blob: 56e5495d958f1f7e0b5b9097743ebfd046631295 [file] [log] [blame]
// Function.h
// Copyright 2001-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Christian Feuersänger <>
// Copyright (C) 2011 Andrea Canciani <>
// Copyright (C) 2012 Thomas Freitag <>
// Copyright (C) 2012 Adam Reichold <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#ifndef FUNCTION_H
#define FUNCTION_H
#pragma interface
#include "goo/gtypes.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include <set>
class Dict;
class Stream;
struct PSObject;
class PSStack;
class PopplerCache;
// Function
#define funcMaxInputs 32
#define funcMaxOutputs 32
#define sampledFuncMaxInputs 16
class Function {
virtual ~Function();
// Construct a function. Returns NULL if unsuccessful.
static Function *parse(Object *funcObj);
// Initialize the entries common to all function types.
GBool init(Dict *dict);
virtual Function *copy() = 0;
// Return the function type:
// -1 : identity
// 0 : sampled
// 2 : exponential
// 3 : stitching
// 4 : PostScript
virtual int getType() = 0;
// Return size of input and output tuples.
int getInputSize() { return m; }
int getOutputSize() { return n; }
double getDomainMin(int i) { return domain[i][0]; }
double getDomainMax(int i) { return domain[i][1]; }
double getRangeMin(int i) { return range[i][0]; }
double getRangeMax(int i) { return range[i][1]; }
GBool getHasRange() { return hasRange; }
virtual GBool hasDifferentResultSet(Function *func) { return gFalse; }
// Transform an input tuple into an output tuple.
virtual void transform(double *in, double *out) = 0;
virtual GBool isOk() = 0;
static Function *parse(Object *funcObj, std::set<int> *usedParents);
Function(const Function *func);
int m, n; // size of input and output tuples
double // min and max values for function domain
double // min and max values for function range
GBool hasRange; // set if range is defined
// IdentityFunction
class IdentityFunction: public Function {
Function *copy() override { return new IdentityFunction(); }
int getType() override { return -1; }
void transform(double *in, double *out) override;
GBool isOk() override { return gTrue; }
// SampledFunction
class SampledFunction: public Function {
SampledFunction(Object *funcObj, Dict *dict);
Function *copy() override { return new SampledFunction(this); }
int getType() override { return 0; }
void transform(double *in, double *out) override;
GBool isOk() override { return ok; }
GBool hasDifferentResultSet(Function *func) override;
int getSampleSize(int i) { return sampleSize[i]; }
double getEncodeMin(int i) { return encode[i][0]; }
double getEncodeMax(int i) { return encode[i][1]; }
double getDecodeMin(int i) { return decode[i][0]; }
double getDecodeMax(int i) { return decode[i][1]; }
double *getSamples() { return samples; }
int getSampleNumber() { return nSamples; }
SampledFunction(const SampledFunction *func);
int // number of samples for each domain element
double // min and max values for domain encoder
double // min and max values for range decoder
double // input multipliers
int *idxOffset;
double *samples; // the samples
int nSamples; // size of the samples array
double *sBuf; // buffer for the transform function
double cacheIn[funcMaxInputs];
double cacheOut[funcMaxOutputs];
GBool ok;
// ExponentialFunction
class ExponentialFunction: public Function {
ExponentialFunction(Object *funcObj, Dict *dict);
Function *copy() override { return new ExponentialFunction(this); }
int getType() override { return 2; }
void transform(double *in, double *out) override;
GBool isOk() override { return ok; }
double *getC0() { return c0; }
double *getC1() { return c1; }
double getE() { return e; }
ExponentialFunction(const ExponentialFunction *func);
double c0[funcMaxOutputs];
double c1[funcMaxOutputs];
double e;
bool isLinear;
GBool ok;
// StitchingFunction
class StitchingFunction: public Function {
StitchingFunction(Object *funcObj, Dict *dict, std::set<int> *usedParents);
Function *copy() override { return new StitchingFunction(this); }
int getType() override { return 3; }
void transform(double *in, double *out) override;
GBool isOk() override { return ok; }
int getNumFuncs() { return k; }
Function *getFunc(int i) { return funcs[i]; }
double *getBounds() { return bounds; }
double *getEncode() { return encode; }
double *getScale() { return scale; }
StitchingFunction(const StitchingFunction *func);
int k;
Function **funcs;
double *bounds;
double *encode;
double *scale;
GBool ok;
// PostScriptFunction
class PostScriptFunction: public Function {
PostScriptFunction(Object *funcObj, Dict *dict);
Function *copy() override { return new PostScriptFunction(this); }
int getType() override { return 4; }
void transform(double *in, double *out) override;
GBool isOk() override { return ok; }
GooString *getCodeString() { return codeString; }
PostScriptFunction(const PostScriptFunction *func);
GBool parseCode(Stream *str, int *codePtr);
GooString *getToken(Stream *str);
void resizeCode(int newSize);
void exec(PSStack *stack, int codePtr);
GooString *codeString;
PSObject *code;
int codeSize;
double cacheIn[funcMaxInputs];
double cacheOut[funcMaxOutputs];
GBool ok;