blob: 7564b3e46d397bd807eafd3098da6ed80b6289e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 1997-2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Changed 1999-2000 by G.Ovtcharov
// Changed 2002 by Mikhail Kruk
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2005-2013, 2016-2021 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Kjartan Maraas <>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Boris Toloknov <>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Haruyuki Kawabe <>
// Copyright (C) 2008 Tomas Are Haavet <>
// Copyright (C) 2009 Warren Toomey <>
// Copyright (C) 2009, 2011 Carlos Garcia Campos <>
// Copyright (C) 2009 Reece Dunn <>
// Copyright (C) 2010, 2012, 2013 Adrian Johnson <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Hib Eris <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 OSSD CDAC Mumbai by Leena Chourey ( and Onkar Potdar (
// Copyright (C) 2011 Joshua Richardson <>
// Copyright (C) 2011 Stephen Reichling <>
// Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Igor Slepchin <>
// Copyright (C) 2012 Ihar Filipau <>
// Copyright (C) 2012 Gerald Schmidt <>
// Copyright (C) 2012 Pino Toscano <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Freitag <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Julien Nabet <>
// Copyright (C) 2013 Johannes Brandstätter <>
// Copyright (C) 2014 Fabio D'Urso <>
// Copyright (C) 2016 Vincent Le Garrec <>
// Copyright (C) 2017 Caolán McNamara <>
// Copyright (C) 2018 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, <>. Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich
// Copyright (C) 2018 Thibaut Brard <>
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Adam Reichold <>
// Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Oliver Sander <>
// Copyright (C) 2020 Eddie Kohler <>
// Copyright (C) 2021 Christopher Hasse <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#include "config.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "goo/GooString.h"
#include "goo/gbasename.h"
#include "goo/gbase64.h"
#include "goo/gbasename.h"
#include "UnicodeMap.h"
#include "goo/gmem.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "GfxState.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "Annot.h"
#include "PNGWriter.h"
#include "GlobalParams.h"
#include "HtmlOutputDev.h"
#include "HtmlFonts.h"
#include "HtmlUtils.h"
#include "InMemoryFile.h"
#include "Outline.h"
#include "PDFDoc.h"
# include <png.h>
#define DEBUG __FILE__ << ": " << __LINE__ << ": DEBUG: "
class HtmlImage
HtmlImage(GooString *_fName, GfxState *state) : fName(_fName)
state->transform(0, 0, &xMin, &yMax);
state->transform(1, 1, &xMax, &yMin);
~HtmlImage() { delete fName; }
HtmlImage(const HtmlImage &) = delete;
HtmlImage &operator=(const HtmlImage &) = delete;
double xMin, xMax; // image x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // image y coordinates
GooString *fName; // image file name
// returns true if x is closer to y than x is to z
static inline bool IS_CLOSER(float x, float y, float z)
return std::fabs((x) - (y)) < std::fabs((x) - (z));
extern bool complexMode;
extern bool singleHtml;
extern bool dataUrls;
extern bool ignore;
extern bool printCommands;
extern bool printHtml;
extern bool noframes;
extern bool stout;
extern bool xml;
extern bool noRoundedCoordinates;
extern bool showHidden;
extern bool noMerge;
extern double wordBreakThreshold;
static bool debug = false;
static GooString *gstr_buff0 = nullptr; // a workspace in which I format strings
#if 0
static GooString* Dirname(GooString* str){
char *p=str->c_str();
int len=str->getLength();
for (int i=len-1;i>=0;i--)
if (*(p+i)==SLASH)
return new GooString(p,i+1);
return new GooString();
static const char *print_matrix(const double *mat)
delete gstr_buff0;
gstr_buff0 = GooString::format("[{0:g} {1:g} {2:g} {3:g} {4:g} {5:g}]", *mat, mat[1], mat[2], mat[3], mat[4], mat[5]);
return gstr_buff0->c_str();
static const char *print_uni_str(const Unicode *u, const unsigned uLen)
GooString *gstr_buff1 = nullptr;
delete gstr_buff0;
if (!uLen)
return "";
gstr_buff0 = GooString::format("{0:c}", (*u < 0x7F ? *u & 0xFF : '?'));
for (unsigned i = 1; i < uLen; i++) {
if (u[i] < 0x7F) {
gstr_buff1 = gstr_buff0->append(u[i] < 0x7F ? static_cast<char>(u[i]) & 0xFF : '?');
delete gstr_buff0;
gstr_buff0 = gstr_buff1;
return gstr_buff0->c_str();
// HtmlString
HtmlString::HtmlString(GfxState *state, double fontSize, HtmlFontAccu *_fonts) : fonts(_fonts)
GfxFont *font;
double x, y;
state->transform(state->getCurX(), state->getCurY(), &x, &y);
if ((font = state->getFont())) {
double ascent = font->getAscent();
double descent = font->getDescent();
if (ascent > 1.05) {
// printf( "ascent=%.15g is too high, descent=%.15g\n", ascent, descent );
ascent = 1.05;
if (descent < -0.4) {
// printf( "descent %.15g is too low, ascent=%.15g\n", descent, ascent );
descent = -0.4;
yMin = y - ascent * fontSize;
yMax = y - descent * fontSize;
GfxRGB rgb;
HtmlFont hfont = HtmlFont(font, static_cast<int>(fontSize), rgb, state->getFillOpacity());
if (isMatRotOrSkew(state->getTextMat())) {
double normalizedMatrix[4];
memcpy(normalizedMatrix, state->getTextMat(), sizeof(normalizedMatrix));
// browser rotates the opposite way
// so flip the sign of the angle -> sin() components change sign
if (debug)
std::cerr << DEBUG << "before transform: " << print_matrix(normalizedMatrix) << std::endl;
normalizedMatrix[1] *= -1;
normalizedMatrix[2] *= -1;
if (debug)
std::cerr << DEBUG << "after reflecting angle: " << print_matrix(normalizedMatrix) << std::endl;
if (debug)
std::cerr << DEBUG << "after norm: " << print_matrix(normalizedMatrix) << std::endl;
fontpos = fonts->AddFont(hfont);
} else {
// this means that the PDF file draws text without a current font,
