blob: d598142176b5e6df5464165c51bdd52384546147 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// TextOutputDev.h
// Copyright 1997-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Kristian Høgsberg <>
// Copyright (C) 2006 Ed Catmur <>
// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2011, 2013 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright (C) 2007, 2017 Adrian Johnson <>
// Copyright (C) 2008, 2010, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Brian Ewins <>
// Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016 Jason Crain <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Freitag <>
// Copyright (C) 2018 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, <>. Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich
// Copyright (C) 2018 Sanchit Anand <>
// Copyright (C) 2018, 2020, 2021 Nelson Benítez León <>
// Copyright (C) 2019, 2022 Oliver Sander <>
// Copyright (C) 2019 Dan Shea <>
// Copyright (C) 2020 Suzuki Toshiya <>
// Copyright (C) 2024 Stefan Brüns <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#include "poppler-config.h"
#include "poppler_private_export.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include "GfxFont.h"
#include "GfxState.h"
#include "OutputDev.h"
class GooString;
class Gfx;
class GfxFont;
class GfxState;
class UnicodeMap;
class AnnotLink;
class TextWord;
class TextPool;
class TextLine;
class TextLineFrag;
class TextBlock;
class TextFlow;
class TextLink;
class TextUnderline;
class TextWordList;
class TextPage;
class TextSelectionVisitor;
typedef void (*TextOutputFunc)(void *stream, const char *text, int len);
enum SelectionStyle
enum EndOfLineKind
eolUnix, // LF
eolDOS, // CR+LF
eolMac // CR
// TextFontInfo
explicit TextFontInfo(const GfxState *state);
TextFontInfo(const TextFontInfo &) = delete;
TextFontInfo &operator=(const TextFontInfo &) = delete;
bool matches(const GfxState *state) const;
bool matches(const TextFontInfo *fontInfo) const;
bool matches(const Ref *ref) const;
// Get the font ascent, or a default value if the font is not set
double getAscent() const;
// Get the font descent, or a default value if the font is not set
double getDescent() const;
// Get the writing mode (0 or 1), or 0 if the font is not set
int getWMode() const;
// Get the font name (which may be NULL).
const GooString *getFontName() const { return fontName; }
// Get font descriptor flags.
bool isFixedWidth() const { return flags & fontFixedWidth; }
bool isSerif() const { return flags & fontSerif; }
bool isSymbolic() const { return flags & fontSymbolic; }
bool isItalic() const { return flags & fontItalic; }
bool isBold() const { return flags & fontBold; }
std::shared_ptr<GfxFont> gfxFont;
GooString *fontName;
int flags;
friend class TextWord;
friend class TextPage;
friend class TextSelectionPainter;
// TextWord
// Constructor.
TextWord(const GfxState *state, int rotA, double fontSize);
// Destructor.
TextWord(const TextWord &) = delete;
TextWord &operator=(const TextWord &) = delete;
// Add a character to the word.
void addChar(const GfxState *state, TextFontInfo *fontA, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, int charPosA, int charLen, CharCode c, Unicode u, const Matrix &textMatA);
// Attempt to add a character to the word as a combining character.
// Either character u or the last character in the word must be an
// acute, dieresis, or other combining character. Returns true if
// the character was added.
bool addCombining(const GfxState *state, TextFontInfo *fontA, double fontSizeA, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, int charPosA, int charLen, CharCode c, Unicode u, const Matrix &textMatA);
// Merge <word> onto the end of <this>.
void merge(TextWord *word);
// Compares <this> to <word>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
// based on a primary-axis comparison, e.g., x ordering if rot=0.
int primaryCmp(const TextWord *word) const;
// Return the distance along the primary axis between <this> and
// <word>.
double primaryDelta(const TextWord *word) const;
static int cmpYX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
void visitSelection(TextSelectionVisitor *visitor, const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style);
// Get the TextFontInfo object associated with a character.
const TextFontInfo *getFontInfo(int idx) const { return chars[idx].font; }
// Get the next TextWord on the linked list.
