blob: a3f3bdc6582ef7c7d5e1662e06c6df016ea689ef [file] [log] [blame]
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <poppler-qt4.h>
class TestPermissions: public QObject
private slots:
void permissions1();
void TestPermissions::permissions1()
Poppler::Document *doc;
doc = Poppler::Document::load(TESTDATADIR "/unittestcases/orientation.pdf");
QVERIFY( doc );
// we are allowed to print
QVERIFY( doc->okToPrint() );
// we are not allowed to change
QVERIFY( !(doc->okToChange()) );
// we are not allowed to copy or extract content
QVERIFY( !(doc->okToCopy()) );
// we are not allowed to print at high resolution
QVERIFY( !(doc->okToPrintHighRes()) );
// we are not allowed to fill forms
QVERIFY( !(doc->okToFillForm()) );
// we are allowed to extract content for accessibility
QVERIFY( doc->okToExtractForAccessibility() );
// we are allowed to assemble this document
QVERIFY( doc->okToAssemble() );
delete doc;
#include "check_permissions.moc"