Moved Install / Usage Into Dedicated Files
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+## Install
+The following files are necessary. Please add the path to your compile directory.
+* xbyak.h
+* xbyak_mnemonic.h
+* xbyak_util.h
+make install
+These files are copied into `/usr/local/include/xbyak`.
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index 0000000..35f48e8
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+Inherit `Xbyak::CodeGenerator` class and make the class method.
+#include <xbyak/xbyak.h>
+struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
+    Code(int x)
+    {
+        mov(eax, x);
+        ret();
+    }
+Or you can pass the instance of CodeGenerator without inheriting.
+void genCode(Xbyak::CodeGenerator& code, int x) {
+    using namespace Xbyak::util;
+, x);
+    code.ret();
+Make an instance of the class and get the function
+pointer by calling `getCode()` and call it.
+Code c(5);
+int (*f)() = c.getCode<int (*)()>();
+printf("ret=%d\n", f()); // ret = 5
+## Syntax
+Similar to MASM/NASM syntax with parentheses.
+NASM              Xbyak
+mov eax, ebx  --> mov(eax, ebx);
+inc ecx           inc(ecx);
+ret           --> ret();
+## Addressing
+Use `qword`, `dword`, `word` and `byte` if it is necessary to specify the size of memory,
+otherwise use `ptr`.
+(ptr|qword|dword|word|byte) [base + index * (1|2|4|8) + displacement]
+                            [rip + 32bit disp] ; x64 only
+NASM                   Xbyak
+mov eax, [ebx+ecx] --> mov(eax, ptr [ebx+ecx]);
+mov al, [ebx+ecx]  --> mov(al, ptr [ebx + ecx]);
+test byte [esp], 4 --> test(byte [esp], 4);
+inc qword [rax]    --> inc(qword [rax]);
+**Note**: `qword`, ... are member variables, then don't use `dword` as unsigned int type.
+### How to use Selector (Segment Register)
+mov eax, [fs:eax] --> putSeg(fs);
+                      mov(eax, ptr [eax]);
+mov ax, cs        --> mov(ax, cs);
+**Note**: Segment class is not derived from `Operand`.
+## AVX
+vaddps(xmm1, xmm2, xmm3); // xmm1 <- xmm2 + xmm3
+vaddps(xmm2, xmm3, ptr [rax]); // use ptr to access memory
+vgatherdpd(xmm1, ptr [ebp + 256 + xmm2*4], xmm3);
+If `XBYAK_ENABLE_OMITTED_OPERAND` is defined, then you can use two operand version for backward compatibility.
+But the newer version will not support it.
+vaddps(xmm2, xmm3); // xmm2 <- xmm2 + xmm3
+## AVX-512
+vaddpd zmm2, zmm5, zmm30                --> vaddpd(zmm2, zmm5, zmm30);
+vaddpd xmm30, xmm20, [rax]              --> vaddpd(xmm30, xmm20, ptr [rax]);
+vaddps xmm30, xmm20, [rax]              --> vaddps(xmm30, xmm20, ptr [rax]);
+vaddpd zmm2{k5}, zmm4, zmm2             --> vaddpd(zmm2 | k5, zmm4, zmm2);
+vaddpd zmm2{k5}{z}, zmm4, zmm2          --> vaddpd(zmm2 | k5 | T_z, zmm4, zmm2);
+vaddpd zmm2{k5}{z}, zmm4, zmm2,{rd-sae} --> vaddpd(zmm2 | k5 | T_z, zmm4, zmm2 | T_rd_sae);
+                                            vaddpd(zmm2 | k5 | T_z | T_rd_sae, zmm4, zmm2); // the position of `|` is arbitrary.
