blob: d74334104694ad4e3949279f4a2e15a3d9afd5c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// When this file is loaded in, the high level object is "Module";
var WasmGMTests = Module;
WasmGMTests.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {
WasmGMTests.GetWebGLContext = function(canvas, webGLVersion) {
if (!canvas) {
throw 'null canvas passed into makeWebGLContext';
if (webGLVersion !== 1 && webGLVersion !== 2 ) {
throw 'invalid webGLVersion';
var contextAttributes = {
'alpha': 1,
'depth': 0, // can be 0 because off-screen.
'stencil': 0, // can be 0 because off-screen.
'antialias': 0,
'premultipliedAlpha': 1,
'preserveDrawingBuffer': 0,
'preferLowPowerToHighPerformance': 0,
'failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat': 0,
'enableExtensionsByDefault': 1,
'explicitSwapControl': 0,
'renderViaOffscreenBackBuffer': 0,
'majorVersion': webGLVersion,
// Creates a WebGL context and sets it to be the current context.
// These functions are defined in emscripten's library_webgl.js
var handle = GL.createContext(canvas, contextAttributes);
if (!handle) {
return 0;
return handle;