| # Prerequisites |
| *.d |
| |
| # Precompiled headers |
| *.gch |
| *.pch |
| |
| # Object files |
| *.slo |
| *.lo |
| *.o |
| *.obj |
| |
| # Linker output files |
| *.exp |
| *.ilk |
| *.map |
| |
| # Compiled dynamic libraries |
| *.dll |
| *.dylib |
| *.so |
| *.so.* |
| |
| # Compiled static libraries |
| *.a |
| *.la |
| *.lai |
| *.lib |
| |
| # Compiled executables |
| *.app/ |
| *.exe |
| a.out |
| |
| # Debug files |
| *.dSYM/ |
| *.idb |
| *.pdb |
| *.su |
| |
| # Tag files |
| TAGS |
| .TAGS |
| !TAGS/ |
| tags |
| .tags |
| !tags/ |
| gtags.files |
| cscope.files |
| cscope.out |
| cscope.*.out |
| |
| # Text editing and text processing artifacts |
| \#*\# |
| .\#* |
| [._]*.sw[a-p] |
| [._]sw[a-p] |
| *.bak |
| *.orig |
| *.rej |
| *.tmp |
| *~ |
| |
| # IDE files and directories |
| ## Eclipse |
| .cproject/ |
| .project/ |
| .settings/ |
| ## Embarcadero RAD Studio |
| *.cbproj.* |
| __recovery/ |
| ## JetBrains |
| .idea/ |
| ## NetBeans |
| nbbuild/ |
| nbdist/ |
| nbproject/ |
| ## Visual Studio |
| .vs/ |
| ### Visual Studio user files |
| *.rsuser |
| *.sln.docstates |
| *.suo |
| *.user |
| *.userprefs |
| ### Visual Studio cache files (for older versions) |
| *.aps |
| *.ncb |
| *.opensdf |
| *.sdf |
| *.VC.db |
| *.VC.opendb |
| ipch/ |
| ## Visual Studio Code |
| .vscode/* |
| !.vscode/extensions.json |
| !.vscode/launch.json |
| !.vscode/settings.json |
| !.vscode/tasks.json |
| ## (Various) |
| *.*cache |
| *.cache* |
| [._]*_history |
| .history/ |
| [Bb]ackup*/ |
| |
| # Build, test and CI output directories |
| *[Dd]ebug/ |
| [Dd]ebug*/ |
| *[Rr]elease/ |
| [Rr]elease*/ |
| [._]build*/ |
| /[Bb]uild*/ |
| /[Oo]ut/ |
| |
| # Libpng configuration and auxiliary build artifacts |
| *.out |
| *out.png |
| [._]deps/ |
| .dirstamp |
| /Makefile |
| /autom4te.cache/ |
| /config*~ |
| /config.h |
| /config.log |
| /config.status |
| /install*~ |
| /libpng*-config |
| /libpng*.pc |
| /libpng.vers |
| /libtool |
| /stamp-h1 |
| CMake*.json |
| !CMakePresets.json |
| CMakeLists.txt.* |
| pnglibconf.[ch] |
| pnglibconf.dfn |
| pnglibconf.pre |
| pngprefix.h |
| |
| # Libpng test programs |
| png-fix-itxt |
| pngcp |
| pngfix |
| pngimage |
| pngstest |
| pngtest |
| pngunknown |
| pngvalid |
| timepng |