+vcmppd k4{k3}, zmm1, zmm2, {sae}, 5     --> vcmppd(k4 | k3, zmm1, zmm2 | T_sae, 5);
+vaddpd xmm1, xmm2, [rax+256]            --> vaddpd(xmm1, xmm2, ptr [rax+256]);
+vaddpd xmm1, xmm2, [rax+256]{1to2}      --> vaddpd(xmm1, xmm2, ptr_b [rax+256]);
+vaddpd ymm1, ymm2, [rax+256]{1to4}      --> vaddpd(ymm1, ymm2, ptr_b [rax+256]);
+vaddpd zmm1, zmm2, [rax+256]{1to8}      --> vaddpd(zmm1, zmm2, ptr_b [rax+256]);
+vaddps zmm1, zmm2, [rax+rcx*8+8]{1to16} --> vaddps(zmm1, zmm2, ptr_b [rax+rcx*8+8]);
+vmovsd [rax]{k1}, xmm4                  --> vmovsd(ptr [rax] | k1, xmm4);
+vcvtpd2dq xmm16, oword [eax+33]         --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm16, xword [eax+33]); // use xword for m128 instead of oword
+                                            vcvtpd2dq(xmm16, ptr [eax+33]); // default xword
+vcvtpd2dq xmm21, [eax+32]{1to2}         --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm21, ptr_b [eax+32]);
+vcvtpd2dq xmm0, yword [eax+33]          --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm0, yword [eax+33]); // use yword for m256
+vcvtpd2dq xmm19, [eax+32]{1to4}         --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm19, yword_b [eax+32]); // use yword_b to broadcast
+vfpclassps k5{k3}, zword [rax+64], 5    --> vfpclassps(k5|k3, zword [rax+64], 5); // specify m512
+vfpclasspd k5{k3}, [rax+64]{1to2}, 5    --> vfpclasspd(k5|k3, xword_b [rax+64], 5); // broadcast 64-bit to 128-bit
+vfpclassps k5{k3}, [rax+64]{1to4}, 5    --> vfpclassps(k5|k3, yword_b [rax+64], 5); // broadcast 64-bit to 256-bit
+vpdpbusd(xm0, xm1, xm2); // default encoding is EVEX
+vpdpbusd(xm0, xm1, xm2, EvexEncoding); // same as the above
+vpdpbusd(xm0, xm1, xm2, VexEncoding); // VEX encoding
+### Remark
+* `k1`, ..., `k7` are opmask registers.
+  - `k0` is dealt as no mask.
+  - e.g. `vmovaps(zmm0|k0, ptr[rax]);` and `vmovaps(zmm0|T_z, ptr[rax]);` are same to `vmovaps(zmm0, ptr[rax]);`.
+* use `| T_z`, `| T_sae`, `| T_rn_sae`, `| T_rd_sae`, `| T_ru_sae`, `| T_rz_sae` instead of `,{z}`, `,{sae}`, `,{rn-sae}`, `,{rd-sae}`, `,{ru-sae}`, `,{rz-sae}` respectively.
+* `k4 | k3` is different from `k3 | k4`.
+* use `ptr_b` for broadcast `{1toX}`. X is automatically determined.
+* specify `xword`/`yword`/`zword(_b)` for m128/m256/m512 if necessary.
+## Label
+Two kinds of Label are supported. (String literal and Label class).
+### String literal
+  jmp("L1");
+  jmp("L2");
+  ...
+  a few mnemonics (8-bit displacement jmp)
+  ...
+  jmp("L3", T_NEAR);
+  ...
+  a lot of mnemonics (32-bit displacement jmp)
+  ...
+* Call `hasUndefinedLabel()` to verify your code has no undefined label.
+* you can use a label for immediate value of mov like as `mov(eax, "L2")`.
+### Support `@@`, `@f`, `@b` like MASM
+L("@@"); // <A>
+  jmp("@b"); // jmp to <A>
+  jmp("@f"); // jmp to <B>
+L("@@"); // <B>
+  jmp("@b"); // jmp to <B>
+  mov(eax, "@b");
+  jmp(eax); // jmp to <B>
+### Local label
+Label symbols beginning with a period between `inLocalLabel()` and `outLocalLabel()`
+are treated as a local label.
+`inLocalLabel()` and `outLocalLabel()` can be nested.
+void func1()
+    inLocalLabel();
+  L(".lp"); // <A> ; local label
+    ...
+    jmp(".lp"); // jmp to <A>
+  L("aaa"); // global label <C>
+    outLocalLabel();
+    inLocalLabel();
+  L(".lp"); // <B> ; local label
+    func1();
+    jmp(".lp"); // jmp to <B>
+    inLocalLabel();
+    jmp("aaa"); // jmp to <C>
+### short and long jump
+Xbyak deals with jump mnemonics of an undefined label as short jump if no type is specified.
