| // Application that does metrics analysis as described in the design doc: |
| // go/ct_metrics_analysis |
| // |
| // Can be tested locally with: |
| // $ go run go/worker_scripts/metrics_analysis/main.go --start_range=1 --num=3 --run_id=rmistry-test1 --benchmark_extra_args="--output-format=csv" --metric_name="loadingMetric" --local |
| package main |
| |
| import ( |
| "bytes" |
| "context" |
| "errors" |
| "flag" |
| "fmt" |
| "os" |
| "path/filepath" |
| "regexp" |
| "strings" |
| "sync" |
| "time" |
| |
| "go.skia.org/infra/ct/go/util" |
| "go.skia.org/infra/ct/go/worker_scripts/worker_common" |
| "go.skia.org/infra/go/skerr" |
| "go.skia.org/infra/go/sklog" |
| skutil "go.skia.org/infra/go/util" |
| ) |
| |
| const ( |
| // The number of goroutines that will run in parallel to download traces and |
| // run metrics analysis. |
| |
| |
| DEFAULT_TRACE_OUTPUT_BUCKET = "chrome-telemetry-output" |
| ) |
| |
| var ( |
| startRange = flag.Int("start_range", 1, "The number this worker will run metrics analysis from.") |
| num = flag.Int("num", 100, "The total number of traces to run metrics analysis from the start_range.") |
| runID = flag.String("run_id", "", "The unique run id (typically requester + timestamp).") |
| benchmarkExtraArgs = flag.String("benchmark_extra_args", "", "The extra arguments that are passed to the specified benchmark.") |
| metricName = flag.String("metric_name", "", "The metric to parse the traces with. Eg: loadingMetric") |
| valueColumnName = flag.String("value_column_name", "", "Which column's entries to use as field values when combining CSVs.") |
| |
| cloudUrlBucketRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`storage.cloud.google.com\/(.+?)\/(.+)`) |
| ) |
| |
| func metricsAnalysis() error { |
| ctx := context.Background() |
| httpClient, err := worker_common.Init(ctx, false /* useDepotTools */) |
| if err != nil { |
| return skerr.Wrap(err) |
| } |
| if !*worker_common.Local { |
| defer util.CleanTmpDir() |
| } |
| defer util.TimeTrack(time.Now(), "Metrics Analysis") |
| defer sklog.Flush() |
| |
| // Validate required arguments. |
| if *runID == "" { |
| return errors.New("Must specify --run_id") |
| } |
| if *metricName == "" { |
| return errors.New("Must specify --metric_name") |
| } |
| |
| // Use defaults. |
| if *valueColumnName == "" { |
| *valueColumnName = util.DEFAULT_VALUE_COLUMN_NAME |
| } |
| |
| // Instantiate GcsUtil object. |
| gs, err := util.NewGcsUtil(httpClient) |
| if err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("GcsUtil instantiation failed: %s", err) |
| } |
| |
| // Download the trace URLs for this run from Google storage. |
| tracesFilename := *runID + ".traces.csv" |
| util.MkdirAll(util.PagesetsDir, 0700) |
| tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp(util.PagesetsDir, "traces") |
| if err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Could not create tmpdir: %s", err) |
| } |
| defer skutil.RemoveAll(tmpDir) |
| remotePatchesDir := filepath.Join(util.BenchmarkRunsDir, *runID) |
| |
| // Download traces. |
| if _, err := util.DownloadPatch(filepath.Join(tmpDir, tracesFilename), filepath.Join(remotePatchesDir, tracesFilename), gs); err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Could not download %s: %s", tracesFilename, err) |
| } |
| traces, err := util.GetCustomPages(filepath.Join(tmpDir, tracesFilename)) |
| if err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Could not read custom traces file %s: %s", tracesFilename, err) |
| } |
| if len(traces) == 0 { |
| return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("No traces found in %s", tracesFilename)) |
| } |
| traces = util.GetCustomPagesWithinRange(*startRange, *num, traces) |
| sklog.Infof("Using %d traces", len(traces)) |
| |
| // Establish output paths for trace downloads and metrics. |
| traceDownloadDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.TraceDownloadsDir, *runID) |