// which should never happen
yMin = y - 0.95 * fontSize;
yMax = y + 0.35 * fontSize;
fontpos = 0;
if (yMin == yMax) {
// this is a sanity check for a case that shouldn't happen -- but
// if it does happen, we want to avoid dividing by zero later
yMin = y;
yMax = y + 1;
col = 0;
text = nullptr;
xRight = nullptr;
link = nullptr;
len = size = 0;
yxNext = nullptr;
xyNext = nullptr;
htext = new GooString();
dir = textDirUnknown;
delete htext;
void HtmlString::addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, Unicode u)
if (dir == textDirUnknown) {
// dir = UnicodeMap::getDirection(u);
dir = textDirLeftRight;
if (len == size) {
size += 16;
text = (Unicode *)grealloc(text, size * sizeof(Unicode));
xRight = (double *)grealloc(xRight, size * sizeof(double));
text[len] = u;
if (len == 0) {
xMin = x;
xMax = xRight[len] = x + dx;
// printf("added char: %f %f xright = %f\n", x, dx, x+dx);
void HtmlString::endString()
if (dir == textDirRightLeft && len > 1) {
// printf("will reverse!\n");
for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
Unicode ch = text[i];
text[i] = text[len - i - 1];
text[len - i - 1] = ch;
// HtmlPage
HtmlPage::HtmlPage(bool rawOrderA)
rawOrder = rawOrderA;
curStr = nullptr;
yxStrings = nullptr;
xyStrings = nullptr;
yxCur1 = yxCur2 = nullptr;
fonts = new HtmlFontAccu();
links = new HtmlLinks();
pageWidth = 0;
pageHeight = 0;
fontsPageMarker = 0;
DocName = nullptr;
firstPage = -1;
delete DocName;
delete fonts;
delete links;
for (auto entry : imgList) {
delete entry;
void HtmlPage::updateFont(GfxState *state)
GfxFont *font;
const char *name;
int code;
double w;
// adjust the font size
fontSize = state->getTransformedFontSize();
if ((font = state->getFont()) && font->getType() == fontType3) {
// This is a hack which makes it possible to deal with some Type 3
// fonts. The problem is that it's impossible to know what the
// base coordinate system used in the font is without actually
// rendering the font. This code tries to guess by looking at the
// width of the character 'm' (which breaks if the font is a
// subset that doesn't contain 'm').
for (code = 0; code < 256; ++code) {
if ((name = ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getCharName(code)) && name[0] == 'm' && name[1] == '\0') {
if (code < 256) {
w = ((Gfx8BitFont *)font)->getWidth(code);
if (w != 0) {
// 600 is a generic average 'm' width -- yes, this is a hack
fontSize *= w / 0.6;
const double *fm = font->getFontMatrix();
if (fm[0] != 0) {
fontSize *= fabs(fm[3] / fm[0]);
void HtmlPage::beginString(GfxState *state, const GooString *s)
curStr = new HtmlString(state, fontSize, fonts);
void HtmlPage::conv()
for (HtmlString *tmp = yxStrings; tmp; tmp = tmp->yxNext) {
delete tmp->htext;
tmp->htext = HtmlFont::HtmlFilter(tmp->text, tmp->len);
int linkIndex = 0;
if (links->inLink(tmp->xMin, tmp->yMin, tmp->xMax, tmp->yMax, linkIndex)) {
tmp->link = links->getLink(linkIndex);
void HtmlPage::addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, double ox, double oy, const Unicode *u, int uLen)
double x1, y1, w1, h1, dx2, dy2;
int n, i;
state->transform(x, y, &x1, &y1);
n = curStr->len;
// check that new character is in the same direction as current string
// and is not too far away from it before adding
// if ((UnicodeMap::getDirection(u[0]) != curStr->dir) ||
// XXX
if (debug) {
const double *text_mat = state->getTextMat();
// rotation is (cos q, sin q, -sin q, cos q, 0, 0)
// sin q is zero iff there is no rotation, or 180 deg. rotation;
// for 180 rotation, cos q will be negative
if (text_mat[0] < 0 || !is_within(text_mat[1], .1, 0)) {
std::cerr << DEBUG << "rotation matrix for \"" << print_uni_str(u, uLen) << '"' << std::endl;
std::cerr << "text " << print_matrix(state->getTextMat());
if (n > 0 && // don't start a new string, unless there is already a string
// TODO: the following line assumes that text is flowing left to
// right, which will not necessarily be the case, e.g. if rotated;
// It assesses whether or not two characters are close enough to
// be part of the same string
fabs(x1 - curStr->xRight[n - 1]) > wordBreakThreshold * (curStr->yMax - curStr->yMin) &&
// rotation is (cos q, sin q, -sin q, cos q, 0, 0)
// sin q is zero iff there is no rotation, or 180 deg. rotation;
// for 180 rotation, cos q will be negative
!rot_matrices_equal(curStr->getFont().getRotMat(), state->getTextMat())) {
beginString(state, nullptr);
state->textTransformDelta(state->getCharSpace() * state->getHorizScaling(), 0, &dx2, &dy2);
dx -= dx2;
dy -= dy2;
state->transformDelta(dx, dy, &w1, &h1);
if (uLen != 0) {
w1 /= uLen;
h1 /= uLen;
for (i = 0; i < uLen; ++i) {
curStr->addChar(state, x1 + i * w1, y1 + i * h1, w1, h1, u[i]);
void HtmlPage::endString()
HtmlString *p1, *p2;
double h, y1, y2;
// throw away zero-length strings -- they don't have valid xMin/xMax
// values, and they're useless anyway
if (curStr->len == 0) {
delete curStr;
curStr = nullptr;
#if 0 //~tmp
if (curStr->yMax - curStr->yMin > 20) {
delete curStr;
curStr = NULL;
// insert string in y-major list
h = curStr->yMax - curStr->yMin;
y1 = curStr->yMin + 0.5 * h;
y2 = curStr->yMin + 0.8 * h;
if (rawOrder) {
p1 = yxCur1;
p2 = nullptr;
} else if ((!yxCur1 || (y1 >= yxCur1->yMin && (y2 >= yxCur1->yMax || curStr->xMax >= yxCur1->xMin))) && (!yxCur2 || (y1 < yxCur2->yMin || (y2 < yxCur2->yMax && curStr->xMax < yxCur2->xMin)))) {
p1 = yxCur1;
p2 = yxCur2;
} else {
for (p1 = nullptr, p2 = yxStrings; p2; p1 = p2, p2 = p2->yxNext) {
if (y1 < p2->yMin || (y2 < p2->yMax && curStr->xMax < p2->xMin))
yxCur2 = p2;
yxCur1 = curStr;
if (p1)
p1->yxNext = curStr;
yxStrings = curStr;
curStr->yxNext = p2;
curStr = nullptr;
static const char *strrstr(const char *s, const char *ss)