+So if the size between jmp and label is larger than 127 byte, then xbyak will cause an error.
+jmp("short-jmp"); // short jmp
+// small code
+// long code
+L("long-jmp"); // throw exception
+Then specify T_NEAR for jmp.
+jmp("long-jmp", T_NEAR); // long jmp
+// long code
+Or call `setDefaultJmpNEAR(true);` once, then the default type is set to T_NEAR.
+jmp("long-jmp"); // long jmp
+// long code
+### Label class
+`L()` and `jxx()` support Label class.
+  Xbyak::Label label1, label2;
+  ...
+  jmp(label1);
+  ...
+  jmp(label2);
+  ...
+Use `putL` for jmp table
+    Label labelTbl, L0, L1, L2;
+    mov(rax, labelTbl);
+    // rdx is an index of jump table
+    jmp(ptr [rax + rdx * sizeof(void*)]);
+    putL(L0);
+    putL(L1);
+    putL(L2);
+    ....
+    ....
+`assignL(dstLabel, srcLabel)` binds dstLabel with srcLabel.
+  Label label2;
+  Label label1 = L(); // make label1 ; same to Label label1; L(label1);
+  ...
+  jmp(label2); // label2 is not determined here
+  ...
+  assignL(label2, label1); // label2 <- label1
+The `jmp` in the above code jumps to label1 assigned by `assignL`.
+* srcLabel must be used in `L()`.
+* dstLabel must not be used in `L()`.
+`Label::getAddress()` returns the address specified by the label instance and 0 if not specified.
+// not AutoGrow mode
+Label  label;
+assert(label.getAddress() == 0);
+assert(label.getAddress() == getCurr());
+### Rip ; relative addressing
+Label label;
+mov(eax, ptr [rip + label]); // eax = 4
+int x;
+  mov(eax, ptr[rip + &x]); // throw exception if the difference between &x and current position is larger than 2GiB
+## Far jump
+Use `word|dword|qword` instead of `ptr` to specify the address size.
+### 32 bit mode
+jmp(word[eax], T_FAR);  // jmp m16:16(FF /5)
+jmp(dword[eax], T_FAR); // jmp m16:32(FF /5)
+### 64 bit mode
+jmp(word[rax], T_FAR);  // jmp m16:16(FF /5)
+jmp(dword[rax], T_FAR); // jmp m16:32(FF /5)
+jmp(qword[rax], T_FAR); // jmp m16:64(REX.W FF /5)
+The same applies to `call`.
+## Code size
+The default max code size is 4096 bytes.
+Specify the size in constructor of `CodeGenerator()` if necessary.
+class Quantize : public Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
+  Quantize()
+    : CodeGenerator(8192)
+  {
+  }
+  ...
+## User allocated memory
+You can make jit code on prepared memory.
+Call `setProtectModeRE` yourself to change memory mode if using the prepared memory.
+uint8_t alignas(4096) buf[8192]; // C++11 or later
+struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
+    Code() : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(sizeof(buf), buf)
+    {
+        mov(rax, 123);
+        ret();
+    }
+int main()
+    Code c;
+    c.setProtectModeRE(); // set memory to Read/Exec
+    printf("%d\n", c.getCode<int(*)()>()());
+**Note**: See [../sample/test0.cpp](../sample/test0.cpp).
+### AutoGrow
+The memory region for jit is automatically extended if necessary when `AutoGrow` is specified in a constructor of `CodeGenerator`.
+Call `ready()` or `readyRE()` before calling `getCode()` to fix jump address.
+struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
+  Code()
+    : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(<default memory size>, Xbyak::AutoGrow)
+  {
+     ...
+  }
+Code c;
+// generate code for jit
+c.ready(); // mode = Read/Write/Exec
+* Don't use the address returned by `getCurr()` before calling `ready()` because it may be invalid address.
+### Read/Exec mode
+Xbyak set Read/Write/Exec mode to memory to run jit code.
+If you want to use Read/Exec mode for security, then specify `DontSetProtectRWE` for `CodeGenerator` and
+call `setProtectModeRE()` after generating jit code.
+struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
+    Code()
+        : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(4096, Xbyak::DontSetProtectRWE)
+    {
+        mov(eax, 123);
+        ret();
+    }
+Code c;
+Call `readyRE()` instead of `ready()` when using `AutoGrow` mode.
