blob: eab92213fd18fbc1ebdc3f9c8a6935ebbccf9967 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is licensed under the GPLv2 or later
* Clang++ compiler plugin that checks usage of GooString::format-like functions
* Copyright (C) 2014 Fabio D'Urso <>
#include <cctype>
#include <clang/Frontend/FrontendPluginRegistry.h>
#include <clang/AST/AST.h>
#include <clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h>
#include <clang/AST/Attr.h>
#include <clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h>
#include <clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h>
using namespace clang;
class GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor> {
explicit GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor(CompilerInstance *compInst);
bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *funcDecl);
bool VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *callExpr);
/* Returns the index of the format argument, or -1 if the function must
* not be checked */
int findFormatArgumentIndex(const FunctionDecl *funcDecl) const;
/* Returns the SourceLocation of the n-th character */
SourceLocation getLocationOfCharacter(const StringLiteral *strLiteral, unsigned n);
/* Validates usage of a placeholder and returns the corresponding
* argument index, or -1 in case of errors */
int verifyPlaceholder(const CallExpr *callExpr, const SourceLocation &placeholderLocation,
std::string &placeholderText, int baseArgIdx) const;
CompilerInstance *compInst;
DiagnosticsEngine *diag;
unsigned diag_badFuncZeroArgs;
unsigned diag_badFuncNonVariadic;
unsigned diag_badFuncLastArgInvalidType;
unsigned diag_notStringLiteral;
unsigned diag_notPlainASCII;
unsigned diag_wrongOrder;
unsigned diag_unescapedBracket;
unsigned diag_unterminatedPlaceholder;
unsigned diag_unconsumedArgs;
unsigned diag_missingColon;
unsigned diag_missingArgNumber;
unsigned diag_badArgNumber;
unsigned diag_argumentNotPresent;
unsigned diag_badPrecision;
unsigned diag_badType;
unsigned diag_wrongArgExprType;
GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor::GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor(CompilerInstance *compInst)
: compInst(compInst) {
diag = &compInst->getDiagnostics();
diag_badFuncZeroArgs = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Cannot enforce format string checks on a function that takes no arguments");
diag_badFuncNonVariadic = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Cannot enforce format string checks on a non-variadic function");
diag_badFuncLastArgInvalidType = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Cannot enforce format string checks if the last non-variadic argument is not const char *");
diag_notStringLiteral = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Warning, "Format string is not a string literal. Skipping format checks");
diag_notPlainASCII = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Warning, "Format string contains non-ASCII or NUL characters. Skipping format checks");
diag_wrongOrder = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Argument %0 must be consumed before argument %1");
diag_unescapedBracket = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Unescaped '}' character");
diag_unterminatedPlaceholder = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Unterminated placeholder");
diag_unconsumedArgs = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Warning, "Unconsumed argument(s)");
diag_missingColon = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid placeholder '{%0}': missing colon character");
diag_missingArgNumber = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid placeholder '{%0}': missing <arg> number");
diag_badArgNumber = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid placeholder '{%0}': bad <arg> number");
diag_argumentNotPresent = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Argument for placeholder '{%0}' is not present");
diag_badPrecision = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid placeholder '{%0}': bad <precision> value");
diag_badType = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Invalid placeholder '{%0}': bad <type> specifier");
diag_wrongArgExprType = diag->getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "Expected %0 for placeholder '{%1}', found %2");
bool GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor::VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *funcDecl) {
findFormatArgumentIndex(funcDecl); // Spot misuse of the "gooformat" annotation
return true;
bool GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *callExpr) {
/*** Locate format argument or skip calls that needn't be checked ***/
const int formatArgIdx = findFormatArgumentIndex(callExpr->getDirectCallee());
if (formatArgIdx == -1)
return true;
/*** Obtain format string value ***/
const Expr *formatArgExpr = callExpr->getArg(formatArgIdx);
while (formatArgExpr->getStmtClass() == Stmt::ImplicitCastExprClass) {
formatArgExpr = static_cast<const ImplicitCastExpr*>(formatArgExpr)->getSubExpr();
if (formatArgExpr->getStmtClass() != Stmt::StringLiteralClass) {
diag->Report(formatArgExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_notStringLiteral);
return true;
const StringLiteral *formatArgStrLiteral = static_cast<const StringLiteral*>(formatArgExpr);
if (formatArgStrLiteral->containsNonAsciiOrNull()) {
diag->Report(formatArgExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_notPlainASCII);
return true;
/*** Parse format string and verify arguments ***/
const std::string format = formatArgStrLiteral->getString().str();
/* Keeps track of whether we are currently parsing a character contained
* within '{' ... '}'. If set, current_placeholder contains the contents
* parsed so far (without brackets) */
bool in_placeholder = false;
std::string current_placeholder;
// Source location of the current placeholder's opening bracket
SourceLocation placeholderLoc;
/* Keeps track of the next expected argument number, to check that
* arguments are first consumed in order (eg {0:d}{2:d}{1:d} is wrong).
