blob: 55f8692e3491895a10a54817327b204829cd0062 [file] [log] [blame]
// GfxFont.h
// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
// Modified under the Poppler project -
// All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed
// under GPL version 2 or later
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Albert Astals Cid <>
// Copyright (C) 2006 Takashi Iwai <>
// Copyright (C) 2006 Kristian Høgsberg <>
// Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Rebetez <>
// Copyright (C) 2007 Jeff Muizelaar <>
// Copyright (C) 2007 Koji Otani <>
// To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that
// came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git
#ifndef GFXFONT_H
#define GFXFONT_H
#pragma interface
#include "goo/gtypes.h"
#include "goo/GooString.h"
#include "Object.h"
#include "CharTypes.h"
class Dict;
class CMap;
class CharCodeToUnicode;
class FoFiTrueType;
class DisplayFontParam;
struct GfxFontCIDWidths;
// GfxFontType
enum GfxFontType {
//----- Gfx8BitFont
//----- GfxCIDFont
// GfxFontCIDWidths
struct GfxFontCIDWidthExcep {
CID first; // this record applies to
CID last; // CIDs <first>..<last>
double width; // char width
struct GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV {
CID first; // this record applies to
CID last; // CIDs <first>..<last>
double height; // char height
double vx, vy; // origin position
struct GfxFontCIDWidths {
double defWidth; // default char width
double defHeight; // default char height
double defVY; // default origin position
GfxFontCIDWidthExcep *exceps; // exceptions
int nExceps; // number of valid entries in exceps
GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV * // exceptions for vertical font
int nExcepsV; // number of valid entries in excepsV
// GfxFont
#define fontFixedWidth (1 << 0)
#define fontSerif (1 << 1)
#define fontSymbolic (1 << 2)
#define fontItalic (1 << 6)
#define fontBold (1 << 18)
class GfxFont {
enum Stretch {
UltraExpanded };
enum Weight {
W400, // Normal
W700, // Bold
W900 };
// Build a GfxFont object.
static GfxFont *makeFont(XRef *xref, char *tagA, Ref idA, Dict *fontDict);
GfxFont(char *tagA, Ref idA, GooString *nameA);
GBool isOk() { return ok; }
void incRefCnt();
void decRefCnt();
// Get font tag.
GooString *getTag() { return tag; }
// Get font dictionary ID.
Ref *getID() { return &id; }
// Does this font match the tag?
GBool matches(char *tagA) { return !tag->cmp(tagA); }
// Get base font name.
GooString *getName() { return name; }
// Get font family name.
GooString *getFamily() { return family; }
// Get font stretch.
Stretch getStretch() { return stretch; }
// Get font weight.
Weight getWeight() { return weight; }
// Get the original font name (ignornig any munging that might have
// been done to map to a canonical Base-14 font name).
GooString *getOrigName() { return origName; }
// Get font type.
GfxFontType getType() { return type; }
virtual GBool isCIDFont() { return gFalse; }
// Get embedded font ID, i.e., a ref for the font file stream.
// Returns false if there is no embedded font.
GBool getEmbeddedFontID(Ref *embID)
{ *embID = embFontID; return embFontID.num >= 0; }
// Get the PostScript font name for the embedded font. Returns
// NULL if there is no embedded font.
GooString *getEmbeddedFontName() { return embFontName; }
// Get the name of the external font file. Returns NULL if there
// is no external font file.
GooString *getExtFontFile() { return extFontFile; }
// Get font descriptor flags.
int getFlags() { return flags; }
GBool isFixedWidth() { return flags & fontFixedWidth; }
GBool isSerif() { return flags & fontSerif; }
GBool isSymbolic() { return flags & fontSymbolic; }
GBool isItalic() { return flags & fontItalic; }
GBool isBold() { return flags & fontBold; }
// Return the Unicode map.
virtual CharCodeToUnicode *getToUnicode() = 0;
// Return the font matrix.
double *getFontMatrix() { return fontMat; }
// Return the font bounding box.
double *getFontBBox() { return fontBBox; }
// Return the ascent and descent values.
double getAscent() { return ascent; }
double getDescent() { return descent; }
// Return the writing mode (0=horizontal, 1=vertical).
virtual int getWMode() { return 0; }
// Read an external or embedded font file into a buffer.
char *readExtFontFile(int *len);
char *readEmbFontFile(XRef *xref, int *len);
// Get the next char from a string <s> of <len> bytes, returning the
// char <code>, its Unicode mapping <u>, its displacement vector
// (<dx>, <dy>), and its origin offset vector (<ox>, <oy>). <uSize>
// is the number of entries available in <u>, and <uLen> is set to
// the number actually used. Returns the number of bytes used by
// the char code.