+See [protect-re.cpp](../sample/protect-re.cpp).
+## Exception-less mode
+If `XBYAK_NO_EXCEPTION` is defined, then gcc/clang can compile xbyak with `-fno-exceptions`.
+In stead of throwing an exception, `Xbyak::GetError()` returns non-zero value (e.g. `ERR_BAD_ADDRESSING`) if there is something wrong.
+The status will not be changed automatically, then you should reset it by `Xbyak::ClearError()`.
+`CodeGenerator::reset()` calls `ClearError()`.
+## Macro
+* **XBYAK32** is defined on 32bit.
+* **XBYAK64** is defined on 64bit.
+* **XBYAK64_WIN** is defined on 64bit Windows(VC).
+* **XBYAK64_GCC** is defined on 64bit gcc, cygwin.
+* define **XBYAK_USE_OP_NAMES** on gcc with `-fno-operator-names` if you want to use `and()`, ....
+* define **XBYAK_ENABLE_OMITTED_OPERAND** if you use omitted destination such as `vaddps(xmm2, xmm3);`(deprecated in the future).
+* define **XBYAK_UNDEF_JNL** if Bessel function jnl is defined as macro.
+* define **XBYAK_NO_EXCEPTION** for a compiler option `-fno-exceptions`.
+* define **XBYAK_USE_MEMFD** on Linux then /proc/self/maps shows the area used by xbyak.
+* define **XBYAK_OLD_DISP_CHECK** if the old disp check is necessary (deprecated in the future).
+## Sample
+* [test0.cpp](../sample/test0.cpp) ; tiny sample (x86, x64)
+* [quantize.cpp](../sample/quantize.cpp) ; JIT optimized quantization by fast division (x86 only)
+* [calc.cpp](../sample/calc.cpp) ; assemble and estimate a given polynomial (x86, x64)
+* [bf.cpp](../sample/bf.cpp) ; JIT brainfuck (x86, x64)
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 Almost C++03 or later compilers for x86/x64 such as Visual Studio, g++, clang++, Intel C++ compiler and g++ on mingw/cygwin.
-## Install
+## [Install](Documentation/
-The following files are necessary. Please add the path to your compile directory.
-* xbyak.h
-* xbyak_mnemonic.h
-* xbyak_util.h
-make install
-These files are copied into `/usr/local/include/xbyak`.
-## How to use it
-Inherit `Xbyak::CodeGenerator` class and make the class method.
-#include <xbyak/xbyak.h>
-struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
-    Code(int x)
-    {
-        mov(eax, x);
-        ret();
-    }
-Or you can pass the instance of CodeGenerator without inheriting.
-void genCode(Xbyak::CodeGenerator& code, int x) {
-    using namespace Xbyak::util;
-, x);
-    code.ret();
-Make an instance of the class and get the function
-pointer by calling `getCode()` and call it.
-Code c(5);
-int (*f)() = c.getCode<int (*)()>();
-printf("ret=%d\n", f()); // ret = 5
-## Syntax
-Similar to MASM/NASM syntax with parentheses.
-NASM              Xbyak
-mov eax, ebx  --> mov(eax, ebx);
-inc ecx           inc(ecx);
-ret           --> ret();
-## Addressing
-Use `qword`, `dword`, `word` and `byte` if it is necessary to specify the size of memory,
-otherwise use `ptr`.
-(ptr|qword|dword|word|byte) [base + index * (1|2|4|8) + displacement]
-                            [rip + 32bit disp] ; x64 only
-NASM                   Xbyak
-mov eax, [ebx+ecx] --> mov(eax, ptr [ebx+ecx]);
-mov al, [ebx+ecx]  --> mov(al, ptr [ebx + ecx]);
-test byte [esp], 4 --> test(byte [esp], 4);
-inc qword [rax]    --> inc(qword [rax]);
-**Note**: `qword`, ... are member variables, then don't use `dword` as unsigned int type.
-### How to use Selector (Segment Register)
-mov eax, [fs:eax] --> putSeg(fs);
-                      mov(eax, ptr [eax]);
-mov ax, cs        --> mov(ax, cs);
-**Note**: Segment class is not derived from `Operand`.
