New files
diff --git a/contrib/previewers/lib/basisu_transcoder.h b/contrib/previewers/lib/basisu_transcoder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1d893b..0000000
--- a/contrib/previewers/lib/basisu_transcoder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2705 +0,0 @@
-// basisu_transcoder.h
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Important: If compiling with gcc, be sure strict aliasing is disabled: -fno-strict-aliasing
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#pragma once
-// Set BASISU_FORCE_DEVEL_MESSAGES to 1 to enable debug printf()'s whenever an error occurs, for easier debugging during development.
-/**** start inlining basisu_transcoder_internal.h ****/
-// basisu_transcoder_internal.h - Universal texture format transcoder library.
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Important: If compiling with gcc, be sure strict aliasing is disabled: -fno-strict-aliasing
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable: 4127) //  conditional expression is constant
-#define BASISD_VERSION_STRING "01.12"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-/**** start inlining basisu.h ****/
-// basisu.h
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Important: If compiling with gcc, be sure strict aliasing is disabled: -fno-strict-aliasing
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-	#pragma warning (disable : 4201)
-	#pragma warning (disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
-	#pragma warning (disable : 4530) // C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled.
-		#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
-			// This is madness, but we need to disable iterator debugging in debug builds or the encoder is unsable because MSVC's iterator debugging implementation is totally broken.
-			#endif
-			#ifndef _SECURE_SCL
-			#define _SECURE_SCL 1
-			#endif
-		#else // defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
-			#ifndef _SECURE_SCL
-			#define _SECURE_SCL 0
-			#endif
-			#endif
-		#endif // defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
-		#ifndef NOMINMAX
-			#define NOMINMAX
-		#endif
-#endif // _MSC_VER
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <memory.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <limits>
-#include <functional>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <vector>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <random>
-#ifdef max
-#undef max
-#ifdef min
-#undef min
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define strcasecmp _stricmp
-// Set to one to enable debug printf()'s when any errors occur, for development/debugging. Especially useful for WebGL development.
-#define BASISU_NOTE_UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
-#define BASISU_ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
-#define BASISU_NO_EQUALS_OR_COPY_CONSTRUCT(x) x(const x &) = delete; x& operator= (const x &) = delete;
-#define BASISU_ASSUME(x) static_assert(x, #x);
-#define BASISU_OFFSETOF(s, m) (uint32_t)(intptr_t)(&((s *)(0))->m)
-#define BASISU_STRINGIZE(x) #x
-	#define BASISU_DEVEL_ERROR(...) do { basisu::debug_printf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
-	#define BASISU_DEVEL_ERROR(...)
-namespace basisu
-	// Types/utilities
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	const char BASISU_PATH_SEPERATOR_CHAR = '\\';
-	const char BASISU_PATH_SEPERATOR_CHAR = '/';
-	typedef std::vector<uint8_t> uint8_vec;
-	typedef std::vector<int16_t> int16_vec;
-	typedef std::vector<uint16_t> uint16_vec;
-	typedef std::vector<uint32_t> uint_vec;
-	typedef std::vector<uint64_t> uint64_vec;
-	typedef std::vector<int> int_vec;
-	typedef std::vector<bool> bool_vec;
-	void enable_debug_printf(bool enabled);
-	void debug_printf(const char *pFmt, ...);
-	template <typename T> inline void clear_obj(T& obj) { memset(&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); }
-	template <typename T0, typename T1> inline T0 lerp(T0 a, T0 b, T1 c) { return a + (b - a) * c; }
-	template <typename S> inline S maximum(S a, S b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
-	template <typename S> inline S maximum(S a, S b, S c) { return maximum(maximum(a, b), c); }
-	template <typename S> inline S maximum(S a, S b, S c, S d) { return maximum(maximum(maximum(a, b), c), d); }
-	template <typename S> inline S minimum(S a, S b) {	return (a < b) ? a : b; }
-	template <typename S> inline S minimum(S a, S b, S c) {	return minimum(minimum(a, b), c); }
-	template <typename S> inline S minimum(S a, S b, S c, S d) { return minimum(minimum(minimum(a, b), c), d); }
-	inline float clampf(float value, float low, float high) { if (value < low) value = low; else if (value > high) value = high;	return value; }
-	inline float saturate(float value) { return clampf(value, 0, 1.0f); }
-	inline uint8_t minimumub(uint8_t a, uint8_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
-	inline uint32_t minimumu(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
-	inline int32_t minimumi(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
-	inline float minimumf(float a, float b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
-	inline uint8_t maximumub(uint8_t a, uint8_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
-	inline uint32_t maximumu(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
-	inline int32_t maximumi(int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
-	inline float maximumf(float a, float b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
-	inline int squarei(int i) { return i * i; }
-	inline float squaref(float i) { return i * i; }
-	template<typename T> inline T square(T a) { return a * a; }
-	template <typename S> inline S clamp(S value, S low, S high) { return (value < low) ? low : ((value > high) ? high : value); }
-	inline uint32_t iabs(int32_t i) { return (i < 0) ? static_cast<uint32_t>(-i) : static_cast<uint32_t>(i);	}
-	inline uint64_t iabs64(int64_t i) {	return (i < 0) ? static_cast<uint64_t>(-i) : static_cast<uint64_t>(i); }
-	template<typename T> inline void clear_vector(T &vec) { vec.erase(vec.begin(), vec.end()); }		
-	template<typename T> inline typename T::value_type *enlarge_vector(T &vec, size_t n) { size_t cs = vec.size(); vec.resize(cs + n); return &vec[cs]; }
-	inline bool is_pow2(uint32_t x) { return x && ((x & (x - 1U)) == 0U); }
-	inline bool is_pow2(uint64_t x) { return x && ((x & (x - 1U)) == 0U); }
-	template<typename T> inline T open_range_check(T v, T minv, T maxv) { assert(v >= minv && v < maxv); BASISU_NOTE_UNUSED(minv); BASISU_NOTE_UNUSED(maxv); return v; }
-	template<typename T> inline T open_range_check(T v, T maxv) { assert(v < maxv); BASISU_NOTE_UNUSED(maxv); return v; }
-	inline uint32_t total_bits(uint32_t v) { uint32_t l = 0; for ( ; v > 0U; ++l) v >>= 1; return l; }
-	template<typename T> inline T saturate(T val) { return clamp(val, 0.0f, 1.0f); }
-	template<typename T, typename R> inline void append_vector(T &vec, const R *pObjs, size_t n) 
-	{ 
-		if (n)
-		{
-			const size_t cur_s = vec.size();
-			vec.resize(cur_s + n);
-			memcpy(&vec[cur_s], pObjs, sizeof(R) * n);
-		}
-	}
-	template<typename T> inline void append_vector(T &vec, const T &other_vec)
-	{
-		if (other_vec.size())
-			append_vector(vec, &other_vec[0], other_vec.size());
-	}
-	template<typename T> inline void vector_ensure_element_is_valid(T &vec, size_t idx)
-	{
-		if (idx >= vec.size())
-			vec.resize(idx + 1);
-	}
-	template<typename T> inline void vector_sort(T &vec)
-	{
-		if (vec.size())
-			std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
-	}
-	template<typename T, typename U> inline bool unordered_set_contains(T& set, const U&obj)
-	{
-		return set.find(obj) != set.end();
-	}
-	template<typename T> int vector_find(const T &vec, const typename T::value_type &obj)
-	{
-		assert(vec.size() <= INT_MAX);
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
-			if (vec[i] == obj)
-				return static_cast<int>(i);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	template<typename T> void vector_set_all(T &vec, const typename T::value_type &obj)
-	{
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
-			vec[i] = obj;
-	}
-	inline uint64_t read_be64(const void *p)
-	{
-		uint64_t val = 0;
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-			val |= (static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<const uint8_t *>(p)[7 - i]) << (i * 8));
-		return val;
-	}
-	inline void write_be64(void *p, uint64_t x)
-	{
-		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-			static_cast<uint8_t *>(p)[7 - i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(x >> (i * 8));
-	}
-	static inline uint16_t byteswap16(uint16_t x) { return static_cast<uint16_t>((x << 8) | (x >> 8)); }
-	static inline uint32_t byteswap32(uint32_t x) { return ((x << 24) | ((x << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x >> 24)); }
-	inline uint32_t floor_log2i(uint32_t v)
-	{
-		uint32_t b = 0;
-		for (; v > 1U; ++b)
-			v >>= 1;
-		return b;
-	}
-	inline uint32_t ceil_log2i(uint32_t v)
-	{
-		uint32_t b = floor_log2i(v);
-		if ((b != 32) && (v > (1U << b)))
-			++b;
-		return b;
-	}
-	inline int posmod(int x, int y)
-	{
-		if (x >= 0)
-			return (x < y) ? x : (x % y);
-		int m = (-x) % y;
-		return (m != 0) ? (y - m) : m;
-	}
-	inline bool do_excl_ranges_overlap(int la, int ha, int lb, int hb)
-	{
-		assert(la < ha && lb < hb);
-		if ((ha <= lb) || (la >= hb)) return false;
-		return true;
-	}
-	// Always little endian 2-4 byte unsigned int
-	template<uint32_t NumBytes>
-	struct packed_uint
-	{
-		uint8_t m_bytes[NumBytes];
-		inline packed_uint() { static_assert(NumBytes <= 4, "NumBytes <= 4"); }
-		inline packed_uint(uint32_t v) { *this = v; }
-		inline packed_uint(const packed_uint& other) { *this = other; }
-		inline packed_uint& operator= (uint32_t v) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++) m_bytes[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(v >> (i * 8)); return *this; }
-		inline packed_uint& operator= (const packed_uint& rhs) { memcpy(m_bytes, rhs.m_bytes, sizeof(m_bytes)); return *this; }
-		inline operator uint32_t() const
-		{
-			switch (NumBytes)
-			{
-				case 1:  return  m_bytes[0];
-				case 2:  return (m_bytes[1] << 8U) | m_bytes[0];
-				case 3:  return (m_bytes[2] << 16U) | (m_bytes[1] << 8U) | (m_bytes[0]);
-				default: return (m_bytes[3] << 24U) | (m_bytes[2] << 16U) | (m_bytes[1] << 8U) | (m_bytes[0]);
-			}
-		}
-	};
-	enum eZero { cZero };
-	enum eNoClamp { cNoClamp };
-	// Rice/Huffman entropy coding
-	// This is basically Deflate-style canonical Huffman, except we allow for a lot more symbols.
-	enum
-	{
-		cHuffmanMaxSupportedCodeSize = 16, cHuffmanMaxSupportedInternalCodeSize = 31, 
-		cHuffmanFastLookupBits = 10, cHuffmanFastLookupSize = 1 << cHuffmanFastLookupBits,
-		cHuffmanMaxSymsLog2 = 14, cHuffmanMaxSyms = 1 << cHuffmanMaxSymsLog2,
-		// Small zero runs
-		cHuffmanSmallZeroRunSizeMin = 3, cHuffmanSmallZeroRunSizeMax = 10, cHuffmanSmallZeroRunExtraBits = 3,
-		// Big zero run
-		cHuffmanBigZeroRunSizeMin = 11, cHuffmanBigZeroRunSizeMax = 138, cHuffmanBigZeroRunExtraBits = 7,
-		// Small non-zero run
-		cHuffmanSmallRepeatSizeMin = 3, cHuffmanSmallRepeatSizeMax = 6, cHuffmanSmallRepeatExtraBits = 2,
-		// Big non-zero run
-		cHuffmanBigRepeatSizeMin = 7, cHuffmanBigRepeatSizeMax = 134, cHuffmanBigRepeatExtraBits = 7,
-		cHuffmanTotalCodelengthCodes = 21, cHuffmanSmallZeroRunCode = 17, cHuffmanBigZeroRunCode = 18, cHuffmanSmallRepeatCode = 19, cHuffmanBigRepeatCode = 20
-	};
-	static const uint8_t g_huffman_sorted_codelength_codes[] = { cHuffmanSmallZeroRunCode, cHuffmanBigZeroRunCode,	cHuffmanSmallRepeatCode, cHuffmanBigRepeatCode, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 0xA, 5, 0xB, 4, 0xC, 3, 0xD, 2, 0xE, 1, 0xF, 0x10 };
-	const uint32_t cHuffmanTotalSortedCodelengthCodes = sizeof(g_huffman_sorted_codelength_codes) / sizeof(g_huffman_sorted_codelength_codes[0]);
-	// GPU texture formats
-	enum class texture_format
-	{
-		cInvalidTextureFormat = -1,
-		// Block-based formats
-		cETC1,			// ETC1
-		cETC1S,			// ETC1 (subset: diff colors only, no subblocks)
-		cETC2_RGB,		// ETC2 color block (basisu doesn't support ETC2 planar/T/H modes - just basic ETC1)
-		cETC2_RGBA,		// ETC2 EAC alpha block followed by ETC2 color block
-		cETC2_ALPHA,	// ETC2 EAC alpha block 
-		cBC1,				// DXT1
-		cBC3,				// DXT5 (BC4/DXT5A block followed by a BC1/DXT1 block)
-		cBC4,				// DXT5A
-		cBC5,				// 3DC/DXN (two BC4/DXT5A blocks)
-		cBC7,
-		cASTC4x4,		// LDR only
-		cPVRTC1_4_RGB,
-		cPVRTC1_4_RGBA,
-		cATC_RGB,
-		cFXT1_RGB,
-		cPVRTC2_4_RGBA,
-		cETC2_R11_EAC,
-		cETC2_RG11_EAC,
-		cUASTC4x4,		
-		// Uncompressed/raw pixels
-		cRGBA32,
-		cRGB565,
-		cBGR565,
-		cRGBA4444,
-		cABGR4444
-	};
-	inline uint32_t get_bytes_per_block(texture_format fmt)
-	{
-		switch (fmt)
-		{
-		case texture_format::cETC1:
-		case texture_format::cETC1S:
-		case texture_format::cETC2_RGB:
-		case texture_format::cETC2_ALPHA:
-		case texture_format::cBC1:
-		case texture_format::cBC4:
-		case texture_format::cPVRTC1_4_RGB:
-		case texture_format::cPVRTC1_4_RGBA:
-		case texture_format::cATC_RGB:
-		case texture_format::cPVRTC2_4_RGBA:
-		case texture_format::cETC2_R11_EAC:
-			return 8;
-		case texture_format::cRGBA32:
-			return sizeof(uint32_t) * 16;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-		return 16;
-	}
-	inline uint32_t get_qwords_per_block(texture_format fmt)
-	{
-		return get_bytes_per_block(fmt) >> 3;
-	}
-	inline uint32_t get_block_width(texture_format fmt)
-	{
-		switch (fmt)
-		{
-		case texture_format::cFXT1_RGB:
-			return 8;
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-		return 4;
-	}
-	inline uint32_t get_block_height(texture_format fmt)
-	{
-		return 4;
-	}
-} // namespace basisu
-/**** ended inlining basisu.h ****/
-#define BASISD_znew (z = 36969 * (z & 65535) + (z >> 16))
-namespace basisu
-	extern bool g_debug_printf;
-namespace basist
-	// Low-level formats directly supported by the transcoder (other supported texture formats are combinations of these low-level block formats).
-	// You probably don't care about these enum's unless you are going pretty low-level and calling the transcoder to decode individual slices.
-	enum class block_format
-	{
-		cETC1,								// ETC1S RGB 
-		cETC2_RGBA,							// full ETC2 EAC RGBA8 block
-		cBC1,									// DXT1 RGB 
-		cBC3,									// BC4 block followed by a four color BC1 block
-		cBC4,									// DXT5A (alpha block only)
-		cBC5,									// two BC4 blocks
-		cPVRTC1_4_RGB,						// opaque-only PVRTC1 4bpp
-		cPVRTC1_4_RGBA,					// PVRTC1 4bpp RGBA
-		cBC7,									// Full BC7 block, any mode
-		cBC7_M5_COLOR,						// RGB BC7 mode 5 color (writes an opaque mode 5 block)
-		cBC7_M5_ALPHA,						// alpha portion of BC7 mode 5 (cBC7_M5_COLOR output data must have been written to the output buffer first to set the mode/rot fields etc.)
-		cETC2_EAC_A8,						// alpha block of ETC2 EAC (first 8 bytes of the 16-bit ETC2 EAC RGBA format)
-		cASTC_4x4,							// ASTC 4x4 (either color-only or color+alpha). Note that the transcoder always currently assumes sRGB is not enabled when outputting ASTC 
-												// data. If you use a sRGB ASTC format you'll get ~1 LSB of additional error, because of the different way ASTC decoders scale 8-bit endpoints to 16-bits during unpacking.
-		cATC_RGB,
-		cFXT1_RGB,							// Opaque-only, has oddball 8x4 pixel block size
-		cPVRTC2_4_RGB,
-		cPVRTC2_4_RGBA,
-		cETC2_EAC_R11,
-		cETC2_EAC_RG11,
-		cIndices,							// Used internally: Write 16-bit endpoint and selector indices directly to output (output block must be at least 32-bits)
-		cRGB32,								// Writes RGB components to 32bpp output pixels
-		cRGBA32,								// Writes RGB255 components to 32bpp output pixels
-		cA32,									// Writes alpha component to 32bpp output pixels
-		cRGB565,
-		cBGR565,
-		cRGBA4444_COLOR,
-		cRGBA4444_ALPHA,
-		cRGBA4444,
-		cTotalBlockFormats
-	};
-	const int COLOR5_PAL0_PREV_HI = 9, COLOR5_PAL0_DELTA_LO = -9, COLOR5_PAL0_DELTA_HI = 31;
-	const int COLOR5_PAL1_PREV_HI = 21, COLOR5_PAL1_DELTA_LO = -21, COLOR5_PAL1_DELTA_HI = 21;
-	const int COLOR5_PAL2_PREV_HI = 31, COLOR5_PAL2_DELTA_LO = -31, COLOR5_PAL2_DELTA_HI = 9;
-	const uint32_t ENDPOINT_PRED_TOTAL_SYMBOLS = (4 * 4 * 4 * 4) + 1;
-	const uint32_t ENDPOINT_PRED_MIN_REPEAT_COUNT = 3;
-	const uint32_t ENDPOINT_PRED_COUNT_VLC_BITS = 4;
-	const uint32_t NUM_ENDPOINT_PREDS = 3;// BASISU_ARRAY_SIZE(g_endpoint_preds);
-	const uint32_t MAX_SELECTOR_HISTORY_BUF_SIZE = 64;
-	uint16_t crc16(const void *r, size_t size, uint16_t crc);
-	class huffman_decoding_table
-	{
-		friend class bitwise_decoder;
-	public:
-		huffman_decoding_table()
-		{
-		}
-		void clear()
-		{
-			basisu::clear_vector(m_code_sizes);
-			basisu::clear_vector(m_lookup);
-			basisu::clear_vector(m_tree);
-		}
-		bool init(uint32_t total_syms, const uint8_t *pCode_sizes)
-		{
-			if (!total_syms)
-			{
-				clear();
-				return true;
-			}
-			m_code_sizes.resize(total_syms);
-			memcpy(&m_code_sizes[0], pCode_sizes, total_syms);
-			m_lookup.resize(0);
-			m_lookup.resize(basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupSize);
-			m_tree.resize(0);
-			m_tree.resize(total_syms * 2);
-			uint32_t syms_using_codesize[basisu::cHuffmanMaxSupportedInternalCodeSize + 1];
-			basisu::clear_obj(syms_using_codesize);
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < total_syms; i++)
-			{
-				if (pCode_sizes[i] > basisu::cHuffmanMaxSupportedInternalCodeSize)
-					return false;
-				syms_using_codesize[pCode_sizes[i]]++;
-			}
-			uint32_t next_code[basisu::cHuffmanMaxSupportedInternalCodeSize + 1];
-			next_code[0] = next_code[1] = 0;
-			uint32_t used_syms = 0, total = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 1; i < basisu::cHuffmanMaxSupportedInternalCodeSize; i++)
-			{
-				used_syms += syms_using_codesize[i];
-				next_code[i + 1] = (total = ((total + syms_using_codesize[i]) << 1));
-			}
-			if (((1U << basisu::cHuffmanMaxSupportedInternalCodeSize) != total) && (used_syms > 1U))
-				return false;
-			for (int tree_next = -1, sym_index = 0; sym_index < (int)total_syms; ++sym_index)
-			{
-				uint32_t rev_code = 0, l, cur_code, code_size = pCode_sizes[sym_index];
-				if (!code_size)
-					continue;
-				cur_code = next_code[code_size]++;
-				for (l = code_size; l > 0; l--, cur_code >>= 1)
-					rev_code = (rev_code << 1) | (cur_code & 1);
-				if (code_size <= basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupBits)
-				{
-					uint32_t k = (code_size << 16) | sym_index;
-					while (rev_code < basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupSize)
-					{
-						if (m_lookup[rev_code] != 0)
-						{
-							// Supplied codesizes can't create a valid prefix code.
-							return false;
-						}
-						m_lookup[rev_code] = k;
-						rev_code += (1 << code_size);
-					}
-					continue;
-				}
-				int tree_cur;
-				if (0 == (tree_cur = m_lookup[rev_code & (basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupSize - 1)]))
-				{
-					const uint32_t idx = rev_code & (basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupSize - 1);
-					if (m_lookup[idx] != 0)
-					{
-						// Supplied codesizes can't create a valid prefix code.
-						return false;
-					}
-					m_lookup[idx] = tree_next;
-					tree_cur = tree_next;
-					tree_next -= 2;
-				}
-				if (tree_cur >= 0)
-				{
-					// Supplied codesizes can't create a valid prefix code.
-					return false;
-				}
-				rev_code >>= (basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupBits - 1);
-				for (int j = code_size; j > (basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupBits + 1); j--)
-				{
-					tree_cur -= ((rev_code >>= 1) & 1);
-					const int idx = -tree_cur - 1;
-					if (idx < 0)
-						return false;
-					else if (idx >= (int)m_tree.size())
-						m_tree.resize(idx + 1);
-					if (!m_tree[idx])
-					{
-						m_tree[idx] = (int16_t)tree_next;
-						tree_cur = tree_next;
-						tree_next -= 2;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						tree_cur = m_tree[idx];
-						if (tree_cur >= 0)
-						{
-							// Supplied codesizes can't create a valid prefix code.
-							return false;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				tree_cur -= ((rev_code >>= 1) & 1);
-				const int idx = -tree_cur - 1;
-				if (idx < 0)
-					return false;
-				else if (idx >= (int)m_tree.size())
-					m_tree.resize(idx + 1);
-				if (m_tree[idx] != 0)
-				{
-					// Supplied codesizes can't create a valid prefix code.
-					return false;
-				}
-				m_tree[idx] = (int16_t)sym_index;
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-		const basisu::uint8_vec &get_code_sizes() const { return m_code_sizes; }
-		bool is_valid() const { return m_code_sizes.size() > 0; }
-	private:
-		basisu::uint8_vec m_code_sizes;
-		basisu::int_vec m_lookup;
-		basisu::int16_vec m_tree;
-	};
-	class bitwise_decoder
-	{
-	public:
-		bitwise_decoder() :
-			m_buf_size(0),
-			m_pBuf(nullptr),
-			m_pBuf_start(nullptr),
-			m_pBuf_end(nullptr),
-			m_bit_buf(0),
-			m_bit_buf_size(0)
-		{
-		}
-		void clear()
-		{
-			m_buf_size = 0;
-			m_pBuf = nullptr;
-			m_pBuf_start = nullptr;
-			m_pBuf_end = nullptr;
-			m_bit_buf = 0;
-			m_bit_buf_size = 0;
-		}
-		bool init(const uint8_t *pBuf, uint32_t buf_size)
-		{
-			if ((!pBuf) && (buf_size))
-				return false;
-			m_buf_size = buf_size;
-			m_pBuf = pBuf;
-			m_pBuf_start = pBuf;
-			m_pBuf_end = pBuf + buf_size;
-			m_bit_buf = 0;
-			m_bit_buf_size = 0;
-			return true;
-		}
-		void stop()
-		{
-		}
-		inline uint32_t peek_bits(uint32_t num_bits)
-		{
-			if (!num_bits)
-				return 0;
-			assert(num_bits <= 25);
-			while (m_bit_buf_size < num_bits)
-			{
-				uint32_t c = 0;
-				if (m_pBuf < m_pBuf_end)
-					c = *m_pBuf++;
-				m_bit_buf |= (c << m_bit_buf_size);
-				m_bit_buf_size += 8;
-				assert(m_bit_buf_size <= 32);
-			}
-			return m_bit_buf & ((1 << num_bits) - 1);
-		}
-		void remove_bits(uint32_t num_bits)
-		{
-			assert(m_bit_buf_size >= num_bits);
-			m_bit_buf >>= num_bits;
-			m_bit_buf_size -= num_bits;
-		}
-		uint32_t get_bits(uint32_t num_bits)
-		{
-			if (num_bits > 25)
-			{
-				assert(num_bits <= 32);
-				const uint32_t bits0 = peek_bits(25);
-				m_bit_buf >>= 25;
-				m_bit_buf_size -= 25;
-				num_bits -= 25;
-				const uint32_t bits = peek_bits(num_bits);
-				m_bit_buf >>= num_bits;
-				m_bit_buf_size -= num_bits;
-				return bits0 | (bits << 25);
-			}
-			const uint32_t bits = peek_bits(num_bits);
-			m_bit_buf >>= num_bits;
-			m_bit_buf_size -= num_bits;
-			return bits;
-		}
-		uint32_t decode_truncated_binary(uint32_t n)
-		{
-			assert(n >= 2);
-			const uint32_t k = basisu::floor_log2i(n);
-			const uint32_t u = (1 << (k + 1)) - n;
-			uint32_t result = get_bits(k);
-			if (result >= u)
-				result = ((result << 1) | get_bits(1)) - u;
-			return result;
-		}
-		uint32_t decode_rice(uint32_t m)
-		{
-			assert(m);
-			uint32_t q = 0;
-			for (;;)
-			{
-				uint32_t k = peek_bits(16);
-				uint32_t l = 0;
-				while (k & 1)
-				{
-					l++;
-					k >>= 1;
-				}
-				q += l;
-				remove_bits(l);
-				if (l < 16)
-					break;
-			}
-			return (q << m) + (get_bits(m + 1) >> 1);
-		}
-		inline uint32_t decode_vlc(uint32_t chunk_bits)
-		{
-			assert(chunk_bits);
-			const uint32_t chunk_size = 1 << chunk_bits;
-			const uint32_t chunk_mask = chunk_size - 1;
-			uint32_t v = 0;
-			uint32_t ofs = 0;
-			for ( ; ; )
-			{
-				uint32_t s = get_bits(chunk_bits + 1);
-				v |= ((s & chunk_mask) << ofs);
-				ofs += chunk_bits;
-				if ((s & chunk_size) == 0)
-					break;
-				if (ofs >= 32)
-				{
-					assert(0);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			return v;
-		}
-		inline uint32_t decode_huffman(const huffman_decoding_table &ct)
-		{
-			assert(ct.m_code_sizes.size());
-			while (m_bit_buf_size < 16)
-			{
-				uint32_t c = 0;
-				if (m_pBuf < m_pBuf_end)
-					c = *m_pBuf++;
-				m_bit_buf |= (c << m_bit_buf_size);
-				m_bit_buf_size += 8;
-				assert(m_bit_buf_size <= 32);
-			}
-			int code_len;
-			int sym;
-			if ((sym = ct.m_lookup[m_bit_buf & (basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupSize - 1)]) >= 0)
-			{
-				code_len = sym >> 16;
-				sym &= 0xFFFF;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				code_len = basisu::cHuffmanFastLookupBits;
-				do
-				{
-					sym = ct.m_tree[~sym + ((m_bit_buf >> code_len++) & 1)]; // ~sym = -sym - 1
-				} while (sym < 0);
-			}
-			m_bit_buf >>= code_len;
-			m_bit_buf_size -= code_len;
-			return sym;
-		}
-		bool read_huffman_table(huffman_decoding_table &ct)
-		{
-			ct.clear();
-			const uint32_t total_used_syms = get_bits(basisu::cHuffmanMaxSymsLog2);
-			if (!total_used_syms)
-				return true;
-			if (total_used_syms > basisu::cHuffmanMaxSyms)
-				return false;
-			uint8_t code_length_code_sizes[basisu::cHuffmanTotalCodelengthCodes];
-			basisu::clear_obj(code_length_code_sizes);
-			const uint32_t num_codelength_codes = get_bits(5);
-			if ((num_codelength_codes < 1) || (num_codelength_codes > basisu::cHuffmanTotalCodelengthCodes))
-				return false;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_codelength_codes; i++)
-				code_length_code_sizes[basisu::g_huffman_sorted_codelength_codes[i]] = static_cast<uint8_t>(get_bits(3));
-			huffman_decoding_table code_length_table;
-			if (!code_length_table.init(basisu::cHuffmanTotalCodelengthCodes, code_length_code_sizes))
-				return false;
-			if (!code_length_table.is_valid())
-				return false;
-			basisu::uint8_vec code_sizes(total_used_syms);
-			uint32_t cur = 0;
-			while (cur < total_used_syms)
-			{
-				int c = decode_huffman(code_length_table);
-				if (c <= 16)
-					code_sizes[cur++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(c);
-				else if (c == basisu::cHuffmanSmallZeroRunCode)
-					cur += get_bits(basisu::cHuffmanSmallZeroRunExtraBits) + basisu::cHuffmanSmallZeroRunSizeMin;
-				else if (c == basisu::cHuffmanBigZeroRunCode)
-					cur += get_bits(basisu::cHuffmanBigZeroRunExtraBits) + basisu::cHuffmanBigZeroRunSizeMin;
-				else
-				{
-					if (!cur)
-						return false;
-					uint32_t l;
-					if (c == basisu::cHuffmanSmallRepeatCode)
-						l = get_bits(basisu::cHuffmanSmallRepeatExtraBits) + basisu::cHuffmanSmallRepeatSizeMin;
-					else
-						l = get_bits(basisu::cHuffmanBigRepeatExtraBits) + basisu::cHuffmanBigRepeatSizeMin;
-					const uint8_t prev = code_sizes[cur - 1];
-					if (prev == 0)
-						return false;
-					do
-					{
-						if (cur >= total_used_syms)
-							return false;
-						code_sizes[cur++] = prev;
-					} while (--l > 0);
-				}
-			}
-			if (cur != total_used_syms)
-				return false;
-			return ct.init(total_used_syms, &code_sizes[0]);
-		}
-	private:
-		uint32_t m_buf_size;
-		const uint8_t *m_pBuf;
-		const uint8_t *m_pBuf_start;
-		const uint8_t *m_pBuf_end;
-		uint32_t m_bit_buf;
-		uint32_t m_bit_buf_size;
-	};
-	inline uint32_t basisd_rand(uint32_t seed)
-	{
-		if (!seed)
-			seed++;
-		uint32_t z = seed;
-		BASISD_znew;
-		return z;
-	}
-	// Returns random number in [0,limit). Max limit is 0xFFFF.
-	inline uint32_t basisd_urand(uint32_t& seed, uint32_t limit)
-	{
-		seed = basisd_rand(seed);
-		return (((seed ^ (seed >> 16)) & 0xFFFF) * limit) >> 16;
-	}
-	class approx_move_to_front
-	{
-	public:
-		approx_move_to_front(uint32_t n)
-		{
-			init(n);
-		}
-		void init(uint32_t n)
-		{
-			m_values.resize(n);
-			m_rover = n / 2;
-		}
-		const basisu::int_vec& get_values() const { return m_values; }
-		basisu::int_vec& get_values() { return m_values; }
-		uint32_t size() const { return (uint32_t)m_values.size(); }
-		const int& operator[] (uint32_t index) const { return m_values[index]; }
-		int operator[] (uint32_t index) { return m_values[index]; }
-		void add(int new_value)
-		{
-			m_values[m_rover++] = new_value;
-			if (m_rover == m_values.size())
-				m_rover = (uint32_t)m_values.size() / 2;
-		}
-		void use(uint32_t index)
-		{
-			if (index)
-			{
-				//std::swap(m_values[index / 2], m_values[index]);
-				int x = m_values[index / 2];
-				int y = m_values[index];
-				m_values[index / 2] = y;
-				m_values[index] = x;
-			}
-		}
-		// returns -1 if not found
-		int find(int value) const
-		{
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_values.size(); i++)
-				if (m_values[i] == value)
-					return i;
-			return -1;
-		}
-		void reset()
-		{
-			const uint32_t n = (uint32_t)m_values.size();
-			m_values.clear();
-			init(n);
-		}
-	private:
-		basisu::int_vec m_values;
-		uint32_t m_rover;
-	};
-	struct decoder_etc_block;
-	inline uint8_t clamp255(int32_t i)
-	{
-		return (uint8_t)((i & 0xFFFFFF00U) ? (~(i >> 31)) : i);
-	}
-	enum eNoClamp
-	{
-		cNoClamp = 0
-	};
-	struct color32
-	{
-		union
-		{
-			struct
-			{
-				uint8_t r;
-				uint8_t g;
-				uint8_t b;
-				uint8_t a;
-			};
-			uint8_t c[4];
-			uint32_t m;
-		};
-		color32() { }
-		color32(uint32_t vr, uint32_t vg, uint32_t vb, uint32_t va) { set(vr, vg, vb, va); }
-		color32(eNoClamp unused, uint32_t vr, uint32_t vg, uint32_t vb, uint32_t va) { (void)unused; set_noclamp_rgba(vr, vg, vb, va); }
-		void set(uint32_t vr, uint32_t vg, uint32_t vb, uint32_t va) { c[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(vr); c[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(vg); c[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(vb); c[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>(va); }
-		void set_noclamp_rgb(uint32_t vr, uint32_t vg, uint32_t vb) { c[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(vr); c[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(vg); c[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(vb); }
-		void set_noclamp_rgba(uint32_t vr, uint32_t vg, uint32_t vb, uint32_t va) { set(vr, vg, vb, va); }
-		void set_clamped(int vr, int vg, int vb, int va) { c[0] = clamp255(vr); c[1] = clamp255(vg);	c[2] = clamp255(vb); c[3] = clamp255(va); }
-		uint8_t operator[] (uint32_t idx) const { assert(idx < 4); return c[idx]; }
-		uint8_t &operator[] (uint32_t idx) { assert(idx < 4); return c[idx]; }
-		bool operator== (const color32&rhs) const { return m == rhs.m; }
-		static color32 comp_min(const color32& a, const color32& b) { return color32(cNoClamp, std::min(a[0], b[0]), std::min(a[1], b[1]), std::min(a[2], b[2]), std::min(a[3], b[3])); }
-		static color32 comp_max(const color32& a, const color32& b) { return color32(cNoClamp, std::max(a[0], b[0]), std::max(a[1], b[1]), std::max(a[2], b[2]), std::max(a[3], b[3])); }
-	};
-	struct endpoint
-	{
-		color32 m_color5;
-		uint8_t m_inten5;
-	};
-	struct selector
-	{
-		// Plain selectors (2-bits per value)
-		uint8_t m_selectors[4];
-		// ETC1 selectors
-		uint8_t m_bytes[4];
-		uint8_t m_lo_selector, m_hi_selector;
-		uint8_t m_num_unique_selectors;
-		void init_flags()
-		{
-			uint32_t hist[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					uint32_t s = get_selector(x, y);
-					hist[s]++;
-				}
-			}
-			m_lo_selector = 3;
-			m_hi_selector = 0;
-			m_num_unique_selectors = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-			{
-				if (hist[i])
-				{
-					m_num_unique_selectors++;
-					if (i < m_lo_selector) m_lo_selector = static_cast<uint8_t>(i);
-					if (i > m_hi_selector) m_hi_selector = static_cast<uint8_t>(i);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Returned selector value ranges from 0-3 and is a direct index into g_etc1_inten_tables.
-		inline uint32_t get_selector(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const
-		{
-			assert((x < 4) && (y < 4));
-			return (m_selectors[y] >> (x * 2)) & 3;
-		}
-		void set_selector(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t val)
-		{
-			static const uint8_t s_selector_index_to_etc1[4] = { 3, 2, 0, 1 };
-			assert((x | y | val) < 4);
-			m_selectors[y] &= ~(3 << (x * 2));
-			m_selectors[y] |= (val << (x * 2));
-			const uint32_t etc1_bit_index = x * 4 + y;
-			uint8_t *p = &m_bytes[3 - (etc1_bit_index >> 3)];
-			const uint32_t byte_bit_ofs = etc1_bit_index & 7;
-			const uint32_t mask = 1 << byte_bit_ofs;
-			const uint32_t etc1_val = s_selector_index_to_etc1[val];
-			const uint32_t lsb = etc1_val & 1;
-			const uint32_t msb = etc1_val >> 1;
-			p[0] &= ~mask;
-			p[0] |= (lsb << byte_bit_ofs);
-			p[-2] &= ~mask;
-			p[-2] |= (msb << byte_bit_ofs);
-		}
-	};
-	bool basis_block_format_is_uncompressed(block_format tex_type);
-} // namespace basist
-/**** ended inlining basisu_transcoder_internal.h ****/
-/**** start inlining basisu_transcoder_uastc.h ****/
-// basisu_transcoder_uastc.h
-/**** skipping file: basisu_transcoder_internal.h ****/
-namespace basist
-	struct color_quad_u8
-	{ 
-		uint8_t m_c[4]; 
-	};
-	const uint32_t TOTAL_UASTC_MODES = 19;
-	const uint32_t UASTC_MODE_INDEX_SOLID_COLOR = 8;
-	const uint32_t TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS2 = 30;
-	const uint32_t TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS3 = 11;
-	const uint32_t TOTAL_BC7_3_ASTC2_COMMON_PARTITIONS = 19;
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_weight_bits[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_weight_ranges[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_endpoint_ranges[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_subsets[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_planes[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_comps[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_has_etc1_bias[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_has_bc1_hint0[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_has_bc1_hint1[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_has_alpha[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	extern const uint8_t g_uastc_mode_is_la[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES];
-	struct astc_bc7_common_partition2_desc
-	{
-		uint8_t m_bc7;
-		uint16_t m_astc;
-		bool m_invert;
-	};
-	extern const astc_bc7_common_partition2_desc g_astc_bc7_common_partitions2[TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS2];
-	struct bc73_astc2_common_partition_desc
-	{
-		uint8_t m_bc73;
-		uint16_t m_astc2;
-		uint8_t k;		// 0-5 - how to modify the BC7 3-subset pattern to match the ASTC pattern (LSB=invert)
-	};
-	extern const bc73_astc2_common_partition_desc g_bc7_3_astc2_common_partitions[TOTAL_BC7_3_ASTC2_COMMON_PARTITIONS];
-	struct astc_bc7_common_partition3_desc
-	{
-		uint8_t m_bc7;
-		uint16_t m_astc;
-		uint8_t m_astc_to_bc7_perm; // converts ASTC to BC7 partition using g_astc_bc7_partition_index_perm_tables[][]
-	};
-	extern const astc_bc7_common_partition3_desc g_astc_bc7_common_partitions3[TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS3];
-	extern const uint8_t g_astc_bc7_patterns2[TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS2][16];
-	extern const uint8_t g_astc_bc7_patterns3[TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS3][16];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_3_astc2_patterns2[TOTAL_BC7_3_ASTC2_COMMON_PARTITIONS][16];
-	extern const uint8_t g_astc_bc7_pattern2_anchors[TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS2][3];
-	extern const uint8_t g_astc_bc7_pattern3_anchors[TOTAL_ASTC_BC7_COMMON_PARTITIONS3][3];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_3_astc2_patterns2_anchors[TOTAL_BC7_3_ASTC2_COMMON_PARTITIONS][3];
-	extern const uint32_t g_uastc_mode_huff_codes[TOTAL_UASTC_MODES + 1][2];
-	extern const uint8_t g_astc_to_bc7_partition_index_perm_tables[6][3];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_to_astc_partition_index_perm_tables[6][3]; // inverse of g_astc_to_bc7_partition_index_perm_tables
-	extern const uint8_t* s_uastc_to_bc1_weights[6];
-	uint32_t bc7_convert_partition_index_3_to_2(uint32_t p, uint32_t k);
-	inline uint32_t astc_interpolate(uint32_t l, uint32_t h, uint32_t w, bool srgb)
-	{
-		if (srgb)
-		{
-			l = (l << 8) | 0x80;
-			h = (h << 8) | 0x80;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			l = (l << 8) | l;
-			h = (h << 8) | h;
-		}
-		uint32_t k = (l * (64 - w) + h * w + 32) >> 6;
-		return k >> 8;
-	}
-	struct astc_block_desc
-	{
-		int m_weight_range;	// weight BISE range
-		int m_subsets;			// number of ASTC partitions
-		int m_partition_seed;	// partition pattern seed
-		int m_cem;				// color endpoint mode used by all subsets
-		int m_ccs;				// color component selector (dual plane only)
-		bool m_dual_plane;	// true if dual plane
-		// Weight and endpoint BISE values. 
-		// Note these values are NOT linear, they must be BISE encoded. See Table 97 and Table 107.
-		uint8_t m_endpoints[18];	// endpoint values, in RR GG BB etc. order 
-		uint8_t m_weights[64];		// weight index values, raster order, in P0 P1, P0 P1, etc. or P0, P0, P0, P0, etc. order
-	};
-	const uint32_t BC7ENC_TOTAL_ASTC_RANGES = 21;
-	// See tables 81, 93, 18.13.Endpoint Unquantization
-	const uint32_t TOTAL_ASTC_RANGES = 21;
-	extern const int g_astc_bise_range_table[TOTAL_ASTC_RANGES][3];
-	struct astc_quant_bin
-	{
-		uint8_t m_unquant; // unquantized value
-		uint8_t m_index; // sorted index
-	};
-	extern astc_quant_bin g_astc_unquant[BC7ENC_TOTAL_ASTC_RANGES][256]; // [ASTC encoded endpoint index]
-	int astc_get_levels(int range);
-	bool astc_is_valid_endpoint_range(uint32_t range);
-	uint32_t unquant_astc_endpoint(uint32_t packed_bits, uint32_t packed_trits, uint32_t packed_quints, uint32_t range);
-	uint32_t unquant_astc_endpoint_val(uint32_t packed_val, uint32_t range);
-	const uint8_t* get_anchor_indices(uint32_t subsets, uint32_t mode, uint32_t common_pattern, const uint8_t*& pPartition_pattern);
-	// BC7
-	const uint32_t BC7ENC_BLOCK_SIZE = 16;
-	struct bc7_block
-	{
-		uint64_t m_qwords[2];
-	};
-	struct bc7_optimization_results
-	{
-		uint32_t m_mode;
-		uint32_t m_partition;
-		uint8_t m_selectors[16];
-		uint8_t m_alpha_selectors[16];
-		color_quad_u8 m_low[3];
-		color_quad_u8 m_high[3];
-		uint32_t m_pbits[3][2];
-		uint32_t m_index_selector;
-		uint32_t m_rotation;
-	};
-	extern const uint32_t g_bc7_weights1[2];
-	extern const uint32_t g_bc7_weights2[4];
-	extern const uint32_t g_bc7_weights3[8];
-	extern const uint32_t g_bc7_weights4[16];
-	extern const uint32_t g_astc_weights4[16];
-	extern const uint32_t g_astc_weights5[32];
-	extern const uint32_t g_astc_weights_3levels[3];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_partition1[16];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_partition2[64 * 16];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_partition3[64 * 16];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_table_anchor_index_second_subset[64];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_table_anchor_index_third_subset_1[64];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_table_anchor_index_third_subset_2[64];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_num_subsets[8];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_partition_bits[8];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_color_index_bitcount[8];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_mode_has_p_bits[8];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_mode_has_shared_p_bits[8];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_color_precision_table[8];
-	extern const int8_t g_bc7_alpha_precision_table[8];
-	extern const uint8_t g_bc7_alpha_index_bitcount[8];
-	inline bool get_bc7_mode_has_seperate_alpha_selectors(int mode) { return (mode == 4) || (mode == 5); }
-	inline int get_bc7_color_index_size(int mode, int index_selection_bit) { return g_bc7_color_index_bitcount[mode] + index_selection_bit; }
-	inline int get_bc7_alpha_index_size(int mode, int index_selection_bit) { return g_bc7_alpha_index_bitcount[mode] - index_selection_bit; }
-	struct endpoint_err
-	{
-		uint16_t m_error; uint8_t m_lo; uint8_t m_hi;
-	};
-	extern endpoint_err g_bc7_mode_6_optimal_endpoints[256][2]; // [c][pbit]
-	const uint32_t BC7ENC_MODE_6_OPTIMAL_INDEX = 5;
-	extern endpoint_err g_bc7_mode_5_optimal_endpoints[256]; // [c]
-	const uint32_t BC7ENC_MODE_5_OPTIMAL_INDEX = 1;
-	// Packs a BC7 block from a high-level description. Handles all BC7 modes.
-	void encode_bc7_block(void* pBlock, const bc7_optimization_results* pResults);
-	// Packs an ASTC block
-	// Constraints: Always 4x4, all subset CEM's must be equal, only tested with LDR CEM's.
-	bool pack_astc_block(uint32_t* pDst, const astc_block_desc* pBlock, uint32_t mode);
-	void pack_astc_solid_block(void* pDst_block, const color32& color);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-	int astc_compute_texel_partition(int seed, int x, int y, int z, int partitioncount, bool small_block);
-	struct uastc_block
-	{
-		union
-		{
-			uint8_t m_bytes[16];
-			uint32_t m_dwords[4];
-			uint64_t m_qwords[2];
-		};
-	};
-	struct unpacked_uastc_block
-	{
-		astc_block_desc m_astc;
-		uint32_t m_mode;
-		uint32_t m_common_pattern;
-		color32 m_solid_color;
-		bool m_bc1_hint0;
-		bool m_bc1_hint1;
-		bool m_etc1_flip;
-		bool m_etc1_diff;
-		uint32_t m_etc1_inten0;
-		uint32_t m_etc1_inten1;
-		uint32_t m_etc1_bias;
-		uint32_t m_etc2_hints;
-		uint32_t m_etc1_selector;
-		uint32_t m_etc1_r, m_etc1_g, m_etc1_b;
-	};
-	color32 apply_etc1_bias(const color32 &block_color, uint32_t bias, uint32_t limit, uint32_t subblock);
-	struct decoder_etc_block;
-	struct eac_block;
-	bool unpack_uastc(uint32_t mode, uint32_t common_pattern, const color32& solid_color, const astc_block_desc& astc, color32* pPixels, bool srgb);
-	bool unpack_uastc(const unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked_blk, color32* pPixels, bool srgb);
-	bool unpack_uastc(const uastc_block& blk, color32* pPixels, bool srgb);
-	bool unpack_uastc(const uastc_block& blk, unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked, bool undo_blue_contract, bool read_hints = true);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_astc(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc7(const unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked_src_blk, bc7_optimization_results& dst_blk);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc7(const uastc_block& src_blk, bc7_optimization_results& dst_blk);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc7(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst);
-	void transcode_uastc_to_etc1(unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked_src_blk, color32 block_pixels[4][4], void* pDst);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_etc1(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_etc1(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, uint32_t channel);
-	void transcode_uastc_to_etc2_eac_a8(unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked_src_blk, color32 block_pixels[4][4], void* pDst);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_etc2_rgba(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst);
-	// Packs 16 scalar values to BC4. Same PSNR as stb_dxt's BC4 encoder, around 13% faster.
-	void encode_bc4(void* pDst, const uint8_t* pPixels, uint32_t stride);
-	void encode_bc1_solid_block(void* pDst, uint32_t fr, uint32_t fg, uint32_t fb);
-	enum
-	{
-		cEncodeBC1HighQuality = 1,
-		cEncodeBC1HigherQuality = 2,
-		cEncodeBC1UseSelectors = 4,
-	};
-	void encode_bc1(void* pDst, const uint8_t* pPixels, uint32_t flags);
-	// Alternate PCA-free encoder, around 15% faster, same (or slightly higher) avg. PSNR
-	void encode_bc1_alt(void* pDst, const uint8_t* pPixels, uint32_t flags);
-	void transcode_uastc_to_bc1_hint0(const unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked_src_blk, void* pDst);
-	void transcode_uastc_to_bc1_hint1(const unpacked_uastc_block& unpacked_src_blk, const color32 block_pixels[4][4], void* pDst, bool high_quality);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc1(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, bool high_quality);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc3(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, bool high_quality);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc4(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, bool high_quality, uint32_t chan0);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_bc5(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, bool high_quality, uint32_t chan0, uint32_t chan1);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_etc2_eac_r11(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, bool high_quality, uint32_t chan0);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_etc2_eac_rg11(const uastc_block& src_blk, void* pDst, bool high_quality, uint32_t chan0, uint32_t chan1);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_pvrtc1_4_rgb(const uastc_block* pSrc_blocks, void* pDst_blocks, uint32_t num_blocks_x, uint32_t num_blocks_y, bool high_quality, bool from_alpha);
-	bool transcode_uastc_to_pvrtc1_4_rgba(const uastc_block* pSrc_blocks, void* pDst_blocks, uint32_t num_blocks_x, uint32_t num_blocks_y, bool high_quality);
-	// uastc_init() MUST be called before using this module.
-	void uastc_init();
-} // namespace basist
-/**** ended inlining basisu_transcoder_uastc.h ****/
-/**** start inlining basisu_global_selector_palette.h ****/
-// basisu_global_selector_palette.h
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-/**** skipping file: basisu_transcoder_internal.h ****/
-#include <algorithm>
-namespace basist
-	class etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier
-	{
-	public:
-		enum { cTotalBits = 15, cTotalValues = 1 << cTotalBits };
-		etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier(uint32_t index = 0)
-		{
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-			static bool s_tested;
-			if (!s_tested)
-			{
-				s_tested = true;
-				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cTotalValues; i++)
-				{
-					etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier m(i);
-					etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier n = m;
-					assert(n.get_index() == i);
-				}
-			}
-			set_index(index);
-		}
-		void set_index(uint32_t index)
-		{
-			assert(index < cTotalValues);
-			m_rot = index & 3;
-			m_flip = (index >> 2) & 1;
-			m_inv = (index >> 3) & 1;
-			m_contrast = (index >> 4) & 3;
-			m_shift = (index >> 6) & 1;
-			m_median = (index >> 7) & 1;
-			m_div = (index >> 8) & 1;
-			m_rand = (index >> 9) & 1;
-			m_dilate = (index >> 10) & 1;
-			m_shift_x = (index >> 11) & 1;
-			m_shift_y = (index >> 12) & 1;
-			m_erode = (index >> 13) & 1;
-			m_high_pass = (index >> 14) & 1;
-		}
-		uint32_t get_index() const
-		{
-			return m_rot | (m_flip << 2) | (m_inv << 3) | (m_contrast << 4) | (m_shift << 6) | (m_median << 7) | (m_div << 8) | (m_rand << 9) | (m_dilate << 10) | (m_shift_x << 11) | (m_shift_y << 12) | (m_erode << 13) | (m_high_pass << 14);
-		}
-		void clear()
-		{
-			basisu::clear_obj(*this);
-		}
-		uint8_t m_contrast;
-		bool m_rand;
-		bool m_median;
-		bool m_div;
-		bool m_shift;
-		bool m_inv;
-		bool m_flip;
-		bool m_dilate;
-		bool m_shift_x;
-		bool m_shift_y;
-		bool m_erode;
-		bool m_high_pass;
-		uint8_t m_rot;
-	};
-	enum modifier_types
-	{
-		cModifierContrast,
-		cModifierRand,
-		cModifierMedian,
-		cModifierDiv,
-		cModifierShift,
-		cModifierInv,
-		cModifierFlippedAndRotated,
-		cModifierDilate,
-		cModifierShiftX,
-		cModifierShiftY,
-		cModifierErode,
-		cModifierHighPass,
-		cTotalModifiers
-	};
-#define ETC1_GLOBAL_SELECTOR_CODEBOOK_MAX_MOD_BITS (etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier::cTotalBits)
-	struct etc1_selector_palette_entry
-	{
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry()
-		{
-			clear();
-		}
-		void clear()
-		{
-			basisu::clear_obj(*this);
-		}
-		uint8_t operator[] (uint32_t i) const { assert(i < 16); return m_selectors[i]; }
-		uint8_t&operator[] (uint32_t i) { assert(i < 16); return m_selectors[i]; }
-		void set_uint32(uint32_t v)
-		{
-			for (uint32_t byte_index = 0; byte_index < 4; byte_index++)
-			{
-				uint32_t b = (v >> (byte_index * 8)) & 0xFF;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 0] = b & 3;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 1] = (b >> 2) & 3;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 2] = (b >> 4) & 3;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 3] = (b >> 6) & 3;
-			}
-		}
-		uint32_t get_uint32() const
-		{
-			return get_byte(0) | (get_byte(1) << 8) | (get_byte(2) << 16) | (get_byte(3) << 24);
-		}
-		uint32_t get_byte(uint32_t byte_index) const
-		{
-			assert(byte_index < 4);
-			return m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 0] |
-				(m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 1] << 2) |
-				(m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 2] << 4) |
-				(m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 3] << 6);
-		}
-		uint8_t operator()(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const { assert((x < 4) && (y < 4)); return m_selectors[x + y * 4]; }
-		uint8_t&operator()(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { assert((x < 4) && (y < 4)); return m_selectors[x + y * 4]; }
-		uint32_t calc_distance(const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			uint32_t dist = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-			{
-				int delta = static_cast<int>(m_selectors[i]) - static_cast<int>(other.m_selectors[i]);
-				dist += delta * delta;
-			}
-			return dist;
-		}
-#if 0
-		uint32_t calc_hamming_dist(const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			uint32_t dist = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-				dist += g_hamming_dist[get_byte(i) ^ other.get_byte(i)];
-			return dist;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_inverted() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-				result.m_selectors[i] = 3 - m_selectors[i];
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_divided() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			const uint8_t div_selector[4] = { 2, 0, 3, 1 };
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-				result.m_selectors[i] = div_selector[m_selectors[i]];
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_shifted(int delta) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-				result.m_selectors[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(basisu::clamp<int>(m_selectors[i] + delta, 0, 3));
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_randomized() const
-		{
-			uint32_t seed = get_uint32();
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					int s = (*this)(x, y);
-					// between 0 and 10
-					uint32_t i = basisd_urand(seed, 6) + basisd_urand(seed, 6);
-					if (i == 0)
-						s -= 2;
-					else if (i == 10)
-						s += 2;
-					else if (i < 3)
-						s -= 1;
-					else if (i > 7)
-						s += 1;
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(basisu::clamp<int>(s, 0, 3));
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_contrast(int table_index) const
-		{
-			assert(table_index < 4);
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			static const uint8_t s_contrast_tables[4][4] =
-			{
-				{ 0, 1, 2, 3 }, // not used
-				{ 0, 0, 3, 3 },
-				{ 1, 1, 2, 2 },
-				{ 1, 1, 3, 3 }
-			};
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-			{
-				result[i] = s_contrast_tables[table_index][(*this)[i]];
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_dilated() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					uint32_t max_selector = 0;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						if ((fy < 0) || (fy > 3))
-							continue;
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							if ((fx < 0) || (fx > 3))
-								continue;
-							max_selector = basisu::maximum<uint32_t>(max_selector, (*this)(fx, fy));
-						}
-					}
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(max_selector);
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_eroded() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					uint32_t min_selector = 99;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						if ((fy < 0) || (fy > 3))
-							continue;
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							if ((fx < 0) || (fx > 3))
-								continue;
-							min_selector = basisu::minimum<uint32_t>(min_selector, (*this)(fx, fy));
-						}
-					}
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(min_selector);
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_shift_x() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					int sx = x - 1;
-					if (sx < 0)
-						sx = 0;
-					result(x, y) = (*this)(sx, y);
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_shift_y() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				int sy = y - 1;
-				if (sy < 0)
-					sy = 3;
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-					result(x, y) = (*this)(x, sy);
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_median() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					// ABC
-					// D F
-					// GHI
-					uint8_t selectors[8];
-					uint32_t n = 0;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						if ((fy < 0) || (fy > 3))
-							continue;
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							if ((xd | yd) == 0)
-								continue;
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							if ((fx < 0) || (fx > 3))
-								continue;
-							selectors[n++] = (*this)(fx, fy);
-						}
-					}
-					std::sort(selectors, selectors + n);
-					result(x, y) = selectors[n / 2];
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_high_pass() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			static const int kernel[3][3] =
-			{
-				{ 0,  -1,  0 },
-				{ -1,  8, -1 },
-				{ 0,  -1,  0 }
-			};
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					// ABC
-					// D F
-					// GHI
-					int sum = 0;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						fy = basisu::clamp<int>(fy, 0, 3);
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							fx = basisu::clamp<int>(fx, 0, 3);
-							int k = (*this)(fx, fy);
-							sum += k * kernel[yd + 1][xd + 1];
-						}
-					}
-					sum = sum / 4;
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(basisu::clamp<int>(sum, 0, 3));
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_flipped_and_rotated(bool flip, uint32_t rotation_index) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry temp;
-			if (flip)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						temp(x, y) = (*this)(x, 3 - y);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				temp = *this;
-			}
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			switch (rotation_index)
-			{
-			case 0:
-				result = temp;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						result(x, y) = temp(y, 3 - x);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						result(x, y) = temp(3 - x, 3 - y);
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						result(x, y) = temp(3 - y, x);
-				break;
-			default:
-				assert(0);
-				break;
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_modified(const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry r(*this);
-			if (modifier.m_shift_x)
-				r = r.get_shift_x();
-			if (modifier.m_shift_y)
-				r = r.get_shift_y();
-			r = r.get_flipped_and_rotated(modifier.m_flip != 0, modifier.m_rot);
-			if (modifier.m_dilate)
-				r = r.get_dilated();
-			if (modifier.m_erode)
-				r = r.get_eroded();
-			if (modifier.m_high_pass)
-				r = r.get_high_pass();
-			if (modifier.m_rand)
-				r = r.get_randomized();
-			if (modifier.m_div)
-				r = r.get_divided();
-			if (modifier.m_shift)
-				r = r.get_shifted(1);
-			if (modifier.m_contrast)
-				r = r.get_contrast(modifier.m_contrast);
-			if (modifier.m_inv)
-				r = r.get_inverted();
-			if (modifier.m_median)
-				r = r.get_median();
-			return r;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry apply_modifier(modifier_types mod_type, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) const
-		{
-			switch (mod_type)
-			{
-			case cModifierContrast:
-				return get_contrast(modifier.m_contrast);
-			case cModifierRand:
-				return get_randomized();
-			case cModifierMedian:
-				return get_median();
-			case cModifierDiv:
-				return get_divided();
-			case cModifierShift:
-				return get_shifted(1);
-			case cModifierInv:
-				return get_inverted();
-			case cModifierFlippedAndRotated:
-				return get_flipped_and_rotated(modifier.m_flip != 0, modifier.m_rot);
-			case cModifierDilate:
-				return get_dilated();
-			case cModifierShiftX:
-				return get_shift_x();
-			case cModifierShiftY:
-				return get_shift_y();
-			case cModifierErode:
-				return get_eroded();
-			case cModifierHighPass:
-				return get_high_pass();
-			default:
-				assert(0);
-				break;
-			}
-			return *this;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_modified(const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier, uint32_t num_order, const modifier_types *pOrder) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry r(*this);
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_order; i++)
-			{
-				r = r.apply_modifier(pOrder[i], modifier);
-			}
-			return r;
-		}
-		bool operator< (const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-			{
-				if (m_selectors[i] < other.m_selectors[i])
-					return true;
-				else if (m_selectors[i] != other.m_selectors[i])
-					return false;
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-		bool operator== (const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-			{
-				if (m_selectors[i] != other.m_selectors[i])
-					return false;
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-	private:
-		uint8_t m_selectors[16];
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<etc1_selector_palette_entry> etc1_selector_palette_entry_vec;
-	extern const uint32_t g_global_selector_cb[];
-	extern const uint32_t g_global_selector_cb_size;
-	struct etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id
-	{
-		uint32_t m_palette_index;
-		etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier m_modifier;
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id(uint32_t palette_index, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) : m_palette_index(palette_index), m_modifier(modifier) { }
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id() { }
-		void set(uint32_t palette_index, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) { m_palette_index = palette_index; m_modifier = modifier; }
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id> etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id_vec;
-	class etc1_global_selector_codebook
-	{
-	public:
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook() { }
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook(uint32_t N, const uint32_t *pEntries) { init(N, pEntries); }
-		void init(uint32_t N, const uint32_t* pEntries);
-		void print_code(FILE *pFile);
-		void clear()
-		{
-			m_palette.clear();
-		}
-		uint32_t size() const { return (uint32_t)m_palette.size(); }
-		const etc1_selector_palette_entry_vec &get_palette() const
-		{
-			return m_palette;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_entry(uint32_t palette_index) const
-		{
-			return m_palette[palette_index];
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_entry(uint32_t palette_index, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) const
-		{
-			return m_palette[palette_index].get_modified(modifier);
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_entry(const etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id &id) const
-		{
-			return m_palette[id.m_palette_index].get_modified(id.m_modifier);
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry_vec m_palette;
-	};
-} // namespace basist
-/**** ended inlining basisu_global_selector_palette.h ****/
-/**** start inlining basisu_file_headers.h ****/
-// basis_file_headers.h
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-/**** skipping file: basisu_transcoder_internal.h ****/
-namespace basist
-	// Slice desc header flags
-	enum basis_slice_desc_flags
-	{
-		cSliceDescFlagsHasAlpha = 1,
-		cSliceDescFlagsFrameIsIFrame = 2			// Video only: Frame doesn't refer to previous frame (no usage of conditional replenishment pred symbols)
-	};
-#pragma pack(push)
-#pragma pack(1)
-	struct basis_slice_desc
-	{
-		basisu::packed_uint<3> m_image_index;  // The index of the source image provided to the encoder (will always appear in order from first to last, first image index is 0, no skipping allowed)
-		basisu::packed_uint<1> m_level_index;	// The mipmap level index (mipmaps will always appear from largest to smallest)
-		basisu::packed_uint<1> m_flags;			// enum basis_slice_desc_flags
-		basisu::packed_uint<2> m_orig_width;	// The original image width (may not be a multiple of 4 pixels)
-		basisu::packed_uint<2> m_orig_height;  // The original image height (may not be a multiple of 4 pixels)
-		basisu::packed_uint<2> m_num_blocks_x;	// The slice's block X dimensions. Each block is 4x4 pixels. The slice's pixel resolution may or may not be a power of 2.
-		basisu::packed_uint<2> m_num_blocks_y;	// The slice's block Y dimensions. 
-		basisu::packed_uint<4> m_file_ofs;		// Offset from the header to the start of the slice's data
-		basisu::packed_uint<4> m_file_size;		// The size of the compressed slice data in bytes
-		basisu::packed_uint<2> m_slice_data_crc16; // The CRC16 of the compressed slice data, for extra-paranoid use cases
-	};
-	// File header files
-	enum basis_header_flags
-	{
-		cBASISHeaderFlagETC1S = 1,					// Always set for ETC1S files. Not set for UASTC files.
-		cBASISHeaderFlagYFlipped = 2,				// Set if the texture had to be Y flipped before encoding
-		cBASISHeaderFlagHasAlphaSlices = 4		// True if any slices contain alpha (for ETC1S, if the odd slices contain alpha data)
-	};
-	// The image type field attempts to describe how to interpret the image data in a Basis file.
-	// The encoder library doesn't really do anything special or different with these texture types, this is mostly here for the benefit of the user. 
