blob: c24332bd92a44015dcabfc3957bd733ed4fd0d64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2005 Kristian Høgsberg <>
// Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Jeff Muizelaar <>
// Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright (C) 2006-2021 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2012 Koji Otani <>
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2011-2016, 2020 Thomas Freitag <>
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2019 Christian Persch <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Paweł Wiejacha <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Feuersänger <>
// Copyright (C) 2011 Andrea Canciani <>
// Copyright (C) 2012, 2020 William Bader <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Lu Wang <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Hib Eris <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Fabio D'Urso <>
// Copyright (C) 2015, 2020 Adrian Johnson <>
// Copyright (C) 2016 Marek Kasik <>
// Copyright (C) 2017, 2019 Oliver Sander <>
// Copyright (C) 2018 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, <>. Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich
// Copyright (C) 2018 Volker Krause <>
// Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 Adam Reichold <>
// Copyright (C) 2019 LE GARREC Vincent <>
// Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 Philipp Knechtges <>
// Copyright (C) 2020 Lluís Batlle i Rossell <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#include <config.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include "goo/gfile.h"
#include "goo/gmem.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "Gfx.h"
#include "GfxState.h"
#include "GfxState_helpers.h"
#include "GfxFont.h"
#include "GlobalParams.h"
#include "PopplerCache.h"
#include "OutputDev.h"
#include "splash/SplashTypes.h"
// Max depth of nested color spaces. This is used to catch infinite
// loops in the color space object structure.
#define colorSpaceRecursionLimit 8
bool Matrix::invertTo(Matrix *other) const
const double det_denominator = determinant();
if (unlikely(det_denominator == 0)) {
*other = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 };
return false;
const double det = 1 / det_denominator;
other->m[0] = m[3] * det;
other->m[1] = -m[1] * det;
other->m[2] = -m[2] * det;
other->m[3] = m[0] * det;
other->m[4] = (m[2] * m[5] - m[3] * m[4]) * det;
other->m[5] = (m[1] * m[4] - m[0] * m[5]) * det;
return true;
void Matrix::translate(double tx, double ty)
double x0 = tx * m[0] + ty * m[2] + m[4];
double y0 = tx * m[1] + ty * m[3] + m[5];
m[4] = x0;
m[5] = y0;
void Matrix::scale(double sx, double sy)
m[0] *= sx;
m[1] *= sx;
m[2] *= sy;
m[3] *= sy;
void Matrix::transform(double x, double y, double *tx, double *ty) const
double temp_x, temp_y;
temp_x = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4];
temp_y = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5];
*tx = temp_x;
*ty = temp_y;
// Matrix norm, taken from _cairo_matrix_transformed_circle_major_axis
double Matrix::norm() const
double f, g, h, i, j;
i = m[0] * m[0] + m[1] * m[1];
j = m[2] * m[2] + m[3] * m[3];
f = 0.5 * (i + j);
g = 0.5 * (i - j);
h = m[0] * m[2] + m[1] * m[3];
return sqrt(f + hypot(g, h));
struct GfxBlendModeInfo
const char *name;
GfxBlendMode mode;
static const GfxBlendModeInfo gfxBlendModeNames[] = { { "Normal", gfxBlendNormal }, { "Compatible", gfxBlendNormal },
{ "Multiply", gfxBlendMultiply }, { "Screen", gfxBlendScreen },
{ "Overlay", gfxBlendOverlay }, { "Darken", gfxBlendDarken },
{ "Lighten", gfxBlendLighten }, { "ColorDodge", gfxBlendColorDodge },
{ "ColorBurn", gfxBlendColorBurn }, { "HardLight", gfxBlendHardLight },
{ "SoftLight", gfxBlendSoftLight }, { "Difference", gfxBlendDifference },
{ "Exclusion", gfxBlendExclusion }, { "Hue", gfxBlendHue },
{ "Saturation", gfxBlendSaturation }, { "Color", gfxBlendColor },
{ "Luminosity", gfxBlendLuminosity } };
#define nGfxBlendModeNames ((int)((sizeof(gfxBlendModeNames) / sizeof(GfxBlendModeInfo))))
// NB: This must match the GfxColorSpaceMode enum defined in
// GfxState.h
static const char *gfxColorSpaceModeNames[] = { "DeviceGray", "CalGray", "DeviceRGB", "CalRGB", "DeviceCMYK", "Lab", "ICCBased", "Indexed", "Separation", "DeviceN", "Pattern" };
#define nGfxColorSpaceModes ((sizeof(gfxColorSpaceModeNames) / sizeof(char *)))
#ifdef USE_CMS
static const std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::size_type CMSCACHE_LIMIT = 2048;
# include <lcms2.h>
static void lcmsprofiledeleter(void *profile)
GfxLCMSProfilePtr make_GfxLCMSProfilePtr(void *profile)
if (profile == nullptr) {
return GfxLCMSProfilePtr();
return GfxLCMSProfilePtr(profile, lcmsprofiledeleter);
void GfxColorTransform::doTransform(void *in, void *out, unsigned int size)
cmsDoTransform(transform, in, out, size);
// transformA should be a cmsHTRANSFORM
GfxColorTransform::GfxColorTransform(void *transformA, int cmsIntentA, unsigned int inputPixelTypeA, unsigned int transformPixelTypeA)
transform = transformA;
cmsIntent = cmsIntentA;
inputPixelType = inputPixelTypeA;
transformPixelType = transformPixelTypeA;
// convert color space signature to cmsColor type
static unsigned int getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs);
static unsigned int getCMSNChannels(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs);
// GfxColorSpace
overprintMask = 0x0f;
mapping = nullptr;
GfxColorSpace::~GfxColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Object *csObj, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion)
GfxColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1;
if (recursion > colorSpaceRecursionLimit) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Loop detected in color space objects");
return nullptr;
cs = nullptr;
if (csObj->isName()) {
if (csObj->isName("DeviceGray") || csObj->isName("G")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultGray");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultGrayColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultGrayColorSpace();
} else if (csObj->isName("DeviceRGB") || csObj->isName("RGB")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultRGB");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultRGBColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultRGBColorSpace();
} else if (csObj->isName("DeviceCMYK") || csObj->isName("CMYK")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultCMYK");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultCMYKColorSpace();
} else if (csObj->isName("Pattern")) {
cs = new GfxPatternColorSpace(nullptr);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space '{0:s}'", csObj->getName());
} else if (csObj->isArray() && csObj->arrayGetLength() > 0) {
obj1 = csObj->arrayGet(0);
if (obj1.isName("DeviceGray") || obj1.isName("G")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultGray");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultGrayColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultGrayColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceRGB") || obj1.isName("RGB")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultRGB");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultRGBColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultRGBColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceCMYK") || obj1.isName("CMYK")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultCMYK");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultCMYKColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("CalGray")) {
cs = GfxCalGrayColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), state);
} else if (obj1.isName("CalRGB")) {
cs = GfxCalRGBColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), state);
} else if (obj1.isName("Lab")) {
cs = GfxLabColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), state);
} else if (obj1.isName("ICCBased")) {
cs = GfxICCBasedColorSpace::parse(csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("Indexed") || obj1.isName("I")) {
cs = GfxIndexedColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("Separation")) {
cs = GfxSeparationColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceN")) {
cs = GfxDeviceNColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else if (obj1.isName("Pattern")) {
cs = GfxPatternColorSpace::parse(res, csObj->getArray(), out, state, recursion);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space");
} else if (csObj->isDict()) {
obj1 = csObj->dictLookup("ColorSpace");
if (obj1.isName("DeviceGray")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultGray");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultGrayColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultGrayColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceRGB")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultRGB");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultRGBColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultRGBColorSpace();
} else if (obj1.isName("DeviceCMYK")) {
if (res != nullptr) {
Object objCS = res->lookupColorSpace("DefaultCMYK");
if (objCS.isNull()) {
cs = state->copyDefaultCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
cs = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &objCS, out, state);
} else {
cs = state->copyDefaultCMYKColorSpace();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space dict'");
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space - expected name or array or dict");
return cs;
void GfxColorSpace::createMapping(std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *> *separationList, int maxSepComps)
void GfxColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow, double *decodeRange, int maxImgPixel) const
int i;
for (i = 0; i < getNComps(); ++i) {
decodeLow[i] = 0;
decodeRange[i] = 1;
int GfxColorSpace::getNumColorSpaceModes()
return nGfxColorSpaceModes;
const char *GfxColorSpace::getColorSpaceModeName(int idx)
return gfxColorSpaceModeNames[idx];
#ifdef USE_CMS
static void CMSError(cmsContext /*contextId*/, cmsUInt32Number /*ecode*/, const char *text)
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "{0:s}", text);
unsigned int getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs)
switch (cs) {
case cmsSigXYZData:
return PT_XYZ;
case cmsSigLabData:
return PT_Lab;
case cmsSigLuvData:
return PT_YUV;
case cmsSigYCbCrData:
return PT_YCbCr;
case cmsSigYxyData:
return PT_Yxy;
case cmsSigRgbData:
return PT_RGB;
case cmsSigGrayData:
return PT_GRAY;
case cmsSigHsvData:
return PT_HSV;
case cmsSigHlsData:
return PT_HLS;
case cmsSigCmykData:
return PT_CMYK;
case cmsSigCmyData:
return PT_CMY;
case cmsSig2colorData:
case cmsSig3colorData:
case cmsSig4colorData:
case cmsSig5colorData:
case cmsSig6colorData:
case cmsSig7colorData:
case cmsSig8colorData:
case cmsSig9colorData:
case cmsSig10colorData:
case cmsSig11colorData:
case cmsSig12colorData:
case cmsSig13colorData:
case cmsSig14colorData:
case cmsSig15colorData:
return PT_RGB;
unsigned int getCMSNChannels(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs)
switch (cs) {
case cmsSigXYZData:
case cmsSigLuvData:
case cmsSigLabData:
case cmsSigYCbCrData:
case cmsSigYxyData:
case cmsSigRgbData:
case cmsSigHsvData:
case cmsSigHlsData:
case cmsSigCmyData:
case cmsSig3colorData:
return 3;
case cmsSigGrayData:
return 1;
case cmsSigCmykData:
case cmsSig4colorData:
return 4;
case cmsSig2colorData:
return 2;
case cmsSig5colorData:
return 5;
case cmsSig6colorData:
return 6;
case cmsSig7colorData:
return 7;
case cmsSig8colorData:
return 8;
case cmsSig9colorData:
return 9;
case cmsSig10colorData:
return 10;
case cmsSig11colorData:
return 11;
case cmsSig12colorData:
return 12;
case cmsSig13colorData:
return 13;
case cmsSig14colorData:
return 14;
case cmsSig15colorData:
return 15;
return 3;
// GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace
GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace() { }
GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::~GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::copy() const
return new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
*gray = clip01(color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getGrayLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
memcpy(out, in, length);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
rgb->r = rgb->g = rgb->b = clip01(color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
out[i] = (in[i] << 16) | (in[i] << 8) | (in[i] << 0);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getRGBXLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = in[i];
*out++ = 255;
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getCMYKLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = 0;
*out++ = 0;
*out++ = 0;
*out++ = in[i];
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS + 4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
out[4] = in[i];
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS + 4);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
cmyk->c = cmyk->m = cmyk->y = 0;
cmyk->k = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
deviceN->c[3] = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
void GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
// GfxCalGrayColorSpace
whiteX = whiteY = whiteZ = 1;
blackX = blackY = blackZ = 0;
gamma = 1;
GfxCalGrayColorSpace::~GfxCalGrayColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalGrayColorSpace::copy() const
GfxCalGrayColorSpace *cs;
cs = new GfxCalGrayColorSpace();
cs->whiteX = whiteX;
cs->whiteY = whiteY;
cs->whiteZ = whiteZ;
cs->blackX = blackX;
cs->blackY = blackY;
cs->blackZ = blackZ;
cs->gamma = gamma;
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
return cs;
// This is the inverse of MatrixLMN in Example 4.10 from the PostScript
// Language Reference, Third Edition.
static const double xyzrgb[3][3] = { { 3.240449, -1.537136, -0.498531 }, { -0.969265, 1.876011, 0.041556 }, { 0.055643, -0.204026, 1.057229 } };
// From the same reference as above, the inverse of the DecodeLMN function.
// This is essentially the gamma function of the sRGB profile.
static double srgb_gamma_function(double x)
// 0.04045 is what lcms2 uses, but the PS Reference Example 4.10 specifies 0.03928???
// if (x <= 0.04045 / 12.92321) {
if (x <= 0.03928 / 12.92321) {
return x * 12.92321;
return 1.055 * pow(x, 1.0 / 2.4) - 0.055;
// D65 is the white point of the sRGB profile as it is specified above in the xyzrgb array
static const double white_d65_X = 0.9505;
static const double white_d65_Y = 1.0;
static const double white_d65_Z = 1.0890;
// D50 is the default white point as used in ICC profiles and in the lcms2 library
static const double white_d50_X = 0.96422;
static const double white_d50_Y = 1.0;
static const double white_d50_Z = 0.82521;
static void inline bradford_transform_to_d50(double &X, double &Y, double &Z, const double source_whiteX, const double source_whiteY, const double source_whiteZ)
if (source_whiteX == white_d50_X && source_whiteY == white_d50_Y && source_whiteZ == white_d50_Z) {
// early exit if noop
// at first apply Bradford matrix
double rho_in = 0.8951000 * X + 0.2664000 * Y - 0.1614000 * Z;
double gamma_in = -0.7502000 * X + 1.7135000 * Y + 0.0367000 * Z;
double beta_in = 0.0389000 * X - 0.0685000 * Y + 1.0296000 * Z;
// apply a diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries being the inverse bradford-transformed white point
rho_in /= 0.8951000 * source_whiteX + 0.2664000 * source_whiteY - 0.1614000 * source_whiteZ;
gamma_in /= -0.7502000 * source_whiteX + 1.7135000 * source_whiteY + 0.0367000 * source_whiteZ;
beta_in /= 0.0389000 * source_whiteX - 0.0685000 * source_whiteY + 1.0296000 * source_whiteZ;
// now revert the two steps above, but substituting the source white point by the device white point (D50)
// Since the white point is known a priori this has been combined into a single operation.
X = 0.98332566 * rho_in - 0.15005819 * gamma_in + 0.13095252 * beta_in;
Y = 0.43069901 * rho_in + 0.52894900 * gamma_in + 0.04035199 * beta_in;
Z = 0.00849698 * rho_in + 0.04086079 * gamma_in + 0.79284618 * beta_in;
static void inline bradford_transform_to_d65(double &X, double &Y, double &Z, const double source_whiteX, const double source_whiteY, const double source_whiteZ)
if (source_whiteX == white_d65_X && source_whiteY == white_d65_Y && source_whiteZ == white_d65_Z) {
// early exit if noop
// at first apply Bradford matrix
double rho_in = 0.8951000 * X + 0.2664000 * Y - 0.1614000 * Z;
double gamma_in = -0.7502000 * X + 1.7135000 * Y + 0.0367000 * Z;
double beta_in = 0.0389000 * X - 0.0685000 * Y + 1.0296000 * Z;
// apply a diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries being the inverse bradford-transformed white point
rho_in /= 0.8951000 * source_whiteX + 0.2664000 * source_whiteY - 0.1614000 * source_whiteZ;
gamma_in /= -0.7502000 * source_whiteX + 1.7135000 * source_whiteY + 0.0367000 * source_whiteZ;
beta_in /= 0.0389000 * source_whiteX - 0.0685000 * source_whiteY + 1.0296000 * source_whiteZ;
// now revert the two steps above, but substituting the source white point by the device white point (D65)
// Since the white point is known a priori this has been combined into a single operation.
