Split SkFontHost_win_dw.

Split SkFontHost_win_dw into FontMgr, Typeface, and ScalerContext.
This makes working on these files easier, and moves away from the legacy
FontHost naming.


Author: bungeman@google.com

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/314193002
diff --git a/gyp/ports.gyp b/gyp/ports.gyp
index cc2d1f7..afc446c 100644
--- a/gyp/ports.gyp
+++ b/gyp/ports.gyp
@@ -37,7 +37,11 @@
+        '../src/ports/SkFontMgr_win_dw.cpp',
+        '../src/ports/SkScalerContext_win_dw.h',
+        '../src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.cpp',
+        '../src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.h',
@@ -162,10 +166,14 @@
+            '../src/ports/SkFontMgr_win_dw.cpp',
+            '../src/ports/SkScalerContext_win_dw.h',
+            '../src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.cpp',
+            '../src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.h',
         [ 'skia_os == "android"', {
diff --git a/src/ports/SkFontHost_win_dw.cpp b/src/ports/SkFontHost_win_dw.cpp
index ea41d86..fa21df5 100644
--- a/src/ports/SkFontHost_win_dw.cpp
+++ b/src/ports/SkFontHost_win_dw.cpp
@@ -8,36 +8,20 @@
 #include "SkTypes.h"
 #undef GetGlyphIndices
-#include "SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics.h"
-#include "SkColorFilter.h"
 #include "SkDWrite.h"
-#include "SkDWriteFontFileStream.h"
 #include "SkDWriteGeometrySink.h"
-#include "SkDescriptor.h"
 #include "SkEndian.h"
-#include "SkFontDescriptor.h"
-#include "SkFontHost.h"
-#include "SkFontMgr.h"
-#include "SkFontStream.h"
 #include "SkGlyph.h"
 #include "SkHRESULT.h"
 #include "SkMaskGamma.h"
 #include "SkMatrix22.h"
-#include "SkOnce.h"
 #include "SkOTTable_EBLC.h"
 #include "SkOTTable_EBSC.h"
-#include "SkOTTable_head.h"
-#include "SkOTTable_hhea.h"
-#include "SkOTTable_OS_2.h"
-#include "SkOTTable_post.h"
 #include "SkPath.h"
-#include "SkStream.h"
-#include "SkString.h"
+#include "SkScalerContext.h"
+#include "SkScalerContext_win_dw.h"
 #include "SkTScopedComPtr.h"
-#include "SkThread.h"
-#include "SkTypeface_win.h"
-#include "SkTypefaceCache.h"
-#include "SkUtils.h"
+#include "SkTypeface_win_dw.h"
 #include <dwrite.h>
@@ -46,578 +30,6 @@
            SkMask::kLCD32_Format == rec.fMaskFormat;
-class StreamFontFileLoader;
-class SkFontMgr_DirectWrite : public SkFontMgr {
-    /** localeNameLength must include the null terminator. */
-    SkFontMgr_DirectWrite(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,
-                          WCHAR* localeName, int localeNameLength)
-        : fFactory(SkRefComPtr(factory))
-        , fFontCollection(SkRefComPtr(fontCollection))
-        , fLocaleName(localeNameLength)
-    {
-        memcpy(fLocaleName.get(), localeName, localeNameLength * sizeof(WCHAR));
-    }
-    /** Creates a typeface using a typeface cache. */
-    SkTypeface* createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
-                                             IDWriteFont* font,
-                                             IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily) const;
-    virtual int onCountFamilies() const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void onGetFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkFontStyleSet* onCreateStyleSet(int index) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkFontStyleSet* onMatchFamily(const char familyName[]) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[],
-                                           const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface* familyMember,
-                                         const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* onCreateFromStream(SkStream* stream, int ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* onCreateFromData(SkData* data, int ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* onCreateFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* onLegacyCreateTypeface(const char familyName[],
-                                               unsigned styleBits) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    HRESULT getByFamilyName(const WCHAR familyName[], IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const;
-    HRESULT getDefaultFontFamily(IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const;
-    void Add(SkTypeface* face, SkTypeface::Style requestedStyle, bool strong) const {
-        SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(fTFCacheMutex);
-        fTFCache.add(face, requestedStyle, strong);
-    }
-    SkTypeface* FindByProcAndRef(SkTypefaceCache::FindProc proc, void* ctx) const {
-        SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(fTFCacheMutex);
-        SkTypeface* typeface = fTFCache.findByProcAndRef(proc, ctx);
-        return typeface;
-    }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFactory> fFactory;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> fFontCollection;
-    SkSMallocWCHAR fLocaleName;
-    mutable SkMutex fTFCacheMutex;
-    mutable SkTypefaceCache fTFCache;
-    friend class SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite;
-class SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite : public SkFontStyleSet {
-    SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite(const SkFontMgr_DirectWrite* fontMgr,
-                               IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily)
-        : fFontMgr(SkRef(fontMgr))
-        , fFontFamily(SkRefComPtr(fontFamily))
-    { }
-    virtual int count() SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void getStyle(int index, SkFontStyle* fs, SkString* styleName) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* createTypeface(int index) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface* matchStyle(const SkFontStyle& pattern) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    SkAutoTUnref<const SkFontMgr_DirectWrite> fFontMgr;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fFontFamily;
-class StreamFontFileLoader : public IDWriteFontFileLoader {
-    // IUnknown methods
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
-    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
-    // IDWriteFontFileLoader methods
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateStreamFromKey(
-        void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
-        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
-        IDWriteFontFileStream** fontFileStream);
-    static HRESULT Create(SkStream* stream, StreamFontFileLoader** streamFontFileLoader) {
-        *streamFontFileLoader = new StreamFontFileLoader(stream);
-        if (NULL == streamFontFileLoader) {
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        }
-        return S_OK;
-    }
-    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> fStream;
-    StreamFontFileLoader(SkStream* stream) : fRefCount(1), fStream(SkRef(stream)) { }
-    ULONG fRefCount;
-HRESULT StreamFontFileLoader::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) {
-    if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileLoader)) {
-        *ppvObject = this;
-        AddRef();
-        return S_OK;
-    } else {
-        *ppvObject = NULL;
-        return E_NOINTERFACE;
-    }
-ULONG StreamFontFileLoader::AddRef() {
-    return InterlockedIncrement(&fRefCount);
-ULONG StreamFontFileLoader::Release() {
-    ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&fRefCount);
-    if (0 == newCount) {
-        delete this;
-    }
-    return newCount;
-HRESULT StreamFontFileLoader::CreateStreamFromKey(
-    void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
-    UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
-    IDWriteFontFileStream** fontFileStream)
-    SkTScopedComPtr<SkDWriteFontFileStreamWrapper> stream;
-    HR(SkDWriteFontFileStreamWrapper::Create(fStream, &stream));
-    *fontFileStream = stream.release();
-    return S_OK;
-class StreamFontFileEnumerator : public IDWriteFontFileEnumerator {
-    // IUnknown methods
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
-    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
-    // IDWriteFontFileEnumerator methods
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE MoveNext(BOOL* hasCurrentFile);
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentFontFile(IDWriteFontFile** fontFile);
-    static HRESULT Create(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader,
-                          StreamFontFileEnumerator** streamFontFileEnumerator) {
-        *streamFontFileEnumerator = new StreamFontFileEnumerator(factory, fontFileLoader);
-        if (NULL == streamFontFileEnumerator) {
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        }
-        return S_OK;
-    }
-    StreamFontFileEnumerator(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader);
-    ULONG fRefCount;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFactory> fFactory;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> fCurrentFile;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fFontFileLoader;
-    bool fHasNext;
-StreamFontFileEnumerator::StreamFontFileEnumerator(IDWriteFactory* factory,
-                                                   IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader)
-    : fRefCount(1)
-    , fFactory(SkRefComPtr(factory))
-    , fCurrentFile()
-    , fFontFileLoader(SkRefComPtr(fontFileLoader))
-    , fHasNext(true)
-{ }
-HRESULT StreamFontFileEnumerator::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) {
-    if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileEnumerator)) {
-        *ppvObject = this;
-        AddRef();
-        return S_OK;
-    } else {
-        *ppvObject = NULL;
-        return E_NOINTERFACE;
-    }
-ULONG StreamFontFileEnumerator::AddRef() {
-    return InterlockedIncrement(&fRefCount);
-ULONG StreamFontFileEnumerator::Release() {
-    ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&fRefCount);
-    if (0 == newCount) {
-        delete this;
-    }
-    return newCount;
-HRESULT StreamFontFileEnumerator::MoveNext(BOOL* hasCurrentFile) {
-    *hasCurrentFile = FALSE;
-    if (!fHasNext) {
-        return S_OK;
-    }
-    fHasNext = false;
-    UINT32 dummy = 0;
-    HR(fFactory->CreateCustomFontFileReference(
-            &dummy, //cannot be NULL
-            sizeof(dummy), //even if this is 0
-            fFontFileLoader.get(),
-            &fCurrentFile));
-    *hasCurrentFile = TRUE;
-    return S_OK;
-HRESULT StreamFontFileEnumerator::GetCurrentFontFile(IDWriteFontFile** fontFile) {
-    if (fCurrentFile.get() == NULL) {
-        *fontFile = NULL;
-        return E_FAIL;
-    }
-    *fontFile = SkRefComPtr(fCurrentFile.get());
-    return  S_OK;
-class StreamFontCollectionLoader : public IDWriteFontCollectionLoader {
-    // IUnknown methods
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
-    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
-    // IDWriteFontCollectionLoader methods
-    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateEnumeratorFromKey(
-        IDWriteFactory* factory,
-        void const* collectionKey,
-        UINT32 collectionKeySize,
-        IDWriteFontFileEnumerator** fontFileEnumerator);
-    static HRESULT Create(IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader,
-                          StreamFontCollectionLoader** streamFontCollectionLoader) {
-        *streamFontCollectionLoader = new StreamFontCollectionLoader(fontFileLoader);
-        if (NULL == streamFontCollectionLoader) {
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        }
-        return S_OK;
-    }
-    StreamFontCollectionLoader(IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader)
-        : fRefCount(1)
-        , fFontFileLoader(SkRefComPtr(fontFileLoader))
-    { }
-    ULONG fRefCount;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fFontFileLoader;
-HRESULT StreamFontCollectionLoader::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) {
-    if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontCollectionLoader)) {
-        *ppvObject = this;
-        AddRef();
-        return S_OK;
-    } else {
-        *ppvObject = NULL;
-        return E_NOINTERFACE;
-    }
-ULONG StreamFontCollectionLoader::AddRef() {
-    return InterlockedIncrement(&fRefCount);
-ULONG StreamFontCollectionLoader::Release() {
-    ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&fRefCount);
-    if (0 == newCount) {