const TextWord *getNext() const { return next; }
int getLength() const { return chars.size(); }
const Unicode *getChar(int idx) const { return &chars[idx].text; }
GooString *getText() const;
const GooString *getFontName(int idx) const { return chars[idx].font->fontName; }
void getColor(double *r, double *g, double *b) const
*r = colorR;
*g = colorG;
*b = colorB;
void getBBox(double *xMinA, double *yMinA, double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA) const
*xMinA = xMin;
*yMinA = yMin;
*xMaxA = xMax;
*yMaxA = yMax;
void getCharBBox(int charIdx, double *xMinA, double *yMinA, double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA) const;
double getFontSize() const { return fontSize; }
int getRotation() const { return rot; }
int getCharPos() const { return chars.empty() ? 0 : chars.front().charPos; }
int getCharLen() const { return chars.empty() ? 0 : chars.back().charPos - chars.front().charPos; }
bool getSpaceAfter() const { return spaceAfter; }
bool isUnderlined() const { return underlined; }
const AnnotLink *getLink() const { return link; }
double getEdge(int i) const { return chars[i].edge; }
double getBaseline() const { return base; }
bool hasSpaceAfter() const { return spaceAfter; }
const TextWord *nextWord() const { return next; };
auto len() const { return chars.size(); }
void setInitialBounds(TextFontInfo *fontA, double x, double y);
int rot; // rotation, multiple of 90 degrees
// (0, 1, 2, or 3)
int wMode; // horizontal (0) or vertical (1) writing mode
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double base; // baseline x or y coordinate
double fontSize; // font size
struct CharInfo
Unicode text;
CharCode charcode;
int charPos;
double edge;
TextFontInfo *font;
Matrix textMat;
std::vector<CharInfo> chars;
int charPosEnd = 0;
double edgeEnd = 0;
bool spaceAfter; // set if there is a space between this
// word and the next word on the line
bool underlined;
bool invisible; // whether we are invisible (glyphless)
TextWord *next; // next word in line
double colorR, // word color
colorG, colorB;
AnnotLink *link;
friend class TextPool;
friend class TextLine;
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
friend class TextSelectionPainter;
friend class TextSelectionDumper;
// TextPool
class TextPool
TextPool(const TextPool &) = delete;
TextPool &operator=(const TextPool &) = delete;
TextWord *getPool(int baseIdx) { return pool[baseIdx - minBaseIdx]; }
void setPool(int baseIdx, TextWord *p) { pool[baseIdx - minBaseIdx] = p; }
int getBaseIdx(double base) const;
void addWord(TextWord *word);
int minBaseIdx; // min baseline bucket index
int maxBaseIdx; // max baseline bucket index
TextWord **pool; // array of linked lists, one for each
// baseline value (multiple of 4 pts)
TextWord *cursor; // pointer to last-accessed word
int cursorBaseIdx; // baseline bucket index of last-accessed word
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextPage;
struct TextFlowData;
// TextLine
class TextLine
TextLine(TextBlock *blkA, int rotA, double baseA);
TextLine(const TextLine &) = delete;
TextLine &operator=(const TextLine &) = delete;
void addWord(TextWord *word);
// Return the distance along the primary axis between <this> and
// <line>.
double primaryDelta(const TextLine *line) const;
// Compares <this> to <line>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
// based on a primary-axis comparison, e.g., x ordering if rot=0.
int primaryCmp(const TextLine *line) const;
// Compares <this> to <line>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
// based on a secondary-axis comparison of the baselines, e.g., y
// ordering if rot=0.
int secondaryCmp(const TextLine *line) const;
int cmpYX(const TextLine *line) const;
static int cmpXY(const void *p1, const void *p2);
void coalesce(const UnicodeMap *uMap);
void visitSelection(TextSelectionVisitor *visitor, const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style);
// Get the head of the linked list of TextWords.
const TextWord *getWords() const { return words; }
// Get the next TextLine on the linked list.
const TextLine *getNext() const { return next; }
// Returns true if the last char of the line is a hyphen.