-## AVX
-vaddps(xmm1, xmm2, xmm3); // xmm1 <- xmm2 + xmm3
-vaddps(xmm2, xmm3, ptr [rax]); // use ptr to access memory
-vgatherdpd(xmm1, ptr [ebp + 256 + xmm2*4], xmm3);
-If `XBYAK_ENABLE_OMITTED_OPERAND` is defined, then you can use two operand version for backward compatibility.
-But the newer version will not support it.
-vaddps(xmm2, xmm3); // xmm2 <- xmm2 + xmm3
-## AVX-512
-vaddpd zmm2, zmm5, zmm30                --> vaddpd(zmm2, zmm5, zmm30);
-vaddpd xmm30, xmm20, [rax]              --> vaddpd(xmm30, xmm20, ptr [rax]);
-vaddps xmm30, xmm20, [rax]              --> vaddps(xmm30, xmm20, ptr [rax]);
-vaddpd zmm2{k5}, zmm4, zmm2             --> vaddpd(zmm2 | k5, zmm4, zmm2);
-vaddpd zmm2{k5}{z}, zmm4, zmm2          --> vaddpd(zmm2 | k5 | T_z, zmm4, zmm2);
-vaddpd zmm2{k5}{z}, zmm4, zmm2,{rd-sae} --> vaddpd(zmm2 | k5 | T_z, zmm4, zmm2 | T_rd_sae);
-                                            vaddpd(zmm2 | k5 | T_z | T_rd_sae, zmm4, zmm2); // the position of `|` is arbitrary.
-vcmppd k4{k3}, zmm1, zmm2, {sae}, 5     --> vcmppd(k4 | k3, zmm1, zmm2 | T_sae, 5);
-vaddpd xmm1, xmm2, [rax+256]            --> vaddpd(xmm1, xmm2, ptr [rax+256]);
-vaddpd xmm1, xmm2, [rax+256]{1to2}      --> vaddpd(xmm1, xmm2, ptr_b [rax+256]);
-vaddpd ymm1, ymm2, [rax+256]{1to4}      --> vaddpd(ymm1, ymm2, ptr_b [rax+256]);
-vaddpd zmm1, zmm2, [rax+256]{1to8}      --> vaddpd(zmm1, zmm2, ptr_b [rax+256]);
-vaddps zmm1, zmm2, [rax+rcx*8+8]{1to16} --> vaddps(zmm1, zmm2, ptr_b [rax+rcx*8+8]);
-vmovsd [rax]{k1}, xmm4                  --> vmovsd(ptr [rax] | k1, xmm4);
-vcvtpd2dq xmm16, oword [eax+33]         --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm16, xword [eax+33]); // use xword for m128 instead of oword
-                                            vcvtpd2dq(xmm16, ptr [eax+33]); // default xword
-vcvtpd2dq xmm21, [eax+32]{1to2}         --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm21, ptr_b [eax+32]);
-vcvtpd2dq xmm0, yword [eax+33]          --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm0, yword [eax+33]); // use yword for m256
-vcvtpd2dq xmm19, [eax+32]{1to4}         --> vcvtpd2dq(xmm19, yword_b [eax+32]); // use yword_b to broadcast
-vfpclassps k5{k3}, zword [rax+64], 5    --> vfpclassps(k5|k3, zword [rax+64], 5); // specify m512
-vfpclasspd k5{k3}, [rax+64]{1to2}, 5    --> vfpclasspd(k5|k3, xword_b [rax+64], 5); // broadcast 64-bit to 128-bit
-vfpclassps k5{k3}, [rax+64]{1to4}, 5    --> vfpclassps(k5|k3, yword_b [rax+64], 5); // broadcast 64-bit to 256-bit
-vpdpbusd(xm0, xm1, xm2); // default encoding is EVEX
-vpdpbusd(xm0, xm1, xm2, EvexEncoding); // same as the above
-vpdpbusd(xm0, xm1, xm2, VexEncoding); // VEX encoding
-### Remark
-* `k1`, ..., `k7` are opmask registers.
-  - `k0` is dealt as no mask.
-  - e.g. `vmovaps(zmm0|k0, ptr[rax]);` and `vmovaps(zmm0|T_z, ptr[rax]);` are same to `vmovaps(zmm0, ptr[rax]);`.