-        delete this;
-    }
-    return newCount;
-HRESULT StreamFontCollectionLoader::CreateEnumeratorFromKey(
-    IDWriteFactory* factory,
-    void const* collectionKey,
-    UINT32 collectionKeySize,
-    IDWriteFontFileEnumerator** fontFileEnumerator)
-    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontFileEnumerator> enumerator;
-    HR(StreamFontFileEnumerator::Create(factory, fFontFileLoader.get(), &enumerator));
-    *fontFileEnumerator = enumerator.release();
-    return S_OK;
-static SkTypeface::Style get_style(IDWriteFont* font) {
-    int style = SkTypeface::kNormal;
-    DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight = font->GetWeight();
-    if (DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_DEMI_BOLD <= weight) {
-        style |= SkTypeface::kBold;
-    }
-    DWRITE_FONT_STYLE angle = font->GetStyle();
-        style |= SkTypeface::kItalic;
-    }
-    return static_cast<SkTypeface::Style>(style);
-class DWriteFontTypeface : public SkTypeface {
-    DWriteFontTypeface(SkTypeface::Style style, SkFontID fontID,
-                       IDWriteFactory* factory,
-                       IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
-                       IDWriteFont* font,
-                       IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily,
-                       StreamFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader = NULL,
-                       IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader = NULL)
-        : SkTypeface(style, fontID, false)
-        , fFactory(SkRefComPtr(factory))
-        , fDWriteFontCollectionLoader(SkSafeRefComPtr(fontCollectionLoader))
-        , fDWriteFontFileLoader(SkSafeRefComPtr(fontFileLoader))
-        , fDWriteFontFamily(SkRefComPtr(fontFamily))
-        , fDWriteFont(SkRefComPtr(font))
-        , fDWriteFontFace(SkRefComPtr(fontFace))
-    { }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFactory> fFactory;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollectionLoader> fDWriteFontCollectionLoader;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontFileLoader> fDWriteFontFileLoader;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fDWriteFontFamily;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> fDWriteFont;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fDWriteFontFace;
-    static DWriteFontTypeface* Create(IDWriteFactory* factory,
-                                      IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
-                                      IDWriteFont* font,
-                                      IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily,
-                                      StreamFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader = NULL,
-                                      IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader = NULL) {
-        SkTypeface::Style style = get_style(font);
-        SkFontID fontID = SkTypefaceCache::NewFontID();
-        return SkNEW_ARGS(DWriteFontTypeface, (style, fontID,
-                                               factory, fontFace, font, fontFamily,
-                                               fontFileLoader, fontCollectionLoader));
-    }
-    virtual void weak_dispose() const SK_OVERRIDE {
-        if (fDWriteFontCollectionLoader.get()) {
-            HRV(fFactory->UnregisterFontCollectionLoader(fDWriteFontCollectionLoader.get()));
-        }
-        if (fDWriteFontFileLoader.get()) {
-            HRV(fFactory->UnregisterFontFileLoader(fDWriteFontFileLoader.get()));
-        }
-        //SkTypefaceCache::Remove(this);
-        INHERITED::weak_dispose();
-    }
-    virtual SkStream* onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkScalerContext* onCreateScalerContext(const SkDescriptor*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void onFilterRec(SkScalerContextRec*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* onGetAdvancedTypefaceMetrics(
-                                SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::PerGlyphInfo,
-                                const uint32_t*, uint32_t) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor*, bool*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual int onCharsToGlyphs(const void* chars, Encoding encoding,
-                                uint16_t glyphs[], int glyphCount) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual int onCountGlyphs() const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual int onGetUPEM() const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings* onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual int onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual size_t onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag, size_t offset,
-                                  size_t length, void* data) const SK_OVERRIDE;
-    typedef SkTypeface INHERITED;
-class SkScalerContext_DW : public SkScalerContext {
-    SkScalerContext_DW(DWriteFontTypeface*, const SkDescriptor* desc);
-    virtual ~SkScalerContext_DW();
-    virtual unsigned generateGlyphCount() SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual uint16_t generateCharToGlyph(SkUnichar uni) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void generateAdvance(SkGlyph* glyph) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void generateMetrics(SkGlyph* glyph) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void generateImage(const SkGlyph& glyph) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void generatePath(const SkGlyph& glyph, SkPath* path) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    virtual void generateFontMetrics(SkPaint::FontMetrics* mX,
-                                     SkPaint::FontMetrics* mY) SK_OVERRIDE;
-    const void* drawDWMask(const SkGlyph& glyph);
-    SkTDArray<uint8_t> fBits;
-    /** The total matrix without the text height scale. */
-    SkMatrix fSkXform;
-    /** The total matrix without the text height scale. */
-    DWRITE_MATRIX fXform;
-    /** The non-rotational part of total matrix without the text height scale.
-     *  This is used to find the magnitude of gdi compatible advances.
-     */
-    /** The inverse of the rotational part of the total matrix.
-     *  This is used to find the direction of gdi compatible advances.
-     */
-    SkMatrix fG_inv;
-    /** The text size to render with. */
-    SkScalar fTextSizeRender;
-    /** The text size to measure with. */
-    SkScalar fTextSizeMeasure;
-    SkAutoTUnref<DWriteFontTypeface> fTypeface;
-    int fGlyphCount;
-    DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE fRenderingMode;
-    DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE fTextureType;
-    DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE fMeasuringMode;
-static bool are_same(IUnknown* a, IUnknown* b) {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IUnknown> iunkA;
-    if (FAILED(a->QueryInterface(&iunkA))) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IUnknown> iunkB;
-    if (FAILED(b->QueryInterface(&iunkB))) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return iunkA.get() == iunkB.get();
-static bool FindByDWriteFont(SkTypeface* face, SkTypeface::Style requestedStyle, void* ctx) {
-    //Check to see if the two fonts are identical.
-    DWriteFontTypeface* dwFace = reinterpret_cast<DWriteFontTypeface*>(face);
-    IDWriteFont* dwFont = reinterpret_cast<IDWriteFont*>(ctx);
-    if (are_same(dwFace->fDWriteFont.get(), dwFont)) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    //Check if the two fonts share the same loader and have the same key.
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> dwFaceFontFace;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> dwFontFace;
-    HRB(dwFace->fDWriteFont->CreateFontFace(&dwFaceFontFace));
-    HRB(dwFont->CreateFontFace(&dwFontFace));
-    if (are_same(dwFaceFontFace.get(), dwFontFace.get())) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    UINT32 dwFaceNumFiles;
-    UINT32 dwNumFiles;
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFace->GetFiles(&dwFaceNumFiles, NULL));
-    HRB(dwFontFace->GetFiles(&dwNumFiles, NULL));
-    if (dwFaceNumFiles != dwNumFiles) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> dwFaceFontFile;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> dwFontFile;
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFace->GetFiles(&dwFaceNumFiles, &dwFaceFontFile));
-    HRB(dwFontFace->GetFiles(&dwNumFiles, &dwFontFile));
-    //for (each file) { //we currently only admit fonts from one file.
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> dwFaceFontFileLoader;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> dwFontFileLoader;
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFile->GetLoader(&dwFaceFontFileLoader));
-    HRB(dwFontFile->GetLoader(&dwFontFileLoader));
-    if (!are_same(dwFaceFontFileLoader.get(), dwFontFileLoader.get())) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    //}
-    const void* dwFaceFontRefKey;
-    UINT32 dwFaceFontRefKeySize;
-    const void* dwFontRefKey;
-    UINT32 dwFontRefKeySize;
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFile->GetReferenceKey(&dwFaceFontRefKey, &dwFaceFontRefKeySize));
-    HRB(dwFontFile->GetReferenceKey(&dwFontRefKey, &dwFontRefKeySize));
-    if (dwFaceFontRefKeySize != dwFontRefKeySize) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (0 != memcmp(dwFaceFontRefKey, dwFontRefKey, dwFontRefKeySize)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    //TODO: better means than comparing name strings?
-    //NOTE: .tfc and fake bold/italic will end up here.
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFaceFontFamily;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
-    HRB(dwFace->fDWriteFont->GetFontFamily(&dwFaceFontFamily));
-    HRB(dwFont->GetFontFamily(&dwFontFamily));
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFaceFontFamilyNames;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFaceFontNames;
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&dwFaceFontFamilyNames));
-    HRB(dwFace->fDWriteFont->GetFaceNames(&dwFaceFontNames));
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFontFamilyNames;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFontNames;
-    HRB(dwFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&dwFontFamilyNames));
-    HRB(dwFont->GetFaceNames(&dwFontNames));
-    UINT32 dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength;
-    UINT32 dwFaceFontNameLength;
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFamilyNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength));
-    HRB(dwFaceFontNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFaceFontNameLength));
-    UINT32 dwFontFamilyNameLength;
-    UINT32 dwFontNameLength;
-    HRB(dwFontFamilyNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFontFamilyNameLength));
-    HRB(dwFontNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFontNameLength));
-    if (dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength != dwFontFamilyNameLength ||
-        dwFaceFontNameLength != dwFontNameLength)
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFaceFontFamilyNameChar(dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength+1);
-    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFaceFontNameChar(dwFaceFontNameLength+1);
-    HRB(dwFaceFontFamilyNames->GetString(0, dwFaceFontFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength+1));
-    HRB(dwFaceFontNames->GetString(0, dwFaceFontNameChar.get(), dwFaceFontNameLength+1));
-    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFontFamilyNameChar(dwFontFamilyNameLength+1);
-    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFontNameChar(dwFontNameLength+1);
-    HRB(dwFontFamilyNames->GetString(0, dwFontFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFontFamilyNameLength+1));
-    HRB(dwFontNames->GetString(0, dwFontNameChar.get(), dwFontNameLength+1));
-    return wcscmp(dwFaceFontFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFontFamilyNameChar.get()) == 0 &&
-           wcscmp(dwFaceFontNameChar.get(), dwFontNameChar.get()) == 0;
-class AutoDWriteTable {
-    AutoDWriteTable(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace, UINT32 beTag) : fFontFace(fontFace), fExists(FALSE) {
-        // Any errors are ignored, user must check fExists anyway.