const char *p = strstr(s, ss);
for (const char *pp = p; pp != nullptr; pp = strstr(p + 1, ss)) {
p = pp;
return p;
static void CloseTags(GooString *htext, bool &finish_a, bool &finish_italic, bool &finish_bold)
const char *last_italic = finish_italic && (finish_bold || finish_a) ? strrstr(htext->c_str(), "<i>") : nullptr;
const char *last_bold = finish_bold && (finish_italic || finish_a) ? strrstr(htext->c_str(), "<b>") : nullptr;
const char *last_a = finish_a && (finish_italic || finish_bold) ? strrstr(htext->c_str(), "<a ") : nullptr;
if (finish_a && (finish_italic || finish_bold) && last_a > (last_italic > last_bold ? last_italic : last_bold)) {
htext->append("</a>", 4);
finish_a = false;
if (finish_italic && finish_bold && last_italic > last_bold) {
htext->append("</i>", 4);
finish_italic = false;
if (finish_bold)
htext->append("</b>", 4);
if (finish_italic)
htext->append("</i>", 4);
if (finish_a)
// Strings are lines of text;
// This function aims to combine strings into lines and paragraphs if !noMerge
// It may also strip out duplicate strings (if they are on top of each other); sometimes they are to create a font effect
void HtmlPage::coalesce()
HtmlString *str1, *str2;
double space, horSpace, vertSpace, vertOverlap;
bool addSpace, addLineBreak;
int n, i;
double curX, curY;
#if 0 //~ for debugging
for (str1 = yxStrings; str1; str1 = str1->yxNext) {
printf("x=%f..%f y=%f..%f size=%2d '",
str1->xMin, str1->xMax, str1->yMin, str1->yMax,
(int)(str1->yMax - str1->yMin));
for (i = 0; i < str1->len; ++i) {
fputc(str1->text[i] & 0xff, stdout);
str1 = yxStrings;
if (!str1)
//----- discard duplicated text (fake boldface, drop shadows)
if (!complexMode) { /* if not in complex mode get rid of duplicate strings */
HtmlString *str3;
bool found;
while (str1) {
double size = str1->yMax - str1->yMin;
double xLimit = str1->xMin + size;
found = false;
for (str2 = str1, str3 = str1->yxNext; str3 && str3->xMin < xLimit; str2 = str3, str3 = str2->yxNext) {
if (str3->len == str1->len && !memcmp(str3->text, str1->text, str1->len * sizeof(Unicode)) && fabs(str3->yMin - str1->yMin) < size * 0.2 && fabs(str3->yMax - str1->yMax) < size * 0.2
&& fabs(str3->xMax - str1->xMax) < size * 0.1) {
found = true;
// printf("found duplicate!\n");
if (found) {
str2->xyNext = str3->xyNext;
str2->yxNext = str3->yxNext;
delete str3;
} else {
str1 = str1->yxNext;
} /*- !complexMode */
str1 = yxStrings;
const HtmlFont *hfont1 = getFont(str1);
if (hfont1->isBold())
str1->htext->insert(0, "<b>", 3);
if (hfont1->isItalic())
str1->htext->insert(0, "<i>", 3);
if (str1->getLink() != nullptr) {
GooString *ls = str1->getLink()->getLinkStart();
str1->htext->insert(0, ls);
delete ls;
curX = str1->xMin;
curY = str1->yMin;
while (str1 && (str2 = str1->yxNext)) {
const HtmlFont *hfont2 = getFont(str2);
space = str1->yMax - str1->yMin; // the height of the font's bounding box
horSpace = str2->xMin - str1->xMax;
// if strings line up on left-hand side AND they are on subsequent lines, we need a line break
addLineBreak = !noMerge && (fabs(str1->xMin - str2->xMin) < 0.4) && IS_CLOSER(str2->yMax, str1->yMax + space, str1->yMax);
vertSpace = str2->yMin - str1->yMax;
// printf("coalesce %d %d %f? ", str1->dir, str2->dir, d);
if (str2->yMin >= str1->yMin && str2->yMin <= str1->yMax) {
vertOverlap = str1->yMax - str2->yMin;
} else if (str2->yMax >= str1->yMin && str2->yMax <= str1->yMax) {
vertOverlap = str2->yMax - str1->yMin;
} else {
vertOverlap = 0;
// Combine strings if:
// They appear to be the same font (complex mode only) && going in the same direction AND at least one of the following:
// 1. They appear to be part of the same line of text
// 2. They appear to be subsequent lines of a paragraph
// We assume (1) or (2) above, respectively, based on:
// (1) strings overlap vertically AND
// horizontal space between end of str1 and start of str2 is consistent with a single space or less;
// when rawOrder, the strings have to overlap vertically by at least 50%
// (2) Strings flow down the page, but the space between them is not too great, and they are lined up on the left
if (((((rawOrder && vertOverlap > 0.5 * space) || (!rawOrder && str2->yMin < str1->yMax)) && (horSpace > -0.5 * space && horSpace < space)) || (vertSpace >= 0 && vertSpace < 0.5 * space && addLineBreak))
&& (!complexMode || (hfont1->isEqualIgnoreBold(*hfont2))) && // in complex mode fonts must be the same, in other modes fonts do not metter
str1->dir == str2->dir // text direction the same
) {
// printf("yes\n");
n = str1->len + str2->len;
if ((addSpace = horSpace > wordBreakThreshold * space)) {
if (addLineBreak) {
str1->size = (n + 15) & ~15;
str1->text = (Unicode *)grealloc(str1->text, str1->size * sizeof(Unicode));
str1->xRight = (double *)grealloc(str1->xRight, str1->size * sizeof(double));
if (addSpace) {
str1->text[str1->len] = 0x20;
str1->htext->append(xml ? " " : "&#160;");
str1->xRight[str1->len] = str2->xMin;
if (addLineBreak) {
str1->text[str1->len] = '\n';
str1->xRight[str1->len] = str2->xMin;
str1->yMin = str2->yMin;
str1->yMax = str2->yMax;
str1->xMax = str2->xMax;
int fontLineSize = hfont1->getLineSize();
int curLineSize = (int)(vertSpace + space);
if (curLineSize != fontLineSize) {
HtmlFont *newfnt = new HtmlFont(*hfont1);
str1->fontpos = fonts->AddFont(*newfnt);
delete newfnt;
hfont1 = getFont(str1);
// we have to reget hfont2 because it's location could have
// changed on resize
hfont2 = getFont(str2);
for (i = 0; i < str2->len; ++i) {
str1->text[str1->len] = str2->text[i];
str1->xRight[str1->len] = str2->xRight[i];
/* fix <i>, <b> if str1 and str2 differ and handle switch of links */
const HtmlLink *hlink1 = str1->getLink();
const HtmlLink *hlink2 = str2->getLink();
