Add PostScript name to generated fonts

When a font does not provide a PostScript name CoreText will make up a
PostScript name based on the address of the font data, which is
non-deterministic. This causes any PDFs Skia emits with these fonts to
contain this non-deterministic name, making these PDFs non-reproducible.
Giving these test fonts PostScript names allows such PDFs to be

This also picks up a change [0] which makes Jupiter in the "Planets"
font partially transparent. This was done to detect transparency issues
with glyphs, which will now be better tested.

Comments and organization around the use of `sbix` `originOffsetX` and
`originOffsetY` are updated to more closely match current reality.

Using the newer png encoder also fixes the `sbix` and `CBDT` image
issues around the anitaliasing being composited against black, leading
to much cleaner looking gm images.


Change-Id: I3becbff733229af2fbc4b0dfda8b8257d7531731
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
10 files changed