-	// We do make sure the various constraints are followed (2DArray/cubemap/videoframes/volume implies that each image has the same resolution and # of mipmap levels, etc., cubemap implies that the # of image slices is a multiple of 6)
-	enum basis_texture_type
-	{
-		cBASISTexType2D = 0,					// An arbitrary array of 2D RGB or RGBA images with optional mipmaps, array size = # images, each image may have a different resolution and # of mipmap levels
-		cBASISTexType2DArray = 1,			// An array of 2D RGB or RGBA images with optional mipmaps, array size = # images, each image has the same resolution and mipmap levels
-		cBASISTexTypeCubemapArray = 2,	// an array of cubemap levels, total # of images must be divisable by 6, in X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z- order, with optional mipmaps
-		cBASISTexTypeVideoFrames = 3,		// An array of 2D video frames, with optional mipmaps, # frames = # images, each image has the same resolution and # of mipmap levels
-		cBASISTexTypeVolume = 4,			// A 3D texture with optional mipmaps, Z dimension = # images, each image has the same resolution and # of mipmap levels
-		cBASISTexTypeTotal
-	};
-	enum
-	{
-		cBASISMaxUSPerFrame = 0xFFFFFF
-	};
-	enum class basis_tex_format
-	{
-		cETC1S = 0,
-		cUASTC4x4 = 1
-	};
-	struct basis_file_header
-	{
-		enum
-		{
-			cBASISSigValue = ('B' << 8) | 's',
-			cBASISFirstVersion = 0x10
-		};
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_sig;				// 2 byte file signature
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_ver;				// Baseline file version
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_header_size;	// Header size in bytes, sizeof(basis_file_header)
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_header_crc16;	// crc16 of the remaining header data
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_data_size;		// The total size of all data after the header
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_data_crc16;		// The CRC16 of all data after the header
-		basisu::packed_uint<3>      m_total_slices;	// The total # of compressed slices (1 slice per image, or 2 for alpha basis files)
-		basisu::packed_uint<3>      m_total_images;	// The total # of images
-		basisu::packed_uint<1>      m_tex_format;		// enum basis_tex_format
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_flags;			// enum basist::header_flags
-		basisu::packed_uint<1>      m_tex_type;		// enum basist::basis_texture_type
-		basisu::packed_uint<3>      m_us_per_frame;	// Framerate of video, in microseconds per frame
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_reserved;		// For future use
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_userdata0;		// For client use
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_userdata1;		// For client use
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_total_endpoints;			// The number of endpoints in the endpoint codebook 
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_endpoint_cb_file_ofs;	// The compressed endpoint codebook's file offset relative to the header
-		basisu::packed_uint<3>      m_endpoint_cb_file_size;	// The compressed endpoint codebook's size in bytes
-		basisu::packed_uint<2>      m_total_selectors;			// The number of selectors in the endpoint codebook 
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_selector_cb_file_ofs;	// The compressed selectors codebook's file offset relative to the header
-		basisu::packed_uint<3>      m_selector_cb_file_size;	// The compressed selector codebook's size in bytes
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_tables_file_ofs;			// The file offset of the compressed Huffman codelength tables, for decompressing slices
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_tables_file_size;			// The file size in bytes of the compressed huffman codelength tables
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_slice_desc_file_ofs;		// The file offset to the slice description array, usually follows the header
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_extended_file_ofs;		// The file offset of the "extended" header and compressed data, for future use
-		basisu::packed_uint<4>      m_extended_file_size;		// The file size in bytes of the "extended" header and compressed data, for future use
-	};
-#pragma pack (pop)
-} // namespace basist
-/**** ended inlining basisu_file_headers.h ****/
-namespace basist
-	// High-level composite texture formats supported by the transcoder.
-	// Each of these texture formats directly correspond to OpenGL/D3D/Vulkan etc. texture formats.
-	// Notes:
-	// - If you specify a texture format that supports alpha, but the .basis file doesn't have alpha, the transcoder will automatically output a 
-	// fully opaque (255) alpha channel.
-	// - The PVRTC1 texture formats only support power of 2 dimension .basis files, but this may be relaxed in a future version.
-	// - The PVRTC1 transcoders are real-time encoders, so don't expect the highest quality. We may add a slower encoder with improved quality.
-	// - These enums must be kept in sync with Javascript code that calls the transcoder.
-	enum class transcoder_texture_format
-	{
-		// Compressed formats
-		// ETC1-2
-		cTFETC1_RGB = 0,							// Opaque only, returns RGB or alpha data if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified
-		cTFETC2_RGBA = 1,							// Opaque+alpha, ETC2_EAC_A8 block followed by a ETC1 block, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files
-		// BC1-5, BC7 (desktop, some mobile devices)
-		cTFBC1_RGB = 2,							// Opaque only, no punchthrough alpha support yet, transcodes alpha slice if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified
-		cTFBC3_RGBA = 3, 							// Opaque+alpha, BC4 followed by a BC1 block, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files
-		cTFBC4_R = 4,								// Red only, alpha slice is transcoded to output if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified
-		cTFBC5_RG = 5,								// XY: Two BC4 blocks, X=R and Y=Alpha, .basis file should have alpha data (if not Y will be all 255's)
-		cTFBC7_RGBA = 6,							// RGB or RGBA, mode 5 for ETC1S, modes (1,2,3,5,6,7) for UASTC
-		// PVRTC1 4bpp (mobile, PowerVR devices)
-		cTFPVRTC1_4_RGB = 8,						// Opaque only, RGB or alpha if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified, nearly lowest quality of any texture format.
-		cTFPVRTC1_4_RGBA = 9,					// Opaque+alpha, most useful for simple opacity maps. If .basis file doesn't have alpha cTFPVRTC1_4_RGB will be used instead. Lowest quality of any supported texture format.
-		// ASTC (mobile, Intel devices, hopefully all desktop GPU's one day)
-		cTFASTC_4x4_RGBA = 10,					// Opaque+alpha, ASTC 4x4, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files. Transcoder uses RGB/RGBA/L/LA modes, void extent, and up to two ([0,47] and [0,255]) endpoint precisions.
-		// ATC (mobile, Adreno devices, this is a niche format)
-		cTFATC_RGB = 11,							// Opaque, RGB or alpha if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified. ATI ATC (GL_ATC_RGB_AMD)
-		cTFATC_RGBA = 12,							// Opaque+alpha, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files. ATI ATC (GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_AMD) 
-		// FXT1 (desktop, Intel devices, this is a super obscure format)
-		cTFFXT1_RGB = 17,							// Opaque only, uses exclusively CC_MIXED blocks. Notable for having a 8x4 block size. GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1 is supported on Intel integrated GPU's (such as HD 630).
-														// Punch-through alpha is relatively easy to support, but full alpha is harder. This format is only here for completeness so opaque-only is fine for now.
-														// See the BASISU_USE_ORIGINAL_3DFX_FXT1_ENCODING macro in basisu_transcoder_internal.h.
-		cTFPVRTC2_4_RGB = 18,					// Opaque-only, almost BC1 quality, much faster to transcode and supports arbitrary texture dimensions (unlike PVRTC1 RGB).
-		cTFPVRTC2_4_RGBA = 19,					// Opaque+alpha, slower to encode than cTFPVRTC2_4_RGB. Premultiplied alpha is highly recommended, otherwise the color channel can leak into the alpha channel on transparent blocks.
-		cTFETC2_EAC_R11 = 20,					// R only (ETC2 EAC R11 unsigned)
-		cTFETC2_EAC_RG11 = 21,					// RG only (ETC2 EAC RG11 unsigned), R=opaque.r, G=alpha - for tangent space normal maps
-		// Uncompressed (raw pixel) formats
-		cTFRGBA32 = 13,							// 32bpp RGBA image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R is first byte, A is last byte.
-		cTFRGB565 = 14,							// 166pp RGB image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R at bit position 11
-		cTFBGR565 = 15,							// 16bpp RGB image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R at bit position 0
-		cTFRGBA4444 = 16,							// 16bpp RGBA image stored in raster (not block) order in memory, R at bit position 12, A at bit position 0
-		cTFTotalTextureFormats = 22,
-		// Old enums for compatibility with code compiled against previous versions
-		cTFBC1 = cTFBC1_RGB,
-		cTFBC3 = cTFBC3_RGBA,
-		cTFBC4 = cTFBC4_R,
-		cTFBC5 = cTFBC5_RG,
-		// Previously, the caller had some control over which BC7 mode the transcoder output. We've simplified this due to UASTC, which supports numerous modes.
-		cTFBC7_M6_RGB = cTFBC7_RGBA,			// Opaque only, RGB or alpha if cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats flag is specified. Highest quality of all the non-ETC1 formats.
-		cTFBC7_M5_RGBA = cTFBC7_RGBA,			// Opaque+alpha, alpha channel will be opaque for opaque .basis files
-		cTFBC7_M5 = cTFBC7_RGBA,
-		cTFBC7_ALT = 7,
-		cTFASTC_4x4 = cTFASTC_4x4_RGBA,
-	};
-	// For compressed texture formats, this returns the # of bytes per block. For uncompressed, it returns the # of bytes per pixel.
-	// NOTE: Previously, this function was called basis_get_bytes_per_block(), and it always returned 16*bytes_per_pixel for uncompressed formats which was confusing.
-	uint32_t basis_get_bytes_per_block_or_pixel(transcoder_texture_format fmt);
-	// Returns format's name in ASCII
-	const char* basis_get_format_name(transcoder_texture_format fmt);
-	// Returns true if the format supports an alpha channel.
-	bool basis_transcoder_format_has_alpha(transcoder_texture_format fmt);
-	// Returns the basisu::texture_format corresponding to the specified transcoder_texture_format.
-	basisu::texture_format basis_get_basisu_texture_format(transcoder_texture_format fmt);
-	// Returns the texture type's name in ASCII.
-	const char* basis_get_texture_type_name(basis_texture_type tex_type);
-	// Returns true if the transcoder texture type is an uncompressed (raw pixel) format.
-	bool basis_transcoder_format_is_uncompressed(transcoder_texture_format tex_type);
-	// Returns the # of bytes per pixel for uncompressed formats, or 0 for block texture formats.
-	uint32_t basis_get_uncompressed_bytes_per_pixel(transcoder_texture_format fmt);
-	// Returns the block width for the specified texture format, which is currently either 4 or 8 for FXT1.
-	uint32_t basis_get_block_width(transcoder_texture_format tex_type);
-	// Returns the block height for the specified texture format, which is currently always 4.
-	uint32_t basis_get_block_height(transcoder_texture_format tex_type);
-	// Returns true if the specified format was enabled at compile time.
-	bool basis_is_format_supported(transcoder_texture_format tex_type, basis_tex_format fmt = basis_tex_format::cETC1S);
-	class basisu_transcoder;
-	// This struct holds all state used during transcoding. For video, it needs to persist between image transcodes (it holds the previous frame).
-	// For threading you can use one state per thread.
-	struct basisu_transcoder_state
-	{
-		struct block_preds
-		{
-			uint16_t m_endpoint_index;
-			uint8_t m_pred_bits;
-		};
-		std::vector<block_preds> m_block_endpoint_preds[2];
-		enum { cMaxPrevFrameLevels = 16 };
-		std::vector<uint32_t> m_prev_frame_indices[2][cMaxPrevFrameLevels]; // [alpha_flag][level_index] 
-	};
-	// Low-level helper class that does the actual transcoding.
-	class basisu_lowlevel_etc1s_transcoder
-	{
-		friend class basisu_transcoder;
-	public:
-		basisu_lowlevel_etc1s_transcoder(const basist::etc1_global_selector_codebook *pGlobal_sel_codebook);
-		bool decode_palettes(
-			uint32_t num_endpoints, const uint8_t *pEndpoints_data, uint32_t endpoints_data_size,
-			uint32_t num_selectors, const uint8_t *pSelectors_data, uint32_t selectors_data_size);
-		bool decode_tables(const uint8_t *pTable_data, uint32_t table_data_size);
-		bool transcode_slice(void *pDst_blocks, uint32_t num_blocks_x, uint32_t num_blocks_y, const uint8_t *pImage_data, uint32_t image_data_size, block_format fmt, 
-			uint32_t output_block_or_pixel_stride_in_bytes, bool bc1_allow_threecolor_blocks, const basis_file_header &header, const basis_slice_desc& slice_desc, uint32_t output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels = 0,
-			basisu_transcoder_state *pState = nullptr, bool astc_transcode_alpha = false, void* pAlpha_blocks = nullptr, uint32_t output_rows_in_pixels = 0);
-		void clear()
-		{
-			m_endpoints.clear();
-			m_selectors.clear();
-			m_endpoint_pred_model.clear();
-			m_delta_endpoint_model.clear();
-			m_selector_model.clear();
-			m_selector_history_buf_rle_model.clear();
-			m_selector_history_buf_size = 0;
-		}
-	private:
-		typedef std::vector<endpoint> endpoint_vec;
-		endpoint_vec m_endpoints;
-		typedef std::vector<selector> selector_vec;
-		selector_vec m_selectors;
-		const etc1_global_selector_codebook *m_pGlobal_sel_codebook;
-		huffman_decoding_table m_endpoint_pred_model, m_delta_endpoint_model, m_selector_model, m_selector_history_buf_rle_model;
-		uint32_t m_selector_history_buf_size;
-		basisu_transcoder_state m_def_state;
-	};
-	enum
-	{
-		// PVRTC1: decode non-pow2 ETC1S texture level to the next larger power of 2 (not implemented yet, but we're going to support it). Ignored if the slice's dimensions are already a power of 2.
-		cDecodeFlagsPVRTCDecodeToNextPow2 = 2,
-		// When decoding to an opaque texture format, if the basis file has alpha, decode the alpha slice instead of the color slice to the output texture format.
-		// This is primarily to allow decoding of textures with alpha to multiple ETC1 textures (one for color, another for alpha).
-		cDecodeFlagsTranscodeAlphaDataToOpaqueFormats = 4,
-		// Forbid usage of BC1 3 color blocks (we don't support BC1 punchthrough alpha yet).
-		// This flag is used internally when decoding to BC3.
-		cDecodeFlagsBC1ForbidThreeColorBlocks = 8,
-		// The output buffer contains alpha endpoint/selector indices. 
-		// Used internally when decoding formats like ASTC that require both color and alpha data to be available when transcoding to the output format.
-		cDecodeFlagsOutputHasAlphaIndices = 16,
-		cDecodeFlagsHighQuality = 32
-	};
-	class basisu_lowlevel_uastc_transcoder
-	{
-		friend class basisu_transcoder;
-	public:
-		basisu_lowlevel_uastc_transcoder();
-		bool transcode_slice(void* pDst_blocks, uint32_t num_blocks_x, uint32_t num_blocks_y, const uint8_t* pImage_data, uint32_t image_data_size, block_format fmt,
-			uint32_t output_block_or_pixel_stride_in_bytes, bool bc1_allow_threecolor_blocks, const basis_file_header& header, const basis_slice_desc& slice_desc, uint32_t output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels = 0,
-			basisu_transcoder_state* pState = nullptr, uint32_t output_rows_in_pixels = 0, int channel0 = -1, int channel1 = -1, uint32_t decode_flags = 0);
-	};
-	struct basisu_slice_info
-	{
-		uint32_t m_orig_width;
-		uint32_t m_orig_height;
-		uint32_t m_width;
-		uint32_t m_height;
-		uint32_t m_num_blocks_x;
-		uint32_t m_num_blocks_y;
-		uint32_t m_total_blocks;
-		uint32_t m_compressed_size;
-		uint32_t m_slice_index;	// the slice index in the .basis file
-		uint32_t m_image_index;	// the source image index originally provided to the encoder
-		uint32_t m_level_index;	// the mipmap level within this image
-		uint32_t m_unpacked_slice_crc16;
-		bool m_alpha_flag;		// true if the slice has alpha data
-		bool m_iframe_flag;		// true if the slice is an I-Frame
-	};
-	typedef std::vector<basisu_slice_info> basisu_slice_info_vec;
-	struct basisu_image_info
-	{
-		uint32_t m_image_index;
-		uint32_t m_total_levels;	
-		uint32_t m_orig_width;
-		uint32_t m_orig_height;
-		uint32_t m_width;
-		uint32_t m_height;
-		uint32_t m_num_blocks_x;
-		uint32_t m_num_blocks_y;
-		uint32_t m_total_blocks;
-		uint32_t m_first_slice_index;	
-		bool m_alpha_flag;		// true if the image has alpha data
-		bool m_iframe_flag;		// true if the image is an I-Frame
-	};
-	struct basisu_image_level_info
-	{
-		uint32_t m_image_index;
-		uint32_t m_level_index;
-		uint32_t m_orig_width;
-		uint32_t m_orig_height;
-		uint32_t m_width;
-		uint32_t m_height;
-		uint32_t m_num_blocks_x;
-		uint32_t m_num_blocks_y;
-		uint32_t m_total_blocks;
-		uint32_t m_first_slice_index;	
-		bool m_alpha_flag;		// true if the image has alpha data
-		bool m_iframe_flag;		// true if the image is an I-Frame
-	};
-	struct basisu_file_info
-	{
-		uint32_t m_version;
-		uint32_t m_total_header_size;
-		uint32_t m_total_selectors;
-		uint32_t m_selector_codebook_size;
-		uint32_t m_total_endpoints;
-		uint32_t m_endpoint_codebook_size;
-		uint32_t m_tables_size;
-		uint32_t m_slices_size;	
-		basis_texture_type m_tex_type;
-		uint32_t m_us_per_frame;
-		// Low-level slice information (1 slice per image for color-only basis files, 2 for alpha basis files)
-		basisu_slice_info_vec m_slice_info;
-		uint32_t m_total_images;	 // total # of images
-		std::vector<uint32_t> m_image_mipmap_levels; // the # of mipmap levels for each image
-		uint32_t m_userdata0;
-		uint32_t m_userdata1;
-		basis_tex_format m_tex_format; // ETC1S, UASTC, etc.
-		bool m_y_flipped;				// true if the image was Y flipped
-		bool m_etc1s;					// true if the file is ETC1S
-		bool m_has_alpha_slices;	// true if the texture has alpha slices (for ETC1S: even slices RGB, odd slices alpha)
-	};
-	// High-level transcoder class which accepts .basis file data and allows the caller to query information about the file and transcode image levels to various texture formats.
-	// If you're just starting out this is the class you care about.
-	class basisu_transcoder
-	{
-		basisu_transcoder(basisu_transcoder&);
-		basisu_transcoder& operator= (const basisu_transcoder&);
-	public:
-		basisu_transcoder(const etc1_global_selector_codebook *pGlobal_sel_codebook);
-		// Validates the .basis file. This computes a crc16 over the entire file, so it's slow.
-		bool validate_file_checksums(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, bool full_validation) const;
-		// Quick header validation - no crc16 checks.
-		bool validate_header(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size) const;
-		basis_texture_type get_texture_type(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size) const;
-		bool get_userdata(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t &userdata0, uint32_t &userdata1) const;
-		// Returns the total number of images in the basis file (always 1 or more).
-		// Note that the number of mipmap levels for each image may differ, and that images may have different resolutions.
-		uint32_t get_total_images(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size) const;
-		basis_tex_format get_tex_format(const void* pData, uint32_t data_size) const;
-		// Returns the number of mipmap levels in an image.
-		uint32_t get_total_image_levels(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t image_index) const;
-		// Returns basic information about an image. Note that orig_width/orig_height may not be a multiple of 4.
-		bool get_image_level_desc(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t image_index, uint32_t level_index, uint32_t &orig_width, uint32_t &orig_height, uint32_t &total_blocks) const;
-		// Returns information about the specified image.
-		bool get_image_info(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, basisu_image_info &image_info, uint32_t image_index) const;
-		// Returns information about the specified image's mipmap level.
-		bool get_image_level_info(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, basisu_image_level_info &level_info, uint32_t image_index, uint32_t level_index) const;
-		// Get a description of the basis file and low-level information about each slice.
-		bool get_file_info(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, basisu_file_info &file_info) const;
-		// start_transcoding() must be called before calling transcode_slice() or transcode_image_level().
-		// For ETC1S files, this call decompresses the selector/endpoint codebooks, so ideally you would only call this once per .basis file (not each image/mipmap level).
-		bool start_transcoding(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size);
-		bool stop_transcoding();
-		// Returns true if start_transcoding() has been called.
-		bool get_ready_to_transcode() const { return m_ready_to_transcode; }
-		// transcode_image_level() decodes a single mipmap level from the .basis file to any of the supported output texture formats.
-		// It'll first find the slice(s) to transcode, then call transcode_slice() one or two times to decode both the color and alpha texture data (or RG texture data from two slices for BC5).
-		// If the .basis file doesn't have alpha slices, the output alpha blocks will be set to fully opaque (all 255's).
-		// Currently, to decode to PVRTC1 the basis texture's dimensions in pixels must be a power of 2, due to PVRTC1 format requirements. 
-		// output_blocks_buf_size_in_blocks_or_pixels should be at least the image level's total_blocks (num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y), or the total number of output pixels if fmt==cTFRGBA32.
-		// output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Number of blocks or pixels per row. If 0, the transcoder uses the slice's num_blocks_x or orig_width (NOT num_blocks_x * 4). Ignored for PVRTC1 (due to texture swizzling).
-		// output_rows_in_pixels: Ignored unless fmt is cRGBA32. The total number of output rows in the output buffer. If 0, the transcoder assumes the slice's orig_height (NOT num_blocks_y * 4).
-		// Notes: 
-		// - basisu_transcoder_init() must have been called first to initialize the transcoder lookup tables before calling this function.
-		// - This method assumes the output texture buffer is readable. In some cases to handle alpha, the transcoder will write temporary data to the output texture in
-		// a first pass, which will be read in a second pass.
-		bool transcode_image_level(
-			const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, 
-			uint32_t image_index, uint32_t level_index, 
-			void *pOutput_blocks, uint32_t output_blocks_buf_size_in_blocks_or_pixels,
-			transcoder_texture_format fmt,
-			uint32_t decode_flags = 0, uint32_t output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels = 0, basisu_transcoder_state *pState = nullptr, uint32_t output_rows_in_pixels = 0) const;
-		// Finds the basis slice corresponding to the specified image/level/alpha params, or -1 if the slice can't be found.
-		int find_slice(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t image_index, uint32_t level_index, bool alpha_data) const;
-		// transcode_slice() decodes a single slice from the .basis file. It's a low-level API - most likely you want to use transcode_image_level().
-		// This is a low-level API, and will be needed to be called multiple times to decode some texture formats (like BC3, BC5, or ETC2).
-		// output_blocks_buf_size_in_blocks_or_pixels is just used for verification to make sure the output buffer is large enough.
-		// output_blocks_buf_size_in_blocks_or_pixels should be at least the image level's total_blocks (num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y), or the total number of output pixels if fmt==cTFRGBA32.
-		// output_block_stride_in_bytes: Number of bytes between each output block.
-		// output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels: Number of blocks or pixels per row. If 0, the transcoder uses the slice's num_blocks_x or orig_width (NOT num_blocks_x * 4). Ignored for PVRTC1 (due to texture swizzling).
-		// output_rows_in_pixels: Ignored unless fmt is cRGBA32. The total number of output rows in the output buffer. If 0, the transcoder assumes the slice's orig_height (NOT num_blocks_y * 4).
-		// Notes:
-		// - basisu_transcoder_init() must have been called first to initialize the transcoder lookup tables before calling this function.
-		bool transcode_slice(const void *pData, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t slice_index, 
-			void *pOutput_blocks, uint32_t output_blocks_buf_size_in_blocks_or_pixels,
-			block_format fmt, uint32_t output_block_stride_in_bytes, uint32_t decode_flags = 0, uint32_t output_row_pitch_in_blocks_or_pixels = 0, basisu_transcoder_state * pState = nullptr, void* pAlpha_blocks = nullptr, 
-			uint32_t output_rows_in_pixels = 0, int channel0 = -1, int channel1 = -1) const;
-	private:
-		mutable basisu_lowlevel_etc1s_transcoder m_lowlevel_etc1s_decoder;
-		mutable basisu_lowlevel_uastc_transcoder m_lowlevel_uastc_decoder;
-		bool m_ready_to_transcode;
-		int find_first_slice_index(const void* pData, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t image_index, uint32_t level_index) const;
-		bool validate_header_quick(const void* pData, uint32_t data_size) const;
-	};
-	// basisu_transcoder_init() must be called before a .basis file can be transcoded.
-	void basisu_transcoder_init();
-	enum debug_flags_t
-	{
-		cDebugFlagVisCRs = 1,
-		cDebugFlagVisBC1Sels = 2,
-		cDebugFlagVisBC1Endpoints = 4
-	};
-	uint32_t get_debug_flags();
-	void set_debug_flags(uint32_t f);
-} // namespace basisu
diff --git a/encoder/apg_bmp.c b/encoder/apg_bmp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d342b20..0000000
--- a/encoder/apg_bmp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-BMP File Reader/Writer Implementation
-Anton Gerdelan
-Version: 3
-Licence: see apg_bmp.h
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include "apg_bmp.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Maximum pixel dimensions of width or height of an image. Should accommodate max used in graphics APIs.
-   NOTE: 65536*65536 is the biggest number storable in 32 bits.
-   This needs to be multiplied by n_channels so actual memory indices are not uint32 but size_t to avoid overflow.
-   Note this will crash stb_image_write et al at maximum size which use 32bits, so reduce max size to accom. */
-#define _BMP_MAX_DIMS 65536
-#define _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ 14
-#define _BMP_MIN_DIB_HDR_SZ 40
-#define _BMP_MAX_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE (1024ULL*1024ULL*1024ULL)
-#pragma pack( push, 1 ) // supported on GCC in addition to individual packing attribs
-/* All BMP files, regardless of type, start with this file header */
-typedef struct _bmp_file_header_t {
-  char file_type[2];
-  uint32_t file_sz;
-  uint16_t reserved1;
-  uint16_t reserved2;
-  uint32_t image_data_offset;
-} _bmp_file_header_t;
-/* Following the file header is the BMP type header. this is the most commonly used format */
-typedef struct _bmp_dib_BITMAPINFOHEADER_t {
-  uint32_t this_header_sz;
-  int32_t w;                      // in older headers w & h these are shorts and may be unsigned
-  int32_t h;                      //
-  uint16_t n_planes;              // must be 1
-  uint16_t bpp;                   // bits per pixel. 1,4,8,16,24,32.
-  uint32_t compression_method;    // 16 and 32-bit images must have a value of 3 here
-  uint32_t image_uncompressed_sz; // not consistently used in the wild, so ignored here.
-  int32_t horiz_pixels_per_meter; // not used.
-  int32_t vert_pixels_per_meter;  // not used.
-  uint32_t n_colours_in_palette;  //
-  uint32_t n_important_colours;   // not used.
-  /* NOTE(Anton) a DIB header may end here at 40-bytes. be careful using sizeof() */
-  /* if 'compression' value, above, is set to 3 ie the image is 16 or 32-bit, then these colour channel masks follow the headers.
-  these are big-endian order bit masks to assign bits of each pixel to different colours. bits used must be contiguous and not overlap. */
-  uint32_t bitmask_r;
-  uint32_t bitmask_g;
-  uint32_t bitmask_b;
-#pragma pack( pop )
-typedef enum _bmp_compression_t {
-  BI_RGB            = 0,
-  BI_RLE8           = 1,
-  BI_RLE4           = 2,
-  BI_BITFIELDS      = 3,
-  BI_JPEG           = 4,
-  BI_PNG            = 5,
-  BI_CMYK           = 11,
-  BI_CMYKRLE8       = 12,
-  BI_CMYRLE4        = 13
-} _bmp_compression_t;
-/* convenience struct and file->memory function */
-typedef struct _entire_file_t {
-  void* data;
-  size_t sz;
-} _entire_file_t;
-- true on success. record->data is allocated memory and must be freed by the caller.
-- false on any error. Any allocated memory is freed if false is returned */
-static bool _read_entire_file( const char* filename, _entire_file_t* record ) {
-  FILE* fp = fopen( filename, "rb" );
-  if ( !fp ) { return false; }
-  fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END );
-  record->sz   = (size_t)ftell( fp );
-  // Immediately bail on anything larger than _BMP_MAX_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE. 
-  if (record->sz > _BMP_MAX_IMAGE_FILE_SIZE) {
-    fclose( fp );
-    return false;
-  }
-  record->data = malloc( record->sz );
-  if ( !record->data ) {
-    fclose( fp );
-    return false;
-  }
-  rewind( fp );
-  size_t nr = fread( record->data, record->sz, 1, fp );
-  fclose( fp );
-  if ( 1 != nr ) { return false; }
-  return true;
-static bool _validate_file_hdr( _bmp_file_header_t* file_hdr_ptr, size_t file_sz ) {
-  if ( !file_hdr_ptr ) { return false; }
-  if ( file_hdr_ptr->file_type[0] != 'B' || file_hdr_ptr->file_type[1] != 'M' ) { return false; }
-  if ( file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset > file_sz ) { return false; }
-  return true;
-static bool _validate_dib_hdr( _bmp_dib_BITMAPINFOHEADER_t* dib_hdr_ptr, size_t file_sz ) {
-  if ( !dib_hdr_ptr ) { return false; }
-  if ( _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ + dib_hdr_ptr->this_header_sz > file_sz ) { return false; }
-  if ( ( 32 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp || 16 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp ) && ( BI_BITFIELDS != dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method && BI_ALPHABITFIELDS != dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method ) ) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if ( BI_RGB != dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method && BI_BITFIELDS != dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method && BI_ALPHABITFIELDS != dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method ) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // NOTE(Anton) using abs() in the if-statement was blowing up on large negative numbers. switched to labs()
-  if ( 0 == dib_hdr_ptr->w || 0 == dib_hdr_ptr->h || labs( dib_hdr_ptr->w ) > _BMP_MAX_DIMS || labs( dib_hdr_ptr->h ) > _BMP_MAX_DIMS ) { return false; }
-  /* NOTE(Anton) if images reliably used n_colours_in_palette we could have done a palette/file size integrity check here.
-  because some always set 0 then we have to check every palette indexing as we read them */
-  return true;
-/* NOTE(Anton) this could have ifdef branches on different compilers for the intrinsics versions for perf */
-static uint32_t _bitscan( uint32_t dword ) {
-  for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
-    if ( 1 & dword ) { return i; }
-    dword = dword >> 1;
-  }
-  return (uint32_t)-1;
-unsigned char* apg_bmp_read( const char* filename, int* w, int* h, unsigned int* n_chans ) {
-  if ( !filename || !w || !h || !n_chans ) { return NULL; }
-  // read in the whole file into memory first - much faster than parsing on-the-fly
-  _entire_file_t record;
-  if ( !_read_entire_file( filename, &record ) ) { return NULL; }
-  if ( < _BMP_MIN_HDR_SZ ) {
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // grab and validate the first, file, header
-  _bmp_file_header_t* file_hdr_ptr = (_bmp_file_header_t*);
-  if ( !_validate_file_hdr( file_hdr_ptr, ) ) {
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // grad and validate the second, DIB, header
-  _bmp_dib_BITMAPINFOHEADER_t* dib_hdr_ptr = (_bmp_dib_BITMAPINFOHEADER_t*)( (uint8_t*) + _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ );
-  if ( !_validate_dib_hdr( dib_hdr_ptr, ) ) {
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // bitmaps can have negative dims to indicate the image should be flipped
-  uint32_t width = *w = abs( dib_hdr_ptr->w );
-  uint32_t height = *h = abs( dib_hdr_ptr->h );
-  // TODO(Anton) flip image memory at the end if this is true. because doing it per row was making me write bugs.
-  // bool vertically_flip = dib_hdr_ptr->h > 0 ? false : true;
-  // channel count and palette are not well defined in the header so we make a good guess here
-  uint32_t n_dst_chans = 3, n_src_chans = 3;
-  bool has_palette = false;
-  switch ( dib_hdr_ptr->bpp ) {
-  case 32: n_dst_chans = n_src_chans = 4; break; // technically can be RGB but not supported
-  case 24: n_dst_chans = n_src_chans = 3; break; // technically can be RGBA but not supported
-  case 8:                                        // seems to always use a BGR0 palette, even for greyscale
-    n_dst_chans = 3;
-    has_palette = true;
-    n_src_chans = 1;
-    break;
-  case 4: // always has a palette - needed for a MS-saved BMP
-    n_dst_chans = 3;
-    has_palette = true;
-    n_src_chans = 1;
-    break;
-  case 1: // 1-bpp means the palette has 3 colour channels with 2 colours i.e. monochrome but not always black & white
-    n_dst_chans = 3;
-    has_palette = true;
-    n_src_chans = 1;
-    break;
-  default: // this includes 2bpp and 16bpp
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  } // endswitch
-  *n_chans = n_dst_chans;
-  // NOTE(Anton) some image formats are not allowed a palette - could check for a bad header spec here also
-  if ( dib_hdr_ptr->n_colours_in_palette > 0 ) { has_palette = true; }
-  printf( "apg_bmp_debug: reading image\n|-filename `%s`\n|-dims %ux%u pixels\n|-bpp %u\n|-n_src_chans %u\n|-n_dst_chans %u\n", filename, *w, *h,
-    dib_hdr_ptr->bpp, n_src_chans, n_dst_chans );
-  uint32_t palette_offset = _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ + dib_hdr_ptr->this_header_sz;
-  bool has_bitmasks       = false;
-  if ( BI_BITFIELDS == dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method || BI_ALPHABITFIELDS == dib_hdr_ptr->compression_method ) {
-    has_bitmasks = true;
-    palette_offset += 12;
-  }
-  if ( palette_offset > ) {
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // work out if any padding how much to skip at end of each row
-  uint32_t unpadded_row_sz = width * n_src_chans;
-  // bit-encoded palette indices have different padding properties
-  if ( 4 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp ) {
-    unpadded_row_sz = width % 2 > 0 ? width / 2 + 1 : width / 2; // find how many whole bytes required for this bit width
-  }
-  if ( 1 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp ) {
-    unpadded_row_sz = width % 8 > 0 ? width / 8 + 1 : width / 8; // find how many whole bytes required for this bit width
-  }
-  uint32_t row_padding_sz = 0 == unpadded_row_sz % 4 ? 0 : 4 - ( unpadded_row_sz % 4 ); // NOTE(Anton) didn't expect operator precedence of - over %
-  // another file size integrity check: partially validate source image data size
-  // 'image_data_offset' is by row padded to 4 bytes and is either colour data or palette indices.
-  if ( file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset + ( unpadded_row_sz + row_padding_sz ) * height > ) {
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  // find which bit number each colour channel starts at, so we can separate colours out
-  uint32_t bitshift_rgba[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; // NOTE(Anton) noticed this was int and not uint32_t so changed it. 17 Mar 2020
-  uint32_t bitmask_a        = 0;
-  if ( has_bitmasks ) {
-    bitmask_a        = ~( dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_r | dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_g | dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_b );
-    bitshift_rgba[0] = _bitscan( dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_r );
-    bitshift_rgba[1] = _bitscan( dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_g );
-    bitshift_rgba[2] = _bitscan( dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_b );
-    bitshift_rgba[3] = _bitscan( bitmask_a );
-  }
-  // allocate memory for the output pixels block. cast to size_t in case width and height are both the max of 65536 and n_dst_chans > 1
-  unsigned char* dst_img_ptr = (unsigned char*)malloc( (size_t)width * (size_t)height * (size_t)n_dst_chans );
-  if ( !dst_img_ptr ) {
-    free( );
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  uint8_t* palette_data_ptr = (uint8_t*) + palette_offset;
-  uint8_t* src_img_ptr      = (uint8_t*) + file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset;
-  size_t dst_stride_sz      = width * n_dst_chans;
-  //   == 32-bpp -> 32-bit RGBA. == 32-bit and 16-bit require bitmasks
-  if ( 32 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp ) {
-    // check source image has enough data in it to read from
-    if ( (size_t)file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset + (size_t)height * (size_t)width * (size_t)n_src_chans > ) {
-      free( );
-      free( dst_img_ptr );
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    size_t src_byte_idx = 0;
-    for ( uint32_t r = 0; r < height; r++ ) {
-      size_t dst_pixels_idx = r * dst_stride_sz;
-      for ( uint32_t c = 0; c < width; c++ ) {
-        uint32_t pixel;
-        memcpy( &pixel, &src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx], 4 );
-        // NOTE(Anton) the below assumes 32-bits is always RGBA 1 byte per channel. 10,10,10 RGB exists though and isn't handled.
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = ( uint8_t )( ( pixel & dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_r ) >> bitshift_rgba[0] );
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = ( uint8_t )( ( pixel & dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_g ) >> bitshift_rgba[1] );
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = ( uint8_t )( ( pixel & dib_hdr_ptr->bitmask_b ) >> bitshift_rgba[2] );
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = ( uint8_t )( ( pixel & bitmask_a ) >> bitshift_rgba[3] );
-        src_byte_idx += 4;
-      }
-      src_byte_idx += row_padding_sz;
-    }
-    // == 8-bpp -> 24-bit RGB ==
-  } else if ( 8 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp && has_palette ) {
-    // validate indices (body of image data) fits in file
-    if ( file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset + height * width > ) {
-      free( );
-      free( dst_img_ptr );
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    size_t src_byte_idx = 0;
-    for ( uint32_t r = 0; r < height; r++ ) {
-      size_t dst_pixels_idx = ( height - 1 - r ) * dst_stride_sz;
-      for ( uint32_t c = 0; c < width; c++ ) {
-        // "most palettes are 4 bytes in RGB0 order but 3 for..." - it was actually BRG0 in old images -- Anton
-        uint8_t index = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx]; // 8-bit index value per pixel
-        if ( palette_offset + index * 4 + 2 >= ) {
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[index * 4 + 2];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[index * 4 + 1];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[index * 4 + 0];
-        src_byte_idx++;
-      }
-      src_byte_idx += row_padding_sz;
-    }
-    // == 4-bpp (16-colour) -> 24-bit RGB ==
-  } else if ( 4 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp && has_palette ) {
-    size_t src_byte_idx = 0;
-    for ( uint32_t r = 0; r < height; r++ ) {
-      size_t dst_pixels_idx = ( height - 1 - r ) * dst_stride_sz;
-      for ( uint32_t c = 0; c < width; c++ ) {
-        if ( file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset + src_byte_idx > ) {
-          free( );
-          free( dst_img_ptr );
-          return NULL;
-        }
-        // handle 2 pixels at a time
-        uint8_t pixel_duo = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx];
-        uint8_t a_index   = ( 0xFF & pixel_duo ) >> 4;
-        uint8_t b_index   = 0xF & pixel_duo;
-        if ( palette_offset + a_index * 4 + 2 >= ) { // invalid src image
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        if ( dst_pixels_idx + 3 > width * height * n_dst_chans ) { // done
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[a_index * 4 + 2];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[a_index * 4 + 1];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[a_index * 4 + 0];
-        if ( ++c >= width ) { // advance a column
-          c = 0;
-          r++;
-          if ( r >= height ) { // done. no need to get second pixel. eg a 1x1 pixel image.
-            free( );
-            return dst_img_ptr;
-          }
-          dst_pixels_idx = ( height - 1 - r ) * dst_stride_sz;
-        }
-        if ( palette_offset + b_index * 4 + 2 >= ) { // invalid src image
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        if ( dst_pixels_idx + 3 > width * height * n_dst_chans ) { // done. probably redundant check since checking r >= height.
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[b_index * 4 + 2];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[b_index * 4 + 1];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[b_index * 4 + 0];
-        src_byte_idx++;
-      }
-      src_byte_idx += row_padding_sz;
-    }
-    // == 1-bpp -> 24-bit RGB ==
-  } else if ( 1 == dib_hdr_ptr->bpp && has_palette ) {
-    /* encoding method for monochrome is not well documented.
-    a 2x2 pixel image is stored as 4 1-bit palette indexes
-    the palette is stored as any 2 RGB0 colours (not necessarily B&W)
-    so for an image with indexes like so:
-    1 1
-    0 1
-    it is bit-encoded as follows, starting at MSB:
-    01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (first byte val  64)
-    11000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (first byte val 192)
-    data is still split by row and each row padded to 4 byte multiples
-     */
-    size_t src_byte_idx = 0;
-    for ( uint32_t r = 0; r < height; r++ ) {
-      uint8_t bit_idx       = 0; // used in monochrome
-      size_t dst_pixels_idx = ( height - 1 - r ) * dst_stride_sz;
-      for ( uint32_t c = 0; c < width; c++ ) {
-        if ( 8 == bit_idx ) { // start reading from the next byte
-          src_byte_idx++;
-          bit_idx = 0;
-        }
-        if ( file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset + src_byte_idx > ) {
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        uint8_t pixel_oct   = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx];
-        uint8_t bit         = 128 >> bit_idx;
-        uint8_t masked      = pixel_oct & bit;
-        uint8_t palette_idx = masked > 0 ? 1 : 0;
-        if ( palette_offset + palette_idx * 4 + 2 >= ) {
-          free( );
-          return dst_img_ptr;
-        }
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[palette_idx * 4 + 2];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[palette_idx * 4 + 1];
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = palette_data_ptr[palette_idx * 4 + 0];
-        bit_idx++;
-      }
-      src_byte_idx += ( row_padding_sz + 1 ); // 1bpp is special here
-    }
-    // == 24-bpp -> 24-bit RGB == (but also should handle some other n_chans cases)
-  } else {
-    // NOTE(Anton) this only supports 1 byte per channel
-    if ( file_hdr_ptr->image_data_offset + height * width * n_dst_chans > ) {
-      free( );
-      free( dst_img_ptr );
-      return NULL;
-    }
-    size_t src_byte_idx = 0;
-    for ( uint32_t r = 0; r < height; r++ ) {
-      size_t dst_pixels_idx = ( height - 1 - r ) * dst_stride_sz;
-      for ( uint32_t c = 0; c < width; c++ ) {
-        // re-orders from BGR to RGB
-        if ( n_dst_chans > 3 ) { dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx + 3]; }
-        if ( n_dst_chans > 2 ) { dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx + 2]; }
-        if ( n_dst_chans > 1 ) { dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx + 1]; }
-        dst_img_ptr[dst_pixels_idx++] = src_img_ptr[src_byte_idx];
-        src_byte_idx += n_src_chans;
-      }
-      src_byte_idx += row_padding_sz;
-    }
-  } // endif bpp
-  free( );
-  return dst_img_ptr;
-void apg_bmp_free( unsigned char* pixels_ptr ) {
-  if ( !pixels_ptr ) { return; }
-  free( pixels_ptr );
-unsigned int apg_bmp_write( const char* filename, unsigned char* pixels_ptr, int w, int h, unsigned int n_chans ) {
-  if ( !filename || !pixels_ptr ) { return 0; }
-  if ( 0 == w || 0 == h ) { return 0; }
-  if ( labs( w ) > _BMP_MAX_DIMS || labs( h ) > _BMP_MAX_DIMS ) { return 0; }
-  if ( n_chans != 3 && n_chans != 4 ) { return 0; }
-  uint32_t height = (uint32_t)labs( h );
-  uint32_t width  = (uint32_t)labs( w );
-  // work out if any padding how much to skip at end of each row
-  const size_t unpadded_row_sz      = width * n_chans;
-  const size_t row_padding_sz       = 0 == unpadded_row_sz % 4 ? 0 : 4 - unpadded_row_sz % 4;
-  const size_t row_sz               = unpadded_row_sz + row_padding_sz;
-  const size_t dst_pixels_padded_sz = row_sz * height;
-  const size_t dib_hdr_sz = sizeof( _bmp_dib_BITMAPINFOHEADER_t );
-  _bmp_file_header_t file_hdr;
-  {
-    file_hdr.file_type[0]      = 'B';
-    file_hdr.file_type[1]      = 'M';
-    file_hdr.file_sz           = _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ + (uint32_t)dib_hdr_sz + (uint32_t)dst_pixels_padded_sz;
-    file_hdr.reserved1         = 0;
-    file_hdr.reserved2         = 0;
-    file_hdr.image_data_offset = _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ + (uint32_t)dib_hdr_sz;
-  }
-  _bmp_dib_BITMAPINFOHEADER_t dib_hdr;
-  {
-    dib_hdr.this_header_sz         = _BMP_MIN_DIB_HDR_SZ; // NOTE: must be 40 and not include the bitmask memory in size here
-    dib_hdr.w                      = w;
-    dib_hdr.h                      = h;
-    dib_hdr.n_planes               = 1;
-    dib_hdr.bpp                    = 3 == n_chans ? 24 : 32;
-    dib_hdr.compression_method     = 3 == n_chans ? BI_RGB : BI_BITFIELDS;
-    dib_hdr.image_uncompressed_sz  = 0;
-    dib_hdr.horiz_pixels_per_meter = 0;
-    dib_hdr.vert_pixels_per_meter  = 0;
-    dib_hdr.n_colours_in_palette   = 0;
-    dib_hdr.n_important_colours    = 0;
-    // big-endian masks. only used in BI_BITFIELDS and BI_ALPHABITFIELDS ( 16 and 32-bit images )
-    // important note: GIMP stores BMP data in this array order for 32-bit: [A][B][G][R]
-    dib_hdr.bitmask_r = 0xFF000000;
-    dib_hdr.bitmask_g = 0x00FF0000;
-    dib_hdr.bitmask_b = 0x0000FF00;
-  }
-  uint8_t* dst_pixels_ptr = (uint8_t*)malloc( dst_pixels_padded_sz );
-  if ( !dst_pixels_ptr ) { return 0; }
-  {
-    size_t dst_byte_idx = 0;
-    uint8_t padding[4]  = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-    uint8_t rgba[4]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-    uint8_t bgra[4]     = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-    for ( uint32_t row = 0; row < height; row++ ) {
-      size_t src_byte_idx = ( height - 1 - row ) * n_chans * width;
-      for ( uint32_t col = 0; col < width; col++ ) {
-        for ( uint32_t chan = 0; chan < n_chans; chan++ ) { rgba[chan] = pixels_ptr[src_byte_idx++]; }
-        if ( 3 == n_chans ) {
-          bgra[0] = rgba[2];
-          bgra[1] = rgba[1];
-          bgra[2] = rgba[0];
-        } else {
-          /* NOTE(Anton) RGBA with alpha channel would be better supported with an extended DIB header */
-          bgra[0] = rgba[3];
-          bgra[1] = rgba[2];
-          bgra[2] = rgba[1];
-          bgra[3] = rgba[0]; // alpha
-        }
-        memcpy( &dst_pixels_ptr[dst_byte_idx], bgra, n_chans );
-        dst_byte_idx += (size_t)n_chans;
-      } // endfor col
-      if ( row_padding_sz > 0 ) {
-        memcpy( &dst_pixels_ptr[dst_byte_idx], padding, row_padding_sz );
-        dst_byte_idx += row_padding_sz;
-      }
-    } // endfor row
-  }
-  {
-    FILE* fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );
-    if ( !fp ) {
-      free( dst_pixels_ptr );
-      return 0;
-    }
-    if ( 1 != fwrite( &file_hdr, _BMP_FILE_HDR_SZ, 1, fp ) ) {
-      free( dst_pixels_ptr );
-      fclose( fp );
-      return 0;
-    }
-    if ( 1 != fwrite( &dib_hdr, dib_hdr_sz, 1, fp ) ) {
-      free( dst_pixels_ptr );
-      fclose( fp );
-      return 0;
-    }
-    if ( 1 != fwrite( dst_pixels_ptr, dst_pixels_padded_sz, 1, fp ) ) {
-      free( dst_pixels_ptr );
-      fclose( fp );
-      return 0;
-    }
-    fclose( fp );
-  }
-  free( dst_pixels_ptr );
-  return 1;
diff --git a/encoder/apg_bmp.h b/encoder/apg_bmp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd73b6..0000000
--- a/encoder/apg_bmp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-BMP File Reader/Writer Implementation
-Anton Gerdelan
-Version: 3.1 18 March 2020.
-Licence: see bottom of file.
-C89 ( Implementation is C99 )
-- Anton Gerdelan - Initial code.
-- Saija Sorsa    - Fuzz testing.
-- Just drop this header, and the matching .c file into your project.
-- To get debug printouts during parsing define APG_BMP_DEBUG_OUTPUT.
-- The implementation is fast, simple, and supports more formats than most BMP reader libraries.
-- The reader function is fuzzed with AFL
-- The reader is robust to large files and malformed files, and will return any valid partial data in an image.
-- Reader supports 32bpp (with alpha channel), 24bpp, 8bpp, 4bpp, and 1bpp monochrome BMP images.
-- Reader handles indexed BMP images using a colour palette.
-- Writer supports 32bpp RGBA and 24bpp uncompressed RGB images.
-Current Limitations:
-- 16-bit images not supported (don't have any samples to test on).
-- No support for interleaved channel bit layouts eg RGB101010 RGB555 RGB565.
-- No support for compressed BMP images, although in practice these are not used.
-- Output images with alpha channel are written in BITMAPINFOHEADER format.
-  For better alpha support in other apps the 124-bit v5 header could be used instead,
-	at the cost of some backward compatibility and bloat.
-To Do:
-  - create a unique fuzz test set for (8,4,1 BPP).
-- (maybe) FEATURE Flipping the image based on negative width and height in header, and/or function arguments. 
-- (maybe) PERF ifdef intrinsics/asm for bitscan. Platform-specific code so won't include unless necessary.
-- (maybe) FEATURE Add parameter for padding output memory to eg 4-byte alignment or n channels.
-- (maybe) FEATURE Improved apps support in alpha channel writing (using v5 header).
-#ifndef APG_BMP_H_
-#define APG_BMP_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* CPP */
-/* Reads a bitmap from a file, allocates memory for the raw image data, and returns it.
-  * w,h,     - Retrieves the width and height of the BMP in pixels.
-  * n_chans  - Retrieves the number of channels in the BMP.
-  * Tightly-packed pixel memory in RGBA order. The caller must call free() on the memory.
-  * NULL on any error. Any allocated memory is freed before returning NULL. */
-unsigned char* apg_bmp_read( const char* filename, int* w, int* h, unsigned int* n_chans );
-/* Calls free() on memory created by apg_bmp_read */
-void apg_bmp_free( unsigned char* pixels_ptr );
-/* Writes a bitmap to a file.
-  * filename   - e.g."my_bitmap.bmp". Must not be NULL.
-  * pixels_ptr - Pointer to tightly-packed pixel memory in RGBA order. Must not be NULL. There must be abs(w)*abs(h)*n_chans bytes in the memory pointed to.
-  * w,h,       - Width and height of the image in pixels.
-  * n_chans    - The number of channels in the BMP. 3 or 4 supported for writing, which means RGB or RGBA memory, respectively.
-  * Zero on any error, non zero on success. */
-unsigned int apg_bmp_write( const char* filename, unsigned char* pixels_ptr, int w, int h, unsigned int n_chans );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* CPP */
-#endif /*_APG_BMP_H_ */
-This software is available under two licences - you may use it under either licence.
->                                  Apache License
->                            Version 2.0, January 2004
->    Copyright 2019 Anton Gerdelan.
->    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
->    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
->    You may obtain a copy of the License at
->    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
->    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
->    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
->    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
->    limitations under the License.
-> This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-> Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
-> distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
-> binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
-> means.
-> In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
-> of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
-> software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
-> of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
-> successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
-> relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
-> software under copyright law.
-> For more information, please refer to <>
diff --git a/encoder/basisu_astc_decomp.cpp b/encoder/basisu_astc_decomp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 53bccfc..0000000
--- a/encoder/basisu_astc_decomp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1561 +0,0 @@
-// basisu_astc_decomp.cpp: Only used for ASTC decompression, to validate the transcoder's output.
-// This version does not support HDR.
- * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
- * ----------------------------------------
- *
- * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * rg: Removed external dependencies, remarked out HDR support because
- * we don't need it, minor fix to decompress() so it converts non-sRGB
- * output to 8-bits correctly. I've compared this decoder's output
- * vs. astc-codec with random inputs on 4x4 blocks, and after fixing a few obvious
- * bugs in astc-codec where it didn't correctly follow the spec they match so 
- * I'm assuming they are both correct for 4x4 now.
- * HDR support should be easily added back in, but as we don't need it 
- * I'm leaving this for someone else.
- * 
- *//*!
- * \file
- * \brief ASTC Utilities.
- *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "basisu_astc_decomp.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#define DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
-#define DE_UNREF(x) (void)x
-typedef uint8_t deUint8;
-typedef int8_t deInt8;
-typedef uint32_t deUint32;
-typedef int32_t deInt32;
-typedef uint16_t deUint16;
-typedef int16_t deInt16;
-typedef int64_t deInt64;
-typedef uint64_t deUint64;
-#define DE_ASSERT assert
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable:4505) // unreferenced local function has been removed
-#elif defined(__GNUC__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
-namespace basisu_astc
-	static bool inBounds(int v, int l, int h)
-	{
-		return (v >= l) && (v < h);
-	}
-	static bool inRange(int v, int l, int h)
-	{
-		return (v >= l) && (v <= h);
-	}
-	template<typename T>
-	static inline T max(T a, T b)
-	{
-		return (a > b) ? a : b;
-	}
-	template<typename T>
-	static inline T min(T a, T b)
-	{
-		return (a < b) ? a : b;
-	}
-	template<typename T>
-	static inline T clamp(T a, T l, T h)
-	{
-		if (a < l)
-			return l;
-		else if (a > h)
-			return h;
-		return a;
-	}
-	struct UVec4
-	{
-		uint32_t m_c[4];
-		UVec4()
-		{
-			m_c[0] = 0;
-			m_c[1] = 0;
-			m_c[2] = 0;
-			m_c[3] = 0;
-		}
-		UVec4(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, uint32_t w)
-		{
-			m_c[0] = x;
-			m_c[1] = y;
-			m_c[2] = z;
-			m_c[3] = w;
-		}
-		uint32_t x() const { return m_c[0]; }
-		uint32_t y() const { return m_c[1]; }
-		uint32_t z() const { return m_c[2]; }
-		uint32_t w() const { return m_c[3]; }
-		uint32_t& x() { return m_c[0]; }
-		uint32_t& y() { return m_c[1]; }
-		uint32_t& z() { return m_c[2]; }
-		uint32_t& w() { return m_c[3]; }
-		uint32_t operator[] (uint32_t idx) const { assert(idx < 4);  return m_c[idx]; }
-		uint32_t& operator[] (uint32_t idx) { assert(idx < 4);  return m_c[idx]; }
-	};
-	struct IVec4
-	{
-		int32_t m_c[4];
-		IVec4()
-		{
-			m_c[0] = 0;
-			m_c[1] = 0;
-			m_c[2] = 0;
-			m_c[3] = 0;
-		}
-		IVec4(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t w)
-		{
-			m_c[0] = x;
-			m_c[1] = y;
-			m_c[2] = z;
-			m_c[3] = w;
-		}
-		int32_t x() const { return m_c[0]; }
-		int32_t y() const { return m_c[1]; }
-		int32_t z() const { return m_c[2]; }
-		int32_t w() const { return m_c[3]; }
-		int32_t& x() { return m_c[0]; }
-		int32_t& y() { return m_c[1]; }
-		int32_t& z() { return m_c[2]; }
-		int32_t& w() { return m_c[3]; }
-		UVec4 asUint() const
-		{
-			return UVec4(basisu::maximum(0, m_c[0]), basisu::maximum(0, m_c[1]), basisu::maximum(0, m_c[2]), basisu::maximum(0, m_c[3]));
-		}
-		int32_t operator[] (uint32_t idx) const { assert(idx < 4);  return m_c[idx]; }
-		int32_t& operator[] (uint32_t idx) { assert(idx < 4);  return m_c[idx]; }
-	};
-	struct IVec3
-	{
-		int32_t m_c[3];
-		IVec3()
-		{
-			m_c[0] = 0;
-			m_c[1] = 0;
-			m_c[2] = 0;
-		}
-		IVec3(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z)
-		{
-			m_c[0] = x;
-			m_c[1] = y;
-			m_c[2] = z;
-		}
-		int32_t x() const { return m_c[0]; }
-		int32_t y() const { return m_c[1]; }
-		int32_t z() const { return m_c[2]; }
-		int32_t& x() { return m_c[0]; }
-		int32_t& y() { return m_c[1]; }
-		int32_t& z() { return m_c[2]; }
-		int32_t operator[] (uint32_t idx) const { assert(idx < 3);  return m_c[idx]; }
-		int32_t& operator[] (uint32_t idx) { assert(idx < 3);  return m_c[idx]; }
-	};
-	static uint32_t deDivRoundUp32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
-	{
-		return (a + b - 1) / b;
-	}
-	static bool deInBounds32(uint32_t v, uint32_t l, uint32_t h)
-	{
-		return (v >= l) && (v < h);
-	}
-namespace astc
-using std::vector;
-// Common utilities
-inline deUint32 getBit (deUint32 src, int ndx)
-	DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inBounds(ndx, 0, 32));
-	return (src >> ndx) & 1;
-inline deUint32 getBits (deUint32 src, int low, int high)
-	const int numBits = (high-low) + 1;
-	DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(numBits, 1, 32));
-	if (numBits < 32)
-		return (deUint32)((src >> low) & ((1u<<numBits)-1));
-	else
-		return (deUint32)((src >> low) & 0xFFFFFFFFu);
-inline bool isBitSet (deUint32 src, int ndx)
-	return getBit(src, ndx) != 0;
-inline deUint32 reverseBits (deUint32 src, int numBits)
-	DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(numBits, 0, 32));
-	deUint32 result = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < numBits; i++)
-		result |= ((src >> i) & 1) << (numBits-1-i);
-	return result;
-inline deUint32 bitReplicationScale (deUint32 src, int numSrcBits, int numDstBits)
-	DE_ASSERT(numSrcBits <= numDstBits);
-	DE_ASSERT((src & ((1<<numSrcBits)-1)) == src);
-	deUint32 dst = 0;
-	for (int shift = numDstBits-numSrcBits; shift > -numSrcBits; shift -= numSrcBits)
-		dst |= shift >= 0 ? src << shift : src >> -shift;
-	return dst;
-inline deInt32 signExtend (deInt32 src, int numSrcBits)
-	DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(numSrcBits, 2, 31));
-	const bool negative = (src & (1 << (numSrcBits-1))) != 0;
-	return src | (negative ? ~((1 << numSrcBits) - 1) : 0);
-//inline bool isFloat16InfOrNan (deFloat16 v)
-//	return getBits(v, 10, 14) == 31;
-enum ISEMode
-struct ISEParams
-	ISEMode		mode;
-	int			numBits;
-	ISEParams (ISEMode mode_, int numBits_) : mode(mode_), numBits(numBits_) {}
-inline int computeNumRequiredBits (const ISEParams& iseParams, int numValues)
-	switch (iseParams.mode)
-	{
-		case ISEMODE_TRIT:			return deDivRoundUp32(numValues*8, 5) + numValues*iseParams.numBits;
-		case ISEMODE_QUINT:			return deDivRoundUp32(numValues*7, 3) + numValues*iseParams.numBits;
-		case ISEMODE_PLAIN_BIT:		return numValues*iseParams.numBits;
-		default:
-			DE_ASSERT(false);
-			return -1;
-	}
-ISEParams computeMaximumRangeISEParams (int numAvailableBits, int numValuesInSequence)
-	int curBitsForTritMode		= 6;
-	int curBitsForQuintMode		= 5;
-	int curBitsForPlainBitMode	= 8;
-	while (true)
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(curBitsForTritMode > 0 || curBitsForQuintMode > 0 || curBitsForPlainBitMode > 0);
-		const int tritRange			= curBitsForTritMode > 0		? (3 << curBitsForTritMode) - 1			: -1;
-		const int quintRange		= curBitsForQuintMode > 0		? (5 << curBitsForQuintMode) - 1		: -1;
-		const int plainBitRange		= curBitsForPlainBitMode > 0	? (1 << curBitsForPlainBitMode) - 1		: -1;
-		const int maxRange			= basisu_astc::max(basisu_astc::max(tritRange, quintRange), plainBitRange);
-		if (maxRange == tritRange)
-		{
-			const ISEParams params(ISEMODE_TRIT, curBitsForTritMode);
-			if (computeNumRequiredBits(params, numValuesInSequence) <= numAvailableBits)
-				return ISEParams(ISEMODE_TRIT, curBitsForTritMode);
-			curBitsForTritMode--;
-		}
-		else if (maxRange == quintRange)
-		{
-			const ISEParams params(ISEMODE_QUINT, curBitsForQuintMode);
-			if (computeNumRequiredBits(params, numValuesInSequence) <= numAvailableBits)
-				return ISEParams(ISEMODE_QUINT, curBitsForQuintMode);
-			curBitsForQuintMode--;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			const ISEParams params(ISEMODE_PLAIN_BIT, curBitsForPlainBitMode);
-			DE_ASSERT(maxRange == plainBitRange);
-			if (computeNumRequiredBits(params, numValuesInSequence) <= numAvailableBits)
-				return ISEParams(ISEMODE_PLAIN_BIT, curBitsForPlainBitMode);
-			curBitsForPlainBitMode--;
-		}
-	}
-inline int computeNumColorEndpointValues (deUint32 endpointMode)
-	DE_ASSERT(endpointMode < 16);
-	return (endpointMode/4 + 1) * 2;
-// Decompression utilities
-enum DecompressResult
-	DECOMPRESS_RESULT_VALID_BLOCK	= 0,	//!< Decompressed valid block
-	DECOMPRESS_RESULT_ERROR,				//!< Encountered error while decompressing, error color written
-// A helper for getting bits from a 128-bit block.
-class Block128
-	typedef deUint64 Word;
-	enum
-	{
-		WORD_BYTES	= sizeof(Word),
-	};
-	Block128 (const deUint8* src)
-	{
-		for (int wordNdx = 0; wordNdx < NUM_WORDS; wordNdx++)
-		{
-			m_words[wordNdx] = 0;
-			for (int byteNdx = 0; byteNdx < WORD_BYTES; byteNdx++)
-				m_words[wordNdx] |= (Word)src[wordNdx*WORD_BYTES + byteNdx] << (8*byteNdx);
-		}
-	}
-	deUint32 getBit (int ndx) const
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inBounds(ndx, 0, 128));
-		return (m_words[ndx / WORD_BITS] >> (ndx % WORD_BITS)) & 1;
-	}
-	deUint32 getBits (int low, int high) const
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inBounds(low, 0, 128));
-		DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inBounds(high, 0, 128));
-		DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(high-low+1, 0, 32));
-		if (high-low+1 == 0)
-			return 0;
-		const int word0Ndx = low / WORD_BITS;
-		const int word1Ndx = high / WORD_BITS;
-		// \note "foo << bar << 1" done instead of "foo << (bar+1)" to avoid overflow, i.e. shift amount being too big.
-		if (word0Ndx == word1Ndx)
-			return (deUint32)((m_words[word0Ndx] & ((((Word)1 << high%WORD_BITS << 1) - 1))) >> ((Word)low % WORD_BITS));
-		else
-		{
-			DE_ASSERT(word1Ndx == word0Ndx + 1);
-			return (deUint32)(m_words[word0Ndx] >> (low%WORD_BITS)) |
-				   (deUint32)((m_words[word1Ndx] & (((Word)1 << high%WORD_BITS << 1) - 1)) << (high-low - high%WORD_BITS));
-		}
-	}
-	bool isBitSet (int ndx) const
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inBounds(ndx, 0, 128));
-		return getBit(ndx) != 0;
-	}
-	Word m_words[NUM_WORDS];
-// A helper for sequential access into a Block128.
-class BitAccessStream
-	BitAccessStream (const Block128& src, int startNdxInSrc, int length, bool forward)
-		: m_src				(src)
-		, m_startNdxInSrc	(startNdxInSrc)
-		, m_length			(length)
-		, m_forward			(forward)
-		, m_ndx				(0)
-	{
-	}
-	// Get the next num bits. Bits at positions greater than or equal to m_length are zeros.
-	deUint32 getNext (int num)
-	{
-		if (num == 0 || m_ndx >= m_length)
-			return 0;
-		const int end				= m_ndx + num;
-		const int numBitsFromSrc	= basisu_astc::max(0, basisu_astc::min(m_length, end) - m_ndx);
-		const int low				= m_ndx;
-		const int high				= m_ndx + numBitsFromSrc - 1;
-		m_ndx += num;
-		return m_forward ?			   m_src.getBits(m_startNdxInSrc + low,  m_startNdxInSrc + high)
-						 : reverseBits(m_src.getBits(m_startNdxInSrc - high, m_startNdxInSrc - low), numBitsFromSrc);
-	}
-	const Block128&		m_src;
-	const int			m_startNdxInSrc;
-	const int			m_length;
-	const bool			m_forward;
-	int					m_ndx;
-struct ISEDecodedResult
-	deUint32 m;
-	deUint32 tq; //!< Trit or quint value, depending on ISE mode.
-	deUint32 v;
-// Data from an ASTC block's "block mode" part (i.e. bits [0,10]).
-struct ASTCBlockMode
-	bool		isError;
-	// \note Following fields only relevant if !isError.
-	bool		isVoidExtent;
-	// \note Following fields only relevant if !isVoidExtent.
-	bool		isDualPlane;
-	int			weightGridWidth;
-	int			weightGridHeight;
-	ISEParams	weightISEParams;
-	ASTCBlockMode (void)
-		: isError			(true)
-		, isVoidExtent		(true)
-		, isDualPlane		(true)
-		, weightGridWidth	(-1)
-		, weightGridHeight	(-1)
-		, weightISEParams	(ISEMODE_LAST, -1)
-	{
-	}
-inline int computeNumWeights (const ASTCBlockMode& mode)
-	return mode.weightGridWidth * mode.weightGridHeight * (mode.isDualPlane ? 2 : 1);
-struct ColorEndpointPair
-	UVec4 e0;
-	UVec4 e1;
-struct TexelWeightPair
-	deUint32 w[2];
-ASTCBlockMode getASTCBlockMode (deUint32 blockModeData)
-	ASTCBlockMode blockMode;
-	blockMode.isError = true; // \note Set to false later, if not error.