-        fontFace->TryGetFontTable(beTag,
-            reinterpret_cast<const void **>(&fData), &fSize, &fLock, &fExists);
-    }
-    ~AutoDWriteTable() {
-        if (fExists) {
-            fFontFace->ReleaseFontTable(fLock);
-        }
-    }
-    const uint8_t* fData;
-    UINT32 fSize;
-    BOOL fExists;
-    // Borrowed reference, the user must ensure the fontFace stays alive.
-    IDWriteFontFace* fFontFace;
-    void* fLock;
-template<typename T> class AutoTDWriteTable : public AutoDWriteTable {
-    static const UINT32 tag = DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG(T::TAG0, T::TAG1, T::TAG2, T::TAG3);
-    AutoTDWriteTable(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace) : AutoDWriteTable(fontFace, tag) { }
-    const T* get() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(fData); }
-    const T* operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(fData); }
 static bool hasBitmapStrike(DWriteFontTypeface* typeface, int size) {
         AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableEmbeddedBitmapLocation> eblc(typeface->fDWriteFontFace.get());
@@ -1209,820 +621,3 @@
-void DWriteFontTypeface::onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor* desc,
-                                             bool* isLocalStream) const {
-    // Get the family name.
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFamilyNames;
-    HRV(fDWriteFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&dwFamilyNames));
-    UINT32 dwFamilyNamesLength;
-    HRV(dwFamilyNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFamilyNamesLength));
-    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFamilyNameChar(dwFamilyNamesLength+1);
-    HRV(dwFamilyNames->GetString(0, dwFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFamilyNamesLength+1));
-    SkString utf8FamilyName;
-    HRV(sk_wchar_to_skstring(dwFamilyNameChar.get(), &utf8FamilyName));
-    desc->setFamilyName(utf8FamilyName.c_str());
-    *isLocalStream = SkToBool(fDWriteFontFileLoader.get());
-static SkUnichar next_utf8(const void** chars) {
-    return SkUTF8_NextUnichar((const char**)chars);
-static SkUnichar next_utf16(const void** chars) {
-    return SkUTF16_NextUnichar((const uint16_t**)chars);
-static SkUnichar next_utf32(const void** chars) {
-    const SkUnichar** uniChars = (const SkUnichar**)chars;
-    SkUnichar uni = **uniChars;
-    *uniChars += 1;
-    return uni;
-typedef SkUnichar (*EncodingProc)(const void**);
-static EncodingProc find_encoding_proc(SkTypeface::Encoding enc) {
-    static const EncodingProc gProcs[] = {
-        next_utf8, next_utf16, next_utf32
-    };
-    SkASSERT((size_t)enc < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gProcs));
-    return gProcs[enc];
-int DWriteFontTypeface::onCharsToGlyphs(const void* chars, Encoding encoding,
-                                        uint16_t glyphs[], int glyphCount) const
-    if (NULL == glyphs) {
-        EncodingProc next_ucs4_proc = find_encoding_proc(encoding);
-        for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
-            const SkUnichar c = next_ucs4_proc(&chars);
-            BOOL exists;
-            fDWriteFont->HasCharacter(c, &exists);
-            if (!exists) {
-                return i;
-            }
-        }
-        return glyphCount;
-    }
-    switch (encoding) {
-    case SkTypeface::kUTF8_Encoding:
-    case SkTypeface::kUTF16_Encoding: {
-        static const int scratchCount = 256;
-        UINT32 scratch[scratchCount];
-        EncodingProc next_ucs4_proc = find_encoding_proc(encoding);
-        for (int baseGlyph = 0; baseGlyph < glyphCount; baseGlyph += scratchCount) {
-            int glyphsLeft = glyphCount - baseGlyph;
-            int limit = SkTMin(glyphsLeft, scratchCount);
-            for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
-                scratch[i] = next_ucs4_proc(&chars);
-            }
-            fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphIndices(scratch, limit, &glyphs[baseGlyph]);
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case SkTypeface::kUTF32_Encoding: {
-        const UINT32* utf32 = reinterpret_cast<const UINT32*>(chars);
-        fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphIndices(utf32, glyphCount, glyphs);
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        SK_CRASH();
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
-        if (0 == glyphs[i]) {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    return glyphCount;
-int DWriteFontTypeface::onCountGlyphs() const {
-    return fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphCount();
-int DWriteFontTypeface::onGetUPEM() const {
-    fDWriteFontFace->GetMetrics(&metrics);
-    return metrics.designUnitsPerEm;
-class LocalizedStrings_IDWriteLocalizedStrings : public SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings {
-    /** Takes ownership of the IDWriteLocalizedStrings. */
-    explicit LocalizedStrings_IDWriteLocalizedStrings(IDWriteLocalizedStrings* strings)
-        : fIndex(0), fStrings(strings)
-    { }
-    virtual bool next(SkTypeface::LocalizedString* localizedString) SK_OVERRIDE {
-        if (fIndex >= fStrings->GetCount()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        // String
-        UINT32 stringLength;
-        HRBM(fStrings->GetStringLength(fIndex, &stringLength), "Could not get string length.");
-        stringLength += 1;
-        SkSMallocWCHAR wString(stringLength);
-        HRBM(fStrings->GetString(fIndex, wString.get(), stringLength), "Could not get string.");
-        HRB(sk_wchar_to_skstring(wString.get(), &localizedString->fString));
-        // Locale
-        UINT32 localeLength;
-        HRBM(fStrings->GetLocaleNameLength(fIndex, &localeLength), "Could not get locale length.");
-        localeLength += 1;
-        SkSMallocWCHAR wLocale(localeLength);
-        HRBM(fStrings->GetLocaleName(fIndex, wLocale.get(), localeLength), "Could not get locale.");
-        HRB(sk_wchar_to_skstring(wLocale.get(), &localizedString->fLanguage));
-        ++fIndex;
-        return true;
-    }
-    UINT32 fIndex;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> fStrings;
-SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings* DWriteFontTypeface::onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> familyNames;
-    HRNM(fDWriteFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&familyNames), "Could not obtain family names.");
-    return new LocalizedStrings_IDWriteLocalizedStrings(familyNames.release());
-int DWriteFontTypeface::onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const {
-    DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE type = fDWriteFontFace->GetType();
-    if (type != DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_CFF &&
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    int ttcIndex;
-    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(this->openStream(&ttcIndex));
-    return stream.get() ? SkFontStream::GetTableTags(stream, ttcIndex, tags) : 0;
-size_t DWriteFontTypeface::onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag tag, size_t offset,
-                                          size_t length, void* data) const
-    AutoDWriteTable table(fDWriteFontFace.get(), SkEndian_SwapBE32(tag));
-    if (!table.fExists) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (offset > table.fSize) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    size_t size = SkTMin(length, table.fSize - offset);
-    if (NULL != data) {
-        memcpy(data, table.fData + offset, size);
-    }
-    return size;
-template <typename T> class SkAutoIDWriteUnregister {
-    SkAutoIDWriteUnregister(IDWriteFactory* factory, T* unregister)
-        : fFactory(factory), fUnregister(unregister)
-    { }
-    ~SkAutoIDWriteUnregister() {
-        if (fUnregister) {
-            unregister(fFactory, fUnregister);
-        }
-    }
-    T* detatch() {
-        T* old = fUnregister;
-        fUnregister = NULL;
-        return old;
-    }
-    HRESULT unregister(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontFileLoader* unregister) {
-        return factory->UnregisterFontFileLoader(unregister);
-    }
-    HRESULT unregister(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* unregister) {
-        return factory->UnregisterFontCollectionLoader(unregister);
-    }
-    IDWriteFactory* fFactory;
-    T* fUnregister;
-SkStream* DWriteFontTypeface::onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const {
-    *ttcIndex = fDWriteFontFace->GetIndex();
-    UINT32 numFiles;
-    HRNM(fDWriteFontFace->GetFiles(&numFiles, NULL),
-         "Could not get number of font files.");
-    if (numFiles != 1) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> fontFile;
-    HRNM(fDWriteFontFace->GetFiles(&numFiles, &fontFile), "Could not get font files.");
-    const void* fontFileKey;
-    UINT32 fontFileKeySize;
-    HRNM(fontFile->GetReferenceKey(&fontFileKey, &fontFileKeySize),
-         "Could not get font file reference key.");
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fontFileLoader;
-    HRNM(fontFile->GetLoader(&fontFileLoader), "Could not get font file loader.");
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileStream> fontFileStream;
-    HRNM(fontFileLoader->CreateStreamFromKey(fontFileKey, fontFileKeySize,
-                                             &fontFileStream),
-         "Could not create font file stream.");
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkDWriteFontFileStream, (fontFileStream.get()));
-SkScalerContext* DWriteFontTypeface::onCreateScalerContext(const SkDescriptor* desc) const {
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkScalerContext_DW, (const_cast<DWriteFontTypeface*>(this), desc));
-void DWriteFontTypeface::onFilterRec(SkScalerContext::Rec* rec) const {
-    if (rec->fFlags & SkScalerContext::kLCD_BGROrder_Flag ||
-        rec->fFlags & SkScalerContext::kLCD_Vertical_Flag)
-    {
-        rec->fMaskFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
-    }
-    unsigned flagsWeDontSupport = SkScalerContext::kDevKernText_Flag |
-                                  SkScalerContext::kForceAutohinting_Flag |
-                                  SkScalerContext::kEmbolden_Flag |
-                                  SkScalerContext::kLCD_BGROrder_Flag |
-                                  SkScalerContext::kLCD_Vertical_Flag;
-    rec->fFlags &= ~flagsWeDontSupport;
-    SkPaint::Hinting h = rec->getHinting();
-    // DirectWrite does not provide for hinting hints.
