tree: 5a1add952a1e6afb2887fff5bacc1c48408d5f88 [path history] [tgz]
  1. BUILD.bazel
  3. SkArenaAlloc.cpp
  4. SkArenaAlloc.h
  5. SkArenaAllocList.h
  6. SkASAN.h
  7. SkAutoMalloc.h
  8. SkBlockAllocator.cpp
  9. SkBlockAllocator.h
  10. SkContainers.cpp
  11. SkCubics.cpp
  12. SkCubics.h
  13. SkDeque.cpp
  14. SkFloatingPoint.cpp
  15. SkLeanWindows.h
  16. SkMalloc.cpp
  17. SkMathPriv.cpp
  18. SkMathPriv.h
  19. SkQuads.cpp
  20. SkQuads.h
  21. SkSafeMath.cpp
  22. SkSafeMath.h
  23. SkScopeExit.h
  24. SkSemaphore.cpp
  25. SkStringView.h
  26. SkTBlockList.h
  27. SkTDArray.cpp
  28. SkThreadID.cpp
  29. SkTLazy.h
  30. SkUTF.cpp
  31. SkUTF.h

The files here are part of the base package (see also include/private/base). The distinction is that the files here are not needed by anything in the public API.

Files here should not depend on anything other than system headers or other files in base.