| skutil.RemoveAll(traceDownloadDir) |
| util.MkdirAll(traceDownloadDir, 0700) |
| defer skutil.RemoveAll(traceDownloadDir) |
| |
| localOutputDir := filepath.Join(util.StorageDir, util.BenchmarkRunsDir, *runID) |
| skutil.RemoveAll(localOutputDir) |
| util.MkdirAll(localOutputDir, 0700) |
| defer skutil.RemoveAll(localOutputDir) |
| remoteDir := filepath.Join(util.BenchmarkRunsDir, *runID) |
| |
| sklog.Infof("===== Going to run the task with %d parallel goroutines =====", WORKER_POOL_SIZE) |
| // Create channel that contains all trace ULs. This channel will |
| // be consumed by the worker pool. |
| traceRequests := getClosedChannelOfTraces(traces) |
| |
| var wg sync.WaitGroup |
| |
| // If not a single benchmark run succeeds then throw at error at the end. |
| atleastOneBenchmarkSucceeded := false |
| // Gather traceURLs that could not be downloaded. |
| erroredTraces := []string{} |
| // Mutex to control access to the above slice. |
| var erroredTracesMutex sync.Mutex |
| // Counter to keep directories of traces unique. |
| traceID := 0 |
| // Mutex to control access to the above counter. |
| var traceIDMutex sync.Mutex |
| |
| // Loop through workers in the worker pool. |
| for i := 0; i < WORKER_POOL_SIZE; i++ { |
| // Increment the WaitGroup counter. |
| wg.Add(1) |
| |
| // Create and run a goroutine closure that runs the analysis benchmark. |
| go func() { |
| // Decrement the WaitGroup counter when the goroutine completes. |
| defer wg.Done() |
| |
| for t := range traceRequests { |
| sklog.Infof("========== Downloading trace %s ==========", t) |
| downloadedTrace, err := downloadTrace(t, traceDownloadDir, gs) |
| if err != nil { |
| sklog.Errorf("Could not download %s: %s", t, err) |
| erroredTracesMutex.Lock() |
| erroredTraces = append(erroredTraces, t) |
| erroredTracesMutex.Unlock() |
| continue |
| } |
| |
| traceIDMutex.Lock() |
| traceID += 1 |
| localOutputCSVDir := filepath.Join(localOutputDir, fmt.Sprintf("%d", traceID)) |
| traceIDMutex.Unlock() |
| sklog.Infof("========== Processing %s ==========", t) |
| if err := runMetricsAnalysisBenchmark(ctx, localOutputCSVDir, downloadedTrace, t); err != nil { |
| sklog.Errorf("Error during run_benchmark: %s", err) |
| } else { |
| atleastOneBenchmarkSucceeded = true |
| } |
| } |
| }() |
| } |
| |
| // Wait for all spawned goroutines to complete. |
| wg.Wait() |
| |
| // Summarize errors. |
| if len(erroredTraces) > 0 { |
| sklog.Error("The following traces could not be downloaded:") |
| for _, erroredTrace := range erroredTraces { |
| sklog.Errorf("\t%s", erroredTrace) |
| } |
| } |
| if !atleastOneBenchmarkSucceeded { |
| return errors.New("Not a single benchmark run was successful. Something is wrong.") |
| } |
| |
| // If "--output-format=csv" was specified then merge all CSV files and upload. |
| if strings.Contains(*benchmarkExtraArgs, "--output-format=csv") { |
| // Construct path to CT's python scripts. |
| pathToPyFiles, err := util.GetPathToPyFiles(*worker_common.Local) |
| if err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Could not get path to py files: %s", err) |
| } |
| if err := util.MergeUploadCSVFilesOnWorkers(ctx, localOutputDir, pathToPyFiles, *runID, remoteDir, *valueColumnName, gs, *startRange, true /* handleStrings */, false /* addRanks */, map[string]map[string]string{} /* pageRankToAdditionalFields */); err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Error while processing withpatch CSV files: %s", err) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // runMetricsAnalysisBenchmark runs the analysis_metrics_ct benchmark on the provided trace. |
| func runMetricsAnalysisBenchmark(ctx context.Context, outputCSVDir, downloadedTrace, cloudTraceLink string) error { |
| if err := os.MkdirAll(outputCSVDir, 0700); err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", outputCSVDir, err) |