bool switch_links = !hlink1 || !hlink2 || !hlink1->isEqualDest(*hlink2);
bool finish_a = switch_links && hlink1 != nullptr;
bool finish_italic = hfont1->isItalic() && (!hfont2->isItalic() || finish_a);
bool finish_bold = hfont1->isBold() && (!hfont2->isBold() || finish_a || finish_italic);
CloseTags(str1->htext, finish_a, finish_italic, finish_bold);
if (switch_links && hlink2 != nullptr) {
GooString *ls = hlink2->getLinkStart();
delete ls;
if ((!hfont1->isItalic() || finish_italic) && hfont2->isItalic())
str1->htext->append("<i>", 3);
if ((!hfont1->isBold() || finish_bold) && hfont2->isBold())
str1->htext->append("<b>", 3);
// str1 now contains href for link of str2 (if it is defined)
str1->link = str2->link;
hfont1 = hfont2;
if (str2->xMax > str1->xMax) {
str1->xMax = str2->xMax;
if (str2->yMax > str1->yMax) {
str1->yMax = str2->yMax;
str1->yxNext = str2->yxNext;
delete str2;
} else { // keep strings separate
// printf("no\n");
bool finish_a = str1->getLink() != nullptr;
bool finish_bold = hfont1->isBold();
bool finish_italic = hfont1->isItalic();
CloseTags(str1->htext, finish_a, finish_italic, finish_bold);
str1->xMin = curX;
str1->yMin = curY;
str1 = str2;
curX = str1->xMin;
curY = str1->yMin;
hfont1 = hfont2;
if (hfont1->isBold())
str1->htext->insert(0, "<b>", 3);
if (hfont1->isItalic())
str1->htext->insert(0, "<i>", 3);
if (str1->getLink() != nullptr) {
GooString *ls = str1->getLink()->getLinkStart();
str1->htext->insert(0, ls);
delete ls;
str1->xMin = curX;
str1->yMin = curY;
bool finish_bold = hfont1->isBold();
bool finish_italic = hfont1->isItalic();
bool finish_a = str1->getLink() != nullptr;
CloseTags(str1->htext, finish_a, finish_italic, finish_bold);
#if 0 //~ for debugging
for (str1 = yxStrings; str1; str1 = str1->yxNext) {
printf("x=%3d..%3d y=%3d..%3d size=%2d ",
(int)str1->xMin, (int)str1->xMax, (int)str1->yMin, (int)str1->yMax,
(int)(str1->yMax - str1->yMin));
printf("'%s'\n", str1->htext->c_str());
void HtmlPage::dumpAsXML(FILE *f, int page)
fprintf(f, "<page number=\"%d\" position=\"absolute\"", page);
fprintf(f, " top=\"0\" left=\"0\" height=\"%d\" width=\"%d\">\n", pageHeight, pageWidth);
for (int i = fontsPageMarker; i < fonts->size(); i++) {
GooString *fontCSStyle = fonts->CSStyle(i);
fprintf(f, "\t%s\n", fontCSStyle->c_str());
delete fontCSStyle;
for (auto ptr : imgList) {
auto img = static_cast<HtmlImage *>(ptr);
if (!noRoundedCoordinates) {
fprintf(f, "<image top=\"%d\" left=\"%d\" ", xoutRound(img->yMin), xoutRound(img->xMin));
fprintf(f, "width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" ", xoutRound(img->xMax - img->xMin), xoutRound(img->yMax - img->yMin));
} else {
fprintf(f, "<image top=\"%f\" left=\"%f\" ", img->yMin, img->xMin);
fprintf(f, "width=\"%f\" height=\"%f\" ", img->xMax - img->xMin, img->yMax - img->yMin);
fprintf(f, "src=\"%s\"/>\n", img->fName->c_str());
delete img;
for (HtmlString *tmp = yxStrings; tmp; tmp = tmp->yxNext) {
if (tmp->htext) {
if (!noRoundedCoordinates) {
fprintf(f, "<text top=\"%d\" left=\"%d\" ", xoutRound(tmp->yMin), xoutRound(tmp->xMin));
fprintf(f, "width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" ", xoutRound(tmp->xMax - tmp->xMin), xoutRound(tmp->yMax - tmp->yMin));
} else {
fprintf(f, "<text top=\"%f\" left=\"%f\" ", tmp->yMin, tmp->xMin);
fprintf(f, "width=\"%f\" height=\"%f\" ", tmp->xMax - tmp->xMin, tmp->yMax - tmp->yMin);
fprintf(f, "font=\"%d\">", tmp->fontpos);
fputs(tmp->htext->c_str(), f);
fputs("</text>\n", f);
fputs("</page>\n", f);
static void printCSS(FILE *f)
// Image flip/flop CSS
// Source:
// tested in Chrome, Fx (Linux) and IE9 (W7)
static const char css[] = "<style type=\"text/css\">"
".xflip {"
" -moz-transform: scaleX(-1);"
" -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);"
" -o-transform: scaleX(-1);"
" transform: scaleX(-1);"
" filter: fliph;"
".yflip {"
" -moz-transform: scaleY(-1);"
" -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1);"
" -o-transform: scaleY(-1);"
" transform: scaleY(-1);"
" filter: flipv;"
".xyflip {"
" -moz-transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);"
" -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);"
" -o-transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);"
" transform: scaleX(-1) scaleY(-1);"
" filter: fliph + flipv;"
fwrite(css, sizeof(css) - 1, 1, f);
int HtmlPage::dumpComplexHeaders(FILE *const file, FILE *&pageFile, int page)
if (!noframes) {
const std::string pgNum = std::to_string(page);
std::string pageFileName(DocName->toStr());
if (!singleHtml) {
pageFileName += '-' + pgNum + ".html";
pageFile = fopen(pageFileName.c_str(), "w");
} else {
pageFileName += "-html.html";
pageFile = fopen(pageFileName.c_str(), "a");
if (!pageFile) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open html file '{0:s}'", pageFileName.c_str());
return 1;
if (!singleHtml)
fprintf(pageFile, "%s\n<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">\n<head>\n<title>Page %d</title>\n\n", DOCTYPE, page);
fprintf(pageFile, "%s\n<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n\n", DOCTYPE, pageFileName.c_str());
const std::string htmlEncoding = HtmlOutputDev::mapEncodingToHtml(globalParams->getTextEncodingName());
if (!singleHtml)
fprintf(pageFile, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\"/>\n", htmlEncoding.c_str());
fprintf(pageFile, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\"/>\n <br/>\n", htmlEncoding.c_str());
} else {
pageFile = file;
fprintf(pageFile, "<!-- Page %d -->\n", page);
fprintf(pageFile, "<a name=\"%d\"></a>\n", page);
return 0;
void HtmlPage::dumpComplex(FILE *file, int page, const std::vector<std::string> &backgroundImages)
FILE *pageFile;
if (firstPage == -1)
firstPage = page;
if (dumpComplexHeaders(file, pageFile, page)) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't write headers.");
