[perf] User issue frontend: Render user issue feature behind a flag

- Shows the user reported buganizer issues on the chart.

- The tooltip shows a link to add issues and if an issue is already
  reported on a data point then shows the link to it. Note that
  adding/deleting a user issue will only be possible when a user is
  logged in.

- The feature is implemented behind the enable_buganizer_issues flag.
  Hence this feature does not impact the current UI.

Bug: b/380729561
Change-Id: I35f238bba5316b4fea091bf4e31029afb4617293
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/buildbot/+/930216
Commit-Queue: Vidit Chitkara <viditchitkara@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Wenbin Zhang <wenbinzhang@google.com>
14 files changed
tree: 2aaad852939e88cda8496854d02f345f1033cc0e
  1. am/
  2. android_ingest/
  3. android_stats/
  4. api/
  5. autoroll/
  6. bash/
  7. bazel/
  8. blamer/
  9. bugs-central/
  10. cabe/
  11. cd/
  12. cherrypick-watcher/
  13. cmd/
  14. codereview-watcher/
  15. codesize/
  17. cq_watcher/
  18. ct/
  19. datahopper/
  20. debugger-app/
  21. demos/
  22. docker/
  23. docker_pushes_watcher/
  24. docs/
  25. docsyserver/
  26. ds/
  27. elements-sk/
  28. email/
  29. external/
  30. fiddlek/
  31. firestore/
  32. get_service_account/
  33. gitsync/
  34. go/
  35. gold-client/
  36. golden/
  37. helloworld/
  38. infra/
  39. infra-sk/
  40. jsdoc/
  41. jsfiddle/
  42. k8s-checker/
  43. k8s-deployer/
  44. kube/
  45. leasing/
  46. licenses/
  47. machine/
  48. make/
  49. modules/
  50. named-fiddles/
  51. new_element/
  52. npm-audit-mirror/
  53. perdiff/
  54. perf/
  55. periodic-trigger/
  56. pinpoint/
  57. proberk/
  58. promk/
  59. puppeteer-tests/
  60. sa-keys-checker/
  61. scrap/
  62. scripts/
  63. shaders/
  64. sk/
  65. skbug/
  66. skcq/
  67. skfe/
  68. skolo/
  69. skottie/
  70. static_server/
  71. status/
  72. task_driver/
  73. task_scheduler/
  74. temporal/
  75. test-service/
  76. tool/
  77. tools/
  78. tree_status/
  79. trybot_updater/
  80. .bazelignore
  81. .bazelrc
  82. .bazelversion
  83. .eslintrc.js
  84. .gitattributes
  85. .gitignore
  86. .mockery.yaml
  87. .npmrc
  88. .prettierignore
  89. .prettierrc.json
  90. .puppeteerrc.js
  91. .vpython
  93. BUILD.bazel
  94. build_infra_prod.sh
  95. CDB.md
  96. cipd.ensure
  97. codereview.settings
  98. DATASTORE.md
  99. demopage.sh
  100. DEPS
  101. go.mod
  102. go.sum
  103. go_repositories.bzl
  104. karmatest.sh
  105. launch.md
  106. LICENSE
  107. Makefile
  108. OWNERS
  109. package-lock.json
  110. package.json
  111. pnpm-lock.yaml
  112. PRESUBMIT.py
  114. README.md
  115. STYLEGUIDE.md
  116. tools.go
  117. tsconfig.json
  118. whitespace.txt

Skia-Buildbot Repository

This repo contains infrastructure code for Skia.

Supported Infrastucture Platforms

The infrastructure code is generally built to run on x86 linux. Running on other platforms may be possible but is not officially supported and success will vary depending on the command.

Getting the Source Code

The main source code repository is a Git repository hosted at https://skia.googlesource.com/buildbot.git. It is possible to check out this repository directly with git clone or via go get.

Using git clone allows you to work in whatever directory you want. You will still need to set GOPATH in order to build some apps (recommended to put this in a cache dir). E.g.:

$ cd ${WORKDIR}
$ git clone https://skia.googlesource.com/buildbot.git
$ export GOPATH=${HOME}/.cache/gopath/$(basename ${WORKDIR})
$ mkdir $GOPATH
$ cd buildbot

Install dependencies

Almost all applications are built with Bazel, and bazelisk is the recommended tool to ensure you have the right version of bazel installed:

go install github.com/bazelbuild/bazelisk@latest
go install github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/buildifier@latest
go install github.com/kisielk/errcheck@latest
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
go install github.com/mikefarah/yq/v4@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/client/cmd/...@latest

Add bazelisk to path

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Install other dependencies:

sudo apt-get install jq

Build ~everything

bazelisk build --config=mayberemote //...

Test everything

bazelisk test --config=mayberemote //...

Generated Code

To update generated code run the following in any directory:

go generate ./...

Running unit tests

Install Cloud SDK.

Use this command to run the presubmit tests:

./run_unittests --small