-	blockMode.isVoidExtent = getBits(blockModeData, 0, 8) == 0x1fc;
-	if (!blockMode.isVoidExtent)
-	{
-		if ((getBits(blockModeData, 0, 1) == 0 && getBits(blockModeData, 6, 8) == 7) || getBits(blockModeData, 0, 3) == 0)
-			return blockMode; // Invalid ("reserved").
-		deUint32 r = (deUint32)-1; // \note Set in the following branches.
-		if (getBits(blockModeData, 0, 1) == 0)
-		{
-			const deUint32 r0	= getBit(blockModeData, 4);
-			const deUint32 r1	= getBit(blockModeData, 2);
-			const deUint32 r2	= getBit(blockModeData, 3);
-			const deUint32 i78	= getBits(blockModeData, 7, 8);
-			r = (r2 << 2) | (r1 << 1) | (r0 << 0);
-			if (i78 == 3)
-			{
-				const bool i5 = isBitSet(blockModeData, 5);
-				blockMode.weightGridWidth	= i5 ? 10 : 6;
-				blockMode.weightGridHeight	= i5 ? 6  : 10;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				const deUint32 a = getBits(blockModeData, 5, 6);
-				switch (i78)
-				{
-					case 0:		blockMode.weightGridWidth = 12;		blockMode.weightGridHeight = a + 2;									break;
-					case 1:		blockMode.weightGridWidth = a + 2;	blockMode.weightGridHeight = 12;									break;
-					case 2:		blockMode.weightGridWidth = a + 6;	blockMode.weightGridHeight = getBits(blockModeData, 9, 10) + 6;		break;
-					default: DE_ASSERT(false);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			const deUint32 r0	= getBit(blockModeData, 4);
-			const deUint32 r1	= getBit(blockModeData, 0);
-			const deUint32 r2	= getBit(blockModeData, 1);
-			const deUint32 i23	= getBits(blockModeData, 2, 3);
-			const deUint32 a	= getBits(blockModeData, 5, 6);
-			r = (r2 << 2) | (r1 << 1) | (r0 << 0);
-			if (i23 == 3)
-			{
-				const deUint32	b	= getBit(blockModeData, 7);
-				const bool		i8	= isBitSet(blockModeData, 8);
-				blockMode.weightGridWidth	= i8 ? b+2 : a+2;
-				blockMode.weightGridHeight	= i8 ? a+2 : b+6;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				const deUint32 b = getBits(blockModeData, 7, 8);
-				switch (i23)
-				{
-					case 0:		blockMode.weightGridWidth = b + 4;	blockMode.weightGridHeight = a + 2;	break;
-					case 1:		blockMode.weightGridWidth = b + 8;	blockMode.weightGridHeight = a + 2;	break;
-					case 2:		blockMode.weightGridWidth = a + 2;	blockMode.weightGridHeight = b + 8;	break;
-					default: DE_ASSERT(false);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		const bool	zeroDH		= getBits(blockModeData, 0, 1) == 0 && getBits(blockModeData, 7, 8) == 2;
-		const bool	h			= zeroDH ? 0 : isBitSet(blockModeData, 9);
-		blockMode.isDualPlane	= zeroDH ? 0 : isBitSet(blockModeData, 10);
-		{
-			ISEMode&	m	= blockMode.weightISEParams.mode;
-			int&		b	= blockMode.weightISEParams.numBits;
-			b = 0;
-			if (h)
-			{
-				switch (r)
-				{
-					case 2:							m = ISEMODE_QUINT;	b = 1;	break;
-					case 3:		m = ISEMODE_TRIT;						b = 2;	break;
-					case 4:												b = 4;	break;
-					case 5:							m = ISEMODE_QUINT;	b = 2;	break;
-					case 6:		m = ISEMODE_TRIT;						b = 3;	break;
-					case 7:												b = 5;	break;
-					default:	DE_ASSERT(false);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				switch (r)
-				{
-					case 2:												b = 1;	break;
-					case 3:		m = ISEMODE_TRIT;								break;
-					case 4:												b = 2;	break;
-					case 5:							m = ISEMODE_QUINT;			break;
-					case 6:		m = ISEMODE_TRIT;						b = 1;	break;
-					case 7:												b = 3;	break;
-					default:	DE_ASSERT(false);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	blockMode.isError = false;
-	return blockMode;
-inline void setASTCErrorColorBlock (void* dst, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB)
-	if (isSRGB)
-	{
-		deUint8* const dstU = (deUint8*)dst;
-		for (int i = 0; i < blockWidth*blockHeight; i++)
-		{
-			dstU[4*i + 0] = 0xff;
-			dstU[4*i + 1] = 0;
-			dstU[4*i + 2] = 0xff;
-			dstU[4*i + 3] = 0xff;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		float* const dstF = (float*)dst;
-		for (int i = 0; i < blockWidth*blockHeight; i++)
-		{
-			dstF[4*i + 0] = 1.0f;
-			dstF[4*i + 1] = 0.0f;
-			dstF[4*i + 2] = 1.0f;
-			dstF[4*i + 3] = 1.0f;
-		}
-	}
-DecompressResult decodeVoidExtentBlock (void* dst, const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB, bool isLDRMode)
-	const deUint32	minSExtent			= blockData.getBits(12, 24);
-	const deUint32	maxSExtent			= blockData.getBits(25, 37);
-	const deUint32	minTExtent			= blockData.getBits(38, 50);
-	const deUint32	maxTExtent			= blockData.getBits(51, 63);
-	const bool		allExtentsAllOnes	= minSExtent == 0x1fff && maxSExtent == 0x1fff && minTExtent == 0x1fff && maxTExtent == 0x1fff;
-	const bool		isHDRBlock			= blockData.isBitSet(9);
-	if ((isLDRMode && isHDRBlock) || (!allExtentsAllOnes && (minSExtent >= maxSExtent || minTExtent >= maxTExtent)))
-	{
-		setASTCErrorColorBlock(dst, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB);
-	}
-	const deUint32 rgba[4] =
-	{
-		blockData.getBits(64,  79),
-		blockData.getBits(80,  95),
-		blockData.getBits(96,  111),
-		blockData.getBits(112, 127)
-	};
-	if (isSRGB)
-	{
-		deUint8* const dstU = (deUint8*)dst;
-		for (int i = 0; i < blockWidth*blockHeight; i++)
-		for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
-			dstU[i*4 + c] = (deUint8)((rgba[c] & 0xff00) >> 8);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		float* const dstF = (float*)dst;
-		if (isHDRBlock)
-		{
-#if 0
-			for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
-			{
-				if (isFloat16InfOrNan((deFloat16)rgba[c]))
-					throw InternalError("Infinity or NaN color component in HDR void extent block in ASTC texture (behavior undefined by ASTC specification)");
-			}
-			for (int i = 0; i < blockWidth*blockHeight; i++)
-			for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
-				dstF[i*4 + c] = deFloat16To32((deFloat16)rgba[c]);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for (int i = 0; i < blockWidth*blockHeight; i++)
-			for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
-				dstF[i*4 + c] = rgba[c] == 65535 ? 1.0f : (float)rgba[c] / 65536.0f;
-		}
-	}
-void decodeColorEndpointModes (deUint32* endpointModesDst, const Block128& blockData, int numPartitions, int extraCemBitsStart)
-	if (numPartitions == 1)
-		endpointModesDst[0] = blockData.getBits(13, 16);
-	else
-	{
-		const deUint32 highLevelSelector = blockData.getBits(23, 24);
-		if (highLevelSelector == 0)
-		{
-			const deUint32 mode = blockData.getBits(25, 28);
-			for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++)
-				endpointModesDst[i] = mode;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for (int partNdx = 0; partNdx < numPartitions; partNdx++)
-			{
-				const deUint32 cemClass		= highLevelSelector - (blockData.isBitSet(25 + partNdx) ? 0 : 1);
-				const deUint32 lowBit0Ndx	= numPartitions + 2*partNdx;
-				const deUint32 lowBit1Ndx	= numPartitions + 2*partNdx + 1;
-				const deUint32 lowBit0		= blockData.getBit(lowBit0Ndx < 4 ? 25+lowBit0Ndx : extraCemBitsStart+lowBit0Ndx-4);
-				const deUint32 lowBit1		= blockData.getBit(lowBit1Ndx < 4 ? 25+lowBit1Ndx : extraCemBitsStart+lowBit1Ndx-4);
-				endpointModesDst[partNdx] = (cemClass << 2) | (lowBit1 << 1) | lowBit0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-int computeNumColorEndpointValues (const deUint32* endpointModes, int numPartitions)
-	int result = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++)
-		result += computeNumColorEndpointValues(endpointModes[i]);
-	return result;
-void decodeISETritBlock (ISEDecodedResult* dst, int numValues, BitAccessStream& data, int numBits)
-	DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(numValues, 1, 5));
-	deUint32 m[5];
-	m[0]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 T01	= data.getNext(2);
-	m[1]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 T23	= data.getNext(2);
-	m[2]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 T4		= data.getNext(1);
-	m[3]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 T56	= data.getNext(2);
-	m[4]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 T7		= data.getNext(1);
-	switch (numValues)
-	{
-		// \note Fall-throughs.
-		case 1: T23		= 0;
-		case 2: T4		= 0;
-		case 3: T56		= 0;
-		case 4: T7		= 0;
-		case 5: break;
-		default:
-			DE_ASSERT(false);
-	}
-	const deUint32 T = (T7 << 7) | (T56 << 5) | (T4 << 4) | (T23 << 2) | (T01 << 0);
-	static const deUint32 tritsFromT[256][5] =
-	{
-		{ 0,0,0,0,0 }, { 1,0,0,0,0 }, { 2,0,0,0,0 }, { 0,0,2,0,0 }, { 0,1,0,0,0 }, { 1,1,0,0,0 }, { 2,1,0,0,0 }, { 1,0,2,0,0 }, { 0,2,0,0,0 }, { 1,2,0,0,0 }, { 2,2,0,0,0 }, { 2,0,2,0,0 }, { 0,2,2,0,0 }, { 1,2,2,0,0 }, { 2,2,2,0,0 }, { 2,0,2,0,0 },
-		{ 0,0,1,0,0 }, { 1,0,1,0,0 }, { 2,0,1,0,0 }, { 0,1,2,0,0 }, { 0,1,1,0,0 }, { 1,1,1,0,0 }, { 2,1,1,0,0 }, { 1,1,2,0,0 }, { 0,2,1,0,0 }, { 1,2,1,0,0 }, { 2,2,1,0,0 }, { 2,1,2,0,0 }, { 0,0,0,2,2 }, { 1,0,0,2,2 }, { 2,0,0,2,2 }, { 0,0,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,1,0 }, { 1,0,0,1,0 }, { 2,0,0,1,0 }, { 0,0,2,1,0 }, { 0,1,0,1,0 }, { 1,1,0,1,0 }, { 2,1,0,1,0 }, { 1,0,2,1,0 }, { 0,2,0,1,0 }, { 1,2,0,1,0 }, { 2,2,0,1,0 }, { 2,0,2,1,0 }, { 0,2,2,1,0 }, { 1,2,2,1,0 }, { 2,2,2,1,0 }, { 2,0,2,1,0 },
-		{ 0,0,1,1,0 }, { 1,0,1,1,0 }, { 2,0,1,1,0 }, { 0,1,2,1,0 }, { 0,1,1,1,0 }, { 1,1,1,1,0 }, { 2,1,1,1,0 }, { 1,1,2,1,0 }, { 0,2,1,1,0 }, { 1,2,1,1,0 }, { 2,2,1,1,0 }, { 2,1,2,1,0 }, { 0,1,0,2,2 }, { 1,1,0,2,2 }, { 2,1,0,2,2 }, { 1,0,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,2,0 }, { 1,0,0,2,0 }, { 2,0,0,2,0 }, { 0,0,2,2,0 }, { 0,1,0,2,0 }, { 1,1,0,2,0 }, { 2,1,0,2,0 }, { 1,0,2,2,0 }, { 0,2,0,2,0 }, { 1,2,0,2,0 }, { 2,2,0,2,0 }, { 2,0,2,2,0 }, { 0,2,2,2,0 }, { 1,2,2,2,0 }, { 2,2,2,2,0 }, { 2,0,2,2,0 },
-		{ 0,0,1,2,0 }, { 1,0,1,2,0 }, { 2,0,1,2,0 }, { 0,1,2,2,0 }, { 0,1,1,2,0 }, { 1,1,1,2,0 }, { 2,1,1,2,0 }, { 1,1,2,2,0 }, { 0,2,1,2,0 }, { 1,2,1,2,0 }, { 2,2,1,2,0 }, { 2,1,2,2,0 }, { 0,2,0,2,2 }, { 1,2,0,2,2 }, { 2,2,0,2,2 }, { 2,0,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,0,2 }, { 1,0,0,0,2 }, { 2,0,0,0,2 }, { 0,0,2,0,2 }, { 0,1,0,0,2 }, { 1,1,0,0,2 }, { 2,1,0,0,2 }, { 1,0,2,0,2 }, { 0,2,0,0,2 }, { 1,2,0,0,2 }, { 2,2,0,0,2 }, { 2,0,2,0,2 }, { 0,2,2,0,2 }, { 1,2,2,0,2 }, { 2,2,2,0,2 }, { 2,0,2,0,2 },
-		{ 0,0,1,0,2 }, { 1,0,1,0,2 }, { 2,0,1,0,2 }, { 0,1,2,0,2 }, { 0,1,1,0,2 }, { 1,1,1,0,2 }, { 2,1,1,0,2 }, { 1,1,2,0,2 }, { 0,2,1,0,2 }, { 1,2,1,0,2 }, { 2,2,1,0,2 }, { 2,1,2,0,2 }, { 0,2,2,2,2 }, { 1,2,2,2,2 }, { 2,2,2,2,2 }, { 2,0,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,0,1 }, { 1,0,0,0,1 }, { 2,0,0,0,1 }, { 0,0,2,0,1 }, { 0,1,0,0,1 }, { 1,1,0,0,1 }, { 2,1,0,0,1 }, { 1,0,2,0,1 }, { 0,2,0,0,1 }, { 1,2,0,0,1 }, { 2,2,0,0,1 }, { 2,0,2,0,1 }, { 0,2,2,0,1 }, { 1,2,2,0,1 }, { 2,2,2,0,1 }, { 2,0,2,0,1 },
-		{ 0,0,1,0,1 }, { 1,0,1,0,1 }, { 2,0,1,0,1 }, { 0,1,2,0,1 }, { 0,1,1,0,1 }, { 1,1,1,0,1 }, { 2,1,1,0,1 }, { 1,1,2,0,1 }, { 0,2,1,0,1 }, { 1,2,1,0,1 }, { 2,2,1,0,1 }, { 2,1,2,0,1 }, { 0,0,1,2,2 }, { 1,0,1,2,2 }, { 2,0,1,2,2 }, { 0,1,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,1,1 }, { 1,0,0,1,1 }, { 2,0,0,1,1 }, { 0,0,2,1,1 }, { 0,1,0,1,1 }, { 1,1,0,1,1 }, { 2,1,0,1,1 }, { 1,0,2,1,1 }, { 0,2,0,1,1 }, { 1,2,0,1,1 }, { 2,2,0,1,1 }, { 2,0,2,1,1 }, { 0,2,2,1,1 }, { 1,2,2,1,1 }, { 2,2,2,1,1 }, { 2,0,2,1,1 },
-		{ 0,0,1,1,1 }, { 1,0,1,1,1 }, { 2,0,1,1,1 }, { 0,1,2,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,1,1 }, { 1,1,1,1,1 }, { 2,1,1,1,1 }, { 1,1,2,1,1 }, { 0,2,1,1,1 }, { 1,2,1,1,1 }, { 2,2,1,1,1 }, { 2,1,2,1,1 }, { 0,1,1,2,2 }, { 1,1,1,2,2 }, { 2,1,1,2,2 }, { 1,1,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,2,1 }, { 1,0,0,2,1 }, { 2,0,0,2,1 }, { 0,0,2,2,1 }, { 0,1,0,2,1 }, { 1,1,0,2,1 }, { 2,1,0,2,1 }, { 1,0,2,2,1 }, { 0,2,0,2,1 }, { 1,2,0,2,1 }, { 2,2,0,2,1 }, { 2,0,2,2,1 }, { 0,2,2,2,1 }, { 1,2,2,2,1 }, { 2,2,2,2,1 }, { 2,0,2,2,1 },
-		{ 0,0,1,2,1 }, { 1,0,1,2,1 }, { 2,0,1,2,1 }, { 0,1,2,2,1 }, { 0,1,1,2,1 }, { 1,1,1,2,1 }, { 2,1,1,2,1 }, { 1,1,2,2,1 }, { 0,2,1,2,1 }, { 1,2,1,2,1 }, { 2,2,1,2,1 }, { 2,1,2,2,1 }, { 0,2,1,2,2 }, { 1,2,1,2,2 }, { 2,2,1,2,2 }, { 2,1,2,2,2 },
-		{ 0,0,0,1,2 }, { 1,0,0,1,2 }, { 2,0,0,1,2 }, { 0,0,2,1,2 }, { 0,1,0,1,2 }, { 1,1,0,1,2 }, { 2,1,0,1,2 }, { 1,0,2,1,2 }, { 0,2,0,1,2 }, { 1,2,0,1,2 }, { 2,2,0,1,2 }, { 2,0,2,1,2 }, { 0,2,2,1,2 }, { 1,2,2,1,2 }, { 2,2,2,1,2 }, { 2,0,2,1,2 },
-		{ 0,0,1,1,2 }, { 1,0,1,1,2 }, { 2,0,1,1,2 }, { 0,1,2,1,2 }, { 0,1,1,1,2 }, { 1,1,1,1,2 }, { 2,1,1,1,2 }, { 1,1,2,1,2 }, { 0,2,1,1,2 }, { 1,2,1,1,2 }, { 2,2,1,1,2 }, { 2,1,2,1,2 }, { 0,2,2,2,2 }, { 1,2,2,2,2 }, { 2,2,2,2,2 }, { 2,1,2,2,2 }
-	};
-	const deUint32 (& trits)[5] = tritsFromT[T];
-	for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
-	{
-		dst[i].m	= m[i];
-		dst[i].tq	= trits[i];
-		dst[i].v	= (trits[i] << numBits) + m[i];
-	}
-void decodeISEQuintBlock (ISEDecodedResult* dst, int numValues, BitAccessStream& data, int numBits)
-	DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(numValues, 1, 3));
-	deUint32 m[3];
-	m[0]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 Q012	= data.getNext(3);
-	m[1]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 Q34	= data.getNext(2);
-	m[2]			= data.getNext(numBits);
-	deUint32 Q56	= data.getNext(2);
-	switch (numValues)
-	{
-		// \note Fall-throughs.
-		case 1: Q34		= 0;
-		case 2: Q56		= 0;
-		case 3: break;
-		default:
-			DE_ASSERT(false);
-	}
-	const deUint32 Q = (Q56 << 5) | (Q34 << 3) | (Q012 << 0);
-	static const deUint32 quintsFromQ[256][3] =
-	{
-		{ 0,0,0 }, { 1,0,0 }, { 2,0,0 }, { 3,0,0 }, { 4,0,0 }, { 0,4,0 }, { 4,4,0 }, { 4,4,4 }, { 0,1,0 }, { 1,1,0 }, { 2,1,0 }, { 3,1,0 }, { 4,1,0 }, { 1,4,0 }, { 4,4,1 }, { 4,4,4 },
-		{ 0,2,0 }, { 1,2,0 }, { 2,2,0 }, { 3,2,0 }, { 4,2,0 }, { 2,4,0 }, { 4,4,2 }, { 4,4,4 }, { 0,3,0 }, { 1,3,0 }, { 2,3,0 }, { 3,3,0 }, { 4,3,0 }, { 3,4,0 }, { 4,4,3 }, { 4,4,4 },
-		{ 0,0,1 }, { 1,0,1 }, { 2,0,1 }, { 3,0,1 }, { 4,0,1 }, { 0,4,1 }, { 4,0,4 }, { 0,4,4 }, { 0,1,1 }, { 1,1,1 }, { 2,1,1 }, { 3,1,1 }, { 4,1,1 }, { 1,4,1 }, { 4,1,4 }, { 1,4,4 },
-		{ 0,2,1 }, { 1,2,1 }, { 2,2,1 }, { 3,2,1 }, { 4,2,1 }, { 2,4,1 }, { 4,2,4 }, { 2,4,4 }, { 0,3,1 }, { 1,3,1 }, { 2,3,1 }, { 3,3,1 }, { 4,3,1 }, { 3,4,1 }, { 4,3,4 }, { 3,4,4 },
-		{ 0,0,2 }, { 1,0,2 }, { 2,0,2 }, { 3,0,2 }, { 4,0,2 }, { 0,4,2 }, { 2,0,4 }, { 3,0,4 }, { 0,1,2 }, { 1,1,2 }, { 2,1,2 }, { 3,1,2 }, { 4,1,2 }, { 1,4,2 }, { 2,1,4 }, { 3,1,4 },
-		{ 0,2,2 }, { 1,2,2 }, { 2,2,2 }, { 3,2,2 }, { 4,2,2 }, { 2,4,2 }, { 2,2,4 }, { 3,2,4 }, { 0,3,2 }, { 1,3,2 }, { 2,3,2 }, { 3,3,2 }, { 4,3,2 }, { 3,4,2 }, { 2,3,4 }, { 3,3,4 },
-		{ 0,0,3 }, { 1,0,3 }, { 2,0,3 }, { 3,0,3 }, { 4,0,3 }, { 0,4,3 }, { 0,0,4 }, { 1,0,4 }, { 0,1,3 }, { 1,1,3 }, { 2,1,3 }, { 3,1,3 }, { 4,1,3 }, { 1,4,3 }, { 0,1,4 }, { 1,1,4 },
-		{ 0,2,3 }, { 1,2,3 }, { 2,2,3 }, { 3,2,3 }, { 4,2,3 }, { 2,4,3 }, { 0,2,4 }, { 1,2,4 }, { 0,3,3 }, { 1,3,3 }, { 2,3,3 }, { 3,3,3 }, { 4,3,3 }, { 3,4,3 }, { 0,3,4 }, { 1,3,4 }
-	};
-	const deUint32 (& quints)[3] = quintsFromQ[Q];
-	for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
-	{
-		dst[i].m	= m[i];
-		dst[i].tq	= quints[i];
-		dst[i].v	= (quints[i] << numBits) + m[i];
-	}
-inline void decodeISEBitBlock (ISEDecodedResult* dst, BitAccessStream& data, int numBits)
-	dst[0].m = data.getNext(numBits);
-	dst[0].v = dst[0].m;
-void decodeISE (ISEDecodedResult* dst, int numValues, BitAccessStream& data, const ISEParams& params)
-	if (params.mode == ISEMODE_TRIT)
-	{
-		const int numBlocks = deDivRoundUp32(numValues, 5);
-		for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
-		{
-			const int numValuesInBlock = blockNdx == numBlocks-1 ? numValues - 5*(numBlocks-1) : 5;
-			decodeISETritBlock(&dst[5*blockNdx], numValuesInBlock, data, params.numBits);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (params.mode == ISEMODE_QUINT)
-	{
-		const int numBlocks = deDivRoundUp32(numValues, 3);
-		for (int blockNdx = 0; blockNdx < numBlocks; blockNdx++)
-		{
-			const int numValuesInBlock = blockNdx == numBlocks-1 ? numValues - 3*(numBlocks-1) : 3;
-			decodeISEQuintBlock(&dst[3*blockNdx], numValuesInBlock, data, params.numBits);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(params.mode == ISEMODE_PLAIN_BIT);
-		for (int i = 0; i < numValues; i++)
-			decodeISEBitBlock(&dst[i], data, params.numBits);
-	}
-void unquantizeColorEndpoints (deUint32* dst, const ISEDecodedResult* iseResults, int numEndpoints, const ISEParams& iseParams)
-	if (iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_TRIT || iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_QUINT)
-	{
-		const int rangeCase				= iseParams.numBits*2 - (iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_TRIT ? 2 : 1);
-		DE_ASSERT(basisu_astc::inRange(rangeCase, 0, 10));
-		static const deUint32	Ca[11]	= { 204, 113, 93, 54, 44, 26, 22, 13, 11, 6, 5 };
-		const deUint32			C		= Ca[rangeCase];
-		for (int endpointNdx = 0; endpointNdx < numEndpoints; endpointNdx++)
-		{
-			const deUint32 a = getBit(iseResults[endpointNdx].m, 0);
-			const deUint32 b = getBit(iseResults[endpointNdx].m, 1);
-			const deUint32 c = getBit(iseResults[endpointNdx].m, 2);
-			const deUint32 d = getBit(iseResults[endpointNdx].m, 3);
-			const deUint32 e = getBit(iseResults[endpointNdx].m, 4);
-			const deUint32 f = getBit(iseResults[endpointNdx].m, 5);
-			const deUint32 A = a == 0 ? 0 : (1<<9)-1;
-			const deUint32 B = rangeCase == 0	? 0
-							 : rangeCase == 1	? 0
-							 : rangeCase == 2	? (b << 8) |									(b << 4) |				(b << 2) |	(b << 1)
-							 : rangeCase == 3	? (b << 8) |												(b << 3) |	(b << 2)
-							 : rangeCase == 4	? (c << 8) | (b << 7) |										(c << 3) |	(b << 2) |	(c << 1) |	(b << 0)
-							 : rangeCase == 5	? (c << 8) | (b << 7) |													(c << 2) |	(b << 1) |	(c << 0)
-							 : rangeCase == 6	? (d << 8) | (c << 7) | (b << 6) |										(d << 2) |	(c << 1) |	(b << 0)
-							 : rangeCase == 7	? (d << 8) | (c << 7) | (b << 6) |													(d << 1) |	(c << 0)
-							 : rangeCase == 8	? (e << 8) | (d << 7) | (c << 6) | (b << 5) |										(e << 1) |	(d << 0)
-							 : rangeCase == 9	? (e << 8) | (d << 7) | (c << 6) | (b << 5) |													(e << 0)
-							 : rangeCase == 10	? (f << 8) | (e << 7) | (d << 6) | (c << 5) |	(b << 4) |										(f << 0)
-							 : (deUint32)-1;
-			DE_ASSERT(B != (deUint32)-1);
-			dst[endpointNdx] = (((iseResults[endpointNdx].tq*C + B) ^ A) >> 2) | (A & 0x80);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_PLAIN_BIT);
-		for (int endpointNdx = 0; endpointNdx < numEndpoints; endpointNdx++)
-			dst[endpointNdx] = bitReplicationScale(iseResults[endpointNdx].v, iseParams.numBits, 8);
-	}
-inline void bitTransferSigned (deInt32& a, deInt32& b)
-	b >>= 1;
-	b |= a & 0x80;
-	a >>= 1;
-	a &= 0x3f;
-	if (isBitSet(a, 5))
-		a -= 0x40;
-inline UVec4 clampedRGBA (const IVec4& rgba)
-	return UVec4(basisu_astc::clamp(rgba.x(), 0, 0xff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(rgba.y(), 0, 0xff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(rgba.z(), 0, 0xff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(rgba.w(), 0, 0xff));
-inline IVec4 blueContract (int r, int g, int b, int a)
-	return IVec4((r+b)>>1, (g+b)>>1, b, a);
-inline bool isColorEndpointModeHDR (deUint32 mode)
-	return mode == 2	||
-		   mode == 3	||
-		   mode == 7	||
-		   mode == 11	||
-		   mode == 14	||
-		   mode == 15;
-void decodeHDREndpointMode7 (UVec4& e0, UVec4& e1, deUint32 v0, deUint32 v1, deUint32 v2, deUint32 v3)
-	const deUint32 m10		= getBit(v1, 7) | (getBit(v2, 7) << 1);
-	const deUint32 m23		= getBits(v0, 6, 7);
-	const deUint32 majComp	= m10 != 3	? m10
-							: m23 != 3	? m23
-							:			  0;
-	const deUint32 mode		= m10 != 3	? m23
-							: m23 != 3	? 4
-							:			  5;
-	deInt32			red		= (deInt32)getBits(v0, 0, 5);
-	deInt32			green	= (deInt32)getBits(v1, 0, 4);
-	deInt32			blue	= (deInt32)getBits(v2, 0, 4);
-	deInt32			scale	= (deInt32)getBits(v3, 0, 4);
-	{
-#define ASSIGN_X_BITS(V0,S0, V1,S1, V2,S2, V3,S3, V4,S4, V5,S5, V6,S6) do { SHOR(V0,S0,x0); SHOR(V1,S1,x1); SHOR(V2,S2,x2); SHOR(V3,S3,x3); SHOR(V4,S4,x4); SHOR(V5,S5,x5); SHOR(V6,S6,x6); } while (false)
-		const deUint32	x0	= getBit(v1, 6);
-		const deUint32	x1	= getBit(v1, 5);
-		const deUint32	x2	= getBit(v2, 6);
-		const deUint32	x3	= getBit(v2, 5);
-		const deUint32	x4	= getBit(v3, 7);
-		const deUint32	x5	= getBit(v3, 6);
-		const deUint32	x6	= getBit(v3, 5);
-		deInt32&		R	= red;
-		deInt32&		G	= green;
-		deInt32&		B	= blue;
-		deInt32&		S	= scale;
-		switch (mode)
-		{
-			case 0: ASSIGN_X_BITS(R,9,  R,8,  R,7,  R,10,  R,6,  S,6,   S,5); break;
-			case 1: ASSIGN_X_BITS(R,8,  G,5,  R,7,  B,5,   R,6,  R,10,  R,9); break;
-			case 2: ASSIGN_X_BITS(R,9,  R,8,  R,7,  R,6,   S,7,  S,6,   S,5); break;
-			case 3: ASSIGN_X_BITS(R,8,  G,5,  R,7,  B,5,   R,6,  S,6,   S,5); break;
-			case 4: ASSIGN_X_BITS(G,6,  G,5,  B,6,  B,5,   R,6,  R,7,   S,5); break;
-			case 5: ASSIGN_X_BITS(G,6,  G,5,  B,6,  B,5,   R,6,  S,6,   S,5); break;
-			default:
-				DE_ASSERT(false);
-		}
-#undef SHOR
-	}
-	static const int shiftAmounts[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
-	DE_ASSERT(mode < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(shiftAmounts));
-	red		<<= shiftAmounts[mode];
-	green	<<= shiftAmounts[mode];
-	blue	<<= shiftAmounts[mode];
-	scale	<<= shiftAmounts[mode];
-	if (mode != 5)
-	{
-		green	= red - green;
-		blue	= red - blue;
-	}
-	if (majComp == 1)
-		std::swap(red, green);
-	else if (majComp == 2)
-		std::swap(red, blue);
-	e0 = UVec4(basisu_astc::clamp(red	- scale,	0, 0xfff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(green	- scale,	0, 0xfff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(blue	- scale,	0, 0xfff),
-			   0x780);
-	e1 = UVec4(basisu_astc::clamp(red,				0, 0xfff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(green,				0, 0xfff),
-		basisu_astc::clamp(blue,				0, 0xfff),
-			   0x780);
-void decodeHDREndpointMode11 (UVec4& e0, UVec4& e1, deUint32 v0, deUint32 v1, deUint32 v2, deUint32 v3, deUint32 v4, deUint32 v5)
-	const deUint32 major = (getBit(v5, 7) << 1) | getBit(v4, 7);
-	if (major == 3)
-	{
-		e0 = UVec4(v0<<4, v2<<4, getBits(v4,0,6)<<5, 0x780);
-		e1 = UVec4(v1<<4, v3<<4, getBits(v5,0,6)<<5, 0x780);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		const deUint32 mode = (getBit(v3, 7) << 2) | (getBit(v2, 7) << 1) | getBit(v1, 7);
-		deInt32 a	= (deInt32)((getBit(v1, 6) << 8) | v0);
-		deInt32 c	= (deInt32)(getBits(v1, 0, 5));
-		deInt32 b0	= (deInt32)(getBits(v2, 0, 5));
-		deInt32 b1	= (deInt32)(getBits(v3, 0, 5));
-		deInt32 d0	= (deInt32)(getBits(v4, 0, 4));
-		deInt32 d1	= (deInt32)(getBits(v5, 0, 4));
-		{
-#define ASSIGN_X_BITS(V0,S0, V1,S1, V2,S2, V3,S3, V4,S4, V5,S5) do { SHOR(V0,S0,x0); SHOR(V1,S1,x1); SHOR(V2,S2,x2); SHOR(V3,S3,x3); SHOR(V4,S4,x4); SHOR(V5,S5,x5); } while (false)
-			const deUint32 x0 = getBit(v2, 6);
-			const deUint32 x1 = getBit(v3, 6);
-			const deUint32 x2 = getBit(v4, 6);
-			const deUint32 x3 = getBit(v5, 6);
-			const deUint32 x4 = getBit(v4, 5);
-			const deUint32 x5 = getBit(v5, 5);
-			switch (mode)
-			{
-				case 0: ASSIGN_X_BITS(b0,6,  b1,6,   d0,6,  d1,6,  d0,5,  d1,5); break;
-				case 1: ASSIGN_X_BITS(b0,6,  b1,6,   b0,7,  b1,7,  d0,5,  d1,5); break;
-				case 2: ASSIGN_X_BITS(a,9,   c,6,    d0,6,  d1,6,  d0,5,  d1,5); break;
-				case 3: ASSIGN_X_BITS(b0,6,  b1,6,   a,9,   c,6,   d0,5,  d1,5); break;
-				case 4: ASSIGN_X_BITS(b0,6,  b1,6,   b0,7,  b1,7,  a,9,   a,10); break;
-				case 5: ASSIGN_X_BITS(a,9,   a,10,   c,7,   c,6,   d0,5,  d1,5); break;
-				case 6: ASSIGN_X_BITS(b0,6,  b1,6,   a,11,  c,6,   a,9,   a,10); break;
-				case 7: ASSIGN_X_BITS(a,9,   a,10,   a,11,  c,6,   d0,5,  d1,5); break;
-				default:
-					DE_ASSERT(false);
-			}
-#undef SHOR
-		}
-		static const int numDBits[] = { 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6 };
-		DE_ASSERT(mode < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(numDBits));
-		d0 = signExtend(d0, numDBits[mode]);
-		d1 = signExtend(d1, numDBits[mode]);
-		const int shiftAmount = (mode >> 1) ^ 3;
-		a	<<= shiftAmount;
-		c	<<= shiftAmount;
-		b0	<<= shiftAmount;
-		b1	<<= shiftAmount;
-		d0	<<= shiftAmount;
-		d1	<<= shiftAmount;
-		e0 = UVec4(basisu_astc::clamp(a-c,			0, 0xfff),
-			basisu_astc::clamp(a-b0-c-d0,		0, 0xfff),
-			basisu_astc::clamp(a-b1-c-d1,		0, 0xfff),
-				   0x780);
-		e1 = UVec4(basisu_astc::clamp(a,				0, 0xfff),
-			basisu_astc::clamp(a-b0,			0, 0xfff),
-			basisu_astc::clamp(a-b1,			0, 0xfff),
-				   0x780);
-		if (major == 1)
-		{
-			std::swap(e0.x(), e0.y());
-			std::swap(e1.x(), e1.y());
-		}
-		else if (major == 2)
-		{
-			std::swap(e0.x(), e0.z());
-			std::swap(e1.x(), e1.z());
-		}
-	}
-void decodeHDREndpointMode15(UVec4& e0, UVec4& e1, deUint32 v0, deUint32 v1, deUint32 v2, deUint32 v3, deUint32 v4, deUint32 v5, deUint32 v6In, deUint32 v7In)
-	decodeHDREndpointMode11(e0, e1, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5);
-	const deUint32	mode	= (getBit(v7In, 7) << 1) | getBit(v6In, 7);
-	deInt32			v6		= (deInt32)getBits(v6In, 0, 6);
-	deInt32			v7		= (deInt32)getBits(v7In, 0, 6);
-	if (mode == 3)
-	{
-		e0.w() = v6 << 5;
-		e1.w() = v7 << 5;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		v6 |= (v7 << (mode+1)) & 0x780;
-		v7 &= (0x3f >> mode);
-		v7 ^= 0x20 >> mode;
-		v7 -= 0x20 >> mode;
-		v6 <<= 4-mode;
-		v7 <<= 4-mode;
-		v7 += v6;
-		v7 = basisu_astc::clamp(v7, 0, 0xfff);
-		e0.w() = v6;
-		e1.w() = v7;
-	}
-void decodeColorEndpoints (ColorEndpointPair* dst, const deUint32* unquantizedEndpoints, const deUint32* endpointModes, int numPartitions)
-	int unquantizedNdx = 0;
-	for (int partitionNdx = 0; partitionNdx < numPartitions; partitionNdx++)
-	{
-		const deUint32		endpointMode	= endpointModes[partitionNdx];
-		const deUint32*		v				= &unquantizedEndpoints[unquantizedNdx];
-		UVec4&				e0				= dst[partitionNdx].e0;
-		UVec4&				e1				= dst[partitionNdx].e1;
-		unquantizedNdx += computeNumColorEndpointValues(endpointMode);
-		switch (endpointMode)
-		{
-			case 0:
-				e0 = UVec4(v[0], v[0], v[0], 0xff);
-				e1 = UVec4(v[1], v[1], v[1], 0xff);
-				break;
-			case 1:
-			{
-				const deUint32 L0 = (v[0] >> 2) | (getBits(v[1], 6, 7) << 6);
-				const deUint32 L1 = basisu_astc::min(0xffu, L0 + getBits(v[1], 0, 5));
-				e0 = UVec4(L0, L0, L0, 0xff);
-				e1 = UVec4(L1, L1, L1, 0xff);
-				break;
-			}
-			case 2:
-			{
-				const deUint32 v1Gr		= v[1] >= v[0];
-				const deUint32 y0		= v1Gr ? v[0]<<4 : (v[1]<<4) + 8;
-				const deUint32 y1		= v1Gr ? v[1]<<4 : (v[0]<<4) - 8;
-				e0 = UVec4(y0, y0, y0, 0x780);
-				e1 = UVec4(y1, y1, y1, 0x780);
-				break;
-			}
-			case 3:
-			{
-				const bool		m	= isBitSet(v[0], 7);
-				const deUint32	y0	= m ? (getBits(v[1], 5, 7) << 9) | (getBits(v[0], 0, 6) << 2)
-										: (getBits(v[1], 4, 7) << 8) | (getBits(v[0], 0, 6) << 1);
-				const deUint32	d	= m ? getBits(v[1], 0, 4) << 2
-										: getBits(v[1], 0, 3) << 1;
-				const deUint32	y1	= basisu_astc::min(0xfffu, y0+d);
-				e0 = UVec4(y0, y0, y0, 0x780);
-				e1 = UVec4(y1, y1, y1, 0x780);
-				break;
-			}
-			case 4:
-				e0 = UVec4(v[0], v[0], v[0], v[2]);
-				e1 = UVec4(v[1], v[1], v[1], v[3]);
-				break;
-			case 5:
-			{
-				deInt32 v0 = (deInt32)v[0];
-				deInt32 v1 = (deInt32)v[1];
-				deInt32 v2 = (deInt32)v[2];
-				deInt32 v3 = (deInt32)v[3];
-				bitTransferSigned(v1, v0);
-				bitTransferSigned(v3, v2);
-				e0 = clampedRGBA(IVec4(v0,		v0,		v0,		v2));
-				e1 = clampedRGBA(IVec4(v0+v1,	v0+v1,	v0+v1,	v2+v3));
-				break;
-			}
-			case 6:
-				e0 = UVec4((v[0]*v[3]) >> 8,	(v[1]*v[3]) >> 8,	(v[2]*v[3]) >> 8,	0xff);
-				e1 = UVec4(v[0],				v[1],				v[2],				0xff);
-				break;
-			case 7:
-				decodeHDREndpointMode7(e0, e1, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
-				break;
-			case 8:
-				if (v[1]+v[3]+v[5] >= v[0]+v[2]+v[4])
-				{
-					e0 = UVec4(v[0], v[2], v[4], 0xff);
-					e1 = UVec4(v[1], v[3], v[5], 0xff);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					e0 = blueContract(v[1], v[3], v[5], 0xff).asUint();
-					e1 = blueContract(v[0], v[2], v[4], 0xff).asUint();
-				}
-				break;
-			case 9:
-			{
-				deInt32 v0 = (deInt32)v[0];
-				deInt32 v1 = (deInt32)v[1];
-				deInt32 v2 = (deInt32)v[2];
-				deInt32 v3 = (deInt32)v[3];
-				deInt32 v4 = (deInt32)v[4];
-				deInt32 v5 = (deInt32)v[5];
-				bitTransferSigned(v1, v0);
-				bitTransferSigned(v3, v2);
-				bitTransferSigned(v5, v4);
-				if (v1+v3+v5 >= 0)
-				{
-					e0 = clampedRGBA(IVec4(v0,		v2,		v4,		0xff));
-					e1 = clampedRGBA(IVec4(v0+v1,	v2+v3,	v4+v5,	0xff));
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					e0 = clampedRGBA(blueContract(v0+v1,	v2+v3,	v4+v5,	0xff));
-					e1 = clampedRGBA(blueContract(v0,		v2,		v4,		0xff));
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			case 10:
-				e0 = UVec4((v[0]*v[3]) >> 8,	(v[1]*v[3]) >> 8,	(v[2]*v[3]) >> 8,	v[4]);
-				e1 = UVec4(v[0],				v[1],				v[2],				v[5]);
-				break;
-			case 11:
-				decodeHDREndpointMode11(e0, e1, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]);
-				break;
-			case 12:
-				if (v[1]+v[3]+v[5] >= v[0]+v[2]+v[4])
-				{
-					e0 = UVec4(v[0], v[2], v[4], v[6]);
-					e1 = UVec4(v[1], v[3], v[5], v[7]);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					e0 = clampedRGBA(blueContract(v[1], v[3], v[5], v[7]));
-					e1 = clampedRGBA(blueContract(v[0], v[2], v[4], v[6]));
-				}
-				break;
-			case 13:
-			{
-				deInt32 v0 = (deInt32)v[0];
-				deInt32 v1 = (deInt32)v[1];
-				deInt32 v2 = (deInt32)v[2];
-				deInt32 v3 = (deInt32)v[3];
-				deInt32 v4 = (deInt32)v[4];
-				deInt32 v5 = (deInt32)v[5];
-				deInt32 v6 = (deInt32)v[6];
-				deInt32 v7 = (deInt32)v[7];
-				bitTransferSigned(v1, v0);
-				bitTransferSigned(v3, v2);
-				bitTransferSigned(v5, v4);
-				bitTransferSigned(v7, v6);
-				if (v1+v3+v5 >= 0)
-				{
-					e0 = clampedRGBA(IVec4(v0,		v2,		v4,		v6));
-					e1 = clampedRGBA(IVec4(v0+v1,	v2+v3,	v4+v5,	v6+v7));
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					e0 = clampedRGBA(blueContract(v0+v1,	v2+v3,	v4+v5,	v6+v7));
-					e1 = clampedRGBA(blueContract(v0,		v2,		v4,		v6));
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			case 14:
-				decodeHDREndpointMode11(e0, e1, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]);
-				e0.w() = v[6];
-				e1.w() = v[7];
-				break;
-			case 15:
-				decodeHDREndpointMode15(e0, e1, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7]);
-				break;
-			default:
-				DE_ASSERT(false);
-		}
-	}
-void computeColorEndpoints (ColorEndpointPair* dst, const Block128& blockData, const deUint32* endpointModes, int numPartitions, int numColorEndpointValues, const ISEParams& iseParams, int numBitsAvailable)
-	const int			colorEndpointDataStart = numPartitions == 1 ? 17 : 29;
-	ISEDecodedResult	colorEndpointData[18];
-	{
-		BitAccessStream dataStream(blockData, colorEndpointDataStart, numBitsAvailable, true);
-		decodeISE(&colorEndpointData[0], numColorEndpointValues, dataStream, iseParams);
-	}
-	{
-		deUint32 unquantizedEndpoints[18];
-		unquantizeColorEndpoints(&unquantizedEndpoints[0], &colorEndpointData[0], numColorEndpointValues, iseParams);
-		decodeColorEndpoints(dst, &unquantizedEndpoints[0], &endpointModes[0], numPartitions);
-	}
-void unquantizeWeights (deUint32 dst[64], const ISEDecodedResult* weightGrid, const ASTCBlockMode& blockMode)
-	const int			numWeights	= computeNumWeights(blockMode);
-	const ISEParams&	iseParams	= blockMode.weightISEParams;
-	if (iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_TRIT || iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_QUINT)
-	{
-		const int rangeCase = iseParams.numBits*2 + (iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_QUINT ? 1 : 0);
-		if (rangeCase == 0 || rangeCase == 1)
-		{
-			static const deUint32 map0[3]	= { 0, 32, 63 };
-			static const deUint32 map1[5]	= { 0, 16, 32, 47, 63 };
-			const deUint32* const map		= rangeCase == 0 ? &map0[0] : &map1[0];
-			for (int i = 0; i < numWeights; i++)
-			{
-				DE_ASSERT(weightGrid[i].v < (rangeCase == 0 ? 3u : 5u));
-				dst[i] = map[weightGrid[i].v];
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			DE_ASSERT(rangeCase <= 6);
-			static const deUint32	Ca[5]	= { 50, 28, 23, 13, 11 };
-			const deUint32			C		= Ca[rangeCase-2];
-			for (int weightNdx = 0; weightNdx < numWeights; weightNdx++)
-			{
-				const deUint32 a = getBit(weightGrid[weightNdx].m, 0);
-				const deUint32 b = getBit(weightGrid[weightNdx].m, 1);
-				const deUint32 c = getBit(weightGrid[weightNdx].m, 2);
-				const deUint32 A = a == 0 ? 0 : (1<<7)-1;
-				const deUint32 B = rangeCase == 2 ? 0
-								 : rangeCase == 3 ? 0
-								 : rangeCase == 4 ? (b << 6) |					(b << 2) |				(b << 0)
-								 : rangeCase == 5 ? (b << 6) |								(b << 1)
-								 : rangeCase == 6 ? (c << 6) | (b << 5) |					(c << 1) |	(b << 0)
-								 : (deUint32)-1;
-				dst[weightNdx] = (((weightGrid[weightNdx].tq*C + B) ^ A) >> 2) | (A & 0x20);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DE_ASSERT(iseParams.mode == ISEMODE_PLAIN_BIT);
-		for (int weightNdx = 0; weightNdx < numWeights; weightNdx++)
-			dst[weightNdx] = bitReplicationScale(weightGrid[weightNdx].v, iseParams.numBits, 6);
-	}
-	for (int weightNdx = 0; weightNdx < numWeights; weightNdx++)
-		dst[weightNdx] += dst[weightNdx] > 32 ? 1 : 0;
-	// Initialize nonexistent weights to poison values
-	for (int weightNdx = numWeights; weightNdx < 64; weightNdx++)
-		dst[weightNdx] = ~0u;
-void interpolateWeights (TexelWeightPair* dst, const deUint32 (&unquantizedWeights) [64], int blockWidth, int blockHeight, const ASTCBlockMode& blockMode)
-	const int		numWeightsPerTexel	= blockMode.isDualPlane ? 2 : 1;
-	const deUint32	scaleX				= (1024 + blockWidth/2) / (blockWidth-1);
-	const deUint32	scaleY				= (1024 + blockHeight/2) / (blockHeight-1);
-	DE_ASSERT(blockMode.weightGridWidth*blockMode.weightGridHeight*numWeightsPerTexel <= (int)DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(unquantizedWeights));
-	for (int texelY = 0; texelY < blockHeight; texelY++)
-	{
-		for (int texelX = 0; texelX < blockWidth; texelX++)
-		{
-			const deUint32 gX	= (scaleX*texelX*(blockMode.weightGridWidth-1) + 32) >> 6;
-			const deUint32 gY	= (scaleY*texelY*(blockMode.weightGridHeight-1) + 32) >> 6;
-			const deUint32 jX	= gX >> 4;
-			const deUint32 jY	= gY >> 4;
-			const deUint32 fX	= gX & 0xf;
-			const deUint32 fY	= gY & 0xf;
-			const deUint32 w11	= (fX*fY + 8) >> 4;
-			const deUint32 w10	= fY - w11;
-			const deUint32 w01	= fX - w11;
-			const deUint32 w00	= 16 - fX - fY + w11;
-			const deUint32 i00	= jY*blockMode.weightGridWidth + jX;
-			const deUint32 i01	= i00 + 1;
-			const deUint32 i10	= i00 + blockMode.weightGridWidth;
-			const deUint32 i11	= i00 + blockMode.weightGridWidth + 1;
-			// These addresses can be out of bounds, but respective weights will be 0 then.
-			DE_ASSERT(deInBounds32(i00, 0, blockMode.weightGridWidth*blockMode.weightGridHeight) || w00 == 0);
-			DE_ASSERT(deInBounds32(i01, 0, blockMode.weightGridWidth*blockMode.weightGridHeight) || w01 == 0);
-			DE_ASSERT(deInBounds32(i10, 0, blockMode.weightGridWidth*blockMode.weightGridHeight) || w10 == 0);
-			DE_ASSERT(deInBounds32(i11, 0, blockMode.weightGridWidth*blockMode.weightGridHeight) || w11 == 0);
-			for (int texelWeightNdx = 0; texelWeightNdx < numWeightsPerTexel; texelWeightNdx++)
-			{
-				// & 0x3f clamps address to bounds of unquantizedWeights
-				const deUint32 p00	= unquantizedWeights[(i00 * numWeightsPerTexel + texelWeightNdx) & 0x3f];
-				const deUint32 p01	= unquantizedWeights[(i01 * numWeightsPerTexel + texelWeightNdx) & 0x3f];
-				const deUint32 p10	= unquantizedWeights[(i10 * numWeightsPerTexel + texelWeightNdx) & 0x3f];
-				const deUint32 p11	= unquantizedWeights[(i11 * numWeightsPerTexel + texelWeightNdx) & 0x3f];
-				dst[texelY*blockWidth + texelX].w[texelWeightNdx] = (p00*w00 + p01*w01 + p10*w10 + p11*w11 + 8) >> 4;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void computeTexelWeights (TexelWeightPair* dst, const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, const ASTCBlockMode& blockMode)
-	ISEDecodedResult weightGrid[64];
-	{
-		BitAccessStream dataStream(blockData, 127, computeNumRequiredBits(blockMode.weightISEParams, computeNumWeights(blockMode)), false);
-		decodeISE(&weightGrid[0], computeNumWeights(blockMode), dataStream, blockMode.weightISEParams);
-	}
-	{
-		deUint32 unquantizedWeights[64];
-		unquantizeWeights(&unquantizedWeights[0], &weightGrid[0], blockMode);
-		interpolateWeights(dst, unquantizedWeights, blockWidth, blockHeight, blockMode);
-	}
-inline deUint32 hash52 (deUint32 v)
-	deUint32 p = v;
-	p ^= p >> 15;	p -= p << 17;	p += p << 7;	p += p << 4;
-	p ^= p >>  5;	p += p << 16;	p ^= p >> 7;	p ^= p >> 3;
-	p ^= p <<  6;	p ^= p >> 17;
-	return p;
-int computeTexelPartition (deUint32 seedIn, deUint32 xIn, deUint32 yIn, deUint32 zIn, int numPartitions, bool smallBlock)
-	DE_ASSERT(zIn == 0);
-	const deUint32	x		= smallBlock ? xIn << 1 : xIn;
-	const deUint32	y		= smallBlock ? yIn << 1 : yIn;
-	const deUint32	z		= smallBlock ? zIn << 1 : zIn;
-	const deUint32	seed	= seedIn + 1024*(numPartitions-1);
-	const deUint32	rnum	= hash52(seed);
-	deUint8			seed1	= (deUint8)( rnum							& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed2	= (deUint8)((rnum >>  4)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed3	= (deUint8)((rnum >>  8)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed4	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 12)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed5	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 16)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed6	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 20)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed7	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 24)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed8	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 28)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed9	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 18)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed10	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 22)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed11	= (deUint8)((rnum >> 26)					& 0xf);
-	deUint8			seed12	= (deUint8)(((rnum >> 30) | (rnum << 2))	& 0xf);
-	seed1  = (deUint8)(seed1  * seed1 );
-	seed2  = (deUint8)(seed2  * seed2 );
-	seed3  = (deUint8)(seed3  * seed3 );
-	seed4  = (deUint8)(seed4  * seed4 );
-	seed5  = (deUint8)(seed5  * seed5 );
-	seed6  = (deUint8)(seed6  * seed6 );
-	seed7  = (deUint8)(seed7  * seed7 );
-	seed8  = (deUint8)(seed8  * seed8 );
-	seed9  = (deUint8)(seed9  * seed9 );
-	seed10 = (deUint8)(seed10 * seed10);
-	seed11 = (deUint8)(seed11 * seed11);
-	seed12 = (deUint8)(seed12 * seed12);
-	const int shA = (seed & 2) != 0		? 4		: 5;
-	const int shB = numPartitions == 3	? 6		: 5;
-	const int sh1 = (seed & 1) != 0		? shA	: shB;
-	const int sh2 = (seed & 1) != 0		? shB	: shA;
-	const int sh3 = (seed & 0x10) != 0	? sh1	: sh2;
-	seed1  = (deUint8)(seed1  >> sh1);
-	seed2  = (deUint8)(seed2  >> sh2);
-	seed3  = (deUint8)(seed3  >> sh1);
-	seed4  = (deUint8)(seed4  >> sh2);
-	seed5  = (deUint8)(seed5  >> sh1);
-	seed6  = (deUint8)(seed6  >> sh2);
-	seed7  = (deUint8)(seed7  >> sh1);
-	seed8  = (deUint8)(seed8  >> sh2);
-	seed9  = (deUint8)(seed9  >> sh3);
-	seed10 = (deUint8)(seed10 >> sh3);
-	seed11 = (deUint8)(seed11 >> sh3);
-	seed12 = (deUint8)(seed12 >> sh3);
-	const int a =						0x3f & (seed1*x + seed2*y + seed11*z + (rnum >> 14));
-	const int b =						0x3f & (seed3*x + seed4*y + seed12*z + (rnum >> 10));
-	const int c = numPartitions >= 3 ?	0x3f & (seed5*x + seed6*y + seed9*z  + (rnum >>  6))	: 0;
-	const int d = numPartitions >= 4 ?	0x3f & (seed7*x + seed8*y + seed10*z + (rnum >>  2))	: 0;
-	return a >= b && a >= c && a >= d	? 0
-		 : b >= c && b >= d				? 1
-		 : c >= d						? 2
-		 :								  3;
-DecompressResult setTexelColors (void* dst, ColorEndpointPair* colorEndpoints, TexelWeightPair* texelWeights, int ccs, deUint32 partitionIndexSeed,
-								 int numPartitions, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB, bool isLDRMode, const deUint32* colorEndpointModes)
-	const bool			smallBlock	= blockWidth*blockHeight < 31;
-	DecompressResult	result		= DECOMPRESS_RESULT_VALID_BLOCK;
-	bool				isHDREndpoint[4];
-	for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++)
-	{
-		isHDREndpoint[i] = isColorEndpointModeHDR(colorEndpointModes[i]);
-		if (isHDREndpoint[i])
-	}
-	for (int texelY = 0; texelY < blockHeight; texelY++)
-	for (int texelX = 0; texelX < blockWidth; texelX++)
-	{
-		const int				texelNdx			= texelY*blockWidth + texelX;
-		const int				colorEndpointNdx	= numPartitions == 1 ? 0 : computeTexelPartition(partitionIndexSeed, texelX, texelY, 0, numPartitions, smallBlock);
-		DE_ASSERT(colorEndpointNdx < numPartitions);
-		const UVec4&			e0					= colorEndpoints[colorEndpointNdx].e0;
-		const UVec4&			e1					= colorEndpoints[colorEndpointNdx].e1;
-		const TexelWeightPair&	weight				= texelWeights[texelNdx];
-		if (isLDRMode && isHDREndpoint[colorEndpointNdx])
-		{
-			if (isSRGB)
-			{
-				((deUint8*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 0] = 0xff;
-				((deUint8*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 1] = 0;
-				((deUint8*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 2] = 0xff;
-				((deUint8*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 3] = 0xff;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				((float*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 0] = 1.0f;
-				((float*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 1] = 0;
-				((float*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 2] = 1.0f;
-				((float*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + 3] = 1.0f;
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			for (int channelNdx = 0; channelNdx < 4; channelNdx++)
-			{
-				if (!isHDREndpoint[colorEndpointNdx] || (channelNdx == 3 && colorEndpointModes[colorEndpointNdx] == 14)) // \note Alpha for mode 14 is treated the same as LDR.
-				{
-					const deUint32 c0	= (e0[channelNdx] << 8) | (isSRGB ? 0x80 : e0[channelNdx]);
-					const deUint32 c1	= (e1[channelNdx] << 8) | (isSRGB ? 0x80 : e1[channelNdx]);
-					const deUint32 w	= weight.w[ccs == channelNdx ? 1 : 0];
-					const deUint32 c	= (c0*(64-w) + c1*w + 32) / 64;
-					if (isSRGB)
-						((deUint8*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + channelNdx] = (deUint8)((c & 0xff00) >> 8);
-					else
-						((float*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + channelNdx] = c == 65535 ? 1.0f : (float)c / 65536.0f;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					//DE_STATIC_ASSERT((basisu_astc::meta::TypesSame<deFloat16, deUint16>::Value));
-#if 0
-					const deUint32		c0	= e0[channelNdx] << 4;
-					const deUint32		c1	= e1[channelNdx] << 4;
-					const deUint32		w	= weight.w[ccs == channelNdx ? 1 : 0];
-					const deUint32		c	= (c0*(64-w) + c1*w + 32) / 64;
-					const deUint32		e	= getBits(c, 11, 15);
-					const deUint32		m	= getBits(c, 0, 10);
-					const deUint32		mt	= m < 512		? 3*m
-											: m >= 1536		? 5*m - 2048
-											:				  4*m - 512;
-					const deFloat16		cf	= (deFloat16)((e << 10) + (mt >> 3));
-					((float*)dst)[texelNdx*4 + channelNdx] = deFloat16To32(isFloat16InfOrNan(cf) ? 0x7bff : cf);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-DecompressResult decompressBlock (void* dst, const Block128& blockData, int blockWidth, int blockHeight, bool isSRGB, bool isLDR)
-	DE_ASSERT(isLDR || !isSRGB);
-	// Decode block mode.
-	const ASTCBlockMode blockMode = getASTCBlockMode(blockData.getBits(0, 10));
-	// Check for block mode errors.
-	if (blockMode.isError)
-	{
-		setASTCErrorColorBlock(dst, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB);
-	}
-	// Separate path for void-extent.
-	if (blockMode.isVoidExtent)
-		return decodeVoidExtentBlock(dst, blockData, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB, isLDR);
-	// Compute weight grid values.
-	const int numWeights			= computeNumWeights(blockMode);
-	const int numWeightDataBits		= computeNumRequiredBits(blockMode.weightISEParams, numWeights);
-	const int numPartitions			= (int)blockData.getBits(11, 12) + 1;
-	// Check for errors in weight grid, partition and dual-plane parameters.
-	if (numWeights > 64								||
-		numWeightDataBits > 96						||
-		numWeightDataBits < 24						||
-		blockMode.weightGridWidth > blockWidth		||
-		blockMode.weightGridHeight > blockHeight	||
-		(numPartitions == 4 && blockMode.isDualPlane))
-	{
-		setASTCErrorColorBlock(dst, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB);
-	}
-	// Compute number of bits available for color endpoint data.
-	const bool	isSingleUniqueCem			= numPartitions == 1 || blockData.getBits(23, 24) == 0;
-	const int	numConfigDataBits			= (numPartitions == 1 ? 17 : isSingleUniqueCem ? 29 : 25 + 3*numPartitions) +
-											  (blockMode.isDualPlane ? 2 : 0);
-	const int	numBitsForColorEndpoints	= 128 - numWeightDataBits - numConfigDataBits;
-	const int	extraCemBitsStart			= 127 - numWeightDataBits - (isSingleUniqueCem		? -1
-																		: numPartitions == 4	? 7
-																		: numPartitions == 3	? 4
-																		: numPartitions == 2	? 1
-																		: 0);
-	// Decode color endpoint modes.
-	deUint32 colorEndpointModes[4];
-	decodeColorEndpointModes(&colorEndpointModes[0], blockData, numPartitions, extraCemBitsStart);
-	const int numColorEndpointValues = computeNumColorEndpointValues(colorEndpointModes, numPartitions);
-	// Check for errors in color endpoint value count.
-	if (numColorEndpointValues > 18 || numBitsForColorEndpoints < (int)deDivRoundUp32(13*numColorEndpointValues, 5))
-	{
-		setASTCErrorColorBlock(dst, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB);
-	}
-	// Compute color endpoints.
-	ColorEndpointPair colorEndpoints[4];
-	computeColorEndpoints(&colorEndpoints[0], blockData, &colorEndpointModes[0], numPartitions, numColorEndpointValues,
-						  computeMaximumRangeISEParams(numBitsForColorEndpoints, numColorEndpointValues), numBitsForColorEndpoints);
-	// Compute texel weights.
-	TexelWeightPair texelWeights[MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH*MAX_BLOCK_HEIGHT];
-	computeTexelWeights(&texelWeights[0], blockData, blockWidth, blockHeight, blockMode);
-	// Set texel colors.
-	const int		ccs						= blockMode.isDualPlane ? (int)blockData.getBits(extraCemBitsStart-2, extraCemBitsStart-1) : -1;
-	const deUint32	partitionIndexSeed		= numPartitions > 1 ? blockData.getBits(13, 22) : (deUint32)-1;
-	return setTexelColors(dst, &colorEndpoints[0], &texelWeights[0], ccs, partitionIndexSeed, numPartitions, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB, isLDR, &colorEndpointModes[0]);
-} // anonymous
-bool decompress(uint8_t *pDst, const uint8_t * data, bool isSRGB, int blockWidth, int blockHeight)
-	// rg - We only support LDR here, although adding back in HDR would be easy.
-	const bool isLDR = true;
-	DE_ASSERT(isLDR || !isSRGB);
-	float linear[MAX_BLOCK_WIDTH * MAX_BLOCK_HEIGHT * 4];
-	const Block128 blockData(data);
-	if (decompressBlock(isSRGB ? (void*)pDst : (void*)& linear[0],
-		blockData, blockWidth, blockHeight, isSRGB, isLDR) != DECOMPRESS_RESULT_VALID_BLOCK)
-		return false;
-	if (!isSRGB)
-	{
-		int pix = 0;
-		for (int i = 0; i < blockHeight; i++)
-		{
-			for (int j = 0; j < blockWidth; j++, pix++)
-			{
-				pDst[4 * pix + 0] = (uint8_t)(basisu_astc::clamp<int>((int)(linear[pix * 4 + 0] * 65536.0f + .5f), 0, 65535) >> 8);
-				pDst[4 * pix + 1] = (uint8_t)(basisu_astc::clamp<int>((int)(linear[pix * 4 + 1] * 65536.0f + .5f), 0, 65535) >> 8);
-				pDst[4 * pix + 2] = (uint8_t)(basisu_astc::clamp<int>((int)(linear[pix * 4 + 2] * 65536.0f + .5f), 0, 65535) >> 8);
-				pDst[4 * pix + 3] = (uint8_t)(basisu_astc::clamp<int>((int)(linear[pix * 4 + 3] * 65536.0f + .5f), 0, 65535) >> 8);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
-} // astc
-} // basisu_astc
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
diff --git a/encoder/basisu_astc_decomp.h b/encoder/basisu_astc_decomp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec2e46..0000000
--- a/encoder/basisu_astc_decomp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
- * ----------------------------------------
- *
- * Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- *//*!
- * \file
- * \brief ASTC Utilities.
- *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include "../transcoder/basisu.h" // to pick up the iterator debug level madness
-#include <vector>
-#include <stdint.h>
-namespace basisu_astc
-namespace astc
-// Unpacks a single ASTC block to pDst
-// If isSRGB is true, the spec requires the decoder to scale the LDR 8-bit endpoints to 16-bit before interpolation slightly differently, 
-// which will lead to different outputs. So be sure to set it correctly (ideally it should match whatever the encoder did).
