The nanomsg library is a simple high-performance implementation of several “scalability protocols”. These scalability protocols are light-weight messaging protocols which can be used to solve a number of very common messaging patterns, such as request/reply, publish/subscribe, surveyor/respondent, and so forth. These protocols can run over a variety of transports such as TCP, UNIX sockets, and even WebSocket.
For more information check the website.
POSIX (Linux, MacOS X, UNIX)
Documentation (optional)
These steps here are the minimum steps to get a default Debug build. Using CMake you can do many other things, including setting additional variables, setting up for static builds, or generation project or solution files for different development environments. Please check the CMake website for all the various options that CMake supports.
This assumes you have a shell in the project directory, and have the cmake and suitable compilers (and any required supporting tools like linkers or archivers) on your path.
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% cmake --build .
% ctest .
% sudo cmake --build . --target install
% sudo ldconfig
(if on Linux)This assumes you are in a command or powershell window and have the appropriate variables setup to support Visual Studio, typically by running vcvarsall.bat
or similar with the appropriate argument(s). It also assumes you are in the project directory.
md build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Debug
ctest --config Debug .
cmake --build . --config Debug --target install
NB: This may have to be done using an Administrator account.We normally build a dynamic library (.so or .DLL) by default.
If you want a static library (.a or .LIB), configure by passing -DNN_STATIC_LIB=ON
to the first cmake
POSIX systems will need to link with the libraries normally used when building network applications. For some systems this might mean -lnsl or -lsocket.
You will also need to define NN_STATIC_LIB
in your compilation environment when building programs that use this library. This is required because of the way Windows changes symbol names depending on whether the symbols should be exported in a DLL or not.
When using the .LIB on Windows, you will also need to link with the ws2_32, mswsock, and advapi32 libraries, as nanomsg depends on them.
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