* Note that it's possible to "look back" at already consumed
* arguments (eg {0:d}{1:d}{0:d} is OK) */
int nextExpectedArgNum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) {
if (in_placeholder) {
// Have we reached the end of the placeholder?
if (format[i] == '}') {
in_placeholder = false;
// Verifies the placeholder and returns the argument number
const int foundArgNum = verifyPlaceholder(callExpr, placeholderLoc, current_placeholder, formatArgIdx+1);
// If the placeholder wasn't valid, disable argument order checks
if (foundArgNum == -1) {
nextExpectedArgNum = -1;
// If argument order checks are enabled, let's check!
if (nextExpectedArgNum != -1) {
if (foundArgNum == nextExpectedArgNum) {
} else if (foundArgNum > nextExpectedArgNum) {
diag->Report(placeholderLoc, diag_wrongOrder) << nextExpectedArgNum << foundArgNum;
nextExpectedArgNum = -1; // disable further checks
} else {
current_placeholder += format[i];
} else if (format[i] == '{') {
// If we find a '{' then a placeholder is starting...
in_placeholder = true;
current_placeholder = "";
placeholderLoc = getLocationOfCharacter(formatArgStrLiteral, i);
// ...unless it's followed by another '{' (escape sequence)
if (i+1 < format.length() && format[i+1] == '{') {
i++; // skip next '{' character
in_placeholder = false;
} else if (format[i] == '}') {
/* If we have found a '}' and we're not in a placeholder,
* then it *MUST* be followed by another '}' (escape sequence) */
if (i+1 >= format.length() || format[i+1] != '}') {
diag->Report(getLocationOfCharacter(formatArgStrLiteral, i), diag_unescapedBracket);
} else {
i++; // skip next '}' character
/* If we've reached the end of the format string and in_placeholder is
* still set, then the last placeholder wasn't terminated properly */
if (in_placeholder)
diag->Report(placeholderLoc, diag_unterminatedPlaceholder);
int unconsumedArgs = callExpr->getNumArgs() - (formatArgIdx + 1 + nextExpectedArgNum);
if (unconsumedArgs > 0)
diag->Report(callExpr->getArg(callExpr->getNumArgs() - unconsumedArgs)->getExprLoc(), diag_unconsumedArgs);
return true;
int GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor::findFormatArgumentIndex(const FunctionDecl *funcDecl) const {
if (!funcDecl)
return -1;
AnnotateAttr *annotation = NULL;
for (specific_attr_iterator<AnnotateAttr> it = funcDecl->specific_attr_begin<AnnotateAttr>();
it != funcDecl->specific_attr_end<AnnotateAttr>() && !annotation; ++it) {
if (it->getAnnotation() == "gooformat")
annotation = *it;
// If this function hasn't got the "gooformat" annotation on it
if (!annotation)
return -1;
if (funcDecl->getNumParams() == 0) {
diag->Report(annotation->getLocation(), diag_badFuncZeroArgs);
return -1;
if (!funcDecl->isVariadic()) {
diag->Report(annotation->getLocation(), diag_badFuncNonVariadic);
return -1;
// Assume the last non-variadic argument is the format specifier
const int formatArgIdx = funcDecl->getNumParams() - 1;
const QualType formatArgType = funcDecl->getParamDecl(formatArgIdx)->getType();
if (formatArgType.getAsString() != "const char *") {
diag->Report(annotation->getLocation(), diag_badFuncLastArgInvalidType);
return -1;
return formatArgIdx;
SourceLocation GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor::getLocationOfCharacter(const StringLiteral *strLiteral, unsigned n)
return strLiteral->getLocationOfByte(n, compInst->getSourceManager(),
compInst->getLangOpts(), compInst->getTarget());
int GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor::verifyPlaceholder(const CallExpr *callExpr, const SourceLocation &placeholderLocation,
std::string &placeholderText, int baseArgIdx) const
// Find the colon that separates the argument number and the format specifier
const size_t delim = placeholderText.find(':');
if (delim == std::string::npos) {
diag->Report(placeholderLocation, diag_missingColon) << placeholderText;
return -1;
if (delim == 0) {
diag->Report(placeholderLocation, diag_missingArgNumber) << placeholderText;
return -1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < delim; i++) {
if (!isdigit(placeholderText[i])) {
diag->Report(placeholderLocation, diag_badArgNumber) << placeholderText;
return -1;
// Extract argument number and its actual position in the call's argument list
const int argNum = atoi(placeholderText.substr(0, delim).c_str());
const int argIdx = baseArgIdx + argNum;