fputs("<style type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n", pageFile);
fputs("\tp {margin: 0; padding: 0;}", pageFile);
for (int i = fontsPageMarker; i != fonts->size(); i++) {
GooString *fontCSStyle;
if (!singleHtml)
fontCSStyle = fonts->CSStyle(i);
fontCSStyle = fonts->CSStyle(i, page);
fprintf(pageFile, "\t%s\n", fontCSStyle->c_str());
delete fontCSStyle;
fputs("-->\n</style>\n", pageFile);
if (!noframes) {
fputs("</head>\n<body bgcolor=\"#A0A0A0\" vlink=\"blue\" link=\"blue\">\n", pageFile);
fprintf(pageFile, "<div id=\"page%d-div\" style=\"position:relative;width:%dpx;height:%dpx;\">\n", page, pageWidth, pageHeight);
if (!ignore && (size_t)(page - firstPage) < backgroundImages.size()) {
fprintf(pageFile, "<img width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" src=\"%s\" alt=\"background image\"/>\n", pageWidth, pageHeight, backgroundImages[page - firstPage].c_str());
for (HtmlString *tmp1 = yxStrings; tmp1; tmp1 = tmp1->yxNext) {
if (tmp1->htext) {
fprintf(pageFile, "<p style=\"position:absolute;top:%dpx;left:%dpx;white-space:nowrap\" class=\"ft", xoutRound(tmp1->yMin), xoutRound(tmp1->xMin));
if (!singleHtml) {
fputc('0', pageFile);
} else {
fprintf(pageFile, "%d", page);
fprintf(pageFile, "%d\">", tmp1->fontpos);
fputs(tmp1->htext->c_str(), pageFile);
fputs("</p>\n", pageFile);
fputs("</div>\n", pageFile);
if (!noframes) {
fputs("</body>\n</html>\n", pageFile);
void HtmlPage::dump(FILE *f, int pageNum, const std::vector<std::string> &backgroundImages)
if (complexMode || singleHtml) {
if (xml)
dumpAsXML(f, pageNum);
if (!xml)
dumpComplex(f, pageNum, backgroundImages);
} else {
fprintf(f, "<a name=%d></a>", pageNum);
// Loop over the list of image names on this page
for (auto ptr : imgList) {
auto img = static_cast<HtmlImage *>(ptr);
// see printCSS() for class names
const char *styles[4] = { "", " class=\"xflip\"", " class=\"yflip\"", " class=\"xyflip\"" };
int style_index = 0;
if (img->xMin > img->xMax)
style_index += 1; // xFlip
if (img->yMin > img->yMax)
style_index += 2; // yFlip
fprintf(f, "<img%s src=\"%s\"/><br/>\n", styles[style_index], img->fName->c_str());
delete img;
GooString *str;
for (HtmlString *tmp = yxStrings; tmp; tmp = tmp->yxNext) {
if (tmp->htext) {
str = new GooString(tmp->htext);
fputs(str->c_str(), f);
delete str;
fputs("<br/>\n", f);
fputs("<hr/>\n", f);
void HtmlPage::clear()
HtmlString *p1, *p2;
if (curStr) {
delete curStr;
curStr = nullptr;
for (p1 = yxStrings; p1; p1 = p2) {
p2 = p1->yxNext;
delete p1;
yxStrings = nullptr;
xyStrings = nullptr;
yxCur1 = yxCur2 = nullptr;
if (!noframes) {
delete fonts;
fonts = new HtmlFontAccu();
fontsPageMarker = 0;
} else {
fontsPageMarker = fonts->size();
delete links;
links = new HtmlLinks();
void HtmlPage::setDocName(const char *fname)
DocName = new GooString(fname);
void HtmlPage::addImage(GooString *fname, GfxState *state)
HtmlImage *img = new HtmlImage(fname, state);
// HtmlMetaVar
HtmlMetaVar::HtmlMetaVar(const char *_name, const char *_content)
name = new GooString(_name);
content = new GooString(_content);
delete name;
delete content;
GooString *HtmlMetaVar::toString() const
GooString *result = new GooString("<meta name=\"");
result->append("\" content=\"");
return result;
// HtmlOutputDev
static const char *HtmlEncodings[][2] = { { "Latin1", "ISO-8859-1" }, { nullptr, nullptr } };
std::string HtmlOutputDev::mapEncodingToHtml(const std::string &encoding)
for (int i = 0; HtmlEncodings[i][0] != nullptr; i++) {
if (encoding == HtmlEncodings[i][0]) {
return HtmlEncodings[i][1];
return encoding;
void HtmlOutputDev::doFrame(int firstPage)
GooString *fName = new GooString(Docname);
if (!(fContentsFrame = fopen(fName->c_str(), "w"))) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open html file '{0:t}'", fName);
delete fName;
delete fName;
const std::string baseName = gbasename(Docname->c_str());
fputs(DOCTYPE, fContentsFrame);
fputs("\n<html>", fContentsFrame);
fputs("\n<head>", fContentsFrame);
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "\n<title>%s</title>", docTitle->c_str());
const std::string htmlEncoding = mapEncodingToHtml(globalParams->getTextEncodingName());
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\"/>\n", htmlEncoding.c_str());
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "</head>\n");
fputs("<frameset cols=\"100,*\">\n", fContentsFrame);
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "<frame name=\"links\" src=\"%s_ind.html\"/>\n", baseName.c_str());
fputs("<frame name=\"contents\" src=", fContentsFrame);
if (complexMode)
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "\"%s-%d.html\"", baseName.c_str(), firstPage);
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "\"%ss.html\"", baseName.c_str());
fputs("/>\n</frameset>\n</html>\n", fContentsFrame);
HtmlOutputDev::HtmlOutputDev(Catalog *catalogA, const char *fileName, const char *title, const char *author, const char *keywords, const char *subject, const char *date, bool rawOrderA, int firstPage, bool outline)
catalog = catalogA;
fContentsFrame = nullptr;
page = nullptr;
docTitle = new GooString(title);
pages = nullptr;
dumpJPEG = true;
// write = true;
rawOrder = rawOrderA;
this->doOutline = outline;
ok = false;
// this->firstPage = firstPage;
// pageNum=firstPage;
// open file
needClose = false;
pages = new HtmlPage(rawOrder);
glMetaVars.push_back(new HtmlMetaVar("generator", "pdftohtml 0.36"));
if (author)
glMetaVars.push_back(new HtmlMetaVar("author", author));
if (keywords)
glMetaVars.push_back(new HtmlMetaVar("keywords", keywords));
if (date)
glMetaVars.push_back(new HtmlMetaVar("date", date));
if (subject)
glMetaVars.push_back(new HtmlMetaVar("subject", subject));