X = 0.92918329 * rho_in - 0.15299782 * gamma_in + 0.17428453 * beta_in;
Y = 0.40698452 * rho_in + 0.53931108 * gamma_in + 0.05370440 * beta_in;
Z = -0.00802913 * rho_in + 0.04166125 * gamma_in + 1.05519788 * beta_in;
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalGrayColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, GfxState *state)
GfxCalGrayColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1, obj2;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad CalGray color space");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxCalGrayColorSpace();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("WhitePoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->whiteX = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
cs->whiteY = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
cs->whiteZ = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("BlackPoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->blackX = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
cs->blackY = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
cs->blackZ = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
cs->gamma = obj1.dictLookup("Gamma").getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = (state != nullptr) ? state->getXYZ2DisplayTransform() : nullptr;
return cs;
// convert CalGray to media XYZ color space
// (not multiply by the white point)
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getXYZ(const GfxColor *color, double *pX, double *pY, double *pZ) const
const double A = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
const double xyzColor = pow(A, gamma);
*pX = xyzColor;
*pY = xyzColor;
*pZ = xyzColor;
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
GfxRGB rgb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.299 * rgb.r + 0.587 * rgb.g + 0.114 * rgb.b + 0.5));
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
double X, Y, Z;
double r, g, b;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
bradford_transform_to_d65(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
// convert XYZ to RGB, including gamut mapping and gamma correction
r = xyzrgb[0][0] * X + xyzrgb[0][1] * Y + xyzrgb[0][2] * Z;
g = xyzrgb[1][0] * X + xyzrgb[1][1] * Y + xyzrgb[1][2] * Z;
b = xyzrgb[2][0] * X + xyzrgb[2][1] * Y + xyzrgb[2][2] * Z;
rgb->r = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(r)));
rgb->g = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(g)));
rgb->b = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(b)));
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxCalGrayColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
// GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace
GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace() { }
GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::~GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::copy() const
return new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.3 * color->c[0] + 0.59 * color->c[1] + 0.11 * color->c[2] + 0.5));
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getGrayLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
out[i] = (in[i * 3 + 0] * 19595 + in[i * 3 + 1] * 38469 + in[i * 3 + 2] * 7472) / 65536;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
rgb->r = clip01(color->c[0]);
rgb->g = clip01(color->c[1]);
rgb->b = clip01(color->c[2]);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
unsigned char *p;
int i;
for (i = 0, p = in; i < length; i++, p += 3)
out[i] = (p[0] << 16) | (p[1] << 8) | (p[2] << 0);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getRGBXLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = 255;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getCMYKLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
*out++ = colToByte(c - k);
*out++ = colToByte(m - k);
*out++ = colToByte(y - k);
*out++ = colToByte(k);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS + 4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
c = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *in++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
out[0] = colToByte(c - k);
out[1] = colToByte(m - k);
out[2] = colToByte(y - k);
out[3] = colToByte(k);
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS + 4);
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[1]);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[2]);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
color->c[1] = 0;
color->c[2] = 0;
// GfxCalRGBColorSpace
whiteX = whiteY = whiteZ = 1;
blackX = blackY = blackZ = 0;
gammaR = gammaG = gammaB = 1;
mat[0] = 1;
mat[1] = 0;
mat[2] = 0;
mat[3] = 0;
mat[4] = 1;
mat[5] = 0;
mat[6] = 0;
mat[7] = 0;
mat[8] = 1;
GfxCalRGBColorSpace::~GfxCalRGBColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalRGBColorSpace::copy() const
GfxCalRGBColorSpace *cs;
int i;
cs = new GfxCalRGBColorSpace();
cs->whiteX = whiteX;
cs->whiteY = whiteY;
cs->whiteZ = whiteZ;
cs->blackX = blackX;
cs->blackY = blackY;
cs->blackZ = blackZ;
cs->gammaR = gammaR;
cs->gammaG = gammaG;
cs->gammaB = gammaB;
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
cs->mat[i] = mat[i];
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxCalRGBColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, GfxState *state)
GfxCalRGBColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1, obj2;
int i;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad CalRGB color space");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxCalRGBColorSpace();
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("WhitePoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->whiteX = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
cs->whiteY = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
cs->whiteZ = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("BlackPoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->blackX = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
cs->blackY = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
cs->blackZ = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Gamma");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->gammaR = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
cs->gammaG = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
cs->gammaB = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Matrix");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 9) {
for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
Object obj3 = obj2.arrayGet(i);
if (likely(obj3.isNum()))
cs->mat[i] = obj3.getNum();
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = (state != nullptr) ? state->getXYZ2DisplayTransform() : nullptr;
return cs;
// convert CalRGB to XYZ color space
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getXYZ(const GfxColor *color, double *pX, double *pY, double *pZ) const
double A, B, C;
A = pow(colToDbl(color->c[0]), gammaR);
B = pow(colToDbl(color->c[1]), gammaG);
C = pow(colToDbl(color->c[2]), gammaB);
*pX = mat[0] * A + mat[3] * B + mat[6] * C;
*pY = mat[1] * A + mat[4] * B + mat[7] * C;
*pZ = mat[2] * A + mat[5] * B + mat[8] * C;
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
GfxRGB rgb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.299 * rgb.r + 0.587 * rgb.g + 0.114 * rgb.b + 0.5));
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
double X, Y, Z;
double r, g, b;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
bradford_transform_to_d65(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
// convert XYZ to RGB, including gamut mapping and gamma correction
r = xyzrgb[0][0] * X + xyzrgb[0][1] * Y + xyzrgb[0][2] * Z;
g = xyzrgb[1][0] * X + xyzrgb[1][1] * Y + xyzrgb[1][2] * Z;
b = xyzrgb[2][0] * X + xyzrgb[2][1] * Y + xyzrgb[2][2] * Z;
rgb->r = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(r)));
rgb->g = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(g)));
rgb->b = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(b)));
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double X, Y, Z;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxCalRGBColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
color->c[1] = 0;
color->c[2] = 0;
// GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace() { }
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::~GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::copy() const
return new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[3] - 0.3 * color->c[0] - 0.59 * color->c[1] - 0.11 * color->c[2] + 0.5));
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
c = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
m = colToDbl(color->c[1]);
y = colToDbl(color->c[2]);
k = colToDbl(color->c[3]);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
rgb->r = clip01(dblToCol(r));
rgb->g = clip01(dblToCol(g));
rgb->b = clip01(dblToCol(b));
static inline void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(unsigned char *&in, double &r, double &g, double &b)
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1;
c = byteToDbl(*in++);
m = byteToDbl(*in++);
y = byteToDbl(*in++);
k = byteToDbl(*in++);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
double r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(in, r, g, b);
*out++ = (dblToByte(clip01(r)) << 16) | (dblToByte(clip01(g)) << 8) | dblToByte(clip01(b));
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
double r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(in, r, g, b);
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(r));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(g));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(b));
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getRGBXLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
double r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpacegetRGBLineHelper(in, r, g, b);
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(r));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(g));
*out++ = dblToByte(clip01(b));
*out++ = 255;
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getCMYKLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
*out++ = *in++;
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS + 4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
out[0] = *in++;
out[1] = *in++;
out[2] = *in++;
out[3] = *in++;
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS + 4);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
cmyk->c = clip01(color->c[0]);
cmyk->m = clip01(color->c[1]);
cmyk->y = clip01(color->c[2]);
cmyk->k = clip01(color->c[3]);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
deviceN->c[0] = clip01(color->c[0]);
deviceN->c[1] = clip01(color->c[1]);
deviceN->c[2] = clip01(color->c[2]);
deviceN->c[3] = clip01(color->c[3]);
void GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
color->c[1] = 0;
color->c[2] = 0;
color->c[3] = gfxColorComp1;
// GfxLabColorSpace
whiteX = whiteY = whiteZ = 1;
blackX = blackY = blackZ = 0;
aMin = bMin = -100;
aMax = bMax = 100;
GfxLabColorSpace::~GfxLabColorSpace() { }
GfxColorSpace *GfxLabColorSpace::copy() const
GfxLabColorSpace *cs;
cs = new GfxLabColorSpace();
cs->whiteX = whiteX;
cs->whiteY = whiteY;
cs->whiteZ = whiteZ;
cs->blackX = blackX;
cs->blackY = blackY;
cs->blackZ = blackZ;
cs->aMin = aMin;
cs->aMax = aMax;
cs->bMin = bMin;
cs->bMax = bMax;
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = transform;
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxLabColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, GfxState *state)
GfxLabColorSpace *cs;
Object obj1, obj2;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Lab color space");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxLabColorSpace();
bool ok = true;
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("WhitePoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->whiteX = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNum(&ok);
cs->whiteY = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNum(&ok);
cs->whiteZ = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNum(&ok);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("BlackPoint");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 3) {
cs->blackX = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNum(&ok);
cs->blackY = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNum(&ok);
cs->blackZ = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNum(&ok);
obj2 = obj1.dictLookup("Range");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 4) {
cs->aMin = obj2.arrayGet(0).getNum(&ok);
cs->aMax = obj2.arrayGet(1).getNum(&ok);
cs->bMin = obj2.arrayGet(2).getNum(&ok);
cs->bMax = obj2.arrayGet(3).getNum(&ok);
if (!ok) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Lab color space");
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = nullptr;
delete cs;
return nullptr;
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->transform = (state != nullptr) ? state->getXYZ2DisplayTransform() : nullptr;
return cs;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
GfxRGB rgb;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
getXYZ(color, &in[0], &in[1], &in[2]);
bradford_transform_to_d50(in[0], in[1], in[2], whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.299 * rgb.r + 0.587 * rgb.g + 0.114 * rgb.b + 0.5));
// convert L*a*b* to media XYZ color space
// (not multiply by the white point)
void GfxLabColorSpace::getXYZ(const GfxColor *color, double *pX, double *pY, double *pZ) const
double X, Y, Z;
double t1, t2;
t1 = (colToDbl(color->c[0]) + 16) / 116;
t2 = t1 + colToDbl(color->c[1]) / 500;
if (t2 >= (6.0 / 29.0)) {
X = t2 * t2 * t2;
} else {
X = (108.0 / 841.0) * (t2 - (4.0 / 29.0));
if (t1 >= (6.0 / 29.0)) {
Y = t1 * t1 * t1;
} else {
Y = (108.0 / 841.0) * (t1 - (4.0 / 29.0));
t2 = t1 - colToDbl(color->c[2]) / 200;
if (t2 >= (6.0 / 29.0)) {
Z = t2 * t2 * t2;
} else {
Z = (108.0 / 841.0) * (t2 - (4.0 / 29.0));
*pX = X;
*pY = Y;
*pZ = Z;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
double X, Y, Z;
getXYZ(color, &X, &Y, &Z);
X *= whiteX;
Y *= whiteY;
Z *= whiteZ;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
} else if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
bradford_transform_to_d50(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
in[0] = X;
in[1] = Y;
in[2] = Z;
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
c = byteToDbl(out[0]);
m = byteToDbl(out[1]);
y = byteToDbl(out[2]);
k = byteToDbl(out[3]);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
rgb->r = clip01(dblToCol(r));
rgb->g = clip01(dblToCol(g));
rgb->b = clip01(dblToCol(b));
bradford_transform_to_d65(X, Y, Z, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
// convert XYZ to RGB, including gamut mapping and gamma correction
const double r = xyzrgb[0][0] * X + xyzrgb[0][1] * Y + xyzrgb[0][2] * Z;
const double g = xyzrgb[1][0] * X + xyzrgb[1][1] * Y + xyzrgb[1][2] * Z;
const double b = xyzrgb[2][0] * X + xyzrgb[2][1] * Y + xyzrgb[2][2] * Z;
rgb->r = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(r)));
rgb->g = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(g)));
rgb->b = dblToCol(srgb_gamma_function(clip01(b)));
void GfxLabColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
double in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
getXYZ(color, &in[0], &in[1], &in[2]);
bradford_transform_to_d50(in[0], in[1], in[2], whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ);
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
if (aMin > 0) {
color->c[1] = dblToCol(aMin);
} else if (aMax < 0) {
color->c[1] = dblToCol(aMax);
} else {
color->c[1] = 0;
if (bMin > 0) {
color->c[2] = dblToCol(bMin);
} else if (bMax < 0) {
color->c[2] = dblToCol(bMax);
} else {
color->c[2] = 0;
void GfxLabColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow, double *decodeRange, int maxImgPixel) const
decodeLow[0] = 0;
decodeRange[0] = 100;
decodeLow[1] = aMin;
decodeRange[1] = aMax - aMin;
decodeLow[2] = bMin;
decodeRange[2] = bMax - bMin;
// GfxICCBasedColorSpace
GfxICCBasedColorSpace::GfxICCBasedColorSpace(int nCompsA, GfxColorSpace *altA, const Ref *iccProfileStreamA)
nComps = nCompsA;
alt = altA;
iccProfileStream = *iccProfileStreamA;
rangeMin[0] = rangeMin[1] = rangeMin[2] = rangeMin[3] = 0;
rangeMax[0] = rangeMax[1] = rangeMax[2] = rangeMax[3] = 1;
#ifdef USE_CMS
transform = nullptr;
lineTransform = nullptr;
psCSA = nullptr;
delete alt;
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (psCSA)
GfxColorSpace *GfxICCBasedColorSpace::copy() const
GfxICCBasedColorSpace *cs;
int i;
cs = new GfxICCBasedColorSpace(nComps, alt->copy(), &iccProfileStream);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
cs->rangeMin[i] = rangeMin[i];
cs->rangeMax[i] = rangeMax[i];
#ifdef USE_CMS
cs->profile = profile;
cs->transform = transform;
cs->lineTransform = lineTransform;
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxICCBasedColorSpace::parse(Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion)
GfxICCBasedColorSpace *cs;
int nCompsA;
GfxColorSpace *altA;
Dict *dict;
Object obj1, obj2;
int i;
if (arr->getLength() < 2) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space");
return nullptr;
const Object &obj1Ref = arr->getNF(1);
const Ref iccProfileStreamA = obj1Ref.isRef() ? obj1Ref.getRef() : Ref::INVALID();
#ifdef USE_CMS
// check cache
if (out && iccProfileStreamA != Ref::INVALID()) {
if (auto *item = out->getIccColorSpaceCache()->lookup(iccProfileStreamA)) {
cs = static_cast<GfxICCBasedColorSpace *>(item->copy());
int transformIntent = cs->getIntent();
if (state != nullptr) {
cmsIntent = state->getCmsRenderingIntent();
if (transformIntent == cmsIntent) {
return cs;
delete cs;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isStream()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space (stream)");
return nullptr;
dict = obj1.streamGetDict();
obj2 = dict->lookup("N");
if (!obj2.isInt()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space (N)");
return nullptr;
nCompsA = obj2.getInt();
if (nCompsA > 4) {
error(errSyntaxError, -1, "ICCBased color space with too many ({0:d} > 4) components", nCompsA);
nCompsA = 4;
obj2 = dict->lookup("Alternate");
if (obj2.isNull() || !(altA = GfxColorSpace::parse(nullptr, &obj2, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
switch (nCompsA) {
case 1:
altA = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
case 3:
altA = new GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace();
case 4:
altA = new GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace();
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space - invalid N");
return nullptr;
if (altA->getNComps() != nCompsA) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space - N doesn't match alt color space");
delete altA;
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxICCBasedColorSpace(nCompsA, altA, &iccProfileStreamA);
obj2 = dict->lookup("Range");
if (obj2.isArray() && obj2.arrayGetLength() == 2 * nCompsA) {
for (i = 0; i < nCompsA; ++i) {
cs->rangeMin[i] = obj2.arrayGet(2 * i).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
cs->rangeMax[i] = obj2.arrayGet(2 * i + 1).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
#ifdef USE_CMS
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isStream()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad ICCBased color space (stream)");
delete cs;
return nullptr;
unsigned char *profBuf;
Stream *iccStream = obj1.getStream();
int length = 0;
profBuf = iccStream->toUnsignedChars(&length, 65536, 65536);
auto hp = make_GfxLCMSProfilePtr(cmsOpenProfileFromMem(profBuf, length));
cs->profile = hp;
if (!hp) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "read ICCBased color space profile error");
} else {
// put this colorSpace into cache
if (out && iccProfileStreamA != Ref::INVALID()) {
out->getIccColorSpaceCache()->put(iccProfileStreamA, static_cast<GfxICCBasedColorSpace *>(cs->copy()));
return cs;
#ifdef USE_CMS
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::buildTransforms(GfxState *state)
auto dhp = (state != nullptr && state->getDisplayProfile() != nullptr) ? state->getDisplayProfile() : nullptr;
if (!dhp) {
dhp = GfxState::sRGBProfile;
unsigned int cst = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(profile.get()));
unsigned int dNChannels = getCMSNChannels(cmsGetColorSpace(dhp.get()));
unsigned int dcst = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(dhp.get()));
cmsHTRANSFORM transformA;
if (state != nullptr) {
cmsIntent = state->getCmsRenderingIntent();
if ((transformA = cmsCreateTransform(profile.get(), COLORSPACE_SH(cst) | CHANNELS_SH(nComps) | BYTES_SH(1), dhp.get(), COLORSPACE_SH(dcst) | CHANNELS_SH(dNChannels) | BYTES_SH(1), cmsIntent, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create transform");
transform = nullptr;
} else {
transform = std::make_shared<GfxColorTransform>(transformA, cmsIntent, cst, dcst);
if (dcst == PT_RGB || dcst == PT_CMYK) {
// create line transform only when the display is RGB type color space
if ((transformA = cmsCreateTransform(profile.get(), CHANNELS_SH(nComps) | BYTES_SH(1), dhp.get(), (dcst == PT_RGB) ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_CMYK_8, cmsIntent, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create transform");
lineTransform = nullptr;
} else {
lineTransform = std::make_shared<GfxColorTransform>(transformA, cmsIntent, cst, dcst);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_GRAY) {
unsigned char in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
*gray = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
*gray = byteToCol(out[0]);
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = out[0];
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else {
GfxRGB rgb;
getRGB(color, &rgb);
*gray = clip01((GfxColorComp)(0.3 * rgb.r + 0.59 * rgb.g + 0.11 * rgb.b + 0.5));
alt->getGray(color, gray);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
rgb->r = byteToCol(value >> 16);
rgb->g = byteToCol((value >> 8) & 0xff);
rgb->b = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
rgb->r = byteToCol(out[0]);
rgb->g = byteToCol(out[1]);
rgb->b = byteToCol(out[2]);
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = (out[0] << 16) + (out[1] << 8) + out[2];
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
unsigned char in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
rgb->r = byteToCol(value >> 16);
rgb->g = byteToCol((value >> 8) & 0xff);
rgb->b = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
c = byteToDbl(out[0]);
m = byteToDbl(out[1]);
y = byteToDbl(out[2]);
k = byteToDbl(out[3]);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
rgb->r = clip01(dblToCol(r));
rgb->g = clip01(dblToCol(g));
rgb->b = clip01(dblToCol(b));
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = (dblToByte(r) << 16) + (dblToByte(g) << 8) + dblToByte(b);
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else {
alt->getRGB(color, rgb);
alt->getRGB(color, rgb);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
unsigned char *current = tmp + (i * 3);
out[i] = (current[0] << 16) | (current[1] << 8) | current[2];
} else {
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
unsigned char *current = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
} else if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(4 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
unsigned char *current = tmp;
double c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
c = byteToDbl(*current++);
m = byteToDbl(*current++);
y = byteToDbl(*current++);
k = byteToDbl(*current++);
c1 = 1 - c;
m1 = 1 - m;
y1 = 1 - y;
k1 = 1 - k;
cmykToRGBMatrixMultiplication(c, m, y, k, c1, m1, y1, k1, r, g, b);
*out++ = dblToByte(r);
*out++ = dblToByte(g);
*out++ = dblToByte(b);
} else {
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
alt->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getRGBXLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
lineTransform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
unsigned char *current = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = *current++;
*out++ = 255;
} else {
alt->getRGBXLine(in, out, length);
alt->getRGBXLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getCMYKLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
transform->doTransform(in, out, length);
} else if (lineTransform != nullptr && nComps != 4) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
getRGBLine(in, tmp, length);
unsigned char *p = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
*out++ = colToByte(c - k);
*out++ = colToByte(m - k);
*out++ = colToByte(y - k);
*out++ = colToByte(k);
} else {
alt->getCMYKLine(in, out, length);
alt->getCMYKLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (lineTransform != nullptr && lineTransform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(4 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
transform->doTransform(in, tmp, length);
unsigned char *p = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
*out++ = *p++;
for (int j = 4; j < SPOT_NCOMPS + 4; j++)
*out++ = 0;
} else if (lineTransform != nullptr && nComps != 4) {
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(3 * length, sizeof(unsigned char));
getRGBLine(in, tmp, length);
unsigned char *p = tmp;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS + 4; j++)
out[j] = 0;
c = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
m = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
y = byteToCol(255 - *p++);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
out[0] = colToByte(c - k);
out[1] = colToByte(m - k);
out[2] = colToByte(y - k);
out[3] = colToByte(k);
out += (SPOT_NCOMPS + 4);
} else {
alt->getDeviceNLine(in, out, length);
alt->getDeviceNLine(in, out, length);
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
#ifdef USE_CMS
if (transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_CMYK) {
unsigned char in[gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned char out[gfxColorMaxComps];
if (nComps == 3 && transform->getInputPixelType() == PT_Lab) {
in[0] = colToByte(dblToCol(colToDbl(color->c[0]) / 100.0));
in[1] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[1]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
in[2] = colToByte(dblToCol((colToDbl(color->c[2]) + 128.0) / 255.0));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
in[i] = colToByte(color->c[i]);
if (nComps <= 4) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = cmsCache.find(key);
if (it != cmsCache.end()) {
unsigned int value = it->second;
cmyk->c = byteToCol(value >> 24);
cmyk->m = byteToCol((value >> 16) & 0xff);
cmyk->y = byteToCol((value >> 8) & 0xff);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(value & 0xff);
transform->doTransform(in, out, 1);
cmyk->c = byteToCol(out[0]);
cmyk->m = byteToCol(out[1]);
cmyk->y = byteToCol(out[2]);
cmyk->k = byteToCol(out[3]);
if (nComps <= 4 && cmsCache.size() <= CMSCACHE_LIMIT) {
unsigned int key = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++) {
key = (key << 8) + in[j];
unsigned int value = (out[0] << 24) + (out[1] << 16) + (out[2] << 8) + out[3];
cmsCache.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(key, value));
} else if (nComps != 4 && transform != nullptr && transform->getTransformPixelType() == PT_RGB) {
GfxRGB rgb;
GfxColorComp c, m, y, k;
getRGB(color, &rgb);
c = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.r);
m = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.g);
y = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - rgb.b);
k = c;
if (m < k) {
k = m;
if (y < k) {
k = y;
cmyk->c = c - k;
cmyk->m = m - k;
cmyk->y = y - k;
cmyk->k = k;
} else {
alt->getCMYK(color, cmyk);
alt->getCMYK(color, cmyk);
bool GfxICCBasedColorSpace::useGetRGBLine() const
#ifdef USE_CMS
return lineTransform != nullptr || alt->useGetRGBLine();
return alt->useGetRGBLine();
bool GfxICCBasedColorSpace::useGetCMYKLine() const
#ifdef USE_CMS
return lineTransform != nullptr || alt->useGetCMYKLine();
return alt->useGetCMYKLine();
bool GfxICCBasedColorSpace::useGetDeviceNLine() const
#ifdef USE_CMS
return lineTransform != nullptr || alt->useGetDeviceNLine();
return alt->useGetDeviceNLine();
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
if (rangeMin[i] > 0) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(rangeMin[i]);
} else if (rangeMax[i] < 0) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(rangeMax[i]);
} else {
color->c[i] = 0;
void GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow, double *decodeRange, int maxImgPixel) const
alt->getDefaultRanges(decodeLow, decodeRange, maxImgPixel);
#if 0
// this is nominally correct, but some PDF files don't set the
// correct ranges in the ICCBased dict
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
decodeLow[i] = rangeMin[i];
decodeRange[i] = rangeMax[i] - rangeMin[i];
#ifdef USE_CMS
char *GfxICCBasedColorSpace::getPostScriptCSA()
# if LCMS_VERSION >= 2070
// The runtime version check of lcms2 is only available from release 2.7 upwards.
// The generation of the CSA code only works reliably for version 2.10 and upwards.
// Cf. the explanation in the corresponding lcms2 merge request [1], and the original mail thread [2].