if (argIdx >= callExpr->getNumArgs()) {
diag->Report(placeholderLocation, diag_argumentNotPresent) << placeholderText;
return argNum;
// Check and strip width/precision specifiers
std::string format = placeholderText.substr(delim + 1);
bool dot_found = false;
while (isdigit(format[0]) || format[0] == '.') {
if (format[0] == '.') {
if (dot_found) {
diag->Report(placeholderLocation, diag_badPrecision) << placeholderText;
return argNum;
dot_found = true;
format = format.substr(1);
const Expr *argExpr = callExpr->getArg(argIdx);
const QualType qualType = argExpr->getType();
const Type *valueType = qualType->getUnqualifiedDesugaredType();
if (format == "d" || format == "x" || format == "X" || format == "o" || format == "b" || format == "w") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::Int)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "int" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "ud" || format == "ux" || format == "uX" || format == "uo" || format == "ub") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::UInt)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "unsigned int" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "ld" || format == "lx" || format == "lX" || format == "lo" || format == "lb") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::Long)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "long" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "uld" || format == "ulx" || format == "ulX" || format == "ulo" || format == "ulb") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::ULong)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "unsigned long" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "lld" || format == "llx" || format == "llX" || format == "llo" || format == "llb") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::LongLong)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "long long" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "ulld" || format == "ullx" || format == "ullX" || format == "ullo" || format == "ullb") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::ULongLong)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "unsigned long long" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "f" || format == "g" || format == "gs") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::Double)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "float or double" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "c") {
if (!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::UInt) &&
!valueType->isSpecificBuiltinType(BuiltinType::Int)) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "char, short or int" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "s") {
if (!valueType->isPointerType()
|| !valueType->getPointeeType()->getUnqualifiedDesugaredType()->isCharType()) {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "char *" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else if (format == "t") {
const CXXRecordDecl *pointeeType = valueType->isPointerType() ?
valueType->getPointeeType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl() : 0;
if (pointeeType == 0 || pointeeType->getQualifiedNameAsString() != "GooString") {
diag->Report(argExpr->getExprLoc(), diag_wrongArgExprType) << "GooString *" << placeholderText << qualType.getAsString();
} else {
diag->Report(placeholderLocation, diag_badType) << placeholderText;
return argNum;
return argNum;
class GooStringFormatCheckerConsumer : public clang::ASTConsumer {
GooStringFormatCheckerConsumer(CompilerInstance *compInst)
: visitor(compInst) {
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &ctx) {
GooStringFormatCheckerVisitor visitor;
class GooStringFormatCheckerAction : public PluginASTAction
ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &compInst, llvm::StringRef inFile) {
return new GooStringFormatCheckerConsumer(&compInst);
bool ParseArgs(const CompilerInstance &compInst, const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() != 0) {
DiagnosticsEngine &D = compInst.getDiagnostics();
D.Report(D.getCustomDiagID(DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "goostring-format-checker takes no arguments"));
return false;
} else {
return true;
static FrontendPluginRegistry::Add<GooStringFormatCheckerAction>
X("goostring-format-checker", "Checks usage of GooString::format-like functions");