Fixed bug 4918 - SDL failed to build due to error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol memset referenced in function SDL_SetJoystickIDForPlayerIndex with MSVC x64 on Windows


We build SDL with Visual studio 2017 compiler on Windows Server 2016, but it failed to build due to error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol memset referenced in function SDL_SetJoystickIDForPlayerIndex with MSVC x64 on Windows on latest default branch. And we found that it can be first reproduced on 6c431d30a6df changeset. Could you please help have a look about this issue? Thanks in advance!

Steps to Reproduce:
1.hg clone D:\SDL\src
2.Open a VS 2017 x64 command prompt as admin and browse to D:\SDL
3.msbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:WindowsTargetPlatformVersion=10.0.17134.0 VisualC\SDL.sln /t:Rebuild

Actual result:
 Creating library D:\SDL\src\VisualC\x64\Release\SDL2.lib and object D:\SDL\src\VisualC\x64\Release\SDL2.exp
SDL_joystick.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol memset referenced in function SDL_SetJoystickIDForPlayerIndex [D:\SDL\src\VisualC\SDL\SDL.vcxproj]
D:\SDL\src\VisualC\x64\Release\SDL2.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals [D:\SDL\src\VisualC\SDL\SDL.vcxproj]
Done Building Project "D:\SDL\src\VisualC\SDL\SDL.vcxproj" (Rebuild target(s)) -- FAILED.
1 file changed