blob: 030f23a220ca3f77424edec91081ea92e4e3ff1f [file] [log] [blame]
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== Pipeline (A One-Way Pipe)
image::pipeline.png[A One-Way Pipe]
This pattern is useful for solving producer/consumer problems, including
load-balancing. Messages flow from the push side to the pull side. If
multiple peers are connected, the pattern attempts to distribute fairly.
<1> Blithely assumes message is ASCIIZ string. Real code should check it.
gcc pipeline.c -lnanomsg -o pipeline
./pipeline node0 ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc & node0=$! && sleep 1
./pipeline node1 ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc "Hello, World!"
./pipeline node1 ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc "Goodbye."
kill $node0
NODE1: SENDING "Hello, World!"
NODE0: RECEIVED "Hello, World!"
NODE1: SENDING "Goodbye."
NODE0: RECEIVED "Goodbye."