-bool decompress(uint8_t* pDst, const uint8_t* data, bool isSRGB, int blockWidth, int blockHeight);
-} // astc
-} // basisu
diff --git a/encoder/basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.cpp b/encoder/basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 102fc24..0000000
--- a/encoder/basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// basiu_global_selector_palette_helpers.cpp
-// Copyright (C) 2019 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.h"
-namespace basisu
-	uint64_t etc1_global_selector_codebook_find_best_entry(const basist::etc1_global_selector_codebook &codebook,
-		uint32_t num_src_pixel_blocks, const pixel_block *pSrc_pixel_blocks, const etc_block *pBlock_endpoints,
-		uint32_t &palette_index, basist::etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &palette_modifier,
-		bool perceptual, uint32_t max_pal_entries, uint32_t max_modifiers)
-	{
-		uint64_t best_err = UINT64_MAX;
-		uint32_t best_pal_index = 0;
-		basist::etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier best_pal_modifier;
-		if (!max_pal_entries)
-			max_pal_entries = codebook.size();
-		if (!max_modifiers)
-			max_modifiers = basist::etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier::cTotalValues;
-		for (uint32_t pal_index = 0; pal_index < max_pal_entries; pal_index++)
-		{
-			for (uint32_t mod_index = 0; mod_index < max_modifiers; mod_index++)
-			{
-				const basist::etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier pal_modifier(mod_index);
-				const basist::etc1_selector_palette_entry pal_entry(codebook.get_entry(pal_index, pal_modifier));
-				uint64_t trial_err = 0;
-				for (uint32_t block_index = 0; block_index < num_src_pixel_blocks; block_index++)
-				{
-					etc_block trial_block(pBlock_endpoints[block_index]);
-					for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-						for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-							trial_block.set_selector(x, y, pal_entry(x, y));
-					trial_err += trial_block.evaluate_etc1_error(reinterpret_cast<const basisu::color_rgba *>(pSrc_pixel_blocks[block_index].get_ptr()), perceptual);
-					if (trial_err >= best_err)
-						break;
-				}
-				if (trial_err < best_err)
-				{
-					best_err = trial_err;
-					best_pal_index = pal_index;
-					best_pal_modifier = pal_modifier;
-				}
-			} // mod_index
-		} // pal_index
-		palette_index = best_pal_index;
-		palette_modifier = best_pal_modifier;
-		return best_err;
-	}
-} // namespace basisu
diff --git a/encoder/basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.h b/encoder/basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c35439..0000000
--- a/encoder/basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// File: basisu_global_selector_palette_helpers.h
-// Copyright (C) 2019 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#pragma once
-#include "../transcoder/basisu.h"
-#include "basisu_etc.h"
-#include "../transcoder/basisu_global_selector_palette.h"
-namespace basisu
-	const uint32_t cPixelBlockWidth = 4;
-	const uint32_t cPixelBlockHeight = 4;
-	const uint32_t cPixelBlockTotalPixels = cPixelBlockWidth * cPixelBlockHeight;
-	struct pixel_block
-	{
-		color_rgba m_pixels[cPixelBlockHeight][cPixelBlockWidth]; // [y][x]
-		const color_rgba &operator() (uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const { assert((x < cPixelBlockWidth) && (y < cPixelBlockHeight)); return m_pixels[y][x]; }
-		color_rgba &operator() (uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { assert((x < cPixelBlockWidth) && (y < cPixelBlockHeight)); return m_pixels[y][x]; }
-		const color_rgba *get_ptr() const { return &m_pixels[0][0]; }
-		color_rgba *get_ptr() { return &m_pixels[0][0]; }
-		void clear() { clear_obj(*this); }
-	};
-	typedef basisu::vector<pixel_block> pixel_block_vec;
-	uint64_t etc1_global_selector_codebook_find_best_entry(const basist::etc1_global_selector_codebook &codebook,
-		uint32_t num_src_pixel_blocks, const pixel_block *pSrc_pixel_blocks, const etc_block *pBlock_endpoints,
-		uint32_t &palette_index, basist::etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &palette_modifier,
-		bool perceptual, uint32_t max_pal_entries, uint32_t max_modifiers);
-} // namespace basisu
diff --git a/encoder/lodepng.cpp b/encoder/lodepng.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 63adcf4..0000000
--- a/encoder/lodepng.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6008 +0,0 @@
-LodePNG version 20190210
-Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Lode Vandevenne
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-    appreciated but is not required.
-    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-    misrepresented as being the original software.
-    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
-    distribution.
-The manual and changelog are in the header file "lodepng.h"
-Rename this file to lodepng.cpp to use it for C++, or to lodepng.c to use it for C.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable : 4201)
-#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
-#define _SECURE_SCL 1
-#define _SECURE_SCL 0
-#include "lodepng.h"
-#include <limits.h> /* LONG_MAX */
-#include <stdio.h> /* file handling */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* allocations */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1310) /*Visual Studio: A few warning types are not desired here.*/
-#pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) /*implicit conversions: not warned by gcc -Wall -Wextra and requires too much casts*/
-#pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) /*VS does not like fopen, but fopen_s is not standard C so unusable here*/
-#endif /*_MSC_VER */
-const char* LODEPNG_VERSION_STRING = "20190210";
-This source file is built up in the following large parts. The code sections
-with the "LODEPNG_COMPILE_" #defines divide this up further in an intermixed way.
--Tools for C and common code for PNG and Zlib
--C Code for Zlib (huffman, deflate, ...)
--C Code for PNG (file format chunks, adam7, PNG filters, color conversions, ...)
--The C++ wrapper around all of the above
-/*The malloc, realloc and free functions defined here with "lodepng_" in front
-of the name, so that you can easily change them to others related to your
-platform if needed. Everything else in the code calls these. Pass
--DLODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS to the compiler, or comment out
-#define LODEPNG_COMPILE_ALLOCATORS in the header, to disable the ones here and
-define them in your own project's source files without needing to change
-lodepng source code. Don't forget to remove "static" if you copypaste them
-from here.*/
-static void* lodepng_malloc(size_t size) {
-  if(size > LODEPNG_MAX_ALLOC) return 0;
-  return malloc(size);
-static void* lodepng_realloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size) {
-  if(new_size > LODEPNG_MAX_ALLOC) return 0;
-  return realloc(ptr, new_size);
-static void lodepng_free(void* ptr) {
-  free(ptr);
-void* lodepng_malloc(size_t size);
-void* lodepng_realloc(void* ptr, size_t new_size);
-void lodepng_free(void* ptr);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // Tools for C, and common code for PNG and Zlib.                       // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#define LODEPNG_MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-#define LODEPNG_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
-Often in case of an error a value is assigned to a variable and then it breaks
-out of a loop (to go to the cleanup phase of a function). This macro does that.
-It makes the error handling code shorter and more readable.
-Example: if(!uivector_resizev(&frequencies_ll, 286, 0)) ERROR_BREAK(83);
-#define CERROR_BREAK(errorvar, code){\
-  errorvar = code;\
-  break;\
-/*version of CERROR_BREAK that assumes the common case where the error variable is named "error"*/
-#define ERROR_BREAK(code) CERROR_BREAK(error, code)
-/*Set error var to the error code, and return it.*/
-#define CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(errorvar, code){\
-  errorvar = code;\
-  return code;\
-/*Try the code, if it returns error, also return the error.*/
-#define CERROR_TRY_RETURN(call){\
-  unsigned error = call;\
-  if(error) return error;\
-/*Set error var to the error code, and return from the void function.*/
-#define CERROR_RETURN(errorvar, code){\
-  errorvar = code;\
-  return;\
-About uivector, ucvector and string:
--All of them wrap dynamic arrays or text strings in a similar way.
--LodePNG was originally written in C++. The vectors replace the std::vectors that were used in the C++ version.
--The string tools are made to avoid problems with compilers that declare things like strncat as deprecated.
--They're not used in the interface, only internally in this file as static functions.
--As with many other structs in this file, the init and cleanup functions serve as ctor and dtor.
-/*dynamic vector of unsigned ints*/
-typedef struct uivector {
-  unsigned* data;
-  size_t size; /*size in number of unsigned longs*/
-  size_t allocsize; /*allocated size in bytes*/
-} uivector;
-static void uivector_cleanup(void* p) {
-  ((uivector*)p)->size = ((uivector*)p)->allocsize = 0;
-  lodepng_free(((uivector*)p)->data);
-  ((uivector*)p)->data = NULL;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned uivector_reserve(uivector* p, size_t allocsize) {
-  if(allocsize > p->allocsize) {
-    size_t newsize = (allocsize > p->allocsize * 2) ? allocsize : (allocsize * 3 / 2);
-    void* data = lodepng_realloc(p->data, newsize);
-    if(data) {
-      p->allocsize = newsize;
-      p->data = (unsigned*)data;
-    }
-    else return 0; /*error: not enough memory*/
-  }
-  return 1;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned uivector_resize(uivector* p, size_t size) {
-  if(!uivector_reserve(p, size * sizeof(unsigned))) return 0;
-  p->size = size;
-  return 1; /*success*/
-/*resize and give all new elements the value*/
-static unsigned uivector_resizev(uivector* p, size_t size, unsigned value) {
-  size_t oldsize = p->size, i;
-  if(!uivector_resize(p, size)) return 0;
-  for(i = oldsize; i < size; ++i) p->data[i] = value;
-  return 1;
-static void uivector_init(uivector* p) {
-  p->data = NULL;
-  p->size = p->allocsize = 0;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned uivector_push_back(uivector* p, unsigned c) {
-  if(!uivector_resize(p, p->size + 1)) return 0;
-  if (!p->data) return 0;
-  p->data[p->size - 1] = c;
-  return 1;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*dynamic vector of unsigned chars*/
-typedef struct ucvector {
-  unsigned char* data;
-  size_t size; /*used size*/
-  size_t allocsize; /*allocated size*/
-} ucvector;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned ucvector_reserve(ucvector* p, size_t allocsize) {
-  if(allocsize > p->allocsize) {
-    size_t newsize = (allocsize > p->allocsize * 2) ? allocsize : (allocsize * 3 / 2);
-    void* data = lodepng_realloc(p->data, newsize);
-    if(data) {
-      p->allocsize = newsize;
-      p->data = (unsigned char*)data;
-    }
-    else return 0; /*error: not enough memory*/
-  }
-  return 1;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned ucvector_resize(ucvector* p, size_t size) {
-  if(!ucvector_reserve(p, size * sizeof(unsigned char))) return 0;
-  p->size = size;
-  return 1; /*success*/
-static void ucvector_cleanup(void* p) {
-  ((ucvector*)p)->size = ((ucvector*)p)->allocsize = 0;
-  lodepng_free(((ucvector*)p)->data);
-  ((ucvector*)p)->data = NULL;
-static void ucvector_init(ucvector* p) {
-  p->data = NULL;
-  p->size = p->allocsize = 0;
-/*you can both convert from vector to buffer&size and vica versa. If you use
-init_buffer to take over a buffer and size, it is not needed to use cleanup*/
-static void ucvector_init_buffer(ucvector* p, unsigned char* buffer, size_t size) {
-  p->data = buffer;
-  p->allocsize = p->size = size;
-/*returns 1 if success, 0 if failure ==> nothing done*/
-static unsigned ucvector_push_back(ucvector* p, unsigned char c) {
-  if(!ucvector_resize(p, p->size + 1)) return 0;
-  p->data[p->size - 1] = c;
-  return 1;
-#endif /*defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_PNG) || defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_ENCODER)*/
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*free string pointer and set it to NULL*/
-static void string_cleanup(char** out) {
-  lodepng_free(*out);
-  *out = NULL;
-/* dynamically allocates a new string with a copy of the null terminated input text */
-static char* alloc_string(const char* in) {
-  size_t insize = strlen(in);
-  char* out = (char*)lodepng_malloc(insize + 1);
-  if(out) {
-    size_t i;
-    for(i = 0; i != insize; ++i) {
-      out[i] = in[i];
-    }
-    out[i] = 0;
-  }
-  return out;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-unsigned lodepng_read32bitInt(const unsigned char* buffer) {
-  return (unsigned)((buffer[0] << 24) | (buffer[1] << 16) | (buffer[2] << 8) | buffer[3]);
-/*buffer must have at least 4 allocated bytes available*/
-static void lodepng_set32bitInt(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned value) {
-  buffer[0] = (unsigned char)((value >> 24) & 0xff);
-  buffer[1] = (unsigned char)((value >> 16) & 0xff);
-  buffer[2] = (unsigned char)((value >>  8) & 0xff);
-  buffer[3] = (unsigned char)((value      ) & 0xff);
-#endif /*defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_PNG) || defined(LODEPNG_COMPILE_ENCODER)*/
-static void lodepng_add32bitInt(ucvector* buffer, unsigned value) {
-  ucvector_resize(buffer, buffer->size + 4); /*todo: give error if resize failed*/
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(&buffer->data[buffer->size - 4], value);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / File IO                                                                / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* returns negative value on error. This should be pure C compatible, so no fstat. */
-static long lodepng_filesize(const char* filename) {
-  FILE* file;
-  long size;
-  file = fopen(filename, "rb");
-  if(!file) return -1;
-  if(fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
-    fclose(file);
-    return -1;
-  }
-  size = ftell(file);
-  /* It may give LONG_MAX as directory size, this is invalid for us. */
-  if(size == LONG_MAX) size = -1;
-  fclose(file);
-  return size;
-/* load file into buffer that already has the correct allocated size. Returns error code.*/
-static unsigned lodepng_buffer_file(unsigned char* out, size_t size, const char* filename) {
-  FILE* file;
-  size_t readsize;
-  file = fopen(filename, "rb");
-  if(!file) return 78;
-  readsize = fread(out, 1, size, file);
-  fclose(file);
-  if (readsize != size) return 78;
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_load_file(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const char* filename) {
-  long size = lodepng_filesize(filename);
-  if (size < 0) return 78;
-  *outsize = (size_t)size;
-  *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc((size_t)size);
-  if(!(*out) && size > 0) return 83; /*the above malloc failed*/
-  return lodepng_buffer_file(*out, (size_t)size, filename);
-/*write given buffer to the file, overwriting the file, it doesn't append to it.*/
-unsigned lodepng_save_file(const unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffersize, const char* filename) {
-  FILE* file;
-  file = fopen(filename, "wb" );
-  if(!file) return 79;
-  fwrite(buffer, 1, buffersize, file);
-  fclose(file);
-  return 0;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // End of common code and tools. Begin of Zlib related code.            // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*TODO: this ignores potential out of memory errors*/
-#define addBitToStream(/*size_t**/ bitpointer, /*ucvector**/ bitstream, /*unsigned char*/ bit){\
-  /*add a new byte at the end*/\
-  if(((*bitpointer) & 7) == 0) ucvector_push_back(bitstream, (unsigned char)0);\
-  /*earlier bit of huffman code is in a lesser significant bit of an earlier byte*/\
-  (bitstream->data[bitstream->size - 1]) |= (bit << ((*bitpointer) & 0x7));\
-  ++(*bitpointer);\
-static void addBitsToStream(size_t* bitpointer, ucvector* bitstream, unsigned value, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != nbits; ++i) addBitToStream(bitpointer, bitstream, (unsigned char)((value >> i) & 1));
-static void addBitsToStreamReversed(size_t* bitpointer, ucvector* bitstream, unsigned value, size_t nbits) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != nbits; ++i) addBitToStream(bitpointer, bitstream, (unsigned char)((value >> (nbits - 1 - i)) & 1));
-#define READBIT(bitpointer, bitstream) ((bitstream[bitpointer >> 3] >> (bitpointer & 0x7)) & (unsigned char)1)
-static unsigned char readBitFromStream(size_t* bitpointer, const unsigned char* bitstream) {
-  unsigned char result = (unsigned char)(READBIT(*bitpointer, bitstream));
-  ++(*bitpointer);
-  return result;
-static unsigned readBitsFromStream(size_t* bitpointer, const unsigned char* bitstream, size_t nbits) {
-  unsigned result = 0, i;
-  for(i = 0; i != nbits; ++i) {
-    result += ((unsigned)READBIT(*bitpointer, bitstream)) << i;
-    ++(*bitpointer);
-  }
-  return result;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Deflate - Huffman                                                      / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*256 literals, the end code, some length codes, and 2 unused codes*/
-/*the distance codes have their own symbols, 30 used, 2 unused*/
-/*the code length codes. 0-15: code lengths, 16: copy previous 3-6 times, 17: 3-10 zeros, 18: 11-138 zeros*/
-/*the base lengths represented by codes 257-285*/
-static const unsigned LENGTHBASE[29]
-  = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59,
-     67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258};
-/*the extra bits used by codes 257-285 (added to base length)*/
-static const unsigned LENGTHEXTRA[29]
-  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3,  3,
-      4,  4,  4,   4,   5,   5,   5,   5,   0};
-/*the base backwards distances (the bits of distance codes appear after length codes and use their own huffman tree)*/
-static const unsigned DISTANCEBASE[30]
-  = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513,
-     769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577};
-/*the extra bits of backwards distances (added to base)*/
-static const unsigned DISTANCEEXTRA[30]
-  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2,  2,  3,  3,  4,  4,  5,  5,   6,   6,   7,   7,   8,
-       8,    9,    9,   10,   10,   11,   11,   12,    12,    13,    13};
-/*the order in which "code length alphabet code lengths" are stored, out of this
-the huffman tree of the dynamic huffman tree lengths is generated*/
-static const unsigned CLCL_ORDER[NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES]
-  = {16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15};
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-Huffman tree struct, containing multiple representations of the tree
-typedef struct HuffmanTree {
-  unsigned* tree2d;
-  unsigned* tree1d;
-  unsigned* lengths; /*the lengths of the codes of the 1d-tree*/
-  unsigned maxbitlen; /*maximum number of bits a single code can get*/
-  unsigned numcodes; /*number of symbols in the alphabet = number of codes*/
-} HuffmanTree;
-/*function used for debug purposes to draw the tree in ascii art with C++*/
-static void HuffmanTree_draw(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  std::cout << "tree. length: " << tree->numcodes << " maxbitlen: " << tree->maxbitlen << std::endl;
-  for(size_t i = 0; i != tree->tree1d.size; ++i) {
-    if(tree->[i])
-      std::cout << i << " " << tree->[i] << " " << tree->[i] << std::endl;
-  }
-  std::cout << std::endl;
-static void HuffmanTree_init(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  tree->tree2d = 0;
-  tree->tree1d = 0;
-  tree->lengths = 0;
-static void HuffmanTree_cleanup(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  lodepng_free(tree->tree2d);
-  lodepng_free(tree->tree1d);
-  lodepng_free(tree->lengths);
-/*the tree representation used by the decoder. return value is error*/
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_make2DTree(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  unsigned nodefilled = 0; /*up to which node it is filled*/
-  unsigned treepos = 0; /*position in the tree (1 of the numcodes columns)*/
-  unsigned n, i;
-  tree->tree2d = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(tree->numcodes * 2 * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->tree2d) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*
-  convert tree1d[] to tree2d[][]. In the 2D array, a value of 32767 means
-  uninited, a value >= numcodes is an address to another bit, a value < numcodes
-  is a code. The 2 rows are the 2 possible bit values (0 or 1), there are as
-  many columns as codes - 1.
-  A good huffman tree has N * 2 - 1 nodes, of which N - 1 are internal nodes.
-  Here, the internal nodes are stored (what their 0 and 1 option point to).
-  There is only memory for such good tree currently, if there are more nodes
-  (due to too long length codes), error 55 will happen
-  */
-  for(n = 0; n < tree->numcodes * 2; ++n) {
-    tree->tree2d[n] = 32767; /*32767 here means the tree2d isn't filled there yet*/
-  }
-  for(n = 0; n < tree->numcodes; ++n) /*the codes*/ {
-    for(i = 0; i != tree->lengths[n]; ++i) /*the bits for this code*/ {
-      unsigned char bit = (unsigned char)((tree->tree1d[n] >> (tree->lengths[n] - i - 1)) & 1);
-      /*oversubscribed, see comment in lodepng_error_text*/
-      if(treepos > 2147483647 || treepos + 2 > tree->numcodes) return 55;
-      if(tree->tree2d[2 * treepos + bit] == 32767) /*not yet filled in*/ {
-        if(i + 1 == tree->lengths[n]) /*last bit*/ {
-          tree->tree2d[2 * treepos + bit] = n; /*put the current code in it*/
-          treepos = 0;
-        } else {
-          /*put address of the next step in here, first that address has to be found of course
-          (it's just nodefilled + 1)...*/
-          ++nodefilled;
-          /*addresses encoded with numcodes added to it*/
-          tree->tree2d[2 * treepos + bit] = nodefilled + tree->numcodes;
-          treepos = nodefilled;
-        }
-      }
-      else treepos = tree->tree2d[2 * treepos + bit] - tree->numcodes;
-    }
-  }
-  for(n = 0; n < tree->numcodes * 2; ++n) {
-    if(tree->tree2d[n] == 32767) tree->tree2d[n] = 0; /*remove possible remaining 32767's*/
-  }
-  return 0;
-Second step for the ...makeFromLengths and ...makeFromFrequencies functions.
-numcodes, lengths and maxbitlen must already be filled in correctly. return
-value is error.
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths2(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  uivector blcount;
-  uivector nextcode;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned bits, n;
-  uivector_init(&blcount);
-  uivector_init(&nextcode);
-  tree->tree1d = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(tree->numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->tree1d) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  if(!uivector_resizev(&blcount, tree->maxbitlen + 1, 0)
-  || !uivector_resizev(&nextcode, tree->maxbitlen + 1, 0))
-    error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  if(!error) {
-    /*step 1: count number of instances of each code length*/
-    for(bits = 0; bits != tree->numcodes; ++bits)[tree->lengths[bits]];
-    /*step 2: generate the nextcode values*/
-    for(bits = 1; bits <= tree->maxbitlen; ++bits) {
-[bits] = ([bits - 1] +[bits - 1]) << 1;
-    }
-    /*step 3: generate all the codes*/
-    for(n = 0; n != tree->numcodes; ++n) {
-      if(tree->lengths[n] != 0) tree->tree1d[n] =[tree->lengths[n]]++;
-    }
-  }
-  uivector_cleanup(&blcount);
-  uivector_cleanup(&nextcode);
-  if(!error) return HuffmanTree_make2DTree(tree);
-  else return error;
-given the code lengths (as stored in the PNG file), generate the tree as defined
-by Deflate. maxbitlen is the maximum bits that a code in the tree can have.
-return value is error.
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(HuffmanTree* tree, const unsigned* bitlen,
-                                            size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen) {
-  unsigned i;
-  tree->lengths = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->lengths) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  for(i = 0; i != numcodes; ++i) tree->lengths[i] = bitlen[i];
-  tree->numcodes = (unsigned)numcodes; /*number of symbols*/
-  tree->maxbitlen = maxbitlen;
-  return HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths2(tree);
-/*BPM: Boundary Package Merge, see "A Fast and Space-Economical Algorithm for Length-Limited Coding",
-Jyrki Katajainen, Alistair Moffat, Andrew Turpin, 1995.*/
-/*chain node for boundary package merge*/
-typedef struct BPMNode {
-  int weight; /*the sum of all weights in this chain*/
-  unsigned index; /*index of this leaf node (called "count" in the paper)*/
-  struct BPMNode* tail; /*the next nodes in this chain (null if last)*/
-  int in_use;
-} BPMNode;
-/*lists of chains*/
-typedef struct BPMLists {
-  /*memory pool*/
-  unsigned memsize;
-  BPMNode* memory;
-  unsigned numfree;
-  unsigned nextfree;
-  BPMNode** freelist;
-  /*two heads of lookahead chains per list*/
-  unsigned listsize;
-  BPMNode** chains0;
-  BPMNode** chains1;
-} BPMLists;
-/*creates a new chain node with the given parameters, from the memory in the lists */
-static BPMNode* bpmnode_create(BPMLists* lists, int weight, unsigned index, BPMNode* tail) {
-  unsigned i;
-  BPMNode* result;
-  /*memory full, so garbage collect*/
-  if(lists->nextfree >= lists->numfree) {
-    /*mark only those that are in use*/
-    for(i = 0; i != lists->memsize; ++i) lists->memory[i].in_use = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != lists->listsize; ++i) {
-      BPMNode* node;
-      for(node = lists->chains0[i]; node != 0; node = node->tail) node->in_use = 1;
-      for(node = lists->chains1[i]; node != 0; node = node->tail) node->in_use = 1;
-    }
-    /*collect those that are free*/
-    lists->numfree = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != lists->memsize; ++i) {
-      if(!lists->memory[i].in_use) lists->freelist[lists->numfree++] = &lists->memory[i];
-    }
-    lists->nextfree = 0;
-  }
-  result = lists->freelist[lists->nextfree++];
-  result->weight = weight;
-  result->index = index;
-  result->tail = tail;
-  return result;
-/*sort the leaves with stable mergesort*/
-static void bpmnode_sort(BPMNode* leaves, size_t num) {
-  BPMNode* mem = (BPMNode*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(*leaves) * num);
-  size_t width, counter = 0;
-  for(width = 1; width < num; width *= 2) {
-    BPMNode* a = (counter & 1) ? mem : leaves;
-    BPMNode* b = (counter & 1) ? leaves : mem;
-    size_t p;
-    for(p = 0; p < num; p += 2 * width) {
-      size_t q = (p + width > num) ? num : (p + width);
-      size_t r = (p + 2 * width > num) ? num : (p + 2 * width);
-      size_t i = p, j = q, k;
-      for(k = p; k < r; k++) {
-        if(i < q && (j >= r || a[i].weight <= a[j].weight)) b[k] = a[i++];
-        else b[k] = a[j++];
-      }
-    }
-    counter++;
-  }
-  if(counter & 1) memcpy(leaves, mem, sizeof(*leaves) * num);
-  lodepng_free(mem);
-/*Boundary Package Merge step, numpresent is the amount of leaves, and c is the current chain.*/
-static void boundaryPM(BPMLists* lists, BPMNode* leaves, size_t numpresent, int c, int num) {
-  unsigned lastindex = lists->chains1[c]->index;
-  if(c == 0) {
-    if(lastindex >= numpresent) return;
-    lists->chains0[c] = lists->chains1[c];
-    lists->chains1[c] = bpmnode_create(lists, leaves[lastindex].weight, lastindex + 1, 0);
-  } else {
-    /*sum of the weights of the head nodes of the previous lookahead chains.*/
-    int sum = lists->chains0[c - 1]->weight + lists->chains1[c - 1]->weight;
-    lists->chains0[c] = lists->chains1[c];
-    if(lastindex < numpresent && sum > leaves[lastindex].weight) {
-      lists->chains1[c] = bpmnode_create(lists, leaves[lastindex].weight, lastindex + 1, lists->chains1[c]->tail);
-      return;
-    }
-    lists->chains1[c] = bpmnode_create(lists, sum, lastindex, lists->chains1[c - 1]);
-    /*in the end we are only interested in the chain of the last list, so no
-    need to recurse if we're at the last one (this gives measurable speedup)*/
-    if(num + 1 < (int)(2 * numpresent - 2)) {
-      boundaryPM(lists, leaves, numpresent, c - 1, num);
-      boundaryPM(lists, leaves, numpresent, c - 1, num);
-    }
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(unsigned* lengths, const unsigned* frequencies,
-                                      size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  size_t numpresent = 0; /*number of symbols with non-zero frequency*/
-  BPMNode* leaves; /*the symbols, only those with > 0 frequency*/
-  if(numcodes == 0) return 80; /*error: a tree of 0 symbols is not supposed to be made*/
-  if((1u << maxbitlen) < (unsigned)numcodes) return 80; /*error: represent all symbols*/
-  leaves = (BPMNode*)lodepng_malloc(numcodes * sizeof(*leaves));
-  if(!leaves) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  for(i = 0; i != numcodes; ++i) {
-    if(frequencies[i] > 0) {
-      leaves[numpresent].weight = (int)frequencies[i];
-      leaves[numpresent].index = i;
-      ++numpresent;
-    }
-  }
-  for(i = 0; i != numcodes; ++i) lengths[i] = 0;
-  /*ensure at least two present symbols. There should be at least one symbol
-  according to RFC 1951 section 3.2.7. Some decoders incorrectly require two. To
-  make these work as well ensure there are at least two symbols. The
-  Package-Merge code below also doesn't work correctly if there's only one
-  symbol, it'd give it the theoritical 0 bits but in practice zlib wants 1 bit*/
-  if(numpresent == 0) {
-    lengths[0] = lengths[1] = 1; /*note that for RFC 1951 section 3.2.7, only lengths[0] = 1 is needed*/
-  } else if(numpresent == 1) {
-    lengths[leaves[0].index] = 1;
-    lengths[leaves[0].index == 0 ? 1 : 0] = 1;
-  } else {
-    BPMLists lists;
-    BPMNode* node;
-    bpmnode_sort(leaves, numpresent);
-    lists.listsize = maxbitlen;
-    lists.memsize = 2 * maxbitlen * (maxbitlen + 1);
-    lists.nextfree = 0;
-    lists.numfree = lists.memsize;
-    lists.memory = (BPMNode*)lodepng_malloc(lists.memsize * sizeof(*lists.memory));
-    lists.freelist = (BPMNode**)lodepng_malloc(lists.memsize * sizeof(BPMNode*));
-    lists.chains0 = (BPMNode**)lodepng_malloc(lists.listsize * sizeof(BPMNode*));
-    lists.chains1 = (BPMNode**)lodepng_malloc(lists.listsize * sizeof(BPMNode*));
-    if(!lists.memory || !lists.freelist || !lists.chains0 || !lists.chains1) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!error) {
-      for(i = 0; i != lists.memsize; ++i) lists.freelist[i] = &lists.memory[i];
-      bpmnode_create(&lists, leaves[0].weight, 1, 0);
-      bpmnode_create(&lists, leaves[1].weight, 2, 0);
-      for(i = 0; i != lists.listsize; ++i) {
-        lists.chains0[i] = &lists.memory[0];
-        lists.chains1[i] = &lists.memory[1];
-      }
-      /*each boundaryPM call adds one chain to the last list, and we need 2 * numpresent - 2 chains.*/
-      for(i = 2; i != 2 * numpresent - 2; ++i) boundaryPM(&lists, leaves, numpresent, (int)maxbitlen - 1, (int)i);
-      for(node = lists.chains1[maxbitlen - 1]; node; node = node->tail) {
-        for(i = 0; i != node->index; ++i) ++lengths[leaves[i].index];
-      }
-    }
-    lodepng_free(lists.memory);
-    lodepng_free(lists.freelist);
-    lodepng_free(lists.chains0);
-    lodepng_free(lists.chains1);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(leaves);
-  return error;
-/*Create the Huffman tree given the symbol frequencies*/
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(HuffmanTree* tree, const unsigned* frequencies,
-                                                size_t mincodes, size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  while(!frequencies[numcodes - 1] && numcodes > mincodes) --numcodes; /*trim zeroes*/
-  tree->maxbitlen = maxbitlen;
-  tree->numcodes = (unsigned)numcodes; /*number of symbols*/
-  tree->lengths = (unsigned*)lodepng_realloc(tree->lengths, numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!tree->lengths) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*initialize all lengths to 0*/
-  memset(tree->lengths, 0, numcodes * sizeof(unsigned));
-  error = lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(tree->lengths, frequencies, numcodes, maxbitlen);
-  if(!error) error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths2(tree);
-  return error;
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_getCode(const HuffmanTree* tree, unsigned index) {
-  return tree->tree1d[index];
-static unsigned HuffmanTree_getLength(const HuffmanTree* tree, unsigned index) {
-  return tree->lengths[index];
-/*get the literal and length code tree of a deflated block with fixed tree, as per the deflate specification*/
-static unsigned generateFixedLitLenTree(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  unsigned i, error = 0;
-  unsigned* bitlen = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!bitlen) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*288 possible codes: 0-255=literals, 256=endcode, 257-285=lengthcodes, 286-287=unused*/
-  for(i =   0; i <= 143; ++i) bitlen[i] = 8;
-  for(i = 144; i <= 255; ++i) bitlen[i] = 9;
-  for(i = 256; i <= 279; ++i) bitlen[i] = 7;
-  for(i = 280; i <= 287; ++i) bitlen[i] = 8;
-  error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree, bitlen, NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen);
-  return error;
-/*get the distance code tree of a deflated block with fixed tree, as specified in the deflate specification*/
-static unsigned generateFixedDistanceTree(HuffmanTree* tree) {
-  unsigned i, error = 0;
-  unsigned* bitlen = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-  if(!bitlen) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*there are 32 distance codes, but 30-31 are unused*/
-  for(i = 0; i != NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS; ++i) bitlen[i] = 5;
-  error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree, bitlen, NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen);
-  return error;
-returns the code, or (unsigned)(-1) if error happened
-inbitlength is the length of the complete buffer, in bits (so its byte length times 8)
-static unsigned huffmanDecodeSymbol(const unsigned char* in, size_t* bp,
-                                    const HuffmanTree* codetree, size_t inbitlength) {
-  unsigned treepos = 0, ct;
-  for(;;) {
-    if(*bp >= inbitlength) return (unsigned)(-1); /*error: end of input memory reached without endcode*/
-    /*
-    decode the symbol from the tree. The "readBitFromStream" code is inlined in
-    the expression below because this is the biggest bottleneck while decoding
-    */
-    ct = codetree->tree2d[(treepos << 1) + READBIT(*bp, in)];
-    ++(*bp);
-    if(ct < codetree->numcodes) return ct; /*the symbol is decoded, return it*/
-    else treepos = ct - codetree->numcodes; /*symbol not yet decoded, instead move tree position*/
-    if(treepos >= codetree->numcodes) return (unsigned)(-1); /*error: it appeared outside the codetree*/
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Inflator (Decompressor)                                                / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*get the tree of a deflated block with fixed tree, as specified in the deflate specification*/
-static void getTreeInflateFixed(HuffmanTree* tree_ll, HuffmanTree* tree_d) {
-  /*TODO: check for out of memory errors*/
-  generateFixedLitLenTree(tree_ll);
-  generateFixedDistanceTree(tree_d);
-/*get the tree of a deflated block with dynamic tree, the tree itself is also Huffman compressed with a known tree*/
-static unsigned getTreeInflateDynamic(HuffmanTree* tree_ll, HuffmanTree* tree_d,
-                                      const unsigned char* in, size_t* bp, size_t inlength) {
-  /*make sure that length values that aren't filled in will be 0, or a wrong tree will be generated*/
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned n, HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN, i;
-  size_t inbitlength = inlength * 8;
-  /*see comments in deflateDynamic for explanation of the context and these variables, it is analogous*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_ll = 0; /*lit,len code lengths*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_d = 0; /*dist code lengths*/
-  /*code length code lengths ("clcl"), the bit lengths of the huffman tree used to compress bitlen_ll and bitlen_d*/
-  unsigned* bitlen_cl = 0;
-  HuffmanTree tree_cl; /*the code tree for code length codes (the huffman tree for compressed huffman trees)*/
-  if((*bp) + 14 > (inlength << 3)) return 49; /*error: the bit pointer is or will go past the memory*/
-  /*number of literal/length codes + 257. Unlike the spec, the value 257 is added to it here already*/
-  HLIT =  readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 5) + 257;
-  /*number of distance codes. Unlike the spec, the value 1 is added to it here already*/
-  HDIST = readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 5) + 1;
-  /*number of code length codes. Unlike the spec, the value 4 is added to it here already*/
-  HCLEN = readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 4) + 4;
-  if((*bp) + HCLEN * 3 > (inlength << 3)) return 50; /*error: the bit pointer is or will go past the memory*/
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_cl);
-  while(!error) {
-    /*read the code length codes out of 3 * (amount of code length codes) bits*/
-    bitlen_cl = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES * sizeof(unsigned));
-    if(!bitlen_cl) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    for(i = 0; i != NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES; ++i) {
-      if(i < HCLEN) bitlen_cl[CLCL_ORDER[i]] = readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 3);
-      else bitlen_cl[CLCL_ORDER[i]] = 0; /*if not, it must stay 0*/
-    }
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(&tree_cl, bitlen_cl, NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES, 7);
-    if(error) break;
-    /*now we can use this tree to read the lengths for the tree that this function will return*/
-    bitlen_ll = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-    bitlen_d = (unsigned*)lodepng_malloc(NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS * sizeof(unsigned));
-    if(!bitlen_ll || !bitlen_d) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    for(i = 0; i != NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS; ++i) bitlen_ll[i] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS; ++i) bitlen_d[i] = 0;
-    /*i is the current symbol we're reading in the part that contains the code lengths of lit/len and dist codes*/
-    i = 0;
-    while(i < HLIT + HDIST) {
-      unsigned code = huffmanDecodeSymbol(in, bp, &tree_cl, inbitlength);
-      if(code <= 15) /*a length code*/ {
-        if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = code;
-        else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = code;
-        ++i;
-      } else if(code == 16) /*repeat previous*/ {
-        unsigned replength = 3; /*read in the 2 bits that indicate repeat length (3-6)*/
-        unsigned value; /*set value to the previous code*/
-        if(i == 0) ERROR_BREAK(54); /*can't repeat previous if i is 0*/
-        if((*bp + 2) > inbitlength) ERROR_BREAK(50); /*error, bit pointer jumps past memory*/
-        replength += readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 2);
-        if(i < HLIT + 1) value = bitlen_ll[i - 1];
-        else value = bitlen_d[i - HLIT - 1];
-        /*repeat this value in the next lengths*/
-        for(n = 0; n < replength; ++n) {
-          if(i >= HLIT + HDIST) ERROR_BREAK(13); /*error: i is larger than the amount of codes*/
-          if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = value;
-          else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = value;
-          ++i;
-        }
-      } else if(code == 17) /*repeat "0" 3-10 times*/ {
-        unsigned replength = 3; /*read in the bits that indicate repeat length*/
-        if((*bp + 3) > inbitlength) ERROR_BREAK(50); /*error, bit pointer jumps past memory*/
-        replength += readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 3);
-        /*repeat this value in the next lengths*/
-        for(n = 0; n < replength; ++n) {
-          if(i >= HLIT + HDIST) ERROR_BREAK(14); /*error: i is larger than the amount of codes*/
-          if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = 0;
-          else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = 0;
-          ++i;
-        }
-      } else if(code == 18) /*repeat "0" 11-138 times*/ {
-        unsigned replength = 11; /*read in the bits that indicate repeat length*/
-        if((*bp + 7) > inbitlength) ERROR_BREAK(50); /*error, bit pointer jumps past memory*/
-        replength += readBitsFromStream(bp, in, 7);
-        /*repeat this value in the next lengths*/
-        for(n = 0; n < replength; ++n) {
-          if(i >= HLIT + HDIST) ERROR_BREAK(15); /*error: i is larger than the amount of codes*/
-          if(i < HLIT) bitlen_ll[i] = 0;
-          else bitlen_d[i - HLIT] = 0;
-          ++i;
-        }
-      } else /*if(code == (unsigned)(-1))*/ /*huffmanDecodeSymbol returns (unsigned)(-1) in case of error*/ {
-        if(code == (unsigned)(-1)) {
-          /*return error code 10 or 11 depending on the situation that happened in huffmanDecodeSymbol
-          (10=no endcode, 11=wrong jump outside of tree)*/
-          error = (*bp) > inbitlength ? 10 : 11;
-        }
-        else error = 16; /*unexisting code, this can never happen*/
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(error) break;
-    if(bitlen_ll[256] == 0) ERROR_BREAK(64); /*the length of the end code 256 must be larger than 0*/
-    /*now we've finally got HLIT and HDIST, so generate the code trees, and the function is done*/
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree_ll, bitlen_ll, NUM_DEFLATE_CODE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-    if(error) break;
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromLengths(tree_d, bitlen_d, NUM_DISTANCE_SYMBOLS, 15);
-    break; /*end of error-while*/
-  }
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_cl);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_ll);
-  lodepng_free(bitlen_d);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_cl);
-  return error;
-/*inflate a block with dynamic of fixed Huffman tree*/
-static unsigned inflateHuffmanBlock(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* in, size_t* bp,
-                                    size_t* pos, size_t inlength, unsigned btype) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  HuffmanTree tree_ll; /*the huffman tree for literal and length codes*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_d; /*the huffman tree for distance codes*/
-  size_t inbitlength = inlength * 8;
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_d);
-  if(btype == 1) getTreeInflateFixed(&tree_ll, &tree_d);
-  else if(btype == 2) error = getTreeInflateDynamic(&tree_ll, &tree_d, in, bp, inlength);
-  while(!error) /*decode all symbols until end reached, breaks at end code*/ {
-    /*code_ll is literal, length or end code*/
-    unsigned code_ll = huffmanDecodeSymbol(in, bp, &tree_ll, inbitlength);
-    if(code_ll <= 255) /*literal symbol*/ {
-      /*ucvector_push_back would do the same, but for some reason the two lines below run 10% faster*/
-      if(!ucvector_resize(out, (*pos) + 1)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-      out->data[*pos] = (unsigned char)code_ll;
-      ++(*pos);
-    } else if(code_ll >= FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX && code_ll <= LAST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX) /*length code*/ {
-      unsigned code_d, distance;
-      unsigned numextrabits_l, numextrabits_d; /*extra bits for length and distance*/
-      size_t start, forward, backward, length;
-      /*part 1: get length base*/
-      length = LENGTHBASE[code_ll - FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX];
-      /*part 2: get extra bits and add the value of that to length*/
-      numextrabits_l = LENGTHEXTRA[code_ll - FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX];
-      if((*bp + numextrabits_l) > inbitlength) ERROR_BREAK(51); /*error, bit pointer will jump past memory*/
-      length += readBitsFromStream(bp, in, numextrabits_l);
-      /*part 3: get distance code*/
-      code_d = huffmanDecodeSymbol(in, bp, &tree_d, inbitlength);
-      if(code_d > 29) {
-        if(code_d == (unsigned)(-1)) /*huffmanDecodeSymbol returns (unsigned)(-1) in case of error*/ {
-          /*return error code 10 or 11 depending on the situation that happened in huffmanDecodeSymbol
-          (10=no endcode, 11=wrong jump outside of tree)*/
-          error = (*bp) > inlength * 8 ? 10 : 11;
-        }
-        else error = 18; /*error: invalid distance code (30-31 are never used)*/
-        break;
-      }
-      distance = DISTANCEBASE[code_d];
-      /*part 4: get extra bits from distance*/
-      numextrabits_d = DISTANCEEXTRA[code_d];
-      if((*bp + numextrabits_d) > inbitlength) ERROR_BREAK(51); /*error, bit pointer will jump past memory*/
-      distance += readBitsFromStream(bp, in, numextrabits_d);
-      /*part 5: fill in all the out[n] values based on the length and dist*/
-      start = (*pos);
-      if(distance > start) ERROR_BREAK(52); /*too long backward distance*/
-      backward = start - distance;
-      if(!ucvector_resize(out, (*pos) + length)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-      if (distance < length) {
-        for(forward = 0; forward < length; ++forward) {
-          out->data[(*pos)++] = out->data[backward++];
-        }
-      } else {
-        memcpy(out->data + *pos, out->data + backward, length);
-        *pos += length;
-      }
-    } else if(code_ll == 256) {
-      break; /*end code, break the loop*/
-    } else /*if(code == (unsigned)(-1))*/ /*huffmanDecodeSymbol returns (unsigned)(-1) in case of error*/ {
-      /*return error code 10 or 11 depending on the situation that happened in huffmanDecodeSymbol
-      (10=no endcode, 11=wrong jump outside of tree)*/
-      error = ((*bp) > inlength * 8) ? 10 : 11;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_d);
-  return error;
-static unsigned inflateNoCompression(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* in, size_t* bp, size_t* pos, size_t inlength) {
-  size_t p;
-  unsigned LEN, NLEN, n, error = 0;
-  /*go to first boundary of byte*/
-  while(((*bp) & 0x7) != 0) ++(*bp);
-  p = (*bp) / 8; /*byte position*/
-  /*read LEN (2 bytes) and NLEN (2 bytes)*/
-  if(p + 4 >= inlength) return 52; /*error, bit pointer will jump past memory*/
-  LEN = in[p] + 256u * in[p + 1]; p += 2;
-  NLEN = in[p] + 256u * in[p + 1]; p += 2;
-  /*check if 16-bit NLEN is really the one's complement of LEN*/
-  if(LEN + NLEN != 65535) return 21; /*error: NLEN is not one's complement of LEN*/
-  if(!ucvector_resize(out, (*pos) + LEN)) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  /*read the literal data: LEN bytes are now stored in the out buffer*/
-  if(p + LEN > inlength) return 23; /*error: reading outside of in buffer*/
-  for(n = 0; n < LEN; ++n) out->data[(*pos)++] = in[p++];
-  (*bp) = p * 8;
-  return error;
-static unsigned lodepng_inflatev(ucvector* out,
-                                 const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                 const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  /*bit pointer in the "in" data, current byte is bp >> 3, current bit is bp & 0x7 (from lsb to msb of the byte)*/
-  size_t bp = 0;
-  unsigned BFINAL = 0;
-  size_t pos = 0; /*byte position in the out buffer*/
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  (void)settings;
-  while(!BFINAL) {
-    unsigned BTYPE;
-    if(bp + 2 >= insize * 8) return 52; /*error, bit pointer will jump past memory*/
-    BFINAL = readBitFromStream(&bp, in);
-    BTYPE = 1u * readBitFromStream(&bp, in);
-    BTYPE += 2u * readBitFromStream(&bp, in);
-    if(BTYPE == 3) return 20; /*error: invalid BTYPE*/
-    else if(BTYPE == 0) error = inflateNoCompression(out, in, &bp, &pos, insize); /*no compression*/
-    else error = inflateHuffmanBlock(out, in, &bp, &pos, insize, BTYPE); /*compression, BTYPE 01 or 10*/
-    if(error) return error;
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_inflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error;
-  ucvector v;
-  ucvector_init_buffer(&v, *out, *outsize);
-  error = lodepng_inflatev(&v, in, insize, settings);
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = v.size;
-  return error;
-static unsigned inflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                        const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_inflate) {
-    return settings->custom_inflate(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_inflate(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Deflator (Compressor)                                                  / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static const size_t MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH = 258;
-/*bitlen is the size in bits of the code*/
-static void addHuffmanSymbol(size_t* bp, ucvector* compressed, unsigned code, unsigned bitlen) {
-  addBitsToStreamReversed(bp, compressed, code, bitlen);
-/*search the index in the array, that has the largest value smaller than or equal to the given value,
-given array must be sorted (if no value is smaller, it returns the size of the given array)*/
-static size_t searchCodeIndex(const unsigned* array, size_t array_size, size_t value) {
-  /*binary search (only small gain over linear). TODO: use CPU log2 instruction for getting symbols instead*/
-  size_t left = 1;
-  size_t right = array_size - 1;
-  while(left <= right) {
-    size_t mid = (left + right) >> 1;
-    if (array[mid] >= value) right = mid - 1;
-    else left = mid + 1;
-  }
-  if(left >= array_size || array[left] > value) left--;
-  return left;
-static void addLengthDistance(uivector* values, size_t length, size_t distance) {
-  /*values in encoded vector are those used by deflate:
-  0-255: literal bytes
-  256: end
-  257-285: length/distance pair (length code, followed by extra length bits, distance code, extra distance bits)
-  286-287: invalid*/
-  unsigned length_code = (unsigned)searchCodeIndex(LENGTHBASE, 29, length);
-  unsigned extra_length = (unsigned)(length - LENGTHBASE[length_code]);
-  unsigned dist_code = (unsigned)searchCodeIndex(DISTANCEBASE, 30, distance);
-  unsigned extra_distance = (unsigned)(distance - DISTANCEBASE[dist_code]);
-  uivector_push_back(values, length_code + FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX);
-  uivector_push_back(values, extra_length);
-  uivector_push_back(values, dist_code);
-  uivector_push_back(values, extra_distance);
-/*3 bytes of data get encoded into two bytes. The hash cannot use more than 3
-bytes as input because 3 is the minimum match length for deflate*/
-static const unsigned HASH_NUM_VALUES = 65536;
-static const unsigned HASH_BIT_MASK = 65535; /*HASH_NUM_VALUES - 1, but C90 does not like that as initializer*/
-typedef struct Hash {
-  int* head; /*hash value to head circular pos - can be outdated if went around window*/
-  /*circular pos to prev circular pos*/
-  unsigned short* chain;
-  int* val; /*circular pos to hash value*/
-  /*TODO: do this not only for zeros but for any repeated byte. However for PNG
-  it's always going to be the zeros that dominate, so not important for PNG*/
-  int* headz; /*similar to head, but for chainz*/
-  unsigned short* chainz; /*those with same amount of zeros*/
-  unsigned short* zeros; /*length of zeros streak, used as a second hash chain*/
-} Hash;
-static unsigned hash_init(Hash* hash, unsigned windowsize) {
-  unsigned i;
-  hash->head = (int*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(int) * HASH_NUM_VALUES);
-  hash->val = (int*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(int) * windowsize);
-  hash->chain = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * windowsize);
-  hash->zeros = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * windowsize);
-  hash->headz = (int*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(int) * (MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH + 1));
-  hash->chainz = (unsigned short*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * windowsize);
-  if(!hash->head || !hash->chain || !hash->val  || !hash->headz|| !hash->chainz || !hash->zeros) {
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  /*initialize hash table*/
-  for(i = 0; i != HASH_NUM_VALUES; ++i) hash->head[i] = -1;
-  for(i = 0; i != windowsize; ++i) hash->val[i] = -1;
-  for(i = 0; i != windowsize; ++i) hash->chain[i] = i; /*same value as index indicates uninitialized*/
-  for(i = 0; i <= MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH; ++i) hash->headz[i] = -1;
-  for(i = 0; i != windowsize; ++i) hash->chainz[i] = i; /*same value as index indicates uninitialized*/
-  return 0;
-static void hash_cleanup(Hash* hash) {
-  lodepng_free(hash->head);
-  lodepng_free(hash->val);
-  lodepng_free(hash->chain);
-  lodepng_free(hash->zeros);
-  lodepng_free(hash->headz);
-  lodepng_free(hash->chainz);
-static unsigned getHash(const unsigned char* data, size_t size, size_t pos) {
-  unsigned result = 0;
-  if(pos + 2 < size) {
-    /*A simple shift and xor hash is used. Since the data of PNGs is dominated
-    by zeroes due to the filters, a better hash does not have a significant
-    effect on speed in traversing the chain, and causes more time spend on
-    calculating the hash.*/
-    result ^= (unsigned)(data[pos + 0] << 0u);
-    result ^= (unsigned)(data[pos + 1] << 4u);
-    result ^= (unsigned)(data[pos + 2] << 8u);
-  } else {
-    size_t amount, i;
-    if(pos >= size) return 0;
-    amount = size - pos;
-    for(i = 0; i != amount; ++i) result ^= (unsigned)(data[pos + i] << (i * 8u));
-  }
-  return result & HASH_BIT_MASK;
-static unsigned countZeros(const unsigned char* data, size_t size, size_t pos) {
-  const unsigned char* start = data + pos;
-  const unsigned char* end = start + MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH;
-  if(end > data + size) end = data + size;
-  data = start;
-  while(data != end && *data == 0) ++data;
-  /*subtracting two addresses returned as 32-bit number (max value is MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH)*/
-  return (unsigned)(data - start);
-/*wpos = pos & (windowsize - 1)*/
-static void updateHashChain(Hash* hash, size_t wpos, unsigned hashval, unsigned short numzeros) {
-  hash->val[wpos] = (int)hashval;
-  if(hash->head[hashval] != -1) hash->chain[wpos] = hash->head[hashval];
-  hash->head[hashval] = (int)wpos;
-  hash->zeros[wpos] = numzeros;
-  if(hash->headz[numzeros] != -1) hash->chainz[wpos] = hash->headz[numzeros];
-  hash->headz[numzeros] = (int)wpos;
-LZ77-encode the data. Return value is error code. The input are raw bytes, the output
-is in the form of unsigned integers with codes representing for example literal bytes, or
-length/distance pairs.
-It uses a hash table technique to let it encode faster. When doing LZ77 encoding, a
-sliding window (of windowsize) is used, and all past bytes in that window can be used as
-the "dictionary". A brute force search through all possible distances would be slow, and
-this hash technique is one out of several ways to speed this up.
-static unsigned encodeLZ77(uivector* out, Hash* hash,
-                           const unsigned char* in, size_t inpos, size_t insize, unsigned windowsize,
-                           unsigned minmatch, unsigned nicematch, unsigned lazymatching) {
-  size_t pos;
-  unsigned i, error = 0;
-  /*for large window lengths, assume the user wants no compression loss. Otherwise, max hash chain length speedup.*/
-  unsigned maxchainlength = windowsize >= 8192 ? windowsize : windowsize / 8;
-  unsigned maxlazymatch = windowsize >= 8192 ? MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH : 64;
-  unsigned usezeros = 1; /*not sure if setting it to false for windowsize < 8192 is better or worse*/
-  unsigned numzeros = 0;
-  unsigned offset; /*the offset represents the distance in LZ77 terminology*/
-  unsigned length;
-  unsigned lazy = 0;
-  unsigned lazylength = 0, lazyoffset = 0;
-  unsigned hashval;
-  unsigned current_offset, current_length;
-  unsigned prev_offset;
-  const unsigned char *lastptr, *foreptr, *backptr;
-  unsigned hashpos;
-  if(windowsize == 0 || windowsize > 32768) return 60; /*error: windowsize smaller/larger than allowed*/
-  if((windowsize & (windowsize - 1)) != 0) return 90; /*error: must be power of two*/
-  for(pos = inpos; pos < insize; ++pos) {
-    size_t wpos = pos & (windowsize - 1); /*position for in 'circular' hash buffers*/
-    unsigned chainlength = 0;
-    hashval = getHash(in, insize, pos);
-    if(usezeros && hashval == 0) {
-      if(numzeros == 0) numzeros = countZeros(in, insize, pos);
-      else if(pos + numzeros > insize || in[pos + numzeros - 1] != 0) --numzeros;
-    } else {
-      numzeros = 0;
-    }
-    updateHashChain(hash, wpos, hashval, numzeros);
-    /*the length and offset found for the current position*/
-    length = 0;
-    offset = 0;
-    hashpos = hash->chain[wpos];
-    lastptr = &in[insize < pos + MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH ? insize : pos + MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH];
-    /*search for the longest string*/
-    prev_offset = 0;
-    for(;;) {
-      if(chainlength++ >= maxchainlength) break;
-      current_offset = (unsigned)(hashpos <= wpos ? wpos - hashpos : wpos - hashpos + windowsize);
-      if(current_offset < prev_offset) break; /*stop when went completely around the circular buffer*/
-      prev_offset = current_offset;
-      if(current_offset > 0) {
-        /*test the next characters*/
-        foreptr = &in[pos];
-        backptr = &in[pos - current_offset];
-        /*common case in PNGs is lots of zeros. Quickly skip over them as a speedup*/
-        if(numzeros >= 3) {
-          unsigned skip = hash->zeros[hashpos];
-          if(skip > numzeros) skip = numzeros;
-          backptr += skip;
-          foreptr += skip;
-        }
-        while(foreptr != lastptr && *backptr == *foreptr) /*maximum supported length by deflate is max length*/ {
-          ++backptr;
-          ++foreptr;
-        }
-        current_length = (unsigned)(foreptr - &in[pos]);
-        if(current_length > length) {
-          length = current_length; /*the longest length*/
-          offset = current_offset; /*the offset that is related to this longest length*/
-          /*jump out once a length of max length is found (speed gain). This also jumps
-          out if length is MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH*/
-          if(current_length >= nicematch) break;
-        }
-      }
-      if(hashpos == hash->chain[hashpos]) break;
-      if(numzeros >= 3 && length > numzeros) {
-        hashpos = hash->chainz[hashpos];
-        if(hash->zeros[hashpos] != numzeros) break;
-      } else {
-        hashpos = hash->chain[hashpos];
-        /*outdated hash value, happens if particular value was not encountered in whole last window*/
-        if(hash->val[hashpos] != (int)hashval) break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(lazymatching) {
-      if(!lazy && length >= 3 && length <= maxlazymatch && length < MAX_SUPPORTED_DEFLATE_LENGTH) {
-        lazy = 1;
-        lazylength = length;
-        lazyoffset = offset;
-        continue; /*try the next byte*/
-      }
-      if(lazy) {
-        lazy = 0;
-        if(pos == 0) ERROR_BREAK(81);
-        if(length > lazylength + 1) {
-          /*push the previous character as literal*/
-          if(!uivector_push_back(out, in[pos - 1])) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-        } else {
-          length = lazylength;
-          offset = lazyoffset;
-          hash->head[hashval] = -1; /*the same hashchain update will be done, this ensures no wrong alteration*/
-          hash->headz[numzeros] = -1; /*idem*/
-          --pos;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if(length >= 3 && offset > windowsize) ERROR_BREAK(86 /*too big (or overflown negative) offset*/);
-    /*encode it as length/distance pair or literal value*/
-    if(length < 3) /*only lengths of 3 or higher are supported as length/distance pair*/ {
-      if(!uivector_push_back(out, in[pos])) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    } else if(length < minmatch || (length == 3 && offset > 4096)) {
-      /*compensate for the fact that longer offsets have more extra bits, a
-      length of only 3 may be not worth it then*/
-      if(!uivector_push_back(out, in[pos])) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    } else {
-      addLengthDistance(out, length, offset);
-      for(i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
-        ++pos;
-        wpos = pos & (windowsize - 1);
-        hashval = getHash(in, insize, pos);
-        if(usezeros && hashval == 0) {
-          if(numzeros == 0) numzeros = countZeros(in, insize, pos);
-          else if(pos + numzeros > insize || in[pos + numzeros - 1] != 0) --numzeros;
-        } else {
-          numzeros = 0;
-        }
-        updateHashChain(hash, wpos, hashval, numzeros);
-      }
-    }
-  } /*end of the loop through each character of input*/
-  return error;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned deflateNoCompression(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* data, size_t datasize) {
-  /*non compressed deflate block data: 1 bit BFINAL,2 bits BTYPE,(5 bits): it jumps to start of next byte,
-  2 bytes LEN, 2 bytes NLEN, LEN bytes literal DATA*/
-  size_t i, j, numdeflateblocks = (datasize + 65534) / 65535;
-  unsigned datapos = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != numdeflateblocks; ++i) {
-    unsigned BFINAL, BTYPE, LEN, NLEN;
-    unsigned char firstbyte;
-    BFINAL = (i == numdeflateblocks - 1);
-    BTYPE = 0;
-    firstbyte = (unsigned char)(BFINAL + ((BTYPE & 1) << 1) + ((BTYPE & 2) << 1));
-    ucvector_push_back(out, firstbyte);
-    LEN = 65535;
-    if(datasize - datapos < 65535) LEN = (unsigned)datasize - datapos;
-    NLEN = 65535 - LEN;
-    ucvector_push_back(out, (unsigned char)(LEN & 255));
-    ucvector_push_back(out, (unsigned char)(LEN >> 8));
-    ucvector_push_back(out, (unsigned char)(NLEN & 255));
-    ucvector_push_back(out, (unsigned char)(NLEN >> 8));
-    /*Decompressed data*/
-    for(j = 0; j < 65535 && datapos < datasize; ++j) {
-      ucvector_push_back(out, data[datapos++]);
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-write the lz77-encoded data, which has lit, len and dist codes, to compressed stream using huffman trees.
-tree_ll: the tree for lit and len codes.
-tree_d: the tree for distance codes.
-static void writeLZ77data(size_t* bp, ucvector* out, const uivector* lz77_encoded,
-                          const HuffmanTree* tree_ll, const HuffmanTree* tree_d) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != lz77_encoded->size; ++i) {
-    unsigned val = lz77_encoded->data[i];
-    addHuffmanSymbol(bp, out, HuffmanTree_getCode(tree_ll, val), HuffmanTree_getLength(tree_ll, val));
-    if(val > 256) /*for a length code, 3 more things have to be added*/ {
-      unsigned length_index = val - FIRST_LENGTH_CODE_INDEX;
-      unsigned n_length_extra_bits = LENGTHEXTRA[length_index];
-      unsigned length_extra_bits = lz77_encoded->data[++i];
-      unsigned distance_code = lz77_encoded->data[++i];
-      unsigned distance_index = distance_code;
-      unsigned n_distance_extra_bits = DISTANCEEXTRA[distance_index];
-      unsigned distance_extra_bits = lz77_encoded->data[++i];
-      addBitsToStream(bp, out, length_extra_bits, n_length_extra_bits);
-      addHuffmanSymbol(bp, out, HuffmanTree_getCode(tree_d, distance_code),
-                       HuffmanTree_getLength(tree_d, distance_code));
-      addBitsToStream(bp, out, distance_extra_bits, n_distance_extra_bits);
-    }
-  }
-/*Deflate for a block of type "dynamic", that is, with freely, optimally, created huffman trees*/
-static unsigned deflateDynamic(ucvector* out, size_t* bp, Hash* hash,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t datapos, size_t dataend,
-                               const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings, unsigned final) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  /*
-  A block is compressed as follows: The PNG data is lz77 encoded, resulting in
-  literal bytes and length/distance pairs. This is then huffman compressed with
-  two huffman trees. One huffman tree is used for the lit and len values ("ll"),
-  another huffman tree is used for the dist values ("d"). These two trees are
-  stored using their code lengths, and to compress even more these code lengths
-  are also run-length encoded and huffman compressed. This gives a huffman tree
-  of code lengths "cl". The code lenghts used to describe this third tree are
-  the code length code lengths ("clcl").
-  */
-  /*The lz77 encoded data, represented with integers since there will also be length and distance codes in it*/
-  uivector lz77_encoded;
-  HuffmanTree tree_ll; /*tree for lit,len values*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_d; /*tree for distance codes*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_cl; /*tree for encoding the code lengths representing tree_ll and tree_d*/
-  uivector frequencies_ll; /*frequency of lit,len codes*/
-  uivector frequencies_d; /*frequency of dist codes*/
-  uivector frequencies_cl; /*frequency of code length codes*/
-  uivector bitlen_lld; /*lit,len,dist code lenghts (int bits), literally (without repeat codes).*/
-  uivector bitlen_lld_e; /*bitlen_lld encoded with repeat codes (this is a rudemtary run length compression)*/
-  /*bitlen_cl is the code length code lengths ("clcl"). The bit lengths of codes to represent tree_cl
-  (these are written as is in the file, it would be crazy to compress these using yet another huffman
-  tree that needs to be represented by yet another set of code lengths)*/
-  uivector bitlen_cl;
-  size_t datasize = dataend - datapos;
-  /*
-  Due to the huffman compression of huffman tree representations ("two levels"), there are some anologies:
-  bitlen_lld is to tree_cl what data is to tree_ll and tree_d.
-  bitlen_lld_e is to bitlen_lld what lz77_encoded is to data.
-  bitlen_cl is to bitlen_lld_e what bitlen_lld is to lz77_encoded.
