blob: 61b8787181d4800faa728a9826e6847a6ffc13e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Adds compile-time JS functions to augment the DebuggerView interface.
// Specifically, anything that should only be on the GPU version of DebuggerView.
function makeWebGLContext(canvas, attrs) {
// These defaults come from the emscripten _emscripten_webgl_create_context
// TODO(nifong): All these settings appear to be ignored. investigate.
var contextAttributes = {
alpha: 1,
depth: 1,
stencil: 0,
antialias: 1,
premultipliedAlpha: 1,
preserveDrawingBuffer: 0,
preferLowPowerToHighPerformance: 0,
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: 0,
majorVersion: 1,
minorVersion: 0,
enableExtensionsByDefault: 1,
explicitSwapControl: 0,
renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer: 0,
if (!canvas) {
console.log('null canvas passed into makeWebGLContext');
return 0;
// This check is from the emscripten version
if (contextAttributes['explicitSwapControl']) {
console.log('explicitSwapControl is not supported');
return 0;
// GL is an enscripten provided helper
// See
let context = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes);
if (!context) {
console.log('Could not get a WebGL context from the canvas element.');
console.log('Made Web Gl Canvas Surface');
return context
DebuggerView.GetWebGLContext = function(canvas, attrs) {
return makeWebGLContext(canvas, attrs);
// arg can be of types:
// - String - in which case it is interpreted as an id of a
// canvas element.
// - HTMLCanvasElement - in which the provided canvas element will
// be used directly.
// Width and height can be provided to override those on the canvas
// element, or specify a height for when a context is provided.
DebuggerView.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface = function(arg, width, height) {
var canvas = arg;
if (canvas.tagName !== 'CANVAS') {
canvas = document.getElementById(arg);
if (!canvas) {
throw 'Canvas with id ' + arg + ' was not found';
// we are ok with all the defaults
var ctx = DebuggerView.GetWebGLContext(canvas);
if (!ctx || ctx < 0) {
throw 'failed to create webgl context: err ' + ctx;
if (!canvas && (!width || !height)) {
throw 'height and width must be provided with context';
var grcontext = this.MakeGrContext(ctx);
if (!grcontext) {
throw (
'failed to create grcontext. Open GL driver may not support all needed functions: err '
+ grcontext);
// Maybe better to use clientWidth/height. See:
var surface = this.MakeOnScreenGLSurface(grcontext,
width || canvas.width,
height || canvas.height);
if (!surface) {
// Don't fall back silently in the debugger, the user explicitly controls which backend he
// wants via the UI. Calling function may catch this and show the user an error.
throw ('Failed to create OpenGL surface. GPU Backend unavailable.');
return surface;
// Default to trying WebGL first.
DebuggerView.MakeCanvasSurface = DebuggerView.MakeWebGLCanvasSurface;
}(Module)); // When this file is loaded in, the high level object is "Module";