virtual int getNextChar(char *s, int len, CharCode *code,
Unicode **u, int *uLen,
double *dx, double *dy, double *ox, double *oy) = 0;
/* XXX: dfp shouldn't be public, however the font finding code is currently in
* GlobalParams. Instead it should be inside the GfxFont class. However,
* getDisplayFont currently uses FCcfg so moving it is not as simple. */
/* XXX: related to this is the fact that all of the extFontFile stuff is dead */
DisplayFontParam *dfp;
virtual ~GfxFont();
void readFontDescriptor(XRef *xref, Dict *fontDict);
CharCodeToUnicode *readToUnicodeCMap(Dict *fontDict, int nBits,
CharCodeToUnicode *ctu);
void findExtFontFile();
GooString *tag; // PDF font tag
Ref id; // reference (used as unique ID)
GooString *name; // font name
GooString *family; // font family
Stretch stretch; // font stretch
Weight weight; // font weight
GooString *origName; // original font name
GfxFontType type; // type of font
int flags; // font descriptor flags
GooString *embFontName; // name of embedded font
Ref embFontID; // ref to embedded font file stream
GooString *extFontFile; // external font file name
double fontMat[6]; // font matrix (Type 3 only)
double fontBBox[4]; // font bounding box (Type 3 only)
double missingWidth; // "default" width
double ascent; // max height above baseline
double descent; // max depth below baseline
int refCnt;
GBool ok;
// Gfx8BitFont
class Gfx8BitFont: public GfxFont {
Gfx8BitFont(XRef *xref, char *tagA, Ref idA, GooString *nameA,
GfxFontType typeA, Dict *fontDict);
virtual int getNextChar(char *s, int len, CharCode *code,
Unicode **u, int *uLen,
double *dx, double *dy, double *ox, double *oy);
// Return the encoding.
char **getEncoding() { return enc; }
// Return the Unicode map.
CharCodeToUnicode *getToUnicode();
// Return the character name associated with <code>.
char *getCharName(int code) { return enc[code]; }
// Returns true if the PDF font specified an encoding.
GBool getHasEncoding() { return hasEncoding; }
// Returns true if the PDF font specified MacRomanEncoding.
GBool getUsesMacRomanEnc() { return usesMacRomanEnc; }
// Get width of a character.
double getWidth(Guchar c) { return widths[c]; }
// Return a char code-to-GID mapping for the provided font file.
// (This is only useful for TrueType fonts.)
Gushort *getCodeToGIDMap(FoFiTrueType *ff);
// Return the Type 3 CharProc dictionary, or NULL if none.
Dict *getCharProcs();
// Return the Type 3 CharProc for the character associated with <code>.
Object *getCharProc(int code, Object *proc);
// Return the Type 3 Resources dictionary, or NULL if none.
Dict *getResources();
virtual ~Gfx8BitFont();
char *enc[256]; // char code --> char name
char encFree[256]; // boolean for each char name: if set,
// the string is malloc'ed
CharCodeToUnicode *ctu; // char code --> Unicode
GBool hasEncoding;
GBool usesMacRomanEnc;
double widths[256]; // character widths
Object charProcs; // Type 3 CharProcs dictionary
Object resources; // Type 3 Resources dictionary
// GfxCIDFont
class GfxCIDFont: public GfxFont {
GfxCIDFont(XRef *xref, char *tagA, Ref idA, GooString *nameA,
Dict *fontDict);
virtual GBool isCIDFont() { return gTrue; }
virtual int getNextChar(char *s, int len, CharCode *code,
Unicode **u, int *uLen,
double *dx, double *dy, double *ox, double *oy);
// Return the writing mode (0=horizontal, 1=vertical).
virtual int getWMode();
// Return the Unicode map.
CharCodeToUnicode *getToUnicode();
// Get the collection name (<registry>-<ordering>).
GooString *getCollection();
// Return the CID-to-GID mapping table. These should only be called
// if type is fontCIDType2.
Gushort *getCIDToGID() { return cidToGID; }
int getCIDToGIDLen() { return cidToGIDLen; }
Gushort *getCodeToGIDMap(FoFiTrueType *ff, int *length);
double getWidth(char* s, int len);
virtual ~GfxCIDFont();
Gushort mapCodeToGID(FoFiTrueType *ff, int cmapi,
Unicode unicode, GBool wmode);
CMap *cMap; // char code --> CID
CharCodeToUnicode *ctu; // CID --> Unicode
GfxFontCIDWidths widths; // character widths
Gushort *cidToGID; // CID --> GID mapping (for embedded
// TrueType fonts)
int cidToGIDLen;
// GfxFontDict
class GfxFontDict {
// Build the font dictionary, given the PDF font dictionary.
GfxFontDict(XRef *xref, Ref *fontDictRef, Dict *fontDict);
// Destructor.
// Get the specified font.
GfxFont *lookup(char *tag);
// Iterative access.
int getNumFonts() { return numFonts; }
GfxFont *getFont(int i) { return fonts[i]; }
GfxFont **fonts; // list of fonts
int numFonts; // number of fonts