blob: 5a4c530a5905d6a3bc31538881db6bbc62a2ad60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrSTArenaList_DEFINED
#define GrSTArenaList_DEFINED
#include "src/core/SkArenaAlloc.h"
// A singly-linked list whose head element is a "stack allocated" class member and whose subsequent
// elements are allocated in an SkArenaAlloc.
template<typename T> class GrSTArenaList {
struct Node {
template <typename... Args>
Node(Args&&... elementArgs) : fElement(std::forward<Args>(elementArgs)...) {}
T fElement;
Node* fNext = nullptr;
template <typename... Args>
GrSTArenaList(Args&&... headArgs) : fHead(std::forward<Args>(headArgs)...) {}
const T& head() const { return fHead.fElement; }
T& head() { return fHead.fElement; }
void concat(GrSTArenaList&& list, SkArenaAlloc* allocator) {
Node* listHeadCopy = allocator->make<Node>(std::move(list.fHead));
fTail->fNext = listHeadCopy;
// If the list's fTail pointed to its locally allocated head element, then point our fTail
// at the copy we just made in the arena. Otherwise the list's fTail already points at an
// arena-allocated element, so keep it.
fTail = (list.fTail == &list.fHead) ? listHeadCopy : list.fTail;
struct Iter {
bool operator!=(const Iter& it) const { return fCurr != it.fCurr; }
bool operator==(const Iter& it) const { return fCurr == it.fCurr; }
void operator++() { fCurr = fCurr->fNext; }
const T& operator*() { return fCurr->fElement; }
const Node* fCurr;
Iter begin() const { return Iter{&fHead}; }
Iter end() const { return Iter{nullptr}; }
Node fHead;
Node* fTail = &fHead;