blob: 9c3c6817c4648b4d5ebedb009e5e431d0c463293 [file] [log] [blame]
// UTF.h
// This file is licensed under the GPLv2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2012, 2017, 2021, 2023 Adrian Johnson <>
// Copyright (C) 2016 Jason Crain <>
// Copyright (C) 2018 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, <>. Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich
// Copyright (C) 2018 Nelson Benítez León <>
// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2021 Georgiy Sgibnev <>. Work sponsored by
// Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 g10 Code GmbH, Author: Sune Stolborg Vuorela <>
// Copyright (C) 2023 Even Rouault <>
// Copyright (C) 2023 Oliver Sander <>
#ifndef UTF_H
#define UTF_H
#include <cstdint>
#include <climits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "CharTypes.h"
#include "poppler_private_export.h"
// Magic bytes that mark the byte order in a UTF-16 unicode string
constexpr std::string_view unicodeByteOrderMark = "\xFE\xFF";
// Convert a UTF-16 string to a UCS-4
// utf16 - utf16 bytes
// utf16_len - number of UTF-16 characters
// returns number of UCS-4 characters
std::vector<Unicode> UTF16toUCS4(const Unicode *utf16, int utf16Len);
// Convert a PDF Text String to UCS-4
// s - PDF text string
// returns UCS-4 characters
// Convert a PDF text string to UCS-4
std::vector<Unicode> POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT TextStringToUCS4(const std::string &textStr);
// check if UCS-4 character is valid
inline bool UnicodeIsValid(Unicode ucs4)
return (ucs4 < 0x110000) && ((ucs4 & 0xfffff800) != 0xd800) && (ucs4 < 0xfdd0 || ucs4 > 0xfdef) && ((ucs4 & 0xfffe) != 0xfffe);
// is a unicode whitespace character
bool UnicodeIsWhitespace(Unicode ucs4);
// Count number of UCS-4 characters required to convert a UTF-8 string to
// UCS-4 (excluding terminating NULL).
int POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf8CountUCS4(const char *utf8);
// Convert a UTF-8 string to a UCS-4
// utf8 - utf8 bytes
// ucs4_out - if not NULL, allocates and returns UCS-4 string. Free with gfree.
// returns number of UCS-4 characters
int POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf8ToUCS4(const char *utf8, Unicode **ucs4_out);
// Count number of UTF-16 code units required to convert a UTF-8 string
// (excluding terminating NULL). Each invalid byte is counted as a
// code point since the UTF-8 conversion functions will replace it with
int POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf8CountUtf16CodeUnits(const char *utf8);
// Convert UTF-8 to UTF-16
// utf8- UTF-8 string to convert. If not null terminated, set maxUtf8 to num
// bytes to convert
// utf16 - output buffer to write UTF-16 to. Output will always be null terminated.
// maxUtf16 - maximum size of output buffer including space for null.
// maxUtf8 - maximum number of UTF-8 bytes to convert. Conversion stops when
// either this count is reached or a null is encountered.
// Returns number of UTF-16 code units written (excluding NULL).
int POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf8ToUtf16(const char *utf8, uint16_t *utf16, int maxUtf16, int maxUtf8);
// Allocate utf16 string and convert utf8 into it.
uint16_t POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT *utf8ToUtf16(const char *utf8, int *len = nullptr);
inline bool isUtf8WithBom(std::string_view str)
if (str.size() < 4) {
return false;
if (str[0] == '\xef' && str[1] == '\xbb' && str[2] == '\xbf') {
return true;
return false;
// Converts a UTF-8 string to a big endian UTF-16 string with BOM.
// The caller owns the returned pointer.
// utf8 - UTF-8 string to convert. An empty string is acceptable.
// Returns a big endian UTF-16 string with BOM or an empty string without BOM.
std::string POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf8ToUtf16WithBom(const std::string &utf8);
// Count number of UTF-8 bytes required to convert a UTF-16 string to
// UTF-8 (excluding terminating NULL).
int POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf16CountUtf8Bytes(const uint16_t *utf16);
// Convert UTF-16 to UTF-8
// utf16- UTF-16 string to convert. If not null terminated, set maxUtf16 to num
// code units to convert
// utf8 - output buffer to write UTF-8 to. Output will always be null terminated.
// maxUtf8 - maximum size of output buffer including space for null.
// maxUtf16 - maximum number of UTF-16 code units to convert. Conversion stops when
// either this count is reached or a null is encountered.
// Returns number of UTF-8 bytes written (excluding NULL).
int POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT utf16ToUtf8(const uint16_t *utf16, char *utf8, int maxUtf8 = INT_MAX, int maxUtf16 = INT_MAX);
// Allocate utf8 string and convert utf16 into it.
char POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT *utf16ToUtf8(const uint16_t *utf16, int *len = nullptr);
// Convert a UCS-4 string to pure ASCII (7bit)
// in - UCS-4 string bytes
// len - number of UCS-4 characters
// ucs4_out - if not NULL, allocates and returns UCS-4 string. Free with gfree.
// out_len - number of UCS-4 characters in ucs4_out.
// in_idx - if not NULL, the int array returned by the out fourth parameter of
// unicodeNormalizeNFKC() function. Optional, needed for @indices out parameter.
// indices - if not NULL, @indices is assigned the location of a newly-allocated array
// of length @out_len + 1, for each character in the ascii string giving the index
// of the corresponding character in the text of the line (thanks to this info
// being passed in @in_idx parameter).
void POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT unicodeToAscii7(const Unicode *in, int len, Unicode **ucs4_out, int *out_len, const int *in_idx, int **indices);
// Convert a PDF Text String to UTF-8
// textStr - PDF text string
// returns UTF-8 string.
std::string POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT TextStringToUtf8(const std::string &textStr);