// [1]
// [2]
if (cmsGetEncodedCMMversion() < 2100)
return nullptr;
int size;
if (psCSA)
return psCSA;
if (!profile) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "profile is nullptr");
return nullptr;
void *rawprofile = profile.get();
size = cmsGetPostScriptCSA(cmsGetProfileContextID(rawprofile), rawprofile, getIntent(), 0, nullptr, 0);
if (size == 0) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "PostScript CSA is nullptr");
return nullptr;
psCSA = (char *)gmalloc(size + 1);
cmsGetPostScriptCSA(cmsGetProfileContextID(rawprofile), rawprofile, getIntent(), 0, psCSA, size);
psCSA[size] = 0;
// until we can depend on being fixed
// lcms returns ps code with , instead of . for some locales. The lcms author says
// that there's no room for any , in the rest of the ps code, so replacing all the , with .
// is an "acceptable" workaround
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (psCSA[i] == ',')
psCSA[i] = '.';
return psCSA;
# else
return nullptr;
# endif
// GfxIndexedColorSpace
GfxIndexedColorSpace::GfxIndexedColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *baseA, int indexHighA)
base = baseA;
indexHigh = indexHighA;
lookup = (unsigned char *)gmallocn((indexHigh + 1) * base->getNComps(), sizeof(unsigned char));
overprintMask = base->getOverprintMask();
delete base;
GfxColorSpace *GfxIndexedColorSpace::copy() const
GfxIndexedColorSpace *cs;
cs = new GfxIndexedColorSpace(base->copy(), indexHigh);
memcpy(cs->lookup, lookup, (indexHigh + 1) * base->getNComps() * sizeof(unsigned char));
return cs;
GfxColorSpace *GfxIndexedColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion)
GfxColorSpace *baseA;
int indexHighA;
Object obj1;
const char *s;
int i, j;
if (arr->getLength() != 4) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space");
return nullptr;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!(baseA = GfxColorSpace::parse(res, &obj1, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (base color space)");
return nullptr;
obj1 = arr->get(2);
if (!obj1.isInt()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (hival)");
delete baseA;
return nullptr;
indexHighA = obj1.getInt();
if (indexHighA < 0 || indexHighA > 255) {
// the PDF spec requires indexHigh to be in [0,255] -- allowing
// values larger than 255 creates a security hole: if nComps *
// indexHigh is greater than 2^31, the loop below may overwrite
// past the end of the array
int previousValue = indexHighA;
if (indexHighA < 0)
indexHighA = 0;
indexHighA = 255;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (invalid indexHigh value, was {0:d} using {1:d} to try to recover)", previousValue, indexHighA);
GfxIndexedColorSpace *cs = new GfxIndexedColorSpace(baseA, indexHighA);
obj1 = arr->get(3);
const int n = baseA->getNComps();
if (obj1.isStream()) {
for (i = 0; i <= indexHighA; ++i) {
const int readChars = obj1.streamGetChars(n, &cs->lookup[i * n]);
for (j = readChars; j < n; ++j) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (lookup table stream too short) padding with zeroes");
cs->lookup[i * n + j] = 0;
} else if (obj1.isString()) {
if (obj1.getString()->getLength() < (indexHighA + 1) * n) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (lookup table string too short)");
goto err3;
s = obj1.getString()->c_str();
for (i = 0; i <= indexHighA; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
cs->lookup[i * n + j] = (unsigned char)*s++;
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Indexed color space (lookup table)");
goto err3;
return cs;
delete cs;
return nullptr;
GfxColor *GfxIndexedColorSpace::mapColorToBase(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *baseColor) const
unsigned char *p;
double low[gfxColorMaxComps], range[gfxColorMaxComps];
int n, i;
n = base->getNComps();
base->getDefaultRanges(low, range, indexHigh);
const int idx = (int)(colToDbl(color->c[0]) + 0.5) * n;
if (likely((idx + n - 1 < (indexHigh + 1) * base->getNComps()) && idx >= 0)) {
p = &lookup[idx];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
baseColor->c[i] = dblToCol(low[i] + (p[i] / 255.0) * range[i]);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
baseColor->c[i] = 0;
return baseColor;
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
GfxColor color2;
base->getGray(mapColorToBase(color, &color2), gray);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
GfxColor color2;
base->getRGB(mapColorToBase(color, &color2), rgb);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
unsigned char *line;
int i, j, n;
n = base->getNComps();
line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, n);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
line[i * n + j] = lookup[in[i] * n + j];
base->getRGBLine(line, out, length);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
unsigned char *line;
int i, j, n;
n = base->getNComps();
line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, n);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
line[i * n + j] = lookup[in[i] * n + j];
base->getRGBLine(line, out, length);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getRGBXLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
unsigned char *line;
int i, j, n;
n = base->getNComps();
line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, n);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
line[i * n + j] = lookup[in[i] * n + j];
base->getRGBXLine(line, out, length);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getCMYKLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
unsigned char *line;
int i, j, n;
n = base->getNComps();
line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, n);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
line[i * n + j] = lookup[in[i] * n + j];
base->getCMYKLine(line, out, length);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getDeviceNLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
unsigned char *line;
int i, j, n;
n = base->getNComps();
line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, n);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
line[i * n + j] = lookup[in[i] * n + j];
base->getDeviceNLine(line, out, length);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
GfxColor color2;
base->getCMYK(mapColorToBase(color, &color2), cmyk);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
GfxColor color2;
base->getDeviceN(mapColorToBase(color, &color2), deviceN);
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
void GfxIndexedColorSpace::getDefaultRanges(double *decodeLow, double *decodeRange, int maxImgPixel) const
decodeLow[0] = 0;
decodeRange[0] = maxImgPixel;
// GfxSeparationColorSpace
GfxSeparationColorSpace::GfxSeparationColorSpace(GooString *nameA, GfxColorSpace *altA, Function *funcA)
name = nameA;
alt = altA;
func = funcA;
nonMarking = !name->cmp("None");
if (!name->cmp("Cyan")) {
overprintMask = 0x01;
} else if (!name->cmp("Magenta")) {
overprintMask = 0x02;
} else if (!name->cmp("Yellow")) {
overprintMask = 0x04;
} else if (!name->cmp("Black")) {
overprintMask = 0x08;
} else if (!name->cmp("All")) {
overprintMask = 0xffffffff;
GfxSeparationColorSpace::GfxSeparationColorSpace(GooString *nameA, GfxColorSpace *altA, Function *funcA, bool nonMarkingA, unsigned int overprintMaskA, int *mappingA)
name = nameA;
alt = altA;
func = funcA;
nonMarking = nonMarkingA;
overprintMask = overprintMaskA;
mapping = mappingA;
delete name;
delete alt;
delete func;
if (mapping != nullptr)
GfxColorSpace *GfxSeparationColorSpace::copy() const
int *mappingA = nullptr;
if (mapping != nullptr) {
mappingA = (int *)gmalloc(sizeof(int));
*mappingA = *mapping;
return new GfxSeparationColorSpace(name->copy(), alt->copy(), func->copy(), nonMarking, overprintMask, mappingA);
//~ handle the 'All' and 'None' colorants
GfxColorSpace *GfxSeparationColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion)
GooString *nameA;
GfxColorSpace *altA;
Function *funcA;
Object obj1;
if (arr->getLength() != 4) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Separation color space");
goto err1;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isName()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Separation color space (name)");
goto err1;
nameA = new GooString(obj1.getName());
obj1 = arr->get(2);
if (!(altA = GfxColorSpace::parse(res, &obj1, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Separation color space (alternate color space)");
goto err3;
obj1 = arr->get(3);
if (!(funcA = Function::parse(&obj1))) {
goto err4;
if (funcA->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad SeparationColorSpace function");
goto err5;
if (altA->getNComps() <= funcA->getOutputSize()) {
return new GfxSeparationColorSpace(nameA, altA, funcA);
delete funcA;
delete altA;
delete nameA;
return nullptr;
void GfxSeparationColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
double x;
double c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxColor color2;
int i;
if (alt->getMode() == csDeviceGray && name->cmp("Black") == 0) {
*gray = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
} else {
x = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
func->transform(&x, c);
for (i = 0; i < alt->getNComps(); ++i) {
color2.c[i] = dblToCol(c[i]);
alt->getGray(&color2, gray);
void GfxSeparationColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
double x;
double c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxColor color2;
int i;
if (alt->getMode() == csDeviceGray && name->cmp("Black") == 0) {
rgb->r = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
rgb->g = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
rgb->b = clip01(gfxColorComp1 - color->c[0]);
} else {
x = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
func->transform(&x, c);
const int altNComps = alt->getNComps();
for (i = 0; i < altNComps; ++i) {
color2.c[i] = dblToCol(c[i]);
alt->getRGB(&color2, rgb);
void GfxSeparationColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
double x;
double c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxColor color2;
int i;
if (name->cmp("Black") == 0) {
cmyk->c = 0;
cmyk->m = 0;
cmyk->y = 0;
cmyk->k = color->c[0];
} else if (name->cmp("Cyan") == 0) {
cmyk->c = color->c[0];
cmyk->m = 0;
cmyk->y = 0;
cmyk->k = 0;
} else if (name->cmp("Magenta") == 0) {
cmyk->c = 0;
cmyk->m = color->c[0];
cmyk->y = 0;
cmyk->k = 0;
} else if (name->cmp("Yellow") == 0) {
cmyk->c = 0;
cmyk->m = 0;
cmyk->y = color->c[0];
cmyk->k = 0;
} else {
x = colToDbl(color->c[0]);
func->transform(&x, c);
for (i = 0; i < alt->getNComps(); ++i) {
color2.c[i] = dblToCol(c[i]);
alt->getCMYK(&color2, cmyk);
void GfxSeparationColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
if (mapping == nullptr || mapping[0] == -1) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
} else {
deviceN->c[mapping[0]] = color->c[0];
void GfxSeparationColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = gfxColorComp1;
void GfxSeparationColorSpace::createMapping(std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *> *separationList, int maxSepComps)
if (nonMarking)
mapping = (int *)gmalloc(sizeof(int));
switch (overprintMask) {
case 0x01:
*mapping = 0;
case 0x02:
*mapping = 1;
case 0x04:
*mapping = 2;
case 0x08:
*mapping = 3;
unsigned int newOverprintMask = 0x10;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < separationList->size(); i++) {
GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS = (*separationList)[i];
if (!sepCS->getName()->cmp(name)) {
if (sepCS->getFunc()->hasDifferentResultSet(func)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Different functions found for '{0:t}', convert immediately", name);
mapping = nullptr;
*mapping = i + 4;
overprintMask = newOverprintMask;
newOverprintMask <<= 1;
if ((int)separationList->size() == maxSepComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Too many ({0:d}) spots, convert '{1:t}' immediately", maxSepComps, name);
mapping = nullptr;
*mapping = separationList->size() + 4;
separationList->push_back((GfxSeparationColorSpace *)copy());
overprintMask = newOverprintMask;
// GfxDeviceNColorSpace
GfxDeviceNColorSpace::GfxDeviceNColorSpace(int nCompsA, std::vector<std::string> &&namesA, GfxColorSpace *altA, Function *funcA, std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *> *sepsCSA) : nComps(nCompsA), names(std::move(namesA))
alt = altA;
func = funcA;
sepsCS = sepsCSA;
nonMarking = true;
overprintMask = 0;
mapping = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
if (names[i] != "None") {
nonMarking = false;
if (names[i] == "Cyan") {
overprintMask |= 0x01;
} else if (names[i] == "Magenta") {
overprintMask |= 0x02;
} else if (names[i] == "Yellow") {
overprintMask |= 0x04;
} else if (names[i] == "Black") {
overprintMask |= 0x08;
} else if (names[i] == "All") {
overprintMask = 0xffffffff;
} else {
overprintMask = 0x0f;
GfxDeviceNColorSpace::GfxDeviceNColorSpace(int nCompsA, const std::vector<std::string> &namesA, GfxColorSpace *altA, Function *funcA, std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *> *sepsCSA, int *mappingA, bool nonMarkingA,
unsigned int overprintMaskA)
: nComps(nCompsA), names(namesA)
alt = altA;
func = funcA;
sepsCS = sepsCSA;
mapping = mappingA;
nonMarking = nonMarkingA;
overprintMask = overprintMaskA;
delete alt;
delete func;
for (auto entry : *sepsCS) {
delete entry;
delete sepsCS;
if (mapping != nullptr)
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceNColorSpace::copy() const
int *mappingA = nullptr;
auto sepsCSA = new std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *>();
for (const GfxSeparationColorSpace *scs : *sepsCS) {
if (likely(scs != nullptr)) {
sepsCSA->push_back((GfxSeparationColorSpace *)scs->copy());
if (mapping != nullptr) {
mappingA = (int *)gmalloc(sizeof(int) * nComps);
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++)
mappingA[i] = mapping[i];
return new GfxDeviceNColorSpace(nComps, names, alt->copy(), func->copy(), sepsCSA, mappingA, nonMarking, overprintMask);
//~ handle the 'None' colorant
GfxColorSpace *GfxDeviceNColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion)
int nCompsA;
std::vector<std::string> namesA;
GfxColorSpace *altA;
Function *funcA;
Object obj1;
auto separationList = new std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *>();
if (arr->getLength() != 4 && arr->getLength() != 5) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad DeviceN color space");
goto err1;
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!obj1.isArray()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad DeviceN color space (names)");
goto err1;
nCompsA = obj1.arrayGetLength();
if (nCompsA > gfxColorMaxComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "DeviceN color space with too many ({0:d} > {1:d}) components", nCompsA, gfxColorMaxComps);
nCompsA = gfxColorMaxComps;
for (int i = 0; i < nCompsA; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
if (!obj2.isName()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad DeviceN color space (names)");
nCompsA = i;
goto err1;
obj1 = arr->get(2);
if (!(altA = GfxColorSpace::parse(res, &obj1, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad DeviceN color space (alternate color space)");
goto err1;
obj1 = arr->get(3);
if (!(funcA = Function::parse(&obj1))) {
goto err4;
if (arr->getLength() == 5) {
obj1 = arr->get(4);
if (!obj1.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad DeviceN color space (attributes)");
goto err5;
Dict *attribs = obj1.getDict();
Object obj2 = attribs->lookup("Colorants");
if (obj2.isDict()) {
Dict *colorants = obj2.getDict();
for (int i = 0; i < colorants->getLength(); i++) {
Object obj3 = colorants->getVal(i);
if (obj3.isArray()) {
GfxSeparationColorSpace *cs = (GfxSeparationColorSpace *)GfxSeparationColorSpace::parse(res, obj3.getArray(), out, state, recursion);
if (cs) {
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad DeviceN color space (colorant value entry is not an Array)");
goto err5;
if (likely(nCompsA >= funcA->getInputSize() && altA->getNComps() <= funcA->getOutputSize())) {
return new GfxDeviceNColorSpace(nCompsA, std::move(namesA), altA, funcA, separationList);
delete funcA;
delete altA;
delete separationList;
return nullptr;
void GfxDeviceNColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
double x[gfxColorMaxComps], c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxColor color2;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
x[i] = colToDbl(color->c[i]);
func->transform(x, c);
for (i = 0; i < alt->getNComps(); ++i) {
color2.c[i] = dblToCol(c[i]);
alt->getGray(&color2, gray);
void GfxDeviceNColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
double x[gfxColorMaxComps], c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxColor color2;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
x[i] = colToDbl(color->c[i]);
func->transform(x, c);
for (i = 0; i < alt->getNComps(); ++i) {
color2.c[i] = dblToCol(c[i]);
alt->getRGB(&color2, rgb);
void GfxDeviceNColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
double x[gfxColorMaxComps], c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxColor color2;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
x[i] = colToDbl(color->c[i]);
func->transform(x, c);
for (i = 0; i < alt->getNComps(); ++i) {
color2.c[i] = dblToCol(c[i]);
alt->getCMYK(&color2, cmyk);
void GfxDeviceNColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
if (mapping == nullptr) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
getCMYK(color, &cmyk);
deviceN->c[0] = cmyk.c;
deviceN->c[1] = cmyk.m;
deviceN->c[2] = cmyk.y;
deviceN->c[3] = cmyk.k;
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < nComps; j++)
if (mapping[j] != -1)
deviceN->c[mapping[j]] = color->c[j];
void GfxDeviceNColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color->c[i] = gfxColorComp1;
void GfxDeviceNColorSpace::createMapping(std::vector<GfxSeparationColorSpace *> *separationList, int maxSepComps)
if (nonMarking) // None
mapping = (int *)gmalloc(sizeof(int) * nComps);
unsigned int newOverprintMask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
if (names[i] == "None") {
mapping[i] = -1;
} else if (names[i] == "Cyan") {
newOverprintMask |= 0x01;
mapping[i] = 0;
} else if (names[i] == "Magenta") {
newOverprintMask |= 0x02;
mapping[i] = 1;
} else if (names[i] == "Yellow") {
newOverprintMask |= 0x04;
mapping[i] = 2;
} else if (names[i] == "Black") {
newOverprintMask |= 0x08;
mapping[i] = 3;
} else {
unsigned int startOverprintMask = 0x10;
bool found = false;
const Function *sepFunc = nullptr;
if (nComps == 1)
sepFunc = func;
else {
for (const GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS : *sepsCS) {
if (!sepCS->getName()->cmp(names[i])) {
sepFunc = sepCS->getFunc();
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < separationList->size(); j++) {
GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS = (*separationList)[j];
if (!sepCS->getName()->cmp(names[i])) {
if (sepFunc != nullptr && sepCS->getFunc()->hasDifferentResultSet(sepFunc)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Different functions found for '{0:s}', convert immediately", names[i].c_str());
mapping = nullptr;
overprintMask = 0xffffffff;
mapping[i] = j + 4;
newOverprintMask |= startOverprintMask;
found = true;
startOverprintMask <<= 1;
if (!found) {
if ((int)separationList->size() == maxSepComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Too many ({0:d}) spots, convert '{1:s}' immediately", maxSepComps, names[i].c_str());
mapping = nullptr;
overprintMask = 0xffffffff;
mapping[i] = separationList->size() + 4;
newOverprintMask |= startOverprintMask;
if (nComps == 1)
separationList->push_back(new GfxSeparationColorSpace(new GooString(names[i]), alt->copy(), func->copy()));
else {
for (const GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS : *sepsCS) {
if (!sepCS->getName()->cmp(names[i])) {
found = true;
separationList->push_back((GfxSeparationColorSpace *)sepCS->copy());
if (!found) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "DeviceN has no suitable colorant");
mapping = nullptr;
overprintMask = 0xffffffff;
overprintMask = newOverprintMask;
// GfxPatternColorSpace
GfxPatternColorSpace::GfxPatternColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *underA)
under = underA;
if (under) {
delete under;
GfxColorSpace *GfxPatternColorSpace::copy() const
return new GfxPatternColorSpace(under ? under->copy() : nullptr);
GfxColorSpace *GfxPatternColorSpace::parse(GfxResources *res, Array *arr, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int recursion)
GfxPatternColorSpace *cs;
GfxColorSpace *underA;
Object obj1;
if (arr->getLength() != 1 && arr->getLength() != 2) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Pattern color space");
return nullptr;
underA = nullptr;
if (arr->getLength() == 2) {
obj1 = arr->get(1);
if (!(underA = GfxColorSpace::parse(res, &obj1, out, state, recursion + 1))) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Pattern color space (underlying color space)");
return nullptr;
cs = new GfxPatternColorSpace(underA);
return cs;
void GfxPatternColorSpace::getGray(const GfxColor *color, GfxGray *gray) const
*gray = 0;
void GfxPatternColorSpace::getRGB(const GfxColor *color, GfxRGB *rgb) const
rgb->r = rgb->g = rgb->b = 0;
void GfxPatternColorSpace::getCMYK(const GfxColor *color, GfxCMYK *cmyk) const
cmyk->c = cmyk->m = cmyk->y = 0;
cmyk->k = 1;
void GfxPatternColorSpace::getDeviceN(const GfxColor *color, GfxColor *deviceN) const
deviceN->c[3] = 1;
void GfxPatternColorSpace::getDefaultColor(GfxColor *color) const
color->c[0] = 0;
// Pattern
GfxPattern::GfxPattern(int typeA, int patternRefNumA) : type(typeA), patternRefNum(patternRefNumA) { }
GfxPattern::~GfxPattern() { }
