[skottie] Fix camera/3D layer transform interactions

Currently, the camera view transform is attached to the render tree as a
TransformEffect.  This means it gets "flattened" to an SkMatrix in isolation,
and does not compose with other layer transforms in 4x4 format.

Refactor the implementation to

  - build the camera transform upfront
  - compose (chain) all layer transforms from this camera transform

This ensures that transform composition happens in SkMatrix44.

E.g. render tree topology change (TE == TransformEffect)


      |                                    |
      |                                    |
    [TE]<--[Layer1T]          [Layer2T]-->[TE]
      |                                    |
  [Layer1]                              [Layer2]
      |                                    |

      |                                    |
      |             [CameraT]              |
      |                / \                 |
    [TE]<--[Layer1T]<--   --->[Layer2T]-->[TE]
      |                                    |
  [Layer1]                              [Layer2]
      |                                    |

Bug: skia:8914
Change-Id: Idd407712f75c48623b5299a4284ddb17b98c155f
Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/c/skia/+/249217
Reviewed-by: Mike Reed <reed@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Florin Malita <fmalita@chromium.org>
3 files changed