-    h = SkPaint::kSlight_Hinting;
-    rec->setHinting(h);
-    IDWriteFactory* factory = get_dwrite_factory();
-    if (factory != NULL) {
-        SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteRenderingParams> defaultRenderingParams;
-        if (SUCCEEDED(factory->CreateRenderingParams(&defaultRenderingParams))) {
-            float gamma = defaultRenderingParams->GetGamma();
-            rec->setDeviceGamma(gamma);
-            rec->setPaintGamma(gamma);
-            rec->setContrast(defaultRenderingParams->GetEnhancedContrast());
-        }
-    }
-//PDF Support
-using namespace skia_advanced_typeface_metrics_utils;
-// Construct Glyph to Unicode table.
-// Unicode code points that require conjugate pairs in utf16 are not
-// supported.
-// TODO(arthurhsu): Add support for conjugate pairs. It looks like that may
-// require parsing the TTF cmap table (platform 4, encoding 12) directly instead
-// of calling GetFontUnicodeRange().
-// TODO(bungeman): This never does what anyone wants.
-// What is really wanted is the text to glyphs mapping
-static void populate_glyph_to_unicode(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
-                                      const unsigned glyphCount,
-                                      SkTDArray<SkUnichar>* glyphToUnicode) {
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    //Do this like free type instead
-    UINT32 count = 0;
-    for (UINT32 c = 0; c < 0x10FFFF; ++c) {
-        UINT16 glyph;
-        hr = fontFace->GetGlyphIndices(&c, 1, &glyph);
-        if (glyph > 0) {
-            ++count;
-        }
-    }
-    SkAutoTArray<UINT32> chars(count);
-    count = 0;
-    for (UINT32 c = 0; c < 0x10FFFF; ++c) {
-        UINT16 glyph;
-        hr = fontFace->GetGlyphIndices(&c, 1, &glyph);
-        if (glyph > 0) {
-            chars[count] = c;
-            ++count;
-        }
-    }
-    SkAutoTArray<UINT16> glyph(count);
-    fontFace->GetGlyphIndices(chars.get(), count, glyph.get());
-    USHORT maxGlyph = 0;
-    for (USHORT j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
-        if (glyph[j] > maxGlyph) maxGlyph = glyph[j];
-    }
-    glyphToUnicode->setCount(maxGlyph+1);
-    for (USHORT j = 0; j < maxGlyph+1u; ++j) {
-        (*glyphToUnicode)[j] = 0;
-    }
-    //'invert'
-    for (USHORT j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
-        if (glyph[j] < glyphCount && (*glyphToUnicode)[glyph[j]] == 0) {
-            (*glyphToUnicode)[glyph[j]] = chars[j];
-        }
-    }
-static bool getWidthAdvance(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace, int gId, int16_t* advance) {
-    SkASSERT(advance);
-    UINT16 glyphId = gId;
-    HRESULT hr = fontFace->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(&glyphId, 1, &gm);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) {
-        *advance = 0;
-        return false;
-    }
-    *advance = gm.advanceWidth;
-    return true;
-SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* DWriteFontTypeface::onGetAdvancedTypefaceMetrics(
-        SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::PerGlyphInfo perGlyphInfo,
-        const uint32_t* glyphIDs,
-        uint32_t glyphIDsCount) const {
-    SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* info = NULL;
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    const unsigned glyphCount = fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphCount();
-    fDWriteFontFace->GetMetrics(&dwfm);
-    info = new SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics;
-    info->fEmSize = dwfm.designUnitsPerEm;
-    info->fMultiMaster = false;
-    info->fLastGlyphID = SkToU16(glyphCount - 1);
-    info->fStyle = 0;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> familyNames;
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> faceNames;
-    hr = fDWriteFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&familyNames);
-    hr = fDWriteFont->GetFaceNames(&faceNames);
-    UINT32 familyNameLength;
-    hr = familyNames->GetStringLength(0, &familyNameLength);
-    UINT32 faceNameLength;
-    hr = faceNames->GetStringLength(0, &faceNameLength);
-    UINT32 size = familyNameLength+1+faceNameLength+1;
-    SkSMallocWCHAR wFamilyName(size);
-    hr = familyNames->GetString(0, wFamilyName.get(), size);
-    wFamilyName[familyNameLength] = L' ';
-    hr = faceNames->GetString(0, &wFamilyName[familyNameLength+1], size - faceNameLength + 1);
-    hr = sk_wchar_to_skstring(wFamilyName.get(), &info->fFontName);
-    if (perGlyphInfo & SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kToUnicode_PerGlyphInfo) {
-        populate_glyph_to_unicode(fDWriteFontFace.get(), glyphCount, &(info->fGlyphToUnicode));
-    }
-    DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE fontType = fDWriteFontFace->GetType();
-    if (fontType == DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_TRUETYPE ||
-        info->fType = SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kTrueType_Font;
-    } else {
-        info->fType = SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kOther_Font;
-        info->fItalicAngle = 0;
-        info->fAscent = dwfm.ascent;;
-        info->fDescent = dwfm.descent;
-        info->fStemV = 0;
-        info->fCapHeight = dwfm.capHeight;
-        info->fBBox = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
-        return info;
-    }
-    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableHead> headTable(fDWriteFontFace.get());
-    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTablePostScript> postTable(fDWriteFontFace.get());
-    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableHorizontalHeader> hheaTable(fDWriteFontFace.get());
-    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableOS2> os2Table(fDWriteFontFace.get());
-    if (!headTable.fExists || !postTable.fExists || !hheaTable.fExists || !os2Table.fExists) {
-        info->fItalicAngle = 0;
-        info->fAscent = dwfm.ascent;;
-        info->fDescent = dwfm.descent;
-        info->fStemV = 0;
-        info->fCapHeight = dwfm.capHeight;
-        info->fBBox = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
-        return info;
-    }
-    //There exist CJK fonts which set the IsFixedPitch and Monospace bits,
-    //but have full width, latin half-width, and half-width kana.
-    bool fixedWidth = (postTable->isFixedPitch &&
-                      (1 == SkEndian_SwapBE16(hheaTable->numberOfHMetrics)));
-    //Monospace
-    if (fixedWidth) {
-        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kFixedPitch_Style;
-    }
-    //Italic
-    if (os2Table->version.v0.fsSelection.field.Italic) {
-        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kItalic_Style;
-    }
-    //Script
-    if (SkPanose::FamilyType::Script == os2Table->version.v0.panose.bFamilyType.value) {
-        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kScript_Style;
-    //Serif
-    } else if (SkPanose::FamilyType::TextAndDisplay == os2Table->version.v0.panose.bFamilyType.value &&
-               SkPanose::Data::TextAndDisplay::SerifStyle::Triangle <= os2Table->version.v0.panose.data.textAndDisplay.bSerifStyle.value &&
-               SkPanose::Data::TextAndDisplay::SerifStyle::NoFit != os2Table->version.v0.panose.data.textAndDisplay.bSerifStyle.value) {
-        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kSerif_Style;
-    }
-    info->fItalicAngle = SkEndian_SwapBE32(postTable->italicAngle) >> 16;
-    info->fAscent = SkToS16(dwfm.ascent);
-    info->fDescent = SkToS16(dwfm.descent);
-    info->fCapHeight = SkToS16(dwfm.capHeight);
-    info->fBBox = SkIRect::MakeLTRB((int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->xMin),
-                                    (int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->yMax),
-                                    (int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->xMax),
-                                    (int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->yMin));
-    //TODO: is this even desired? It seems PDF only wants this value for Type1
-    //fonts, and we only get here for TrueType fonts.
-    info->fStemV = 0;
-    /*
-    // Figure out a good guess for StemV - Min width of i, I, !, 1.
-    // This probably isn't very good with an italic font.
-    int16_t min_width = SHRT_MAX;
-    info->fStemV = 0;
-    char stem_chars[] = {'i', 'I', '!', '1'};
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(stem_chars); i++) {
-        ABC abcWidths;
-        if (GetCharABCWidths(hdc, stem_chars[i], stem_chars[i], &abcWidths)) {
-            int16_t width = abcWidths.abcB;
-            if (width > 0 && width < min_width) {
-                min_width = width;
-                info->fStemV = min_width;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    */
-    // If Restricted, the font may not be embedded in a document.
-    // If not Restricted, the font can be embedded.
-    // If PreviewPrint, the embedding is read-only.