| } |
| |
| args := []string{ |
| filepath.Join(util.GetPathToTelemetryCTBinaries(*worker_common.Local), util.BINARY_ANALYZE_METRICS), |
| "--local-trace-path", downloadedTrace, |
| "--cloud-trace-link", cloudTraceLink, |
| "--metric-name", *metricName, |
| "--output-csv", filepath.Join(outputCSVDir, "results.csv"), |
| } |
| // Calculate what timeout should be used when executing run_benchmark. |
| timeoutSecs := util.GetRunBenchmarkTimeoutValue(*benchmarkExtraArgs, METRICS_BENCHMARK_TIMEOUT_SECS) |
| sklog.Infof("Using %d seconds for timeout", timeoutSecs) |
| // Set the DISPLAY. |
| env := []string{ |
| "DISPLAY=:0", |
| } |
| // Append the original environment as well. |
| for _, e := range os.Environ() { |
| env = append(env, e) |
| } |
| |
| // Create buffer for capturing the stdout and stderr of the benchmark run. |
| var b bytes.Buffer |
| if _, err := b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("========== Stdout and stderr for %s ==========\n", downloadedTrace)); err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Error writing to output buffer: %s", err) |
| } |
| if err := util.ExecuteCmdWithConfigurableLogging(ctx, util.BINARY_VPYTHON3, args, env, time.Duration(timeoutSecs)*time.Second, &b, &b, false, false); err != nil { |
| output, getErr := util.GetRunBenchmarkOutput(b) |
| skutil.LogErr(getErr) |
| fmt.Println(output) |
| return fmt.Errorf("Run benchmark command failed with: %s", err) |
| } |
| output, err := util.GetRunBenchmarkOutput(b) |
| if err != nil { |
| return fmt.Errorf("Could not get run benchmark output: %s", err) |
| } |
| // Print the output and return. |
| fmt.Println(output) |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| // downloadTrace downloads the provided traceURL into the specified destDir. |
| func downloadTrace(traceURL, destDir string, gs *util.GcsUtil) (string, error) { |
| traceBucket, tracePath, err := parseTraceURL(traceURL) |
| if err != nil { |
| return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not parse the traceURL %s: %s", traceURL, err) |
| } |
| |
| traceDest := filepath.Join(destDir, tracePath) |
| if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(traceDest), 0700); err != nil { |
| return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", filepath.Dir(traceDest), err) |
| } |
| if err := gs.DownloadRemoteFileFromBucket(traceBucket, tracePath, traceDest); err != nil { |
| return "", fmt.Errorf("Error downloading %s from %s to %s: %s", tracePath, traceBucket, traceDest, err) |
| } |
| return traceDest, nil |
| } |
| |
| // parseTraceURL parses the provided traceURL and returns the name of the cloud bucket and |
| // the path to the trace file within the cloud bucket. |
| // Eg: For the traceURL https://storage.cloud.google.com/chrome-telemetry-output/xyz/retry_0/trace.html |
| // |
| // "chrome-telemetry-output" and "xyz/retry_0/trace.html" will be returned. |
| // |
| // If the provided URL is not in the form that cloudUrlBucketRegex expects then empty strings and an error is returned. |
| func parseTraceURL(traceURL string) (string, string, error) { |
| m := cloudUrlBucketRegex.FindStringSubmatch(traceURL) |
| if len(m) == 3 { |
| return m[1], m[2], nil |
| } else { |
| return "", "", fmt.Errorf("The traceURL %s is not of the form %s", traceURL, cloudUrlBucketRegex) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // getClosedChannelOfTraces returns a channel that contains all trace URLs. |
| func getClosedChannelOfTraces(traces []string) chan string { |
| tracesChannel := make(chan string, len(traces)) |
| for _, t := range traces { |
| tracesChannel <- t |
| } |
| close(tracesChannel) |
| return tracesChannel |
| } |
| |
| func main() { |
| retCode := 0 |
| if err := metricsAnalysis(); err != nil { |
| sklog.Errorf("Error while running metrics analysis: %s", err) |
| retCode = 255 |
| } |
| os.Exit(retCode) |
| } |