Roll ICU used for testing (and shipped with CanvasKit)

Our last roll was in 2021 (
The previous version appears to trigger a C++20 error in MSVC due
to changes in operator== (http://screen/3bTTRXjqT8EWSWq).

I initially tried to use the upstream's rules, but those are a bit incomplete (e.g. cc_library for ubidi is missing). It was easiest to
remove BUILD.bazel files from upstream so our custom BUILD.bazel
file can reach down into the necessary subdirectories for files.

Initially started in

Bug: b/311238827
Bug: b/338277815
Change-Id: Ib7b13a364c563043d40ecb4f225729041ab5176d
Reviewed-by: John Stiles <>
Commit-Queue: Kaylee Lubick <>
Auto-Submit: Kaylee Lubick <>
Commit-Queue: John Stiles <>
10 files changed