[graphite] Refactor VULKAN_CALL_RESULT to call checkVkResult

... on VulkanSharedContext.

This is required for tracking device lost status, and invoking the
optional device lost callback.

The simple VULKAN_CALL and VULKAN_CALL_RESULT_NOCHECK macros still take
a VulkanInterface (instead of a VulkanSharedContext) because:
1. There's no VkResult to check.
2. They're needed before a VulkanSharedContext is available.

If it weren't for #2 then I think API parity might be nice, but oh well.

git clang-format may have tweaked more than strictly necessary.

Bug: b/293371537
Bug: b/313369997
Change-Id: I2382b1038b6451294fa1a33cd980a72d57d25a12
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/834320
Reviewed-by: Nicolette Prevost <nicolettep@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Nolan Scobie <nscobie@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Nolan Scobie <nscobie@google.com>
16 files changed