Work around macOS 11 variation issue.

On macOS 11 cloning a system font with an opsz axis and not changing the
value of the opsz axis (either by setting it to the same value or not
specifying it at all) when setting a variation causes the variation to
be set but the cloned font will still compare CFEqual to the original
font. Work around this by setting the opsz to something which isn't the
desired value before setting the entire desired variation.

This may also incidentally improve the situation for fonts created from
data on macOS 10.15, since a similar issue occurs and the same work
around seems to apply.

Bug: skia:10968
Change-Id: I2240f905644b753e2389446d248c27b1e62cdcd1
Reviewed-by: Herb Derby <>
Reviewed-by: Dominik Röttsches <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
3 files changed