bool isHyphenated() const { return hyphenated; }
TextBlock *blk; // parent block
int rot; // text rotation
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double base; // baseline x or y coordinate
TextWord *words; // words in this line
TextWord *lastWord; // last word in this line
Unicode *text; // Unicode text of the line, including
// spaces between words
double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
// (plus one extra entry for the last char)
int *col; // starting column number of each Unicode char
int len; // number of Unicode chars
int convertedLen; // total number of converted characters
bool hyphenated; // set if last char is a hyphen
TextLine *next; // next line in block
Unicode *normalized; // normalized form of Unicode text
int normalized_len; // number of normalized Unicode chars
int *normalized_idx; // indices of normalized chars into Unicode text
Unicode *ascii_translation; // ascii translation from the normalized text
int ascii_len; // length of ascii translation text
int *ascii_idx; // indices of ascii chars into Unicode text of line
friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
friend class TextSelectionPainter;
friend class TextSelectionSizer;
friend class TextSelectionDumper;
// TextBlock
class TextBlock
TextBlock(TextPage *pageA, int rotA);
TextBlock(const TextBlock &) = delete;
TextBlock &operator=(const TextBlock &) = delete;
void addWord(TextWord *word);
void coalesce(const UnicodeMap *uMap, double fixedPitch);
// Update this block's priMin and priMax values, looking at <blk>.
void updatePriMinMax(const TextBlock *blk);
static int cmpXYPrimaryRot(const void *p1, const void *p2);
static int cmpYXPrimaryRot(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int primaryCmp(const TextBlock *blk) const;
double secondaryDelta(const TextBlock *blk) const;
// Returns true if <this> is below <blk>, relative to the page's
// primary rotation.
bool isBelow(const TextBlock *blk) const;
void visitSelection(TextSelectionVisitor *visitor, const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style);
// Get the head of the linked list of TextLines.
const TextLine *getLines() const { return lines; }
// Get the next TextBlock on the linked list.
const TextBlock *getNext() const { return next; }
void getBBox(double *xMinA, double *yMinA, double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA) const
*xMinA = xMin;
*yMinA = yMin;
*xMaxA = xMax;
*yMaxA = yMax;
int getLineCount() const { return nLines; }
bool isBeforeByRule1(const TextBlock *blk1);
bool isBeforeByRepeatedRule1(const TextBlock *blkList, const TextBlock *blk1);
bool isBeforeByRule2(const TextBlock *blk1);
int visitDepthFirst(TextBlock *blkList, int pos1, TextBlock **sorted, int sortPos, bool *visited);
int visitDepthFirst(TextBlock *blkList, int pos1, TextBlock **sorted, int sortPos, bool *visited, TextBlock **cache, int cacheSize);
TextPage *page; // the parent page
int rot; // text rotation
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double priMin, priMax; // whitespace bounding box along primary axis
double ExMin, ExMax; // extended bounding box x coordinates
double EyMin, EyMax; // extended bounding box y coordinates
int tableId; // id of table to which this block belongs
bool tableEnd; // is this block at end of line of actual table
TextPool *pool; // pool of words (used only until lines
// are built)
TextLine *lines; // linked list of lines
TextLine *curLine; // most recently added line
int nLines; // number of lines
int charCount; // number of characters in the block
int col; // starting column
int nColumns; // number of columns in the block
TextBlock *next;
TextBlock *stackNext;
friend class TextLine;
friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
friend class TextSelectionPainter;
friend class TextSelectionDumper;
// TextFlow
class TextFlow
TextFlow(TextPage *pageA, TextBlock *blk);
TextFlow(const TextFlow &) = delete;
TextFlow &operator=(const TextFlow &) = delete;
// Add a block to the end of this flow.
void addBlock(TextBlock *blk);
// Returns true if <blk> fits below <prevBlk> in the flow, i.e., (1)
// it uses a font no larger than the last block added to the flow,
// and (2) it fits within the flow's [priMin, priMax] along the
// primary axis.
bool blockFits(const TextBlock *blk, const TextBlock *prevBlk) const;
// Get the head of the linked list of TextBlocks.
const TextBlock *getBlocks() const { return blocks; }
// Get the next TextFlow on the linked list.
const TextFlow *getNext() const { return next; }
TextPage *page; // the parent page
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double priMin, priMax; // whitespace bounding box along primary axis
TextBlock *blocks; // blocks in flow
TextBlock *lastBlk; // last block in this flow
TextFlow *next;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
// TextWordList
// Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
// text->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if <physLayout>
// is true and text->rawOrder is false), or reading order (if both
// flags are false).