-    if (os2Table->version.v0.fsType.field.Restricted) {
-        info->fType = SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kNotEmbeddable_Font;
-    } else if (perGlyphInfo & SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kHAdvance_PerGlyphInfo) {
-        if (fixedWidth) {
-            appendRange(&info->fGlyphWidths, 0);
-            int16_t advance;
-            getWidthAdvance(fDWriteFontFace.get(), 1, &advance);
-            info->fGlyphWidths->fAdvance.append(1, &advance);
-            finishRange(info->fGlyphWidths.get(), 0,
-                        SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::WidthRange::kDefault);
-        } else {
-            info->fGlyphWidths.reset(
-                getAdvanceData(fDWriteFontFace.get(),
-                               glyphCount,
-                               glyphIDs,
-                               glyphIDsCount,
-                               getWidthAdvance));
-        }
-    }
-    return info;
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(
-        IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
-        IDWriteFont* font,
-        IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily) const {
-    SkTypeface* face = FindByProcAndRef(FindByDWriteFont, font);
-    if (NULL == face) {
-        face = DWriteFontTypeface::Create(fFactory.get(), fontFace, font, fontFamily);
-        if (face) {
-            Add(face, get_style(font), true);
-        }
-    }
-    return face;
-int SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCountFamilies() const {
-    return fFontCollection->GetFontFamilyCount();
-void SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onGetFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
-    HRVM(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(index, &fontFamily), "Could not get requested family.");
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> familyNames;
-    HRVM(fontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&familyNames), "Could not get family names.");
-    sk_get_locale_string(familyNames.get(), fLocaleName.get(), familyName);
-SkFontStyleSet* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateStyleSet(int index) const {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
-    HRNM(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(index, &fontFamily), "Could not get requested family.");
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite, (this, fontFamily.get()));
-SkFontStyleSet* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onMatchFamily(const char familyName[]) const {
-    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFamilyName;
-    HRN(sk_cstring_to_wchar(familyName, &dwFamilyName));
-    UINT32 index;
-    BOOL exists;
-    HRNM(fFontCollection->FindFamilyName(dwFamilyName.get(), &index, &exists),
-            "Failed while finding family by name.");
-    if (!exists) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return this->onCreateStyleSet(index);
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onMatchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[],
-                                                      const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const {
-    SkAutoTUnref<SkFontStyleSet> sset(this->matchFamily(familyName));
-    return sset->matchStyle(fontstyle);
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onMatchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface* familyMember,
-                                                    const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const {
-    SkString familyName;
-    SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite sset(
-        this, ((DWriteFontTypeface*)familyMember)->fDWriteFontFamily.get()
-    );
-    return sset.matchStyle(fontstyle);
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateFromStream(SkStream* stream, int ttcIndex) const {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontFileLoader> fontFileLoader;
-    HRN(StreamFontFileLoader::Create(stream, &fontFileLoader));
-    HRN(fFactory->RegisterFontFileLoader(fontFileLoader.get()));
-    SkAutoIDWriteUnregister<StreamFontFileLoader> autoUnregisterFontFileLoader(
-        fFactory.get(), fontFileLoader.get());
-    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontCollectionLoader> fontCollectionLoader;
-    HRN(StreamFontCollectionLoader::Create(fontFileLoader.get(), &fontCollectionLoader));
-    HRN(fFactory->RegisterFontCollectionLoader(fontCollectionLoader.get()));
-    SkAutoIDWriteUnregister<StreamFontCollectionLoader> autoUnregisterFontCollectionLoader(
-        fFactory.get(), fontCollectionLoader.get());
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> fontCollection;
-    HRN(fFactory->CreateCustomFontCollection(fontCollectionLoader.get(), NULL, 0, &fontCollection));
-    // Find the first non-simulated font which has the given ttc index.
-    UINT32 familyCount = fontCollection->GetFontFamilyCount();
-    for (UINT32 familyIndex = 0; familyIndex < familyCount; ++familyIndex) {
-        SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
-        HRN(fontCollection->GetFontFamily(familyIndex, &fontFamily));
-        UINT32 fontCount = fontFamily->GetFontCount();
-        for (UINT32 fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < fontCount; ++fontIndex) {
-            SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
-            HRN(fontFamily->GetFont(fontIndex, &font));
-            if (font->GetSimulations() != DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
-            HRN(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace));
-            UINT32 faceIndex = fontFace->GetIndex();
-            if (faceIndex == ttcIndex) {
-                return DWriteFontTypeface::Create(fFactory.get(),
-                                                  fontFace.get(), font.get(), fontFamily.get(),
-                                                  autoUnregisterFontFileLoader.detatch(),
-                                                  autoUnregisterFontCollectionLoader.detatch());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return NULL;
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateFromData(SkData* data, int ttcIndex) const {
-    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(SkNEW_ARGS(SkMemoryStream, (data)));
-    return this->createFromStream(stream, ttcIndex);
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex) const {
-    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(path));
-    return this->createFromStream(stream, ttcIndex);
-HRESULT SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::getByFamilyName(const WCHAR wideFamilyName[],
-                                               IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const {
-    UINT32 index;
-    BOOL exists;
-    HR(fFontCollection->FindFamilyName(wideFamilyName, &index, &exists));
-    if (exists) {
-        HR(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(index, fontFamily));
-    }
-    return S_OK;
-HRESULT SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::getDefaultFontFamily(IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const {
-    metrics.cbSize = sizeof(metrics);
-    if (0 == SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS,
-                                   sizeof(metrics),
-                                   &metrics,
-                                   0)) {
-        return E_UNEXPECTED;
-    }
-    HRM(this->getByFamilyName(metrics.lfMessageFont.lfFaceName, fontFamily),
-        "Could not create DWrite font family from LOGFONT.");
-    return S_OK;
-SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onLegacyCreateTypeface(const char familyName[],
-                                                          unsigned styleBits) const {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
-    if (familyName) {
-        SkSMallocWCHAR wideFamilyName;
-        if (SUCCEEDED(sk_cstring_to_wchar(familyName, &wideFamilyName))) {
-            this->getByFamilyName(wideFamilyName, &fontFamily);
-        }
-    }
-    if (NULL == fontFamily.get()) {
-        // No family with given name, try default.
-        HRNM(this->getDefaultFontFamily(&fontFamily), "Could not get default font family.");
-    }
-    if (NULL == fontFamily.get()) {
-        // Could not obtain the default font.
-        HRNM(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(0, &fontFamily),
-             "Could not get default-default font family.");
-    }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
-    DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight = (styleBits & SkTypeface::kBold)
-                              ? DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD
-                              : DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
-    DWRITE_FONT_STYLE italic = (styleBits & SkTypeface::kItalic)
-                             ? DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC
-                             : DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;
-    HRNM(fontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont(weight, stretch, italic, &font),
-         "Could not get matching font.");
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
-    HRNM(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace), "Could not create font face.");
-    return this->createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(fontFace.get(), font.get(), fontFamily.get());
-int SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::count() {
-    return fFontFamily->GetFontCount();
-SkTypeface* SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::createTypeface(int index) {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
-    HRNM(fFontFamily->GetFont(index, &font), "Could not get font.");
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
-    HRNM(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace), "Could not create font face.");
-    return fFontMgr->createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(fontFace.get(), font.get(), fFontFamily.get());
-void SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::getStyle(int index, SkFontStyle* fs, SkString* styleName) {
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
-    HRVM(fFontFamily->GetFont(index, &font), "Could not get font.");
-    if (fs) {
-        SkFontStyle::Slant slant;
-        switch (font->GetStyle()) {
-            slant = SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant;
-            break;
-            slant = SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant;
-            break;
-        default:
-            SkASSERT(false);
-        }
-        int weight = font->GetWeight();
-        int width = font->GetStretch();
-        *fs = SkFontStyle(weight, width, slant);
-    }
-    if (styleName) {
-        SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> faceNames;
-        if (SUCCEEDED(font->GetFaceNames(&faceNames))) {
-            sk_get_locale_string(faceNames.get(), fFontMgr->fLocaleName.get(), styleName);
-        }
-    }
-SkTypeface* SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::matchStyle(const SkFontStyle& pattern) {
-    switch (pattern.slant()) {
-    case SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant:
-        slant = DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;
-        break;
-    case SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant:
-        slant = DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
-        break;
-    default:
-        SkASSERT(false);
-    }
-    DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight = (DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT)pattern.weight();
-    DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH width = (DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH)pattern.width();
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
-    // TODO: perhaps use GetMatchingFonts and get the least simulated?
-    HRNM(fFontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont(weight, width, slant, &font),
-         "Could not match font in family.");
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
-    HRNM(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace), "Could not create font face.");
-    return fFontMgr->createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(fontFace.get(), font.get(),
-                                                  fFontFamily.get());
-SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr_New_DirectWrite(IDWriteFactory* factory) {
-    if (NULL == factory) {
-        factory = sk_get_dwrite_factory();
-        if (NULL == factory) {
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> sysFontCollection;
-    HRNM(factory->GetSystemFontCollection(&sysFontCollection, FALSE),
-         "Could not get system font collection.");
-    WCHAR localeNameStorage[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
-    WCHAR* localeName = NULL;
-    int localeNameLen = 0;
-    // Dynamically load GetUserDefaultLocaleName function, as it is not available on XP.
