audio: Replaced the resampler. Again.

This time it's using real math from a real whitepaper instead of my previous
amateur, fast-but-low-quality attempt. The new resampler does "bandlimited
interpolation," as described here:

The output appears to sound cleaner, especially at high frequencies, and of
course works with non-power-of-two rate conversions.

There are some obvious optimizations to be done to this still, and there is
other fallout: this doesn't resample a buffer in-place, the 2-channels-Sint16
fast path is gone because this resampler does a _lot_ of floating point math.
There is a nasty hack to make it work with SDL_AudioCVT.

It's possible these issues are solvable, but they aren't solved as of yet.
Still, I hope this effort is slouching in the right direction.

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