blob: d07e03fb49d9c5dde9b15b8acb2efea802b42320 [file] [log] [blame]
// OutputDev.h
// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
#pragma interface
#include <poppler-config.h>
#include "goo/gtypes.h"
#include "CharTypes.h"
class Dict;
class GooHash;
class GooString;
class GfxState;
class GfxColorSpace;
class GfxImageColorMap;
class GfxFunctionShading;
class GfxAxialShading;
class GfxRadialShading;
class Stream;
class Link;
class Catalog;
// OutputDev
class OutputDev {
// Constructor.
OutputDev() { profileHash = NULL; }
// Destructor.
virtual ~OutputDev() {}
//----- get info about output device
// Does this device use upside-down coordinates?
// (Upside-down means (0,0) is the top left corner of the page.)
virtual GBool upsideDown() = 0;
// Does this device use drawChar() or drawString()?
virtual GBool useDrawChar() = 0;
// Does this device use tilingPatternFill()? If this returns false,
// tiling pattern fills will be reduced to a series of other drawing
// operations.
virtual GBool useTilingPatternFill() { return gFalse; }
// Does this device use functionShadedFill(), axialShadedFill(), and
// radialShadedFill()? If this returns false, these shaded fills
// will be reduced to a series of other drawing operations.
virtual GBool useShadedFills() { return gFalse; }
// Does this device use beginType3Char/endType3Char? Otherwise,
// text in Type 3 fonts will be drawn with drawChar/drawString.
virtual GBool interpretType3Chars() = 0;
// Does this device need non-text content?
virtual GBool needNonText() { return gTrue; }
//----- initialization and control
// Set default transform matrix.
virtual void setDefaultCTM(double *ctm);
// Start a page.
virtual void startPage(int /*pageNum*/, GfxState * /*state*/) {}
// End a page.
virtual void endPage() {}
// Dump page contents to display.
virtual void dump() {}
//----- coordinate conversion
// Convert between device and user coordinates.
virtual void cvtDevToUser(double dx, double dy, double *ux, double *uy);
virtual void cvtUserToDev(double ux, double uy, int *dx, int *dy);
double *getDefCTM() { return defCTM; }
double *getDefICTM() { return defICTM; }
//----- link borders
virtual void drawLink(Link * /*link*/, Catalog * /*catalog*/) {}
//----- save/restore graphics state
virtual void saveState(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void restoreState(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
//----- update graphics state
virtual void updateAll(GfxState *state);
virtual void updateCTM(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*m11*/, double /*m12*/,
double /*m21*/, double /*m22*/, double /*m31*/, double /*m32*/) {}
virtual void updateLineDash(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateFlatness(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateLineJoin(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateLineCap(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateMiterLimit(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateLineWidth(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateFillColorSpace(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateStrokeColorSpace(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateFillColor(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateStrokeColor(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateBlendMode(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateFillOpacity(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateStrokeOpacity(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateFillOverprint(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateStrokeOverprint(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
//----- update text state
virtual void updateFont(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateTextMat(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateCharSpace(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateRender(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateRise(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateWordSpace(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateHorizScaling(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateTextPos(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void updateTextShift(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*shift*/) {}
//----- path painting
virtual void stroke(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void fill(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void eoFill(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void tilingPatternFill(GfxState * /*state*/, Object * /*str*/,
int /*paintType*/, Dict * /*resDict*/,
double * /*mat*/, double * /*bbox*/,
int /*x0*/, int /*y0*/, int /*x1*/, int /*y1*/,
double /*xStep*/, double /*yStep*/) {}
virtual void functionShadedFill(GfxState * /*state*/,
GfxFunctionShading * /*shading*/) {}
virtual void axialShadedFill(GfxState * /*state*/, GfxAxialShading * /*shading*/) {}
virtual void radialShadedFill(GfxState * /*state*/, GfxRadialShading * /*shading*/) {}
//----- path clipping
virtual void clip(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void eoClip(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
//----- text drawing
virtual void beginStringOp(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void endStringOp(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void beginString(GfxState * /*state*/, GooString * /*s*/) {}
virtual void endString(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void drawChar(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*x*/, double /*y*/,
double /*dx*/, double /*dy*/,
double /*originX*/, double /*originY*/,
CharCode /*code*/, int /*nBytes*/, Unicode * /*u*/, int /*uLen*/) {}
virtual void drawString(GfxState * /*state*/, GooString * /*s*/) {}
virtual GBool beginType3Char(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*x*/, double /*y*/,
double /*dx*/, double /*dy*/,
CharCode /*code*/, Unicode * /*u*/, int /*uLen*/);
virtual void endType3Char(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
virtual void endTextObject(GfxState * /*state*/) {}
//----- image drawing
virtual void drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
int width, int height, GBool invert,
GBool inlineImg);
virtual void drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
int *maskColors, GBool inlineImg);
virtual void drawMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
int width, int height,
GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
Stream *maskStr, int maskWidth, int maskHeight,
GBool maskInvert);
virtual void drawSoftMaskedImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str,
int width, int height,
GfxImageColorMap *colorMap,
Stream *maskStr,
int maskWidth, int maskHeight,
GfxImageColorMap *maskColorMap);
//----- OPI functions
virtual void opiBegin(GfxState *state, Dict *opiDict);
virtual void opiEnd(GfxState *state, Dict *opiDict);
//----- Type 3 font operators
virtual void type3D0(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*wx*/, double /*wy*/) {}
virtual void type3D1(GfxState * /*state*/, double /*wx*/, double /*wy*/,
double /*llx*/, double /*lly*/, double /*urx*/, double /*ury*/) {}
//----- PostScript XObjects
virtual void psXObject(Stream * /*psStream*/, Stream * /*level1Stream*/) {}
//----- Profiling
virtual void startProfile();
virtual GooHash *getProfileHash() {return profileHash; }
virtual GooHash *endProfile();
double defCTM[6]; // default coordinate transform matrix
double defICTM[6]; // inverse of default CTM
GooHash *profileHash;