-    SkGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc = NULL;
-    HRESULT hr = SkGetGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc(&getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc);
-    if (NULL == getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc) {
-        SK_TRACEHR(hr, "Could not get GetUserDefaultLocaleName.");
-    } else {
-        localeNameLen = getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc(localeNameStorage, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH);
-        if (localeNameLen) {
-            localeName = localeNameStorage;
-        };
-    }
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontMgr_DirectWrite, (factory, sysFontCollection.get(),
-                                              localeName, localeNameLen));
-#include "SkFontMgr_indirect.h"
-SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr_New_DirectWriteRenderer(SkRemotableFontMgr* proxy) {
-    SkAutoTUnref<SkFontMgr> impl(SkFontMgr_New_DirectWrite());
-    if (impl.get() == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontMgr_Indirect, (impl.get(), proxy));
diff --git a/src/ports/SkFontMgr_win_dw.cpp b/src/ports/SkFontMgr_win_dw.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe82258c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ports/SkFontMgr_win_dw.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "SkDWrite.h"
+#include "SkDWriteFontFileStream.h"
+#include "SkFontMgr.h"
+#include "SkHRESULT.h"
+#include "SkStream.h"
+#include "SkTScopedComPtr.h"
+#include "SkThread.h"
+#include "SkTypeface.h"
+#include "SkTypefaceCache.h"
+#include "SkTypeface_win_dw.h"
+#include "SkTypes.h"
+#include <dwrite.h>
+class StreamFontFileLoader : public IDWriteFontFileLoader {
+    // IUnknown methods
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
+    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
+    // IDWriteFontFileLoader methods
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateStreamFromKey(
+        void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
+        UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
+        IDWriteFontFileStream** fontFileStream);
+    static HRESULT Create(SkStream* stream, StreamFontFileLoader** streamFontFileLoader) {
+        *streamFontFileLoader = new StreamFontFileLoader(stream);
+        if (NULL == streamFontFileLoader) {
+            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+        }
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> fStream;
+    StreamFontFileLoader(SkStream* stream) : fRefCount(1), fStream(SkRef(stream)) { }
+    ULONG fRefCount;
+HRESULT StreamFontFileLoader::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) {
+    if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileLoader)) {
+        *ppvObject = this;
+        AddRef();
+        return S_OK;
+    } else {
+        *ppvObject = NULL;
+        return E_NOINTERFACE;
+    }
+ULONG StreamFontFileLoader::AddRef() {
+    return InterlockedIncrement(&fRefCount);
+ULONG StreamFontFileLoader::Release() {
+    ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&fRefCount);
+    if (0 == newCount) {
+        delete this;
+    }
+    return newCount;
+HRESULT StreamFontFileLoader::CreateStreamFromKey(
+    void const* fontFileReferenceKey,
+    UINT32 fontFileReferenceKeySize,
+    IDWriteFontFileStream** fontFileStream)
+    SkTScopedComPtr<SkDWriteFontFileStreamWrapper> stream;
+    HR(SkDWriteFontFileStreamWrapper::Create(fStream, &stream));
+    *fontFileStream = stream.release();
+    return S_OK;
+class StreamFontFileEnumerator : public IDWriteFontFileEnumerator {
+    // IUnknown methods
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
+    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
+    // IDWriteFontFileEnumerator methods
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE MoveNext(BOOL* hasCurrentFile);
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCurrentFontFile(IDWriteFontFile** fontFile);
+    static HRESULT Create(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader,
+                          StreamFontFileEnumerator** streamFontFileEnumerator) {
+        *streamFontFileEnumerator = new StreamFontFileEnumerator(factory, fontFileLoader);
+        if (NULL == streamFontFileEnumerator) {
+            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+        }
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    StreamFontFileEnumerator(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader);
+    ULONG fRefCount;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFactory> fFactory;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> fCurrentFile;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fFontFileLoader;
+    bool fHasNext;
+StreamFontFileEnumerator::StreamFontFileEnumerator(IDWriteFactory* factory,
+                                                   IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader)
+    : fRefCount(1)
+    , fFactory(SkRefComPtr(factory))
+    , fCurrentFile()
+    , fFontFileLoader(SkRefComPtr(fontFileLoader))
+    , fHasNext(true)
+{ }
+HRESULT StreamFontFileEnumerator::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) {
+    if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontFileEnumerator)) {
+        *ppvObject = this;
+        AddRef();
+        return S_OK;
+    } else {
+        *ppvObject = NULL;
+        return E_NOINTERFACE;
+    }
+ULONG StreamFontFileEnumerator::AddRef() {
+    return InterlockedIncrement(&fRefCount);
+ULONG StreamFontFileEnumerator::Release() {
+    ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&fRefCount);
+    if (0 == newCount) {
+        delete this;
+    }
+    return newCount;
+HRESULT StreamFontFileEnumerator::MoveNext(BOOL* hasCurrentFile) {
+    *hasCurrentFile = FALSE;
+    if (!fHasNext) {
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    fHasNext = false;
+    UINT32 dummy = 0;
+    HR(fFactory->CreateCustomFontFileReference(
+            &dummy, //cannot be NULL
+            sizeof(dummy), //even if this is 0
+            fFontFileLoader.get(),
+            &fCurrentFile));
+    *hasCurrentFile = TRUE;
+    return S_OK;
+HRESULT StreamFontFileEnumerator::GetCurrentFontFile(IDWriteFontFile** fontFile) {
+    if (fCurrentFile.get() == NULL) {
+        *fontFile = NULL;
+        return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    *fontFile = SkRefComPtr(fCurrentFile.get());
+    return  S_OK;
+class StreamFontCollectionLoader : public IDWriteFontCollectionLoader {
+    // IUnknown methods
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject);
+    virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release();
+    // IDWriteFontCollectionLoader methods
+    virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateEnumeratorFromKey(
+        IDWriteFactory* factory,
+        void const* collectionKey,
+        UINT32 collectionKeySize,
+        IDWriteFontFileEnumerator** fontFileEnumerator);
+    static HRESULT Create(IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader,
+                          StreamFontCollectionLoader** streamFontCollectionLoader) {
+        *streamFontCollectionLoader = new StreamFontCollectionLoader(fontFileLoader);
+        if (NULL == streamFontCollectionLoader) {
+            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+        }
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    StreamFontCollectionLoader(IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader)
+        : fRefCount(1)
+        , fFontFileLoader(SkRefComPtr(fontFileLoader))
+    { }
+    ULONG fRefCount;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fFontFileLoader;
+HRESULT StreamFontCollectionLoader::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppvObject) {
+    if (iid == IID_IUnknown || iid == __uuidof(IDWriteFontCollectionLoader)) {
+        *ppvObject = this;
+        AddRef();
+        return S_OK;
+    } else {
+        *ppvObject = NULL;
+        return E_NOINTERFACE;
+    }
+ULONG StreamFontCollectionLoader::AddRef() {
+    return InterlockedIncrement(&fRefCount);
+ULONG StreamFontCollectionLoader::Release() {
+    ULONG newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&fRefCount);
+    if (0 == newCount) {
+        delete this;
+    }
+    return newCount;
+HRESULT StreamFontCollectionLoader::CreateEnumeratorFromKey(
+    IDWriteFactory* factory,
+    void const* collectionKey,
+    UINT32 collectionKeySize,
+    IDWriteFontFileEnumerator** fontFileEnumerator)
+    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontFileEnumerator> enumerator;
+    HR(StreamFontFileEnumerator::Create(factory, fFontFileLoader.get(), &enumerator));
+    *fontFileEnumerator = enumerator.release();
+    return S_OK;
+class SkFontMgr_DirectWrite : public SkFontMgr {
+    /** localeNameLength must include the null terminator. */
+    SkFontMgr_DirectWrite(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontCollection* fontCollection,
+                          WCHAR* localeName, int localeNameLength)
+        : fFactory(SkRefComPtr(factory))
+        , fFontCollection(SkRefComPtr(fontCollection))
+        , fLocaleName(localeNameLength)
+    {
+        memcpy(fLocaleName.get(), localeName, localeNameLength * sizeof(WCHAR));
+    }
+    /** Creates a typeface using a typeface cache. */
+    SkTypeface* createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
+                                             IDWriteFont* font,
+                                             IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily) const;
+    virtual int onCountFamilies() const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void onGetFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkFontStyleSet* onCreateStyleSet(int index) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkFontStyleSet* onMatchFamily(const char familyName[]) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[],
+                                           const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface* familyMember,
+                                         const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* onCreateFromStream(SkStream* stream, int ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* onCreateFromData(SkData* data, int ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* onCreateFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* onLegacyCreateTypeface(const char familyName[],
+                                               unsigned styleBits) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    HRESULT getByFamilyName(const WCHAR familyName[], IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const;
+    HRESULT getDefaultFontFamily(IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const;
+    void Add(SkTypeface* face, SkTypeface::Style requestedStyle, bool strong) const {
+        SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(fTFCacheMutex);
+        fTFCache.add(face, requestedStyle, strong);
+    }
+    SkTypeface* FindByProcAndRef(SkTypefaceCache::FindProc proc, void* ctx) const {
+        SkAutoMutexAcquire ama(fTFCacheMutex);
+        SkTypeface* typeface = fTFCache.findByProcAndRef(proc, ctx);
+        return typeface;
+    }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFactory> fFactory;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> fFontCollection;
+    SkSMallocWCHAR fLocaleName;
+    mutable SkMutex fTFCacheMutex;
+    mutable SkTypefaceCache fTFCache;
+    friend class SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite;
+class SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite : public SkFontStyleSet {
+    SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite(const SkFontMgr_DirectWrite* fontMgr,
+                               IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily)
+        : fFontMgr(SkRef(fontMgr))
+        , fFontFamily(SkRefComPtr(fontFamily))
+    { }
+    virtual int count() SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void getStyle(int index, SkFontStyle* fs, SkString* styleName) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* createTypeface(int index) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface* matchStyle(const SkFontStyle& pattern) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    SkAutoTUnref<const SkFontMgr_DirectWrite> fFontMgr;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fFontFamily;
+static bool are_same(IUnknown* a, IUnknown* b) {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IUnknown> iunkA;
+    if (FAILED(a->QueryInterface(&iunkA))) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IUnknown> iunkB;
+    if (FAILED(b->QueryInterface(&iunkB))) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return iunkA.get() == iunkB.get();
+static bool FindByDWriteFont(SkTypeface* face, SkTypeface::Style, void* ctx) {
+    //Check to see if the two fonts are identical.
+    DWriteFontTypeface* dwFace = reinterpret_cast<DWriteFontTypeface*>(face);
+    IDWriteFont* dwFont = reinterpret_cast<IDWriteFont*>(ctx);
+    if (are_same(dwFace->fDWriteFont.get(), dwFont)) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    //Check if the two fonts share the same loader and have the same key.
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> dwFaceFontFace;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> dwFontFace;
+    HRB(dwFace->fDWriteFont->CreateFontFace(&dwFaceFontFace));
+    HRB(dwFont->CreateFontFace(&dwFontFace));
+    if (are_same(dwFaceFontFace.get(), dwFontFace.get())) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    UINT32 dwFaceNumFiles;
+    UINT32 dwNumFiles;
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFace->GetFiles(&dwFaceNumFiles, NULL));
+    HRB(dwFontFace->GetFiles(&dwNumFiles, NULL));
+    if (dwFaceNumFiles != dwNumFiles) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> dwFaceFontFile;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> dwFontFile;
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFace->GetFiles(&dwFaceNumFiles, &dwFaceFontFile));
+    HRB(dwFontFace->GetFiles(&dwNumFiles, &dwFontFile));
+    //for (each file) { //we currently only admit fonts from one file.
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> dwFaceFontFileLoader;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> dwFontFileLoader;
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFile->GetLoader(&dwFaceFontFileLoader));
+    HRB(dwFontFile->GetLoader(&dwFontFileLoader));
+    if (!are_same(dwFaceFontFileLoader.get(), dwFontFileLoader.get())) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    //}
+    const void* dwFaceFontRefKey;
+    UINT32 dwFaceFontRefKeySize;
+    const void* dwFontRefKey;
+    UINT32 dwFontRefKeySize;
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFile->GetReferenceKey(&dwFaceFontRefKey, &dwFaceFontRefKeySize));
+    HRB(dwFontFile->GetReferenceKey(&dwFontRefKey, &dwFontRefKeySize));
+    if (dwFaceFontRefKeySize != dwFontRefKeySize) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (0 != memcmp(dwFaceFontRefKey, dwFontRefKey, dwFontRefKeySize)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    //TODO: better means than comparing name strings?