-  */
-  unsigned BFINAL = final;
-  size_t numcodes_ll, numcodes_d, i;
-  unsigned HLIT, HDIST, HCLEN;
-  uivector_init(&lz77_encoded);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_d);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_cl);
-  uivector_init(&frequencies_ll);
-  uivector_init(&frequencies_d);
-  uivector_init(&frequencies_cl);
-  uivector_init(&bitlen_lld);
-  uivector_init(&bitlen_lld_e);
-  uivector_init(&bitlen_cl);
-  /*This while loop never loops due to a break at the end, it is here to
-  allow breaking out of it to the cleanup phase on error conditions.*/
-  while(!error) {
-    if(settings->use_lz77) {
-      error = encodeLZ77(&lz77_encoded, hash, data, datapos, dataend, settings->windowsize,
-                         settings->minmatch, settings->nicematch, settings->lazymatching);
-      if(error) break;
-    } else {
-      if(!uivector_resize(&lz77_encoded, datasize)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-      for(i = datapos; i < dataend; ++i)[i - datapos] = data[i]; /*no LZ77, but still will be Huffman compressed*/
-    }
-    if(!uivector_resizev(&frequencies_ll, 286, 0)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    if(!uivector_resizev(&frequencies_d, 30, 0)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    /*Count the frequencies of lit, len and dist codes*/
-    for(i = 0; i != lz77_encoded.size; ++i) {
-      unsigned symbol =[i];
-      if(symbol > 256) {
-        unsigned dist =[i + 2];
-        i += 3;
-      }
-    }
-[256] = 1; /*there will be exactly 1 end code, at the end of the block*/
-    /*Make both huffman trees, one for the lit and len codes, one for the dist codes*/
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(&tree_ll,, 257, frequencies_ll.size, 15);
-    if(error) break;
-    /*2, not 1, is chosen for mincodes: some buggy PNG decoders require at least 2 symbols in the dist tree*/
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(&tree_d,, 2, frequencies_d.size, 15);
-    if(error) break;
-    numcodes_ll = tree_ll.numcodes; if(numcodes_ll > 286) numcodes_ll = 286;
-    numcodes_d = tree_d.numcodes; if(numcodes_d > 30) numcodes_d = 30;
-    /*store the code lengths of both generated trees in bitlen_lld*/
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_ll; ++i) uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld, HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_ll, (unsigned)i));
-    for(i = 0; i != numcodes_d; ++i) uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld, HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_d, (unsigned)i));
-    /*run-length compress bitlen_ldd into bitlen_lld_e by using repeat codes 16 (copy length 3-6 times),
-    17 (3-10 zeroes), 18 (11-138 zeroes)*/
-    for(i = 0; i != (unsigned)bitlen_lld.size; ++i) {
-      unsigned j = 0; /*amount of repititions*/
-      while(i + j + 1 < (unsigned)bitlen_lld.size &&[i + j + 1] ==[i]) ++j;
-      if([i] == 0 && j >= 2) /*repeat code for zeroes*/ {
-        ++j; /*include the first zero*/
-        if(j <= 10) /*repeat code 17 supports max 10 zeroes*/ {
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, 17);
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, j - 3);
-        } else /*repeat code 18 supports max 138 zeroes*/ {
-          if(j > 138) j = 138;
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, 18);
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, j - 11);
-        }
-        i += (j - 1);
-      } else if(j >= 3) /*repeat code for value other than zero*/ {
-        size_t k;
-        unsigned num = j / 6, rest = j % 6;
-        uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e,[i]);
-        for(k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, 16);
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, 6 - 3);
-        }
-        if(rest >= 3) {
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, 16);
-          uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e, rest - 3);
-        }
-        else j -= rest;
-        i += j;
-      } else /*too short to benefit from repeat code*/ {
-        uivector_push_back(&bitlen_lld_e,[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    /*generate tree_cl, the huffmantree of huffmantrees*/
-    if(!uivector_resizev(&frequencies_cl, NUM_CODE_LENGTH_CODES, 0)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    for(i = 0; i != bitlen_lld_e.size; ++i) {
-      /*after a repeat code come the bits that specify the number of repetitions,
-      those don't need to be in the frequencies_cl calculation*/
-      if([i] >= 16) ++i;
-    }
-    error = HuffmanTree_makeFromFrequencies(&tree_cl,,
-                                            frequencies_cl.size, frequencies_cl.size, 7);
-    if(error) break;
-    if(!uivector_resize(&bitlen_cl, tree_cl.numcodes)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    for(i = 0; i != tree_cl.numcodes; ++i) {
-      /*lenghts of code length tree is in the order as specified by deflate*/
-[i] = HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_cl, CLCL_ORDER[i]);
-    }
-    while([bitlen_cl.size - 1] == 0 && bitlen_cl.size > 4) {
-      /*remove zeros at the end, but minimum size must be 4*/
-      if(!uivector_resize(&bitlen_cl, bitlen_cl.size - 1)) ERROR_BREAK(83 /*alloc fail*/);
-    }
-    if(error) break;
-    /*
-    Write everything into the output
-    After the BFINAL and BTYPE, the dynamic block consists out of the following:
-    - 5 bits HLIT, 5 bits HDIST, 4 bits HCLEN
-    - (HCLEN+4)*3 bits code lengths of code length alphabet
-    - HLIT + 257 code lenghts of lit/length alphabet (encoded using the code length
-      alphabet, + possible repetition codes 16, 17, 18)
-    - HDIST + 1 code lengths of distance alphabet (encoded using the code length
-      alphabet, + possible repetition codes 16, 17, 18)
-    - compressed data
-    - 256 (end code)
-    */
-    /*Write block type*/
-    addBitToStream(bp, out, BFINAL);
-    addBitToStream(bp, out, 0); /*first bit of BTYPE "dynamic"*/
-    addBitToStream(bp, out, 1); /*second bit of BTYPE "dynamic"*/
-    /*write the HLIT, HDIST and HCLEN values*/
-    HLIT = (unsigned)(numcodes_ll - 257);
-    HDIST = (unsigned)(numcodes_d - 1);
-    HCLEN = (unsigned)bitlen_cl.size - 4;
-    /*trim zeroes for HCLEN. HLIT and HDIST were already trimmed at tree creation*/
-    while(![HCLEN + 4 - 1] && HCLEN > 0) --HCLEN;
-    addBitsToStream(bp, out, HLIT, 5);
-    addBitsToStream(bp, out, HDIST, 5);
-    addBitsToStream(bp, out, HCLEN, 4);
-    /*write the code lenghts of the code length alphabet*/
-    for(i = 0; i != HCLEN + 4; ++i) addBitsToStream(bp, out,[i], 3);
-    /*write the lenghts of the lit/len AND the dist alphabet*/
-    for(i = 0; i != bitlen_lld_e.size; ++i) {
-      addHuffmanSymbol(bp, out, HuffmanTree_getCode(&tree_cl,[i]),
-                       HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_cl,[i]));
-      /*extra bits of repeat codes*/
-      if([i] == 16) addBitsToStream(bp, out,[++i], 2);
-      else if([i] == 17) addBitsToStream(bp, out,[++i], 3);
-      else if([i] == 18) addBitsToStream(bp, out,[++i], 7);
-    }
-    /*write the compressed data symbols*/
-    writeLZ77data(bp, out, &lz77_encoded, &tree_ll, &tree_d);
-    /*error: the length of the end code 256 must be larger than 0*/
-    if(HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_ll, 256) == 0) ERROR_BREAK(64);
-    /*write the end code*/
-    addHuffmanSymbol(bp, out, HuffmanTree_getCode(&tree_ll, 256), HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_ll, 256));
-    break; /*end of error-while*/
-  }
-  /*cleanup*/
-  uivector_cleanup(&lz77_encoded);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_d);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_cl);
-  uivector_cleanup(&frequencies_ll);
-  uivector_cleanup(&frequencies_d);
-  uivector_cleanup(&frequencies_cl);
-  uivector_cleanup(&bitlen_lld_e);
-  uivector_cleanup(&bitlen_lld);
-  uivector_cleanup(&bitlen_cl);
-  return error;
-static unsigned deflateFixed(ucvector* out, size_t* bp, Hash* hash,
-                             const unsigned char* data,
-                             size_t datapos, size_t dataend,
-                             const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings, unsigned final) {
-  HuffmanTree tree_ll; /*tree for literal values and length codes*/
-  HuffmanTree tree_d; /*tree for distance codes*/
-  unsigned BFINAL = final;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_init(&tree_d);
-  generateFixedLitLenTree(&tree_ll);
-  generateFixedDistanceTree(&tree_d);
-  addBitToStream(bp, out, BFINAL);
-  addBitToStream(bp, out, 1); /*first bit of BTYPE*/
-  addBitToStream(bp, out, 0); /*second bit of BTYPE*/
-  if(settings->use_lz77) /*LZ77 encoded*/ {
-    uivector lz77_encoded;
-    uivector_init(&lz77_encoded);
-    error = encodeLZ77(&lz77_encoded, hash, data, datapos, dataend, settings->windowsize,
-                       settings->minmatch, settings->nicematch, settings->lazymatching);
-    if(!error) writeLZ77data(bp, out, &lz77_encoded, &tree_ll, &tree_d);
-    uivector_cleanup(&lz77_encoded);
-  } else /*no LZ77, but still will be Huffman compressed*/ {
-    for(i = datapos; i < dataend; ++i) {
-      addHuffmanSymbol(bp, out, HuffmanTree_getCode(&tree_ll, data[i]), HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_ll, data[i]));
-    }
-  }
-  /*add END code*/
-  if(!error) addHuffmanSymbol(bp, out, HuffmanTree_getCode(&tree_ll, 256), HuffmanTree_getLength(&tree_ll, 256));
-  /*cleanup*/
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_ll);
-  HuffmanTree_cleanup(&tree_d);
-  return error;
-static unsigned lodepng_deflatev(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                 const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i, blocksize, numdeflateblocks;
-  size_t bp = 0; /*the bit pointer*/
-  Hash hash;
-  if(settings->btype > 2) return 61;
-  else if(settings->btype == 0) return deflateNoCompression(out, in, insize);
-  else if(settings->btype == 1) blocksize = insize;
-  else /*if(settings->btype == 2)*/ {
-    /*on PNGs, deflate blocks of 65-262k seem to give most dense encoding*/
-    blocksize = insize / 8 + 8;
-    if(blocksize < 65536) blocksize = 65536;
-    if(blocksize > 262144) blocksize = 262144;
-  }
-  numdeflateblocks = (insize + blocksize - 1) / blocksize;
-  if(numdeflateblocks == 0) numdeflateblocks = 1;
-  error = hash_init(&hash, settings->windowsize);
-  if(error) return error;
-  for(i = 0; i != numdeflateblocks && !error; ++i) {
-    unsigned final = (i == numdeflateblocks - 1);
-    size_t start = i * blocksize;
-    size_t end = start + blocksize;
-    if(end > insize) end = insize;
-    if(settings->btype == 1) error = deflateFixed(out, &bp, &hash, in, start, end, settings, final);
-    else if(settings->btype == 2) error = deflateDynamic(out, &bp, &hash, in, start, end, settings, final);
-  }
-  hash_cleanup(&hash);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_deflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error;
-  ucvector v;
-  ucvector_init_buffer(&v, *out, *outsize);
-  error = lodepng_deflatev(&v, in, insize, settings);
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = v.size;
-  return error;
-static unsigned deflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                        const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_deflate) {
-    return settings->custom_deflate(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_deflate(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Adler32                                                                  */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned update_adler32(unsigned adler, const unsigned char* data, unsigned len) {
-  unsigned s1 = adler & 0xffff;
-  unsigned s2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff;
-  while(len > 0) {
-    /*at least 5552 sums can be done before the sums overflow, saving a lot of module divisions*/
-    unsigned amount = len > 5552 ? 5552 : len;
-    len -= amount;
-    while(amount > 0) {
-      s1 += (*data++);
-      s2 += s1;
-      --amount;
-    }
-    s1 %= 65521;
-    s2 %= 65521;
-  }
-  return (s2 << 16) | s1;
-/*Return the adler32 of the bytes data[0..len-1]*/
-static unsigned adler32(const unsigned char* data, unsigned len) {
-  return update_adler32(1L, data, len);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Zlib                                                                   / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                                 size_t insize, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned CM, CINFO, FDICT;
-  if(insize < 2) return 53; /*error, size of zlib data too small*/
-  /*read information from zlib header*/
-  if((in[0] * 256 + in[1]) % 31 != 0) {
-    /*error: 256 * in[0] + in[1] must be a multiple of 31, the FCHECK value is supposed to be made that way*/
-    return 24;
-  }
-  CM = in[0] & 15;
-  CINFO = (in[0] >> 4) & 15;
-  /*FCHECK = in[1] & 31;*/ /*FCHECK is already tested above*/
-  FDICT = (in[1] >> 5) & 1;
-  /*FLEVEL = (in[1] >> 6) & 3;*/ /*FLEVEL is not used here*/
-  if(CM != 8 || CINFO > 7) {
-    /*error: only compression method 8: inflate with sliding window of 32k is supported by the PNG spec*/
-    return 25;
-  }
-  if(FDICT != 0) {
-    /*error: the specification of PNG says about the zlib stream:
-      "The additional flags shall not specify a preset dictionary."*/
-    return 26;
-  }
-  error = inflate(out, outsize, in + 2, insize - 2, settings);
-  if(error) return error;
-  if(!settings->ignore_adler32) {
-    unsigned ADLER32 = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[insize - 4]);
-    unsigned checksum = adler32(*out, (unsigned)(*outsize));
-    if(checksum != ADLER32) return 58; /*error, adler checksum not correct, data must be corrupted*/
-  }
-  return 0; /*no error*/
-static unsigned zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                                size_t insize, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_zlib) {
-    return settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_zlib_decompress(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                               size_t insize, const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  /*initially, *out must be NULL and outsize 0, if you just give some random *out
-  that's pointing to a non allocated buffer, this'll crash*/
-  ucvector outv;
-  size_t i;
-  unsigned error;
-  unsigned char* deflatedata = 0;
-  size_t deflatesize = 0;
-  /*zlib data: 1 byte CMF (CM+CINFO), 1 byte FLG, deflate data, 4 byte ADLER32 checksum of the Decompressed data*/
-  unsigned CMF = 120; /*0b01111000: CM 8, CINFO 7. With CINFO 7, any window size up to 32768 can be used.*/
-  unsigned FLEVEL = 0;
-  unsigned FDICT = 0;
-  unsigned CMFFLG = 256 * CMF + FDICT * 32 + FLEVEL * 64;
-  unsigned FCHECK = 31 - CMFFLG % 31;
-  /*ucvector-controlled version of the output buffer, for dynamic array*/
-  ucvector_init_buffer(&outv, *out, *outsize);
-  ucvector_push_back(&outv, (unsigned char)(CMFFLG >> 8));
-  ucvector_push_back(&outv, (unsigned char)(CMFFLG & 255));
-  error = deflate(&deflatedata, &deflatesize, in, insize, settings);
-  if(!error) {
-    unsigned ADLER32 = adler32(in, (unsigned)insize);
-    for(i = 0; i != deflatesize; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&outv, deflatedata[i]);
-    lodepng_free(deflatedata);
-    lodepng_add32bitInt(&outv, ADLER32);
-  }
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = outv.size;
-  return error;
-/* compress using the default or custom zlib function */
-static unsigned zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                              size_t insize, const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(settings->custom_zlib) {
-    return settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  } else {
-    return lodepng_zlib_compress(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-  }
-static unsigned zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                                size_t insize, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(!settings->custom_zlib) return 87; /*no custom zlib function provided */
-  return settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-static unsigned zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                              size_t insize, const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  if(!settings->custom_zlib) return 87; /*no custom zlib function provided */
-  return settings->custom_zlib(out, outsize, in, insize, settings);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*this is a good tradeoff between speed and compression ratio*/
-void lodepng_compress_settings_init(LodePNGCompressSettings* settings) {
-  /*compress with dynamic huffman tree (not in the mathematical sense, just not the predefined one)*/
-  settings->btype = 2;
-  settings->use_lz77 = 1;
-  settings->windowsize = DEFAULT_WINDOWSIZE;
-  settings->minmatch = 3;
-  settings->nicematch = 128;
-  settings->lazymatching = 1;
-  settings->custom_zlib = 0;
-  settings->custom_deflate = 0;
-  settings->custom_context = 0;
-const LodePNGCompressSettings lodepng_default_compress_settings = {2, 1, DEFAULT_WINDOWSIZE, 3, 128, 1, 0, 0, 0};
-void lodepng_decompress_settings_init(LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings) {
-  settings->ignore_adler32 = 0;
-  settings->custom_zlib = 0;
-  settings->custom_inflate = 0;
-  settings->custom_context = 0;
-const LodePNGDecompressSettings lodepng_default_decompress_settings = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // End of Zlib related code. Begin of PNG related code.                 // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / CRC32                                                                  / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* CRC polynomial: 0xedb88320 */
-static unsigned lodepng_crc32_table[256] = {
-           0u, 1996959894u, 3993919788u, 2567524794u,  124634137u, 1886057615u, 3915621685u, 2657392035u,
-   249268274u, 2044508324u, 3772115230u, 2547177864u,  162941995u, 2125561021u, 3887607047u, 2428444049u,
-   498536548u, 1789927666u, 4089016648u, 2227061214u,  450548861u, 1843258603u, 4107580753u, 2211677639u,
-   325883990u, 1684777152u, 4251122042u, 2321926636u,  335633487u, 1661365465u, 4195302755u, 2366115317u,
-   997073096u, 1281953886u, 3579855332u, 2724688242u, 1006888145u, 1258607687u, 3524101629u, 2768942443u,
-   901097722u, 1119000684u, 3686517206u, 2898065728u,  853044451u, 1172266101u, 3705015759u, 2882616665u,
-   651767980u, 1373503546u, 3369554304u, 3218104598u,  565507253u, 1454621731u, 3485111705u, 3099436303u,
-   671266974u, 1594198024u, 3322730930u, 2970347812u,  795835527u, 1483230225u, 3244367275u, 3060149565u,
-  1994146192u,   31158534u, 2563907772u, 4023717930u, 1907459465u,  112637215u, 2680153253u, 3904427059u,
-  2013776290u,  251722036u, 2517215374u, 3775830040u, 2137656763u,  141376813u, 2439277719u, 3865271297u,
-  1802195444u,  476864866u, 2238001368u, 4066508878u, 1812370925u,  453092731u, 2181625025u, 4111451223u,
-  1706088902u,  314042704u, 2344532202u, 4240017532u, 1658658271u,  366619977u, 2362670323u, 4224994405u,
-  1303535960u,  984961486u, 2747007092u, 3569037538u, 1256170817u, 1037604311u, 2765210733u, 3554079995u,
-  1131014506u,  879679996u, 2909243462u, 3663771856u, 1141124467u,  855842277u, 2852801631u, 3708648649u,
-  1342533948u,  654459306u, 3188396048u, 3373015174u, 1466479909u,  544179635u, 3110523913u, 3462522015u,
-  1591671054u,  702138776u, 2966460450u, 3352799412u, 1504918807u,  783551873u, 3082640443u, 3233442989u,
-  3988292384u, 2596254646u,   62317068u, 1957810842u, 3939845945u, 2647816111u,   81470997u, 1943803523u,
-  3814918930u, 2489596804u,  225274430u, 2053790376u, 3826175755u, 2466906013u,  167816743u, 2097651377u,
-  4027552580u, 2265490386u,  503444072u, 1762050814u, 4150417245u, 2154129355u,  426522225u, 1852507879u,
-  4275313526u, 2312317920u,  282753626u, 1742555852u, 4189708143u, 2394877945u,  397917763u, 1622183637u,
-  3604390888u, 2714866558u,  953729732u, 1340076626u, 3518719985u, 2797360999u, 1068828381u, 1219638859u,
-  3624741850u, 2936675148u,  906185462u, 1090812512u, 3747672003u, 2825379669u,  829329135u, 1181335161u,
-  3412177804u, 3160834842u,  628085408u, 1382605366u, 3423369109u, 3138078467u,  570562233u, 1426400815u,
-  3317316542u, 2998733608u,  733239954u, 1555261956u, 3268935591u, 3050360625u,  752459403u, 1541320221u,
-  2607071920u, 3965973030u, 1969922972u,   40735498u, 2617837225u, 3943577151u, 1913087877u,   83908371u,
-  2512341634u, 3803740692u, 2075208622u,  213261112u, 2463272603u, 3855990285u, 2094854071u,  198958881u,
-  2262029012u, 4057260610u, 1759359992u,  534414190u, 2176718541u, 4139329115u, 1873836001u,  414664567u,
-  2282248934u, 4279200368u, 1711684554u,  285281116u, 2405801727u, 4167216745u, 1634467795u,  376229701u,
-  2685067896u, 3608007406u, 1308918612u,  956543938u, 2808555105u, 3495958263u, 1231636301u, 1047427035u,
-  2932959818u, 3654703836u, 1088359270u,  936918000u, 2847714899u, 3736837829u, 1202900863u,  817233897u,
-  3183342108u, 3401237130u, 1404277552u,  615818150u, 3134207493u, 3453421203u, 1423857449u,  601450431u,
-  3009837614u, 3294710456u, 1567103746u,  711928724u, 3020668471u, 3272380065u, 1510334235u,  755167117u
-/*Return the CRC of the bytes buf[0..len-1].*/
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* data, size_t length) {
-  unsigned r = 0xffffffffu;
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-    r = lodepng_crc32_table[(r ^ data[i]) & 0xff] ^ (r >> 8);
-  }
-  return r ^ 0xffffffffu;
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* data, size_t length);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Reading and writing single bits and bytes from/to stream for LodePNG   / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-static unsigned char readBitFromReversedStream(size_t* bitpointer, const unsigned char* bitstream) {
-  unsigned char result = (unsigned char)((bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3] >> (7 - ((*bitpointer) & 0x7))) & 1);
-  ++(*bitpointer);
-  return result;
-static unsigned readBitsFromReversedStream(size_t* bitpointer, const unsigned char* bitstream, size_t nbits) {
-  unsigned result = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0 ; i < nbits; ++i) {
-    result <<= 1;
-    result |= (unsigned)readBitFromReversedStream(bitpointer, bitstream);
-  }
-  return result;
-static void setBitOfReversedStream0(size_t* bitpointer, unsigned char* bitstream, unsigned char bit) {
-  /*the current bit in bitstream must be 0 for this to work*/
-  if(bit) {
-    /*earlier bit of huffman code is in a lesser significant bit of an earlier byte*/
-    bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3] |= (bit << (7 - ((*bitpointer) & 0x7)));
-  }
-  ++(*bitpointer);
-static void setBitOfReversedStream(size_t* bitpointer, unsigned char* bitstream, unsigned char bit) {
-  /*the current bit in bitstream may be 0 or 1 for this to work*/
-  if(bit == 0) bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3] &=  (unsigned char)(~(1 << (7 - ((*bitpointer) & 0x7))));
-  else         bitstream[(*bitpointer) >> 3] |=  (1 << (7 - ((*bitpointer) & 0x7)));
-  ++(*bitpointer);
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / PNG chunks                                                             / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_length(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return lodepng_read32bitInt(&chunk[0]);
-void lodepng_chunk_type(char type[5], const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 4; ++i) type[i] = (char)chunk[4 + i];
-  type[4] = 0; /*null termination char*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_type_equals(const unsigned char* chunk, const char* type) {
-  if(strlen(type) != 4) return 0;
-  return (chunk[4] == type[0] && chunk[5] == type[1] && chunk[6] == type[2] && chunk[7] == type[3]);
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_ancillary(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return((chunk[4] & 32) != 0);
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_private(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return((chunk[6] & 32) != 0);
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_safetocopy(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return((chunk[7] & 32) != 0);
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data(unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return &chunk[8];
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data_const(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  return &chunk[8];
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_check_crc(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-  unsigned CRC = lodepng_read32bitInt(&chunk[length + 8]);
-  /*the CRC is taken of the data and the 4 chunk type letters, not the length*/
-  unsigned checksum = lodepng_crc32(&chunk[4], length + 4);
-  if(CRC != checksum) return 1;
-  else return 0;
-void lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-  unsigned CRC = lodepng_crc32(&chunk[4], length + 4);
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk + 8 + length, CRC);
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next(unsigned char* chunk) {
-  if(chunk[0] == 0x89 && chunk[1] == 0x50 && chunk[2] == 0x4e && chunk[3] == 0x47
-    && chunk[4] == 0x0d && chunk[5] == 0x0a && chunk[6] == 0x1a && chunk[7] == 0x0a) {
-    /* Is PNG magic header at start of PNG file. Jump to first actual chunk. */
-    return chunk + 8;
-  } else {
-    unsigned total_chunk_length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk) + 12;
-    return chunk + total_chunk_length;
-  }
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next_const(const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  if(chunk[0] == 0x89 && chunk[1] == 0x50 && chunk[2] == 0x4e && chunk[3] == 0x47
-    && chunk[4] == 0x0d && chunk[5] == 0x0a && chunk[6] == 0x1a && chunk[7] == 0x0a) {
-    /* Is PNG magic header at start of PNG file. Jump to first actual chunk. */
-    return chunk + 8;
-  } else {
-    unsigned total_chunk_length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk) + 12;
-    return chunk + total_chunk_length;
-  }
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find(unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end, const char type[5]) {
-  for(;;) {
-    if(chunk + 12 >= end) return 0;
-    if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, type)) return chunk;
-    chunk = lodepng_chunk_next(chunk);
-  }
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find_const(const unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end, const char type[5]) {
-  for(;;) {
-    if(chunk + 12 >= end) return 0;
-    if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, type)) return chunk;
-    chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk);
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_append(unsigned char** out, size_t* outlength, const unsigned char* chunk) {
-  unsigned i;
-  unsigned total_chunk_length = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk) + 12;
-  unsigned char *chunk_start, *new_buffer;
-  size_t new_length = (*outlength) + total_chunk_length;
-  if(new_length < total_chunk_length || new_length < (*outlength)) return 77; /*integer overflow happened*/
-  new_buffer = (unsigned char*)lodepng_realloc(*out, new_length);
-  if(!new_buffer) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  (*out) = new_buffer;
-  (*outlength) = new_length;
-  chunk_start = &(*out)[new_length - total_chunk_length];
-  for(i = 0; i != total_chunk_length; ++i) chunk_start[i] = chunk[i];
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_create(unsigned char** out, size_t* outlength, unsigned length,
-                              const char* type, const unsigned char* data) {
-  unsigned i;
-  unsigned char *chunk, *new_buffer;
-  size_t new_length = (*outlength) + length + 12;
-  if(new_length < length + 12 || new_length < (*outlength)) return 77; /*integer overflow happened*/
-  new_buffer = (unsigned char*)lodepng_realloc(*out, new_length);
-  if(!new_buffer) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  (*out) = new_buffer;
-  (*outlength) = new_length;
-  chunk = &(*out)[(*outlength) - length - 12];
-  /*1: length*/
-  lodepng_set32bitInt(chunk, (unsigned)length);
-  /*2: chunk name (4 letters)*/
-  chunk[4] = (unsigned char)type[0];
-  chunk[5] = (unsigned char)type[1];
-  chunk[6] = (unsigned char)type[2];
-  chunk[7] = (unsigned char)type[3];
-  /*3: the data*/
-  for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) chunk[8 + i] = data[i];
-  /*4: CRC (of the chunkname characters and the data)*/
-  lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(chunk);
-  return 0;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / Color types and such                                                   / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*return type is a LodePNG error code*/
-static unsigned checkColorValidity(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bd) /*bd = bitdepth*/ {
-  switch(colortype) {
-    case 0: if(!(bd == 1 || bd == 2 || bd == 4 || bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break; /*gray*/
-    case 2: if(!(                                 bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break; /*RGB*/
-    case 3: if(!(bd == 1 || bd == 2 || bd == 4 || bd == 8            )) return 37; break; /*palette*/
-    case 4: if(!(                                 bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break; /*gray + alpha*/
-    case 6: if(!(                                 bd == 8 || bd == 16)) return 37; break; /*RGBA*/
-    default: return 31;
-  }
-  return 0; /*allowed color type / bits combination*/
-static unsigned getNumColorChannels(LodePNGColorType colortype) {
-  switch(colortype) {
-    case 0: return 1; /*gray*/
-    case 2: return 3; /*RGB*/
-    case 3: return 1; /*palette*/
-    case 4: return 2; /*gray + alpha*/
-    case 6: return 4; /*RGBA*/
-  }
-  return 0; /*unexisting color type*/
-static unsigned lodepng_get_bpp_lct(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  /*bits per pixel is amount of channels * bits per channel*/
-  return getNumColorChannels(colortype) * bitdepth;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-void lodepng_color_mode_init(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  info->key_defined = 0;
-  info->key_r = info->key_g = info->key_b = 0;
-  info->colortype = LCT_RGBA;
-  info->bitdepth = 8;
-  info->palette = 0;
-  info->palettesize = 0;
-void lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  lodepng_palette_clear(info);
-unsigned lodepng_color_mode_copy(LodePNGColorMode* dest, const LodePNGColorMode* source) {
-  size_t i;
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(dest);
-  *dest = *source;
-  if(source->palette) {
-    dest->palette = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(1024);
-    if(!dest->palette && source->palettesize) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    for(i = 0; i != source->palettesize * 4; ++i) dest->palette[i] = source->palette[i];
-  }
-  return 0;
-LodePNGColorMode lodepng_color_mode_make(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  LodePNGColorMode result;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&result);
-  result.colortype = colortype;
-  result.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  return result;
-static int lodepng_color_mode_equal(const LodePNGColorMode* a, const LodePNGColorMode* b) {
-  size_t i;
-  if(a->colortype != b->colortype) return 0;
-  if(a->bitdepth != b->bitdepth) return 0;
-  if(a->key_defined != b->key_defined) return 0;
-  if(a->key_defined) {
-    if(a->key_r != b->key_r) return 0;
-    if(a->key_g != b->key_g) return 0;
-    if(a->key_b != b->key_b) return 0;
-  }
-  if(a->palettesize != b->palettesize) return 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != a->palettesize * 4; ++i) {
-    if(a->palette[i] != b->palette[i]) return 0;
-  }
-  return 1;
-void lodepng_palette_clear(LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  if(info->palette) lodepng_free(info->palette);
-  info->palette = 0;
-  info->palettesize = 0;
-unsigned lodepng_palette_add(LodePNGColorMode* info,
-                             unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  unsigned char* data;
-  /*the same resize technique as C++ std::vectors is used, and here it's made so that for a palette with
-  the max of 256 colors, it'll have the exact alloc size*/
-  if(!info->palette) /*allocate palette if empty*/ {
-    /*room for 256 colors with 4 bytes each*/
-    data = (unsigned char*)lodepng_realloc(info->palette, 1024);
-    if(!data) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    else info->palette = data;
-  }
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 0] = r;
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 1] = g;
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 2] = b;
-  info->palette[4 * info->palettesize + 3] = a;
-  ++info->palettesize;
-  return 0;
-/*calculate bits per pixel out of colortype and bitdepth*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_bpp(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return lodepng_get_bpp_lct(info->colortype, info->bitdepth);
-unsigned lodepng_get_channels(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return getNumColorChannels(info->colortype);
-unsigned lodepng_is_greyscale_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return info->colortype == LCT_GREY || info->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA;
-unsigned lodepng_is_alpha_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return (info->colortype & 4) != 0; /*4 or 6*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_palette_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return info->colortype == LCT_PALETTE;
-unsigned lodepng_has_palette_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != info->palettesize; ++i) {
-    if(info->palette[i * 4 + 3] < 255) return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-unsigned lodepng_can_have_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  return info->key_defined
-      || lodepng_is_alpha_type(info)
-      || lodepng_has_palette_alpha(info);
-size_t lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(unsigned w, unsigned h, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  size_t bpp = lodepng_get_bpp_lct(colortype, bitdepth);
-  size_t n = (size_t)w * (size_t)h;
-  return ((n / 8) * bpp) + ((n & 7) * bpp + 7) / 8;
-size_t lodepng_get_raw_size(unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGColorMode* color) {
-  return lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, color->colortype, color->bitdepth);
-/*in an idat chunk, each scanline is a multiple of 8 bits, unlike the lodepng output buffer,
-and in addition has one extra byte per line: the filter byte. So this gives a larger
-result than lodepng_get_raw_size. */
-static size_t lodepng_get_raw_size_idat(unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGColorMode* color) {
-  size_t bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(color);
-  /* + 1 for the filter byte, and possibly plus padding bits per line */
-  size_t line = ((size_t)(w / 8) * bpp) + 1 + ((w & 7) * bpp + 7) / 8;
-  return (size_t)h * line;
-/* Safely check if multiplying two integers will overflow (no undefined
-behavior, compiler removing the code, etc...) and output result. */
-static int lodepng_mulofl(size_t a, size_t b, size_t* result) {
-  *result = a * b; /* Unsigned multiplication is well defined and safe in C90 */
-  return (a != 0 && *result / a != b);
-/* Safely check if adding two integers will overflow (no undefined
-behavior, compiler removing the code, etc...) and output result. */
-static int lodepng_addofl(size_t a, size_t b, size_t* result) {
-  *result = a + b; /* Unsigned addition is well defined and safe in C90 */
-  return *result < a;
-/*Safely checks whether size_t overflow can be caused due to amount of pixels.
-This check is overcautious rather than precise. If this check indicates no overflow,
-you can safely compute in a size_t (but not an unsigned):
--(size_t)w * (size_t)h * 8
--amount of bytes in IDAT (including filter, padding and Adam7 bytes)
--amount of bytes in raw color model
-Returns 1 if overflow possible, 0 if not.
-static int lodepng_pixel_overflow(unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                  const LodePNGColorMode* pngcolor, const LodePNGColorMode* rawcolor) {
-  size_t bpp = LODEPNG_MAX(lodepng_get_bpp(pngcolor), lodepng_get_bpp(rawcolor));
-  size_t numpixels, total;
-  size_t line; /* bytes per line in worst case */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl((size_t)w, (size_t)h, &numpixels)) return 1;
-  if(lodepng_mulofl(numpixels, 8, &total)) return 1; /* bit pointer with 8-bit color, or 8 bytes per channel color */
-  /* Bytes per scanline with the expression "(w / 8) * bpp) + ((w & 7) * bpp + 7) / 8" */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl((size_t)(w / 8), bpp, &line)) return 1;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(line, ((w & 7) * bpp + 7) / 8, &line)) return 1;
-  if(lodepng_addofl(line, 5, &line)) return 1; /* 5 bytes overhead per line: 1 filterbyte, 4 for Adam7 worst case */
-  if(lodepng_mulofl(line, h, &total)) return 1; /* Total bytes in worst case */
-  return 0; /* no overflow */
-static void LodePNGUnknownChunks_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) info->unknown_chunks_data[i] = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) info->unknown_chunks_size[i] = 0;
-static void LodePNGUnknownChunks_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) lodepng_free(info->unknown_chunks_data[i]);
-static unsigned LodePNGUnknownChunks_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* src) {
-  unsigned i;
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_cleanup(dest);
-  for(i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
-    size_t j;
-    dest->unknown_chunks_size[i] = src->unknown_chunks_size[i];
-    dest->unknown_chunks_data[i] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(src->unknown_chunks_size[i]);
-    if(!dest->unknown_chunks_data[i] && dest->unknown_chunks_size[i]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    for(j = 0; j < src->unknown_chunks_size[i]; ++j) {
-      dest->unknown_chunks_data[i][j] = src->unknown_chunks_data[i][j];
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-static void LodePNGText_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  info->text_num = 0;
-  info->text_keys = NULL;
-  info->text_strings = NULL;
-static void LodePNGText_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != info->text_num; ++i) {
-    string_cleanup(&info->text_keys[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->text_strings[i]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(info->text_keys);
-  lodepng_free(info->text_strings);
-static unsigned LodePNGText_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  dest->text_keys = 0;
-  dest->text_strings = 0;
-  dest->text_num = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != source->text_num; ++i) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_add_text(dest, source->text_keys[i], source->text_strings[i]));
-  }
-  return 0;
-void lodepng_clear_text(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  LodePNGText_cleanup(info);
-unsigned lodepng_add_text(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* str) {
-  char** new_keys = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->text_keys, sizeof(char*) * (info->text_num + 1)));
-  char** new_strings = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->text_strings, sizeof(char*) * (info->text_num + 1)));
-  if(!new_keys || !new_strings) {
-    lodepng_free(new_keys);
-    lodepng_free(new_strings);
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  ++info->text_num;
-  info->text_keys = new_keys;
-  info->text_strings = new_strings;
-  info->text_keys[info->text_num - 1] = alloc_string(key);
-  info->text_strings[info->text_num - 1] = alloc_string(str);
-  return 0;
-static void LodePNGIText_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  info->itext_num = 0;
-  info->itext_keys = NULL;
-  info->itext_langtags = NULL;
-  info->itext_transkeys = NULL;
-  info->itext_strings = NULL;
-static void LodePNGIText_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  size_t i;
-  for(i = 0; i != info->itext_num; ++i) {
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_keys[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_langtags[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_transkeys[i]);
-    string_cleanup(&info->itext_strings[i]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_keys);
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_langtags);
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_transkeys);
-  lodepng_free(info->itext_strings);
-static unsigned LodePNGIText_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source) {
-  size_t i = 0;
-  dest->itext_keys = 0;
-  dest->itext_langtags = 0;
-  dest->itext_transkeys = 0;
-  dest->itext_strings = 0;
-  dest->itext_num = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != source->itext_num; ++i) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_add_itext(dest, source->itext_keys[i], source->itext_langtags[i],
-                                        source->itext_transkeys[i], source->itext_strings[i]));
-  }
-  return 0;
-void lodepng_clear_itext(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  LodePNGIText_cleanup(info);
-unsigned lodepng_add_itext(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* langtag,
-                           const char* transkey, const char* str) {
-  char** new_keys = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_keys, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  char** new_langtags = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_langtags, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  char** new_transkeys = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_transkeys, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  char** new_strings = (char**)(lodepng_realloc(info->itext_strings, sizeof(char*) * (info->itext_num + 1)));
-  if(!new_keys || !new_langtags || !new_transkeys || !new_strings) {
-    lodepng_free(new_keys);
-    lodepng_free(new_langtags);
-    lodepng_free(new_transkeys);
-    lodepng_free(new_strings);
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  ++info->itext_num;
-  info->itext_keys = new_keys;
-  info->itext_langtags = new_langtags;
-  info->itext_transkeys = new_transkeys;
-  info->itext_strings = new_strings;
-  info->itext_keys[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(key);
-  info->itext_langtags[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(langtag);
-  info->itext_transkeys[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(transkey);
-  info->itext_strings[info->itext_num - 1] = alloc_string(str);
-  return 0;
-/* same as set but does not delete */
-static unsigned lodepng_assign_icc(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* name, const unsigned char* profile, unsigned profile_size) {
-  info->iccp_name = alloc_string(name);
-  info->iccp_profile = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(profile_size);
-  if(!info->iccp_name || !info->iccp_profile) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  memcpy(info->iccp_profile, profile, profile_size);
-  info->iccp_profile_size = profile_size;
-  return 0; /*ok*/
-unsigned lodepng_set_icc(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* name, const unsigned char* profile, unsigned profile_size) {
-  if(info->iccp_name) lodepng_clear_icc(info);
-  info->iccp_defined = 1;
-  return lodepng_assign_icc(info, name, profile, profile_size);
-void lodepng_clear_icc(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  string_cleanup(&info->iccp_name);
-  lodepng_free(info->iccp_profile);
-  info->iccp_profile = NULL;
-  info->iccp_profile_size = 0;
-  info->iccp_defined = 0;
-void lodepng_info_init(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&info->color);
-  info->interlace_method = 0;
-  info->compression_method = 0;
-  info->filter_method = 0;
-  info->background_defined = 0;
-  info->background_r = info->background_g = info->background_b = 0;
-  LodePNGText_init(info);
-  LodePNGIText_init(info);
-  info->time_defined = 0;
-  info->phys_defined = 0;
-  info->gama_defined = 0;
-  info->chrm_defined = 0;
-  info->srgb_defined = 0;
-  info->iccp_defined = 0;
-  info->iccp_name = NULL;
-  info->iccp_profile = NULL;
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_init(info);
-void lodepng_info_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&info->color);
-  LodePNGText_cleanup(info);
-  LodePNGIText_cleanup(info);
-  lodepng_clear_icc(info);
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_cleanup(info);
-unsigned lodepng_info_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source) {
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(dest);
-  *dest = *source;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&dest->color);
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_color_mode_copy(&dest->color, &source->color));
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(LodePNGText_copy(dest, source));
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(LodePNGIText_copy(dest, source));
-  if(source->iccp_defined) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_assign_icc(dest, source->iccp_name, source->iccp_profile, source->iccp_profile_size));
-  }
-  LodePNGUnknownChunks_init(dest);
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(LodePNGUnknownChunks_copy(dest, source));
-  return 0;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*index: bitgroup index, bits: bitgroup size(1, 2 or 4), in: bitgroup value, out: octet array to add bits to*/
-static void addColorBits(unsigned char* out, size_t index, unsigned bits, unsigned in) {
-  unsigned m = bits == 1 ? 7 : bits == 2 ? 3 : 1; /*8 / bits - 1*/
-  /*p = the partial index in the byte, e.g. with 4 palettebits it is 0 for first half or 1 for second half*/
-  unsigned p = index & m;
-  in &= (1u << bits) - 1u; /*filter out any other bits of the input value*/
-  in = in << (bits * (m - p));
-  if(p == 0) out[index * bits / 8] = in;
-  else out[index * bits / 8] |= in;
-typedef struct ColorTree ColorTree;
-One node of a color tree
-This is the data structure used to count the number of unique colors and to get a palette
-index for a color. It's like an octree, but because the alpha channel is used too, each
-node has 16 instead of 8 children.
-struct ColorTree {
-  ColorTree* children[16]; /*up to 16 pointers to ColorTree of next level*/
-  int index; /*the payload. Only has a meaningful value if this is in the last level*/
-static void color_tree_init(ColorTree* tree) {
-  int i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 16; ++i) tree->children[i] = 0;
-  tree->index = -1;
-static void color_tree_cleanup(ColorTree* tree) {
-  int i;
-  for(i = 0; i != 16; ++i) {
-    if(tree->children[i]) {
-      color_tree_cleanup(tree->children[i]);
-      lodepng_free(tree->children[i]);
-    }
-  }
-/*returns -1 if color not present, its index otherwise*/
-static int color_tree_get(ColorTree* tree, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  int bit = 0;
-  for(bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit) {
-    int i = 8 * ((r >> bit) & 1) + 4 * ((g >> bit) & 1) + 2 * ((b >> bit) & 1) + 1 * ((a >> bit) & 1);
-    if(!tree->children[i]) return -1;
-    else tree = tree->children[i];
-  }
-  return tree ? tree->index : -1;
-static int color_tree_has(ColorTree* tree, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  return color_tree_get(tree, r, g, b, a) >= 0;
-/*color is not allowed to already exist.
-Index should be >= 0 (it's signed to be compatible with using -1 for "doesn't exist")*/
-static void color_tree_add(ColorTree* tree,
-                           unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a, unsigned index) {
-  int bit;
-  for(bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit) {
-    int i = 8 * ((r >> bit) & 1) + 4 * ((g >> bit) & 1) + 2 * ((b >> bit) & 1) + 1 * ((a >> bit) & 1);
-    if(!tree->children[i]) {
-      tree->children[i] = (ColorTree*)lodepng_malloc(sizeof(ColorTree));
-      color_tree_init(tree->children[i]);
-    }
-    tree = tree->children[i];
-  }
-  tree->index = (int)index;
-/*put a pixel, given its RGBA color, into image of any color type*/
-static unsigned rgba8ToPixel(unsigned char* out, size_t i,
-                             const LodePNGColorMode* mode, ColorTree* tree /*for palette*/,
-                             unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    unsigned char gray = r; /*((unsigned short)r + g + b) / 3;*/
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) out[i] = gray;
-    else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) out[i * 2 + 0] = out[i * 2 + 1] = gray;
-    else {
-      /*take the most significant bits of gray*/
-      gray = (gray >> (8 - mode->bitdepth)) & ((1 << mode->bitdepth) - 1);
-      addColorBits(out, i, mode->bitdepth, gray);
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      out[i * 3 + 0] = r;
-      out[i * 3 + 1] = g;
-      out[i * 3 + 2] = b;
-    } else {
-      out[i * 6 + 0] = out[i * 6 + 1] = r;
-      out[i * 6 + 2] = out[i * 6 + 3] = g;
-      out[i * 6 + 4] = out[i * 6 + 5] = b;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    int index = color_tree_get(tree, r, g, b, a);
-    if(index < 0) return 82; /*color not in palette*/
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) out[i] = index;
-    else addColorBits(out, i, mode->bitdepth, (unsigned)index);
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    unsigned char gray = r; /*((unsigned short)r + g + b) / 3;*/
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      out[i * 2 + 0] = gray;
-      out[i * 2 + 1] = a;
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      out[i * 4 + 0] = out[i * 4 + 1] = gray;
-      out[i * 4 + 2] = out[i * 4 + 3] = a;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      out[i * 4 + 0] = r;
-      out[i * 4 + 1] = g;
-      out[i * 4 + 2] = b;
-      out[i * 4 + 3] = a;
-    } else {
-      out[i * 8 + 0] = out[i * 8 + 1] = r;
-      out[i * 8 + 2] = out[i * 8 + 3] = g;
-      out[i * 8 + 4] = out[i * 8 + 5] = b;
-      out[i * 8 + 6] = out[i * 8 + 7] = a;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0; /*no error*/
-/*put a pixel, given its RGBA16 color, into image of any color 16-bitdepth type*/
-static void rgba16ToPixel(unsigned char* out, size_t i,
-                         const LodePNGColorMode* mode,
-                         unsigned short r, unsigned short g, unsigned short b, unsigned short a) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    unsigned short gray = r; /*((unsigned)r + g + b) / 3;*/
-    out[i * 2 + 0] = (gray >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 2 + 1] = gray & 255;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    out[i * 6 + 0] = (r >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 1] = r & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 2] = (g >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 3] = g & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 4] = (b >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 6 + 5] = b & 255;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    unsigned short gray = r; /*((unsigned)r + g + b) / 3;*/
-    out[i * 4 + 0] = (gray >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 4 + 1] = gray & 255;
-    out[i * 4 + 2] = (a >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 4 + 3] = a & 255;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    out[i * 8 + 0] = (r >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 1] = r & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 2] = (g >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 3] = g & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 4] = (b >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 5] = b & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 6] = (a >> 8) & 255;
-    out[i * 8 + 7] = a & 255;
-  }
-/*Get RGBA8 color of pixel with index i (y * width + x) from the raw image with given color type.*/
-static void getPixelColorRGBA8(unsigned char* r, unsigned char* g,
-                               unsigned char* b, unsigned char* a,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t i,
-                               const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i];
-      if(mode->key_defined && *r == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i * 2 + 0];
-      if(mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1] == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    } else {
-      unsigned highest = ((1U << mode->bitdepth) - 1U); /*highest possible value for this bit depth*/
-      size_t j = i * mode->bitdepth;
-      unsigned value = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-      *r = *g = *b = (value * 255) / highest;
-      if(mode->key_defined && value == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = in[i * 3 + 0]; *g = in[i * 3 + 1]; *b = in[i * 3 + 2];
-      if(mode->key_defined && *r == mode->key_r && *g == mode->key_g && *b == mode->key_b) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    } else {
-      *r = in[i * 6 + 0];
-      *g = in[i * 6 + 2];
-      *b = in[i * 6 + 4];
-      if(mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1] == mode->key_r
-         && 256U * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3] == mode->key_g
-         && 256U * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5] == mode->key_b) *a = 0;
-      else *a = 255;
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    unsigned index;
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) index = in[i];
-    else {
-      size_t j = i * mode->bitdepth;
-      index = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-    }
-    if(index >= mode->palettesize) {
-      /*This is an error according to the PNG spec, but common PNG decoders make it black instead.
-      Done here too, slightly faster due to no error handling needed.*/
-      *r = *g = *b = 0;
-      *a = 255;
-    } else {
-      *r = mode->palette[index * 4 + 0];
-      *g = mode->palette[index * 4 + 1];
-      *b = mode->palette[index * 4 + 2];
-      *a = mode->palette[index * 4 + 3];
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i * 2 + 0];
-      *a = in[i * 2 + 1];
-    } else {
-      *r = *g = *b = in[i * 4 + 0];
-      *a = in[i * 4 + 2];
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      *r = in[i * 4 + 0];
-      *g = in[i * 4 + 1];
-      *b = in[i * 4 + 2];
-      *a = in[i * 4 + 3];
-    } else {
-      *r = in[i * 8 + 0];
-      *g = in[i * 8 + 2];
-      *b = in[i * 8 + 4];
-      *a = in[i * 8 + 6];
-    }
-  }
-/*Similar to getPixelColorRGBA8, but with all the for loops inside of the color
-mode test cases, optimized to convert the colors much faster, when converting
-to RGBA or RGB with 8 bit per cannel. buffer must be RGBA or RGB output with
-enough memory, if has_alpha is true the output is RGBA. mode has the color mode
-of the input buffer.*/
-static void getPixelColorsRGBA8(unsigned char* buffer, size_t numpixels,
-                                unsigned has_alpha, const unsigned char* in,
-                                const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  unsigned num_channels = has_alpha ? 4 : 3;
-  size_t i;
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = mode->key_defined && in[i] == mode->key_r ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    } else if(mode->bitdepth == 16) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 2];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1] == mode->key_r ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    } else {
-      unsigned highest = ((1U << mode->bitdepth) - 1U); /*highest possible value for this bit depth*/
-      size_t j = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        unsigned value = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = (value * 255) / highest;
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = mode->key_defined && value == mode->key_r ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 3 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 3 + 1];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 3 + 2];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = mode->key_defined && buffer[0] == mode->key_r
-           && buffer[1]== mode->key_g && buffer[2] == mode->key_b ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 6 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 6 + 2];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 6 + 4];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = mode->key_defined
-           && 256U * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1] == mode->key_r
-           && 256U * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3] == mode->key_g
-           && 256U * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5] == mode->key_b ? 0 : 255;
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    unsigned index;
-    size_t j = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-      if(mode->bitdepth == 8) index = in[i];
-      else index = readBitsFromReversedStream(&j, in, mode->bitdepth);
-      if(index >= mode->palettesize) {
-        /*This is an error according to the PNG spec, but most PNG decoders make it black instead.
-        Done here too, slightly faster due to no error handling needed.*/
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = 0;
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = 255;
-      } else {
-        buffer[0] = mode->palette[index * 4 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = mode->palette[index * 4 + 1];
-        buffer[2] = mode->palette[index * 4 + 2];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = mode->palette[index * 4 + 3];
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 2 + 0];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = in[i * 2 + 1];
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = in[i * 4 + 0];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = in[i * 4 + 2];
-      }
-    }
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    if(mode->bitdepth == 8) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 4 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 4 + 1];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 4 + 2];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = in[i * 4 + 3];
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i, buffer += num_channels) {
-        buffer[0] = in[i * 8 + 0];
-        buffer[1] = in[i * 8 + 2];
-        buffer[2] = in[i * 8 + 4];
-        if(has_alpha) buffer[3] = in[i * 8 + 6];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/*Get RGBA16 color of pixel with index i (y * width + x) from the raw image with
-given color type, but the given color type must be 16-bit itself.*/
-static void getPixelColorRGBA16(unsigned short* r, unsigned short* g, unsigned short* b, unsigned short* a,
-                                const unsigned char* in, size_t i, const LodePNGColorMode* mode) {
-  if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    *r = *g = *b = 256 * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1];
-    if(mode->key_defined && 256U * in[i * 2 + 0] + in[i * 2 + 1] == mode->key_r) *a = 0;
-    else *a = 65535;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    *r = 256u * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1];
-    *g = 256u * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3];
-    *b = 256u * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5];
-    if(mode->key_defined
-       && 256u * in[i * 6 + 0] + in[i * 6 + 1] == mode->key_r
-       && 256u * in[i * 6 + 2] + in[i * 6 + 3] == mode->key_g
-       && 256u * in[i * 6 + 4] + in[i * 6 + 5] == mode->key_b) *a = 0;
-    else *a = 65535;
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    *r = *g = *b = 256u * in[i * 4 + 0] + in[i * 4 + 1];
-    *a = 256u * in[i * 4 + 2] + in[i * 4 + 3];
-  } else if(mode->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    *r = 256u * in[i * 8 + 0] + in[i * 8 + 1];
-    *g = 256u * in[i * 8 + 2] + in[i * 8 + 3];
-    *b = 256u * in[i * 8 + 4] + in[i * 8 + 5];
-    *a = 256u * in[i * 8 + 6] + in[i * 8 + 7];
-  }
-unsigned lodepng_convert(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                         const LodePNGColorMode* mode_out, const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in,
-                         unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  size_t i;
-  ColorTree tree;
-  size_t numpixels = (size_t)w * (size_t)h;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  if(lodepng_color_mode_equal(mode_out, mode_in)) {
-    size_t numbytes = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, mode_in);
-    for(i = 0; i != numbytes; ++i) out[i] = in[i];
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    size_t palettesize = mode_out->palettesize;
-    const unsigned char* palette = mode_out->palette;
-    size_t palsize = (size_t)1u << mode_out->bitdepth;
-    /*if the user specified output palette but did not give the values, assume
-    they want the values of the input color type (assuming that one is palette).
-    Note that we never create a new palette ourselves.*/
-    if(palettesize == 0) {
-      palettesize = mode_in->palettesize;
-      palette = mode_in->palette;
-      /*if the input was also palette with same bitdepth, then the color types are also
-      equal, so copy literally. This to preserve the exact indices that were in the PNG
-      even in case there are duplicate colors in the palette.*/
-      if (mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE && mode_in->bitdepth == mode_out->bitdepth) {
-        size_t numbytes = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, mode_in);
-        for(i = 0; i != numbytes; ++i) out[i] = in[i];
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-    if(palettesize < palsize) palsize = palettesize;
-    color_tree_init(&tree);
-    for(i = 0; i != palsize; ++i) {
-      const unsigned char* p = &palette[i * 4];
-      color_tree_add(&tree, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], (unsigned)i);
-    }
-  }
-  if(mode_in->bitdepth == 16 && mode_out->bitdepth == 16) {
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      unsigned short r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-      getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      rgba16ToPixel(out, i, mode_out, r, g, b, a);
-    }
-  } else if(mode_out->bitdepth == 8 && mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    getPixelColorsRGBA8(out, numpixels, 1, in, mode_in);
-  } else if(mode_out->bitdepth == 8 && mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    getPixelColorsRGBA8(out, numpixels, 0, in, mode_in);
-  } else {
-    unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA8(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      error = rgba8ToPixel(out, i, mode_out, &tree, r, g, b, a);
-      if (error) break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    color_tree_cleanup(&tree);
-  }
-  return error;
-/* Converts a single rgb color without alpha from one type to another, color bits truncated to
-their bitdepth. In case of single channel (gray or palette), only the r channel is used. Slow
-function, do not use to process all pixels of an image. Alpha channel not supported on purpose:
-this is for bKGD, supporting alpha may prevent it from finding a color in the palette, from the
-specification it looks like bKGD should ignore the alpha values of the palette since it can use
-any palette index but doesn't have an alpha channel. Idem with ignoring color key. */
-unsigned lodepng_convert_rgb(
-    unsigned* r_out, unsigned* g_out, unsigned* b_out,
-    unsigned r_in, unsigned g_in, unsigned b_in,
-    const LodePNGColorMode* mode_out, const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in) {
-  unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
-  unsigned mul = 65535 / ((1u << mode_in->bitdepth) - 1u); /*65535, 21845, 4369, 257, 1*/
-  unsigned shift = 16 - mode_out->bitdepth;
-  if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_GREY || mode_in->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    r = g = b = r_in * mul;
-  } else if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_RGB || mode_in->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    r = r_in * mul;
-    g = g_in * mul;
-    b = b_in * mul;
-  } else if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    if(r_in >= mode_in->palettesize) return 82;
-    r = mode_in->palette[r_in * 4 + 0] * 257u;
-    g = mode_in->palette[r_in * 4 + 1] * 257u;
-    b = mode_in->palette[r_in * 4 + 2] * 257u;
-  } else {
-    return 31;
-  }
-  /* now convert to output format */
-  if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_GREY || mode_out->colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    *r_out = r >> shift ;
-  } else if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGB || mode_out->colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    *r_out = r >> shift ;
-    *g_out = g >> shift ;
-    *b_out = b >> shift ;
-  } else if(mode_out->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    unsigned i;
-    /* a 16-bit color cannot be in the palette */
-    if((r >> 8) != (r & 255) || (g >> 8) != (g & 255) || (b >> 8) != (b & 255)) return 82;
-    for(i = 0; i < mode_out->palettesize; i++) {
-      unsigned j = i * 4;
-      if((r >> 8) == mode_out->palette[j + 0] && (g >> 8) == mode_out->palette[j + 1] &&
-          (b >> 8) == mode_out->palette[j + 2]) {
-        *r_out = i;
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-    return 82;
-  } else {
-    return 31;
-  }
-  return 0;
-void lodepng_color_profile_init(LodePNGColorProfile* profile) {
-  profile->colored = 0;
-  profile->key = 0;
-  profile->key_r = profile->key_g = profile->key_b = 0;
-  profile->alpha = 0;
-  profile->numcolors = 0;
-  profile->bits = 1;
-  profile->numpixels = 0;
-/*function used for debug purposes with C++*/
-/*void printColorProfile(LodePNGColorProfile* p) {
-  std::cout << "colored: " << (int)p->colored << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key: " << (int)p->key << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key_r: " << (int)p->key_r << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key_g: " << (int)p->key_g << ", ";
-  std::cout << "key_b: " << (int)p->key_b << ", ";
-  std::cout << "alpha: " << (int)p->alpha << ", ";
-  std::cout << "numcolors: " << (int)p->numcolors << ", ";
-  std::cout << "bits: " << (int)p->bits << std::endl;
-/*Returns how many bits needed to represent given value (max 8 bit)*/
-static unsigned getValueRequiredBits(unsigned char value) {
-  if(value == 0 || value == 255) return 1;
-  /*The scaling of 2-bit and 4-bit values uses multiples of 85 and 17*/
-  if(value % 17 == 0) return value % 85 == 0 ? 2 : 4;
-  return 8;
-/*profile must already have been inited.
-It's ok to set some parameters of profile to done already.*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_color_profile(LodePNGColorProfile* profile,
-                                   const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                   const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  ColorTree tree;
-  size_t numpixels = (size_t)w * (size_t)h;
-  /* mark things as done already if it would be impossible to have a more expensive case */
-  unsigned colored_done = lodepng_is_greyscale_type(mode_in) ? 1 : 0;
-  unsigned alpha_done = lodepng_can_have_alpha(mode_in) ? 0 : 1;
-  unsigned numcolors_done = 0;
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(mode_in);
-  unsigned bits_done = (profile->bits == 1 && bpp == 1) ? 1 : 0;
-  unsigned sixteen = 0; /* whether the input image is 16 bit */
-  unsigned maxnumcolors = 257;
-  if(bpp <= 8) maxnumcolors = LODEPNG_MIN(257, profile->numcolors + (1u << bpp));
-  profile->numpixels += numpixels;
-  color_tree_init(&tree);
-  /*If the profile was already filled in from previous data, fill its palette in tree
-  and mark things as done already if we know they are the most expensive case already*/
-  if(profile->alpha) alpha_done = 1;
-  if(profile->colored) colored_done = 1;
-  if(profile->bits == 16) numcolors_done = 1;
-  if(profile->bits >= bpp) bits_done = 1;
-  if(profile->numcolors >= maxnumcolors) numcolors_done = 1;
-  if(!numcolors_done) {
-    for(i = 0; i < profile->numcolors; i++) {
-      const unsigned char* color = &profile->palette[i * 4];
-      color_tree_add(&tree, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3], (unsigned int)i);
-    }
-  }
-  /*Check if the 16-bit input is truly 16-bit*/
-  if(mode_in->bitdepth == 16 && !sixteen) {
-    unsigned short r, g, b, a;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      if((r & 255) != ((r >> 8) & 255) || (g & 255) != ((g >> 8) & 255) ||
-         (b & 255) != ((b >> 8) & 255) || (a & 255) != ((a >> 8) & 255)) /*first and second byte differ*/ {
-        profile->bits = 16;
-        sixteen = 1;
-        bits_done = 1;
-        numcolors_done = 1; /*counting colors no longer useful, palette doesn't support 16-bit*/
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(sixteen) {
-    unsigned short r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      if(!colored_done && (r != g || r != b)) {
-        profile->colored = 1;
-        colored_done = 1;
-      }
-      if(!alpha_done) {
-        unsigned matchkey = (r == profile->key_r && g == profile->key_g && b == profile->key_b);
-        if(a != 65535 && (a != 0 || (profile->key && !matchkey))) {
-          profile->alpha = 1;
-          profile->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-        } else if(a == 0 && !profile->alpha && !profile->key) {
-          profile->key = 1;
-          profile->key_r = r;
-          profile->key_g = g;
-          profile->key_b = b;
-        } else if(a == 65535 && profile->key && matchkey) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          profile->alpha = 1;
-          profile->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-        }
-      }
-      if(alpha_done && numcolors_done && colored_done && bits_done) break;
-    }
-    if(profile->key && !profile->alpha) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-        getPixelColorRGBA16(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-        if(a != 0 && r == profile->key_r && g == profile->key_g && b == profile->key_b) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          profile->alpha = 1;
-          profile->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else /* < 16-bit */ {
-    unsigned char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-      getPixelColorRGBA8(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-      if(!bits_done && profile->bits < 8) {
-        /*only r is checked, < 8 bits is only relevant for grayscale*/
-        unsigned bits = getValueRequiredBits(r);
-        if(bits > profile->bits) profile->bits = bits;
-      }
-      bits_done = (profile->bits >= bpp);
-      if(!colored_done && (r != g || r != b)) {
-        profile->colored = 1;
-        colored_done = 1;
-        if(profile->bits < 8) profile->bits = 8; /*PNG has no colored modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-      }
-      if(!alpha_done) {
-        unsigned matchkey = (r == profile->key_r && g == profile->key_g && b == profile->key_b);
-        if(a != 255 && (a != 0 || (profile->key && !matchkey))) {
-          profile->alpha = 1;
-          profile->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-          if(profile->bits < 8) profile->bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-        } else if(a == 0 && !profile->alpha && !profile->key) {
-          profile->key = 1;
-          profile->key_r = r;
-          profile->key_g = g;
-          profile->key_b = b;
-        } else if(a == 255 && profile->key && matchkey) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          profile->alpha = 1;
-          profile->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-          if(profile->bits < 8) profile->bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-        }
-      }
-      if(!numcolors_done) {
-        if(!color_tree_has(&tree, r, g, b, a)) {
-          color_tree_add(&tree, r, g, b, a, profile->numcolors);
-          if(profile->numcolors < 256) {
-            unsigned char* p = profile->palette;
-            unsigned n = profile->numcolors;
-            p[n * 4 + 0] = r;
-            p[n * 4 + 1] = g;
-            p[n * 4 + 2] = b;
-            p[n * 4 + 3] = a;
-          }
-          ++profile->numcolors;
-          numcolors_done = profile->numcolors >= maxnumcolors;
-        }
-      }
-      if(alpha_done && numcolors_done && colored_done && bits_done) break;
-    }
-    if(profile->key && !profile->alpha) {
-      for(i = 0; i != numpixels; ++i) {
-        getPixelColorRGBA8(&r, &g, &b, &a, in, i, mode_in);
-        if(a != 0 && r == profile->key_r && g == profile->key_g && b == profile->key_b) {
-          /* Color key cannot be used if an opaque pixel also has that RGB color. */
-          profile->alpha = 1;
-          profile->key = 0;
-          alpha_done = 1;
-          if(profile->bits < 8) profile->bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /*make the profile's key always 16-bit for consistency - repeat each byte twice*/
-    profile->key_r += (profile->key_r << 8);
-    profile->key_g += (profile->key_g << 8);
-    profile->key_b += (profile->key_b << 8);
-  }
-  color_tree_cleanup(&tree);
-  return error;
-/*Adds a single color to the color profile. The profile must already have been inited. The color must be given as 16-bit
-(with 2 bytes repeating for 8-bit and 65535 for opaque alpha channel). This function is expensive, do not call it for
-all pixels of an image but only for a few additional values. */
-static unsigned lodepng_color_profile_add(LodePNGColorProfile* profile,
-                                          unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b, unsigned a) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char image[8];
-  LodePNGColorMode mode;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&mode);
-  image[0] = r >> 8; image[1] = r; image[2] = g >> 8; image[3] = g;
-  image[4] = b >> 8; image[5] = b; image[6] = a >> 8; image[7] = a;
-  mode.bitdepth = 16;
-  mode.colortype = LCT_RGBA;
-  error = lodepng_get_color_profile(profile, image, 1, 1, &mode);
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&mode);
-  return error;
-/*Autochoose color model given the computed profile. mode_in is to copy palette order from
-when relevant.*/
-static unsigned auto_choose_color_from_profile(LodePNGColorMode* mode_out,
-                                               const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in,
-                                               const LodePNGColorProfile* prof) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned palettebits, palette_ok;
-  size_t i, n;
-  size_t numpixels = prof->numpixels;
-  unsigned alpha = prof->alpha;
-  unsigned key = prof->key;
-  unsigned bits = prof->bits;
-  mode_out->key_defined = 0;
-  if(key && numpixels <= 16) {
-    alpha = 1; /*too few pixels to justify tRNS chunk overhead*/
-    key = 0;
-    if(bits < 8) bits = 8; /*PNG has no alphachannel modes with less than 8-bit per channel*/
-  }
-  n = prof->numcolors;
-  palettebits = n <= 2 ? 1 : (n <= 4 ? 2 : (n <= 16 ? 4 : 8));
-  palette_ok = n <= 256 && bits <= 8;
-  if(numpixels < n * 2) palette_ok = 0; /*don't add palette overhead if image has only a few pixels*/
-  if(!prof->colored && bits <= palettebits) palette_ok = 0; /*gray is less overhead*/
-  if(palette_ok) {
-    const unsigned char* p = prof->palette;
-    lodepng_palette_clear(mode_out); /*remove potential earlier palette*/
-    for(i = 0; i != prof->numcolors; ++i) {
-      error = lodepng_palette_add(mode_out, p[i * 4 + 0], p[i * 4 + 1], p[i * 4 + 2], p[i * 4 + 3]);
-      if(error) break;
-    }
-    mode_out->colortype = LCT_PALETTE;
-    mode_out->bitdepth = palettebits;
-    if(mode_in->colortype == LCT_PALETTE && mode_in->palettesize >= mode_out->palettesize
-        && mode_in->bitdepth == mode_out->bitdepth) {
-      /*If input should have same palette colors, keep original to preserve its order and prevent conversion*/
-      lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(mode_out);
-      lodepng_color_mode_copy(mode_out, mode_in);
-    }
-  } else /*8-bit or 16-bit per channel*/ {
-    mode_out->bitdepth = bits;
-    mode_out->colortype = alpha ? (prof->colored ? LCT_RGBA : LCT_GREY_ALPHA)
-                                : (prof->colored ? LCT_RGB : LCT_GREY);
-    if(key) {
-      unsigned mask = (1u << mode_out->bitdepth) - 1u; /*profile always uses 16-bit, mask converts it*/
-      mode_out->key_r = prof->key_r & mask;
-      mode_out->key_g = prof->key_g & mask;
-      mode_out->key_b = prof->key_b & mask;
-      mode_out->key_defined = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return error;
-/*Automatically chooses color type that gives smallest amount of bits in the
-output image, e.g. gray if there are only grayscale pixels, palette if there
-are less than 256 colors, color key if only single transparent color, ...
