purposes.
IP Status
No known IP claims.
New Procedures and Functions
void TexBufferRange(enum target,
enum internalformat,
uint buffer,
intptr offset,
sizeiptr size);
When EXT_direct_state_access is present:
void TextureBufferRangeEXT(uint texture,
enum target,
enum internalformat,
uint buffer,
intptr offset,
sizeiptr size);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetTexLevelParameter:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv,
and GetDoublev:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
Modifications to Section 3.8.7 "Buffer Textures"
Change the description of TexBuffer as follows:
The command
void TexBufferRange(enum target,
enum internalformat,
uint buffer,
intptr offset,
sizeiptr size);
attaches the range of the storage for the buffer object named <buffer>
for <size> basic machine units, starting at <offset> (also in basic machine
units) to the active buffer texture, and specifies an internal format
for the texel array found in the range of the attached buffer object. If
<buffer> is zero, then any buffer object attached to the buffer texture
is detached, the values <offset> and <size> are ignored and the state for
<offset> and <size> for the buffer texture are reset to zero. If <buffer>
is non-zero, but is not the name of a buffer object, the error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated. If <offset> is negative or if <size> is
less than or equal to zero or if <offset> + <size> is greater than the
value of BUFFER_SIZE for the buffer bound to <target>, of if <offset> is
not an integer multiple of TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT, then the error
INVALID_VALUE is generated. <internalformat> specifies the storage format
and must be one of the sized internal formats found in Table 3.15.
The command
void TextureBufferRangeEXT(uint texture,
enum target,
enum internalformat,
uint buffer,
intptr offset,
sizeiptr size);
behaves identically to TexBufferRange, except rather than updating the
currently bound texture object for the texture unit indicated by the current
active texture state, the texture object named <texture> is updated
directly. <texture> must be a name returned from a previous call to
GenTextures or be that of an existing texture matching <target>. If <texture>
is not the name of an existing texture, one is created with the name
<texture> for <target>.
The command
void TexBuffer(enum target,
enum internalformat,
uint buffer);
is equivalent to calling TexBufferRange with the <target>, <internalformat>
and <buffer> parameters as specified, with <offset> set to zero, and
<size> set to the value of BUFFER_SIZE for <buffer>.
When a range of the storage of a buffer object is attached to a buffer
texture, the range of the buffer's data store is taken as the texture's
texel array. The number of texels in the buffer texture's texel array is
given by
| <size> |
| ------------------------------------ |
|_ <components> x sizeof(<base_type>) _|
where <components> and <base_type> are the element count and base type for
elements, as specified in Table 3.15.
Modifications to Section 3.9.15 "Texture and Proxy State"
Add to the state required for buffer textures:
... The buffer texture target has associated an integer containing the name
of the buffer object that provided the data store for the texture,
initially zero, and two pointer sized integers containing the offset and
range of the buffer object's data store, also initially zero.
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
(State and State Requests)
INVALID_ENUM is generated by TexBufferRange if <target> is not
INVALID_VALUE is generated by TexBufferRange if <offset> is less than zero.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by TexBufferRange if <size> is less than zero.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by TexBufferRange if <offset> + <size> is
greater than the value of BUFFER_SIZE for <buffer>.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by TexBufferRange if <offset> is not
an integer multiple of the value of TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT.
New State
Append to Table 6.17. Textures (state per texture image)
| Get Value | Type | Get Command | Initial Value | Description |
| TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET | n x Z | GetTexLevelParameter | 0 | Offset into buffer's data store used for |
| | | | | the active image unit's buffer texture |
| TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE | n x Z | GetTexLevelParameter | 0 | Size of the buffer's data store used for |
| | | | | the active image unit's buffer texture |
New Implementation Dependent State
| | | | Minimum | | | |
| Get Value | Type | Get Command | Value | Description | Sec | Attribute |
| TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT | Z+ | GetIntegerv | 1 | Minimum required alignment | 3.8.7 | - |
| | | | | for texture buffer offsets | | |
Conformance Tests
1) Do we need to have restrictions on the alignment of <offset> and/or
<size> for TexBufferRange?
RESOLVED: Yes for offset, no for range. The minimum value here is 1,
essentially making it optional for offsets.
Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access
If EXT_direct_state_access is not supported, remove all references to
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- ---------- -------- -----------------------------------------
8 08/07/2013 mjk Better indicate DSA entrypoints
7 05/29/2012 Jon Leech Fix capitalization of <internalformat>.
6 05/02/2012 drakos Add EXT suffix to TextureBufferRange.
5 04/30/2012 gsellers Assign token values.
Add more error behavior.
Minor fixes.
4 04/26/2012 gsellers Clarify that <offset> and <size> are reset for
TexBOs when a buffer is unbound.
3 04/02/2012 gsellers Update token names. Correct typos. (bug 8131).
Resolve issue (1).
2 12/19/2011 gsellers Document interaction with EXT_dsa. Rename to
ARB. Remove ARB suffixes from APIs and tokens.
1 09/26/2011 gsellers Initial draft