-* use `| T_z`, `| T_sae`, `| T_rn_sae`, `| T_rd_sae`, `| T_ru_sae`, `| T_rz_sae` instead of `,{z}`, `,{sae}`, `,{rn-sae}`, `,{rd-sae}`, `,{ru-sae}`, `,{rz-sae}` respectively.
-* `k4 | k3` is different from `k3 | k4`.
-* use `ptr_b` for broadcast `{1toX}`. X is automatically determined.
-* specify `xword`/`yword`/`zword(_b)` for m128/m256/m512 if necessary.
-## Label
-Two kinds of Label are supported. (String literal and Label class).
-### String literal
-  jmp("L1");
-  jmp("L2");
-  ...
-  a few mnemonics (8-bit displacement jmp)
-  ...
-  jmp("L3", T_NEAR);
-  ...
-  a lot of mnemonics (32-bit displacement jmp)
-  ...
-* Call `hasUndefinedLabel()` to verify your code has no undefined label.
-* you can use a label for immediate value of mov like as `mov(eax, "L2")`.
-### Support `@@`, `@f`, `@b` like MASM
-L("@@"); // <A>
-  jmp("@b"); // jmp to <A>
-  jmp("@f"); // jmp to <B>
-L("@@"); // <B>
-  jmp("@b"); // jmp to <B>
-  mov(eax, "@b");
-  jmp(eax); // jmp to <B>
-### Local label
-Label symbols beginning with a period between `inLocalLabel()` and `outLocalLabel()`
-are treated as a local label.
-`inLocalLabel()` and `outLocalLabel()` can be nested.
-void func1()
-    inLocalLabel();
-  L(".lp"); // <A> ; local label
-    ...
-    jmp(".lp"); // jmp to <A>
-  L("aaa"); // global label <C>
-    outLocalLabel();
-    inLocalLabel();
-  L(".lp"); // <B> ; local label
-    func1();
-    jmp(".lp"); // jmp to <B>
-    inLocalLabel();
-    jmp("aaa"); // jmp to <C>
-### short and long jump
-Xbyak deals with jump mnemonics of an undefined label as short jump if no type is specified.
-So if the size between jmp and label is larger than 127 byte, then xbyak will cause an error.
-jmp("short-jmp"); // short jmp
-// small code
-// long code
-L("long-jmp"); // throw exception
-Then specify T_NEAR for jmp.
-jmp("long-jmp", T_NEAR); // long jmp
-// long code
-Or call `setDefaultJmpNEAR(true);` once, then the default type is set to T_NEAR.
-jmp("long-jmp"); // long jmp
-// long code
-### Label class
-`L()` and `jxx()` support Label class.
-  Xbyak::Label label1, label2;
-  ...
-  jmp(label1);
-  ...
-  jmp(label2);
-  ...
-Use `putL` for jmp table
-    Label labelTbl, L0, L1, L2;
-    mov(rax, labelTbl);
-    // rdx is an index of jump table
-    jmp(ptr [rax + rdx * sizeof(void*)]);
-    putL(L0);
-    putL(L1);
-    putL(L2);
-    ....
-    ....
-`assignL(dstLabel, srcLabel)` binds dstLabel with srcLabel.
-  Label label2;
-  Label label1 = L(); // make label1 ; same to Label label1; L(label1);
-  ...
-  jmp(label2); // label2 is not determined here
-  ...
-  assignL(label2, label1); // label2 <- label1
-The `jmp` in the above code jumps to label1 assigned by `assignL`.
-* srcLabel must be used in `L()`.
-* dstLabel must not be used in `L()`.
-`Label::getAddress()` returns the address specified by the label instance and 0 if not specified.
-// not AutoGrow mode
-Label  label;
-assert(label.getAddress() == 0);
-assert(label.getAddress() == getCurr());
-### Rip ; relative addressing
-Label label;
-mov(eax, ptr [rip + label]); // eax = 4
-int x;
-  mov(eax, ptr[rip + &x]); // throw exception if the difference between &x and current position is larger than 2GiB
-## Far jump
-Use `word|dword|qword` instead of `ptr` to specify the address size.