-Updates values of mode with a potentially smaller color model. mode_out should
-contain the user chosen color model, but will be overwritten with the new chosen one.*/
-unsigned lodepng_auto_choose_color(LodePNGColorMode* mode_out,
-                                   const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                   const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  LodePNGColorProfile prof;
-  lodepng_color_profile_init(&prof);
-  error = lodepng_get_color_profile(&prof, image, w, h, mode_in);
-  if(error) return error;
-  return auto_choose_color_from_profile(mode_out, mode_in, &prof);
-#endif /* #ifdef LODEPNG_COMPILE_ENCODER */
-Paeth predicter, used by PNG filter type 4
-The parameters are of type short, but should come from unsigned chars, the shorts
-are only needed to make the paeth calculation correct.
-static unsigned char paethPredictor(short a, short b, short c) {
-  short pa = abs(b - c);
-  short pb = abs(a - c);
-  short pc = abs(a + b - c - c);
-  if(pc < pa && pc < pb) return (unsigned char)c;
-  else if(pb < pa) return (unsigned char)b;
-  else return (unsigned char)a;
-/*shared values used by multiple Adam7 related functions*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_IX[7] = { 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 }; /*x start values*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_IY[7] = { 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 }; /*y start values*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_DX[7] = { 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1 }; /*x delta values*/
-static const unsigned ADAM7_DY[7] = { 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2 }; /*y delta values*/
-Outputs various dimensions and positions in the image related to the Adam7 reduced images.
-passw: output containing the width of the 7 passes
-passh: output containing the height of the 7 passes
-filter_passstart: output containing the index of the start and end of each
- reduced image with filter bytes
-padded_passstart output containing the index of the start and end of each
- reduced image when without filter bytes but with padded scanlines
-passstart: output containing the index of the start and end of each reduced
- image without padding between scanlines, but still padding between the images
-w, h: width and height of non-interlaced image
-bpp: bits per pixel
-"padded" is only relevant if bpp is less than 8 and a scanline or image does not
- end at a full byte
-static void Adam7_getpassvalues(unsigned passw[7], unsigned passh[7], size_t filter_passstart[8],
-                                size_t padded_passstart[8], size_t passstart[8], unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  /*the passstart values have 8 values: the 8th one indicates the byte after the end of the 7th (= last) pass*/
-  unsigned i;
-  /*calculate width and height in pixels of each pass*/
-  for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-    passw[i] = (w + ADAM7_DX[i] - ADAM7_IX[i] - 1) / ADAM7_DX[i];
-    passh[i] = (h + ADAM7_DY[i] - ADAM7_IY[i] - 1) / ADAM7_DY[i];
-    if(passw[i] == 0) passh[i] = 0;
-    if(passh[i] == 0) passw[i] = 0;
-  }
-  filter_passstart[0] = padded_passstart[0] = passstart[0] = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-    /*if passw[i] is 0, it's 0 bytes, not 1 (no filtertype-byte)*/
-    filter_passstart[i + 1] = filter_passstart[i]
-                            + ((passw[i] && passh[i]) ? passh[i] * (1 + (passw[i] * bpp + 7) / 8) : 0);
-    /*bits padded if needed to fill full byte at end of each scanline*/
-    padded_passstart[i + 1] = padded_passstart[i] + passh[i] * ((passw[i] * bpp + 7) / 8);
-    /*only padded at end of reduced image*/
-    passstart[i + 1] = passstart[i] + (passh[i] * passw[i] * bpp + 7) / 8;
-  }
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / PNG Decoder                                                            / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*read the information from the header and store it in the LodePNGInfo. return value is error*/
-unsigned lodepng_inspect(unsigned* w, unsigned* h, LodePNGState* state,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  unsigned width, height;
-  LodePNGInfo* info = &state->info_png;
-  if(insize == 0 || in == 0) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 48); /*error: the given data is empty*/
-  }
-  if(insize < 33) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 27); /*error: the data length is smaller than the length of a PNG header*/
-  }
-  /*when decoding a new PNG image, make sure all parameters created after previous decoding are reset*/
-  /* TODO: remove this. One should use a new LodePNGState for new sessions */
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(info);
-  lodepng_info_init(info);
-  if(in[0] != 137 || in[1] != 80 || in[2] != 78 || in[3] != 71
-     || in[4] != 13 || in[5] != 10 || in[6] != 26 || in[7] != 10) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 28); /*error: the first 8 bytes are not the correct PNG signature*/
-  }
-  if(lodepng_chunk_length(in + 8) != 13) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 94); /*error: header size must be 13 bytes*/
-  }
-  if(!lodepng_chunk_type_equals(in + 8, "IHDR")) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 29); /*error: it doesn't start with a IHDR chunk!*/
-  }
-  /*read the values given in the header*/
-  width = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[16]);
-  height = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[20]);
-  info->color.bitdepth = in[24];
-  info->color.colortype = (LodePNGColorType)in[25];
-  info->compression_method = in[26];
-  info->filter_method = in[27];
-  info->interlace_method = in[28];
-  if(width == 0 || height == 0) {
-    CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 93);
-  }
-  if(w) *w = width;
-  if(h) *h = height;
-  if(!state->decoder.ignore_crc) {
-    unsigned CRC = lodepng_read32bitInt(&in[29]);
-    unsigned checksum = lodepng_crc32(&in[12], 17);
-    if(CRC != checksum) {
-      CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 57); /*invalid CRC*/
-    }
-  }
-  /*error: only compression method 0 is allowed in the specification*/
-  if(info->compression_method != 0) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 32);
-  /*error: only filter method 0 is allowed in the specification*/
-  if(info->filter_method != 0) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 33);
-  /*error: only interlace methods 0 and 1 exist in the specification*/
-  if(info->interlace_method > 1) CERROR_RETURN_ERROR(state->error, 34);
-  state->error = checkColorValidity(info->color.colortype, info->color.bitdepth);
-  return state->error;
-static unsigned unfilterScanline(unsigned char* recon, const unsigned char* scanline, const unsigned char* precon,
-                                 size_t bytewidth, unsigned char filterType, size_t length) {
-  /*
-  For PNG filter method 0
-  unfilter a PNG image scanline by scanline. when the pixels are smaller than 1 byte,
-  the filter works byte per byte (bytewidth = 1)
-  precon is the previous unfiltered scanline, recon the result, scanline the current one
-  the incoming scanlines do NOT include the filtertype byte, that one is given in the parameter filterType instead
-  recon and scanline MAY be the same memory address! precon must be disjoint.
-  */
-  size_t i;
-  switch(filterType) {
-    case 0:
-      for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-      for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + recon[i - bytewidth];
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      if(precon) {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + precon[i];
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-      }
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      if(precon) {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + (precon[i] >> 1);
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + ((recon[i - bytewidth] + precon[i]) >> 1);
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i];
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) recon[i] = scanline[i] + (recon[i - bytewidth] >> 1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      if(precon) {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) {
-          recon[i] = (scanline[i] + precon[i]); /*paethPredictor(0, precon[i], 0) is always precon[i]*/
-        }
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) {
-          recon[i] = (scanline[i] + paethPredictor(recon[i - bytewidth], precon[i], precon[i - bytewidth]));
-        }
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) {
-          recon[i] = scanline[i];
-        }
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) {
-          /*paethPredictor(recon[i - bytewidth], 0, 0) is always recon[i - bytewidth]*/
-          recon[i] = (scanline[i] + recon[i - bytewidth]);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    default: return 36; /*error: unexisting filter type given*/
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned unfilter(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  /*
-  For PNG filter method 0
-  this function unfilters a single image (e.g. without interlacing this is called once, with Adam7 seven times)
-  out must have enough bytes allocated already, in must have the scanlines + 1 filtertype byte per scanline
-  w and h are image dimensions or dimensions of reduced image, bpp is bits per pixel
-  in and out are allowed to be the same memory address (but aren't the same size since in has the extra filter bytes)
-  */
-  unsigned y;
-  unsigned char* prevline = 0;
-  /*bytewidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise*/
-  size_t bytewidth = (bpp + 7) / 8;
-  size_t linebytes = (w * bpp + 7) / 8;
-  for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-    size_t outindex = linebytes * y;
-    size_t inindex = (1 + linebytes) * y; /*the extra filterbyte added to each row*/
-    unsigned char filterType = in[inindex];
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilterScanline(&out[outindex], &in[inindex + 1], prevline, bytewidth, filterType, linebytes));
-    prevline = &out[outindex];
-  }
-  return 0;
-in: Adam7 interlaced image, with no padding bits between scanlines, but between
- reduced images so that each reduced image starts at a byte.
-out: the same pixels, but re-ordered so that they're now a non-interlaced image with size w*h
-bpp: bits per pixel
-out has the following size in bits: w * h * bpp.
-in is possibly bigger due to padding bits between reduced images.
-out must be big enough AND must be 0 everywhere if bpp < 8 in the current implementation
-(because that's likely a little bit faster)
-NOTE: comments about padding bits are only relevant if bpp < 8
-static void Adam7_deinterlace(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  unsigned passw[7], passh[7];
-  size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-  unsigned i;
-  Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-  if(bpp >= 8) {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      size_t bytewidth = bpp / 8;
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        size_t pixelinstart = passstart[i] + (y * passw[i] + x) * bytewidth;
-        size_t pixeloutstart = ((ADAM7_IY[i] + y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * w + ADAM7_IX[i] + x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bytewidth;
-        for(b = 0; b < bytewidth; ++b) {
-          out[pixeloutstart + b] = in[pixelinstart + b];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else /*bpp < 8: Adam7 with pixels < 8 bit is a bit trickier: with bit pointers*/ {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      unsigned ilinebits = bpp * passw[i];
-      unsigned olinebits = bpp * w;
-      size_t obp, ibp; /*bit pointers (for out and in buffer)*/
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        ibp = (8 * passstart[i]) + (y * ilinebits + x * bpp);
-        obp = (ADAM7_IY[i] + y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * olinebits + (ADAM7_IX[i] + x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bpp;
-        for(b = 0; b < bpp; ++b) {
-          unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-          /*note that this function assumes the out buffer is completely 0, use setBitOfReversedStream otherwise*/
-          setBitOfReversedStream0(&obp, out, bit);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-static void removePaddingBits(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                              size_t olinebits, size_t ilinebits, unsigned h) {
-  /*
-  After filtering there are still padding bits if scanlines have non multiple of 8 bit amounts. They need
-  to be removed (except at last scanline of (Adam7-reduced) image) before working with pure image buffers
-  for the Adam7 code, the color convert code and the output to the user.
-  in and out are allowed to be the same buffer, in may also be higher but still overlapping; in must
-  have >= ilinebits*h bits, out must have >= olinebits*h bits, olinebits must be <= ilinebits
-  also used to move bits after earlier such operations happened, e.g. in a sequence of reduced images from Adam7
-  only useful if (ilinebits - olinebits) is a value in the range 1..7
-  */
-  unsigned y;
-  size_t diff = ilinebits - olinebits;
-  size_t ibp = 0, obp = 0; /*input and output bit pointers*/
-  for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
-    size_t x;
-    for(x = 0; x < olinebits; ++x) {
-      unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-      setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-    }
-    ibp += diff;
-  }
-/*out must be buffer big enough to contain full image, and in must contain the full decompressed data from
-the IDAT chunks (with filter index bytes and possible padding bits)
-return value is error*/
-static unsigned postProcessScanlines(unsigned char* out, unsigned char* in,
-                                     unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGInfo* info_png) {
-  /*
-  This function converts the filtered-padded-interlaced data into pure 2D image buffer with the PNG's colortype.
-  Steps:
-  *) if no Adam7: 1) unfilter 2) remove padding bits (= posible extra bits per scanline if bpp < 8)
-  *) if adam7: 1) 7x unfilter 2) 7x remove padding bits 3) Adam7_deinterlace
-  NOTE: the in buffer will be overwritten with intermediate data!
-  */
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(&info_png->color);
-  if(bpp == 0) return 31; /*error: invalid colortype*/
-  if(info_png->interlace_method == 0) {
-    if(bpp < 8 && w * bpp != ((w * bpp + 7) / 8) * 8) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilter(in, in, w, h, bpp));
-      removePaddingBits(out, in, w * bpp, ((w * bpp + 7) / 8) * 8, h);
-    }
-    /*we can immediately filter into the out buffer, no other steps needed*/
-    else CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilter(out, in, w, h, bpp));
-  } else /*interlace_method is 1 (Adam7)*/ {
-    unsigned passw[7], passh[7]; size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-    unsigned i;
-    Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      CERROR_TRY_RETURN(unfilter(&in[padded_passstart[i]], &in[filter_passstart[i]], passw[i], passh[i], bpp));
-      /*TODO: possible efficiency improvement: if in this reduced image the bits fit nicely in 1 scanline,
-      move bytes instead of bits or move not at all*/
-      if(bpp < 8) {
-        /*remove padding bits in scanlines; after this there still may be padding
-        bits between the different reduced images: each reduced image still starts nicely at a byte*/
-        removePaddingBits(&in[passstart[i]], &in[padded_passstart[i]], passw[i] * bpp,
-                          ((passw[i] * bpp + 7) / 8) * 8, passh[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    Adam7_deinterlace(out, in, w, h, bpp);
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned readChunk_PLTE(LodePNGColorMode* color, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned pos = 0, i;
-  if(color->palette) lodepng_free(color->palette);
-  color->palettesize = chunkLength / 3;
-  color->palette = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(4 * color->palettesize);
-  if(!color->palette && color->palettesize) {
-    color->palettesize = 0;
-    return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  if(color->palettesize > 256) return 38; /*error: palette too big*/
-  for(i = 0; i != color->palettesize; ++i) {
-    color->palette[4 * i + 0] = data[pos++]; /*R*/
-    color->palette[4 * i + 1] = data[pos++]; /*G*/
-    color->palette[4 * i + 2] = data[pos++]; /*B*/
-    color->palette[4 * i + 3] = 255; /*alpha*/
-  }
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_tRNS(LodePNGColorMode* color, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned i;
-  if(color->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    /*error: more alpha values given than there are palette entries*/
-    if(chunkLength > color->palettesize) return 39;
-    for(i = 0; i != chunkLength; ++i) color->palette[4 * i + 3] = data[i];
-  } else if(color->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 2 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 2) return 30;
-    color->key_defined = 1;
-    color->key_r = color->key_g = color->key_b = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-  } else if(color->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 6 bytes for RGB image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 6) return 41;
-    color->key_defined = 1;
-    color->key_r = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-    color->key_g = 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-    color->key_b = 256u * data[4] + data[5];
-  }
-  else return 42; /*error: tRNS chunk not allowed for other color models*/
-  return 0; /* OK */
-/*background color chunk (bKGD)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_bKGD(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 1 byte for indexed color image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 1) return 43;
-    /*error: invalid palette index, or maybe this chunk appeared before PLTE*/
-    if(data[0] >= info->color.palettesize) return 103;
-    info->background_defined = 1;
-    info->background_r = info->background_g = info->background_b = data[0];
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 2 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 2) return 44;
-    /*the values are truncated to bitdepth in the PNG file*/
-    info->background_defined = 1;
-    info->background_r = info->background_g = info->background_b = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info->color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    /*error: this chunk must be 6 bytes for grayscale image*/
-    if(chunkLength != 6) return 45;
-    /*the values are truncated to bitdepth in the PNG file*/
-    info->background_defined = 1;
-    info->background_r = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-    info->background_g = 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-    info->background_b = 256u * data[4] + data[5];
-  }
-  return 0; /* OK */
-/*text chunk (tEXt)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_tEXt(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  char *key = 0, *str = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  while(!error) /*not really a while loop, only used to break on error*/ {
-    unsigned length, string2_begin;
-    length = 0;
-    while(length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0) ++length;
-    /*even though it's not allowed by the standard, no error is thrown if
-    there's no null termination char, if the text is empty*/
-    if(length < 1 || length > 79) CERROR_BREAK(error, 89); /*keyword too short or long*/
-    key = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!key) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    key[length] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) key[i] = (char)data[i];
-    string2_begin = length + 1; /*skip keyword null terminator*/
-    length = (unsigned)(chunkLength < string2_begin ? 0 : chunkLength - string2_begin);
-    str = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!str) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    str[length] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) str[i] = (char)data[string2_begin + i];
-    error = lodepng_add_text(info, key, str);
-    break;
-  }
-  lodepng_free(key);
-  lodepng_free(str);
-  return error;
-/*compressed text chunk (zTXt)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_zTXt(LodePNGInfo* info, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* zlibsettings,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  unsigned length, string2_begin;
-  char *key = 0;
-  ucvector decoded;
-  ucvector_init(&decoded);
-  while(!error) /*not really a while loop, only used to break on error*/ {
-    for(length = 0; length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0; ++length) ;
-    if(length + 2 >= chunkLength) CERROR_BREAK(error, 75); /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-    if(length < 1 || length > 79) CERROR_BREAK(error, 89); /*keyword too short or long*/
-    key = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!key) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    key[length] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) key[i] = (char)data[i];
-    if(data[length + 1] != 0) CERROR_BREAK(error, 72); /*the 0 byte indicating compression must be 0*/
-    string2_begin = length + 2;
-    if(string2_begin > chunkLength) CERROR_BREAK(error, 75); /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-    length = (unsigned)chunkLength - string2_begin;
-    /*will fail if zlib error, e.g. if length is too small*/
-    error = zlib_decompress(&, &decoded.size,
-                            (unsigned char*)(&data[string2_begin]),
-                            length, zlibsettings);
-    if(error) break;
-    ucvector_push_back(&decoded, 0);
-    error = lodepng_add_text(info, key, (char*);
-    break;
-  }
-  lodepng_free(key);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&decoded);
-  return error;
-/*international text chunk (iTXt)*/
-static unsigned readChunk_iTXt(LodePNGInfo* info, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* zlibsettings,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  unsigned length, begin, compressed;
-  char *key = 0, *langtag = 0, *transkey = 0;
-  ucvector decoded;
-  ucvector_init(&decoded); /* TODO: only use in case of compressed text */
-  while(!error) /*not really a while loop, only used to break on error*/ {
-    /*Quick check if the chunk length isn't too small. Even without check
-    it'd still fail with other error checks below if it's too short. This just gives a different error code.*/
-    if(chunkLength < 5) CERROR_BREAK(error, 30); /*iTXt chunk too short*/
-    /*read the key*/
-    for(length = 0; length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0; ++length) ;
-    if(length + 3 >= chunkLength) CERROR_BREAK(error, 75); /*no null termination char, corrupt?*/
-    if(length < 1 || length > 79) CERROR_BREAK(error, 89); /*keyword too short or long*/
-    key = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!key) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    key[length] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) key[i] = (char)data[i];
-    /*read the compression method*/
-    compressed = data[length + 1];
-    if(data[length + 2] != 0) CERROR_BREAK(error, 72); /*the 0 byte indicating compression must be 0*/
-    /*even though it's not allowed by the standard, no error is thrown if
-    there's no null termination char, if the text is empty for the next 3 texts*/
-    /*read the langtag*/
-    begin = length + 3;
-    length = 0;
-    for(i = begin; i < chunkLength && data[i] != 0; ++i) ++length;
-    langtag = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!langtag) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    langtag[length] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) langtag[i] = (char)data[begin + i];
-    /*read the transkey*/
-    begin += length + 1;
-    length = 0;
-    for(i = begin; i < chunkLength && data[i] != 0; ++i) ++length;
-    transkey = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-    if(!transkey) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83); /*alloc fail*/
-    transkey[length] = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) transkey[i] = (char)data[begin + i];
-    /*read the actual text*/
-    begin += length + 1;
-    length = (unsigned)chunkLength < begin ? 0 : (unsigned)chunkLength - begin;
-    if(compressed) {
-      /*will fail if zlib error, e.g. if length is too small*/
-      error = zlib_decompress(&, &decoded.size,
-                              (unsigned char*)(&data[begin]),
-                              length, zlibsettings);
-      if(error) break;
-      if(decoded.allocsize < decoded.size) decoded.allocsize = decoded.size;
-      ucvector_push_back(&decoded, 0);
-    } else {
-      if(!ucvector_resize(&decoded, length + 1)) CERROR_BREAK(error, 83 /*alloc fail*/);
-[length] = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != length; ++i)[i] = data[begin + i];
-    }
-    error = lodepng_add_itext(info, key, langtag, transkey, (char*);
-    break;
-  }
-  lodepng_free(key);
-  lodepng_free(langtag);
-  lodepng_free(transkey);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&decoded);
-  return error;
-static unsigned readChunk_tIME(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 7) return 73; /*invalid tIME chunk size*/
-  info->time_defined = 1;
-  info->time.year = 256u * data[0] + data[1];
-  info->time.month = data[2];
-  info-> = data[3];
-  info->time.hour = data[4];
-  info->time.minute = data[5];
-  info->time.second = data[6];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_pHYs(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 9) return 74; /*invalid pHYs chunk size*/
-  info->phys_defined = 1;
-  info->phys_x = 16777216u * data[0] + 65536u * data[1] + 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-  info->phys_y = 16777216u * data[4] + 65536u * data[5] + 256u * data[6] + data[7];
-  info->phys_unit = data[8];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_gAMA(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 4) return 96; /*invalid gAMA chunk size*/
-  info->gama_defined = 1;
-  info->gama_gamma = 16777216u * data[0] + 65536u * data[1] + 256u * data[2] + data[3];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_cHRM(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 32) return 97; /*invalid cHRM chunk size*/
-  info->chrm_defined = 1;
-  info->chrm_white_x = 16777216u * data[ 0] + 65536u * data[ 1] + 256u * data[ 2] + data[ 3];
-  info->chrm_white_y = 16777216u * data[ 4] + 65536u * data[ 5] + 256u * data[ 6] + data[ 7];
-  info->chrm_red_x   = 16777216u * data[ 8] + 65536u * data[ 9] + 256u * data[10] + data[11];
-  info->chrm_red_y   = 16777216u * data[12] + 65536u * data[13] + 256u * data[14] + data[15];
-  info->chrm_green_x = 16777216u * data[16] + 65536u * data[17] + 256u * data[18] + data[19];
-  info->chrm_green_y = 16777216u * data[20] + 65536u * data[21] + 256u * data[22] + data[23];
-  info->chrm_blue_x  = 16777216u * data[24] + 65536u * data[25] + 256u * data[26] + data[27];
-  info->chrm_blue_y  = 16777216u * data[28] + 65536u * data[29] + 256u * data[30] + data[31];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_sRGB(LodePNGInfo* info, const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  if(chunkLength != 1) return 98; /*invalid sRGB chunk size (this one is never ignored)*/
-  info->srgb_defined = 1;
-  info->srgb_intent = data[0];
-  return 0; /* OK */
-static unsigned readChunk_iCCP(LodePNGInfo* info, const LodePNGDecompressSettings* zlibsettings,
-                               const unsigned char* data, size_t chunkLength) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  unsigned length, string2_begin;
-  ucvector decoded;
-  info->iccp_defined = 1;
-  if(info->iccp_name) lodepng_clear_icc(info);
-  for(length = 0; length < chunkLength && data[length] != 0; ++length) ;
-  if(length + 2 >= chunkLength) return 75; /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-  if(length < 1 || length > 79) return 89; /*keyword too short or long*/
-  info->iccp_name = (char*)lodepng_malloc(length + 1);
-  if(!info->iccp_name) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  info->iccp_name[length] = 0;
-  for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) info->iccp_name[i] = (char)data[i];
-  if(data[length + 1] != 0) return 72; /*the 0 byte indicating compression must be 0*/
-  string2_begin = length + 2;
-  if(string2_begin > chunkLength) return 75; /*no null termination, corrupt?*/
-  length = (unsigned)chunkLength - string2_begin;
-  ucvector_init(&decoded);
-  error = zlib_decompress(&, &decoded.size,
-                          (unsigned char*)(&data[string2_begin]),
-                          length, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) {
-    info->iccp_profile_size = (unsigned int)decoded.size;
-    info->iccp_profile = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(decoded.size);
-    if(info->iccp_profile) {
-      memcpy(info->iccp_profile,, decoded.size);
-    } else {
-      error = 83; /* alloc fail */
-    }
-  }
-  ucvector_cleanup(&decoded);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_inspect_chunk(LodePNGState* state, size_t pos,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  const unsigned char* chunk = in + pos;
-  unsigned chunkLength;
-  const unsigned char* data;
-  unsigned unhandled = 0;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  if (pos + 4 > insize) return 30;
-  chunkLength = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-  if(chunkLength > 2147483647) return 63;
-  data = lodepng_chunk_data_const(chunk);
-  if(data + chunkLength + 4 > in + insize) return 30;
-  if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "PLTE")) {
-    error = readChunk_PLTE(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tRNS")) {
-    error = readChunk_tRNS(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "bKGD")) {
-    error = readChunk_bKGD(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tEXt")) {
-    error = readChunk_tEXt(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "zTXt")) {
-    error = readChunk_zTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder.zlibsettings, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iTXt")) {
-    error = readChunk_iTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder.zlibsettings, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tIME")) {
-    error = readChunk_tIME(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "pHYs")) {
-    error = readChunk_pHYs(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "gAMA")) {
-    error = readChunk_gAMA(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "cHRM")) {
-    error = readChunk_cHRM(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "sRGB")) {
-    error = readChunk_sRGB(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-  } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iCCP")) {
-    error = readChunk_iCCP(&state->info_png, &state->decoder.zlibsettings, data, chunkLength);
-  } else {
-    /* unhandled chunk is ok (is not an error) */
-    unhandled = 1;
-  }
-  if(!error && !unhandled && !state->decoder.ignore_crc) {
-    if(lodepng_chunk_check_crc(chunk)) return 57; /*invalid CRC*/
-  }
-  return error;
-/*read a PNG, the result will be in the same color type as the PNG (hence "generic")*/
-static void decodeGeneric(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                          LodePNGState* state,
-                          const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  unsigned char IEND = 0;
-  const unsigned char* chunk;
-  size_t i;
-  ucvector idat; /*the data from idat chunks*/
-  ucvector scanlines;
-  size_t predict;
-  size_t outsize = 0;
-  /*for unknown chunk order*/
-  unsigned unknown = 0;
-  unsigned critical_pos = 1; /*1 = after IHDR, 2 = after PLTE, 3 = after IDAT*/
-  /* safe output values in case error happens */
-  *out = 0;
-  *w = *h = 0;
-  state->error = lodepng_inspect(w, h, state, in, insize); /*reads header and resets other parameters in state->info_png*/
-  if(state->error) return;
-  if(lodepng_pixel_overflow(*w, *h, &state->info_png.color, &state->info_raw)) {
-    CERROR_RETURN(state->error, 92); /*overflow possible due to amount of pixels*/
-  }
-  ucvector_init(&idat);
-  chunk = &in[33]; /*first byte of the first chunk after the header*/
-  /*loop through the chunks, ignoring unknown chunks and stopping at IEND chunk.
-  IDAT data is put at the start of the in buffer*/
-  while(!IEND && !state->error) {
-    unsigned chunkLength;
-    const unsigned char* data; /*the data in the chunk*/
-    /*error: size of the in buffer too small to contain next chunk*/
-    if((size_t)((chunk - in) + 12) > insize || chunk < in) {
-      if(state->decoder.ignore_end) break; /*other errors may still happen though*/
-      CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 30);
-    }
-    /*length of the data of the chunk, excluding the length bytes, chunk type and CRC bytes*/
-    chunkLength = lodepng_chunk_length(chunk);
-    /*error: chunk length larger than the max PNG chunk size*/
-    if(chunkLength > 2147483647) {
-      if(state->decoder.ignore_end) break; /*other errors may still happen though*/
-      CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 63);
-    }
-    if((size_t)((chunk - in) + chunkLength + 12) > insize || (chunk + chunkLength + 12) < in) {
-      CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 64); /*error: size of the in buffer too small to contain next chunk*/
-    }
-    data = lodepng_chunk_data_const(chunk);
-    unknown = 0;
-    /*IDAT chunk, containing compressed image data*/
-    if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "IDAT")) {
-      size_t oldsize = idat.size;
-      size_t newsize;
-      if(lodepng_addofl(oldsize, chunkLength, &newsize)) CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 95);
-      if(!ucvector_resize(&idat, newsize)) CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 83 /*alloc fail*/);
-      for(i = 0; i != chunkLength; ++i)[oldsize + i] = data[i];
-      critical_pos = 3;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "IEND")) {
-      /*IEND chunk*/
-      IEND = 1;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "PLTE")) {
-      /*palette chunk (PLTE)*/
-      state->error = readChunk_PLTE(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-      critical_pos = 2;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tRNS")) {
-      /*palette transparency chunk (tRNS). Even though this one is an ancillary chunk , it is still compiled
-      in without 'LODEPNG_COMPILE_ANCILLARY_CHUNKS' because it contains essential color information that
-      affects the alpha channel of pixels. */
-      state->error = readChunk_tRNS(&state->info_png.color, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-      /*background color chunk (bKGD)*/
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "bKGD")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_bKGD(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tEXt")) {
-      /*text chunk (tEXt)*/
-      if(state->decoder.read_text_chunks) {
-        state->error = readChunk_tEXt(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "zTXt")) {
-      /*compressed text chunk (zTXt)*/
-      if(state->decoder.read_text_chunks) {
-        state->error = readChunk_zTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder.zlibsettings, data, chunkLength);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iTXt")) {
-      /*international text chunk (iTXt)*/
-      if(state->decoder.read_text_chunks) {
-        state->error = readChunk_iTXt(&state->info_png, &state->decoder.zlibsettings, data, chunkLength);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "tIME")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_tIME(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "pHYs")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_pHYs(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "gAMA")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_gAMA(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "cHRM")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_cHRM(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "sRGB")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_sRGB(&state->info_png, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else if(lodepng_chunk_type_equals(chunk, "iCCP")) {
-      state->error = readChunk_iCCP(&state->info_png, &state->decoder.zlibsettings, data, chunkLength);
-      if(state->error) break;
-    } else /*it's not an implemented chunk type, so ignore it: skip over the data*/ {
-      /*error: unknown critical chunk (5th bit of first byte of chunk type is 0)*/
-      if(!state->decoder.ignore_critical && !lodepng_chunk_ancillary(chunk)) {
-        CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 69);
-      }
-      unknown = 1;
-      if(state->decoder.remember_unknown_chunks) {
-        state->error = lodepng_chunk_append(&state->info_png.unknown_chunks_data[critical_pos - 1],
-                                            &state->info_png.unknown_chunks_size[critical_pos - 1], chunk);
-        if(state->error) break;
-      }
-    }
-    if(!state->decoder.ignore_crc && !unknown) /*check CRC if wanted, only on known chunk types*/ {
-      if(lodepng_chunk_check_crc(chunk)) CERROR_BREAK(state->error, 57); /*invalid CRC*/
-    }
-    if(!IEND) chunk = lodepng_chunk_next_const(chunk);
-  }
-  ucvector_init(&scanlines);
-  /*predict output size, to allocate exact size for output buffer to avoid more dynamic allocation.
-  If the decompressed size does not match the prediction, the image must be corrupt.*/
-  if(state->info_png.interlace_method == 0) {
-    predict = lodepng_get_raw_size_idat(*w, *h, &state->info_png.color);
-  } else {
-    /*Adam-7 interlaced: predicted size is the sum of the 7 sub-images sizes*/
-    const LodePNGColorMode* color = &state->info_png.color;
-    predict = 0;
-    predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 7) >> 3, (*h + 7) >> 3, color);
-    if(*w > 4) predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 3) >> 3, (*h + 7) >> 3, color);
-    predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 3) >> 2, (*h + 3) >> 3, color);
-    if(*w > 2) predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 1) >> 2, (*h + 3) >> 2, color);
-    predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 1) >> 1, (*h + 1) >> 2, color);
-    if(*w > 1) predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 0) >> 1, (*h + 1) >> 1, color);
-    predict += lodepng_get_raw_size_idat((*w + 0), (*h + 0) >> 1, color);
-  }
-  if(!state->error && !ucvector_reserve(&scanlines, predict)) state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  if(!state->error) {
-    state->error = zlib_decompress(&, &scanlines.size,,
-                                   idat.size, &state->decoder.zlibsettings);
-    if(!state->error && scanlines.size != predict) state->error = 91; /*decompressed size doesn't match prediction*/
-  }
-  ucvector_cleanup(&idat);
-  if(!state->error) {
-    outsize = lodepng_get_raw_size(*w, *h, &state->info_png.color);
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(outsize);
-    if(!*out) state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  }
-  if(!state->error) {
-    for(i = 0; i < outsize; i++) (*out)[i] = 0;
-    state->error = postProcessScanlines(*out,, *w, *h, &state->info_png);
-  }
-  ucvector_cleanup(&scanlines);
-unsigned lodepng_decode(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                        LodePNGState* state,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  *out = 0;
-  decodeGeneric(out, w, h, state, in, insize);
-  if(state->error) return state->error;
-  if(!state->decoder.color_convert || lodepng_color_mode_equal(&state->info_raw, &state->info_png.color)) {
-    /*same color type, no copying or converting of data needed*/
-    /*store the info_png color settings on the info_raw so that the info_raw still reflects what colortype
-    the raw image has to the end user*/
-    if(!state->decoder.color_convert) {
-      state->error = lodepng_color_mode_copy(&state->info_raw, &state->info_png.color);
-      if(state->error) return state->error;
-    }
-  } else {
-    /*color conversion needed; sort of copy of the data*/
-    unsigned char* data = *out;
-    size_t outsize;
-    /*TODO: check if this works according to the statement in the documentation: "The converter can convert
-    from grayscale input color type, to 8-bit grayscale or grayscale with alpha"*/
-    if(!(state->info_raw.colortype == LCT_RGB || state->info_raw.colortype == LCT_RGBA)
-       && !(state->info_raw.bitdepth == 8)) {
-      return 56; /*unsupported color mode conversion*/
-    }
-    outsize = lodepng_get_raw_size(*w, *h, &state->info_raw);
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(outsize);
-    if(!(*out)) {
-      state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    else state->error = lodepng_convert(*out, data, &state->info_raw,
-                                        &state->info_png.color, *w, *h);
-    lodepng_free(data);
-  }
-  return state->error;
-unsigned lodepng_decode_memory(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in,
-                               size_t insize, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned error;
-  LodePNGState state;
-  lodepng_state_init(&state);
-  state.info_raw.colortype = colortype;
-  state.info_raw.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  error = lodepng_decode(out, w, h, &state, in, insize);
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(&state);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_decode32(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  return lodepng_decode_memory(out, w, h, in, insize, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_decode24(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  return lodepng_decode_memory(out, w, h, in, insize, LCT_RGB, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_decode_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const char* filename,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error;
-  /* safe output values in case error happens */
-  *out = 0;
-  *w = *h = 0;
-  error = lodepng_load_file(&buffer, &buffersize, filename);
-  if(!error) error = lodepng_decode_memory(out, w, h, buffer, buffersize, colortype, bitdepth);
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_decode32_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const char* filename) {
-  return lodepng_decode_file(out, w, h, filename, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_decode24_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h, const char* filename) {
-  return lodepng_decode_file(out, w, h, filename, LCT_RGB, 8);
-void lodepng_decoder_settings_init(LodePNGDecoderSettings* settings) {
-  settings->color_convert = 1;
-  settings->read_text_chunks = 1;
-  settings->remember_unknown_chunks = 0;
-  settings->ignore_crc = 0;
-  settings->ignore_critical = 0;
-  settings->ignore_end = 0;
-  lodepng_decompress_settings_init(&settings->zlibsettings);
-void lodepng_state_init(LodePNGState* state) {
-  lodepng_decoder_settings_init(&state->decoder);
-  lodepng_encoder_settings_init(&state->encoder);
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&state->info_raw);
-  lodepng_info_init(&state->info_png);
-  state->error = 1;
-void lodepng_state_cleanup(LodePNGState* state) {
-  lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(&state->info_raw);
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(&state->info_png);
-void lodepng_state_copy(LodePNGState* dest, const LodePNGState* source) {
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(dest);
-  *dest = *source;
-  lodepng_color_mode_init(&dest->info_raw);
-  lodepng_info_init(&dest->info_png);
-  dest->error = lodepng_color_mode_copy(&dest->info_raw, &source->info_raw); if(dest->error) return;
-  dest->error = lodepng_info_copy(&dest->info_png, &source->info_png); if(dest->error) return;
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* / PNG Encoder                                                            / */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/*chunkName must be string of 4 characters*/
-static unsigned addChunk(ucvector* out, const char* chunkName, const unsigned char* data, size_t length) {
-  CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_create(&out->data, &out->size, (unsigned)length, chunkName, data));
-  out->allocsize = out->size; /*fix the allocsize again*/
-  return 0;
-static void writeSignature(ucvector* out) {
-  /*8 bytes PNG signature, aka the magic bytes*/
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 137);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 80);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 78);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 71);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 13);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 10);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 26);
-  ucvector_push_back(out, 10);
-static unsigned addChunk_IHDR(ucvector* out, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                              LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth, unsigned interlace_method) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector header;
-  ucvector_init(&header);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&header, w); /*width*/
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&header, h); /*height*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&header, (unsigned char)bitdepth); /*bit depth*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&header, (unsigned char)colortype); /*color type*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&header, 0); /*compression method*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&header, 0); /*filter method*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&header, interlace_method); /*interlace method*/
-  error = addChunk(out, "IHDR",, header.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&header);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_PLTE(ucvector* out, const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  ucvector PLTE;
-  ucvector_init(&PLTE);
-  for(i = 0; i != info->palettesize * 4; ++i) {
-    /*add all channels except alpha channel*/
-    if(i % 4 != 3) ucvector_push_back(&PLTE, info->palette[i]);
-  }
-  error = addChunk(out, "PLTE",, PLTE.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&PLTE);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_tRNS(ucvector* out, const LodePNGColorMode* info) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  ucvector tRNS;
-  ucvector_init(&tRNS);
-  if(info->colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    size_t amount = info->palettesize;
-    /*the tail of palette values that all have 255 as alpha, does not have to be encoded*/
-    for(i = info->palettesize; i != 0; --i) {
-      if(info->palette[4 * (i - 1) + 3] == 255) --amount;
-      else break;
-    }
-    /*add only alpha channel*/
-    for(i = 0; i != amount; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, info->palette[4 * i + 3]);
-  } else if(info->colortype == LCT_GREY) {
-    if(info->key_defined) {
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_r >> 8));
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_r & 255));
-    }
-  } else if(info->colortype == LCT_RGB) {
-    if(info->key_defined) {
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_r >> 8));
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_r & 255));
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_g >> 8));
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_g & 255));
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_b >> 8));
-      ucvector_push_back(&tRNS, (unsigned char)(info->key_b & 255));
-    }
-  }
-  error = addChunk(out, "tRNS",, tRNS.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&tRNS);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_IDAT(ucvector* out, const unsigned char* data, size_t datasize,
-                              LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  ucvector zlibdata;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  /*compress with the Zlib compressor*/
-  ucvector_init(&zlibdata);
-  error = zlib_compress(&, &zlibdata.size, data, datasize, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) error = addChunk(out, "IDAT",, zlibdata.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&zlibdata);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_IEND(ucvector* out) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  error = addChunk(out, "IEND", 0, 0);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_tEXt(ucvector* out, const char* keyword, const char* textstring) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  ucvector text;
-  ucvector_init(&text);
-  for(i = 0; keyword[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&text, (unsigned char)keyword[i]);
-  if(i < 1 || i > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&text, 0); /*0 termination char*/
-  for(i = 0; textstring[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&text, (unsigned char)textstring[i]);
-  error = addChunk(out, "tEXt",, text.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&text);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_zTXt(ucvector* out, const char* keyword, const char* textstring,
-                              LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector data, compressed;
-  size_t i, textsize = strlen(textstring);
-  ucvector_init(&data);
-  ucvector_init(&compressed);
-  for(i = 0; keyword[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)keyword[i]);
-  if(i < 1 || i > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*0 termination char*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*compression method: 0*/
-  error = zlib_compress(&, &compressed.size,
-                        (unsigned char*)textstring, textsize, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) {
-    for(i = 0; i != compressed.size; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data,[i]);
-    error = addChunk(out, "zTXt",, data.size);
-  }
-  ucvector_cleanup(&compressed);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&data);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_iTXt(ucvector* out, unsigned compressed, const char* keyword, const char* langtag,
-                              const char* transkey, const char* textstring, LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector data;
-  size_t i, textsize = strlen(textstring);
-  ucvector_init(&data);
-  for(i = 0; keyword[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)keyword[i]);
-  if(i < 1 || i > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*null termination char*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, compressed ? 1 : 0); /*compression flag*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*compression method*/
-  for(i = 0; langtag[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)langtag[i]);
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*null termination char*/
-  for(i = 0; transkey[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)transkey[i]);
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*null termination char*/
-  if(compressed) {
-    ucvector compressed_data;
-    ucvector_init(&compressed_data);
-    error = zlib_compress(&, &compressed_data.size,
-                          (unsigned char*)textstring, textsize, zlibsettings);
-    if(!error) {
-      for(i = 0; i != compressed_data.size; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data,[i]);
-    }
-    ucvector_cleanup(&compressed_data);
-  } else /*not compressed*/ {
-    for(i = 0; textstring[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)textstring[i]);
-  }
-  if(!error) error = addChunk(out, "iTXt",, data.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&data);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_bKGD(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector bKGD;
-  ucvector_init(&bKGD);
-  if(info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info->color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) {
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_r >> 8));
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_r & 255));
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info->color.colortype == LCT_RGBA) {
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_r >> 8));
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_r & 255));
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_g >> 8));
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_g & 255));
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_b >> 8));
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_b & 255));
-  } else if(info->color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-    ucvector_push_back(&bKGD, (unsigned char)(info->background_r & 255)); /*palette index*/
-  }
-  error = addChunk(out, "bKGD",, bKGD.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&bKGD);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_tIME(ucvector* out, const LodePNGTime* time) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(7);
-  if(!data) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-  data[0] = (unsigned char)(time->year >> 8);
-  data[1] = (unsigned char)(time->year & 255);
-  data[2] = (unsigned char)time->month;
-  data[3] = (unsigned char)time->day;
-  data[4] = (unsigned char)time->hour;
-  data[5] = (unsigned char)time->minute;
-  data[6] = (unsigned char)time->second;
-  error = addChunk(out, "tIME", data, 7);
-  lodepng_free(data);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_pHYs(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector data;
-  ucvector_init(&data);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->phys_x);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->phys_y);
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, info->phys_unit);
-  error = addChunk(out, "pHYs",, data.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&data);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_gAMA(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector data;
-  ucvector_init(&data);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->gama_gamma);
-  error = addChunk(out, "gAMA",, data.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&data);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_cHRM(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector data;
-  ucvector_init(&data);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_white_x);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_white_y);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_red_x);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_red_y);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_green_x);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_green_y);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_blue_x);
-  lodepng_add32bitInt(&data, info->chrm_blue_y);
-  error = addChunk(out, "cHRM",, data.size);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&data);
-  return error;
-static unsigned addChunk_sRGB(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info) {
-  unsigned char data = info->srgb_intent;
-  return addChunk(out, "sRGB", &data, 1);
-static unsigned addChunk_iCCP(ucvector* out, const LodePNGInfo* info, LodePNGCompressSettings* zlibsettings) {
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  ucvector data, compressed;
-  size_t i;
-  ucvector_init(&data);
-  ucvector_init(&compressed);
-  for(i = 0; info->iccp_name[i] != 0; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data, (unsigned char)info->iccp_name[i]);
-  if(i < 1 || i > 79) return 89; /*error: invalid keyword size*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*0 termination char*/
-  ucvector_push_back(&data, 0); /*compression method: 0*/
-  error = zlib_compress(&, &compressed.size,
-                        info->iccp_profile, info->iccp_profile_size, zlibsettings);
-  if(!error) {
-    for(i = 0; i != compressed.size; ++i) ucvector_push_back(&data,[i]);
-    error = addChunk(out, "iCCP",, data.size);
-  }
-  ucvector_cleanup(&compressed);
-  ucvector_cleanup(&data);
-  return error;
-static void filterScanline(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* scanline, const unsigned char* prevline,
-                           size_t length, size_t bytewidth, unsigned char filterType) {
-  size_t i;
-  switch(filterType) {
-    case 0: /*None*/
-      for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-      break;
-    case 1: /*Sub*/
-      for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-      for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - scanline[i - bytewidth];
-      break;
-    case 2: /*Up*/
-      if(prevline) {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - prevline[i];
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-      }
-      break;
-    case 3: /*Average*/
-      if(prevline) {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - (prevline[i] >> 1);
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - ((scanline[i - bytewidth] + prevline[i]) >> 1);
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i] - (scanline[i - bytewidth] >> 1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case 4: /*Paeth*/
-      if(prevline) {
-        /*paethPredictor(0, prevline[i], 0) is always prevline[i]*/
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = (scanline[i] - prevline[i]);
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) {
-          out[i] = (scanline[i] - paethPredictor(scanline[i - bytewidth], prevline[i], prevline[i - bytewidth]));
-        }
-      } else {
-        for(i = 0; i != bytewidth; ++i) out[i] = scanline[i];
-        /*paethPredictor(scanline[i - bytewidth], 0, 0) is always scanline[i - bytewidth]*/
-        for(i = bytewidth; i < length; ++i) out[i] = (scanline[i] - scanline[i - bytewidth]);
-      }
-      break;
-    default: return; /*unexisting filter type given*/
-  }
-/* log2 approximation. A slight bit faster than std::log. */
-static float flog2(float f) {
-  float result = 0;
-  while(f > 32) { result += 4; f /= 16; }
-  while(f > 2) { ++result; f /= 2; }
-  return result + 1.442695f * (f * f * f / 3 - 3 * f * f / 2 + 3 * f - 1.83333f);
-static unsigned filter(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                       const LodePNGColorMode* info, const LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings) {
-  /*
-  For PNG filter method 0
-  out must be a buffer with as size: h + (w * h * bpp + 7) / 8, because there are
-  the scanlines with 1 extra byte per scanline
-  */
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(info);
-  /*the width of a scanline in bytes, not including the filter type*/
-  size_t linebytes = (w * bpp + 7) / 8;
-  /*bytewidth is used for filtering, is 1 when bpp < 8, number of bytes per pixel otherwise*/
-  size_t bytewidth = (bpp + 7) / 8;
-  const unsigned char* prevline = 0;
-  unsigned x, y;
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  LodePNGFilterStrategy strategy = settings->filter_strategy;
-  /*
-  There is a heuristic called the minimum sum of absolute differences heuristic, suggested by the PNG standard:
-   *  If the image type is Palette, or the bit depth is smaller than 8, then do not filter the image (i.e.
-      use fixed filtering, with the filter None).
-   * (The other case) If the image type is Grayscale or RGB (with or without Alpha), and the bit depth is
-     not smaller than 8, then use adaptive filtering heuristic as follows: independently for each row, apply
-     all five filters and select the filter that produces the smallest sum of absolute values per row.
-  This heuristic is used if filter strategy is LFS_MINSUM and filter_palette_zero is true.
-  If filter_palette_zero is true and filter_strategy is not LFS_MINSUM, the above heuristic is followed,
-  but for "the other case", whatever strategy filter_strategy is set to instead of the minimum sum
-  heuristic is used.
-  */
-  if(settings->filter_palette_zero &&
-     (info->colortype == LCT_PALETTE || info->bitdepth < 8)) strategy = LFS_ZERO;
-  if(bpp == 0) return 31; /*error: invalid color type*/
-  if(strategy == LFS_ZERO) {
-    for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-      size_t outindex = (1 + linebytes) * y; /*the extra filterbyte added to each row*/
-      size_t inindex = linebytes * y;
-      out[outindex] = 0; /*filter type byte*/
-      filterScanline(&out[outindex + 1], &in[inindex], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, 0);
-      prevline = &in[inindex];
-    }
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_MINSUM) {
-    /*adaptive filtering*/
-    size_t sum[5];
-    unsigned char* attempt[5]; /*five filtering attempts, one for each filter type*/
-    size_t smallest = 0;
-    unsigned char type, bestType = 0;
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-      attempt[type] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(linebytes);
-      if(!attempt[type]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    if(!error) {
-      for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-        /*try the 5 filter types*/
-        for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-          filterScanline(attempt[type], &in[y * linebytes], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-          /*calculate the sum of the result*/
-          sum[type] = 0;
-          if(type == 0) {
-            for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) sum[type] += (unsigned char)(attempt[type][x]);
-          } else {
-            for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) {
-              /*For differences, each byte should be treated as signed, values above 127 are negative
-              (converted to signed char). Filtertype 0 isn't a difference though, so use unsigned there.
-              This means filtertype 0 is almost never chosen, but that is justified.*/
-              unsigned char s = attempt[type][x];
-              sum[type] += s < 128 ? s : (255U - s);
-            }
-          }
-          /*check if this is smallest sum (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)*/
-          if(type == 0 || sum[type] < smallest) {
-            bestType = type;
-            smallest = sum[type];
-          }
-        }
-        prevline = &in[y * linebytes];
-        /*now fill the out values*/
-        out[y * (linebytes + 1)] = bestType; /*the first byte of a scanline will be the filter type*/
-        for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) out[y * (linebytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x];
-      }
-    }
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) lodepng_free(attempt[type]);
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_ENTROPY) {
-    float sum[5];
-    unsigned char* attempt[5]; /*five filtering attempts, one for each filter type*/
-    float smallest = 0;
-    unsigned type, bestType = 0;
-    unsigned count[256];
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-      attempt[type] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(linebytes);
-      if(!attempt[type]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-      /*try the 5 filter types*/
-      for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-        filterScanline(attempt[type], &in[y * linebytes], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-        for(x = 0; x != 256; ++x) count[x] = 0;
-        for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) ++count[attempt[type][x]];
-        ++count[type]; /*the filter type itself is part of the scanline*/
-        sum[type] = 0;
-        for(x = 0; x != 256; ++x) {
-          float p = count[x] / (float)(linebytes + 1);
-          sum[type] += count[x] == 0 ? 0 : flog2(1 / p) * p;
-        }
-        /*check if this is smallest sum (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)*/
-        if(type == 0 || sum[type] < smallest) {
-          bestType = type;
-          smallest = sum[type];
-        }
-      }
-      prevline = &in[y * linebytes];
-      /*now fill the out values*/
-      out[y * (linebytes + 1)] = bestType; /*the first byte of a scanline will be the filter type*/
-      for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) out[y * (linebytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x];
-    }
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) lodepng_free(attempt[type]);
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_PREDEFINED) {
-    for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-      size_t outindex = (1 + linebytes) * y; /*the extra filterbyte added to each row*/
-      size_t inindex = linebytes * y;
-      unsigned char type = settings->predefined_filters[y];
-      out[outindex] = type; /*filter type byte*/
-      filterScanline(&out[outindex + 1], &in[inindex], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-      prevline = &in[inindex];
-    }
-  } else if(strategy == LFS_BRUTE_FORCE) {
-    /*brute force filter chooser.
-    deflate the scanline after every filter attempt to see which one deflates best.
-    This is very slow and gives only slightly smaller, sometimes even larger, result*/
-    size_t size[5];
-    unsigned char* attempt[5]; /*five filtering attempts, one for each filter type*/
-    size_t smallest = 0;
-    unsigned type = 0, bestType = 0;
-    unsigned char* dummy;
-    LodePNGCompressSettings zlibsettings = settings->zlibsettings;
-    /*use fixed tree on the attempts so that the tree is not adapted to the filtertype on purpose,
-    to simulate the true case where the tree is the same for the whole image. Sometimes it gives
-    better result with dynamic tree anyway. Using the fixed tree sometimes gives worse, but in rare
-    cases better compression. It does make this a bit less slow, so it's worth doing this.*/
-    zlibsettings.btype = 1;
-    /*a custom encoder likely doesn't read the btype setting and is optimized for complete PNG
-    images only, so disable it*/
-    zlibsettings.custom_zlib = 0;
-    zlibsettings.custom_deflate = 0;
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-      attempt[type] = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(linebytes);
-      if(!attempt[type]) return 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    }
-    for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) /*try the 5 filter types*/ {
-      for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) {
-        unsigned testsize = (unsigned)linebytes;
-        /*if(testsize > 8) testsize /= 8;*/ /*it already works good enough by testing a part of the row*/
-        filterScanline(attempt[type], &in[y * linebytes], prevline, linebytes, bytewidth, type);
-        size[type] = 0;
-        dummy = 0;
-        zlib_compress(&dummy, &size[type], attempt[type], testsize, &zlibsettings);
-        lodepng_free(dummy);
-        /*check if this is smallest size (or if type == 0 it's the first case so always store the values)*/
-        if(type == 0 || size[type] < smallest) {
-          bestType = type;
-          smallest = size[type];
-        }
-      }
-      prevline = &in[y * linebytes];
-      out[y * (linebytes + 1)] = bestType; /*the first byte of a scanline will be the filter type*/
-      for(x = 0; x != linebytes; ++x) out[y * (linebytes + 1) + 1 + x] = attempt[bestType][x];
-    }
-    for(type = 0; type != 5; ++type) lodepng_free(attempt[type]);
-  }
-  else return 88; /* unknown filter strategy */
-  return error;
-static void addPaddingBits(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                           size_t olinebits, size_t ilinebits, unsigned h) {
-  /*The opposite of the removePaddingBits function
-  olinebits must be >= ilinebits*/
-  unsigned y;
-  size_t diff = olinebits - ilinebits;
-  size_t obp = 0, ibp = 0; /*bit pointers*/
-  for(y = 0; y != h; ++y) {
-    size_t x;
-    for(x = 0; x < ilinebits; ++x) {
-      unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-      setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-    }
-    /*obp += diff; --> no, fill in some value in the padding bits too, to avoid
-    "Use of uninitialised value of size ###" warning from valgrind*/
-    for(x = 0; x != diff; ++x) setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, 0);
-  }
-in: non-interlaced image with size w*h
-out: the same pixels, but re-ordered according to PNG's Adam7 interlacing, with
- no padding bits between scanlines, but between reduced images so that each
- reduced image starts at a byte.
-bpp: bits per pixel
-there are no padding bits, not between scanlines, not between reduced images
-in has the following size in bits: w * h * bpp.
-out is possibly bigger due to padding bits between reduced images
-NOTE: comments about padding bits are only relevant if bpp < 8
-static void Adam7_interlace(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h, unsigned bpp) {
-  unsigned passw[7], passh[7];
-  size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-  unsigned i;
-  Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-  if(bpp >= 8) {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      size_t bytewidth = bpp / 8;
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        size_t pixelinstart = ((ADAM7_IY[i] + y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * w + ADAM7_IX[i] + x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bytewidth;
-        size_t pixeloutstart = passstart[i] + (y * passw[i] + x) * bytewidth;
-        for(b = 0; b < bytewidth; ++b) {
-          out[pixeloutstart + b] = in[pixelinstart + b];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } else /*bpp < 8: Adam7 with pixels < 8 bit is a bit trickier: with bit pointers*/ {
-    for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-      unsigned x, y, b;
-      unsigned ilinebits = bpp * passw[i];
-      unsigned olinebits = bpp * w;
-      size_t obp, ibp; /*bit pointers (for out and in buffer)*/
-      for(y = 0; y < passh[i]; ++y)
-      for(x = 0; x < passw[i]; ++x) {
-        ibp = (ADAM7_IY[i] + y * ADAM7_DY[i]) * olinebits + (ADAM7_IX[i] + x * ADAM7_DX[i]) * bpp;
-        obp = (8 * passstart[i]) + (y * ilinebits + x * bpp);
-        for(b = 0; b < bpp; ++b) {
-          unsigned char bit = readBitFromReversedStream(&ibp, in);
-          setBitOfReversedStream(&obp, out, bit);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/*out must be buffer big enough to contain uncompressed IDAT chunk data, and in must contain the full image.
-return value is error**/
-static unsigned preProcessScanlines(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* in,
-                                    unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                    const LodePNGInfo* info_png, const LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings) {
-  /*
-  This function converts the pure 2D image with the PNG's colortype, into filtered-padded-interlaced data. Steps:
-  *) if no Adam7: 1) add padding bits (= posible extra bits per scanline if bpp < 8) 2) filter
-  *) if adam7: 1) Adam7_interlace 2) 7x add padding bits 3) 7x filter
-  */
-  unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(&info_png->color);
-  unsigned error = 0;
-  if(info_png->interlace_method == 0) {
-    *outsize = h + (h * ((w * bpp + 7) / 8)); /*image size plus an extra byte per scanline + possible padding bits*/
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(*outsize);
-    if(!(*out) && (*outsize)) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!error) {
-      /*non multiple of 8 bits per scanline, padding bits needed per scanline*/
-      if(bpp < 8 && w * bpp != ((w * bpp + 7) / 8) * 8) {
-        unsigned char* padded = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(h * ((w * bpp + 7) / 8));
-        if(!padded) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-        if(!error) {
-          addPaddingBits(padded, in, ((w * bpp + 7) / 8) * 8, w * bpp, h);
-          error = filter(*out, padded, w, h, &info_png->color, settings);
-        }
-        lodepng_free(padded);
-      } else {
-        /*we can immediately filter into the out buffer, no other steps needed*/
-        error = filter(*out, in, w, h, &info_png->color, settings);
-      }
-    }
-  } else /*interlace_method is 1 (Adam7)*/ {
-    unsigned passw[7], passh[7];
-    size_t filter_passstart[8], padded_passstart[8], passstart[8];
-    unsigned char* adam7;
-    Adam7_getpassvalues(passw, passh, filter_passstart, padded_passstart, passstart, w, h, bpp);
-    *outsize = filter_passstart[7]; /*image size plus an extra byte per scanline + possible padding bits*/
-    *out = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(*outsize);
-    if(!(*out)) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    adam7 = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(passstart[7]);
-    if(!adam7 && passstart[7]) error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!error) {
-      unsigned i;
-      Adam7_interlace(adam7, in, w, h, bpp);
-      for(i = 0; i != 7; ++i) {
-        if(bpp < 8) {
-          unsigned char* padded = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(padded_passstart[i + 1] - padded_passstart[i]);
-          if(!padded) ERROR_BREAK(83); /*alloc fail*/
-          addPaddingBits(padded, &adam7[passstart[i]],
-                         ((passw[i] * bpp + 7) / 8) * 8, passw[i] * bpp, passh[i]);
-          error = filter(&(*out)[filter_passstart[i]], padded,
-                         passw[i], passh[i], &info_png->color, settings);
-          lodepng_free(padded);
-        } else {
-          error = filter(&(*out)[filter_passstart[i]], &adam7[padded_passstart[i]],
-                         passw[i], passh[i], &info_png->color, settings);
-        }
-        if(error) break;
-      }
-    }
-    lodepng_free(adam7);
-  }
-  return error;
-palette must have 4 * palettesize bytes allocated, and given in format RGBARGBARGBARGBA...
-returns 0 if the palette is opaque,
-returns 1 if the palette has a single color with alpha 0 ==> color key
-returns 2 if the palette is semi-translucent.
-static unsigned getPaletteTranslucency(const unsigned char* palette, size_t palettesize) {
-  size_t i;
-  unsigned key = 0;
-  unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; /*the value of the color with alpha 0, so long as color keying is possible*/
-  for(i = 0; i != palettesize; ++i) {
-    if(!key && palette[4 * i + 3] == 0) {
-      r = palette[4 * i + 0]; g = palette[4 * i + 1]; b = palette[4 * i + 2];
-      key = 1;
-      i = (size_t)(-1); /*restart from beginning, to detect earlier opaque colors with key's value*/
-    }
-    else if(palette[4 * i + 3] != 255) return 2;
-    /*when key, no opaque RGB may have key's RGB*/
-    else if(key && r == palette[i * 4 + 0] && g == palette[i * 4 + 1] && b == palette[i * 4 + 2]) return 2;
-  }
-  return key;
-static unsigned addUnknownChunks(ucvector* out, unsigned char* data, size_t datasize) {
-  unsigned char* inchunk = data;
-  while((size_t)(inchunk - data) < datasize) {
-    CERROR_TRY_RETURN(lodepng_chunk_append(&out->data, &out->size, inchunk));
-    out->allocsize = out->size; /*fix the allocsize again*/
-    inchunk = lodepng_chunk_next(inchunk);
-  }
-  return 0;
-static unsigned isGrayICCProfile(const unsigned char* profile, unsigned size) {
-  /*
-  It is a gray profile if bytes 16-19 are "GRAY", rgb profile if bytes 16-19
-  are "RGB ". We do not perform any full parsing of the ICC profile here, other
-  than check those 4 bytes to grayscale profile. Other than that, validity of
-  the profile is not checked. This is needed only because the PNG specification
-  requires using a non-gray color model if there is an ICC profile with "RGB "
-  (sadly limiting compression opportunities if the input data is grayscale RGB
-  data), and requires using a gray color model if it is "GRAY".