GfxPattern *GfxPattern::parse(GfxResources *res, Object *obj, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int patternRefNum)
GfxPattern *pattern;
Object obj1;
if (obj->isDict()) {
obj1 = obj->dictLookup("PatternType");
} else if (obj->isStream()) {
obj1 = obj->streamGetDict()->lookup("PatternType");
} else {
return nullptr;
pattern = nullptr;
if (obj1.isInt() && obj1.getInt() == 1) {
pattern = GfxTilingPattern::parse(obj, patternRefNum);
} else if (obj1.isInt() && obj1.getInt() == 2) {
pattern = GfxShadingPattern::parse(res, obj, out, state, patternRefNum);
return pattern;
// GfxTilingPattern
GfxTilingPattern *GfxTilingPattern::parse(Object *patObj, int patternRefNum)
Dict *dict;
int paintTypeA, tilingTypeA;
double bboxA[4], matrixA[6];
double xStepA, yStepA;
Object resDictA;
Object obj1;
int i;
if (!patObj->isStream()) {
return nullptr;
dict = patObj->streamGetDict();
obj1 = dict->lookup("PaintType");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
paintTypeA = obj1.getInt();
} else {
paintTypeA = 1;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid or missing PaintType in pattern");
obj1 = dict->lookup("TilingType");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
tilingTypeA = obj1.getInt();
} else {
tilingTypeA = 1;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid or missing TilingType in pattern");
bboxA[0] = bboxA[1] = 0;
bboxA[2] = bboxA[3] = 1;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BBox");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 4) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
if (obj2.isNum()) {
bboxA[i] = obj2.getNum();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid or missing BBox in pattern");
obj1 = dict->lookup("XStep");
if (obj1.isNum()) {
xStepA = obj1.getNum();
} else {
xStepA = 1;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid or missing XStep in pattern");
obj1 = dict->lookup("YStep");
if (obj1.isNum()) {
yStepA = obj1.getNum();
} else {
yStepA = 1;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid or missing YStep in pattern");
resDictA = dict->lookup("Resources");
if (!resDictA.isDict()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid or missing Resources in pattern");
matrixA[0] = 1;
matrixA[1] = 0;
matrixA[2] = 0;
matrixA[3] = 1;
matrixA[4] = 0;
matrixA[5] = 0;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Matrix");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 6) {
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
if (obj2.isNum()) {
matrixA[i] = obj2.getNum();
return new GfxTilingPattern(paintTypeA, tilingTypeA, bboxA, xStepA, yStepA, &resDictA, matrixA, patObj, patternRefNum);
GfxTilingPattern::GfxTilingPattern(int paintTypeA, int tilingTypeA, const double *bboxA, double xStepA, double yStepA, const Object *resDictA, const double *matrixA, const Object *contentStreamA, int patternRefNumA)
: GfxPattern(1, patternRefNumA)
int i;
paintType = paintTypeA;
tilingType = tilingTypeA;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
bbox[i] = bboxA[i];
xStep = xStepA;
yStep = yStepA;
resDict = resDictA->copy();
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
matrix[i] = matrixA[i];
contentStream = contentStreamA->copy();
GfxTilingPattern::~GfxTilingPattern() { }
GfxPattern *GfxTilingPattern::copy() const
return new GfxTilingPattern(paintType, tilingType, bbox, xStep, yStep, &resDict, matrix, &contentStream, getPatternRefNum());
// GfxShadingPattern
GfxShadingPattern *GfxShadingPattern::parse(GfxResources *res, Object *patObj, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state, int patternRefNum)
Dict *dict;
GfxShading *shadingA;
double matrixA[6];
Object obj1;
int i;
if (!patObj->isDict()) {
return nullptr;
dict = patObj->getDict();
obj1 = dict->lookup("Shading");
shadingA = GfxShading::parse(res, &obj1, out, state);
if (!shadingA) {
return nullptr;
matrixA[0] = 1;
matrixA[1] = 0;
matrixA[2] = 0;
matrixA[3] = 1;
matrixA[4] = 0;
matrixA[5] = 0;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Matrix");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 6) {
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
if (obj2.isNum()) {
matrixA[i] = obj2.getNum();
return new GfxShadingPattern(shadingA, matrixA, patternRefNum);
GfxShadingPattern::GfxShadingPattern(GfxShading *shadingA, const double *matrixA, int patternRefNumA) : GfxPattern(2, patternRefNumA)
int i;
shading = shadingA;
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
matrix[i] = matrixA[i];
delete shading;
GfxPattern *GfxShadingPattern::copy() const
return new GfxShadingPattern(shading->copy(), matrix, getPatternRefNum());
// GfxShading
GfxShading::GfxShading(int typeA)
type = typeA;
colorSpace = nullptr;
GfxShading::GfxShading(const GfxShading *shading)
int i;
type = shading->type;
colorSpace = shading->colorSpace->copy();
for (i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; ++i) {
background.c[i] = shading->background.c[i];
hasBackground = shading->hasBackground;
bbox_xMin = shading->bbox_xMin;
bbox_yMin = shading->bbox_yMin;
bbox_xMax = shading->bbox_xMax;
bbox_yMax = shading->bbox_yMax;
hasBBox = shading->hasBBox;
if (colorSpace) {
delete colorSpace;
GfxShading *GfxShading::parse(GfxResources *res, Object *obj, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
GfxShading *shading;
Dict *dict;
int typeA;
Object obj1;
if (obj->isDict()) {
dict = obj->getDict();
} else if (obj->isStream()) {
dict = obj->streamGetDict();
} else {
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("ShadingType");
if (!obj1.isInt()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid ShadingType in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
typeA = obj1.getInt();
switch (typeA) {
case 1:
shading = GfxFunctionShading::parse(res, dict, out, state);
case 2:
shading = GfxAxialShading::parse(res, dict, out, state);
case 3:
shading = GfxRadialShading::parse(res, dict, out, state);
case 4:
if (obj->isStream()) {
shading = GfxGouraudTriangleShading::parse(res, 4, dict, obj->getStream(), out, state);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Type 4 shading object");
goto err1;
case 5:
if (obj->isStream()) {
shading = GfxGouraudTriangleShading::parse(res, 5, dict, obj->getStream(), out, state);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Type 5 shading object");
goto err1;
case 6:
if (obj->isStream()) {
shading = GfxPatchMeshShading::parse(res, 6, dict, obj->getStream(), out, state);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Type 6 shading object");
goto err1;
case 7:
if (obj->isStream()) {
shading = GfxPatchMeshShading::parse(res, 7, dict, obj->getStream(), out, state);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Type 7 shading object");
goto err1;
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Unimplemented shading type {0:d}", typeA);
goto err1;
return shading;
return nullptr;
bool GfxShading::init(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
Object obj1;
int i;
obj1 = dict->lookup("ColorSpace");
if (!(colorSpace = GfxColorSpace::parse(res, &obj1, out, state))) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad color space in shading dictionary");
return false;
for (i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; ++i) {
background.c[i] = 0;
hasBackground = false;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Background");
if (obj1.isArray()) {
if (obj1.arrayGetLength() == colorSpace->getNComps()) {
hasBackground = true;
for (i = 0; i < colorSpace->getNComps(); ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
background.c[i] = dblToCol(obj2.getNum(&hasBackground));
if (!hasBackground) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Background in shading dictionary");
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad Background in shading dictionary");
bbox_xMin = bbox_yMin = bbox_xMax = bbox_yMax = 0;
hasBBox = false;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BBox");
if (obj1.isArray()) {
if (obj1.arrayGetLength() == 4) {
hasBBox = true;
bbox_xMin = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNum(&hasBBox);
bbox_yMin = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNum(&hasBBox);
bbox_xMax = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNum(&hasBBox);
bbox_yMax = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNum(&hasBBox);
if (!hasBBox) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad BBox in shading dictionary (Values not numbers)");
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Bad BBox in shading dictionary");
return true;
// GfxFunctionShading
GfxFunctionShading::GfxFunctionShading(double x0A, double y0A, double x1A, double y1A, const double *matrixA, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> &&funcsA) : GfxShading(1), funcs(std::move(funcsA))
x0 = x0A;
y0 = y0A;
x1 = x1A;
y1 = y1A;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
matrix[i] = matrixA[i];
GfxFunctionShading::GfxFunctionShading(const GfxFunctionShading *shading) : GfxShading(shading)
x0 = shading->x0;
y0 = shading->y0;
x1 = shading->x1;
y1 = shading->y1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
matrix[i] = shading->matrix[i];
for (const auto &f : shading->funcs) {
GfxFunctionShading::~GfxFunctionShading() { }
GfxFunctionShading *GfxFunctionShading::parse(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
GfxFunctionShading *shading;
double x0A, y0A, x1A, y1A;
double matrixA[6];
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> funcsA;
Object obj1;
int i;
x0A = y0A = 0;
x1A = y1A = 1;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Domain");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 4) {
bool decodeOk = true;
x0A = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNum(&decodeOk);
x1A = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNum(&decodeOk);
y0A = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNum(&decodeOk);
y1A = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNum(&decodeOk);
if (!decodeOk) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Domain array in function shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
matrixA[0] = 1;
matrixA[1] = 0;
matrixA[2] = 0;
matrixA[3] = 1;
matrixA[4] = 0;
matrixA[5] = 0;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Matrix");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 6) {
bool decodeOk = true;
matrixA[0] = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNum(&decodeOk);
matrixA[1] = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNum(&decodeOk);
matrixA[2] = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNum(&decodeOk);
matrixA[3] = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNum(&decodeOk);
matrixA[4] = obj1.arrayGet(4).getNum(&decodeOk);
matrixA[5] = obj1.arrayGet(5).getNum(&decodeOk);
if (!decodeOk) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Matrix array in function shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Function");
if (obj1.isArray()) {
const int nFuncsA = obj1.arrayGetLength();
if (nFuncsA > gfxColorMaxComps || nFuncsA <= 0) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Function array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
for (i = 0; i < nFuncsA; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj2);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
} else {
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj1);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
shading = new GfxFunctionShading(x0A, y0A, x1A, y1A, matrixA, std::move(funcsA));
if (!shading->init(res, dict, out, state)) {
delete shading;
return nullptr;
return shading;
bool GfxFunctionShading::init(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
const bool parentInit = GfxShading::init(res, dict, out, state);
if (!parentInit) {
return false;
// funcs needs to be one of the two:
// * One function 2-in -> nComps-out
// * nComps functions 2-in -> 1-out
const int nComps = colorSpace->getNComps();
const int nFuncs = funcs.size();
if (nFuncs == 1) {
if (funcs[0]->getInputSize() != 2) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxFunctionShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (funcs[0]->getOutputSize() != nComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxFunctionShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else if (nFuncs == nComps) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<Function> &f : funcs) {
if (f->getInputSize() != 2) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxFunctionShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (f->getOutputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxFunctionShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
GfxShading *GfxFunctionShading::copy() const
return new GfxFunctionShading(this);
void GfxFunctionShading::getColor(double x, double y, GfxColor *color) const
double in[2], out[gfxColorMaxComps];
// NB: there can be one function with n outputs or n functions with
// one output each (where n = number of color components)
for (double &i : out) {
i = 0;
in[0] = x;
in[1] = y;
for (int i = 0; i < getNFuncs(); ++i) {
funcs[i]->transform(in, &out[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; ++i) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(out[i]);
// GfxUnivariateShading
GfxUnivariateShading::GfxUnivariateShading(int typeA, double t0A, double t1A, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> &&funcsA, bool extend0A, bool extend1A) : GfxShading(typeA), funcs(std::move(funcsA))
t0 = t0A;
t1 = t1A;
extend0 = extend0A;
extend1 = extend1A;
cacheSize = 0;
lastMatch = 0;
cacheBounds = nullptr;
cacheCoeff = nullptr;
cacheValues = nullptr;
GfxUnivariateShading::GfxUnivariateShading(const GfxUnivariateShading *shading) : GfxShading(shading)
t0 = shading->t0;
t1 = shading->t1;
for (const auto &f : shading->funcs) {
extend0 = shading->extend0;
extend1 = shading->extend1;
cacheSize = 0;
lastMatch = 0;
cacheBounds = nullptr;
cacheCoeff = nullptr;
cacheValues = nullptr;
int GfxUnivariateShading::getColor(double t, GfxColor *color)
double out[gfxColorMaxComps];
// NB: there can be one function with n outputs or n functions with
// one output each (where n = number of color components)
const int nComps = getNFuncs() * funcs[0]->getOutputSize();
if (cacheSize > 0) {
double x, ix, *l, *u, *upper;
if (cacheBounds[lastMatch - 1] >= t) {
upper = std::lower_bound(cacheBounds, cacheBounds + lastMatch - 1, t);
lastMatch = upper - cacheBounds;
lastMatch = std::min<int>(std::max<int>(1, lastMatch), cacheSize - 1);
} else if (cacheBounds[lastMatch] < t) {
upper = std::lower_bound(cacheBounds + lastMatch + 1, cacheBounds + cacheSize, t);
lastMatch = upper - cacheBounds;
lastMatch = std::min<int>(std::max<int>(1, lastMatch), cacheSize - 1);
x = (t - cacheBounds[lastMatch - 1]) * cacheCoeff[lastMatch];
ix = 1.0 - x;
u = cacheValues + lastMatch * nComps;
l = u - nComps;
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
out[i] = ix * l[i] + x * u[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
out[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < getNFuncs(); ++i) {
funcs[i]->transform(&t, &out[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(out[i]);
return nComps;
void GfxUnivariateShading::setupCache(const Matrix *ctm, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax)
double sMin, sMax, tMin, tMax, upperBound;
int i, j, nComps, maxSize;
cacheBounds = nullptr;
cacheSize = 0;
if (unlikely(getNFuncs() < 1))
// NB: there can be one function with n outputs or n functions with
// one output each (where n = number of color components)
nComps = getNFuncs() * funcs[0]->getOutputSize();
getParameterRange(&sMin, &sMax, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
upperBound = ctm->norm() * getDistance(sMin, sMax);
maxSize = ceil(upperBound);
maxSize = std::max<int>(maxSize, 2);
double x[4], y[4];
ctm->transform(xMin, yMin, &x[0], &y[0]);
ctm->transform(xMax, yMin, &x[1], &y[1]);
ctm->transform(xMin, yMax, &x[2], &y[2]);
ctm->transform(xMax, yMax, &x[3], &y[3]);
xMin = xMax = x[0];
yMin = yMax = y[0];
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
xMin = std::min<double>(xMin, x[i]);
yMin = std::min<double>(yMin, y[i]);
xMax = std::max<double>(xMax, x[i]);
yMax = std::max<double>(yMax, y[i]);
if (maxSize > (xMax - xMin) * (yMax - yMin)) {
if (t0 < t1) {
tMin = t0 + sMin * (t1 - t0);
tMax = t0 + sMax * (t1 - t0);
} else {
tMin = t0 + sMax * (t1 - t0);
tMax = t0 + sMin * (t1 - t0);
cacheBounds = (double *)gmallocn_checkoverflow(maxSize, sizeof(double) * (nComps + 2));
if (unlikely(!cacheBounds))
cacheCoeff = cacheBounds + maxSize;
cacheValues = cacheCoeff + maxSize;
if (cacheSize != 0) {
for (j = 0; j < cacheSize; ++j) {
cacheCoeff[j] = 1 / (cacheBounds[j + 1] - cacheBounds[j]);
} else if (tMax != tMin) {
double step = (tMax - tMin) / (maxSize - 1);
double coeff = (maxSize - 1) / (tMax - tMin);
cacheSize = maxSize;
for (j = 0; j < cacheSize; ++j) {
cacheBounds[j] = tMin + j * step;
cacheCoeff[j] = coeff;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
cacheValues[j * nComps + i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < getNFuncs(); ++i) {
funcs[i]->transform(&cacheBounds[j], &cacheValues[j * nComps + i]);
lastMatch = 1;
bool GfxUnivariateShading::init(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
const bool parentInit = GfxShading::init(res, dict, out, state);
if (!parentInit) {
return false;
// funcs needs to be one of the two:
// * One function 1-in -> nComps-out
// * nComps functions 1-in -> 1-out
const int nComps = colorSpace->getNComps();
const int nFuncs = funcs.size();
if (nFuncs == 1) {
if (funcs[0]->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxUnivariateShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (funcs[0]->getOutputSize() != nComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxUnivariateShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else if (nFuncs == nComps) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<Function> &f : funcs) {
if (f->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxUnivariateShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (f->getOutputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxUnivariateShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
// GfxAxialShading
GfxAxialShading::GfxAxialShading(double x0A, double y0A, double x1A, double y1A, double t0A, double t1A, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> &&funcsA, bool extend0A, bool extend1A)
: GfxUnivariateShading(2, t0A, t1A, std::move(funcsA), extend0A, extend1A)
x0 = x0A;
y0 = y0A;
x1 = x1A;
y1 = y1A;
GfxAxialShading::GfxAxialShading(const GfxAxialShading *shading) : GfxUnivariateShading(shading)
x0 = shading->x0;
y0 = shading->y0;
x1 = shading->x1;
y1 = shading->y1;
GfxAxialShading::~GfxAxialShading() { }
GfxAxialShading *GfxAxialShading::parse(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
GfxAxialShading *shading;
double x0A, y0A, x1A, y1A;
double t0A, t1A;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> funcsA;
bool extend0A, extend1A;
Object obj1;
x0A = y0A = x1A = y1A = 0;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Coords");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 4) {
x0A = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
y0A = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
x1A = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
y1A = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid Coords in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
t0A = 0;
t1A = 1;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Domain");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 2) {
t0A = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
t1A = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
obj1 = dict->lookup("Function");
if (obj1.isArray()) {
const int nFuncsA = obj1.arrayGetLength();
if (nFuncsA > gfxColorMaxComps || nFuncsA == 0) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Function array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < nFuncsA; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj2);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
} else {
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj1);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
extend0A = extend1A = false;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Extend");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 2) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(0);
if (obj2.isBool()) {
extend0A = obj2.getBool();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid axial shading extend (0)");
obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(1);
if (obj2.isBool()) {
extend1A = obj2.getBool();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid axial shading extend (1)");
shading = new GfxAxialShading(x0A, y0A, x1A, y1A, t0A, t1A, std::move(funcsA), extend0A, extend1A);
if (!shading->init(res, dict, out, state)) {
delete shading;
shading = nullptr;
return shading;
GfxShading *GfxAxialShading::copy() const
return new GfxAxialShading(this);
double GfxAxialShading::getDistance(double sMin, double sMax) const
double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
xMin = x0 + sMin * (x1 - x0);
yMin = y0 + sMin * (y1 - y0);
xMax = x0 + sMax * (x1 - x0);
yMax = y0 + sMax * (y1 - y0);
return hypot(xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
void GfxAxialShading::getParameterRange(double *lower, double *upper, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax)
double pdx, pdy, invsqnorm, tdx, tdy, t, range[2];
// Linear gradients are orthogonal to the line passing through their
// extremes. Because of convexity, the parameter range can be
// computed as the convex hull (one the real line) of the parameter
// values of the 4 corners of the box.