+    //NOTE: .tfc and fake bold/italic will end up here.
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFaceFontFamily;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> dwFontFamily;
+    HRB(dwFace->fDWriteFont->GetFontFamily(&dwFaceFontFamily));
+    HRB(dwFont->GetFontFamily(&dwFontFamily));
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFaceFontFamilyNames;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFaceFontNames;
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&dwFaceFontFamilyNames));
+    HRB(dwFace->fDWriteFont->GetFaceNames(&dwFaceFontNames));
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFontFamilyNames;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFontNames;
+    HRB(dwFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&dwFontFamilyNames));
+    HRB(dwFont->GetFaceNames(&dwFontNames));
+    UINT32 dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength;
+    UINT32 dwFaceFontNameLength;
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFamilyNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength));
+    HRB(dwFaceFontNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFaceFontNameLength));
+    UINT32 dwFontFamilyNameLength;
+    UINT32 dwFontNameLength;
+    HRB(dwFontFamilyNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFontFamilyNameLength));
+    HRB(dwFontNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFontNameLength));
+    if (dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength != dwFontFamilyNameLength ||
+        dwFaceFontNameLength != dwFontNameLength)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFaceFontFamilyNameChar(dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength+1);
+    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFaceFontNameChar(dwFaceFontNameLength+1);
+    HRB(dwFaceFontFamilyNames->GetString(0, dwFaceFontFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFaceFontFamilyNameLength+1));
+    HRB(dwFaceFontNames->GetString(0, dwFaceFontNameChar.get(), dwFaceFontNameLength+1));
+    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFontFamilyNameChar(dwFontFamilyNameLength+1);
+    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFontNameChar(dwFontNameLength+1);
+    HRB(dwFontFamilyNames->GetString(0, dwFontFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFontFamilyNameLength+1));
+    HRB(dwFontNames->GetString(0, dwFontNameChar.get(), dwFontNameLength+1));
+    return wcscmp(dwFaceFontFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFontFamilyNameChar.get()) == 0 &&
+           wcscmp(dwFaceFontNameChar.get(), dwFontNameChar.get()) == 0;
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(
+        IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
+        IDWriteFont* font,
+        IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily) const {
+    SkTypeface* face = FindByProcAndRef(FindByDWriteFont, font);
+    if (NULL == face) {
+        face = DWriteFontTypeface::Create(fFactory.get(), fontFace, font, fontFamily);
+        if (face) {
+            Add(face, get_style(font), true);
+        }
+    }
+    return face;
+int SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCountFamilies() const {
+    return fFontCollection->GetFontFamilyCount();
+void SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onGetFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
+    HRVM(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(index, &fontFamily), "Could not get requested family.");
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> familyNames;
+    HRVM(fontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&familyNames), "Could not get family names.");
+    sk_get_locale_string(familyNames.get(), fLocaleName.get(), familyName);
+SkFontStyleSet* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateStyleSet(int index) const {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
+    HRNM(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(index, &fontFamily), "Could not get requested family.");
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite, (this, fontFamily.get()));
+SkFontStyleSet* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onMatchFamily(const char familyName[]) const {
+    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFamilyName;
+    HRN(sk_cstring_to_wchar(familyName, &dwFamilyName));
+    UINT32 index;
+    BOOL exists;
+    HRNM(fFontCollection->FindFamilyName(dwFamilyName.get(), &index, &exists),
+            "Failed while finding family by name.");
+    if (!exists) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return this->onCreateStyleSet(index);
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onMatchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[],
+                                                      const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const {
+    SkAutoTUnref<SkFontStyleSet> sset(this->matchFamily(familyName));
+    return sset->matchStyle(fontstyle);
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onMatchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface* familyMember,
+                                                    const SkFontStyle& fontstyle) const {
+    SkString familyName;
+    SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite sset(
+        this, ((DWriteFontTypeface*)familyMember)->fDWriteFontFamily.get()
+    );
+    return sset.matchStyle(fontstyle);
+template <typename T> class SkAutoIDWriteUnregister {
+    SkAutoIDWriteUnregister(IDWriteFactory* factory, T* unregister)
+        : fFactory(factory), fUnregister(unregister)
+    { }
+    ~SkAutoIDWriteUnregister() {
+        if (fUnregister) {
+            unregister(fFactory, fUnregister);
+        }
+    }
+    T* detatch() {
+        T* old = fUnregister;
+        fUnregister = NULL;
+        return old;
+    }
+    HRESULT unregister(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontFileLoader* unregister) {
+        return factory->UnregisterFontFileLoader(unregister);
+    }
+    HRESULT unregister(IDWriteFactory* factory, IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* unregister) {
+        return factory->UnregisterFontCollectionLoader(unregister);
+    }
+    IDWriteFactory* fFactory;
+    T* fUnregister;
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateFromStream(SkStream* stream, int ttcIndex) const {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontFileLoader> fontFileLoader;
+    HRN(StreamFontFileLoader::Create(stream, &fontFileLoader));
+    HRN(fFactory->RegisterFontFileLoader(fontFileLoader.get()));
+    SkAutoIDWriteUnregister<StreamFontFileLoader> autoUnregisterFontFileLoader(
+        fFactory.get(), fontFileLoader.get());
+    SkTScopedComPtr<StreamFontCollectionLoader> fontCollectionLoader;
+    HRN(StreamFontCollectionLoader::Create(fontFileLoader.get(), &fontCollectionLoader));
+    HRN(fFactory->RegisterFontCollectionLoader(fontCollectionLoader.get()));
+    SkAutoIDWriteUnregister<StreamFontCollectionLoader> autoUnregisterFontCollectionLoader(
+        fFactory.get(), fontCollectionLoader.get());
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> fontCollection;
+    HRN(fFactory->CreateCustomFontCollection(fontCollectionLoader.get(), NULL, 0, &fontCollection));
+    // Find the first non-simulated font which has the given ttc index.
+    UINT32 familyCount = fontCollection->GetFontFamilyCount();
+    for (UINT32 familyIndex = 0; familyIndex < familyCount; ++familyIndex) {
+        SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
+        HRN(fontCollection->GetFontFamily(familyIndex, &fontFamily));
+        UINT32 fontCount = fontFamily->GetFontCount();
+        for (UINT32 fontIndex = 0; fontIndex < fontCount; ++fontIndex) {
+            SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
+            HRN(fontFamily->GetFont(fontIndex, &font));
+            if (font->GetSimulations() != DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
+            HRN(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace));
+            UINT32 faceIndex = fontFace->GetIndex();
+            if (faceIndex == ttcIndex) {
+                return DWriteFontTypeface::Create(fFactory.get(),
+                                                  fontFace.get(), font.get(), fontFamily.get(),
+                                                  autoUnregisterFontFileLoader.detatch(),
+                                                  autoUnregisterFontCollectionLoader.detatch());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateFromData(SkData* data, int ttcIndex) const {
+    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(SkNEW_ARGS(SkMemoryStream, (data)));
+    return this->createFromStream(stream, ttcIndex);
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onCreateFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex) const {
+    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(path));
+    return this->createFromStream(stream, ttcIndex);
+HRESULT SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::getByFamilyName(const WCHAR wideFamilyName[],
+                                               IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const {
+    UINT32 index;
+    BOOL exists;
+    HR(fFontCollection->FindFamilyName(wideFamilyName, &index, &exists));
+    if (exists) {
+        HR(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(index, fontFamily));
+    }
+    return S_OK;
+HRESULT SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::getDefaultFontFamily(IDWriteFontFamily** fontFamily) const {
+    metrics.cbSize = sizeof(metrics);
+    if (0 == SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS,
+                                   sizeof(metrics),
+                                   &metrics,
+                                   0)) {
+        return E_UNEXPECTED;
+    }
+    HRM(this->getByFamilyName(metrics.lfMessageFont.lfFaceName, fontFamily),
+        "Could not create DWrite font family from LOGFONT.");
+    return S_OK;
+SkTypeface* SkFontMgr_DirectWrite::onLegacyCreateTypeface(const char familyName[],
+                                                          unsigned styleBits) const {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
+    if (familyName) {
+        SkSMallocWCHAR wideFamilyName;
+        if (SUCCEEDED(sk_cstring_to_wchar(familyName, &wideFamilyName))) {
+            this->getByFamilyName(wideFamilyName, &fontFamily);
+        }
+    }
+    if (NULL == fontFamily.get()) {
+        // No family with given name, try default.
+        HRNM(this->getDefaultFontFamily(&fontFamily), "Could not get default font family.");
+    }
+    if (NULL == fontFamily.get()) {
+        // Could not obtain the default font.
+        HRNM(fFontCollection->GetFontFamily(0, &fontFamily),
+             "Could not get default-default font family.");
+    }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
+    DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight = (styleBits & SkTypeface::kBold)
+                              ? DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD
+                              : DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+    DWRITE_FONT_STYLE italic = (styleBits & SkTypeface::kItalic)
+                             ? DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC
+                             : DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;
+    HRNM(fontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont(weight, stretch, italic, &font),
+         "Could not get matching font.");
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
+    HRNM(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace), "Could not create font face.");
+    return this->createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(fontFace.get(), font.get(), fontFamily.get());
+int SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::count() {
+    return fFontFamily->GetFontCount();
+SkTypeface* SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::createTypeface(int index) {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
+    HRNM(fFontFamily->GetFont(index, &font), "Could not get font.");
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
+    HRNM(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace), "Could not create font face.");
+    return fFontMgr->createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(fontFace.get(), font.get(), fFontFamily.get());
+void SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::getStyle(int index, SkFontStyle* fs, SkString* styleName) {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
+    HRVM(fFontFamily->GetFont(index, &font), "Could not get font.");
+    if (fs) {
+        SkFontStyle::Slant slant;
+        switch (font->GetStyle()) {
+            slant = SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant;
+            break;
+            slant = SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant;
+            break;
+        default:
+            SkASSERT(false);
+        }
+        int weight = font->GetWeight();
+        int width = font->GetStretch();
+        *fs = SkFontStyle(weight, width, slant);
+    }
+    if (styleName) {
+        SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> faceNames;
+        if (SUCCEEDED(font->GetFaceNames(&faceNames))) {
+            sk_get_locale_string(faceNames.get(), fFontMgr->fLocaleName.get(), styleName);
+        }
+    }
+SkTypeface* SkFontStyleSet_DirectWrite::matchStyle(const SkFontStyle& pattern) {
+    switch (pattern.slant()) {
+    case SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant:
+        slant = DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;
+        break;
+    case SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant:
+        slant = DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
+        break;
+    default:
+        SkASSERT(false);
+    }
+    DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight = (DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT)pattern.weight();
+    DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH width = (DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH)pattern.width();
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
+    // TODO: perhaps use GetMatchingFonts and get the least simulated?