maxPageWidth = 0;
maxPageHeight = 0;
Docname = new GooString(fileName);
// for non-xml output (complex or simple) with frames generate the left frame
if (!xml && !noframes) {
if (!singleHtml) {
GooString *left = new GooString(fileName);
if (!(fContentsFrame = fopen(left->c_str(), "w"))) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open html file '{0:t}'", left);
delete left;
delete left;
fputs(DOCTYPE, fContentsFrame);
fputs("<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">\n<head>\n<title></title>\n</head>\n<body>\n", fContentsFrame);
if (doOutline) {
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "<a href=\"%s%s\" target=\"contents\">Outline</a><br/>", gbasename(Docname->c_str()).c_str(), complexMode ? "-outline.html" : "s.html#outline");
if (!complexMode) { /* not in complex mode */
GooString *right = new GooString(fileName);
if (!(page = fopen(right->c_str(), "w"))) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open html file '{0:t}'", right);
delete right;
delete right;
fputs(DOCTYPE, page);
fputs("<html>\n<head>\n<title></title>\n", page);
fputs("</head>\n<body>\n", page);
if (noframes) {
if (stout)
page = stdout;
else {
GooString *right = new GooString(fileName);
if (!xml)
if (xml)
if (!(page = fopen(right->c_str(), "w"))) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open html file '{0:t}'", right);
delete right;
delete right;
const std::string htmlEncoding = mapEncodingToHtml(globalParams->getTextEncodingName());
if (xml) {
fprintf(page, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>\n", htmlEncoding.c_str());
fputs("<!DOCTYPE pdf2xml SYSTEM \"pdf2xml.dtd\">\n\n", page);
fprintf(page, "<pdf2xml producer=\"%s\" version=\"%s\">\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION);
} else {
fprintf(page, "%s\n<html xmlns=\"\" lang=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">\n<head>\n<title>%s</title>\n", DOCTYPE, docTitle->c_str());
fprintf(page, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\"/>\n", htmlEncoding.c_str());
fprintf(page, "</head>\n");
fprintf(page, "<body bgcolor=\"#A0A0A0\" vlink=\"blue\" link=\"blue\">\n");
ok = true;
delete Docname;
delete docTitle;
for (auto entry : glMetaVars) {
delete entry;
if (fContentsFrame) {
fputs("</body>\n</html>\n", fContentsFrame);
if (page != nullptr) {
if (xml) {
fputs("</pdf2xml>\n", page);
} else if (!complexMode || xml || noframes) {
fputs("</body>\n</html>\n", page);
if (pages)
delete pages;
void HtmlOutputDev::startPage(int pageNumA, GfxState *state, XRef *xref)
#if 0
if (mode&&!xml){
if (write){
GooString* fname=Dirname(Docname);
printf("Error : can not open %s",fname);
delete fname;
// if(state->getRotation()!=0)
// fprintf(tin,"ROTATE=%d rotate %d neg %d neg translate\n",state->getRotation(),state->getX1(),-state->getY1());
// else
fprintf(tin,"ROTATE=%d neg %d neg translate\n",state->getX1(),state->getY1());
pageNum = pageNumA;
const std::string str = gbasename(Docname->c_str());
if (!noframes) {
if (fContentsFrame) {
if (complexMode)
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "<a href=\"%s-%d.html\"", str.c_str(), pageNum);
fprintf(fContentsFrame, "<a href=\"%ss.html#%d\"", str.c_str(), pageNum);
fprintf(fContentsFrame, " target=\"contents\" >Page %d</a><br/>\n", pageNum);
pages->pageWidth = static_cast<int>(state->getPageWidth());
pages->pageHeight = static_cast<int>(state->getPageHeight());
void HtmlOutputDev::endPage()
std::unique_ptr<Links> linksList = docPage->getLinks();
for (int i = 0; i < linksList->getNumLinks(); ++i) {
pages->dump(page, pageNum, backgroundImages);
// I don't yet know what to do in the case when there are pages of different
// sizes and we want complex output: running ghostscript many times
// seems very inefficient. So for now I'll just use last page's size
maxPageWidth = pages->pageWidth;
maxPageHeight = pages->pageHeight;
// if(!noframes&&!xml) fputs("<br/>\n", fContentsFrame);
if (!stout && !globalParams->getErrQuiet())
printf("Page-%d\n", (pageNum));
void HtmlOutputDev::addBackgroundImage(const std::string &img)
void HtmlOutputDev::updateFont(GfxState *state)
void HtmlOutputDev::beginString(GfxState *state, const GooString *s)
pages->beginString(state, s);
void HtmlOutputDev::endString(GfxState *state)
void HtmlOutputDev::drawChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, double originX, double originY, CharCode code, int /*nBytes*/, const Unicode *u, int uLen)
if (!showHidden && (state->getRender() & 3) == 3) {
pages->addChar(state, x, y, dx, dy, originX, originY, u, uLen);
void HtmlOutputDev::drawJpegImage(GfxState *state, Stream *str)
InMemoryFile ims;
FILE *f1 = nullptr;
int c;
// open the image file
GooString *fName = createImageFileName("jpg");
f1 = dataUrls ?"wb") : fopen(fName->c_str(), "wb");
if (!f1) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open image file '{0:t}'", fName);
delete fName;
// initialize stream
str = str->getNextStream();
// copy the stream
while ((c = str->getChar()) != EOF)
fputc(c, f1);
if (dataUrls) {
delete fName;
fName = new GooString(std::string("data:image/jpeg;base64,") + gbase64Encode(ims.getBuffer()));
pages->addImage(fName, state);
void HtmlOutputDev::drawPngImage(GfxState *state, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, bool isMask)
FILE *f1;
InMemoryFile ims;
if (!colorMap && !isMask) {
error(errInternal, -1, "Can't have color image without a color map");
// open the image file
GooString *fName = createImageFileName("png");
f1 = dataUrls ?"wb") : fopen(fName->c_str(), "wb");
if (!f1) {
error(errIO, -1, "Couldn't open image file '{0:t}'", fName);
delete fName;
PNGWriter *writer = new PNGWriter(isMask ? PNGWriter::MONOCHROME : PNGWriter::RGB);
// TODO can we calculate the resolution of the image?