TextWordList(const TextPage *text, bool physLayout);
TextWordList(const TextWordList &) = delete;
TextWordList &operator=(const TextWordList &) = delete;
// Return the number of words on the list.
int getLength() const;
// Return the <idx>th word from the list.
TextWord *get(int idx);
std::vector<TextWord *> words;
class TextWordSelection
TextWordSelection(const TextWord *wordA, int beginA, int endA) : word(wordA), begin(beginA), end(endA) { }
const TextWord *getWord() const { return word; }
int getBegin() const { return begin; }
int getEnd() const { return end; }
const TextWord *word;
int begin;
int end;
friend class TextSelectionPainter;
friend class TextSelectionDumper;
// TextPage
// Constructor.
explicit TextPage(bool rawOrderA, bool discardDiagA = false);
TextPage(const TextPage &) = delete;
TextPage &operator=(const TextPage &) = delete;
void incRefCnt();
void decRefCnt();
// Start a new page.
void startPage(const GfxState *state);
// End the current page.
void endPage();
// Update the current font.
void updateFont(const GfxState *state);
// Begin a new word.
void beginWord(const GfxState *state);
// Add a character to the current word.
void addChar(const GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, CharCode c, int nBytes, const Unicode *u, int uLen);
// Add <nChars> invisible characters.
void incCharCount(int nChars);
// End the current word, sorting it into the list of words.
void endWord();
// Add a word, sorting it into the list of words.
void addWord(TextWord *word);
// Add a (potential) underline.
void addUnderline(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
// Add a hyperlink.
void addLink(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax, AnnotLink *link);
// Coalesce strings that look like parts of the same line.
void coalesce(bool physLayout, double fixedPitch, bool doHTML);
void coalesce(bool physLayout, double fixedPitch, bool doHTML, double minColSpacing1);
// Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
// top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
// immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
// <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
// bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
// just before the last find result; else stops looking at
// <xMax>,<yMax>.
bool findText(const Unicode *s, int len, bool startAtTop, bool stopAtBottom, bool startAtLast, bool stopAtLast, bool caseSensitive, bool backward, bool wholeWord, double *xMin, double *yMin, double *xMax, double *yMax);
// Adds new parameter ignoreDiacritics, which will do diacritics
// insensitive search, i.e. ignore accents, umlauts, diaeresis,etc.
// while matching. This option will be ignored if <s> contains characters
// which are not pure ascii.
bool findText(const Unicode *s, int len, bool startAtTop, bool stopAtBottom, bool startAtLast, bool stopAtLast, bool caseSensitive, bool ignoreDiacritics, bool backward, bool wholeWord, double *xMin, double *yMin, double *xMax,
double *yMax);
// Adds new parameter <matchAcrossLines>, which allows <s> to match on text
// spanning from end of a line to the next line. In that case, the rect for
// the part of match that falls on the next line will be stored in
// <continueMatch>, and if hyphenation (i.e. ignoring hyphen at end of line)
// was used while matching at the end of the line prior to <continueMatch>,
// then <ignoredHyphen> will be true, otherwise will be false.
// Only finding across two lines is supported, i.e. it won't match where <s>
// spans more than two lines.
// <matchAcrossLines> will be ignored if <backward> is true (as that
// combination has not been implemented yet).
bool findText(const Unicode *s, int len, bool startAtTop, bool stopAtBottom, bool startAtLast, bool stopAtLast, bool caseSensitive, bool ignoreDiacritics, bool matchAcrossLines, bool backward, bool wholeWord, double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax, PDFRectangle *continueMatch, bool *ignoredHyphen);
// Get the text which is inside the specified rectangle.
