Update to version 2.4.0
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index ddd94f8..20925d3 100644
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
  2.	Fix the README
  		Change version number
 		Set the date
+		Append the short log
+		git-log --pretty=short 2.4.xx | git-shortlog
  3.	Commit those changes
diff --git a/README b/README
index 288a53b..bd80cbb 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,12 +1,46 @@
 	Font configuration and customization library
-		      Version 2.3.97
-		         2006-09-06
+		      Version 2.4.0
+		        2006-09-09
 Check INSTALL for compilation and installation instructions.
 Report bugs to https://bugs.freedesktop.org in the fontconfig module.
+David Turner:
+      Replace character discovery loop with simpler, faster version.
+James Cloos:
+      Move files from conf.d to conf.avail
+      Standardize conf.avail number prefixing convention
+      Support all five possibilities for sub-pixel
+      Move user and local conf file loading into conf.avail files
+      Number the remaining conf.avail files
+      Update Makefile.am to match conf.avail changes
+      Replace load of conf.d in fonts.conf.in
+      Make room for chunks from fonts.conf in conf.avail
+      Re-order old conf.d files
+      Move some section from fonts.conf into conf.avail files
+      Update Makefile.am files
+      Make conf.avail and conf.d work
+Keith Packard:
+      Create fc_cachedir at install time. Bug 8157.
+      Reference patterns in FcCacheCopySet.
+      Replace gnu-specific sed command with simple grep.
+      Attempt to fix makealias usage for build on Mac OS X.
+      Accept locale environment variables that do not contain territory.
+      Merge branch 'jhcloos'
+      Insert newly created caches into reference data structure.
+      Add XML headers to new conf files. Move link make commands to conf.avail dir
+      Rename conf.avail to conf.d
+      Fix conf.d directory sorting.
+      Include cachedir in fonts.dtd.
+      Don't display tests for DESTDIR on make install.
+      Split much of the configuration into separate files. Renumber files
 Carl Worth:
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 3226dd0..4511113 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 dnl version.  This same version number must appear in fontconfig/fontconfig.h
 dnl Yes, it is a pain to synchronize version numbers.  Unfortunately, it's
 dnl not possible to extract the version number here from fontconfig.h
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(fontconfig, 2.3.97)
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(fontconfig, 2.4.0)
 dnl libtool versioning
diff --git a/fontconfig/fontconfig.h b/fontconfig/fontconfig.h
index 927249a..0df38aa 100644
--- a/fontconfig/fontconfig.h
+++ b/fontconfig/fontconfig.h
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
 #define FC_MAJOR	2
-#define FC_MINOR	3
-#define FC_REVISION	97
+#define FC_MINOR	4
+#define FC_REVISION	0
 #define FC_VERSION	((FC_MAJOR * 10000) + (FC_MINOR * 100) + (FC_REVISION))