if (!writer->init(f1, width, height, 72, 72)) {
error(errInternal, -1, "Can't init PNG for image '{0:t}'", fName);
delete writer;
if (!isMask) {
unsigned char *p;
GfxRGB rgb;
png_byte *row = (png_byte *)gmalloc(3 * width); // 3 bytes/pixel: RGB
png_bytep *row_pointer = &row;
// Initialize the image stream
ImageStream *imgStr = new ImageStream(str, width, colorMap->getNumPixelComps(), colorMap->getBits());
// For each line...
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// Convert into a PNG row
p = imgStr->getLine();
if (!p) {
error(errIO, -1, "Failed to read PNG. '{0:t}' will be incorrect", fName);
delete fName;
delete writer;
delete imgStr;
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
colorMap->getRGB(p, &rgb);
// Write the RGB pixels into the row
row[3 * x] = colToByte(rgb.r);
row[3 * x + 1] = colToByte(rgb.g);
row[3 * x + 2] = colToByte(rgb.b);
p += colorMap->getNumPixelComps();
if (!writer->writeRow(row_pointer)) {
error(errIO, -1, "Failed to write into PNG '{0:t}'", fName);
delete writer;
delete imgStr;
delete imgStr;
} else { // isMask == true
int size = (width + 7) / 8;
// PDF masks use 0 = draw current color, 1 = leave unchanged.
// We invert this to provide the standard interpretation of alpha
// (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque). If the colorMap already inverts
// the mask we leave the data unchanged.
int invert_bits = 0xff;
if (colorMap) {
GfxGray gray;
unsigned char zero[gfxColorMaxComps];
memset(zero, 0, sizeof(zero));
colorMap->getGray(zero, &gray);
if (colToByte(gray) == 0)
invert_bits = 0x00;
unsigned char *png_row = (unsigned char *)gmalloc(size);
for (int ri = 0; ri < height; ++ri) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
png_row[i] = str->getChar() ^ invert_bits;
if (!writer->writeRow(&png_row)) {
error(errIO, -1, "Failed to write into PNG '{0:t}'", fName);
delete writer;
delete writer;
if (dataUrls) {
delete fName;
fName = new GooString(std::string("data:image/png;base64,") + gbase64Encode(ims.getBuffer()));
pages->addImage(fName, state);
GooString *HtmlOutputDev::createImageFileName(const char *ext)
return GooString::format("{0:s}-{1:d}_{2:d}.{3:s}", Docname->c_str(), pageNum, pages->getNumImages() + 1, ext);
void HtmlOutputDev::drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, bool invert, bool interpolate, bool inlineImg)
if (ignore || (complexMode && !xml)) {
OutputDev::drawImageMask(state, ref, str, width, height, invert, interpolate, inlineImg);
// dump JPEG file
if (dumpJPEG && str->getKind() == strDCT) {
drawJpegImage(state, str);
} else {
drawPngImage(state, str, width, height, nullptr, true);
OutputDev::drawImageMask(state, ref, str, width, height, invert, interpolate, inlineImg);
void HtmlOutputDev::drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, bool interpolate, const int *maskColors, bool inlineImg)
if (ignore || (complexMode && !xml)) {
OutputDev::drawImage(state, ref, str, width, height, colorMap, interpolate, maskColors, inlineImg);
/*if( !globalParams->getErrQuiet() )
printf("image stream of kind %d\n", str->getKind());*/
// dump JPEG file
if (dumpJPEG && str->getKind() == strDCT && (colorMap->getNumPixelComps() == 1 || colorMap->getNumPixelComps() == 3) && !inlineImg) {
drawJpegImage(state, str);
} else {
drawPngImage(state, str, width, height, colorMap);
OutputDev::drawImage(state, ref, str, width, height, colorMap, interpolate, maskColors, inlineImg);
void HtmlOutputDev::doProcessLink(AnnotLink *link)
double _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2;
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
link->getRect(&_x1, &_y1, &_x2, &_y2);
cvtUserToDev(_x1, _y1, &x1, &y1);
cvtUserToDev(_x2, _y2, &x2, &y2);
GooString *_dest = getLinkDest(link);
HtmlLink t((double)x1, (double)y2, (double)x2, (double)y1, _dest);
delete _dest;
GooString *HtmlOutputDev::getLinkDest(AnnotLink *link)
if (!link->getAction())
return new GooString();
switch (link->getAction()->getKind()) {
case actionGoTo: {
int destPage = 1;
LinkGoTo *ha = (LinkGoTo *)link->getAction();
std::unique_ptr<LinkDest> dest;
if (ha->getDest() != nullptr)
dest = std::unique_ptr<LinkDest>(ha->getDest()->copy());
else if (ha->getNamedDest() != nullptr)
dest = catalog->findDest(ha->getNamedDest());
if (dest) {
GooString *file = new GooString(gbasename(Docname->c_str()));
if (dest->isPageRef()) {
const Ref pageref = dest->getPageRef();
destPage = catalog->findPage(pageref);
} else {
destPage = dest->getPageNum();
/* complex simple
frames file-4.html files.html#4
noframes file.html#4 file.html#4
if (noframes) {
} else {
if (complexMode) {
} else {
if (printCommands)
printf(" link to page %d ", destPage);
return file;
} else {
return new GooString();
case actionGoToR: {
LinkGoToR *ha = (LinkGoToR *)link->getAction();