GooString *getText(double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax, EndOfLineKind textEOL) const;
void visitSelection(TextSelectionVisitor *visitor, const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style);
void drawSelection(OutputDev *out, double scale, int rotation, const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style, const GfxColor *glyph_color, const GfxColor *box_color);
std::vector<PDFRectangle *> *getSelectionRegion(const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style, double scale);
GooString *getSelectionText(const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style);
std::vector<TextWordSelection *> **getSelectionWords(const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style, int *nLines);
// Find a string by character position and length. If found, sets
// the text bounding rectangle and returns true; otherwise returns
// false.
bool findCharRange(int pos, int length, double *xMin, double *yMin, double *xMax, double *yMax) const;
// Dump contents of page to a file.
void dump(void *outputStream, TextOutputFunc outputFunc, bool physLayout, EndOfLineKind textEOL, bool pageBreaks);
// Get the head of the linked list of TextFlows.
const TextFlow *getFlows() const { return flows; }
// If true, will combine characters when a base and combining
// character are drawn on eachother.
void setMergeCombining(bool merge);
// Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
// this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if <physLayout>
// is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading order (if both
// flags are false).
std::unique_ptr<TextWordList> makeWordList(bool physLayout);
// Destructor.
void clear();
void assignColumns(TextLineFrag *frags, int nFrags, bool rot) const;
int dumpFragment(const Unicode *text, int len, const UnicodeMap *uMap, GooString *s) const;
void adjustRotation(TextLine *line, int start, int end, double *xMin, double *xMax, double *yMin, double *yMax);
bool rawOrder; // keep text in content stream order
bool discardDiag; // discard diagonal text
bool mergeCombining; // merge when combining and base characters
// are drawn on top of each other
double pageWidth, pageHeight; // width and height of current page
TextWord *curWord; // currently active string
int charPos; // next character position (within content
// stream)
TextFontInfo *curFont; // current font
double curFontSize; // current font size
int nest; // current nesting level (for Type 3 fonts)
int nTinyChars; // number of "tiny" chars seen so far
bool lastCharOverlap; // set if the last added char overlapped the
// previous char
bool diagonal; // whether the current text is diagonal
std::unique_ptr<TextPool> pools[4]; // a "pool" of TextWords for each rotation
TextFlow *flows; // linked list of flows
TextBlock **blocks; // array of blocks, in yx order
int nBlocks; // number of blocks
int primaryRot; // primary rotation
bool primaryLR; // primary direction (true means L-to-R,
// false means R-to-L)
TextWord *rawWords; // list of words, in raw order (only if
// rawOrder is set)
TextWord *rawLastWord; // last word on rawWords list
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TextFontInfo>> fonts; // all font info objects used on this page
double lastFindXMin, // coordinates of the last "find" result
bool haveLastFind;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TextUnderline>> underlines;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TextLink>> links;
int refCnt;
friend class TextLine;
friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextSelectionPainter;
friend class TextSelectionDumper;
// ActualText
// Create an ActualText
explicit ActualText(TextPage *out);
ActualText(const ActualText &) = delete;
ActualText &operator=(const ActualText &) = delete;
void addChar(const GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, CharCode c, int nBytes, const Unicode *u, int uLen);
void begin(const GfxState *state, const GooString *text);
void end(const GfxState *state);
TextPage *text;
GooString *actualText; // replacement text for the span
double actualTextX0;
double actualTextY0;
double actualTextX1;
double actualTextY1;
int actualTextNBytes;
// TextOutputDev
class POPPLER_PRIVATE_EXPORT TextOutputDev : public OutputDev
static double minColSpacing1_default;
// Open a text output file. If <fileName> is NULL, no file is
// written (this is useful, e.g., for searching text). If
// <physLayoutA> is true, the original physical layout of the text
// is maintained. If <rawOrder> is true, the text is kept in
// content stream order. If <discardDiag> is true, diagonal text
// is removed from output.
TextOutputDev(const char *fileName, bool physLayoutA, double fixedPitchA, bool rawOrderA, bool append, bool discardDiagA = false);
// Create a TextOutputDev which will write to a generic stream. If
// <physLayoutA> is true, the original physical layout of the text
// is maintained. If <rawOrder> is true, the text is kept in
// content stream order. If <discardDiag> is true, diagonal text
// is removed from output.
TextOutputDev(TextOutputFunc func, void *stream, bool physLayoutA, double fixedPitchA, bool rawOrderA, bool discardDiagA = false);
// Destructor.
~TextOutputDev() override;
// Check if file was successfully created.
virtual bool isOk() { return ok; }
//---- get info about output device
// Does this device use upside-down coordinates?
