Fixed bug 5233 - PS3 Gamepad Motion Control not correctly ignored on Linux

Igor Morgado

PS3 Controller motion sensor string is being reported as

`Gasia Co.,Ltd PS(R) Gamepad Motion Sensors`

But `src/joystick/SDL_gamecontroller.c` line1690 only ignores if matches the string  `Controller Motion Sensors`.

#if defined(__LINUX__)
    if (name && SDL_strstr(name, "Controller Motion Sensors")) {
        /* Don't treat the PS3 and PS4 motion controls as a separate game controller */
        return SDL_TRUE;

Therefore, SDL is mapping 2 Game controllers instead one.

Maybe reduce the substring to match `Motion Sensors` instead.

A simple log from my application is shown below:

INFO: Game controller device 0 - PS3 Controller:PS3 Controller found.
INFO: Controller 0: Player 0: 054c:0268:8111 - PS3 Controller - PS3 Controller - Gasia Co.,Ltd PS(R) Gamepad
INFO: Game controller device 1 - PS3 Controller:PS3 Controller found.
INFO: Controller 1: Player 1: 054c:0268:8111 - PS3 Controller - PS3 Controller - Gasia Co.,Ltd PS(R) Gamepad Motion Sensors
1 file changed