// The parameter value t for a point (x,y) can be computed as:
// t = (p2 - p1) . (x,y) / |p2 - p1|^2
// t0 is the t value for the top left corner
// tdx is the difference between left and right corners
// tdy is the difference between top and bottom corners
pdx = x1 - x0;
pdy = y1 - y0;
const double invsqnorm_denominator = (pdx * pdx + pdy * pdy);
if (unlikely(invsqnorm_denominator == 0)) {
*lower = 0;
*upper = 0;
invsqnorm = 1.0 / invsqnorm_denominator;
pdx *= invsqnorm;
pdy *= invsqnorm;
t = (xMin - x0) * pdx + (yMin - y0) * pdy;
tdx = (xMax - xMin) * pdx;
tdy = (yMax - yMin) * pdy;
// Because of the linearity of the t value, tdx can simply be added
// the t0 to move along the top edge. After this, *lower and *upper
// represent the parameter range for the top edge, so extending it
// to include the whole box simply requires adding tdy to the
// correct extreme.
range[0] = range[1] = t;
if (tdx < 0)
range[0] += tdx;
range[1] += tdx;
if (tdy < 0)
range[0] += tdy;
range[1] += tdy;
*lower = std::max<double>(0., std::min<double>(1., range[0]));
*upper = std::max<double>(0., std::min<double>(1., range[1]));
// GfxRadialShading
# define RADIAL_EPSILON (1. / 1024 / 1024)
GfxRadialShading::GfxRadialShading(double x0A, double y0A, double r0A, double x1A, double y1A, double r1A, double t0A, double t1A, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> &&funcsA, bool extend0A, bool extend1A)
: GfxUnivariateShading(3, t0A, t1A, std::move(funcsA), extend0A, extend1A)
x0 = x0A;
y0 = y0A;
r0 = r0A;
x1 = x1A;
y1 = y1A;
r1 = r1A;
GfxRadialShading::GfxRadialShading(const GfxRadialShading *shading) : GfxUnivariateShading(shading)
x0 = shading->x0;
y0 = shading->y0;
r0 = shading->r0;
x1 = shading->x1;
y1 = shading->y1;
r1 = shading->r1;
GfxRadialShading::~GfxRadialShading() { }
GfxRadialShading *GfxRadialShading::parse(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
GfxRadialShading *shading;
double x0A, y0A, r0A, x1A, y1A, r1A;
double t0A, t1A;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> funcsA;
bool extend0A, extend1A;
Object obj1;
int i;
x0A = y0A = r0A = x1A = y1A = r1A = 0;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Coords");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 6) {
x0A = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
y0A = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
r0A = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
x1A = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
y1A = obj1.arrayGet(4).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
r1A = obj1.arrayGet(5).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid Coords in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
t0A = 0;
t1A = 1;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Domain");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 2) {
t0A = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNumWithDefaultValue(0);
t1A = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNumWithDefaultValue(1);
obj1 = dict->lookup("Function");
if (obj1.isArray()) {
const int nFuncsA = obj1.arrayGetLength();
if (nFuncsA > gfxColorMaxComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Function array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
for (i = 0; i < nFuncsA; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj2);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
} else {
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj1);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
extend0A = extend1A = false;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Extend");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() == 2) {
extend0A = obj1.arrayGet(0).getBoolWithDefaultValue(false);
extend1A = obj1.arrayGet(1).getBoolWithDefaultValue(false);
shading = new GfxRadialShading(x0A, y0A, r0A, x1A, y1A, r1A, t0A, t1A, std::move(funcsA), extend0A, extend1A);
if (!shading->init(res, dict, out, state)) {
delete shading;
return nullptr;
return shading;
GfxShading *GfxRadialShading::copy() const
return new GfxRadialShading(this);
double GfxRadialShading::getDistance(double sMin, double sMax) const
double xMin, yMin, rMin, xMax, yMax, rMax;
xMin = x0 + sMin * (x1 - x0);
yMin = y0 + sMin * (y1 - y0);
rMin = r0 + sMin * (r1 - r0);
xMax = x0 + sMax * (x1 - x0);
yMax = y0 + sMax * (y1 - y0);
rMax = r0 + sMax * (r1 - r0);
return hypot(xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin) + fabs(rMax - rMin);
// extend range, adapted from cairo, radialExtendRange
static bool radialExtendRange(double range[2], double value, bool valid)
if (!valid)
range[0] = range[1] = value;
else if (value < range[0])
range[0] = value;
else if (value > range[1])
range[1] = value;
return true;
inline void radialEdge(double num, double den, double delta, double lower, double upper, double dr, double mindr, bool &valid, double *range)
if (fabs(den) >= RADIAL_EPSILON) {
double t_edge, v;
t_edge = (num) / (den);
v = t_edge * (delta);
if (t_edge * dr >= mindr && (lower) <= v && v <= (upper))
valid = radialExtendRange(range, t_edge, valid);
inline void radialCorner1(double x, double y, double &b, double dx, double dy, double cr, double dr, double mindr, bool &valid, double *range)
b = (x)*dx + (y)*dy + cr * dr;
if (fabs(b) >= RADIAL_EPSILON) {
double t_corner;
double x2 = (x) * (x);
double y2 = (y) * (y);
double cr2 = (cr) * (cr);
double c = x2 + y2 - cr2;
t_corner = 0.5 * c / b;
if (t_corner * dr >= mindr)
valid = radialExtendRange(range, t_corner, valid);
inline void radialCorner2(double x, double y, double a, double &b, double &c, double &d, double dx, double dy, double cr, double inva, double dr, double mindr, bool &valid, double *range)
b = (x)*dx + (y)*dy + cr * dr;
c = (x) * (x) + (y) * (y)-cr * cr;
d = b * b - a * c;
if (d >= 0) {
double t_corner;
d = sqrt(d);
t_corner = (b + d) * inva;
if (t_corner * dr >= mindr)
valid = radialExtendRange(range, t_corner, valid);
t_corner = (b - d) * inva;
if (t_corner * dr >= mindr)
valid = radialExtendRange(range, t_corner, valid);
void GfxRadialShading::getParameterRange(double *lower, double *upper, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax)
double cx, cy, cr, dx, dy, dr;
double a, x_focus, y_focus;
double mindr, minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
double range[2];
bool valid;
// A radial pattern is considered degenerate if it can be
// represented as a solid or clear pattern. This corresponds to one
// of the two cases:
// 1) The radii are both very small:
// |dr| < FLT_EPSILON && min (r0, r1) < FLT_EPSILON
// 2) The two circles have about the same radius and are very
// close to each other (approximately a cylinder gradient that
// doesn't move with the parameter):
// |dr| < FLT_EPSILON && max (|dx|, |dy|) < 2 * FLT_EPSILON
if (xMin >= xMax || yMin >= yMax || (fabs(r0 - r1) < RADIAL_EPSILON && (std::min<double>(r0, r1) < RADIAL_EPSILON || std::max<double>(fabs(x0 - x1), fabs(y0 - y1)) < 2 * RADIAL_EPSILON))) {
*lower = *upper = 0;
range[0] = range[1] = 0;
valid = false;
x_focus = y_focus = 0; // silence gcc
cx = x0;
cy = y0;
cr = r0;
dx = x1 - cx;
dy = y1 - cy;
dr = r1 - cr;
// translate by -(cx, cy) to simplify computations
xMin -= cx;
yMin -= cy;
xMax -= cx;
yMax -= cy;
// enlarge boundaries slightly to avoid rounding problems in the
// parameter range computation
// enlarge boundaries even more to avoid rounding problems when
// testing if a point belongs to the box
minx = xMin - RADIAL_EPSILON;
miny = yMin - RADIAL_EPSILON;
maxx = xMax + RADIAL_EPSILON;
maxy = yMax + RADIAL_EPSILON;
// we dont' allow negative radiuses, so we will be checking that
// t*dr >= mindr to consider t valid
mindr = -(cr + RADIAL_EPSILON);
// After the previous transformations, the start circle is centered
// in the origin and has radius cr. A 1-unit change in the t
// parameter corresponds to dx,dy,dr changes in the x,y,r of the
// circle (center coordinates, radius).
// To compute the minimum range needed to correctly draw the
// pattern, we start with an empty range and extend it to include
// the circles touching the bounding box or within it.
// Focus, the point where the circle has radius == 0.
// r = cr + t * dr = 0
// t = -cr / dr
// If the radius is constant (dr == 0) there is no focus (the
// gradient represents a cylinder instead of a cone).
if (fabs(dr) >= RADIAL_EPSILON) {
double t_focus;
t_focus = -cr / dr;
x_focus = t_focus * dx;
y_focus = t_focus * dy;
if (minx <= x_focus && x_focus <= maxx && miny <= y_focus && y_focus <= maxy) {
valid = radialExtendRange(range, t_focus, valid);
// Circles externally tangent to box edges.
// All circles have center in (dx, dy) * t
// If the circle is tangent to the line defined by the edge of the
// box, then at least one of the following holds true:
// (dx*t) + (cr + dr*t) == x0 (left edge)
// (dx*t) - (cr + dr*t) == x1 (right edge)
// (dy*t) + (cr + dr*t) == y0 (top edge)
// (dy*t) - (cr + dr*t) == y1 (bottom edge)
// The solution is only valid if the tangent point is actually on
// the edge, i.e. if its y coordinate is in [y0,y1] for left/right
// edges and if its x coordinate is in [x0,x1] for top/bottom edges.
// For the first equation:
// (dx + dr) * t = x0 - cr
// t = (x0 - cr) / (dx + dr)
// y = dy * t
// in the code this becomes:
// t_edge = (num) / (den)
// v = (delta) * t_edge
// If the denominator in t is 0, the pattern is tangent to a line
// parallel to the edge under examination. The corner-case where the
// boundary line is the same as the edge is handled by the focus
// point case and/or by the a==0 case.
// circles tangent (externally) to left/right/top/bottom edge
radialEdge(xMin - cr, dx + dr, dy, miny, maxy, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialEdge(xMax + cr, dx - dr, dy, miny, maxy, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialEdge(yMin - cr, dy + dr, dx, minx, maxx, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialEdge(yMax + cr, dy - dr, dx, minx, maxx, dr, mindr, valid, range);
// Circles passing through a corner.
// A circle passing through the point (x,y) satisfies:
// (x-t*dx)^2 + (y-t*dy)^2 == (cr + t*dr)^2
// If we set:
// a = dx^2 + dy^2 - dr^2
// b = x*dx + y*dy + cr*dr
// c = x^2 + y^2 - cr^2
// we have:
// a*t^2 - 2*b*t + c == 0
a = dx * dx + dy * dy - dr * dr;
double b;
// Ensure that gradients with both a and dr small are
// considered degenerate.
// The floating point version of the degeneracy test implemented
// in _radial_pattern_is_degenerate() is:
// 1) The circles are practically the same size:
// AND
// 2a) The circles are both very small:
// min (r0, r1) < RADIAL_EPSILON
// OR
// 2b) The circles are very close to each other:
// max (|dx|, |dy|) < 2 * RADIAL_EPSILON
// Assuming that the gradient is not degenerate, we want to
// show that |a| < RADIAL_EPSILON^2 implies |dr| >= RADIAL_EPSILON.
// If the gradient is not degenerate yet it has |dr| <
// RADIAL_EPSILON, (2b) is false, thus:
// max (|dx|, |dy|) >= 2*RADIAL_EPSILON
// which implies:
// 4*RADIAL_EPSILON^2 <= max (|dx|, |dy|)^2 <= dx^2 + dy^2
// From the definition of a, we get:
// a = dx^2 + dy^2 - dr^2 < RADIAL_EPSILON^2
// dx^2 + dy^2 - RADIAL_EPSILON^2 < dr^2
// 3*RADIAL_EPSILON^2 < dr^2
// which is inconsistent with the hypotheses, thus |dr| <
// RADIAL_EPSILON is false or the gradient is degenerate.
assert(fabs(dr) >= RADIAL_EPSILON);
// If a == 0, all the circles are tangent to a line in the
// focus point. If this line is within the box extents, we
// should add the circle with infinite radius, but this would
// make the range unbounded. We will be limiting the range to
// [0,1] anyway, so we simply add the biggest legitimate
// circle (it happens for 0 or for 1).
if (dr < 0) {
valid = radialExtendRange(range, 0, valid);
} else {
valid = radialExtendRange(range, 1, valid);
// Nondegenerate, nonlimit circles passing through the corners.
// a == 0 && a*t^2 - 2*b*t + c == 0
// t = c / (2*b)
// The b == 0 case has just been handled, so we only have to
// compute this if b != 0.
// circles touching each corner
radialCorner1(xMin, yMin, b, dx, dy, cr, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialCorner1(xMin, yMax, b, dx, dy, cr, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialCorner1(xMax, yMin, b, dx, dy, cr, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialCorner1(xMax, yMax, b, dx, dy, cr, dr, mindr, valid, range);
} else {
double inva, b, c, d;
inva = 1 / a;
// Nondegenerate, nonlimit circles passing through the corners.
// a != 0 && a*t^2 - 2*b*t + c == 0
// t = (b +- sqrt (b*b - a*c)) / a
// If the argument of sqrt() is negative, then no circle
// passes through the corner.
// circles touching each corner
radialCorner2(xMin, yMin, a, b, c, d, dx, dy, cr, inva, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialCorner2(xMin, yMax, a, b, c, d, dx, dy, cr, inva, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialCorner2(xMax, yMin, a, b, c, d, dx, dy, cr, inva, dr, mindr, valid, range);
radialCorner2(xMax, yMax, a, b, c, d, dx, dy, cr, inva, dr, mindr, valid, range);
*lower = std::max<double>(0., std::min<double>(1., range[0]));
*upper = std::max<double>(0., std::min<double>(1., range[1]));
// GfxShadingBitBuf
class GfxShadingBitBuf
explicit GfxShadingBitBuf(Stream *strA);
GfxShadingBitBuf(const GfxShadingBitBuf &) = delete;
GfxShadingBitBuf &operator=(const GfxShadingBitBuf &) = delete;
bool getBits(int n, unsigned int *val);
void flushBits();
Stream *str;
int bitBuf;
int nBits;
GfxShadingBitBuf::GfxShadingBitBuf(Stream *strA)
str = strA;
bitBuf = 0;
nBits = 0;
bool GfxShadingBitBuf::getBits(int n, unsigned int *val)
unsigned int x;
if (nBits >= n) {
x = (bitBuf >> (nBits - n)) & ((1 << n) - 1);
nBits -= n;
} else {
x = 0;
if (nBits > 0) {
x = bitBuf & ((1 << nBits) - 1);
n -= nBits;
nBits = 0;
while (n > 0) {
if ((bitBuf = str->getChar()) == EOF) {
nBits = 0;
return false;
if (n >= 8) {
x = (x << 8) | bitBuf;
n -= 8;
} else {
x = (x << n) | (bitBuf >> (8 - n));
nBits = 8 - n;
n = 0;
*val = x;
return true;
void GfxShadingBitBuf::flushBits()
bitBuf = 0;
nBits = 0;
// GfxGouraudTriangleShading
GfxGouraudTriangleShading::GfxGouraudTriangleShading(int typeA, GfxGouraudVertex *verticesA, int nVerticesA, int (*trianglesA)[3], int nTrianglesA, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> &&funcsA)
: GfxShading(typeA), funcs(std::move(funcsA))
vertices = verticesA;
nVertices = nVerticesA;
triangles = trianglesA;
nTriangles = nTrianglesA;
GfxGouraudTriangleShading::GfxGouraudTriangleShading(const GfxGouraudTriangleShading *shading) : GfxShading(shading)
nVertices = shading->nVertices;
vertices = (GfxGouraudVertex *)gmallocn(nVertices, sizeof(GfxGouraudVertex));
memcpy(vertices, shading->vertices, nVertices * sizeof(GfxGouraudVertex));
nTriangles = shading->nTriangles;
triangles = (int(*)[3])gmallocn(nTriangles * 3, sizeof(int));
memcpy(triangles, shading->triangles, nTriangles * 3 * sizeof(int));
for (const auto &f : shading->funcs) {
GfxGouraudTriangleShading *GfxGouraudTriangleShading::parse(GfxResources *res, int typeA, Dict *dict, Stream *str, OutputDev *out, GfxState *gfxState)
GfxGouraudTriangleShading *shading;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> funcsA;
int coordBits, compBits, flagBits, vertsPerRow, nRows;
double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
double cMin[gfxColorMaxComps], cMax[gfxColorMaxComps];
double xMul, yMul;
double cMul[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxGouraudVertex *verticesA;
int nComps, nVerticesA, nTrianglesA, vertSize, triSize;
unsigned int x, y, flag;
unsigned int c[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxShadingBitBuf *bitBuf;
Object obj1;
int i, j, k, state;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BitsPerCoordinate");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
coordBits = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid BitsPerCoordinate in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
if (unlikely(coordBits <= 0)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid BitsPerCoordinate in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BitsPerComponent");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
compBits = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid BitsPerComponent in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
if (unlikely(compBits <= 0 || compBits > 31)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid BitsPerComponent in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
flagBits = vertsPerRow = 0; // make gcc happy
if (typeA == 4) {
obj1 = dict->lookup("BitsPerFlag");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
flagBits = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid BitsPerFlag in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
} else {
obj1 = dict->lookup("VerticesPerRow");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
vertsPerRow = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid VerticesPerRow in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Decode");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() >= 6) {
bool decodeOk = true;
xMin = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNum(&decodeOk);
xMax = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNum(&decodeOk);
xMul = (xMax - xMin) / (pow(2.0, coordBits) - 1);
yMin = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNum(&decodeOk);
yMax = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNum(&decodeOk);
yMul = (yMax - yMin) / (pow(2.0, coordBits) - 1);
for (i = 0; 5 + 2 * i < obj1.arrayGetLength() && i < gfxColorMaxComps; ++i) {
cMin[i] = obj1.arrayGet(4 + 2 * i).getNum(&decodeOk);
cMax[i] = obj1.arrayGet(5 + 2 * i).getNum(&decodeOk);
cMul[i] = (cMax[i] - cMin[i]) / (double)((1u << compBits) - 1);
nComps = i;
if (!decodeOk) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid Decode array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid Decode array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Function");
if (!obj1.isNull()) {
if (obj1.isArray()) {
const int nFuncsA = obj1.arrayGetLength();
if (nFuncsA > gfxColorMaxComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Function array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
for (i = 0; i < nFuncsA; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj2);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
} else {
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj1);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
nVerticesA = nTrianglesA = 0;
verticesA = nullptr;
trianglesA = nullptr;
vertSize = triSize = 0;
state = 0;
flag = 0; // make gcc happy
bitBuf = new GfxShadingBitBuf(str);
while (true) {
if (typeA == 4) {
if (!bitBuf->getBits(flagBits, &flag)) {
if (!bitBuf->getBits(coordBits, &x) || !bitBuf->getBits(coordBits, &y)) {
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
if (!bitBuf->getBits(compBits, &c[i])) {
if (i < nComps) {
if (nVerticesA == vertSize) {
int oldVertSize = vertSize;
vertSize = (vertSize == 0) ? 16 : 2 * vertSize;
verticesA = (GfxGouraudVertex *)greallocn_checkoverflow(verticesA, vertSize, sizeof(GfxGouraudVertex));
if (unlikely(!verticesA)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxGouraudTriangleShading::parse: vertices size overflow");
delete bitBuf;
return nullptr;
memset(verticesA + oldVertSize, 0, (vertSize - oldVertSize) * sizeof(GfxGouraudVertex));
verticesA[nVerticesA].x = xMin + xMul * (double)x;
verticesA[nVerticesA].y = yMin + yMul * (double)y;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
verticesA[nVerticesA].color.c[i] = dblToCol(cMin[i] + cMul[i] * (double)c[i]);
if (typeA == 4) {
if (state == 0 || state == 1) {
} else if (state == 2 || flag > 0) {
if (nTrianglesA == triSize) {
triSize = (triSize == 0) ? 16 : 2 * triSize;
trianglesA = (int(*)[3])greallocn(trianglesA, triSize * 3, sizeof(int));
if (state == 2) {
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][0] = nVerticesA - 3;
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][1] = nVerticesA - 2;
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][2] = nVerticesA - 1;
} else if (flag == 1) {
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][0] = trianglesA[nTrianglesA - 1][1];
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][1] = trianglesA[nTrianglesA - 1][2];
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][2] = nVerticesA - 1;
} else { // flag == 2
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][0] = trianglesA[nTrianglesA - 1][0];
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][1] = trianglesA[nTrianglesA - 1][2];
trianglesA[nTrianglesA][2] = nVerticesA - 1;
} else { // state == 3 && flag == 0
state = 1;
delete bitBuf;
