blob: 8c8a544aa9b7786372e0f9f31b12ffb622821499 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define SPI (PI/FT_ANGLE_PI)
/* the precision in 16.16 fixed float points of the checks. Expect */
/* between 2 and 5 noise LSB bits during operations, due to */
/* rounding errors.. */
#define THRESHOLD 64
static error = 0;
static void
test_cos( void )
FT_Fixed f1, f2;
double d1, d2;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_2PI; i += 0x10000 )
f1 = FT_Cos(i);
d1 = f1/65536.0;
d2 = cos( i*SPI );
f2 = (FT_Fixed)(d2*65536.0);
if ( abs( f2-f1 ) > THRESHOLD )
error = 1;
printf( "FT_Cos[%3d] = %.7f cos[%3d] = %.7f\n",
(i >> 16), f1/65536.0, (i >> 16), d2 );
static void
test_sin( void )
FT_Fixed f1, f2;
double d1, d2;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_2PI; i += 0x10000 )
f1 = FT_Sin(i);
d1 = f1/65536.0;
d2 = sin( i*SPI );
f2 = (FT_Fixed)(d2*65536.0);
if ( abs( f2-f1 ) > THRESHOLD )
error = 1;
printf( "FT_Sin[%3d] = %.7f sin[%3d] = %.7f\n",
(i >> 16), f1/65536.0, (i >> 16), d2 );
static void
test_tan( void )
FT_Fixed f1, f2;
double d1, d2;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_PI2-0x2000000; i += 0x10000 )
f1 = FT_Tan(i);
d1 = f1/65536.0;
d2 = tan( i*SPI );
f2 = (FT_Fixed)(d2*65536.0);
if ( abs( f2-f1 ) > THRESHOLD )
error = 1;
printf( "FT_Tan[%3d] = %.7f tan[%3d] = %.7f\n",
(i >> 16), f1/65536.0, (i >> 16), d2 );
static void
test_atan2( void )
FT_Fixed c2, s2;
double l, a, c1, s1;
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_2PI; i += 0x10000 )
l = 5.0;
a = i*SPI;
c1 = l * cos(a);
s1 = l * sin(a);
c2 = (FT_Fixed)(c1*65536.0);
s2 = (FT_Fixed)(s1*65536.0);
j = FT_Atan2( c2, s2 );
if ( j < 0 )
j += FT_ANGLE_2PI;
if ( abs( i - j ) > 1 )
printf( "FT_Atan2( %.7f, %.7f ) = %.5f, atan = %.5f\n",
c2/65536.0, s2/65536.0, j/65536.0, i/65536.0 );
static void
test_unit( void )
FT_Vector v;
double a, c1, s1;
FT_Fixed c2, s2;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_2PI; i += 0x10000 )
FT_Vector_Unit( &v, i );
a = ( i*SPI );
c1 = cos(a);
s1 = sin(a);
c2 = (FT_Fixed)(c1*65536.0);
s2 = (FT_Fixed)(s1*65536.0);
if ( abs( v.x-c2 ) > THRESHOLD ||
abs( v.y-s2 ) > THRESHOLD )
error = 1;
printf( "FT_Vector_Unit[%3d] = ( %.7f, %.7f ) vec = ( %.7f, %.7f )\n",
(i >> 16),
v.x/65536.0, v.y/65536.0,
c1, s1 );
static void
test_length( void )
FT_Vector v;
FT_Fixed l, l2;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_2PI; i += 0x10000 )
l = (FT_Fixed)(500.0*65536.0);
v.x = (FT_Fixed)( l * cos( i*SPI ) );
v.y = (FT_Fixed)( l * sin( i*SPI ) );
l2 = FT_Vector_Length( &v );
if ( abs( l2-l ) > THRESHOLD )
error = 1;
printf( "FT_Length( %.7f, %.7f ) = %.5f, length = %.5f\n",
v.x/65536.0, v.y/65536.0, l2/65536.0, l/65536.0 );
static void
test_rotate( void )
FT_Fixed c2, s2, c4, s4;
FT_Vector v;
double l, ra, a, c1, s1, cra, sra, c3, s3;
int i, j, rotate;
for ( rotate = 0; rotate < FT_ANGLE_2PI; rotate += 0x10000 )
ra = rotate*SPI;
cra = cos( ra );
sra = sin( ra );
for ( i = 0; i < FT_ANGLE_2PI; i += 0x10000 )
l = 500.0;
a = i*SPI;
c1 = l * cos(a);
s1 = l * sin(a);
v.x = c2 = (FT_Fixed)(c1*65536.0);
v.y = s2 = (FT_Fixed)(s1*65536.0);
FT_Vector_Rotate( &v, rotate );
c3 = c1 * cra - s1 * sra;
s3 = c1 * sra + s1 * cra;
c4 = (FT_Fixed)(c3*65536.0);
s4 = (FT_Fixed)(s3*65536.0);
if ( abs( c4 - v.x ) > THRESHOLD ||
abs( s4 - v.y ) > THRESHOLD )
error = 1;
printf( "FT_Rotate( (%.7f,%.7f), %.5f ) = ( %.7f, %.7f ), rot = ( %.7f, %.7f )\n",
c1, s1, ra,
c2/65536.0, s2/65536.0,
c4/65536.0, s4/65536.0 );
int main( void )
if (!error)
printf( "trigonometry test ok !\n" );
return !error;