blob: e4f229ba0a949fef081f1133c89c42d61104a122 [file] [log] [blame]
package gerrit_tryjob_monitor
import (
assert ""
mock_eventbus ""
gerrit_mocks ""
// TestWriteCommentSunnyDay tests the sunny day case that the
// issue exists on Gerrit and in the tryjobstore
func TestWriteCommentSunnyDay(t *testing.T) {
isAuthoritative := true
siteURL := ""
expectedComment := `Gold results for tryjobs are being ingested.
See image differences at:`
meb := mockEventBus()
mg := mockGerrit()
mtjs := &mocks.TryjobStore{}
defer meb.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mg.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mtjs.AssertExpectations(t)
changeInfo := makeTestChangeInfo()
mg.On("GetIssueProperties", context.TODO(), mockIssueID).Return(changeInfo, nil)
mg.On("AddComment", context.TODO(), changeInfo, expectedComment).Return(nil)
storeIssue := makeTestIssue()
mtjs.On("GetIssue", mockIssueID, false).Return(storeIssue, nil)
mtjs.On("UpdateIssue", storeIssue, mock.Anything).Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
// Execute the callback and assert that it updates the entry
callback, ok := args.Get(1).(tryjobstore.NewValueFn)
assert.True(t, ok, "Wrong callback function")
assert.False(t, storeIssue.CommentAdded)
_ = callback(storeIssue)
assert.True(t, storeIssue.CommentAdded)
tryjobMonitor := New(mtjs, nil, mg, siteURL, meb, isAuthoritative)
assert.NoError(t, tryjobMonitor.WriteGoldLinkAsComment(mockIssueID))
// TestWriteCommentNoIssue tests that if the issue doesn't exist,
// we fail gracefully
func TestWriteCommentNoIssue(t *testing.T) {
isAuthoritative := true
siteURL := ""
meb := mockEventBus()
mg := mockGerrit()
mtjs := &mocks.TryjobStore{}
defer meb.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mg.AssertExpectations(t)
defer mtjs.AssertExpectations(t)
mtjs.On("GetIssue", mockIssueID, false).Return(nil, nil)
tryjobMonitor := New(mtjs, nil, mg, siteURL, meb, isAuthoritative)
err := tryjobMonitor.WriteGoldLinkAsComment(mockIssueID)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "does not exist")
func mockGerrit() *gerrit_mocks.GerritInterface {
return &gerrit_mocks.GerritInterface{}
func mockEventBus() *mock_eventbus.EventBus {
meb := &mock_eventbus.EventBus{}
meb.On("SubscribeAsync", tryjobstore.EV_TRYJOB_UPDATED, mock.Anything)
return meb
const mockIssueID = int64(12345)
func makeTestIssue() *tryjobstore.Issue {
return &tryjobstore.Issue{
ID: mockIssueID,
Subject: "Test issue",
Owner: "",
// arbitrary time
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 11, 15, 0, 3, 7, time.UTC),
Status: "",
func makeTestChangeInfo() *gerrit.ChangeInfo {
return &gerrit.ChangeInfo{
Id: strconv.FormatInt(mockIssueID, 10),
Subject: "Test issue",
Created: time.Date(2019, time.May, 10, 14, 0, 2, 6, time.UTC),
Updated: time.Date(2019, time.May, 11, 15, 0, 3, 7, time.UTC),
// None of this is used by tryjob_monitor
// It's just passed back to the Gerrit API.