if (typeA == 5 && nVerticesA > 0 && vertsPerRow > 0) {
nRows = nVerticesA / vertsPerRow;
nTrianglesA = (nRows - 1) * 2 * (vertsPerRow - 1);
trianglesA = (int(*)[3])gmallocn_checkoverflow(nTrianglesA * 3, sizeof(int));
if (unlikely(!trianglesA)) {
return nullptr;
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nRows - 1; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < vertsPerRow - 1; ++j) {
trianglesA[k][0] = i * vertsPerRow + j;
trianglesA[k][1] = i * vertsPerRow + j + 1;
trianglesA[k][2] = (i + 1) * vertsPerRow + j;
trianglesA[k][0] = i * vertsPerRow + j + 1;
trianglesA[k][1] = (i + 1) * vertsPerRow + j;
trianglesA[k][2] = (i + 1) * vertsPerRow + j + 1;
shading = new GfxGouraudTriangleShading(typeA, verticesA, nVerticesA, trianglesA, nTrianglesA, std::move(funcsA));
if (!shading->init(res, dict, out, gfxState)) {
delete shading;
return nullptr;
return shading;
bool GfxGouraudTriangleShading::init(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
const bool parentInit = GfxShading::init(res, dict, out, state);
if (!parentInit) {
return false;
// funcs needs to be one of the three:
// * One function 1-in -> nComps-out
// * nComps functions 1-in -> 1-out
// * empty
const int nComps = colorSpace->getNComps();
const int nFuncs = funcs.size();
if (nFuncs == 1) {
if (funcs[0]->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxGouraudTriangleShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (funcs[0]->getOutputSize() != nComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxGouraudTriangleShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else if (nFuncs == nComps) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<Function> &f : funcs) {
if (f->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxGouraudTriangleShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (f->getOutputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxGouraudTriangleShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else if (nFuncs != 0) {
return false;
return true;
GfxShading *GfxGouraudTriangleShading::copy() const
return new GfxGouraudTriangleShading(this);
void GfxGouraudTriangleShading::getTriangle(int i, double *x0, double *y0, GfxColor *color0, double *x1, double *y1, GfxColor *color1, double *x2, double *y2, GfxColor *color2)
int v;
v = triangles[i][0];
*x0 = vertices[v].x;
*y0 = vertices[v].y;
*color0 = vertices[v].color;
v = triangles[i][1];
*x1 = vertices[v].x;
*y1 = vertices[v].y;
*color1 = vertices[v].color;
v = triangles[i][2];
*x2 = vertices[v].x;
*y2 = vertices[v].y;
*color2 = vertices[v].color;
void GfxGouraudTriangleShading::getParameterizedColor(double t, GfxColor *color) const
double out[gfxColorMaxComps];
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < funcs.size(); ++j) {
funcs[j]->transform(&t, &out[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < gfxColorMaxComps; ++j) {
color->c[j] = dblToCol(out[j]);
void GfxGouraudTriangleShading::getTriangle(int i, double *x0, double *y0, double *color0, double *x1, double *y1, double *color1, double *x2, double *y2, double *color2)
int v;
v = triangles[i][0];
if (likely(v >= 0 && v < nVertices)) {
*x0 = vertices[v].x;
*y0 = vertices[v].y;
*color0 = colToDbl(vertices[v].color.c[0]);
v = triangles[i][1];
if (likely(v >= 0 && v < nVertices)) {
*x1 = vertices[v].x;
*y1 = vertices[v].y;
*color1 = colToDbl(vertices[v].color.c[0]);
v = triangles[i][2];
if (likely(v >= 0 && v < nVertices)) {
*x2 = vertices[v].x;
*y2 = vertices[v].y;
*color2 = colToDbl(vertices[v].color.c[0]);
// GfxPatchMeshShading
GfxPatchMeshShading::GfxPatchMeshShading(int typeA, GfxPatch *patchesA, int nPatchesA, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> &&funcsA) : GfxShading(typeA), funcs(std::move(funcsA))
patches = patchesA;
nPatches = nPatchesA;
GfxPatchMeshShading::GfxPatchMeshShading(const GfxPatchMeshShading *shading) : GfxShading(shading)
nPatches = shading->nPatches;
patches = (GfxPatch *)gmallocn(nPatches, sizeof(GfxPatch));
memcpy(patches, shading->patches, nPatches * sizeof(GfxPatch));
for (const auto &f : shading->funcs) {
GfxPatchMeshShading *GfxPatchMeshShading::parse(GfxResources *res, int typeA, Dict *dict, Stream *str, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
GfxPatchMeshShading *shading;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> funcsA;
int coordBits, compBits, flagBits;
double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
double cMin[gfxColorMaxComps], cMax[gfxColorMaxComps];
double xMul, yMul;
double cMul[gfxColorMaxComps];
GfxPatch *patchesA, *p;
int nComps, nPatchesA, patchesSize, nPts, nColors;
unsigned int flag;
double x[16], y[16];
unsigned int xi, yi;
double c[4][gfxColorMaxComps];
unsigned int ci;
Object obj1;
int i, j;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BitsPerCoordinate");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
coordBits = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid BitsPerCoordinate in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
if (unlikely(coordBits <= 0)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid BitsPerCoordinate in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BitsPerComponent");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
compBits = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid BitsPerComponent in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
if (unlikely(compBits <= 0 || compBits > 31)) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid BitsPerComponent in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("BitsPerFlag");
if (obj1.isInt()) {
flagBits = obj1.getInt();
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid BitsPerFlag in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Decode");
if (obj1.isArray() && obj1.arrayGetLength() >= 6) {
bool decodeOk = true;
xMin = obj1.arrayGet(0).getNum(&decodeOk);
xMax = obj1.arrayGet(1).getNum(&decodeOk);
xMul = (xMax - xMin) / (pow(2.0, coordBits) - 1);
yMin = obj1.arrayGet(2).getNum(&decodeOk);
yMax = obj1.arrayGet(3).getNum(&decodeOk);
yMul = (yMax - yMin) / (pow(2.0, coordBits) - 1);
for (i = 0; 5 + 2 * i < obj1.arrayGetLength() && i < gfxColorMaxComps; ++i) {
cMin[i] = obj1.arrayGet(4 + 2 * i).getNum(&decodeOk);
cMax[i] = obj1.arrayGet(5 + 2 * i).getNum(&decodeOk);
cMul[i] = (cMax[i] - cMin[i]) / (double)((1u << compBits) - 1);
nComps = i;
if (!decodeOk) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid Decode array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
} else {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Missing or invalid Decode array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
obj1 = dict->lookup("Function");
if (!obj1.isNull()) {
if (obj1.isArray()) {
const int nFuncsA = obj1.arrayGetLength();
if (nFuncsA > gfxColorMaxComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Invalid Function array in shading dictionary");
return nullptr;
for (i = 0; i < nFuncsA; ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj1.arrayGet(i);
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj2);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
} else {
Function *f = Function::parse(&obj1);
if (!f) {
return nullptr;
nPatchesA = 0;
patchesA = nullptr;
patchesSize = 0;
auto bitBuf = std::make_unique<GfxShadingBitBuf>(str);
while (true) {
if (!bitBuf->getBits(flagBits, &flag)) {
if (typeA == 6) {
switch (flag) {
case 0:
nPts = 12;
nColors = 4;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
nPts = 8;
nColors = 2;
} else {
switch (flag) {
case 0:
nPts = 16;
nColors = 4;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
nPts = 12;
nColors = 2;
for (i = 0; i < nPts; ++i) {
if (!bitBuf->getBits(coordBits, &xi) || !bitBuf->getBits(coordBits, &yi)) {
x[i] = xMin + xMul * (double)xi;
y[i] = yMin + yMul * (double)yi;
if (i < nPts) {
for (i = 0; i < nColors; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
if (!bitBuf->getBits(compBits, &ci)) {
c[i][j] = cMin[j] + cMul[j] * (double)ci;
if (funcsA.empty()) {
// ... and colorspace values can also be stored into doubles.
// They will be casted later.
c[i][j] = dblToCol(c[i][j]);
if (j < nComps) {
if (i < nColors) {
if (nPatchesA == patchesSize) {
int oldPatchesSize = patchesSize;
patchesSize = (patchesSize == 0) ? 16 : 2 * patchesSize;
patchesA = (GfxPatch *)greallocn_checkoverflow(patchesA, patchesSize, sizeof(GfxPatch));
if (unlikely(!patchesA)) {
return nullptr;
memset(patchesA + oldPatchesSize, 0, (patchesSize - oldPatchesSize) * sizeof(GfxPatch));
p = &patchesA[nPatchesA];
if (typeA == 6) {
switch (flag) {
case 0:
p->x[0][0] = x[0];
p->y[0][0] = y[0];
p->x[0][1] = x[1];
p->y[0][1] = y[1];
p->x[0][2] = x[2];
p->y[0][2] = y[2];
p->x[0][3] = x[3];
p->y[0][3] = y[3];
p->x[1][3] = x[4];
p->y[1][3] = y[4];
p->x[2][3] = x[5];
p->y[2][3] = y[5];
p->x[3][3] = x[6];
p->y[3][3] = y[6];
p->x[3][2] = x[7];
p->y[3][2] = y[7];
p->x[3][1] = x[8];
p->y[3][1] = y[8];
p->x[3][0] = x[9];
p->y[3][0] = y[9];
p->x[2][0] = x[10];
p->y[2][0] = y[10];
p->x[1][0] = x[11];
p->y[1][0] = y[11];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = c[1][j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[2][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[3][j];
case 1:
if (nPatchesA == 0) {
return nullptr;
p->x[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[0][3];
p->y[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[0][3];
p->x[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[1][3];
p->y[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[1][3];
p->x[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[2][3];
p->y[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[2][3];
p->x[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][3];
p->y[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][3];
p->x[1][3] = x[0];
p->y[1][3] = y[0];
p->x[2][3] = x[1];
p->y[2][3] = y[1];
p->x[3][3] = x[2];
p->y[3][3] = y[2];
p->x[3][2] = x[3];
p->y[3][2] = y[3];
p->x[3][1] = x[4];
p->y[3][1] = y[4];
p->x[3][0] = x[5];
p->y[3][0] = y[5];
p->x[2][0] = x[6];
p->y[2][0] = y[6];
p->x[1][0] = x[7];
p->y[1][0] = y[7];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[0][1].c[j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][1].c[j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[1][j];
case 2:
if (nPatchesA == 0) {
return nullptr;
p->x[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][3];
p->y[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][3];
p->x[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][2];
p->y[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][2];
p->x[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][1];
p->y[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][1];
p->x[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][0];
p->y[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][0];
p->x[1][3] = x[0];
p->y[1][3] = y[0];
p->x[2][3] = x[1];
p->y[2][3] = y[1];
p->x[3][3] = x[2];
p->y[3][3] = y[2];
p->x[3][2] = x[3];
p->y[3][2] = y[3];
p->x[3][1] = x[4];
p->y[3][1] = y[4];
p->x[3][0] = x[5];
p->y[3][0] = y[5];
p->x[2][0] = x[6];
p->y[2][0] = y[6];
p->x[1][0] = x[7];
p->y[1][0] = y[7];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][1].c[j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][0].c[j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[1][j];
case 3:
if (nPatchesA == 0) {
return nullptr;
p->x[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][0];
p->y[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][0];
p->x[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[2][0];
p->y[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[2][0];
p->x[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[1][0];
p->y[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[1][0];
p->x[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[0][0];
p->y[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[0][0];
p->x[1][3] = x[0];
p->y[1][3] = y[0];
p->x[2][3] = x[1];
p->y[2][3] = y[1];
p->x[3][3] = x[2];
p->y[3][3] = y[2];
p->x[3][2] = x[3];
p->y[3][2] = y[3];
p->x[3][1] = x[4];
p->y[3][1] = y[4];
p->x[3][0] = x[5];
p->y[3][0] = y[5];
p->x[2][0] = x[6];
p->y[2][0] = y[6];
p->x[1][0] = x[7];
p->y[1][0] = y[7];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][0].c[j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[0][0].c[j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[1][j];
} else {
switch (flag) {
case 0:
p->x[0][0] = x[0];
p->y[0][0] = y[0];
p->x[0][1] = x[1];
p->y[0][1] = y[1];
p->x[0][2] = x[2];
p->y[0][2] = y[2];
p->x[0][3] = x[3];
p->y[0][3] = y[3];
p->x[1][3] = x[4];
p->y[1][3] = y[4];
p->x[2][3] = x[5];
p->y[2][3] = y[5];
p->x[3][3] = x[6];
p->y[3][3] = y[6];
p->x[3][2] = x[7];
p->y[3][2] = y[7];
p->x[3][1] = x[8];
p->y[3][1] = y[8];
p->x[3][0] = x[9];
p->y[3][0] = y[9];
p->x[2][0] = x[10];
p->y[2][0] = y[10];
p->x[1][0] = x[11];
p->y[1][0] = y[11];
p->x[1][1] = x[12];
p->y[1][1] = y[12];
p->x[1][2] = x[13];
p->y[1][2] = y[13];
p->x[2][2] = x[14];
p->y[2][2] = y[14];
p->x[2][1] = x[15];
p->y[2][1] = y[15];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = c[1][j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[2][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[3][j];
case 1:
if (nPatchesA == 0) {
return nullptr;
p->x[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[0][3];
p->y[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[0][3];
p->x[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[1][3];
p->y[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[1][3];
p->x[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[2][3];
p->y[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[2][3];
p->x[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][3];
p->y[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][3];
p->x[1][3] = x[0];
p->y[1][3] = y[0];
p->x[2][3] = x[1];
p->y[2][3] = y[1];
p->x[3][3] = x[2];
p->y[3][3] = y[2];
p->x[3][2] = x[3];
p->y[3][2] = y[3];
p->x[3][1] = x[4];
p->y[3][1] = y[4];
p->x[3][0] = x[5];
p->y[3][0] = y[5];
p->x[2][0] = x[6];
p->y[2][0] = y[6];
p->x[1][0] = x[7];
p->y[1][0] = y[7];
p->x[1][1] = x[8];
p->y[1][1] = y[8];
p->x[1][2] = x[9];
p->y[1][2] = y[9];
p->x[2][2] = x[10];
p->y[2][2] = y[10];
p->x[2][1] = x[11];
p->y[2][1] = y[11];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[0][1].c[j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][1].c[j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[1][j];
case 2:
if (nPatchesA == 0) {
return nullptr;
p->x[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][3];
p->y[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][3];
p->x[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][2];
p->y[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][2];
p->x[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][1];
p->y[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][1];
p->x[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][0];
p->y[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][0];
p->x[1][3] = x[0];
p->y[1][3] = y[0];
p->x[2][3] = x[1];
p->y[2][3] = y[1];
p->x[3][3] = x[2];
p->y[3][3] = y[2];
p->x[3][2] = x[3];
p->y[3][2] = y[3];
p->x[3][1] = x[4];
p->y[3][1] = y[4];
p->x[3][0] = x[5];
p->y[3][0] = y[5];
p->x[2][0] = x[6];
p->y[2][0] = y[6];
p->x[1][0] = x[7];
p->y[1][0] = y[7];
p->x[1][1] = x[8];
p->y[1][1] = y[8];
p->x[1][2] = x[9];
p->y[1][2] = y[9];
p->x[2][2] = x[10];
p->y[2][2] = y[10];
p->x[2][1] = x[11];
p->y[2][1] = y[11];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][1].c[j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][0].c[j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[1][j];
case 3:
if (nPatchesA == 0) {
return nullptr;
p->x[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[3][0];
p->y[0][0] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[3][0];
p->x[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[2][0];
p->y[0][1] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[2][0];
p->x[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[1][0];
p->y[0][2] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[1][0];
p->x[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].x[0][0];
p->y[0][3] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].y[0][0];
p->x[1][3] = x[0];
p->y[1][3] = y[0];
p->x[2][3] = x[1];
p->y[2][3] = y[1];
p->x[3][3] = x[2];
p->y[3][3] = y[2];
p->x[3][2] = x[3];
p->y[3][2] = y[3];
p->x[3][1] = x[4];
p->y[3][1] = y[4];
p->x[3][0] = x[5];
p->y[3][0] = y[5];
p->x[2][0] = x[6];
p->y[2][0] = y[6];
p->x[1][0] = x[7];
p->y[1][0] = y[7];
p->x[1][1] = x[8];
p->y[1][1] = y[8];
p->x[1][2] = x[9];
p->y[1][2] = y[9];
p->x[2][2] = x[10];
p->y[2][2] = y[10];
p->x[2][1] = x[11];
p->y[2][1] = y[11];
for (j = 0; j < nComps; ++j) {
p->color[0][0].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[1][0].c[j];
p->color[0][1].c[j] = patchesA[nPatchesA - 1].color[0][0].c[j];
p->color[1][1].c[j] = c[0][j];
p->color[1][0].c[j] = c[1][j];
if (typeA == 6) {
for (i = 0; i < nPatchesA; ++i) {
p = &patchesA[i];
p->x[1][1] = (-4 * p->x[0][0] + 6 * (p->x[0][1] + p->x[1][0]) - 2 * (p->x[0][3] + p->x[3][0]) + 3 * (p->x[3][1] + p->x[1][3]) - p->x[3][3]) / 9;
p->y[1][1] = (-4 * p->y[0][0] + 6 * (p->y[0][1] + p->y[1][0]) - 2 * (p->y[0][3] + p->y[3][0]) + 3 * (p->y[3][1] + p->y[1][3]) - p->y[3][3]) / 9;
p->x[1][2] = (-4 * p->x[0][3] + 6 * (p->x[0][2] + p->x[1][3]) - 2 * (p->x[0][0] + p->x[3][3]) + 3 * (p->x[3][2] + p->x[1][0]) - p->x[3][0]) / 9;
p->y[1][2] = (-4 * p->y[0][3] + 6 * (p->y[0][2] + p->y[1][3]) - 2 * (p->y[0][0] + p->y[3][3]) + 3 * (p->y[3][2] + p->y[1][0]) - p->y[3][0]) / 9;
p->x[2][1] = (-4 * p->x[3][0] + 6 * (p->x[3][1] + p->x[2][0]) - 2 * (p->x[3][3] + p->x[0][0]) + 3 * (p->x[0][1] + p->x[2][3]) - p->x[0][3]) / 9;
p->y[2][1] = (-4 * p->y[3][0] + 6 * (p->y[3][1] + p->y[2][0]) - 2 * (p->y[3][3] + p->y[0][0]) + 3 * (p->y[0][1] + p->y[2][3]) - p->y[0][3]) / 9;
p->x[2][2] = (-4 * p->x[3][3] + 6 * (p->x[3][2] + p->x[2][3]) - 2 * (p->x[3][0] + p->x[0][3]) + 3 * (p->x[0][2] + p->x[2][0]) - p->x[0][0]) / 9;
p->y[2][2] = (-4 * p->y[3][3] + 6 * (p->y[3][2] + p->y[2][3]) - 2 * (p->y[3][0] + p->y[0][3]) + 3 * (p->y[0][2] + p->y[2][0]) - p->y[0][0]) / 9;
shading = new GfxPatchMeshShading(typeA, patchesA, nPatchesA, std::move(funcsA));
if (!shading->init(res, dict, out, state)) {
delete shading;
return nullptr;
return shading;
bool GfxPatchMeshShading::init(GfxResources *res, Dict *dict, OutputDev *out, GfxState *state)
const bool parentInit = GfxShading::init(res, dict, out, state);
if (!parentInit) {
return false;
// funcs needs to be one of the three:
// * One function 1-in -> nComps-out
// * nComps functions 1-in -> 1-out
// * empty
const int nComps = colorSpace->getNComps();
const int nFuncs = funcs.size();
if (nFuncs == 1) {
if (funcs[0]->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxPatchMeshShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (funcs[0]->getOutputSize() != nComps) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxPatchMeshShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else if (nFuncs == nComps) {
for (const std::unique_ptr<Function> &f : funcs) {
if (f->getInputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxPatchMeshShading: function with input size != 2");
return false;
if (f->getOutputSize() != 1) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "GfxPatchMeshShading: function with wrong output size");
return false;
} else if (nFuncs != 0) {
return false;
return true;
void GfxPatchMeshShading::getParameterizedColor(double t, GfxColor *color) const
double out[gfxColorMaxComps] = {};
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < funcs.size(); ++j) {
funcs[j]->transform(&t, &out[j]);
for (int j = 0; j < gfxColorMaxComps; ++j) {
color->c[j] = dblToCol(out[j]);
GfxShading *GfxPatchMeshShading::copy() const
return new GfxPatchMeshShading(this);
// GfxImageColorMap
GfxImageColorMap::GfxImageColorMap(int bitsA, Object *decode, GfxColorSpace *colorSpaceA)
GfxIndexedColorSpace *indexedCS;
GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS;
int maxPixel, indexHigh;
unsigned char *indexedLookup;
const Function *sepFunc;
double x[gfxColorMaxComps];
double y[gfxColorMaxComps] = {};
int i, j, k;
double mapped;
bool useByteLookup;
ok = true;
useMatte = false;
colorSpace = colorSpaceA;
// initialize
for (k = 0; k < gfxColorMaxComps; ++k) {
lookup[k] = nullptr;
lookup2[k] = nullptr;
byte_lookup = nullptr;
// bits per component and color space
if (unlikely(bitsA <= 0 || bitsA > 30))
goto err1;
bits = bitsA;
maxPixel = (1 << bits) - 1;
// this is a hack to support 16 bits images, everywhere
// we assume a component fits in 8 bits, with this hack
// we treat 16 bit images as 8 bit ones until it's fixed correctly.