// (Upside-down means (0,0) is the top left corner of the page.)
bool upsideDown() override { return true; }
// Does this device use drawChar() or drawString()?
bool useDrawChar() override { return true; }
// Does this device use beginType3Char/endType3Char? Otherwise,
// text in Type 3 fonts will be drawn with drawChar/drawString.
bool interpretType3Chars() override { return false; }
// Does this device need non-text content?
bool needNonText() override { return false; }
// Does this device require incCharCount to be called for text on
// non-shown layers?
bool needCharCount() override { return true; }
//----- initialization and control
// Start a page.
void startPage(int pageNum, GfxState *state, XRef *xref) override;
// End a page.
void endPage() override;
//----- save/restore graphics state
void restoreState(GfxState *state) override;
//----- update text state
void updateFont(GfxState *state) override;
//----- text drawing
void beginString(GfxState *state, const GooString *s) override;
void endString(GfxState *state) override;
void drawChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, double originX, double originY, CharCode c, int nBytes, const Unicode *u, int uLen) override;
void incCharCount(int nChars) override;
void beginActualText(GfxState *state, const GooString *text) override;
void endActualText(GfxState *state) override;
//----- path painting
void stroke(GfxState *state) override;
void fill(GfxState *state) override;
void eoFill(GfxState *state) override;
//----- link borders
void processLink(AnnotLink *link) override;
//----- special access
// Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
// top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
// immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
// <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
// bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
// just before the last find result; else stops looking at
// <xMax>,<yMax>.
bool findText(const Unicode *s, int len, bool startAtTop, bool stopAtBottom, bool startAtLast, bool stopAtLast, bool caseSensitive, bool backward, bool wholeWord, double *xMin, double *yMin, double *xMax, double *yMax) const;
// Get the text which is inside the specified rectangle.
GooString *getText(double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax) const;
// Find a string by character position and length. If found, sets
// the text bounding rectangle and returns true; otherwise returns
// false.
bool findCharRange(int pos, int length, double *xMin, double *yMin, double *xMax, double *yMax) const;
void drawSelection(OutputDev *out, double scale, int rotation, const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style, const GfxColor *glyph_color, const GfxColor *box_color);
std::vector<PDFRectangle *> *getSelectionRegion(const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style, double scale);
GooString *getSelectionText(const PDFRectangle *selection, SelectionStyle style);
// If true, will combine characters when a base and combining
// character are drawn on eachother.
void setMergeCombining(bool merge);
// Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
// this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if
// this->physLayout is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading
// order (if both flags are false).
std::unique_ptr<TextWordList> makeWordList();
// Returns the TextPage object for the last rasterized page,
// transferring ownership to the caller.
TextPage *takeText();
// Turn extra processing for HTML conversion on or off.
void enableHTMLExtras(bool doHTMLA) { doHTML = doHTMLA; }
// Get the head of the linked list of TextFlows for the
// last rasterized page.
const TextFlow *getFlows() const;
static constexpr EndOfLineKind defaultEndOfLine()
#if defined(_WIN32)
return eolDOS;
return eolUnix;
void setTextEOL(EndOfLineKind textEOLA) { textEOL = textEOLA; }
void setTextPageBreaks(bool textPageBreaksA) { textPageBreaks = textPageBreaksA; }
double getMinColSpacing1() const { return minColSpacing1; }
void setMinColSpacing1(double val) { minColSpacing1 = val; }
TextOutputFunc outputFunc; // output function
void *outputStream; // output stream
bool needClose; // need to close the output file?
// (only if outputStream is a FILE*)
TextPage *text; // text for the current page
bool physLayout; // maintain original physical layout when
// dumping text
double fixedPitch; // if physLayout is true and this is non-zero,
// assume fixed-pitch characters with this
// width
double minColSpacing1; // see default value defined with same name at
bool rawOrder; // keep text in content stream order
bool discardDiag; // Diagonal text, i.e., text that is not close to one of the
// 0, 90, 180, or 270 degree axes, is discarded. This is useful
// to skip watermarks drawn on top of body text, etc.
bool doHTML; // extra processing for HTML conversion
bool ok; // set up ok?
bool textPageBreaks; // insert end-of-page markers?
EndOfLineKind textEOL; // type of EOL marker to use
ActualText *actualText;