-  */
-  if(size < 20) return 0;
-  return profile[16] == 'G' &&  profile[17] == 'R' &&  profile[18] == 'A' &&  profile[19] == 'Y';
-static unsigned isRGBICCProfile(const unsigned char* profile, unsigned size) {
-  /* See comment in isGrayICCProfile*/
-  if(size < 20) return 0;
-  return profile[16] == 'R' &&  profile[17] == 'G' &&  profile[18] == 'B' &&  profile[19] == ' ';
-unsigned lodepng_encode(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                        LodePNGState* state) {
-  unsigned char* data = 0; /*uncompressed version of the IDAT chunk data*/
-  size_t datasize = 0;
-  ucvector outv;
-  LodePNGInfo info;
-  ucvector_init(&outv);
-  lodepng_info_init(&info);
-  /*provide some proper output values if error will happen*/
-  *out = 0;
-  *outsize = 0;
-  state->error = 0;
-  /*check input values validity*/
-  if((state->info_png.color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE || state->encoder.force_palette)
-      && (state->info_png.color.palettesize == 0 || state->info_png.color.palettesize > 256)) {
-    state->error = 68; /*invalid palette size, it is only allowed to be 1-256*/
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  if(state->encoder.zlibsettings.btype > 2) {
-    state->error = 61; /*error: unexisting btype*/
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  if(state->info_png.interlace_method > 1) {
-    state->error = 71; /*error: unexisting interlace mode*/
-    goto cleanup;
-  }
-  state->error = checkColorValidity(state->info_png.color.colortype, state->info_png.color.bitdepth);
-  if(state->error) goto cleanup; /*error: unexisting color type given*/
-  state->error = checkColorValidity(state->info_raw.colortype, state->info_raw.bitdepth);
-  if(state->error) goto cleanup; /*error: unexisting color type given*/
-  /* color convert and compute scanline filter types */
-  lodepng_info_copy(&info, &state->info_png);
-  if(state->encoder.auto_convert) {
-    if(state->info_png.background_defined) {
-      unsigned bg_r = state->info_png.background_r;
-      unsigned bg_g = state->info_png.background_g;
-      unsigned bg_b = state->info_png.background_b;
-      unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
-      LodePNGColorProfile prof;
-      LodePNGColorMode mode16 = lodepng_color_mode_make(LCT_RGB, 16);
-      lodepng_convert_rgb(&r, &g, &b, bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, &mode16, &state->info_png.color);
-      lodepng_color_profile_init(&prof);
-      state->error = lodepng_get_color_profile(&prof, image, w, h, &state->info_raw);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-      lodepng_color_profile_add(&prof, r, g, b, 65535);
-      state->error = auto_choose_color_from_profile(&info.color, &state->info_raw, &prof);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-      if(lodepng_convert_rgb(&info.background_r, &info.background_g, &info.background_b,
-          bg_r, bg_g, bg_b, &info.color, &state->info_png.color)) {
-        state->error = 104;
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      state->error = lodepng_auto_choose_color(&info.color, image, w, h, &state->info_raw);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-  }
-  if(state->info_png.iccp_defined) {
-    unsigned gray_icc = isGrayICCProfile(state->info_png.iccp_profile, state->info_png.iccp_profile_size);
-    unsigned gray_png = info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA;
-    /* TODO: perhaps instead of giving errors or less optimal compression, we can automatically modify
-    the ICC profile here to say "GRAY" or "RGB " to match the PNG color type, unless this will require
-    non trivial changes to the rest of the ICC profile */
-    if(!gray_icc && !isRGBICCProfile(state->info_png.iccp_profile, state->info_png.iccp_profile_size)) {
-      state->error = 100; /* Disallowed profile color type for PNG */
-      goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(!state->encoder.auto_convert && gray_icc != gray_png) {
-      /* Non recoverable: encoder not allowed to convert color type, and requested color type not
-      compatible with ICC color type */
-      state->error = 101;
-      goto cleanup;
-    }
-    if(gray_icc && !gray_png) {
-      /* Non recoverable: trying to set grayscale ICC profile while colored pixels were given */
-      state->error = 102;
-      goto cleanup;
-      /* NOTE: this relies on the fact that lodepng_auto_choose_color never returns palette for grayscale pixels */
-    }
-    if(!gray_icc && gray_png) {
-      /* Recoverable but an unfortunate loss in compression density: We have grayscale pixels but
-      are forced to store them in more expensive RGB format that will repeat each value 3 times
-      because the PNG spec does not allow an RGB ICC profile with internal grayscale color data */
-      if(info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY) info.color.colortype = LCT_RGB;
-      if(info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY_ALPHA) info.color.colortype = LCT_RGBA;
-      if(info.color.bitdepth < 8) info.color.bitdepth = 8;
-    }
-  }
-  if(!lodepng_color_mode_equal(&state->info_raw, &info.color)) {
-    unsigned char* converted;
-    size_t size = ((size_t)w * (size_t)h * (size_t)lodepng_get_bpp(&info.color) + 7) / 8;
-    converted = (unsigned char*)lodepng_malloc(size);
-    if(!converted && size) state->error = 83; /*alloc fail*/
-    if(!state->error) {
-      state->error = lodepng_convert(converted, image, &info.color, &state->info_raw, w, h);
-    }
-    if(!state->error) preProcessScanlines(&data, &datasize, converted, w, h, &info, &state->encoder);
-    lodepng_free(converted);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-  }
-  else preProcessScanlines(&data, &datasize, image, w, h, &info, &state->encoder);
-  /* output all PNG chunks */ {
-    size_t i;
-    /*write signature and chunks*/
-    writeSignature(&outv);
-    /*IHDR*/
-    addChunk_IHDR(&outv, w, h, info.color.colortype, info.color.bitdepth, info.interlace_method);
-    /*unknown chunks between IHDR and PLTE*/
-    if(info.unknown_chunks_data[0]) {
-      state->error = addUnknownChunks(&outv, info.unknown_chunks_data[0], info.unknown_chunks_size[0]);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*color profile chunks must come before PLTE */
-    if(info.iccp_defined) addChunk_iCCP(&outv, &info, &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-    if(info.srgb_defined) addChunk_sRGB(&outv, &info);
-    if(info.gama_defined) addChunk_gAMA(&outv, &info);
-    if(info.chrm_defined) addChunk_cHRM(&outv, &info);
-    /*PLTE*/
-    if(info.color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE) {
-      addChunk_PLTE(&outv, &info.color);
-    }
-    if(state->encoder.force_palette && (info.color.colortype == LCT_RGB || info.color.colortype == LCT_RGBA)) {
-      addChunk_PLTE(&outv, &info.color);
-    }
-    /*tRNS*/
-    if(info.color.colortype == LCT_PALETTE && getPaletteTranslucency(info.color.palette, info.color.palettesize) != 0) {
-      addChunk_tRNS(&outv, &info.color);
-    }
-    if((info.color.colortype == LCT_GREY || info.color.colortype == LCT_RGB) && info.color.key_defined) {
-      addChunk_tRNS(&outv, &info.color);
-    }
-    /*bKGD (must come between PLTE and the IDAt chunks*/
-    if(info.background_defined) {
-      state->error = addChunk_bKGD(&outv, &info);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*pHYs (must come before the IDAT chunks)*/
-    if(info.phys_defined) addChunk_pHYs(&outv, &info);
-    /*unknown chunks between PLTE and IDAT*/
-    if(info.unknown_chunks_data[1]) {
-      state->error = addUnknownChunks(&outv, info.unknown_chunks_data[1], info.unknown_chunks_size[1]);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    /*IDAT (multiple IDAT chunks must be consecutive)*/
-    state->error = addChunk_IDAT(&outv, data, datasize, &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-    if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    /*tIME*/
-    if(info.time_defined) addChunk_tIME(&outv, &info.time);
-    /*tEXt and/or zTXt*/
-    for(i = 0; i != info.text_num; ++i) {
-      if(strlen(info.text_keys[i]) > 79) {
-        state->error = 66; /*text chunk too large*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      if(strlen(info.text_keys[i]) < 1) {
-        state->error = 67; /*text chunk too small*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      if(state->encoder.text_compression) {
-        addChunk_zTXt(&outv, info.text_keys[i], info.text_strings[i], &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-      } else {
-        addChunk_tEXt(&outv, info.text_keys[i], info.text_strings[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    /*LodePNG version id in text chunk*/
-    if(state->encoder.add_id) {
-      unsigned already_added_id_text = 0;
-      for(i = 0; i != info.text_num; ++i) {
-        if(!strcmp(info.text_keys[i], "LodePNG")) {
-          already_added_id_text = 1;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if(already_added_id_text == 0) {
-        addChunk_tEXt(&outv, "LodePNG", LODEPNG_VERSION_STRING); /*it's shorter as tEXt than as zTXt chunk*/
-      }
-    }
-    /*iTXt*/
-    for(i = 0; i != info.itext_num; ++i) {
-      if(strlen(info.itext_keys[i]) > 79) {
-        state->error = 66; /*text chunk too large*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      if(strlen(info.itext_keys[i]) < 1) {
-        state->error = 67; /*text chunk too small*/
-        goto cleanup;
-      }
-      addChunk_iTXt(&outv, state->encoder.text_compression,
-                    info.itext_keys[i], info.itext_langtags[i], info.itext_transkeys[i], info.itext_strings[i],
-                    &state->encoder.zlibsettings);
-    }
-    /*unknown chunks between IDAT and IEND*/
-    if(info.unknown_chunks_data[2]) {
-      state->error = addUnknownChunks(&outv, info.unknown_chunks_data[2], info.unknown_chunks_size[2]);
-      if(state->error) goto cleanup;
-    }
-    addChunk_IEND(&outv);
-  }
-  lodepng_info_cleanup(&info);
-  lodepng_free(data);
-  /*instead of cleaning the vector up, give it to the output*/
-  *out =;
-  *outsize = outv.size;
-  return state->error;
-unsigned lodepng_encode_memory(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* image,
-                               unsigned w, unsigned h, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned error;
-  LodePNGState state;
-  lodepng_state_init(&state);
-  state.info_raw.colortype = colortype;
-  state.info_raw.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  state.info_png.color.colortype = colortype;
-  state.info_png.color.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-  lodepng_encode(out, outsize, image, w, h, &state);
-  error = state.error;
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(&state);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_encode32(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_memory(out, outsize, image, w, h, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_encode24(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_memory(out, outsize, image, w, h, LCT_RGB, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_encode_file(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_encode_memory(&buffer, &buffersize, image, w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(!error) error = lodepng_save_file(buffer, buffersize, filename);
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned lodepng_encode32_file(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_file(filename, image, w, h, LCT_RGBA, 8);
-unsigned lodepng_encode24_file(const char* filename, const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h) {
-  return lodepng_encode_file(filename, image, w, h, LCT_RGB, 8);
-void lodepng_encoder_settings_init(LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings) {
-  lodepng_compress_settings_init(&settings->zlibsettings);
-  settings->filter_palette_zero = 1;
-  settings->filter_strategy = LFS_MINSUM;
-  settings->auto_convert = 1;
-  settings->force_palette = 0;
-  settings->predefined_filters = 0;
-  settings->add_id = 0;
-  settings->text_compression = 1;
-This returns the description of a numerical error code in English. This is also
-the documentation of all the error codes.
-const char* lodepng_error_text(unsigned code) {
-  switch(code) {
-    case 0: return "no error, everything went ok";
-    case 1: return "nothing done yet"; /*the Encoder/Decoder has done nothing yet, error checking makes no sense yet*/
-    case 10: return "end of input memory reached without huffman end code"; /*while huffman decoding*/
-    case 11: return "error in code tree made it jump outside of huffman tree"; /*while huffman decoding*/
-    case 13: return "problem while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 14: return "problem while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 15: return "problem while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 16: return "unexisting code while processing dynamic deflate block";
-    case 17: return "end of out buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 18: return "invalid distance code while inflating";
-    case 19: return "end of out buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 20: return "invalid deflate block BTYPE encountered while decoding";
-    case 21: return "NLEN is not ones complement of LEN in a deflate block";
-    /*end of out buffer memory reached while inflating:
-    This can happen if the inflated deflate data is longer than the amount of bytes required to fill up
-    all the pixels of the image, given the color depth and image dimensions. Something that doesn't
-    happen in a normal, well encoded, PNG image.*/
-    case 22: return "end of out buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 23: return "end of in buffer memory reached while inflating";
-    case 24: return "invalid FCHECK in zlib header";
-    case 25: return "invalid compression method in zlib header";
-    case 26: return "FDICT encountered in zlib header while it's not used for PNG";
-    case 27: return "PNG file is smaller than a PNG header";
-    /*Checks the magic file header, the first 8 bytes of the PNG file*/
-    case 28: return "incorrect PNG signature, it's no PNG or corrupted";
-    case 29: return "first chunk is not the header chunk";
-    case 30: return "chunk length too large, chunk broken off at end of file";
-    case 31: return "illegal PNG color type or bpp";
-    case 32: return "illegal PNG compression method";
-    case 33: return "illegal PNG filter method";
-    case 34: return "illegal PNG interlace method";
-    case 35: return "chunk length of a chunk is too large or the chunk too small";
-    case 36: return "illegal PNG filter type encountered";
-    case 37: return "illegal bit depth for this color type given";
-    case 38: return "the palette is too big"; /*more than 256 colors*/
-    case 39: return "tRNS chunk before PLTE or has more entries than palette size";
-    case 40: return "tRNS chunk has wrong size for grayscale image";
-    case 41: return "tRNS chunk has wrong size for RGB image";
-    case 42: return "tRNS chunk appeared while it was not allowed for this color type";
-    case 43: return "bKGD chunk has wrong size for palette image";
-    case 44: return "bKGD chunk has wrong size for grayscale image";
-    case 45: return "bKGD chunk has wrong size for RGB image";
-    case 48: return "empty input buffer given to decoder. Maybe caused by non-existing file?";
-    case 49: return "jumped past memory while generating dynamic huffman tree";
-    case 50: return "jumped past memory while generating dynamic huffman tree";
-    case 51: return "jumped past memory while inflating huffman block";
-    case 52: return "jumped past memory while inflating";
-    case 53: return "size of zlib data too small";
-    case 54: return "repeat symbol in tree while there was no value symbol yet";
-    /*jumped past tree while generating huffman tree, this could be when the
-    tree will have more leaves than symbols after generating it out of the
-    given lenghts. They call this an oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree in zlib.*/
-    case 55: return "jumped past tree while generating huffman tree";
-    case 56: return "given output image colortype or bitdepth not supported for color conversion";
-    case 57: return "invalid CRC encountered (checking CRC can be disabled)";
-    case 58: return "invalid ADLER32 encountered (checking ADLER32 can be disabled)";
-    case 59: return "requested color conversion not supported";
-    case 60: return "invalid window size given in the settings of the encoder (must be 0-32768)";
-    case 61: return "invalid BTYPE given in the settings of the encoder (only 0, 1 and 2 are allowed)";
-    /*LodePNG leaves the choice of RGB to grayscale conversion formula to the user.*/
-    case 62: return "conversion from color to grayscale not supported";
-    /*(2^31-1)*/
-    case 63: return "length of a chunk too long, max allowed for PNG is 2147483647 bytes per chunk";
-    /*this would result in the inability of a deflated block to ever contain an end code. It must be at least 1.*/
-    case 64: return "the length of the END symbol 256 in the Huffman tree is 0";
-    case 66: return "the length of a text chunk keyword given to the encoder is longer than the maximum of 79 bytes";
-    case 67: return "the length of a text chunk keyword given to the encoder is smaller than the minimum of 1 byte";
-    case 68: return "tried to encode a PLTE chunk with a palette that has less than 1 or more than 256 colors";
-    case 69: return "unknown chunk type with 'critical' flag encountered by the decoder";
-    case 71: return "unexisting interlace mode given to encoder (must be 0 or 1)";
-    case 72: return "while decoding, unexisting compression method encountering in zTXt or iTXt chunk (it must be 0)";
-    case 73: return "invalid tIME chunk size";
-    case 74: return "invalid pHYs chunk size";
-    /*length could be wrong, or data chopped off*/
-    case 75: return "no null termination char found while decoding text chunk";
-    case 76: return "iTXt chunk too short to contain required bytes";
-    case 77: return "integer overflow in buffer size";
-    case 78: return "failed to open file for reading"; /*file doesn't exist or couldn't be opened for reading*/
-    case 79: return "failed to open file for writing";
-    case 80: return "tried creating a tree of 0 symbols";
-    case 81: return "lazy matching at pos 0 is impossible";
-    case 82: return "color conversion to palette requested while a color isn't in palette, or index out of bounds";
-    case 83: return "memory allocation failed";
-    case 84: return "given image too small to contain all pixels to be encoded";
-    case 86: return "impossible offset in lz77 encoding (internal bug)";
-    case 87: return "must provide custom zlib function pointer if LODEPNG_COMPILE_ZLIB is not defined";
-    case 88: return "invalid filter strategy given for LodePNGEncoderSettings.filter_strategy";
-    case 89: return "text chunk keyword too short or long: must have size 1-79";
-    /*the windowsize in the LodePNGCompressSettings. Requiring POT(==> & instead of %) makes encoding 12% faster.*/
-    case 90: return "windowsize must be a power of two";
-    case 91: return "invalid decompressed idat size";
-    case 92: return "integer overflow due to too many pixels";
-    case 93: return "zero width or height is invalid";
-    case 94: return "header chunk must have a size of 13 bytes";
-    case 95: return "integer overflow with combined idat chunk size";
-    case 96: return "invalid gAMA chunk size";
-    case 97: return "invalid cHRM chunk size";
-    case 98: return "invalid sRGB chunk size";
-    case 99: return "invalid sRGB rendering intent";
-    case 100: return "invalid ICC profile color type, the PNG specification only allows RGB or GRAY";
-    case 101: return "PNG specification does not allow RGB ICC profile on gray color types and vice versa";
-    case 102: return "not allowed to set grayscale ICC profile with colored pixels by PNG specification";
-    case 103: return "invalid palette index in bKGD chunk. Maybe it came before PLTE chunk?";
-    case 104: return "invalid bKGD color while encoding (e.g. palette index out of range)";
-  }
-  return "unknown error code";
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* // C++ Wrapper                                                          // */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-namespace lodepng {
-unsigned load_file(std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename) {
-  long size = lodepng_filesize(filename.c_str());
-  if(size < 0) return 78;
-  buffer.resize((size_t)size);
-  return size == 0 ? 0 : lodepng_buffer_file(&buffer[0], (size_t)size, filename.c_str());
-/*write given buffer to the file, overwriting the file, it doesn't append to it.*/
-unsigned save_file(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename) {
-  return lodepng_save_file(buffer.empty() ? 0 : &buffer[0], buffer.size(), filename.c_str());
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  size_t buffersize = 0;
-  unsigned error = zlib_decompress(&buffer, &buffersize, in, insize, &settings);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), &buffer[0], &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings) {
-  return decompress(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size(), settings);
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = 0;
-  size_t buffersize = 0;
-  unsigned error = zlib_compress(&buffer, &buffersize, in, insize, &settings);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), &buffer[0], &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings) {
-  return compress(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size(), settings);
-State::State() {
-  lodepng_state_init(this);
-State::State(const State& other) {
-  lodepng_state_init(this);
-  lodepng_state_copy(this, &other);
-State::~State() {
-  lodepng_state_cleanup(this);
-State& State::operator=(const State& other) {
-  lodepng_state_copy(this, &other);
-  return *this;
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h, const unsigned char* in,
-                size_t insize, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_decode_memory(&buffer, &w, &h, in, insize, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(buffer && !error) {
-    State state;
-    state.info_raw.colortype = colortype;
-    state.info_raw.bitdepth = bitdepth;
-    size_t buffersize = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, &state.info_raw);
-    out.insert(out.end(), &buffer[0], &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  return decode(out, w, h, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], (unsigned)in.size(), colortype, bitdepth);
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize) {
-  unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_decode(&buffer, &w, &h, &state, in, insize);
-  if(buffer && !error) {
-    size_t buffersize = lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, &state.info_raw);
-    out.insert(out.end(), &buffer[0], &buffer[buffersize]);
-  }
-  lodepng_free(buffer);
-  return error;
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in) {
-  return decode(out, w, h, state, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], in.size());
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h, const std::string& filename,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
-  /* safe output values in case error happens */
-  w = h = 0;
-  unsigned error = load_file(buffer, filename);
-  if(error) return error;
-  return decode(out, w, h, buffer, colortype, bitdepth);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_encode_memory(&buffer, &buffersize, in, w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), &buffer[0], &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  if(lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, colortype, bitdepth) > in.size()) return 84;
-  return encode(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state) {
-  unsigned char* buffer;
-  size_t buffersize;
-  unsigned error = lodepng_encode(&buffer, &buffersize, in, w, h, &state);
-  if(buffer) {
-    out.insert(out.end(), &buffer[0], &buffer[buffersize]);
-    lodepng_free(buffer);
-  }
-  return error;
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state) {
-  if(lodepng_get_raw_size(w, h, &state.info_raw) > in.size()) return 84;
-  return encode(out, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], w, h, state);
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  std::vector<unsigned char> buffer;
-  unsigned error = encode(buffer, in, w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-  if(!error) error = save_file(buffer, filename);
-  return error;
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth) {
-  if(lodepng_get_raw_size_lct(w, h, colortype, bitdepth) > in.size()) return 84;
-  return encode(filename, in.empty() ? 0 : &in[0], w, h, colortype, bitdepth);
-} /* namespace lodepng */
diff --git a/encoder/lodepng.h b/encoder/lodepng.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 476a206..0000000
--- a/encoder/lodepng.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1930 +0,0 @@
-LodePNG version 20190210
-Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Lode Vandevenne
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-    appreciated but is not required.
-    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-    misrepresented as being the original software.
-    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
-    distribution.
-#ifndef LODEPNG_H
-#define LODEPNG_H
-#include <string.h> /*for size_t*/
-extern const char* LODEPNG_VERSION_STRING;
-The following #defines are used to create code sections. They can be disabled
-to disable code sections, which can give faster compile time and smaller binary.
-The "NO_COMPILE" defines are designed to be used to pass as defines to the
-compiler command to disable them without modifying this header, e.g.
-In addition to those below, you can also define LODEPNG_NO_COMPILE_CRC to
-allow implementing a custom lodepng_crc32.
-/*deflate & zlib. If disabled, you must specify alternative zlib functions in
-the custom_zlib field of the compress and decompress settings*/
-/*png encoder and png decoder*/
-/*deflate&zlib decoder and png decoder*/
-/*deflate&zlib encoder and png encoder*/
-/*the optional built in harddisk file loading and saving functions*/
-/*support for chunks other than IHDR, IDAT, PLTE, tRNS, IEND: ancillary and unknown chunks*/
-/*ability to convert error numerical codes to English text string*/
-/*Compile the default allocators (C's free, malloc and realloc). If you disable this,
-you can define the functions lodepng_free, lodepng_malloc and lodepng_realloc in your
-source files with custom allocators.*/
-/*compile the C++ version (you can disable the C++ wrapper here even when compiling for C++)*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-/*The PNG color types (also used for raw).*/
-typedef enum LodePNGColorType {
-  LCT_GREY = 0, /*grayscale: 1,2,4,8,16 bit*/
-  LCT_RGB = 2, /*RGB: 8,16 bit*/
-  LCT_PALETTE = 3, /*palette: 1,2,4,8 bit*/
-  LCT_GREY_ALPHA = 4, /*grayscale with alpha: 8,16 bit*/
-  LCT_RGBA = 6 /*RGB with alpha: 8,16 bit*/
-} LodePNGColorType;
-Converts PNG data in memory to raw pixel data.
-out: Output parameter. Pointer to buffer that will contain the raw pixel data.
-     After decoding, its size is w * h * (bytes per pixel) bytes larger than
-     initially. Bytes per pixel depends on colortype and bitdepth.
-     Must be freed after usage with free(*out).
-     Note: for 16-bit per channel colors, uses big endian format like PNG does.
-w: Output parameter. Pointer to width of pixel data.
-h: Output parameter. Pointer to height of pixel data.
-in: Memory buffer with the PNG file.
-insize: size of the in buffer.
-colortype: the desired color type for the raw output image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-bitdepth: the desired bit depth for the raw output image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-Return value: LodePNG error code (0 means no error).
-unsigned lodepng_decode_memory(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                               LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode32(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                          const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but always decodes to 24-bit RGB raw image*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode24(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                          const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-Load PNG from disk, from file with given name.
-Same as the other decode functions, but instead takes a filename as input.
-unsigned lodepng_decode_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                             const char* filename,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 32-bit RGBA raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode32_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                               const char* filename);
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_file, but always decodes to 24-bit RGB raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_decode24_file(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                               const char* filename);
-Converts raw pixel data into a PNG image in memory. The colortype and bitdepth
-  of the output PNG image cannot be chosen, they are automatically determined
-  by the colortype, bitdepth and content of the input pixel data.
-  Note: for 16-bit per channel colors, needs big endian format like PNG does.
-out: Output parameter. Pointer to buffer that will contain the PNG image data.
-     Must be freed after usage with free(*out).
-outsize: Output parameter. Pointer to the size in bytes of the out buffer.
-image: The raw pixel data to encode. The size of this buffer should be
-       w * h * (bytes per pixel), bytes per pixel depends on colortype and bitdepth.
-w: width of the raw pixel data in pixels.
-h: height of the raw pixel data in pixels.
-colortype: the color type of the raw input image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-bitdepth: the bit depth of the raw input image. See explanation on PNG color types.
-Return value: LodePNG error code (0 means no error).
-unsigned lodepng_encode_memory(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                               const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                               LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_memory, but always encodes from 32-bit RGBA raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode32(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                          const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_memory, but always encodes from 24-bit RGB raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode24(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                          const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-Converts raw pixel data into a PNG file on disk.
-Same as the other encode functions, but instead takes a filename as output.
-NOTE: This overwrites existing files without warning!
-unsigned lodepng_encode_file(const char* filename,
-                             const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                             LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_file, but always encodes from 32-bit RGBA raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode32_file(const char* filename,
-                               const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_file, but always encodes from 24-bit RGB raw image.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode24_file(const char* filename,
-                               const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h);
-namespace lodepng {
-/*Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but decodes to an std::vector. The colortype
-is the format to output the pixels to. Default is RGBA 8-bit per channel.*/
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-Converts PNG file from disk to raw pixel data in memory.
-Same as the other decode functions, but instead takes a filename as input.
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                const std::string& filename,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-/*Same as lodepng_encode_memory, but encodes to an std::vector. colortype
-is that of the raw input data. The output PNG color type will be auto chosen.*/
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-Converts 32-bit RGBA raw pixel data into a PNG file on disk.
-Same as the other encode functions, but instead takes a filename as output.
-NOTE: This overwrites existing files without warning!
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-unsigned encode(const std::string& filename,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                LodePNGColorType colortype = LCT_RGBA, unsigned bitdepth = 8);
-} /* namespace lodepng */
-/*Returns an English description of the numerical error code.*/
-const char* lodepng_error_text(unsigned code);
-/*Settings for zlib decompression*/
-typedef struct LodePNGDecompressSettings LodePNGDecompressSettings;
-struct LodePNGDecompressSettings {
-  /* Check LodePNGDecoderSettings for more ignorable errors such as ignore_crc */
-  unsigned ignore_adler32; /*if 1, continue and don't give an error message if the Adler32 checksum is corrupted*/
-  /*use custom zlib decoder instead of built in one (default: null)*/
-  unsigned (*custom_zlib)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                          const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                          const LodePNGDecompressSettings*);
-  /*use custom deflate decoder instead of built in one (default: null)
-  if custom_zlib is used, custom_deflate is ignored since only the built in
-  zlib function will call custom_deflate*/
-  unsigned (*custom_inflate)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                             const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                             const LodePNGDecompressSettings*);
-  const void* custom_context; /*optional custom settings for custom functions*/
-extern const LodePNGDecompressSettings lodepng_default_decompress_settings;
-void lodepng_decompress_settings_init(LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings);
-Settings for zlib compression. Tweaking these settings tweaks the balance
-between speed and compression ratio.
-typedef struct LodePNGCompressSettings LodePNGCompressSettings;
-struct LodePNGCompressSettings /*deflate = compress*/ {
-  /*LZ77 related settings*/
-  unsigned btype; /*the block type for LZ (0, 1, 2 or 3, see zlib standard). Should be 2 for proper compression.*/
-  unsigned use_lz77; /*whether or not to use LZ77. Should be 1 for proper compression.*/
-  unsigned windowsize; /*must be a power of two <= 32768. higher compresses more but is slower. Default value: 2048.*/
-  unsigned minmatch; /*mininum lz77 length. 3 is normally best, 6 can be better for some PNGs. Default: 0*/
-  unsigned nicematch; /*stop searching if >= this length found. Set to 258 for best compression. Default: 128*/
-  unsigned lazymatching; /*use lazy matching: better compression but a bit slower. Default: true*/
-  /*use custom zlib encoder instead of built in one (default: null)*/
-  unsigned (*custom_zlib)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                          const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                          const LodePNGCompressSettings*);
-  /*use custom deflate encoder instead of built in one (default: null)
-  if custom_zlib is used, custom_deflate is ignored since only the built in
-  zlib function will call custom_deflate*/
-  unsigned (*custom_deflate)(unsigned char**, size_t*,
-                             const unsigned char*, size_t,
-                             const LodePNGCompressSettings*);
-  const void* custom_context; /*optional custom settings for custom functions*/
-extern const LodePNGCompressSettings lodepng_default_compress_settings;
-void lodepng_compress_settings_init(LodePNGCompressSettings* settings);
-Color mode of an image. Contains all information required to decode the pixel
-bits to RGBA colors. This information is the same as used in the PNG file
-format, and is used both for PNG and raw image data in LodePNG.
-typedef struct LodePNGColorMode {
-  /*header (IHDR)*/
-  LodePNGColorType colortype; /*color type, see PNG standard or documentation further in this header file*/
-  unsigned bitdepth;  /*bits per sample, see PNG standard or documentation further in this header file*/
-  /*
-  palette (PLTE and tRNS)
-  Dynamically allocated with the colors of the palette, including alpha.
-  When encoding a PNG, to store your colors in the palette of the LodePNGColorMode, first use
-  lodepng_palette_clear, then for each color use lodepng_palette_add.
-  If you encode an image without alpha with palette, don't forget to put value 255 in each A byte of the palette.
-  When decoding, by default you can ignore this palette, since LodePNG already
-  fills the palette colors in the pixels of the raw RGBA output.
-  The palette is only supported for color type 3.
-  */
-  unsigned char* palette; /*palette in RGBARGBA... order. When allocated, must be either 0, or have size 1024*/
-  size_t palettesize; /*palette size in number of colors (amount of bytes is 4 * palettesize)*/
-  /*
-  transparent color key (tRNS)
-  This color uses the same bit depth as the bitdepth value in this struct, which can be 1-bit to 16-bit.
-  For grayscale PNGs, r, g and b will all 3 be set to the same.
-  When decoding, by default you can ignore this information, since LodePNG sets
-  pixels with this key to transparent already in the raw RGBA output.
-  The color key is only supported for color types 0 and 2.
-  */
-  unsigned key_defined; /*is a transparent color key given? 0 = false, 1 = true*/
-  unsigned key_r;       /*red/grayscale component of color key*/
-  unsigned key_g;       /*green component of color key*/
-  unsigned key_b;       /*blue component of color key*/
-} LodePNGColorMode;
-/*init, cleanup and copy functions to use with this struct*/
-void lodepng_color_mode_init(LodePNGColorMode* info);
-void lodepng_color_mode_cleanup(LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*return value is error code (0 means no error)*/
-unsigned lodepng_color_mode_copy(LodePNGColorMode* dest, const LodePNGColorMode* source);
-/* Makes a temporary LodePNGColorMode that does not need cleanup (no palette) */
-LodePNGColorMode lodepng_color_mode_make(LodePNGColorType colortype, unsigned bitdepth);
-void lodepng_palette_clear(LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*add 1 color to the palette*/
-unsigned lodepng_palette_add(LodePNGColorMode* info,
-                             unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a);
-/*get the total amount of bits per pixel, based on colortype and bitdepth in the struct*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_bpp(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*get the amount of color channels used, based on colortype in the struct.
-If a palette is used, it counts as 1 channel.*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_channels(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*is it a grayscale type? (only colortype 0 or 4)*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_greyscale_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*has it got an alpha channel? (only colortype 2 or 6)*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_alpha_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*has it got a palette? (only colortype 3)*/
-unsigned lodepng_is_palette_type(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*only returns true if there is a palette and there is a value in the palette with alpha < 255.
-Loops through the palette to check this.*/
-unsigned lodepng_has_palette_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-Check if the given color info indicates the possibility of having non-opaque pixels in the PNG image.
-Returns true if the image can have translucent or invisible pixels (it still be opaque if it doesn't use such pixels).
-Returns false if the image can only have opaque pixels.
-In detail, it returns true only if it's a color type with alpha, or has a palette with non-opaque values,
-or if "key_defined" is true.
-unsigned lodepng_can_have_alpha(const LodePNGColorMode* info);
-/*Returns the byte size of a raw image buffer with given width, height and color mode*/
-size_t lodepng_get_raw_size(unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNGColorMode* color);
-/*The information of a Time chunk in PNG.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGTime {
-  unsigned year;    /*2 bytes used (0-65535)*/
-  unsigned month;   /*1-12*/
-  unsigned day;     /*1-31*/
-  unsigned hour;    /*0-23*/
-  unsigned minute;  /*0-59*/
-  unsigned second;  /*0-60 (to allow for leap seconds)*/
-} LodePNGTime;
-/*Information about the PNG image, except pixels, width and height.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGInfo {
-  /*header (IHDR), palette (PLTE) and transparency (tRNS) chunks*/
-  unsigned compression_method;/*compression method of the original file. Always 0.*/
-  unsigned filter_method;     /*filter method of the original file*/
-  unsigned interlace_method;  /*interlace method of the original file: 0=none, 1=Adam7*/
-  LodePNGColorMode color;     /*color type and bits, palette and transparency of the PNG file*/
-  /*
-  Suggested background color chunk (bKGD)
-  This uses the same color mode and bit depth as the PNG (except no alpha channel),
-  with values truncated to the bit depth in the unsigned integer.
-  For grayscale and palette PNGs, the value is stored in background_r. The values
-  in background_g and background_b are then unused.
-  So when decoding, you may get these in a different color mode than the one you requested
-  for the raw pixels.
-  When encoding with auto_convert, you must use the color model defined in info_png.color for
-  these values. The encoder normally ignores info_png.color when auto_convert is on, but will
-  use it to interpret these values (and convert copies of them to its chosen color model).
-  When encoding, avoid setting this to an expensive color, such as a non-gray value
-  when the image is gray, or the compression will be worse since it will be forced to
-  write the PNG with a more expensive color mode (when auto_convert is on).
-  The decoder does not use this background color to edit the color of pixels. This is a
-  completely optional metadata feature.
-  */
-  unsigned background_defined; /*is a suggested background color given?*/
-  unsigned background_r;       /*red/gray/palette component of suggested background color*/
-  unsigned background_g;       /*green component of suggested background color*/
-  unsigned background_b;       /*blue component of suggested background color*/
-  /*
-  non-international text chunks (tEXt and zTXt)
-  The char** arrays each contain num strings. The actual messages are in
-  text_strings, while text_keys are keywords that give a short description what
-  the actual text represents, e.g. Title, Author, Description, or anything else.
-  All the string fields below including keys, names and language tags are null terminated.
-  The PNG specification uses null characters for the keys, names and tags, and forbids null
-  characters to appear in the main text which is why we can use null termination everywhere here.
-  A keyword is minimum 1 character and maximum 79 characters long. It's
-  discouraged to use a single line length longer than 79 characters for texts.
-  Don't allocate these text buffers yourself. Use the init/cleanup functions
-  correctly and use lodepng_add_text and lodepng_clear_text.
-  */
-  size_t text_num; /*the amount of texts in these char** buffers (there may be more texts in itext)*/
-  char** text_keys; /*the keyword of a text chunk (e.g. "Comment")*/
-  char** text_strings; /*the actual text*/
-  /*
-  international text chunks (iTXt)
-  Similar to the non-international text chunks, but with additional strings
-  "langtags" and "transkeys".
-  */
-  size_t itext_num; /*the amount of international texts in this PNG*/
-  char** itext_keys; /*the English keyword of the text chunk (e.g. "Comment")*/
-  char** itext_langtags; /*language tag for this text's language, ISO/IEC 646 string, e.g. ISO 639 language tag*/
-  char** itext_transkeys; /*keyword translated to the international language - UTF-8 string*/
-  char** itext_strings; /*the actual international text - UTF-8 string*/
-  /*time chunk (tIME)*/
-  unsigned time_defined; /*set to 1 to make the encoder generate a tIME chunk*/
-  LodePNGTime time;
-  /*phys chunk (pHYs)*/
-  unsigned phys_defined; /*if 0, there is no pHYs chunk and the values below are undefined, if 1 else there is one*/
-  unsigned phys_x; /*pixels per unit in x direction*/
-  unsigned phys_y; /*pixels per unit in y direction*/
-  unsigned phys_unit; /*may be 0 (unknown unit) or 1 (metre)*/
-  /*
-  Color profile related chunks: gAMA, cHRM, sRGB, iCPP
-  LodePNG does not apply any color conversions on pixels in the encoder or decoder and does not interpret these color
-  profile values. It merely passes on the information. If you wish to use color profiles and convert colors, please
-  use these values with a color management library.
-  See the PNG, ICC and sRGB specifications for more information about the meaning of these values.
-  */
-  /* gAMA chunk: optional, overridden by sRGB or iCCP if those are present. */
-  unsigned gama_defined; /* Whether a gAMA chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  unsigned gama_gamma;   /* Gamma exponent times 100000 */
-  /* cHRM chunk: optional, overridden by sRGB or iCCP if those are present. */
-  unsigned chrm_defined; /* Whether a cHRM chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  unsigned chrm_white_x; /* White Point x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_white_y; /* White Point y times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_red_x;   /* Red x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_red_y;   /* Red y times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_green_x; /* Green x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_green_y; /* Green y times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_blue_x;  /* Blue x times 100000 */
-  unsigned chrm_blue_y;  /* Blue y times 100000 */
-  /*
-  sRGB chunk: optional. May not appear at the same time as iCCP.
-  If gAMA is also present gAMA must contain value 45455.
-  If cHRM is also present cHRM must contain respectively 31270,32900,64000,33000,30000,60000,15000,6000.
-  */
-  unsigned srgb_defined; /* Whether an sRGB chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  unsigned srgb_intent;  /* Rendering intent: 0=perceptual, 1=rel. colorimetric, 2=saturation, 3=abs. colorimetric */
-  /*
-  iCCP chunk: optional. May not appear at the same time as sRGB.
-  LodePNG does not parse or use the ICC profile (except its color space header field for an edge case), a
-  separate library to handle the ICC data (not included in LodePNG) format is needed to use it for color
-  management and conversions.
-  For encoding, if iCCP is present, gAMA and cHRM are recommended to be added as well with values that match the ICC
-  profile as closely as possible, if you wish to do this you should provide the correct values for gAMA and cHRM and
-  enable their '_defined' flags since LodePNG will not automatically compute them from the ICC profile.
-  For encoding, the ICC profile is required by the PNG specification to be an "RGB" profile for non-gray
-  PNG color types and a "GRAY" profile for gray PNG color types. If you disable auto_convert, you must ensure
-  the ICC profile type matches your requested color type, else the encoder gives an error. If auto_convert is
-  enabled (the default), and the ICC profile is not a good match for the pixel data, this will result in an encoder
-  error if the pixel data has non-gray pixels for a GRAY profile, or a silent less-optimal compression of the pixel
-  data if the pixels could be encoded as grayscale but the ICC profile is RGB.
-  To avoid this do not set an ICC profile in the image unless there is a good reason for it, and when doing so
-  make sure you compute it carefully to avoid the above problems.
-  */
-  unsigned iccp_defined;      /* Whether an iCCP chunk is present (0 = not present, 1 = present). */
-  char* iccp_name;            /* Null terminated string with profile name, 1-79 bytes */
-  /*
-  The ICC profile in iccp_profile_size bytes.
-  Don't allocate this buffer yourself. Use the init/cleanup functions
-  correctly and use lodepng_set_icc and lodepng_clear_icc.
-  */
-  unsigned char* iccp_profile;
-  unsigned iccp_profile_size; /* The size of iccp_profile in bytes */
-  /* End of color profile related chunks */
-  /*
-  unknown chunks: chunks not known by LodePNG, passed on byte for byte.
-  There are 3 buffers, one for each position in the PNG where unknown chunks can appear.
-  Each buffer contains all unknown chunks for that position consecutively.
-  The 3 positions are:
-  0: between IHDR and PLTE, 1: between PLTE and IDAT, 2: between IDAT and IEND.
-  For encoding, do not store critical chunks or known chunks that are enabled with a "_defined" flag
-  above in here, since the encoder will blindly follow this and could then encode an invalid PNG file
-  (such as one with two IHDR chunks or the disallowed combination of sRGB with iCCP). But do use
-  this if you wish to store an ancillary chunk that is not supported by LodePNG (such as sPLT or hIST),
-  or any non-standard PNG chunk.
-  Do not allocate or traverse this data yourself. Use the chunk traversing functions declared
-  later, such as lodepng_chunk_next and lodepng_chunk_append, to read/write this struct.
-  */
-  unsigned char* unknown_chunks_data[3];
-  size_t unknown_chunks_size[3]; /*size in bytes of the unknown chunks, given for protection*/
-} LodePNGInfo;
-/*init, cleanup and copy functions to use with this struct*/
-void lodepng_info_init(LodePNGInfo* info);
-void lodepng_info_cleanup(LodePNGInfo* info);
-/*return value is error code (0 means no error)*/
-unsigned lodepng_info_copy(LodePNGInfo* dest, const LodePNGInfo* source);
-unsigned lodepng_add_text(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* str); /*push back both texts at once*/
-void lodepng_clear_text(LodePNGInfo* info); /*use this to clear the texts again after you filled them in*/
-unsigned lodepng_add_itext(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* key, const char* langtag,
-                           const char* transkey, const char* str); /*push back the 4 texts of 1 chunk at once*/
-void lodepng_clear_itext(LodePNGInfo* info); /*use this to clear the itexts again after you filled them in*/
-/*replaces if exists*/
-unsigned lodepng_set_icc(LodePNGInfo* info, const char* name, const unsigned char* profile, unsigned profile_size);
-void lodepng_clear_icc(LodePNGInfo* info); /*use this to clear the texts again after you filled them in*/
-Converts raw buffer from one color type to another color type, based on
-LodePNGColorMode structs to describe the input and output color type.
-See the reference manual at the end of this header file to see which color conversions are supported.
-return value = LodePNG error code (0 if all went ok, an error if the conversion isn't supported)
-The out buffer must have size (w * h * bpp + 7) / 8, where bpp is the bits per pixel
-of the output color type (lodepng_get_bpp).
-For < 8 bpp images, there should not be padding bits at the end of scanlines.
-For 16-bit per channel colors, uses big endian format like PNG does.
-Return value is LodePNG error code
-unsigned lodepng_convert(unsigned char* out, const unsigned char* in,
-                         const LodePNGColorMode* mode_out, const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in,
-                         unsigned w, unsigned h);
-Settings for the decoder. This contains settings for the PNG and the Zlib
-decoder, but not the Info settings from the Info structs.
-typedef struct LodePNGDecoderSettings {
-  LodePNGDecompressSettings zlibsettings; /*in here is the setting to ignore Adler32 checksums*/
-  /* Check LodePNGDecompressSettings for more ignorable errors such as ignore_adler32 */
-  unsigned ignore_crc; /*ignore CRC checksums*/
-  unsigned ignore_critical; /*ignore unknown critical chunks*/
-  unsigned ignore_end; /*ignore issues at end of file if possible (missing IEND chunk, too large chunk, ...)*/
-  /* TODO: make a system involving warnings with levels and a strict mode instead. Other potentially recoverable
-     errors: srgb rendering intent value, size of content of ancillary chunks, more than 79 characters for some
-     strings, placement/combination rules for ancillary chunks, crc of unknown chunks, allowed characters
-     in string keys, etc... */
-  unsigned color_convert; /*whether to convert the PNG to the color type you want. Default: yes*/
-  unsigned read_text_chunks; /*if false but remember_unknown_chunks is true, they're stored in the unknown chunks*/
-  /*store all bytes from unknown chunks in the LodePNGInfo (off by default, useful for a png editor)*/
-  unsigned remember_unknown_chunks;
-} LodePNGDecoderSettings;
-void lodepng_decoder_settings_init(LodePNGDecoderSettings* settings);
-/*automatically use color type with less bits per pixel if losslessly possible. Default: AUTO*/
-typedef enum LodePNGFilterStrategy {
-  /*every filter at zero*/
-  /*Use filter that gives minimum sum, as described in the official PNG filter heuristic.*/
-  /*Use the filter type that gives smallest Shannon entropy for this scanline. Depending
-  on the image, this is better or worse than minsum.*/
-  /*
-  Brute-force-search PNG filters by compressing each filter for each scanline.
-  Experimental, very slow, and only rarely gives better compression than MINSUM.
-  */
-  /*use predefined_filters buffer: you specify the filter type for each scanline*/
-} LodePNGFilterStrategy;
-/*Gives characteristics about the integer RGBA colors of the image (count, alpha channel usage, bit depth, ...),
-which helps decide which color model to use for encoding.
-Used internally by default if "auto_convert" is enabled. Public because it's useful for custom algorithms.
-NOTE: This is not related to the ICC color profile, search "iccp_profile" instead to find the ICC/chromacity/...
-fields in this header file.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGColorProfile {
-  unsigned colored; /*not grayscale*/
-  unsigned key; /*image is not opaque and color key is possible instead of full alpha*/
-  unsigned short key_r; /*key values, always as 16-bit, in 8-bit case the byte is duplicated, e.g. 65535 means 255*/
-  unsigned short key_g;
-  unsigned short key_b;
-  unsigned alpha; /*image is not opaque and alpha channel or alpha palette required*/
-  unsigned numcolors; /*amount of colors, up to 257. Not valid if bits == 16.*/
-  unsigned char palette[1024]; /*Remembers up to the first 256 RGBA colors, in no particular order*/
-  unsigned bits; /*bits per channel (not for palette). 1,2 or 4 for grayscale only. 16 if 16-bit per channel required.*/
-  size_t numpixels;
-} LodePNGColorProfile;
-void lodepng_color_profile_init(LodePNGColorProfile* profile);
-/*Get a LodePNGColorProfile of the image. The profile must already have been inited.
-NOTE: This is not related to the ICC color profile, search "iccp_profile" instead to find the ICC/chromacity/...
-fields in this header file.*/
-unsigned lodepng_get_color_profile(LodePNGColorProfile* profile,
-                                   const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                   const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in);
-/*The function LodePNG uses internally to decide the PNG color with auto_convert.
-Chooses an optimal color model, e.g. gray if only gray pixels, palette if < 256 colors, ...*/
-unsigned lodepng_auto_choose_color(LodePNGColorMode* mode_out,
-                                   const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                                   const LodePNGColorMode* mode_in);
-/*Settings for the encoder.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGEncoderSettings {
-  LodePNGCompressSettings zlibsettings; /*settings for the zlib encoder, such as window size, ...*/
-  unsigned auto_convert; /*automatically choose output PNG color type. Default: true*/
-  /*If true, follows the official PNG heuristic: if the PNG uses a palette or lower than
-  8 bit depth, set all filters to zero. Otherwise use the filter_strategy. Note that to
-  completely follow the official PNG heuristic, filter_palette_zero must be true and
-  filter_strategy must be LFS_MINSUM*/
-  unsigned filter_palette_zero;
-  /*Which filter strategy to use when not using zeroes due to filter_palette_zero.
-  Set filter_palette_zero to 0 to ensure always using your chosen strategy. Default: LFS_MINSUM*/
-  LodePNGFilterStrategy filter_strategy;
-  /*used if filter_strategy is LFS_PREDEFINED. In that case, this must point to a buffer with
-  the same length as the amount of scanlines in the image, and each value must <= 5. You
-  have to cleanup this buffer, LodePNG will never free it. Don't forget that filter_palette_zero
-  must be set to 0 to ensure this is also used on palette or low bitdepth images.*/
-  const unsigned char* predefined_filters;
-  /*force creating a PLTE chunk if colortype is 2 or 6 (= a suggested palette).
-  If colortype is 3, PLTE is _always_ created.*/
-  unsigned force_palette;
-  /*add LodePNG identifier and version as a text chunk, for debugging*/
-  unsigned add_id;
-  /*encode text chunks as zTXt chunks instead of tEXt chunks, and use compression in iTXt chunks*/
-  unsigned text_compression;
-} LodePNGEncoderSettings;
-void lodepng_encoder_settings_init(LodePNGEncoderSettings* settings);
-/*The settings, state and information for extended encoding and decoding.*/
-typedef struct LodePNGState {
-  LodePNGDecoderSettings decoder; /*the decoding settings*/
-  LodePNGEncoderSettings encoder; /*the encoding settings*/
-  LodePNGColorMode info_raw; /*specifies the format in which you would like to get the raw pixel buffer*/
-  LodePNGInfo info_png; /*info of the PNG image obtained after decoding*/
-  unsigned error;
-  /* For the lodepng::State subclass. */
-  virtual ~LodePNGState(){}
-} LodePNGState;
-/*init, cleanup and copy functions to use with this struct*/
-void lodepng_state_init(LodePNGState* state);
-void lodepng_state_cleanup(LodePNGState* state);
-void lodepng_state_copy(LodePNGState* dest, const LodePNGState* source);
-Same as lodepng_decode_memory, but uses a LodePNGState to allow custom settings and
-getting much more information about the PNG image and color mode.
-unsigned lodepng_decode(unsigned char** out, unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                        LodePNGState* state,
-                        const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-Read the PNG header, but not the actual data. This returns only the information
-that is in the IHDR chunk of the PNG, such as width, height and color type. The
-information is placed in the info_png field of the LodePNGState.
-unsigned lodepng_inspect(unsigned* w, unsigned* h,
-                         LodePNGState* state,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-Reads one metadata chunk (other than IHDR) of the PNG file and outputs what it
-read in the state. Returns error code on failure.
-Use lodepng_inspect first with a new state, then e.g. lodepng_chunk_find_const
-to find the desired chunk type, and if non null use lodepng_inspect_chunk (with
-chunk_pointer - start_of_file as pos).
-Supports most metadata chunks from the PNG standard (gAMA, bKGD, tEXt, ...).
-Ignores unsupported, unknown, non-metadata or IHDR chunks (without error).
-Requirements: &in[pos] must point to start of a chunk, must use regular
-lodepng_inspect first since format of most other chunks depends on IHDR, and if
-there is a PLTE chunk, that one must be inspected before tRNS or bKGD.
-unsigned lodepng_inspect_chunk(LodePNGState* state, size_t pos,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-/*This function allocates the out buffer with standard malloc and stores the size in *outsize.*/
-unsigned lodepng_encode(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                        const unsigned char* image, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                        LodePNGState* state);
-The lodepng_chunk functions are normally not needed, except to traverse the
-unknown chunks stored in the LodePNGInfo struct, or add new ones to it.
-It also allows traversing the chunks of an encoded PNG file yourself.
-The chunk pointer always points to the beginning of the chunk itself, that is
-the first byte of the 4 length bytes.
-In the PNG file format, chunks have the following format:
--4 bytes length: length of the data of the chunk in bytes (chunk itself is 12 bytes longer)
--4 bytes chunk type (ASCII a-z,A-Z only, see below)
--length bytes of data (may be 0 bytes if length was 0)
--4 bytes of CRC, computed on chunk name + data
-The first chunk starts at the 8th byte of the PNG file, the entire rest of the file
-exists out of concatenated chunks with the above format.
-PNG standard chunk ASCII naming conventions:
--First byte: uppercase = critical, lowercase = ancillary
--Second byte: uppercase = public, lowercase = private
--Third byte: must be uppercase
--Fourth byte: uppercase = unsafe to copy, lowercase = safe to copy
-Gets the length of the data of the chunk. Total chunk length has 12 bytes more.
-There must be at least 4 bytes to read from. If the result value is too large,
-it may be corrupt data.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_length(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*puts the 4-byte type in null terminated string*/
-void lodepng_chunk_type(char type[5], const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*check if the type is the given type*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_type_equals(const unsigned char* chunk, const char* type);
-/*0: it's one of the critical chunk types, 1: it's an ancillary chunk (see PNG standard)*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_ancillary(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*0: public, 1: private (see PNG standard)*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_private(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*0: the chunk is unsafe to copy, 1: the chunk is safe to copy (see PNG standard)*/
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_safetocopy(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*get pointer to the data of the chunk, where the input points to the header of the chunk*/
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data(unsigned char* chunk);
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data_const(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*returns 0 if the crc is correct, 1 if it's incorrect (0 for OK as usual!)*/
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_check_crc(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*generates the correct CRC from the data and puts it in the last 4 bytes of the chunk*/
-void lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(unsigned char* chunk);
-Iterate to next chunks, allows iterating through all chunks of the PNG file.
-Input must be at the beginning of a chunk (result of a previous lodepng_chunk_next call,
-or the 8th byte of a PNG file which always has the first chunk), or alternatively may
-point to the first byte of the PNG file (which is not a chunk but the magic header, the
-function will then skip over it and return the first real chunk).
-Expects at least 8 readable bytes of memory in the input pointer.
-Will output pointer to the start of the next chunk or the end of the file if there
-is no more chunk after this. Start this process at the 8th byte of the PNG file.
-In a non-corrupt PNG file, the last chunk should have name "IEND".
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next(unsigned char* chunk);
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next_const(const unsigned char* chunk);
-/*Finds the first chunk with the given type in the range [chunk, end), or returns NULL if not found.*/
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find(unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end, const char type[5]);
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_find_const(const unsigned char* chunk, const unsigned char* end, const char type[5]);
-Appends chunk to the data in out. The given chunk should already have its chunk header.
-The out variable and outlength are updated to reflect the new reallocated buffer.
-Returns error code (0 if it went ok)
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_append(unsigned char** out, size_t* outlength, const unsigned char* chunk);
-Appends new chunk to out. The chunk to append is given by giving its length, type
-and data separately. The type is a 4-letter string.
-The out variable and outlength are updated to reflect the new reallocated buffer.
-Returne error code (0 if it went ok)
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_create(unsigned char** out, size_t* outlength, unsigned length,
-                              const char* type, const unsigned char* data);
-/*Calculate CRC32 of buffer*/
-unsigned lodepng_crc32(const unsigned char* buf, size_t len);
-This zlib part can be used independently to zlib compress and decompress a
-buffer. It cannot be used to create gzip files however, and it only supports the
-part of zlib that is required for PNG, it does not support dictionaries.
-/*Inflate a buffer. Inflate is the decompression step of deflate. Out buffer must be freed after use.*/
-unsigned lodepng_inflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings);
-Decompresses Zlib data. Reallocates the out buffer and appends the data. The
-data must be according to the zlib specification.
-Either, *out must be NULL and *outsize must be 0, or, *out must be a valid
-buffer and *outsize its size in bytes. out must be freed by user after usage.
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_decompress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                                 const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                                 const LodePNGDecompressSettings* settings);
-Compresses data with Zlib. Reallocates the out buffer and appends the data.
-Zlib adds a small header and trailer around the deflate data.
-The data is output in the format of the zlib specification.
-Either, *out must be NULL and *outsize must be 0, or, *out must be a valid
-buffer and *outsize its size in bytes. out must be freed by user after usage.
-unsigned lodepng_zlib_compress(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                               const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                               const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings);
-Find length-limited Huffman code for given frequencies. This function is in the
-public interface only for tests, it's used internally by lodepng_deflate.
-unsigned lodepng_huffman_code_lengths(unsigned* lengths, const unsigned* frequencies,
-                                      size_t numcodes, unsigned maxbitlen);
-/*Compress a buffer with deflate. See RFC 1951. Out buffer must be freed after use.*/
-unsigned lodepng_deflate(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize,
-                         const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                         const LodePNGCompressSettings* settings);
-Load a file from disk into buffer. The function allocates the out buffer, and
-after usage you should free it.
-out: output parameter, contains pointer to loaded buffer.
-outsize: output parameter, size of the allocated out buffer
-filename: the path to the file to load
-return value: error code (0 means ok)
-unsigned lodepng_load_file(unsigned char** out, size_t* outsize, const char* filename);
-Save a file from buffer to disk. Warning, if it exists, this function overwrites
-the file without warning!
-buffer: the buffer to write
-buffersize: size of the buffer to write
-filename: the path to the file to save to
-return value: error code (0 means ok)
-unsigned lodepng_save_file(const unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffersize, const char* filename);
-/* The LodePNG C++ wrapper uses std::vectors instead of manually allocated memory buffers. */
-namespace lodepng {
-class State : public LodePNGState {
-  public:
-    State();
-    State(const State& other);
-    virtual ~State();
-    State& operator=(const State& other);
-/* Same as other lodepng::decode, but using a State for more settings and information. */
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const unsigned char* in, size_t insize);
-unsigned decode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, unsigned& w, unsigned& h,
-                State& state,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in);
-/* Same as other lodepng::encode, but using a State for more settings and information. */
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const unsigned char* in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state);
-unsigned encode(std::vector<unsigned char>& out,
-                const std::vector<unsigned char>& in, unsigned w, unsigned h,
-                State& state);
-Load a file from disk into an std::vector.
-return value: error code (0 means ok)
-unsigned load_file(std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename);
-Save the binary data in an std::vector to a file on disk. The file is overwritten
-without warning.
-unsigned save_file(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer, const std::string& filename);
-/* Zlib-decompress an unsigned char buffer */
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_decompress_settings);
-/* Zlib-decompress an std::vector */
-unsigned decompress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                    const LodePNGDecompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_decompress_settings);
-/* Zlib-compress an unsigned char buffer */
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const unsigned char* in, size_t insize,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_compress_settings);
-/* Zlib-compress an std::vector */
-unsigned compress(std::vector<unsigned char>& out, const std::vector<unsigned char>& in,
-                  const LodePNGCompressSettings& settings = lodepng_default_compress_settings);
-} /* namespace lodepng */
-[.] test if there are no memory leaks or security exploits - done a lot but needs to be checked often
-[.] check compatibility with various compilers  - done but needs to be redone for every newer version
-[X] converting color to 16-bit per channel types
-[X] support color profile chunk types (but never let them touch RGB values by default)
-[ ] support all public PNG chunk types (almost done except sBIT, sPLT and hIST)
-[ ] make sure encoder generates no chunks with size > (2^31)-1
-[ ] partial decoding (stream processing)
-[X] let the "isFullyOpaque" function check color keys and transparent palettes too
-[X] better name for the variables "codes", "codesD", "codelengthcodes", "clcl" and "lldl"
-[ ] allow treating some errors like warnings, when image is recoverable (e.g. 69, 57, 58)
-[ ] make warnings like: oob palette, checksum fail, data after iend, wrong/unknown crit chunk, no null terminator in text, ...
-[ ] error messages with line numbers (and version)
-[ ] errors in state instead of as return code?
-[ ] new errors/warnings like suspiciously big decompressed ztxt or iccp chunk
-[ ] let the C++ wrapper catch exceptions coming from the standard library and return LodePNG error codes
-[ ] allow user to provide custom color conversion functions, e.g. for premultiplied alpha, padding bits or not, ...
-[ ] allow user to give data (void*) to custom allocator
-[ ] provide alternatives for C library functions not present on some platforms (memcpy, ...)
-[ ] rename "grey" to "gray" everywhere since "color" also uses US spelling (keep "grey" copies for backwards compatibility)
-#endif /*LODEPNG_H inclusion guard*/
-LodePNG Documentation
-0. table of contents
-  1. about
-   1.1. supported features
-   1.2. features not supported
-  2. C and C++ version
-  3. security
-  4. decoding
-  5. encoding
-  6. color conversions
-    6.1. PNG color types
-    6.2. color conversions
-    6.3. padding bits
-    6.4. A note about 16-bits per channel and endianness
-  7. error values
-  8. chunks and PNG editing
-  9. compiler support
-  10. examples
-   10.1. decoder C++ example
-   10.2. decoder C example
-  11. state settings reference
-  12. changes
-  13. contact information
-1. about
-PNG is a file format to store raster images losslessly with good compression,
-supporting different color types and alpha channel.
-LodePNG is a PNG codec according to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
-Specification (Second Edition) - W3C Recommendation 10 November 2003.
-The specifications used are:
-*) Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition):
-*) RFC 1950 ZLIB Compressed Data Format version 3.3:
-*) RFC 1951 DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification ver 1.3:
-The most recent version of LodePNG can currently be found at
-LodePNG works both in C (ISO C90) and C++, with a C++ wrapper that adds
-extra functionality.
-LodePNG exists out of two files:
--lodepng.h: the header file for both C and C++
--lodepng.c(pp): give it the name lodepng.c or lodepng.cpp (or .cc) depending on your usage
-If you want to start using LodePNG right away without reading this doc, get the
-examples from the LodePNG website to see how to use it in code, or check the
-smaller examples in chapter 13 here.
-LodePNG is simple but only supports the basic requirements. To achieve
-simplicity, the following design choices were made: There are no dependencies
-on any external library. There are functions to decode and encode a PNG with
-a single function call, and extended versions of these functions taking a
-LodePNGState struct allowing to specify or get more information. By default
-the colors of the raw image are always RGB or RGBA, no matter what color type
-the PNG file uses. To read and write files, there are simple functions to
-convert the files to/from buffers in memory.
-This all makes LodePNG suitable for loading textures in games, demos and small
-programs, ... It's less suitable for full fledged image editors, loading PNGs
-over network (it requires all the image data to be available before decoding can
-begin), life-critical systems, ...
-1.1. supported features
-The following features are supported by the decoder:
-*) decoding of PNGs with any color type, bit depth and interlace mode, to a 24- or 32-bit color raw image,
-   or the same color type as the PNG
-*) encoding of PNGs, from any raw image to 24- or 32-bit color, or the same color type as the raw image
-*) Adam7 interlace and deinterlace for any color type
-*) loading the image from harddisk or decoding it from a buffer from other sources than harddisk
-*) support for alpha channels, including RGBA color model, translucent palettes and color keying
-*) zlib decompression (inflate)
-*) zlib compression (deflate)
-*) CRC32 and ADLER32 checksums
-*) colorimetric color profile conversions: currently experimentally available in lodepng_util.cpp only,
-   plus alternatively ability to pass on chroma/gamma/ICC profile information to other color management system.
-*) handling of unknown chunks, allowing making a PNG editor that stores custom and unknown chunks.
-*) the following chunks are supported by both encoder and decoder:
-    IHDR: header information
-    PLTE: color palette
-    IDAT: pixel data
-    IEND: the final chunk
-    tRNS: transparency for palettized images
-    tEXt: textual information
-    zTXt: compressed textual information
-    iTXt: international textual information
-    bKGD: suggested background color
-    pHYs: physical dimensions
-    tIME: modification time
-    cHRM: RGB chromaticities
-    gAMA: RGB gamma correction
-    iCCP: ICC color profile
-    sRGB: rendering intent
-1.2. features not supported
-The following features are _not_ supported:
-*) some features needed to make a conformant PNG-Editor might be still missing.
-*) partial loading/stream processing. All data must be available and is processed in one call.
-*) The following public chunks are not (yet) supported but treated as unknown chunks by LodePNG:
-    sBIT
-    hIST
-    sPLT
-2. C and C++ version
-The C version uses buffers allocated with alloc that you need to free()
-yourself. You need to use init and cleanup functions for each struct whenever
-using a struct from the C version to avoid exploits and memory leaks.
-The C++ version has extra functions with std::vectors in the interface and the
-lodepng::State class which is a LodePNGState with constructor and destructor.
-These files work without modification for both C and C++ compilers because all
-the additional C++ code is in "#ifdef __cplusplus" blocks that make C-compilers
-ignore it, and the C code is made to compile both with strict ISO C90 and C++.
-To use the C++ version, you need to rename the source file to lodepng.cpp
-(instead of lodepng.c), and compile it with a C++ compiler.
-To use the C version, you need to rename the source file to lodepng.c (instead
-of lodepng.cpp), and compile it with a C compiler.
-3. Security
-Even if carefully designed, it's always possible that LodePNG contains possible
-exploits. If you discover one, please let me know, and it will be fixed.
-When using LodePNG, care has to be taken with the C version of LodePNG, as well
-as the C-style structs when working with C++. The following conventions are used
-for all C-style structs:
--if a struct has a corresponding init function, always call the init function when making a new one
--if a struct has a corresponding cleanup function, call it before the struct disappears to avoid memory leaks
--if a struct has a corresponding copy function, use the copy function instead of "=".
- The destination must also be inited already.
-4. Decoding
-Decoding converts a PNG compressed image to a raw pixel buffer.
-Most documentation on using the decoder is at its declarations in the header
-above. For C, simple decoding can be done with functions such as
-lodepng_decode32, and more advanced decoding can be done with the struct
-LodePNGState and lodepng_decode. For C++, all decoding can be done with the
-various lodepng::decode functions, and lodepng::State can be used for advanced
-When using the LodePNGState, it uses the following fields for decoding:
-*) LodePNGInfo info_png: it stores extra information about the PNG (the input) in here
-*) LodePNGColorMode info_raw: here you can say what color mode of the raw image (the output) you want to get
-*) LodePNGDecoderSettings decoder: you can specify a few extra settings for the decoder to use
-LodePNGInfo info_png
-After decoding, this contains extra information of the PNG image, except the actual
-pixels, width and height because these are already gotten directly from the decoder
-It contains for example the original color type of the PNG image, text comments,
-suggested background color, etc... More details about the LodePNGInfo struct are
-at its declaration documentation.
-LodePNGColorMode info_raw
-When decoding, here you can specify which color type you want
-the resulting raw image to be. If this is different from the colortype of the
-PNG, then the decoder will automatically convert the result. This conversion
-always works, except if you want it to convert a color PNG to grayscale or to
-a palette with missing colors.
-By default, 32-bit color is used for the result.
-LodePNGDecoderSettings decoder
-The settings can be used to ignore the errors created by invalid CRC and Adler32
-chunks, and to disable the decoding of tEXt chunks.
-There's also a setting color_convert, true by default. If false, no conversion
-is done, the resulting data will be as it was in the PNG (after decompression)
-and you'll have to puzzle the colors of the pixels together yourself using the
-color type information in the LodePNGInfo.
-5. Encoding
-Encoding converts a raw pixel buffer to a PNG compressed image.
-Most documentation on using the encoder is at its declarations in the header
-above. For C, simple encoding can be done with functions such as
-lodepng_encode32, and more advanced decoding can be done with the struct
-LodePNGState and lodepng_encode. For C++, all encoding can be done with the
-various lodepng::encode functions, and lodepng::State can be used for advanced
-Like the decoder, the encoder can also give errors. However it gives less errors
-since the encoder input is trusted, the decoder input (a PNG image that could
-be forged by anyone) is not trusted.
-When using the LodePNGState, it uses the following fields for encoding:
-*) LodePNGInfo info_png: here you specify how you want the PNG (the output) to be.