// The hack has another part on ImageStream::getLine
if (maxPixel > 255)
maxPixel = 255;
// get decode map
if (decode->isNull()) {
nComps = colorSpace->getNComps();
colorSpace->getDefaultRanges(decodeLow, decodeRange, maxPixel);
} else if (decode->isArray()) {
nComps = decode->arrayGetLength() / 2;
if (nComps < colorSpace->getNComps()) {
goto err1;
if (nComps > colorSpace->getNComps()) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Too many elements in Decode array");
nComps = colorSpace->getNComps();
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
Object obj = decode->arrayGet(2 * i);
if (!obj.isNum()) {
goto err1;
decodeLow[i] = obj.getNum();
obj = decode->arrayGet(2 * i + 1);
if (!obj.isNum()) {
goto err1;
decodeRange[i] = obj.getNum() - decodeLow[i];
} else {
goto err1;
// Construct a lookup table -- this stores pre-computed decoded
// values for each component, i.e., the result of applying the
// decode mapping to each possible image pixel component value.
for (k = 0; k < nComps; ++k) {
lookup[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(maxPixel + 1, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
for (i = 0; i <= maxPixel; ++i) {
lookup[k][i] = dblToCol(decodeLow[k] + (i * decodeRange[k]) / maxPixel);
// Optimization: for Indexed and Separation color spaces (which have
// only one component), we pre-compute a second lookup table with
// color values
colorSpace2 = nullptr;
nComps2 = 0;
useByteLookup = false;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
// Note that indexHigh may not be the same as maxPixel --
// Distiller will remove unused palette entries, resulting in
// indexHigh < maxPixel.
indexedCS = (GfxIndexedColorSpace *)colorSpace;
colorSpace2 = indexedCS->getBase();
indexHigh = indexedCS->getIndexHigh();
nComps2 = colorSpace2->getNComps();
indexedLookup = indexedCS->getLookup();
colorSpace2->getDefaultRanges(x, y, indexHigh);
if (colorSpace2->useGetGrayLine() || colorSpace2->useGetRGBLine() || colorSpace2->useGetCMYKLine() || colorSpace2->useGetDeviceNLine()) {
byte_lookup = (unsigned char *)gmallocn((maxPixel + 1), nComps2);
useByteLookup = true;
for (k = 0; k < nComps2; ++k) {
lookup2[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(maxPixel + 1, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
for (i = 0; i <= maxPixel; ++i) {
j = (int)(decodeLow[0] + (i * decodeRange[0]) / maxPixel + 0.5);
if (j < 0) {
j = 0;
} else if (j > indexHigh) {
j = indexHigh;
mapped = x[k] + (indexedLookup[j * nComps2 + k] / 255.0) * y[k];
lookup2[k][i] = dblToCol(mapped);
if (useByteLookup)
byte_lookup[i * nComps2 + k] = (unsigned char)(mapped * 255);
case csSeparation:
sepCS = (GfxSeparationColorSpace *)colorSpace;
colorSpace2 = sepCS->getAlt();
nComps2 = colorSpace2->getNComps();
sepFunc = sepCS->getFunc();
if (colorSpace2->useGetGrayLine() || colorSpace2->useGetRGBLine() || colorSpace2->useGetCMYKLine() || colorSpace2->useGetDeviceNLine()) {
byte_lookup = (unsigned char *)gmallocn((maxPixel + 1), nComps2);
useByteLookup = true;
for (k = 0; k < nComps2; ++k) {
lookup2[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(maxPixel + 1, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
for (i = 0; i <= maxPixel; ++i) {
x[0] = decodeLow[0] + (i * decodeRange[0]) / maxPixel;
sepFunc->transform(x, y);
lookup2[k][i] = dblToCol(y[k]);
if (useByteLookup)
byte_lookup[i * nComps2 + k] = (unsigned char)(y[k] * 255);
if ((!decode->isNull() || maxPixel != 255) && (colorSpace->useGetGrayLine() || (colorSpace->useGetRGBLine() && !decode->isNull()) || colorSpace->useGetCMYKLine() || colorSpace->useGetDeviceNLine())) {
byte_lookup = (unsigned char *)gmallocn((maxPixel + 1), nComps);
useByteLookup = true;
for (k = 0; k < nComps; ++k) {
lookup2[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(maxPixel + 1, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
for (i = 0; i <= maxPixel; ++i) {
mapped = decodeLow[k] + (i * decodeRange[k]) / maxPixel;
lookup2[k][i] = dblToCol(mapped);
if (useByteLookup) {
int byte;
byte = (int)(mapped * 255.0 + 0.5);
if (byte < 0)
byte = 0;
else if (byte > 255)
byte = 255;
byte_lookup[i * nComps + k] = byte;
ok = false;
GfxImageColorMap::GfxImageColorMap(const GfxImageColorMap *colorMap)
int n, i, k;
colorSpace = colorMap->colorSpace->copy();
bits = colorMap->bits;
nComps = colorMap->nComps;
nComps2 = colorMap->nComps2;
useMatte = colorMap->useMatte;
matteColor = colorMap->matteColor;
colorSpace2 = nullptr;
for (k = 0; k < gfxColorMaxComps; ++k) {
lookup[k] = nullptr;
lookup2[k] = nullptr;
byte_lookup = nullptr;
n = 1 << bits;
for (k = 0; k < nComps; ++k) {
lookup[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(n, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
memcpy(lookup[k], colorMap->lookup[k], n * sizeof(GfxColorComp));
if (colorSpace->getMode() == csIndexed) {
colorSpace2 = ((GfxIndexedColorSpace *)colorSpace)->getBase();
for (k = 0; k < nComps2; ++k) {
lookup2[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(n, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
memcpy(lookup2[k], colorMap->lookup2[k], n * sizeof(GfxColorComp));
} else if (colorSpace->getMode() == csSeparation) {
colorSpace2 = ((GfxSeparationColorSpace *)colorSpace)->getAlt();
for (k = 0; k < nComps2; ++k) {
lookup2[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(n, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
memcpy(lookup2[k], colorMap->lookup2[k], n * sizeof(GfxColorComp));
} else {
for (k = 0; k < nComps; ++k) {
lookup2[k] = (GfxColorComp *)gmallocn(n, sizeof(GfxColorComp));
memcpy(lookup2[k], colorMap->lookup2[k], n * sizeof(GfxColorComp));
if (colorMap->byte_lookup) {
int nc = colorSpace2 ? nComps2 : nComps;
byte_lookup = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(n, nc);
memcpy(byte_lookup, colorMap->byte_lookup, n * nc);
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
decodeLow[i] = colorMap->decodeLow[i];
decodeRange[i] = colorMap->decodeRange[i];
ok = true;
int i;
delete colorSpace;
for (i = 0; i < gfxColorMaxComps; ++i) {
void GfxImageColorMap::getGray(const unsigned char *x, GfxGray *gray)
GfxColor color;
int i;
if (colorSpace2) {
for (i = 0; i < nComps2; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup2[i][x[0]];
colorSpace2->getGray(&color, gray);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup2[i][x[i]];
colorSpace->getGray(&color, gray);
void GfxImageColorMap::getRGB(const unsigned char *x, GfxRGB *rgb)
GfxColor color;
int i;
if (colorSpace2) {
for (i = 0; i < nComps2; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup2[i][x[0]];
colorSpace2->getRGB(&color, rgb);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup2[i][x[i]];
colorSpace->getRGB(&color, rgb);
void GfxImageColorMap::getGrayLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
int i, j;
unsigned char *inp, *tmp_line;
if ((colorSpace2 && !colorSpace2->useGetGrayLine()) || (!colorSpace2 && !colorSpace->useGetGrayLine())) {
GfxGray gray;
inp = in;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getGray(inp, &gray);
out[i] = colToByte(gray);
inp += nComps;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
case csSeparation:
tmp_line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, nComps2);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nComps2; j++) {
unsigned char c = in[i];
if (byte_lookup)
c = byte_lookup[c * nComps2 + j];
tmp_line[i * nComps2 + j] = c;
colorSpace2->getGrayLine(tmp_line, out, length);
if (byte_lookup) {
inp = in;
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
for (i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
*inp = byte_lookup[*inp * nComps + i];
colorSpace->getGrayLine(in, out, length);
void GfxImageColorMap::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned int *out, int length)
int i, j;
unsigned char *inp, *tmp_line;
if (!useRGBLine()) {
GfxRGB rgb;
inp = in;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getRGB(inp, &rgb);
out[i] = ((int)colToByte(rgb.r) << 16) | ((int)colToByte(rgb.g) << 8) | ((int)colToByte(rgb.b) << 0);
inp += nComps;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
case csSeparation:
tmp_line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, nComps2);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nComps2; j++) {
unsigned char c = in[i];
if (byte_lookup)
c = byte_lookup[c * nComps2 + j];
tmp_line[i * nComps2 + j] = c;
colorSpace2->getRGBLine(tmp_line, out, length);
if (byte_lookup) {
inp = in;
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
for (i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
*inp = byte_lookup[*inp * nComps + i];
colorSpace->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
void GfxImageColorMap::getRGBLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
int i, j;
unsigned char *inp, *tmp_line;
if (!useRGBLine()) {
GfxRGB rgb;
inp = in;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getRGB(inp, &rgb);
*out++ = colToByte(rgb.r);
*out++ = colToByte(rgb.g);
*out++ = colToByte(rgb.b);
inp += nComps;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
case csSeparation:
tmp_line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, nComps2);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nComps2; j++) {
unsigned char c = in[i];
if (byte_lookup)
c = byte_lookup[c * nComps2 + j];
tmp_line[i * nComps2 + j] = c;
colorSpace2->getRGBLine(tmp_line, out, length);
if (byte_lookup) {
inp = in;
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
for (i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
*inp = byte_lookup[*inp * nComps + i];
colorSpace->getRGBLine(in, out, length);
void GfxImageColorMap::getRGBXLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
int i, j;
unsigned char *inp, *tmp_line;
if (!useRGBLine()) {
GfxRGB rgb;
inp = in;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getRGB(inp, &rgb);
*out++ = colToByte(rgb.r);
*out++ = colToByte(rgb.g);
*out++ = colToByte(rgb.b);
*out++ = 255;
inp += nComps;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
case csSeparation:
tmp_line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, nComps2);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nComps2; j++) {
unsigned char c = in[i];
if (byte_lookup)
c = byte_lookup[c * nComps2 + j];
tmp_line[i * nComps2 + j] = c;
colorSpace2->getRGBXLine(tmp_line, out, length);
if (byte_lookup) {
inp = in;
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
for (i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
*inp = byte_lookup[*inp * nComps + i];
colorSpace->getRGBXLine(in, out, length);
void GfxImageColorMap::getCMYKLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
int i, j;
unsigned char *inp, *tmp_line;
if (!useCMYKLine()) {
GfxCMYK cmyk;
inp = in;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getCMYK(inp, &cmyk);
*out++ = colToByte(cmyk.c);
*out++ = colToByte(cmyk.m);
*out++ = colToByte(cmyk.y);
*out++ = colToByte(cmyk.k);
inp += nComps;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
case csSeparation:
tmp_line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, nComps2);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < nComps2; j++) {
unsigned char c = in[i];
if (byte_lookup)
c = byte_lookup[c * nComps2 + j];
tmp_line[i * nComps2 + j] = c;
colorSpace2->getCMYKLine(tmp_line, out, length);
if (byte_lookup) {
inp = in;
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
for (i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
*inp = byte_lookup[*inp * nComps + i];
colorSpace->getCMYKLine(in, out, length);
void GfxImageColorMap::getDeviceNLine(unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int length)
unsigned char *inp, *tmp_line;
if (!useDeviceNLine()) {
GfxColor deviceN;
inp = in;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
getDeviceN(inp, &deviceN);
for (int j = 0; j < SPOT_NCOMPS + 4; j++)
*out++ = deviceN.c[j];
inp += nComps;
switch (colorSpace->getMode()) {
case csIndexed:
case csSeparation:
tmp_line = (unsigned char *)gmallocn(length, nComps2);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < nComps2; j++) {
unsigned char c = in[i];
if (byte_lookup)
c = byte_lookup[c * nComps2 + j];
tmp_line[i * nComps2 + j] = c;
colorSpace2->getDeviceNLine(tmp_line, out, length);
if (byte_lookup) {
inp = in;
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < nComps; i++) {
*inp = byte_lookup[*inp * nComps + i];
colorSpace->getDeviceNLine(in, out, length);
void GfxImageColorMap::getCMYK(const unsigned char *x, GfxCMYK *cmyk)
GfxColor color;
int i;
if (colorSpace2) {
for (i = 0; i < nComps2; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup2[i][x[0]];
colorSpace2->getCMYK(&color, cmyk);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup[i][x[i]];
colorSpace->getCMYK(&color, cmyk);
void GfxImageColorMap::getDeviceN(const unsigned char *x, GfxColor *deviceN)
GfxColor color;
int i;
if (colorSpace2 && (colorSpace->getMapping() == nullptr || colorSpace->getMapping()[0] == -1)) {
for (i = 0; i < nComps2; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup2[i][x[0]];
colorSpace2->getDeviceN(&color, deviceN);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color.c[i] = lookup[i][x[i]];
colorSpace->getDeviceN(&color, deviceN);
void GfxImageColorMap::getColor(const unsigned char *x, GfxColor *color)
int maxPixel, i;
maxPixel = (1 << bits) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < nComps; ++i) {
color->c[i] = dblToCol(decodeLow[i] + (x[i] * decodeRange[i]) / maxPixel);
// GfxSubpath and GfxPath
GfxSubpath::GfxSubpath(double x1, double y1)
size = 16;
x = (double *)gmallocn(size, sizeof(double));
y = (double *)gmallocn(size, sizeof(double));
curve = (bool *)gmallocn(size, sizeof(bool));
n = 1;
x[0] = x1;
y[0] = y1;
curve[0] = false;
closed = false;
// Used for copy().
GfxSubpath::GfxSubpath(const GfxSubpath *subpath)
size = subpath->size;
n = subpath->n;
x = (double *)gmallocn(size, sizeof(double));
y = (double *)gmallocn(size, sizeof(double));
curve = (bool *)gmallocn(size, sizeof(bool));
memcpy(x, subpath->x, n * sizeof(double));
memcpy(y, subpath->y, n * sizeof(double));
memcpy(curve, subpath->curve, n * sizeof(bool));
closed = subpath->closed;
void GfxSubpath::lineTo(double x1, double y1)
if (n >= size) {
size *= 2;
x = (double *)greallocn(x, size, sizeof(double));
y = (double *)greallocn(y, size, sizeof(double));
curve = (bool *)greallocn(curve, size, sizeof(bool));
x[n] = x1;
y[n] = y1;
curve[n] = false;
void GfxSubpath::curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
if (n + 3 > size) {
size *= 2;
x = (double *)greallocn(x, size, sizeof(double));
y = (double *)greallocn(y, size, sizeof(double));
curve = (bool *)greallocn(curve, size, sizeof(bool));
x[n] = x1;
y[n] = y1;
x[n + 1] = x2;
y[n + 1] = y2;
x[n + 2] = x3;
y[n + 2] = y3;
curve[n] = curve[n + 1] = true;
curve[n + 2] = false;
n += 3;
void GfxSubpath::close()
if (x[n - 1] != x[0] || y[n - 1] != y[0]) {
lineTo(x[0], y[0]);
closed = true;
void GfxSubpath::offset(double dx, double dy)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
x[i] += dx;
y[i] += dy;
justMoved = false;
size = 16;
n = 0;
firstX = firstY = 0;
subpaths = (GfxSubpath **)gmallocn(size, sizeof(GfxSubpath *));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
delete subpaths[i];
// Used for copy().