-### 32 bit mode
-jmp(word[eax], T_FAR);  // jmp m16:16(FF /5)
-jmp(dword[eax], T_FAR); // jmp m16:32(FF /5)
-### 64 bit mode
-jmp(word[rax], T_FAR);  // jmp m16:16(FF /5)
-jmp(dword[rax], T_FAR); // jmp m16:32(FF /5)
-jmp(qword[rax], T_FAR); // jmp m16:64(REX.W FF /5)
-The same applies to `call`.
-## Code size
-The default max code size is 4096 bytes.
-Specify the size in constructor of `CodeGenerator()` if necessary.
-class Quantize : public Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
-  Quantize()
-    : CodeGenerator(8192)
-  {
-  }
-  ...
-## User allocated memory
-You can make jit code on prepared memory.
-Call `setProtectModeRE` yourself to change memory mode if using the prepared memory.
-uint8_t alignas(4096) buf[8192]; // C++11 or later
-struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
-    Code() : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(sizeof(buf), buf)
-    {
-        mov(rax, 123);
-        ret();
-    }
-int main()
-    Code c;
-    c.setProtectModeRE(); // set memory to Read/Exec
-    printf("%d\n", c.getCode<int(*)()>()());
-**Note**: See [sample/test0.cpp](sample/test0.cpp).
-### AutoGrow
-The memory region for jit is automatically extended if necessary when `AutoGrow` is specified in a constructor of `CodeGenerator`.
-Call `ready()` or `readyRE()` before calling `getCode()` to fix jump address.
-struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
-  Code()
-    : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(<default memory size>, Xbyak::AutoGrow)
-  {
-     ...
-  }
-Code c;
-// generate code for jit
-c.ready(); // mode = Read/Write/Exec
-* Don't use the address returned by `getCurr()` before calling `ready()` because it may be invalid address.
-### Read/Exec mode
-Xbyak set Read/Write/Exec mode to memory to run jit code.
-If you want to use Read/Exec mode for security, then specify `DontSetProtectRWE` for `CodeGenerator` and
-call `setProtectModeRE()` after generating jit code.
-struct Code : Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
-    Code()
-        : Xbyak::CodeGenerator(4096, Xbyak::DontSetProtectRWE)
-    {
-        mov(eax, 123);
-        ret();
-    }
-Code c;
-Call `readyRE()` instead of `ready()` when using `AutoGrow` mode.
-See [protect-re.cpp](sample/protect-re.cpp).
-## Exception-less mode
-If `XBYAK_NO_EXCEPTION` is defined, then gcc/clang can compile xbyak with `-fno-exceptions`.
-In stead of throwing an exception, `Xbyak::GetError()` returns non-zero value (e.g. `ERR_BAD_ADDRESSING`) if there is something wrong.
-The status will not be changed automatically, then you should reset it by `Xbyak::ClearError()`.
-`CodeGenerator::reset()` calls `ClearError()`.
-## Macro
-* **XBYAK32** is defined on 32bit.
-* **XBYAK64** is defined on 64bit.
-* **XBYAK64_WIN** is defined on 64bit Windows(VC).
-* **XBYAK64_GCC** is defined on 64bit gcc, cygwin.
-* define **XBYAK_USE_OP_NAMES** on gcc with `-fno-operator-names` if you want to use `and()`, ....
-* define **XBYAK_ENABLE_OMITTED_OPERAND** if you use omitted destination such as `vaddps(xmm2, xmm3);`(deprecated in the future).
-* define **XBYAK_UNDEF_JNL** if Bessel function jnl is defined as macro.
-* define **XBYAK_NO_EXCEPTION** for a compiler option `-fno-exceptions`.
-* define **XBYAK_USE_MEMFD** on Linux then /proc/self/maps shows the area used by xbyak.
-* define **XBYAK_OLD_DISP_CHECK** if the old disp check is necessary (deprecated in the future).
-## Sample
+## [How to use it](Documentation/
-* [test0.cpp](sample/test0.cpp) ; tiny sample (x86, x64)
-* [quantize.cpp](sample/quantize.cpp) ; JIT optimized quantization by fast division (x86 only)
-* [calc.cpp](sample/calc.cpp) ; assemble and estimate a given polynomial (x86, x64)
-* [bf.cpp](sample/bf.cpp) ; JIT brainfuck (x86, x64)
 ## License