LinkDest *dest = nullptr;
int destPage = 1;
GooString *file = new GooString();
if (ha->getFileName()) {
delete file;
file = new GooString(ha->getFileName()->c_str());
if (ha->getDest() != nullptr)
dest = ha->getDest()->copy();
if (dest && file) {
if (!(dest->isPageRef()))
destPage = dest->getPageNum();
delete dest;
if (printCommands)
printf(" link to page %d ", destPage);
if (printHtml) {
const char *p = file->c_str() + file->getLength() - 4;
if (!strcmp(p, ".pdf") || !strcmp(p, ".PDF")) {
file->del(file->getLength() - 4, 4);
if (printCommands && file)
printf("filename %s\n", file->c_str());
return file;
case actionURI: {
LinkURI *ha = (LinkURI *)link->getAction();
GooString *file = new GooString(ha->getURI());
// printf("uri : %s\n",file->c_str());
return file;
case actionLaunch:
if (printHtml) {
LinkLaunch *ha = (LinkLaunch *)link->getAction();
GooString *file = new GooString(ha->getFileName()->c_str());
const char *p = file->c_str() + file->getLength() - 4;
if (!strcmp(p, ".pdf") || !strcmp(p, ".PDF")) {
file->del(file->getLength() - 4, 4);
if (printCommands)
printf("filename %s", file->c_str());
return file;
// fallthrough
return new GooString();
void HtmlOutputDev::dumpMetaVars(FILE *file)
GooString *var;
for (const HtmlMetaVar *t : glMetaVars) {
var = t->toString();
fprintf(file, "%s\n", var->c_str());
delete var;
bool HtmlOutputDev::dumpDocOutline(PDFDoc *doc)
FILE *output = nullptr;
bool bClose = false;
if (!ok)
return false;
Outline *outline = doc->getOutline();
if (!outline)
return false;
const std::vector<OutlineItem *> *outlines = outline->getItems();
if (!outlines)
return false;
if (!complexMode || xml) {
output = page;
} else if (complexMode && !xml) {
if (noframes) {
output = page;
fputs("<hr/>\n", output);
} else {
GooString *str = Docname->copy();
output = fopen(str->c_str(), "w");
delete str;
if (output == nullptr)
return false;
bClose = true;
const std::string htmlEncoding = HtmlOutputDev::mapEncodingToHtml(globalParams->getTextEncodingName());
"<html xmlns=\"\" "
"lang=\"\" xml:lang=\"\">\n"
"<title>Document Outline</title>\n"
"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; "
if (!xml) {
bool done = newHtmlOutlineLevel(output, outlines);
if (done && !complexMode)
fputs("<hr/>\n", output);
if (bClose) {
fputs("</body>\n</html>\n", output);
} else
newXmlOutlineLevel(output, outlines);
return true;
bool HtmlOutputDev::newHtmlOutlineLevel(FILE *output, const std::vector<OutlineItem *> *outlines, int level)
bool atLeastOne = false;
if (level == 1) {
fputs("<a name=\"outline\"></a>", output);
fputs("<h1>Document Outline</h1>\n", output);
fputs("<ul>\n", output);
for (OutlineItem *item : *outlines) {
GooString *titleStr = HtmlFont::HtmlFilter(item->getTitle(), item->getTitleLength());
GooString *linkName = nullptr;
const int itemPage = getOutlinePageNum(item);
if (itemPage > 0) {
/* complex simple
frames file-4.html files.html#4
noframes file.html#4 file.html#4
linkName = new GooString(gbasename(Docname->c_str()));
if (noframes) {
} else {
if (complexMode) {
} else {
fputs("<li>", output);
if (linkName)
fprintf(output, "<a href=\"%s\">", linkName->c_str());
fputs(titleStr->c_str(), output);
if (linkName) {
fputs("</a>", output);
delete linkName;
delete titleStr;
atLeastOne = true;
if (item->hasKids() && item->getKids()) {
fputs("\n", output);
newHtmlOutlineLevel(output, item->getKids(), level + 1);
fputs("</li>\n", output);
fputs("</ul>\n", output);
return atLeastOne;
void HtmlOutputDev::newXmlOutlineLevel(FILE *output, const std::vector<OutlineItem *> *outlines)
fputs("<outline>\n", output);
for (OutlineItem *item : *outlines) {
GooString *titleStr = HtmlFont::HtmlFilter(item->getTitle(), item->getTitleLength());
const int itemPage = getOutlinePageNum(item);
if (itemPage > 0) {
fprintf(output, "<item page=\"%d\">%s</item>\n", itemPage, titleStr->c_str());
} else {
fprintf(output, "<item>%s</item>\n", titleStr->c_str());
delete titleStr;
if (item->hasKids() && item->getKids()) {
newXmlOutlineLevel(output, item->getKids());
fputs("</outline>\n", output);
int HtmlOutputDev::getOutlinePageNum(OutlineItem *item)
const LinkAction *action = item->getAction();
const LinkGoTo *link = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<LinkDest> linkdest;
int pagenum = -1;
if (!action || action->getKind() != actionGoTo)
return pagenum;
link = static_cast<const LinkGoTo *>(action);
if (!link || !link->isOk())
return pagenum;
if (link->getDest())
linkdest = std::unique_ptr<LinkDest>(link->getDest()->copy());
else if (link->getNamedDest())
linkdest = catalog->findDest(link->getNamedDest());
if (!linkdest)
return pagenum;
if (linkdest->isPageRef()) {
const Ref pageref = linkdest->getPageRef();
pagenum = catalog->findPage(pageref);
} else {
pagenum = linkdest->getPageNum();
return pagenum;