GfxPath::GfxPath(bool justMoved1, double firstX1, double firstY1, GfxSubpath **subpaths1, int n1, int size1)
int i;
justMoved = justMoved1;
firstX = firstX1;
firstY = firstY1;
size = size1;
n = n1;
subpaths = (GfxSubpath **)gmallocn(size, sizeof(GfxSubpath *));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
subpaths[i] = subpaths1[i]->copy();
void GfxPath::moveTo(double x, double y)
justMoved = true;
firstX = x;
firstY = y;
void GfxPath::lineTo(double x, double y)
if (justMoved || (n > 0 && subpaths[n - 1]->isClosed())) {
if (n >= size) {
size *= 2;
subpaths = (GfxSubpath **)greallocn(subpaths, size, sizeof(GfxSubpath *));
if (justMoved) {
subpaths[n] = new GfxSubpath(firstX, firstY);
} else {
subpaths[n] = new GfxSubpath(subpaths[n - 1]->getLastX(), subpaths[n - 1]->getLastY());
justMoved = false;
subpaths[n - 1]->lineTo(x, y);
void GfxPath::curveTo(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
if (justMoved || (n > 0 && subpaths[n - 1]->isClosed())) {
if (n >= size) {
size *= 2;
subpaths = (GfxSubpath **)greallocn(subpaths, size, sizeof(GfxSubpath *));
if (justMoved) {
subpaths[n] = new GfxSubpath(firstX, firstY);
} else {
subpaths[n] = new GfxSubpath(subpaths[n - 1]->getLastX(), subpaths[n - 1]->getLastY());
justMoved = false;
subpaths[n - 1]->curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
void GfxPath::close()
// this is necessary to handle the pathological case of
// moveto/closepath/clip, which defines an empty clipping region
if (justMoved) {
if (n >= size) {
size *= 2;
subpaths = (GfxSubpath **)greallocn(subpaths, size, sizeof(GfxSubpath *));
subpaths[n] = new GfxSubpath(firstX, firstY);
justMoved = false;
subpaths[n - 1]->close();
void GfxPath::append(GfxPath *path)
int i;
if (n + path->n > size) {
size = n + path->n;
subpaths = (GfxSubpath **)greallocn(subpaths, size, sizeof(GfxSubpath *));
for (i = 0; i < path->n; ++i) {
subpaths[n++] = path->subpaths[i]->copy();
justMoved = false;
void GfxPath::offset(double dx, double dy)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
subpaths[i]->offset(dx, dy);
GfxState::ReusablePathIterator::ReusablePathIterator(GfxPath *pathA) : path(pathA), subPathOff(0), coordOff(0), numCoords(0), curSubPath(nullptr)
if (path->getNumSubpaths()) {
curSubPath = path->getSubpath(subPathOff);
numCoords = curSubPath->getNumPoints();
bool GfxState::ReusablePathIterator::isEnd() const
return coordOff >= numCoords;
void GfxState::ReusablePathIterator::next()
if (coordOff == numCoords) {
if (subPathOff < path->getNumSubpaths()) {
coordOff = 0;
curSubPath = path->getSubpath(subPathOff);
numCoords = curSubPath->getNumPoints();
void GfxState::ReusablePathIterator::setCoord(double x, double y)
curSubPath->setX(coordOff, x);
curSubPath->setY(coordOff, y);
void GfxState::ReusablePathIterator::reset()
coordOff = 0;
subPathOff = 0;
curSubPath = path->getSubpath(0);
numCoords = curSubPath->getNumPoints();
GfxState::GfxState(double hDPIA, double vDPIA, const PDFRectangle *pageBox, int rotateA, bool upsideDown)
double kx, ky;
rotate = rotateA;
px1 = pageBox->x1;
py1 = pageBox->y1;
px2 = pageBox->x2;
py2 = pageBox->y2;
kx = hDPI / 72.0;
ky = vDPI / 72.0;
if (rotate == 90) {
ctm[0] = 0;
ctm[1] = upsideDown ? ky : -ky;
ctm[2] = kx;
ctm[3] = 0;
ctm[4] = -kx * py1;
ctm[5] = ky * (upsideDown ? -px1 : px2);
pageWidth = kx * (py2 - py1);
pageHeight = ky * (px2 - px1);
} else if (rotate == 180) {
ctm[0] = -kx;
ctm[1] = 0;
ctm[2] = 0;
ctm[3] = upsideDown ? ky : -ky;
ctm[4] = kx * px2;
ctm[5] = ky * (upsideDown ? -py1 : py2);
pageWidth = kx * (px2 - px1);
pageHeight = ky * (py2 - py1);
} else if (rotate == 270) {
ctm[0] = 0;
ctm[1] = upsideDown ? -ky : ky;
ctm[2] = -kx;
ctm[3] = 0;
ctm[4] = kx * py2;
ctm[5] = ky * (upsideDown ? px2 : -px1);
pageWidth = kx * (py2 - py1);
pageHeight = ky * (px2 - px1);
} else {
ctm[0] = kx;
ctm[1] = 0;
ctm[2] = 0;
ctm[3] = upsideDown ? -ky : ky;
ctm[4] = -kx * px1;
ctm[5] = ky * (upsideDown ? py2 : -py1);
pageWidth = kx * (px2 - px1);
pageHeight = ky * (py2 - py1);
fillColorSpace = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
strokeColorSpace = new GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace();
fillColor.c[0] = 0;
strokeColor.c[0] = 0;
fillPattern = nullptr;
strokePattern = nullptr;
blendMode = gfxBlendNormal;
fillOpacity = 1;
strokeOpacity = 1;
fillOverprint = false;
strokeOverprint = false;
overprintMode = 0;
transfer[0] = transfer[1] = transfer[2] = transfer[3] = nullptr;
lineWidth = 1;
lineDash = nullptr;
lineDashLength = 0;
lineDashStart = 0;
flatness = 1;
lineJoin = 0;
lineCap = 0;
miterLimit = 10;
strokeAdjust = false;
alphaIsShape = false;
textKnockout = false;
font = nullptr;
fontSize = 0;
textMat[0] = 1;
textMat[1] = 0;
textMat[2] = 0;
textMat[3] = 1;
textMat[4] = 0;
textMat[5] = 0;
charSpace = 0;
wordSpace = 0;
horizScaling = 1;
leading = 0;
rise = 0;
render = 0;
path = new GfxPath();
curX = curY = 0;
lineX = lineY = 0;
clipXMin = 0;
clipYMin = 0;
clipXMax = pageWidth;
clipYMax = pageHeight;
renderingIntent[0] = 0;
saved = nullptr;
defaultGrayColorSpace = nullptr;
defaultRGBColorSpace = nullptr;
defaultCMYKColorSpace = nullptr;
#ifdef USE_CMS
XYZ2DisplayTransformRelCol = nullptr;
XYZ2DisplayTransformAbsCol = nullptr;
XYZ2DisplayTransformSat = nullptr;
XYZ2DisplayTransformPerc = nullptr;
localDisplayProfile = nullptr;
if (!sRGBProfile) {
// This is probably the one of the first invocations of lcms2, so we set the error handler
sRGBProfile = make_GfxLCMSProfilePtr(cmsCreate_sRGBProfile());
if (!XYZProfile) {
XYZProfile = make_GfxLCMSProfilePtr(cmsCreateXYZProfile());
int i;
if (fillColorSpace) {
delete fillColorSpace;
if (strokeColorSpace) {
delete strokeColorSpace;
if (fillPattern) {
delete fillPattern;
if (strokePattern) {
delete strokePattern;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (transfer[i]) {
delete transfer[i];
if (path) {
// this gets set to NULL by restore()
delete path;
if (font) {
delete defaultGrayColorSpace;
delete defaultRGBColorSpace;
delete defaultCMYKColorSpace;
// Used for copy();
GfxState::GfxState(const GfxState *state, bool copyPath)
int i;
hDPI = state->hDPI;
vDPI = state->vDPI;
memcpy(ctm, state->ctm, sizeof(ctm));
px1 = state->px1;
py1 = state->py1;
px2 = state->px2;
py2 = state->py2;
pageWidth = state->pageWidth;
pageHeight = state->pageHeight;
rotate = state->rotate;
fillColorSpace = state->fillColorSpace;
if (fillColorSpace) {
fillColorSpace = state->fillColorSpace->copy();
strokeColorSpace = state->strokeColorSpace;
if (strokeColorSpace) {
strokeColorSpace = state->strokeColorSpace->copy();
fillColor = state->fillColor;
strokeColor = state->strokeColor;
fillPattern = state->fillPattern;
if (fillPattern) {
fillPattern = state->fillPattern->copy();
strokePattern = state->strokePattern;
if (strokePattern) {
strokePattern = state->strokePattern->copy();
blendMode = state->blendMode;
fillOpacity = state->fillOpacity;
strokeOpacity = state->strokeOpacity;
fillOverprint = state->fillOverprint;
strokeOverprint = state->strokeOverprint;
overprintMode = state->overprintMode;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
transfer[i] = state->transfer[i];
if (transfer[i]) {
transfer[i] = state->transfer[i]->copy();
lineWidth = state->lineWidth;
lineDashLength = state->lineDashLength;
lineDash = nullptr;
if (lineDashLength > 0) {
lineDash = (double *)gmallocn(lineDashLength, sizeof(double));
memcpy(lineDash, state->lineDash, lineDashLength * sizeof(double));
lineDashStart = state->lineDashStart;
flatness = state->flatness;
lineJoin = state->lineJoin;
lineCap = state->lineCap;
miterLimit = state->miterLimit;
strokeAdjust = state->strokeAdjust;
alphaIsShape = state->alphaIsShape;
textKnockout = state->textKnockout;
font = state->font;
if (font)
fontSize = state->fontSize;
memcpy(textMat, state->textMat, sizeof(textMat));
charSpace = state->charSpace;
wordSpace = state->wordSpace;
horizScaling = state->horizScaling;
leading = state->leading;
rise = state->rise;
render = state->render;
path = state->path;
if (copyPath) {
path = state->path->copy();
curX = state->curX;
curY = state->curY;
lineX = state->lineX;
lineY = state->lineY;
clipXMin = state->clipXMin;
clipYMin = state->clipYMin;
clipXMax = state->clipXMax;
clipYMax = state->clipYMax;
memcpy(renderingIntent, state->renderingIntent, sizeof(renderingIntent));
saved = nullptr;
#ifdef USE_CMS
localDisplayProfile = state->localDisplayProfile;
XYZ2DisplayTransformRelCol = state->XYZ2DisplayTransformRelCol;
XYZ2DisplayTransformAbsCol = state->XYZ2DisplayTransformAbsCol;
XYZ2DisplayTransformSat = state->XYZ2DisplayTransformSat;
XYZ2DisplayTransformPerc = state->XYZ2DisplayTransformPerc;
if (state->defaultGrayColorSpace) {
defaultGrayColorSpace = state->defaultGrayColorSpace->copy();
} else {
defaultGrayColorSpace = nullptr;
if (state->defaultRGBColorSpace) {
defaultRGBColorSpace = state->defaultRGBColorSpace->copy();
} else {
defaultRGBColorSpace = nullptr;
if (state->defaultCMYKColorSpace) {
defaultCMYKColorSpace = state->defaultCMYKColorSpace->copy();
} else {
defaultCMYKColorSpace = nullptr;
#ifdef USE_CMS
GfxLCMSProfilePtr GfxState::sRGBProfile = nullptr;
GfxLCMSProfilePtr GfxState::XYZProfile = nullptr;
void GfxState::setDisplayProfile(const GfxLCMSProfilePtr &localDisplayProfileA)
localDisplayProfile = localDisplayProfileA;
if (localDisplayProfile) {
cmsHTRANSFORM transform;
unsigned int nChannels;
unsigned int localDisplayPixelType;
localDisplayPixelType = getCMSColorSpaceType(cmsGetColorSpace(localDisplayProfile.get()));
nChannels = getCMSNChannels(cmsGetColorSpace(localDisplayProfile.get()));
// create transform from XYZ
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(XYZProfile.get(), TYPE_XYZ_DBL, localDisplayProfile.get(), COLORSPACE_SH(localDisplayPixelType) | CHANNELS_SH(nChannels) | BYTES_SH(1), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create Lab transform");
} else {
XYZ2DisplayTransformRelCol = std::make_shared<GfxColorTransform>(transform, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, PT_XYZ, localDisplayPixelType);
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(XYZProfile.get(), TYPE_XYZ_DBL, localDisplayProfile.get(), COLORSPACE_SH(localDisplayPixelType) | CHANNELS_SH(nChannels) | BYTES_SH(1), INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create Lab transform");
} else {
XYZ2DisplayTransformAbsCol = std::make_shared<GfxColorTransform>(transform, INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC, PT_XYZ, localDisplayPixelType);
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(XYZProfile.get(), TYPE_XYZ_DBL, localDisplayProfile.get(), COLORSPACE_SH(localDisplayPixelType) | CHANNELS_SH(nChannels) | BYTES_SH(1), INTENT_SATURATION, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create Lab transform");
} else {
XYZ2DisplayTransformSat = std::make_shared<GfxColorTransform>(transform, INTENT_SATURATION, PT_XYZ, localDisplayPixelType);
if ((transform = cmsCreateTransform(XYZProfile.get(), TYPE_XYZ_DBL, localDisplayProfile.get(), COLORSPACE_SH(localDisplayPixelType) | CHANNELS_SH(nChannels) | BYTES_SH(1), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, LCMS_FLAGS)) == nullptr) {
error(errSyntaxWarning, -1, "Can't create Lab transform");
} else {
XYZ2DisplayTransformPerc = std::make_shared<GfxColorTransform>(transform, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, PT_XYZ, localDisplayPixelType);
std::shared_ptr<GfxColorTransform> GfxState::getXYZ2DisplayTransform()
auto transform = XYZ2DisplayTransformRelCol;
if (strcmp(renderingIntent, "AbsoluteColorimetric") == 0) {
transform = XYZ2DisplayTransformAbsCol;
} else if (strcmp(renderingIntent, "Saturation") == 0) {
transform = XYZ2DisplayTransformSat;
} else if (strcmp(renderingIntent, "Perceptual") == 0) {
transform = XYZ2DisplayTransformPerc;
return transform;
int GfxState::getCmsRenderingIntent()
const char *intent = getRenderingIntent();
if (intent) {
if (strcmp(intent, "AbsoluteColorimetric") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(intent, "Saturation") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(intent, "Perceptual") == 0) {
return cmsIntent;
void GfxState::setPath(GfxPath *pathA)
delete path;
path = pathA;
void GfxState::getUserClipBBox(double *xMin, double *yMin, double *xMax, double *yMax) const
double ictm[6];
double xMin1, yMin1, xMax1, yMax1, tx, ty;
// invert the CTM
const double det_denominator = (ctm[0] * ctm[3] - ctm[1] * ctm[2]);
if (unlikely(det_denominator == 0)) {
*xMin = 0;
*yMin = 0;
*xMax = 0;
*yMax = 0;
const double det = 1 / det_denominator;
ictm[0] = ctm[3] * det;
ictm[1] = -ctm[1] * det;
ictm[2] = -ctm[2] * det;
ictm[3] = ctm[0] * det;
ictm[4] = (ctm[2] * ctm[5] - ctm[3] * ctm[4]) * det;
ictm[5] = (ctm[1] * ctm[4] - ctm[0] * ctm[5]) * det;
// transform all four corners of the clip bbox; find the min and max
// x and y values
xMin1 = xMax1 = clipXMin * ictm[0] + clipYMin * ictm[2] + ictm[4];
yMin1 = yMax1 = clipXMin * ictm[1] + clipYMin * ictm[3] + ictm[5];
tx = clipXMin * ictm[0] + clipYMax * ictm[2] + ictm[4];
ty = clipXMin * ictm[1] + clipYMax * ictm[3] + ictm[5];
if (tx < xMin1) {
xMin1 = tx;
} else if (tx > xMax1) {
xMax1 = tx;
if (ty < yMin1) {
yMin1 = ty;
} else if (ty > yMax1) {
yMax1 = ty;
tx = clipXMax * ictm[0] + clipYMin * ictm[2] + ictm[4];
ty = clipXMax * ictm[1] + clipYMin * ictm[3] + ictm[5];
if (tx < xMin1) {
xMin1 = tx;
} else if (tx > xMax1) {
xMax1 = tx;
if (ty < yMin1) {
yMin1 = ty;
} else if (ty > yMax1) {
yMax1 = ty;
tx = clipXMax * ictm[0] + clipYMax * ictm[2] + ictm[4];
ty = clipXMax * ictm[1] + clipYMax * ictm[3] + ictm[5];
if (tx < xMin1) {
xMin1 = tx;
} else if (tx > xMax1) {
xMax1 = tx;
if (ty < yMin1) {
yMin1 = ty;
} else if (ty > yMax1) {
yMax1 = ty;
*xMin = xMin1;
*yMin = yMin1;
*xMax = xMax1;
*yMax = yMax1;
double GfxState::transformWidth(double w) const
double x, y;
x = ctm[0] + ctm[2];
y = ctm[1] + ctm[3];
return w * sqrt(0.5 * (x * x + y * y));
double GfxState::getTransformedFontSize() const
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
x1 = textMat[2] * fontSize;
y1 = textMat[3] * fontSize;
x2 = ctm[0] * x1 + ctm[2] * y1;
y2 = ctm[1] * x1 + ctm[3] * y1;
return sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
void GfxState::getFontTransMat(double *m11, double *m12, double *m21, double *m22) const
*m11 = (textMat[0] * ctm[0] + textMat[1] * ctm[2]) * fontSize;
*m12 = (textMat[0] * ctm[1] + textMat[1] * ctm[3]) * fontSize;
*m21 = (textMat[2] * ctm[0] + textMat[3] * ctm[2]) * fontSize;
*m22 = (textMat[2] * ctm[1] + textMat[3] * ctm[3]) * fontSize;
void GfxState::setCTM(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
ctm[0] = a;
ctm[1] = b;
ctm[2] = c;
ctm[3] = d;
ctm[4] = e;
ctm[5] = f;
void GfxState::concatCTM(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
double a1 = ctm[0];
double b1 = ctm[1];
double c1 = ctm[2];
double d1 = ctm[3];
ctm[0] = a * a1 + b * c1;
ctm[1] = a * b1 + b * d1;
ctm[2] = c * a1 + d * c1;
ctm[3] = c * b1 + d * d1;
ctm[4] = e * a1 + f * c1 + ctm[4];
ctm[5] = e * b1 + f * d1 + ctm[5];
void GfxState::shiftCTMAndClip(double tx, double ty)
ctm[4] += tx;
ctm[5] += ty;
clipXMin += tx;
clipYMin += ty;
clipXMax += tx;
clipYMax += ty;
void GfxState::setFillColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace)
if (fillColorSpace) {
delete fillColorSpace;
fillColorSpace = colorSpace;
void GfxState::setStrokeColorSpace(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace)
if (strokeColorSpace) {
delete strokeColorSpace;
strokeColorSpace = colorSpace;
void GfxState::setFillPattern(GfxPattern *pattern)
if (fillPattern) {
delete fillPattern;
fillPattern = pattern;
void GfxState::setStrokePattern(GfxPattern *pattern)
if (strokePattern) {
delete strokePattern;
strokePattern = pattern;
void GfxState::setFont(GfxFont *fontA, double fontSizeA)
if (font)
font = fontA;
fontSize = fontSizeA;
void GfxState::setTransfer(Function **funcs)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (transfer[i]) {
delete transfer[i];
transfer[i] = funcs[i];
void GfxState::setLineDash(double *dash, int length, double start)
if (lineDash)
lineDash = dash;
lineDashLength = length;
lineDashStart = start;
void GfxState::clearPath()
delete path;
path = new GfxPath();
void GfxState::clip()
double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, x, y;
GfxSubpath *subpath;
int i, j;
xMin = xMax = yMin = yMax = 0; // make gcc happy
for (i = 0; i < path->getNumSubpaths(); ++i) {
subpath = path->getSubpath(i);
for (j = 0; j < subpath->getNumPoints(); ++j) {
transform(subpath->getX(j), subpath->getY(j), &x, &y);
if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
xMin = xMax = x;
yMin = yMax = y;
} else {
if (x < xMin) {
xMin = x;
} else if (x > xMax) {
xMax = x;
if (y < yMin) {
yMin = y;
} else if (y > yMax) {
yMax = y;
if (xMin > clipXMin) {
clipXMin = xMin;
if (yMin > clipYMin) {
clipYMin = yMin;
if (xMax < clipXMax) {
clipXMax = xMax;
if (yMax < clipYMax) {
clipYMax = yMax;
void GfxState::clipToStrokePath()
double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, x, y, t0, t1;
GfxSubpath *subpath;
int i, j;
xMin = xMax = yMin = yMax = 0; // make gcc happy
for (i = 0; i < path->getNumSubpaths(); ++i) {
subpath = path->getSubpath(i);
for (j = 0; j < subpath->getNumPoints(); ++j) {
transform(subpath->getX(j), subpath->getY(j), &x, &y);
if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
xMin = xMax = x;
yMin = yMax = y;
} else {
if (x < xMin) {
xMin = x;
} else if (x > xMax) {
xMax = x;
if (y < yMin) {
yMin = y;
} else if (y > yMax) {
yMax = y;
// allow for the line width
//~ miter joins can extend farther than this
t0 = fabs(ctm[0]);
t1 = fabs(ctm[2]);
if (t0 > t1) {
xMin -= 0.5 * lineWidth * t0;
xMax += 0.5 * lineWidth * t0;
} else {
xMin -= 0.5 * lineWidth * t1;
xMax += 0.5 * lineWidth * t1;
t0 = fabs(ctm[0]);
t1 = fabs(ctm[3]);
if (t0 > t1) {
yMin -= 0.5 * lineWidth * t0;
yMax += 0.5 * lineWidth * t0;
} else {
yMin -= 0.5 * lineWidth * t1;
yMax += 0.5 * lineWidth * t1;
if (xMin > clipXMin) {
clipXMin = xMin;
if (yMin > clipYMin) {
clipYMin = yMin;
if (xMax < clipXMax) {
clipXMax = xMax;
if (yMax < clipYMax) {
clipYMax = yMax;
void GfxState::clipToRect(double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax)
double x, y, xMin1, yMin1, xMax1, yMax1;
transform(xMin, yMin, &x, &y);
xMin1 = xMax1 = x;
yMin1 = yMax1 = y;
transform(xMax, yMin, &x, &y);
if (x < xMin1) {
xMin1 = x;
} else if (x > xMax1) {
xMax1 = x;
if (y < yMin1) {
yMin1 = y;
} else if (y > yMax1) {
yMax1 = y;
transform(xMax, yMax, &x, &y);
if (x < xMin1) {
xMin1 = x;
} else if (x > xMax1) {
xMax1 = x;
if (y < yMin1) {
yMin1 = y;
} else if (y > yMax1) {
yMax1 = y;
transform(xMin, yMax, &x, &y);
if (x < xMin1) {
xMin1 = x;
} else if (x > xMax1) {
xMax1 = x;
if (y < yMin1) {
yMin1 = y;
} else if (y > yMax1) {
yMax1 = y;
if (xMin1 > clipXMin) {
clipXMin = xMin1;
if (yMin1 > clipYMin) {
clipYMin = yMin1;
if (xMax1 < clipXMax) {
clipXMax = xMax1;
if (yMax1 < clipYMax) {
clipYMax = yMax1;
void GfxState::textShift(double tx, double ty)
double dx, dy;
textTransformDelta(tx, ty, &dx, &dy);
curX += dx;
curY += dy;
void GfxState::shift(double dx, double dy)
curX += dx;
curY += dy;
GfxState *GfxState::save()
GfxState *newState;
newState = copy();
newState->saved = this;
return newState;
GfxState *GfxState::restore()
GfxState *oldState;
if (saved) {
oldState = saved;
// these attributes aren't saved/restored by the q/Q operators
oldState->path = path;
oldState->curX = curX;
oldState->curY = curY;
oldState->lineX = lineX;
oldState->lineY = lineY;
path = nullptr;
saved = nullptr;
delete this;
} else {
oldState = this;
return oldState;
bool GfxState::parseBlendMode(Object *obj, GfxBlendMode *mode)
int i, j;
if (obj->isName()) {
for (i = 0; i < nGfxBlendModeNames; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(obj->getName(), gfxBlendModeNames[i].name)) {
*mode = gfxBlendModeNames[i].mode;
return true;
return false;
} else if (obj->isArray()) {
for (i = 0; i < obj->arrayGetLength(); ++i) {
Object obj2 = obj->arrayGet(i);
if (!obj2.isName()) {
return false;
for (j = 0; j < nGfxBlendModeNames; ++j) {
if (!strcmp(obj2.getName(), gfxBlendModeNames[j].name)) {
*mode = gfxBlendModeNames[j].mode;
return true;
*mode = gfxBlendNormal;
return true;
} else {
return false;