-*) LodePNGColorMode info_raw: here you say what color type of the raw image (the input) has
-*) LodePNGEncoderSettings encoder: you can specify a few settings for the encoder to use
-LodePNGInfo info_png
-When encoding, you use this the opposite way as when decoding: for encoding,
-you fill in the values you want the PNG to have before encoding. By default it's
-not needed to specify a color type for the PNG since it's automatically chosen,
-but it's possible to choose it yourself given the right settings.
-The encoder will not always exactly match the LodePNGInfo struct you give,
-it tries as close as possible. Some things are ignored by the encoder. The
-encoder uses, for example, the following settings from it when applicable:
-colortype and bitdepth, text chunks, time chunk, the color key, the palette, the
-background color, the interlace method, unknown chunks, ...
-When encoding to a PNG with colortype 3, the encoder will generate a PLTE chunk.
-If the palette contains any colors for which the alpha channel is not 255 (so
-there are translucent colors in the palette), it'll add a tRNS chunk.
-LodePNGColorMode info_raw
-You specify the color type of the raw image that you give to the input here,
-including a possible transparent color key and palette you happen to be using in
-your raw image data.
-By default, 32-bit color is assumed, meaning your input has to be in RGBA
-format with 4 bytes (unsigned chars) per pixel.
-LodePNGEncoderSettings encoder
-The following settings are supported (some are in sub-structs):
-*) auto_convert: when this option is enabled, the encoder will
-automatically choose the smallest possible color mode (including color key) that
-can encode the colors of all pixels without information loss.
-*) btype: the block type for LZ77. 0 = uncompressed, 1 = fixed huffman tree,
-   2 = dynamic huffman tree (best compression). Should be 2 for proper
-   compression.
-*) use_lz77: whether or not to use LZ77 for compressed block types. Should be
-   true for proper compression.
-*) windowsize: the window size used by the LZ77 encoder (1 - 32768). Has value
-   2048 by default, but can be set to 32768 for better, but slow, compression.
-*) force_palette: if colortype is 2 or 6, you can make the encoder write a PLTE
-   chunk if force_palette is true. This can used as suggested palette to convert
-   to by viewers that don't support more than 256 colors (if those still exist)
-*) add_id: add text chunk "Encoder: LodePNG <version>" to the image.
-*) text_compression: default 1. If 1, it'll store texts as zTXt instead of tEXt chunks.
-  zTXt chunks use zlib compression on the text. This gives a smaller result on
-  large texts but a larger result on small texts (such as a single program name).
-  It's all tEXt or all zTXt though, there's no separate setting per text yet.
-6. color conversions
-An important thing to note about LodePNG, is that the color type of the PNG, and
-the color type of the raw image, are completely independent. By default, when
-you decode a PNG, you get the result as a raw image in the color type you want,
-no matter whether the PNG was encoded with a palette, grayscale or RGBA color.
-And if you encode an image, by default LodePNG will automatically choose the PNG
-color type that gives good compression based on the values of colors and amount
-of colors in the image. It can be configured to let you control it instead as
-well, though.
-To be able to do this, LodePNG does conversions from one color mode to another.
-It can convert from almost any color type to any other color type, except the
-following conversions: RGB to grayscale is not supported, and converting to a
-palette when the palette doesn't have a required color is not supported. This is
-not supported on purpose: this is information loss which requires a color
-reduction algorithm that is beyong the scope of a PNG encoder (yes, RGB to gray
-is easy, but there are multiple ways if you want to give some channels more
-By default, when decoding, you get the raw image in 32-bit RGBA or 24-bit RGB
-color, no matter what color type the PNG has. And by default when encoding,
-LodePNG automatically picks the best color model for the output PNG, and expects
-the input image to be 32-bit RGBA or 24-bit RGB. So, unless you want to control
-the color format of the images yourself, you can skip this chapter.
-6.1. PNG color types
-A PNG image can have many color types, ranging from 1-bit color to 64-bit color,
-as well as palettized color modes. After the zlib decompression and unfiltering
-in the PNG image is done, the raw pixel data will have that color type and thus
-a certain amount of bits per pixel. If you want the output raw image after
-decoding to have another color type, a conversion is done by LodePNG.
-The PNG specification gives the following color types:
-0: grayscale, bit depths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
-2: RGB, bit depths 8 and 16
-3: palette, bit depths 1, 2, 4 and 8
-4: grayscale with alpha, bit depths 8 and 16
-6: RGBA, bit depths 8 and 16
-Bit depth is the amount of bits per pixel per color channel. So the total amount
-of bits per pixel is: amount of channels * bitdepth.
-6.2. color conversions
-As explained in the sections about the encoder and decoder, you can specify
-color types and bit depths in info_png and info_raw to change the default
-If, when decoding, you want the raw image to be something else than the default,
-you need to set the color type and bit depth you want in the LodePNGColorMode,
-or the parameters colortype and bitdepth of the simple decoding function.
-If, when encoding, you use another color type than the default in the raw input
-image, you need to specify its color type and bit depth in the LodePNGColorMode
-of the raw image, or use the parameters colortype and bitdepth of the simple
-encoding function.
-If, when encoding, you don't want LodePNG to choose the output PNG color type
-but control it yourself, you need to set auto_convert in the encoder settings
-to false, and specify the color type you want in the LodePNGInfo of the
-encoder (including palette: it can generate a palette if auto_convert is true,
-otherwise not).
-If the input and output color type differ (whether user chosen or auto chosen),
-LodePNG will do a color conversion, which follows the rules below, and may
-sometimes result in an error.
-To avoid some confusion:
--the decoder converts from PNG to raw image
--the encoder converts from raw image to PNG
--the colortype and bitdepth in LodePNGColorMode info_raw, are those of the raw image
--the colortype and bitdepth in the color field of LodePNGInfo info_png, are those of the PNG
--when encoding, the color type in LodePNGInfo is ignored if auto_convert
- is enabled, it is automatically generated instead
--when decoding, the color type in LodePNGInfo is set by the decoder to that of the original
- PNG image, but it can be ignored since the raw image has the color type you requested instead
--if the color type of the LodePNGColorMode and PNG image aren't the same, a conversion
- between the color types is done if the color types are supported. If it is not
- supported, an error is returned. If the types are the same, no conversion is done.
--even though some conversions aren't supported, LodePNG supports loading PNGs from any
- colortype and saving PNGs to any colortype, sometimes it just requires preparing
- the raw image correctly before encoding.
--both encoder and decoder use the same color converter.
-The function lodepng_convert does the color conversion. It is available in the
-interface but normally isn't needed since the encoder and decoder already call
-Non supported color conversions:
--color to grayscale when non-gray pixels are present: no error is thrown, but
-the result will look ugly because only the red channel is taken (it assumes all
-three channels are the same in this case so ignores green and blue). The reason
-no error is given is to allow converting from three-channel grayscale images to
-one-channel even if there are numerical imprecisions.
--anything to palette when the palette does not have an exact match for a from-color
-in it: in this case an error is thrown
-Supported color conversions:
--anything to 8-bit RGB, 8-bit RGBA, 16-bit RGB, 16-bit RGBA
--any gray or gray+alpha, to gray or gray+alpha
--anything to a palette, as long as the palette has the requested colors in it
--removing alpha channel
--higher to smaller bitdepth, and vice versa
-If you want no color conversion to be done (e.g. for speed or control):
--In the encoder, you can make it save a PNG with any color type by giving the
-raw color mode and LodePNGInfo the same color mode, and setting auto_convert to
--In the decoder, you can make it store the pixel data in the same color type
-as the PNG has, by setting the color_convert setting to false. Settings in
-info_raw are then ignored.
-6.3. padding bits
-In the PNG file format, if a less than 8-bit per pixel color type is used and the scanlines
-have a bit amount that isn't a multiple of 8, then padding bits are used so that each
-scanline starts at a fresh byte. But that is NOT true for the LodePNG raw input and output.
-The raw input image you give to the encoder, and the raw output image you get from the decoder
-will NOT have these padding bits, e.g. in the case of a 1-bit image with a width
-of 7 pixels, the first pixel of the second scanline will the the 8th bit of the first byte,
-not the first bit of a new byte.
-6.4. A note about 16-bits per channel and endianness
-LodePNG uses unsigned char arrays for 16-bit per channel colors too, just like
-for any other color format. The 16-bit values are stored in big endian (most
-significant byte first) in these arrays. This is the opposite order of the
-little endian used by x86 CPU's.
-LodePNG always uses big endian because the PNG file format does so internally.
-Conversions to other formats than PNG uses internally are not supported by
-LodePNG on purpose, there are myriads of formats, including endianness of 16-bit
-colors, the order in which you store R, G, B and A, and so on. Supporting and
-converting to/from all that is outside the scope of LodePNG.
-This may mean that, depending on your use case, you may want to convert the big
-endian output of LodePNG to little endian with a for loop. This is certainly not
-always needed, many applications and libraries support big endian 16-bit colors
-anyway, but it means you cannot simply cast the unsigned char* buffer to an
-unsigned short* buffer on x86 CPUs.
-7. error values
-All functions in LodePNG that return an error code, return 0 if everything went
-OK, or a non-zero code if there was an error.
-The meaning of the LodePNG error values can be retrieved with the function
-lodepng_error_text: given the numerical error code, it returns a description
-of the error in English as a string.
-Check the implementation of lodepng_error_text to see the meaning of each code.
-8. chunks and PNG editing
-If you want to add extra chunks to a PNG you encode, or use LodePNG for a PNG
-editor that should follow the rules about handling of unknown chunks, or if your
-program is able to read other types of chunks than the ones handled by LodePNG,
-then that's possible with the chunk functions of LodePNG.
-A PNG chunk has the following layout:
-4 bytes length
-4 bytes type name
-length bytes data
-4 bytes CRC
-8.1. iterating through chunks
-If you have a buffer containing the PNG image data, then the first chunk (the
-IHDR chunk) starts at byte number 8 of that buffer. The first 8 bytes are the
-signature of the PNG and are not part of a chunk. But if you start at byte 8
-then you have a chunk, and can check the following things of it.
-NOTE: none of these functions check for memory buffer boundaries. To avoid
-exploits, always make sure the buffer contains all the data of the chunks.
-When using lodepng_chunk_next, make sure the returned value is within the
-allocated memory.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_length(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Get the length of the chunk's data. The total chunk length is this length + 12.
-void lodepng_chunk_type(char type[5], const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_type_equals(const unsigned char* chunk, const char* type):
-Get the type of the chunk or compare if it's a certain type
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_critical(const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_private(const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned char lodepng_chunk_safetocopy(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Check if the chunk is critical in the PNG standard (only IHDR, PLTE, IDAT and IEND are).
-Check if the chunk is private (public chunks are part of the standard, private ones not).
-Check if the chunk is safe to copy. If it's not, then, when modifying data in a critical
-chunk, unsafe to copy chunks of the old image may NOT be saved in the new one if your
-program doesn't handle that type of unknown chunk.
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data(unsigned char* chunk):
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_data_const(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Get a pointer to the start of the data of the chunk.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_check_crc(const unsigned char* chunk):
-void lodepng_chunk_generate_crc(unsigned char* chunk):
-Check if the crc is correct or generate a correct one.
-unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next(unsigned char* chunk):
-const unsigned char* lodepng_chunk_next_const(const unsigned char* chunk):
-Iterate to the next chunk. This works if you have a buffer with consecutive chunks. Note that these
-functions do no boundary checking of the allocated data whatsoever, so make sure there is enough
-data available in the buffer to be able to go to the next chunk.
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_append(unsigned char** out, size_t* outlength, const unsigned char* chunk):
-unsigned lodepng_chunk_create(unsigned char** out, size_t* outlength, unsigned length,
-                              const char* type, const unsigned char* data):
-These functions are used to create new chunks that are appended to the data in *out that has
-length *outlength. The append function appends an existing chunk to the new data. The create
-function creates a new chunk with the given parameters and appends it. Type is the 4-letter
-name of the chunk.
-8.2. chunks in info_png
-The LodePNGInfo struct contains fields with the unknown chunk in it. It has 3
-buffers (each with size) to contain 3 types of unknown chunks:
-the ones that come before the PLTE chunk, the ones that come between the PLTE
-and the IDAT chunks, and the ones that come after the IDAT chunks.
-It's necessary to make the distionction between these 3 cases because the PNG
-standard forces to keep the ordering of unknown chunks compared to the critical
-chunks, but does not force any other ordering rules.
-info_png.unknown_chunks_data[0] is the chunks before PLTE
-info_png.unknown_chunks_data[1] is the chunks after PLTE, before IDAT
-info_png.unknown_chunks_data[2] is the chunks after IDAT
-The chunks in these 3 buffers can be iterated through and read by using the same
-way described in the previous subchapter.
-When using the decoder to decode a PNG, you can make it store all unknown chunks
-if you set the option settings.remember_unknown_chunks to 1. By default, this
-option is off (0).
-The encoder will always encode unknown chunks that are stored in the info_png.
-If you need it to add a particular chunk that isn't known by LodePNG, you can
-use lodepng_chunk_append or lodepng_chunk_create to the chunk data in
-Chunks that are known by LodePNG should not be added in that way. E.g. to make
-LodePNG add a bKGD chunk, set background_defined to true and add the correct
-parameters there instead.
-9. compiler support
-No libraries other than the current standard C library are needed to compile
-LodePNG. For the C++ version, only the standard C++ library is needed on top.
-Add the files lodepng.c(pp) and lodepng.h to your project, include
-lodepng.h where needed, and your program can read/write PNG files.
-It is compatible with C90 and up, and C++03 and up.
-If performance is important, use optimization when compiling! For both the
-encoder and decoder, this makes a large difference.
-Make sure that LodePNG is compiled with the same compiler of the same version
-and with the same settings as the rest of the program, or the interfaces with
-std::vectors and std::strings in C++ can be incompatible.
-CHAR_BITS must be 8 or higher, because LodePNG uses unsigned chars for octets.
-*) gcc and g++
-LodePNG is developed in gcc so this compiler is natively supported. It gives no
-warnings with compiler options "-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi", with gcc and g++
-version 4.7.1 on Linux, 32-bit and 64-bit.
-*) Clang
-Fully supported and warning-free.
-*) Mingw
-The Mingw compiler (a port of gcc for Windows) should be fully supported by
-*) Visual Studio and Visual C++ Express Edition
-LodePNG should be warning-free with warning level W4. Two warnings were disabled
-with pragmas though: warning 4244 about implicit conversions, and warning 4996
-where it wants to use a non-standard function fopen_s instead of the standard C
-Visual Studio may want "stdafx.h" files to be included in each source file and
-give an error "unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header".
-This is not standard C++ and will not be added to the stock LodePNG. You can
-disable it for lodepng.cpp only by right clicking it, Properties, C/C++,
-Precompiled Headers, and set it to Not Using Precompiled Headers there.
-NOTE: Modern versions of VS should be fully supported, but old versions, e.g.
-VS6, are not guaranteed to work.
-*) Compilers on Macintosh
-LodePNG has been reported to work both with gcc and LLVM for Macintosh, both for
-C and C++.
-*) Other Compilers
-If you encounter problems on any compilers, feel free to let me know and I may
-try to fix it if the compiler is modern and standards complient.
-10. examples
-This decoder example shows the most basic usage of LodePNG. More complex
-examples can be found on the LodePNG website.
-10.1. decoder C++ example
-#include "lodepng.h"
-#include <iostream>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  const char* filename = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "test.png";
-  //load and decode
-  std::vector<unsigned char> image;
-  unsigned width, height;
-  unsigned error = lodepng::decode(image, width, height, filename);
-  //if there's an error, display it
-  if(error) std::cout << "decoder error " << error << ": " << lodepng_error_text(error) << std::endl;
-  //the pixels are now in the vector "image", 4 bytes per pixel, ordered RGBARGBA..., use it as texture, draw it, ...
-10.2. decoder C example
-#include "lodepng.h"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  unsigned error;
-  unsigned char* image;
-  size_t width, height;
-  const char* filename = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "test.png";
-  error = lodepng_decode32_file(&image, &width, &height, filename);
-  if(error) printf("decoder error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error));
-  / * use image here * /
-  free(image);
-  return 0;
-11. state settings reference
-A quick reference of some settings to set on the LodePNGState
-For decoding:
-state.decoder.zlibsettings.ignore_adler32: ignore ADLER32 checksums
-state.decoder.zlibsettings.custom_...: use custom inflate function
-state.decoder.ignore_crc: ignore CRC checksums
-state.decoder.ignore_critical: ignore unknown critical chunks
-state.decoder.ignore_end: ignore missing IEND chunk. May fail if this corruption causes other errors
-state.decoder.color_convert: convert internal PNG color to chosen one
-state.decoder.read_text_chunks: whether to read in text metadata chunks
-state.decoder.remember_unknown_chunks: whether to read in unknown chunks
-state.info_raw.colortype: desired color type for decoded image
-state.info_raw.bitdepth: desired bit depth for decoded image
-state.info_raw....: more color settings, see struct LodePNGColorMode
-state.info_png....: no settings for decoder but ouput, see struct LodePNGInfo
-For encoding:
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.btype: disable compression by setting it to 0
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.use_lz77: use LZ77 in compression
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.windowsize: tweak LZ77 windowsize
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.minmatch: tweak min LZ77 length to match
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.nicematch: tweak LZ77 match where to stop searching
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.lazymatching: try one more LZ77 matching
-state.encoder.zlibsettings.custom_...: use custom deflate function
-state.encoder.auto_convert: choose optimal PNG color type, if 0 uses info_png
-state.encoder.filter_palette_zero: PNG filter strategy for palette
-state.encoder.filter_strategy: PNG filter strategy to encode with
-state.encoder.force_palette: add palette even if not encoding to one
-state.encoder.add_id: add LodePNG identifier and version as a text chunk
-state.encoder.text_compression: use compressed text chunks for metadata
-state.info_raw.colortype: color type of raw input image you provide
-state.info_raw.bitdepth: bit depth of raw input image you provide
-state.info_raw: more color settings, see struct LodePNGColorMode
-state.info_png.color.colortype: desired color type if auto_convert is false
-state.info_png.color.bitdepth: desired bit depth if auto_convert is false
-state.info_png.color....: more color settings, see struct LodePNGColorMode
-state.info_png....: more PNG related settings, see struct LodePNGInfo
-12. changes
-The version number of LodePNG is the date of the change given in the format
-Some changes aren't backwards compatible. Those are indicated with a (!)
-*) 30 dec 2018: code style changes only: removed newlines before opening braces.
-*) 10 sep 2018: added way to inspect metadata chunks without full decoding.
-*) 19 aug 2018 (!): fixed color mode bKGD is encoded with and made it use
-   palette index in case of palette.
-*) 10 aug 2018 (!): added support for gAMA, cHRM, sRGB and iCCP chunks. This
-   change is backwards compatible unless you relied on unknown_chunks for those.
-*) 11 jun 2018: less restrictive check for pixel size integer overflow
-*) 14 jan 2018: allow optionally ignoring a few more recoverable errors
-*) 17 sep 2017: fix memory leak for some encoder input error cases
-*) 27 nov 2016: grey+alpha auto color model detection bugfix
-*) 18 apr 2016: Changed qsort to custom stable sort (for platforms w/o qsort).
-*) 09 apr 2016: Fixed colorkey usage detection, and better file loading (within
-   the limits of pure C90).
-*) 08 dec 2015: Made load_file function return error if file can't be opened.
-*) 24 okt 2015: Bugfix with decoding to palette output.
-*) 18 apr 2015: Boundary PM instead of just package-merge for faster encoding.
-*) 23 aug 2014: Reduced needless memory usage of decoder.
-*) 28 jun 2014: Removed fix_png setting, always support palette OOB for
-    simplicity. Made ColorProfile public.
-*) 09 jun 2014: Faster encoder by fixing hash bug and more zeros optimization.
-*) 22 dec 2013: Power of two windowsize required for optimization.
-*) 15 apr 2013: Fixed bug with LAC_ALPHA and color key.
-*) 25 mar 2013: Added an optional feature to ignore some PNG errors (fix_png).
-*) 11 mar 2013 (!): Bugfix with custom free. Changed from "my" to "lodepng_"
-    prefix for the custom allocators and made it possible with a new #define to
-    use custom ones in your project without needing to change lodepng's code.
-*) 28 jan 2013: Bugfix with color key.
-*) 27 okt 2012: Tweaks in text chunk keyword length error handling.
-*) 8 okt 2012 (!): Added new filter strategy (entropy) and new auto color mode.
-    (no palette). Better deflate tree encoding. New compression tweak settings.
-    Faster color conversions while decoding. Some internal cleanups.
-*) 23 sep 2012: Reduced warnings in Visual Studio a little bit.
-*) 1 sep 2012 (!): Removed #define's for giving custom (de)compression functions
-    and made it work with function pointers instead.
-*) 23 jun 2012: Added more filter strategies. Made it easier to use custom alloc
-    and free functions and toggle #defines from compiler flags. Small fixes.
-*) 6 may 2012 (!): Made plugging in custom zlib/deflate functions more flexible.
-*) 22 apr 2012 (!): Made interface more consistent, renaming a lot. Removed
-    redundant C++ codec classes. Reduced amount of structs. Everything changed,
-    but it is cleaner now imho and functionality remains the same. Also fixed
-    several bugs and shrunk the implementation code. Made new samples.
-*) 6 nov 2011 (!): By default, the encoder now automatically chooses the best
-    PNG color model and bit depth, based on the amount and type of colors of the
-    raw image. For this, autoLeaveOutAlphaChannel replaced by auto_choose_color.
-*) 9 okt 2011: simpler hash chain implementation for the encoder.
-*) 8 sep 2011: lz77 encoder lazy matching instead of greedy matching.
-*) 23 aug 2011: tweaked the zlib compression parameters after benchmarking.
-    A bug with the PNG filtertype heuristic was fixed, so that it chooses much
-    better ones (it's quite significant). A setting to do an experimental, slow,
-    brute force search for PNG filter types is added.
-*) 17 aug 2011 (!): changed some C zlib related function names.
-*) 16 aug 2011: made the code less wide (max 120 characters per line).
-*) 17 apr 2011: code cleanup. Bugfixes. Convert low to 16-bit per sample colors.
-*) 21 feb 2011: fixed compiling for C90. Fixed compiling with sections disabled.
-*) 11 dec 2010: encoding is made faster, based on suggestion by Peter Eastman
-    to optimize long sequences of zeros.
-*) 13 nov 2010: added LodePNG_InfoColor_hasPaletteAlpha and
-    LodePNG_InfoColor_canHaveAlpha functions for convenience.
-*) 7 nov 2010: added LodePNG_error_text function to get error code description.
-*) 30 okt 2010: made decoding slightly faster
-*) 26 okt 2010: (!) changed some C function and struct names (more consistent).
-     Reorganized the documentation and the declaration order in the header.
-*) 08 aug 2010: only changed some comments and external samples.
-*) 05 jul 2010: fixed bug thanks to warnings in the new gcc version.
-*) 14 mar 2010: fixed bug where too much memory was allocated for char buffers.
-*) 02 sep 2008: fixed bug where it could create empty tree that linux apps could
-    read by ignoring the problem but windows apps couldn't.
-*) 06 jun 2008: added more error checks for out of memory cases.
-*) 26 apr 2008: added a few more checks here and there to ensure more safety.
-*) 06 mar 2008: crash with encoding of strings fixed
-*) 02 feb 2008: support for international text chunks added (iTXt)
-*) 23 jan 2008: small cleanups, and #defines to divide code in sections
-*) 20 jan 2008: support for unknown chunks allowing using LodePNG for an editor.
-*) 18 jan 2008: support for tIME and pHYs chunks added to encoder and decoder.
-*) 17 jan 2008: ability to encode and decode compressed zTXt chunks added
-    Also various fixes, such as in the deflate and the padding bits code.
-*) 13 jan 2008: Added ability to encode Adam7-interlaced images. Improved
-    filtering code of encoder.
-*) 07 jan 2008: (!) changed LodePNG to use ISO C90 instead of C++. A
-    C++ wrapper around this provides an interface almost identical to before.
-    Having LodePNG be pure ISO C90 makes it more portable. The C and C++ code
-    are together in these files but it works both for C and C++ compilers.
-*) 29 dec 2007: (!) changed most integer types to unsigned int + other tweaks
-*) 30 aug 2007: bug fixed which makes this Borland C++ compatible
-*) 09 aug 2007: some VS2005 warnings removed again
-*) 21 jul 2007: deflate code placed in new namespace separate from zlib code
-*) 08 jun 2007: fixed bug with 2- and 4-bit color, and small interlaced images
-*) 04 jun 2007: improved support for Visual Studio 2005: crash with accessing
-    invalid std::vector element [0] fixed, and level 3 and 4 warnings removed
-*) 02 jun 2007: made the encoder add a tag with version by default
-*) 27 may 2007: zlib and png code separated (but still in the same file),
-    simple encoder/decoder functions added for more simple usage cases
-*) 19 may 2007: minor fixes, some code cleaning, new error added (error 69),
-    moved some examples from here to lodepng_examples.cpp
-*) 12 may 2007: palette decoding bug fixed
-*) 24 apr 2007: changed the license from BSD to the zlib license
-*) 11 mar 2007: very simple addition: ability to encode bKGD chunks.
-*) 04 mar 2007: (!) tEXt chunk related fixes, and support for encoding
-    palettized PNG images. Plus little interface change with palette and texts.
-*) 03 mar 2007: Made it encode dynamic Huffman shorter with repeat codes.
-    Fixed a bug where the end code of a block had length 0 in the Huffman tree.
-*) 26 feb 2007: Huffman compression with dynamic trees (BTYPE 2) now implemented
-    and supported by the encoder, resulting in smaller PNGs at the output.
-*) 27 jan 2007: Made the Adler-32 test faster so that a timewaste is gone.
-*) 24 jan 2007: gave encoder an error interface. Added color conversion from any
-    greyscale type to 8-bit greyscale with or without alpha.
-*) 21 jan 2007: (!) Totally changed the interface. It allows more color types
-    to convert to and is more uniform. See the manual for how it works now.
-*) 07 jan 2007: Some cleanup & fixes, and a few changes over the last days:
-    encode/decode custom tEXt chunks, separate classes for zlib & deflate, and
-    at last made the decoder give errors for incorrect Adler32 or Crc.
-*) 01 jan 2007: Fixed bug with encoding PNGs with less than 8 bits per channel.
-*) 29 dec 2006: Added support for encoding images without alpha channel, and
-    cleaned out code as well as making certain parts faster.
-*) 28 dec 2006: Added "Settings" to the encoder.
-*) 26 dec 2006: The encoder now does LZ77 encoding and produces much smaller files now.
-    Removed some code duplication in the decoder. Fixed little bug in an example.
-*) 09 dec 2006: (!) Placed output parameters of public functions as first parameter.
-    Fixed a bug of the decoder with 16-bit per color.
-*) 15 okt 2006: Changed documentation structure
-*) 09 okt 2006: Encoder class added. It encodes a valid PNG image from the
-    given image buffer, however for now it's not compressed.
-*) 08 sep 2006: (!) Changed to interface with a Decoder class
-*) 30 jul 2006: (!) LodePNG_InfoPng , width and height are now retrieved in different
-    way. Renamed decodePNG to decodePNGGeneric.
-*) 29 jul 2006: (!) Changed the interface: image info is now returned as a
-    struct of type LodePNG::LodePNG_Info, instead of a vector, which was a bit clumsy.
-*) 28 jul 2006: Cleaned the code and added new error checks.
-    Corrected terminology "deflate" into "inflate".
-*) 23 jun 2006: Added SDL example in the documentation in the header, this
-    example allows easy debugging by displaying the PNG and its transparency.
-*) 22 jun 2006: (!) Changed way to obtain error value. Added
-    loadFile function for convenience. Made decodePNG32 faster.
-*) 21 jun 2006: (!) Changed type of info vector to unsigned.
-    Changed position of palette in info vector. Fixed an important bug that
-    happened on PNGs with an uncompressed block.
-*) 16 jun 2006: Internally changed unsigned into unsigned where
-    needed, and performed some optimizations.
-*) 07 jun 2006: (!) Renamed functions to decodePNG and placed them
-    in LodePNG namespace. Changed the order of the parameters. Rewrote the
-    documentation in the header. Renamed files to lodepng.cpp and lodepng.h
-*) 22 apr 2006: Optimized and improved some code
-*) 07 sep 2005: (!) Changed to std::vector interface
-*) 12 aug 2005: Initial release (C++, decoder only)
-13. contact information
-Feel free to contact me with suggestions, problems, comments, ... concerning
-LodePNG. If you encounter a PNG image that doesn't work properly with this
-decoder, feel free to send it and I'll use it to find and fix the problem.
-My email address is (puzzle the account and domain together with an @ symbol):
-Domain: gmail dot com.
-Account: lode dot vandevenne.
-Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Lode Vandevenne
diff --git a/transcoder/basisu_global_selector_cb.h b/transcoder/basisu_global_selector_cb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab5098..0000000
--- a/transcoder/basisu_global_selector_cb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-0x0, 0x505, 0x5555, 0x5F5F, 0x5055050, 0x5055F5F, 0x50AAA551, 0xFAA5A5AA, 0x6AAA5095, 0x41E6FBAB, 0x19AE99F5, 0x1057AAA4, 0x54005A1A, 0x4459AEAF, 0x56015B, 0xBAA9A554,
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-0x5166AAF, 0x15490065, 0x6F5BAFAF, 0xFF00FF00, 0xD96956AA, 0x15AF6B, 0xFF5A00AA, 0xE0E557AA, 0x1A6F19BD, 0x69655555, 0xD0500158, 0xEEEDD894, 0xE4E4FE, 0xC71B7B10, 0x55AA5AAF, 0x50AA59BE,
-0xE4E990E4, 0x5353B63B, 0xFEE5D0E4, 0x96AF051A, 0x3CC95A6, 0x70B5A40D, 0x9504196E, 0x4A0BD7A3, 0x11B89592, 0xAAFF4095, 0x55A5D4E0, 0xBBA55050, 0x1111666, 0xA5544000, 0xED994444, 0x5A56BF,
-0x94A954B9, 0xFB651000, 0x604E633E, 0x14291A15, 0x56965956, 0xB8E0D0C0, 0x5A565A55, 0x65A61A6A, 0xE490F990, 0xCA87AAF5, 0x6060A0B, 0x24C23143, 0x55AA9A40, 0x505E1605, 0xCEC0486E, 0x156E55EA,
-0x79978B0B, 0x4595F53C, 0x405C4AF7, 0xC1897D75, 0xD5F40BA6, 0x95444017, 0x14AD6935, 0x87C7A7BD, 0x4A4E8597, 0xFF1D7E55, 0x451400F9, 0x1112277B, 0x9A0590F8, 0x53E3492E, 0xE590E995, 0x7E730A9A,
-0x929697E7, 0x2E781609, 0xE22317A1, 0xEDE9D884, 0xDDD75CDD, 0xAF1B6F1A, 0xE6909047, 0xA77DAD5D, 0x184C0D5D, 0xFAB56010, 0x5EA4F1D0, 0x11166B6B, 0xF51A7AD6, 0xF79950F4, 0x1B6B1B11, 0x9A6D6469,
-0x441997E, 0x4546869A, 0x95AA6965, 0x155A6A, 0x6E68B0E6, 0x5A55A665, 0x1B051605, 0x601D8BE6, 0xBD2F1B06, 0x409A429B, 0x23272721, 0xB07454A9, 0x7E66A3A1, 0x1B6A5500, 0xA0E0F5A6, 0xBF5A0500,
-0x55A5A9A9, 0x99D9E995, 0xE440566F, 0x6550BE99, 0x2267777B, 0xFA50FE50, 0xA657B441, 0xB4E29343, 0x555090E5, 0x45465B6B, 0xE654E6, 0xEA90469B, 0x2E05D2F4, 0x99594444, 0xF1C20746, 0x295AD2E0,
-0xF990EA95, 0x804459AE, 0xA9999894, 0x1F41E4A5, 0x4040E5E5, 0x5481E1F2, 0x2AFF59F1, 0x6B6B1712, 0xA7131051, 0xF9406F16, 0x1B2B5B9E, 0x587E0F2F, 0x547E1919, 0xD0F5645B, 0xB1B1B1B, 0x5756A4FE,
-0x46A9B965, 0x1529F99D, 0xE490E490, 0x4495FE, 0x985E0B06, 0x5FD2D23A, 0x5D0E95A, 0xF69103F4, 0x4029790, 0x1B062F1B, 0xEE594500, 0xB6539B5A, 0x106165BA, 0xD26B7C8D, 0x8B2A25A5, 0x55EAD5E3,
-0x431FB8E1, 0xBEB4E646, 0x9A5A4545, 0x5015A6B, 0x90D4B83D, 0xDB8A99A4, 0x9E894905, 0xDD7D1101, 0xA95E00BF, 0x579FA5A5, 0xA292D145, 0x93292C96, 0xF9A995A5, 0xBFE8A450, 0xB990D15B, 0x45D1E01A,
-0x4BD3F767, 0xF243479A, 0x7E420927, 0xF9E5E090, 0xA1C869F, 0x253A36, 0x9BAB569A, 0x4147031F, 0xA059AFE, 0xE0D6590F, 0xD5EAD5E6, 0x9A4B4641, 0x5AAA4406, 0x55EA90E4, 0x10179BC4, 0x44485999,
-0x5156253E, 0x1F29E054, 0xCDDAA773, 0x5601AB05, 0x94FC94C0, 0x116166BB, 0xBF964006, 0x414196EB, 0x8498D9ED, 0xB5E08687, 0xBD564150, 0x2B8D9DF8, 0x7F12017E, 0x90904747, 0x50B56AB, 0xDBD19490,
-0xBB5A5659, 0xBAF40E4, 0x6D649014, 0x1D29166F, 0x414F3D75, 0x6F929540, 0x565AAF05, 0xBD9884E5, 0xF5342A25, 0x157915AE, 0x1A055A55, 0x9019A19F, 0x64B96A05, 0x35689CCC, 0x996012E2, 0x5252677B,
-0x156AA401, 0x25BCE483, 0xAA665555, 0xD6AF4B0F, 0x3F4BBDE0, 0x9404A9AF, 0xA590F9E4, 0x8191A5FD, 0x568190B4, 0x591A6616, 0x92C11D3E, 0x97D2E5FC, 0xF5A55A6F, 0xBEE0969B, 0x8918B4CA, 0xE0915397,
-0x5243472F, 0x95EA4055, 0x55E6E0A4, 0x9AEBD181, 0xF4A25357, 0x11115666, 0xFE45FF0A, 0x8BC7D2E1, 0x800556BB, 0x757D6A96, 0xFA909A5B, 0x68962FDB, 0xEB0056AA, 0x69970241, 0xAA58AD64, 0xC4D9DED5,
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-0xA0854317, 0xD09E8444, 0x4510F2BD, 0xED484CD4, 0xDE5D0C1C, 0xC0854367, 0xD1642134, 0x503876E, 0x7C046A5E, 0xE5644035, 0x3D043173, 0x5DE8991, 0xA603D6D0, 0x70644B1B, 0x41C3F55, 0x799EC50,
-0x5C1D005A, 0xB54027BB, 0x501703FB, 0xCE5E2D84, 0xC248776B, 0x34C31DB1, 0xD08146F6, 0x6194D488, 0x902D95DF, 0x56239699, 0x79566996, 0x46366797, 0x2075B449, 0xE619904B, 0xF1FC491D, 0x4026925F,
-0x85CE994, 0xC62D651B, 0xE0F50B4, 0x60976F55, 0x5B7706A6, 0x49471F41, 0xF6D91352, 0x551A062F, 0x4145CFCA, 0x55B14234, 0xABF12531, 0xB915F0F4, 0x8AC7E275, 0x4679C12F, 0xE21353EC, 0x693602A5,
-0x4BC256AB, 0x463D64A6, 0x5E7C6B8, 0x143983F0, 0x3646871A, 0x601D1FE, 0x4D4601FC, 0xB489D0DF, 0xF7814046, 0xE5A50BA7, 0xB34A116, 0x707C4151, 0x804466BB, 0xCF450C5C, 0x1329B9F4, 0xFE400655,
-0xF4A1431B, 0x51D3202D, 0x74B0A444, 0xA6F1612, 0x6C584C8C, 0xC014F665, 0xD3982957, 0x36C136D1, 0x5C45CCD0, 0x9F459882, 0x91A753A2, 0xA9752C4C, 0x421B4297, 0x776A2313, 0x35397906, 0x48065762,
-0x1129B440, 0xAF410B5D, 0x7F9582D2, 0x4B51E650, 0x891D0D77, 0xE59909E5, 0x705D234B, 0xC3DA9055, 0xF1B11501, 0x44BC94D9, 0x1FA55C48, 0x2A422657, 0xC41091A1, 0x18970E74, 0x7699099, 0x10616AD7,
-0x1AE19F10, 0x475A6C31, 0xA27257E9, 0xC484582C, 0xD699665A, 0x17C94C18, 0xE1569B, 0x11855ABF, 0xA580D607, 0x64C18B7E, 0x7030A605, 0x2B3660D0, 0x165BE103, 0x809E1867, 0x47407FD7, 0x34E4858B,
-0x90ED740B, 0x1B43C2F5, 0xF451527C, 0x5723E1C5, 0xE1D1065B, 0xA51A9DF4, 0x7F099A85, 0x4157030B, 0x1D9F60B8, 0xC11491FD, 0xFE850A55, 0xB990431F, 0xA0C78D16, 0x6F5A4D40, 0xFE4411E, 0x34426B56,
-0x5014FE0F, 0xBD5DC51A, 0xC63637C3, 0xE1B459B2, 0xFA871B05, 0x4544D0AD, 0xE5E5093D, 0x3306C5DD, 0x47C33484, 0x6F1E146, 0xE4974F1, 0xDD48050F, 0xAB151E12, 0x5169FC92, 0x5055B27A, 0xD142AD5C,
-0x4B16B0F4, 0x312BC955, 0x75B10FC, 0x4A9E0458, 0xA65D34CE, 0x90D366CF, 0x10099D29, 0x8B358419, 0x87D2B5DA, 0x31162EF5, 0xF61989C5, 0x1F4341F8, 0xBC4C6D9C, 0x11A759, 0x9553A21, 0xCFC41530,
-0x1F05B610, 0x5B2F64C0, 0x117F1124, 0xF3D24D9, 0x44447874, 0x74351A06, 0x64C48979, 0x63C185B, 0x91F094A4, 0x4E1D1C48, 0x969103AE, 0x9CFC6067, 0x2FC94045, 0xED3844C4, 0x676C935B, 0x6E2091B5,
-0x2D9744EC, 0x6A111227, 0x78DB90E5, 0x8045587E, 0xC4E4591E, 0x479BE1E0, 0x5B667499, 0x50E0493E, 0xFB54819C, 0x431491F8, 0xD3EF50E0, 0x7363926, 0x50FF6440, 0x44DC6C9D, 0xF6D9965A, 0x548499,
-0x150A1403, 0xC7324CC7, 0xAFF0474B, 0xB479966E, 0xAD9E5451, 0xF9913C41, 0x1F09B46, 0x3E35461E, 0xA0C66C10, 0xA4D1D103, 0xA05470B4, 0x6F1A3531, 0x4047B2F5, 0x11472CE0, 0x3AE41631, 0xFD36A905,
-0xF4436F91, 0x4A419766, 0x50699E67, 0x5408D93D, 0x112711AF, 0xF500642F, 0x160BD66A, 0x11B0BFE, 0xC2C55CA1, 0x31CF859, 0xC6C95401, 0xD9C0E5C1, 0xE46056AE, 0xF5E30710, 0xA5FF0150, 0x4454203F,
-0xB6660959, 0x2522776, 0x2D586970, 0x7370757, 0x60953317, 0x81E7072D, 0x68149E6, 0x653834, 0x363D9D81, 0xB429113F, 0x566C0258, 0x51F92F00, 0xE19C5812, 0x11FB150, 0x59A65200, 0x2775E0F4,
-0x106752A3, 0x7574326, 0x5CC34739, 0xDAD54805, 0x5E936BC7, 0xCFCAC5C9, 0x2FC42555, 0xD06994C0, 0x5CAC7400, 0x5D84D074, 0x6D668604, 0xE50B19BD, 0xE7969F55, 0xFF925005, 0x65B266B, 0x4743035E,
-0x972C44C7, 0x5AB47260, 0x77123580, 0xD92DB404, 0x451BB8D1, 0xB94B4447, 0x9B955210, 0xA253815, 0x79AC5184, 0xE3D10C5C, 0x452410FB, 0xDFD3A148, 0xE0336E46, 0x4E287599, 0x12B750A9, 0xDAC0DE47,
-0xC18459A9, 0xC764CD30, 0x2334675E, 0xF6490DB8, 0x49172679, 0x659B6994, 0x7A912691, 0xB2B76074, 0xB9E58704, 0xCC33D9A9, 0x207F6A7, 0xC405F801, 0x560297CF, 0x48140E5F, 0xC44E676A, 0xB191DED,
-0x11035F60, 0x5B1F60B4, 0xA4EB1443, 0x5A6C06E6, 0x1915AE9, 0x33CD2696, 0x879F4444, 0xD442170B, 0xC9C9D9D6, 0xA1D4C124, 0xC40366B7, 0x22497E9, 0xCD18D7F9, 0x99FD111A, 0x9F6B53A1, 0xE051ABFC,
-0xBC10071D, 0xA566A759, 0x6DBC5E5, 0x4A9DA851, 0x2266B15, 0x123D6E9B, 0x66E05449, 0xD10D3870, 0x1706E462, 0xAF0B9B51, 0xE0109D6C, 0xF144861B, 0x813ED01B, 0xB6496C10, 0x1ED00768, 0x60747C10,
-0x46494376, 0x5E4C10B0, 0x573D5906, 0x5A02E5FE, 0xB3E005F2, 0xC05C4F45, 0xDBD58982, 0x6D13171F, 0x9741FA00, 0x61DB852, 0x8D46D299, 0x47421E4D, 0x74A94E6, 0x4DA31CD3, 0x681602FF, 0xC67962D7,
-0x1560BBA, 0xF8849D85, 0x7DD6D5B8, 0x5B6B4640, 0x441A349F, 0x61B3601F, 0xD550E2D3, 0xCF18111B, 0x97673333, 0xC59909E4, 0x57DAE840, 0xBB910E5, 0x144484F9, 0xA85C2511, 0x4092D5EA, 0x89910391,
-0x7D385500, 0x3D1D2176, 0x802FD41B, 0xA5D94890, 0x656E9099, 0xE66906E6, 0x4331A2D5, 0x4478E25B, 0xE78C41D, 0x3565D979, 0x4147133B, 0x89C6C64A, 0x45C9CDCF, 0x532315FA, 0x3E5A0D04, 0xB111DBFC,
-0x63162FF7, 0x9E0B9CD0, 0xA758E46B, 0xA097421F, 0xAE544262, 0xA59A5DDD, 0x3732261D, 0x71736790, 0x8895A173, 0x687470B1, 0x57E564FE, 0x6A765404, 0xF5E21482, 0x667150E1, 0xC0A764D9, 0x89950C14,
-0x3756912B, 0x3913499, 0x6FB553C3, 0x29920995, 0x750EC738, 0xC35C6992, 0xAA55E404, 0xCB4B0753, 0x20396156, 0xDB04F4C1, 0x7876825F, 0xD562319A, 0x592D121B, 0xF9360956, 0x47811B47, 0xD9BD5884,
-0x170A35E, 0x844EE59A, 0x8684EDDA, 0x405F1000, 0x813641A7, 0x176681A2, 0x7DBE6440, 0x87C6A54, 0xC485D905, 0x1AB0811D, 0xDBA59291, 0xFA52817C, 0x3981E5F0, 0x5109FEE5, 0xC1284557, 0x573B2703,
-0x30640659, 0xF1D3E997, 0x906253B7, 0x9076C3FD, 0xCA34D35C, 0xF481491C, 0x5976A4C0, 0x3FF1144, 0x26170649, 0x196B9065, 0x90693D09, 0xF0211A17, 0xAF016DD4, 0x4E449C48, 0x6F9A84F4, 0xB4449818,
-0x606DB144, 0x916B97A6, 0xEBD0FD19, 0xAA08D541, 0xD71BE505, 0x1E6507AF, 0x3E4B1361, 0xF391619, 0x4264BC50, 0x60563321, 0x4A370617, 0x436452E7, 0xBE107604, 0xDDA9C18E, 0xBF5B0371, 0x906F1107,
-0x55C5C83C, 0x31364782, 0x68DD9F1, 0xF99607E6, 0x2996367E, 0x5AF4458, 0x96582D30, 0xC4E4D98A, 0xE68719BE, 0x20C56C64, 0x5A550246, 0xB759B079, 0x64439BFB, 0xB1240D2E, 0x271350B2, 0x4314AF56,
-0xA9998D72, 0x5E8D1481, 0xB65D7253, 0x669392B8, 0xF0919B6C, 0x9F9790DD, 0x60979838, 0x3D625168, 0x12196D58, 0x59E9448A, 0x30547C92, 0x8E317590, 0x7B954843, 0x323D4907, 0x5A4D5308, 0xD10490DB,
-0x92CE4511, 0xB9353125, 0xA91F4050, 0xDC485D08, 0x2F11742, 0xB9B4090F, 0xD09891FF, 0x9503936, 0x80E3505F, 0xED99405F, 0xEA9058DE, 0x55019FC0, 0x9A1F412C, 0x471660DA, 0xF4D0C505, 0x4926666D,
-0x4191C3EF, 0x1A0526F5, 0x55F889C7, 0xD33CC738, 0x7A66C601, 0xF701C662, 0x6E953906, 0x6E6559AD, 0x1626C57A, 0xE0075266, 0x67069A5B, 0xA5F70401, 0x47786090, 0x8111C53B, 0xB4640B1A, 0x269D5DAE,
-0x50C4A474, 0x2A94987D, 0x44C05226, 0x6114423F, 0xB8474F1D, 0x8E0E05D8, 0x87B40FD2, 0x1F4392FD, 0x170E995, 0x1563DE0, 0x6F9AC5CA, 0x752A0D1D, 0xFF0A44D0, 0x7FD0D366, 0x51A62E05, 0xD0D5E8DE,
-0x56113F30, 0xE4056D87, 0xAB3B5100, 0x46539C6, 0x7F676290, 0xB851130D, 0xF5E09183, 0x64AC5D2D, 0x55F9404B, 0xE256F977, 0x70617760, 0xEE48E450, 0xDD5E35C8, 0x94D400F8, 0x446A0667, 0xEA935184,
-0x464B07F8, 0x8C74B6D4, 0x8D9D59A5, 0xCEC6ADD5, 0x2D0956A3, 0xA5BA5103, 0x31353123, 0x55FF4140, 0xA2440F15, 0x89266792, 0x44E1E154, 0xE5B41338, 0x2FCE9901, 0x95E6811B, 0x475C871, 0xAE9E4A44,
-0x5E0D141, 0xE702D66B, 0x474707E2, 0x6486CBC5, 0x7476016E, 0xB1D29B56, 0x7A34C605, 0x51427906, 0xE7967F97, 0x65D29C90, 0x55081AD, 0xD6E64045, 0x67134368, 0x9101E6DD, 0x68957841, 0x3D3D5909,
-0xE0525BAF, 0x134A4D3C, 0xC1B11909, 0x16493B76, 0x6B96D0A0, 0xBF0E79D6, 0x2C7096F9, 0x90FC04D6, 0x1742E472, 0x531CA1AC, 0xDAD08646, 0x9066669, 0xA7588D86, 0x913C54C2, 0x742A4514, 0x17111ABC,
-0xDDD7EDE5, 0x6699C498, 0x75313135, 0xE4995F64, 0x2582667E, 0x9C5C4C48, 0x1D0D10D9, 0x5B4C164, 0x46E616CB, 0xD18444BF, 0xE1D4695C, 0x40095E99, 0xECE02955, 0xFF40A411, 0x54D2421B, 0xE1C7DB05,
-0x80E5095D, 0x6745E907, 0xA6197007, 0x760674F9, 0x1522170A, 0x65181FF, 0xE0FDA45, 0x521C7867, 0x6B91D382, 0x657A83C1, 0x73C98C35, 0xB3CC31D6, 0x164B257B, 0x6F9605F9, 0x52F49EB5, 0x87592907,
-0x1B10D6F8, 0x949FD54, 0x910315BA, 0x40F09B47, 0xB761C144, 0x6D039D5, 0x59B113F, 0xE5C6D9, 0x176990FB, 0x90F8A465, 0x6DB8D144, 0x4552E392, 0xC94396B9, 0x36315A97, 0x7E874215, 0x40116F6F,
-0xDF193401, 0x70689317, 0x7E021740, 0xD5C044BD, 0xF1636E94, 0x5B0D34A1, 0x1027F689, 0x44A45590, 0xD443035F, 0xD7A4418C, 0xD949F480, 0x84C1E154, 0x6090966E, 0x40B56C1E, 0x9669C540, 0xA6305505,
-0x1667E244, 0xC245885D, 0xD504A5E, 0xA4F0C549, 0x358472A8, 0xC414BF20, 0x43369729, 0xB1112711, 0x78644352, 0x811CB856, 0x6F9792F0, 0x1E1E4195, 0x62C58C14, 0x2619D3A2, 0x998056BD, 0x653F3410,
-0x919184E4, 0x64906D6C, 0xE3D7996, 0x47660563, 0x50A91F03, 0x49F8C5CB, 0xFE15235E, 0x9783451, 0x716257B7, 0x1AB5351, 0x1710DC84, 0x3FA01D5A, 0x9844AD64, 0xE4D901BC, 0xEE546352, 0xF9547987,
-0xF6834B47, 0xB651F6D, 0xE09C9045, 0xE491424E, 0x94F9050B, 0x7DA6091D, 0xB5C14D74, 0x123A699D, 0x1F413CC3, 0x9F434158, 0x55D8C8C4, 0x51106FF, 0xD36CB1C, 0x1541FCE1, 0xC3344ED3, 0x3E29D905,
-0x150A6579, 0x502475A, 0x454B0F04, 0x65902722, 0x9EA055, 0x26568CC5, 0x7EB1443, 0x42186F96, 0x132357A9, 0x74091F13, 0xEE55480F, 0x7A0B4A45, 0xF01A8637, 0x937D68D5, 0xE2611115, 0x8A853663,
-0x60D295AB, 0x1946461A, 0xBB5190A1, 0x6D514218, 0x7C6482CF, 0x8759ACC8, 0x7E86C805, 0x42D3755F, 0xF4C10529, 0x471F1400, 0x5394238C, 0x112D54A8, 0x55E450F8, 0xDC2191BA, 0xA5F93011, 0x1A2159F5,
-0x4051A297, 0x66066999, 0xA644C058, 0x54EC9148, 0xFAFB0146, 0x1150FCEC, 0x4141D171, 0xF09F0444, 0x488E5E0E, 0x3D190F10, 0x406E405F, 0xFE9904AD, 0x101F5C6F, 0x454B093B, 0x40946C1F, 0xF0B966D,
-0xC16464DB, 0x91E2D6F9, 0x97789074, 0x537C5C40, 0x44A533C3, 0x74102B33, 0x40D425C1, 0xD748C936, 0x786619C9, 0x40917985, 0x66594C1C, 0x2F05D2D2, 0x8C711B4, 0xF9602757, 0x1013854A, 0x7D6296D0,
-0x3D99B8F0, 0x495D3243, 0x916864BE, 0x4E43B947, 0xE756A110, 0xA8D09D7D, 0xBF625095, 0xC1D48F87, 0x8BD47099, 0xDB631315, 0xE54139A0, 0xE4DC9C63, 0x846C2544, 0x4F0E04D1, 0xE0B15B26, 0x3249499D,
diff --git a/transcoder/basisu_global_selector_palette.h b/transcoder/basisu_global_selector_palette.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bedf94..0000000
--- a/transcoder/basisu_global_selector_palette.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-// basisu_global_selector_palette.h
-// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Binomial LLC. All Rights Reserved.
-// TODO: NONE of this is used in .basis/.ktx2 files. It will be deleted soon.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#pragma once
-#include "basisu_transcoder_internal.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-namespace basist
-	class etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier
-	{
-	public:
-		enum { cTotalBits = 15, cTotalValues = 1 << cTotalBits };
-		etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier(uint32_t index = 0)
-		{
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-			static bool s_tested;
-			if (!s_tested)
-			{
-				s_tested = true;
-				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cTotalValues; i++)
-				{
-					etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier m(i);
-					etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier n = m;
-					assert(n.get_index() == i);
-				}
-			}
-			set_index(index);
-		}
-		void set_index(uint32_t index)
-		{
-			assert(index < cTotalValues);
-			m_rot = index & 3;
-			m_flip = (index >> 2) & 1;
-			m_inv = (index >> 3) & 1;
-			m_contrast = (index >> 4) & 3;
-			m_shift = (index >> 6) & 1;
-			m_median = (index >> 7) & 1;
-			m_div = (index >> 8) & 1;
-			m_rand = (index >> 9) & 1;
-			m_dilate = (index >> 10) & 1;
-			m_shift_x = (index >> 11) & 1;
-			m_shift_y = (index >> 12) & 1;
-			m_erode = (index >> 13) & 1;
-			m_high_pass = (index >> 14) & 1;
-		}
-		uint32_t get_index() const
-		{
-			return m_rot | (m_flip << 2) | (m_inv << 3) | (m_contrast << 4) | (m_shift << 6) | (m_median << 7) | (m_div << 8) | (m_rand << 9) | (m_dilate << 10) | (m_shift_x << 11) | (m_shift_y << 12) | (m_erode << 13) | (m_high_pass << 14);
-		}
-		void clear()
-		{
-			basisu::clear_obj(*this);
-		}
-		uint8_t m_contrast;
-		bool m_rand;
-		bool m_median;
-		bool m_div;
-		bool m_shift;
-		bool m_inv;
-		bool m_flip;
-		bool m_dilate;
-		bool m_shift_x;
-		bool m_shift_y;
-		bool m_erode;
-		bool m_high_pass;
-		uint8_t m_rot;
-	};
-	enum modifier_types
-	{
-		cModifierContrast,
-		cModifierRand,
-		cModifierMedian,
-		cModifierDiv,
-		cModifierShift,
-		cModifierInv,
-		cModifierFlippedAndRotated,
-		cModifierDilate,
-		cModifierShiftX,
-		cModifierShiftY,
-		cModifierErode,
-		cModifierHighPass,
-		cTotalModifiers
-	};
-#define ETC1_GLOBAL_SELECTOR_CODEBOOK_MAX_MOD_BITS (etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier::cTotalBits)
-	struct etc1_selector_palette_entry
-	{
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry()
-		{
-			clear();
-		}
-		void clear()
-		{
-			basisu::clear_obj(*this);
-		}
-		uint8_t operator[] (uint32_t i) const { assert(i < 16); return m_selectors[i]; }
-		uint8_t&operator[] (uint32_t i) { assert(i < 16); return m_selectors[i]; }
-		void set_uint32(uint32_t v)
-		{
-			for (uint32_t byte_index = 0; byte_index < 4; byte_index++)
-			{
-				uint32_t b = (v >> (byte_index * 8)) & 0xFF;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 0] = b & 3;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 1] = (b >> 2) & 3;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 2] = (b >> 4) & 3;
-				m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 3] = (b >> 6) & 3;
-			}
-		}
-		uint32_t get_uint32() const
-		{
-			return get_byte(0) | (get_byte(1) << 8) | (get_byte(2) << 16) | (get_byte(3) << 24);
-		}
-		uint32_t get_byte(uint32_t byte_index) const
-		{
-			assert(byte_index < 4);
-			return m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 0] |
-				(m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 1] << 2) |
-				(m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 2] << 4) |
-				(m_selectors[byte_index * 4 + 3] << 6);
-		}
-		uint8_t operator()(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const { assert((x < 4) && (y < 4)); return m_selectors[x + y * 4]; }
-		uint8_t&operator()(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { assert((x < 4) && (y < 4)); return m_selectors[x + y * 4]; }
-		uint32_t calc_distance(const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			uint32_t dist = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-			{
-				int delta = static_cast<int>(m_selectors[i]) - static_cast<int>(other.m_selectors[i]);
-				dist += delta * delta;
-			}
-			return dist;
-		}
-#if 0
-		uint32_t calc_hamming_dist(const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			uint32_t dist = 0;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-				dist += g_hamming_dist[get_byte(i) ^ other.get_byte(i)];
-			return dist;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_inverted() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-				result.m_selectors[i] = 3 - m_selectors[i];
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_divided() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			const uint8_t div_selector[4] = { 2, 0, 3, 1 };
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-				result.m_selectors[i] = div_selector[m_selectors[i]];
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_shifted(int delta) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-				result.m_selectors[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(basisu::clamp<int>(m_selectors[i] + delta, 0, 3));
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_randomized() const
-		{
-			uint32_t seed = get_uint32();
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					int s = (*this)(x, y);
-					// between 0 and 10
-					uint32_t i = basisd_urand(seed, 6) + basisd_urand(seed, 6);
-					if (i == 0)
-						s -= 2;
-					else if (i == 10)
-						s += 2;
-					else if (i < 3)
-						s -= 1;
-					else if (i > 7)
-						s += 1;
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(basisu::clamp<int>(s, 0, 3));
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_contrast(int table_index) const
-		{
-			assert(table_index < 4);
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			static const uint8_t s_contrast_tables[4][4] =
-			{
-				{ 0, 1, 2, 3 }, // not used
-				{ 0, 0, 3, 3 },
-				{ 1, 1, 2, 2 },
-				{ 1, 1, 3, 3 }
-			};
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-			{
-				result[i] = s_contrast_tables[table_index][(*this)[i]];
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_dilated() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					uint32_t max_selector = 0;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						if ((fy < 0) || (fy > 3))
-							continue;
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							if ((fx < 0) || (fx > 3))
-								continue;
-							max_selector = basisu::maximum<uint32_t>(max_selector, (*this)(fx, fy));
-						}
-					}
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(max_selector);
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_eroded() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					uint32_t min_selector = 99;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						if ((fy < 0) || (fy > 3))
-							continue;
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							if ((fx < 0) || (fx > 3))
-								continue;
-							min_selector = basisu::minimum<uint32_t>(min_selector, (*this)(fx, fy));
-						}
-					}
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(min_selector);
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_shift_x() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					int sx = x - 1;
-					if (sx < 0)
-						sx = 0;
-					result(x, y) = (*this)(sx, y);
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_shift_y() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				int sy = y - 1;
-				if (sy < 0)
-					sy = 3;
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-					result(x, y) = (*this)(x, sy);
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_median() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					// ABC
-					// D F
-					// GHI
-					uint8_t selectors[8];
-					uint32_t n = 0;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						if ((fy < 0) || (fy > 3))
-							continue;
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							if ((xd | yd) == 0)
-								continue;
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							if ((fx < 0) || (fx > 3))
-								continue;
-							selectors[n++] = (*this)(fx, fy);
-						}
-					}
-					std::sort(selectors, selectors + n);
-					result(x, y) = selectors[n / 2];
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_high_pass() const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			static const int kernel[3][3] =
-			{
-				{ 0,  -1,  0 },
-				{ -1,  8, -1 },
-				{ 0,  -1,  0 }
-			};
-			for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-				{
-					// ABC
-					// D F
-					// GHI
-					int sum = 0;
-					for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++)
-					{
-						int fy = y + yd;
-						fy = basisu::clamp<int>(fy, 0, 3);
-						for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++)
-						{
-							int fx = x + xd;
-							fx = basisu::clamp<int>(fx, 0, 3);
-							int k = (*this)(fx, fy);
-							sum += k * kernel[yd + 1][xd + 1];
-						}
-					}
-					sum = sum / 4;
-					result(x, y) = static_cast<uint8_t>(basisu::clamp<int>(sum, 0, 3));
-				}
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_flipped_and_rotated(bool flip, uint32_t rotation_index) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry temp;
-			if (flip)
-			{
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						temp(x, y) = (*this)(x, 3 - y);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				temp = *this;
-			}
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry result;
-			switch (rotation_index)
-			{
-			case 0:
-				result = temp;
-				break;
-			case 1:
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						result(x, y) = temp(y, 3 - x);
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						result(x, y) = temp(3 - x, 3 - y);
-				break;
-			case 3:
-				for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++)
-					for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++)
-						result(x, y) = temp(3 - y, x);
-				break;
-			default:
-				assert(0);
-				break;
-			}
-			return result;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_modified(const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry r(*this);
-			if (modifier.m_shift_x)
-				r = r.get_shift_x();
-			if (modifier.m_shift_y)
-				r = r.get_shift_y();
-			r = r.get_flipped_and_rotated(modifier.m_flip != 0, modifier.m_rot);
-			if (modifier.m_dilate)
-				r = r.get_dilated();
-			if (modifier.m_erode)
-				r = r.get_eroded();
-			if (modifier.m_high_pass)
-				r = r.get_high_pass();
-			if (modifier.m_rand)
-				r = r.get_randomized();
-			if (modifier.m_div)
-				r = r.get_divided();
-			if (modifier.m_shift)
-				r = r.get_shifted(1);
-			if (modifier.m_contrast)
-				r = r.get_contrast(modifier.m_contrast);
-			if (modifier.m_inv)
-				r = r.get_inverted();
-			if (modifier.m_median)
-				r = r.get_median();
-			return r;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry apply_modifier(modifier_types mod_type, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) const
-		{
-			switch (mod_type)
-			{
-			case cModifierContrast:
-				return get_contrast(modifier.m_contrast);
-			case cModifierRand:
-				return get_randomized();
-			case cModifierMedian:
-				return get_median();
-			case cModifierDiv:
-				return get_divided();
-			case cModifierShift:
-				return get_shifted(1);
-			case cModifierInv:
-				return get_inverted();
-			case cModifierFlippedAndRotated:
-				return get_flipped_and_rotated(modifier.m_flip != 0, modifier.m_rot);
-			case cModifierDilate:
-				return get_dilated();
-			case cModifierShiftX:
-				return get_shift_x();
-			case cModifierShiftY:
-				return get_shift_y();
-			case cModifierErode:
-				return get_eroded();
-			case cModifierHighPass:
-				return get_high_pass();
-			default:
-				assert(0);
-				break;
-			}
-			return *this;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_modified(const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier, uint32_t num_order, const modifier_types *pOrder) const
-		{
-			etc1_selector_palette_entry r(*this);
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_order; i++)
-			{
-				r = r.apply_modifier(pOrder[i], modifier);
-			}
-			return r;
-		}
-		bool operator< (const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-			{
-				if (m_selectors[i] < other.m_selectors[i])
-					return true;
-				else if (m_selectors[i] != other.m_selectors[i])
-					return false;
-			}
-			return false;
-		}
-		bool operator== (const etc1_selector_palette_entry &other) const
-		{
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-			{
-				if (m_selectors[i] != other.m_selectors[i])
-					return false;
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
-	private:
-		uint8_t m_selectors[16];
-	};
-	typedef basisu::vector<etc1_selector_palette_entry> etc1_selector_palette_entry_vec;
-	extern const uint32_t g_global_selector_cb[];
-	extern const uint32_t g_global_selector_cb_size;
-	struct etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id
-	{
-		uint32_t m_palette_index;
-		etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier m_modifier;
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id(uint32_t palette_index, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) : m_palette_index(palette_index), m_modifier(modifier) { }
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id() { }
-		void set(uint32_t palette_index, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) { m_palette_index = palette_index; m_modifier = modifier; }
-	};
-	typedef basisu::vector<etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id> etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id_vec;
-	class etc1_global_selector_codebook
-	{
-	public:
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook() { }
-		etc1_global_selector_codebook(uint32_t N, const uint32_t *pEntries) { init(N, pEntries); }
-		void init(uint32_t N, const uint32_t* pEntries);
-		void print_code(FILE *pFile);
-		void clear()
-		{
-			m_palette.clear();
-		}
-		uint32_t size() const { return (uint32_t)m_palette.size(); }
-		const etc1_selector_palette_entry_vec &get_palette() const
-		{
-			return m_palette;
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_entry(uint32_t palette_index) const
-		{
-			return m_palette[palette_index];
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_entry(uint32_t palette_index, const etc1_global_palette_entry_modifier &modifier) const
-		{
-			return m_palette[palette_index].get_modified(modifier);
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry get_entry(const etc1_global_selector_codebook_entry_id &id) const
-		{
-			return m_palette[id.m_palette_index].get_modified(id.m_modifier);
-		}
-		etc1_selector_palette_entry_vec m_palette;
-	};
-} // namespace basist
diff --git a/webgl_videotest/kodim18.basis b/webgl_videotest/kodim18.basis
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