+    HRNM(fFontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont(weight, width, slant, &font),
+         "Could not match font in family.");
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace;
+    HRNM(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace), "Could not create font face.");
+    return fFontMgr->createTypefaceFromDWriteFont(fontFace.get(), font.get(),
+                                                  fFontFamily.get());
+SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr_New_DirectWrite(IDWriteFactory* factory) {
+    if (NULL == factory) {
+        factory = sk_get_dwrite_factory();
+        if (NULL == factory) {
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> sysFontCollection;
+    HRNM(factory->GetSystemFontCollection(&sysFontCollection, FALSE),
+         "Could not get system font collection.");
+    WCHAR localeNameStorage[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH];
+    WCHAR* localeName = NULL;
+    int localeNameLen = 0;
+    // Dynamically load GetUserDefaultLocaleName function, as it is not available on XP.
+    SkGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc = NULL;
+    HRESULT hr = SkGetGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc(&getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc);
+    if (NULL == getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc) {
+        SK_TRACEHR(hr, "Could not get GetUserDefaultLocaleName.");
+    } else {
+        localeNameLen = getUserDefaultLocaleNameProc(localeNameStorage, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH);
+        if (localeNameLen) {
+            localeName = localeNameStorage;
+        };
+    }
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontMgr_DirectWrite, (factory, sysFontCollection.get(),
+                                              localeName, localeNameLen));
+#include "SkFontMgr_indirect.h"
+#include "SkTypeface_win.h"
+SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr_New_DirectWriteRenderer(SkRemotableFontMgr* proxy) {
+    SkAutoTUnref<SkFontMgr> impl(SkFontMgr_New_DirectWrite());
+    if (impl.get() == NULL) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontMgr_Indirect, (impl.get(), proxy));
diff --git a/src/ports/SkScalerContext_win_dw.h b/src/ports/SkScalerContext_win_dw.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3dbd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ports/SkScalerContext_win_dw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#ifndef SkScalarContext_win_dw_DEFINED
+#define SkScalarContext_win_dw_DEFINED
+#include "SkScalar.h"
+#include "SkScalerContext.h"
+#include "SkTypeface_win_dw.h"
+#include "SkTypes.h"
+#include <dwrite.h>
+struct SkGlyph;
+class SkDescriptor;
+class SkScalerContext_DW : public SkScalerContext {
+    SkScalerContext_DW(DWriteFontTypeface*, const SkDescriptor* desc);
+    virtual ~SkScalerContext_DW();
+    virtual unsigned generateGlyphCount() SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual uint16_t generateCharToGlyph(SkUnichar uni) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void generateAdvance(SkGlyph* glyph) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void generateMetrics(SkGlyph* glyph) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void generateImage(const SkGlyph& glyph) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void generatePath(const SkGlyph& glyph, SkPath* path) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void generateFontMetrics(SkPaint::FontMetrics* mX,
+                                     SkPaint::FontMetrics* mY) SK_OVERRIDE;
+    const void* drawDWMask(const SkGlyph& glyph);
+    SkTDArray<uint8_t> fBits;
+    /** The total matrix without the text height scale. */
+    SkMatrix fSkXform;
+    /** The total matrix without the text height scale. */
+    DWRITE_MATRIX fXform;
+    /** The non-rotational part of total matrix without the text height scale.
+     *  This is used to find the magnitude of gdi compatible advances.
+     */
+    /** The inverse of the rotational part of the total matrix.
+     *  This is used to find the direction of gdi compatible advances.
+     */
+    SkMatrix fG_inv;
+    /** The text size to render with. */
+    SkScalar fTextSizeRender;
+    /** The text size to measure with. */
+    SkScalar fTextSizeMeasure;
+    SkAutoTUnref<DWriteFontTypeface> fTypeface;
+    int fGlyphCount;
+    DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE fRenderingMode;
+    DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE fTextureType;
+    DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE fMeasuringMode;
diff --git a/src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.cpp b/src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4937d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "SkDWriteFontFileStream.h"
+#include "SkFontDescriptor.h"
+#include "SkFontStream.h"
+#include "SkOTTable_head.h"
+#include "SkOTTable_hhea.h"
+#include "SkOTTable_OS_2.h"
+#include "SkOTTable_post.h"
+#include "SkScalerContext.h"
+#include "SkScalerContext_win_dw.h"
+#include "SkTypeface_win_dw.h"
+#include "SkTypes.h"
+#include "SkUtils.h"
+void DWriteFontTypeface::onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor* desc,
+                                             bool* isLocalStream) const {
+    // Get the family name.
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> dwFamilyNames;
+    HRV(fDWriteFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&dwFamilyNames));
+    UINT32 dwFamilyNamesLength;
+    HRV(dwFamilyNames->GetStringLength(0, &dwFamilyNamesLength));
+    SkSMallocWCHAR dwFamilyNameChar(dwFamilyNamesLength+1);
+    HRV(dwFamilyNames->GetString(0, dwFamilyNameChar.get(), dwFamilyNamesLength+1));
+    SkString utf8FamilyName;
+    HRV(sk_wchar_to_skstring(dwFamilyNameChar.get(), &utf8FamilyName));
+    desc->setFamilyName(utf8FamilyName.c_str());
+    *isLocalStream = SkToBool(fDWriteFontFileLoader.get());
+static SkUnichar next_utf8(const void** chars) {
+    return SkUTF8_NextUnichar((const char**)chars);
+static SkUnichar next_utf16(const void** chars) {
+    return SkUTF16_NextUnichar((const uint16_t**)chars);
+static SkUnichar next_utf32(const void** chars) {
+    const SkUnichar** uniChars = (const SkUnichar**)chars;
+    SkUnichar uni = **uniChars;
+    *uniChars += 1;
+    return uni;
+typedef SkUnichar (*EncodingProc)(const void**);
+static EncodingProc find_encoding_proc(SkTypeface::Encoding enc) {
+    static const EncodingProc gProcs[] = {
+        next_utf8, next_utf16, next_utf32
+    };
+    SkASSERT((size_t)enc < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gProcs));
+    return gProcs[enc];
+int DWriteFontTypeface::onCharsToGlyphs(const void* chars, Encoding encoding,
+                                        uint16_t glyphs[], int glyphCount) const
+    if (NULL == glyphs) {
+        EncodingProc next_ucs4_proc = find_encoding_proc(encoding);
+        for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
+            const SkUnichar c = next_ucs4_proc(&chars);
+            BOOL exists;
+            fDWriteFont->HasCharacter(c, &exists);
+            if (!exists) {
+                return i;
+            }
+        }
+        return glyphCount;
+    }
+    switch (encoding) {
+    case SkTypeface::kUTF8_Encoding:
+    case SkTypeface::kUTF16_Encoding: {
+        static const int scratchCount = 256;
+        UINT32 scratch[scratchCount];
+        EncodingProc next_ucs4_proc = find_encoding_proc(encoding);
+        for (int baseGlyph = 0; baseGlyph < glyphCount; baseGlyph += scratchCount) {
+            int glyphsLeft = glyphCount - baseGlyph;
+            int limit = SkTMin(glyphsLeft, scratchCount);
+            for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
+                scratch[i] = next_ucs4_proc(&chars);
+            }
+            fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphIndices(scratch, limit, &glyphs[baseGlyph]);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    case SkTypeface::kUTF32_Encoding: {
+        const UINT32* utf32 = reinterpret_cast<const UINT32*>(chars);
+        fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphIndices(utf32, glyphCount, glyphs);
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        SK_CRASH();
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
+        if (0 == glyphs[i]) {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return glyphCount;
+int DWriteFontTypeface::onCountGlyphs() const {
+    return fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphCount();
+int DWriteFontTypeface::onGetUPEM() const {
+    fDWriteFontFace->GetMetrics(&metrics);
+    return metrics.designUnitsPerEm;
+class LocalizedStrings_IDWriteLocalizedStrings : public SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings {
+    /** Takes ownership of the IDWriteLocalizedStrings. */
+    explicit LocalizedStrings_IDWriteLocalizedStrings(IDWriteLocalizedStrings* strings)
+        : fIndex(0), fStrings(strings)
+    { }
+    virtual bool next(SkTypeface::LocalizedString* localizedString) SK_OVERRIDE {
+        if (fIndex >= fStrings->GetCount()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // String
+        UINT32 stringLength;
+        HRBM(fStrings->GetStringLength(fIndex, &stringLength), "Could not get string length.");
+        stringLength += 1;
+        SkSMallocWCHAR wString(stringLength);
+        HRBM(fStrings->GetString(fIndex, wString.get(), stringLength), "Could not get string.");
+        HRB(sk_wchar_to_skstring(wString.get(), &localizedString->fString));
+        // Locale
+        UINT32 localeLength;
+        HRBM(fStrings->GetLocaleNameLength(fIndex, &localeLength), "Could not get locale length.");
+        localeLength += 1;
+        SkSMallocWCHAR wLocale(localeLength);
+        HRBM(fStrings->GetLocaleName(fIndex, wLocale.get(), localeLength), "Could not get locale.");
+        HRB(sk_wchar_to_skstring(wLocale.get(), &localizedString->fLanguage));
+        ++fIndex;
+        return true;
+    }
+    UINT32 fIndex;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> fStrings;
+SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings* DWriteFontTypeface::onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const {
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> familyNames;
+    HRNM(fDWriteFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&familyNames), "Could not obtain family names.");
+    return new LocalizedStrings_IDWriteLocalizedStrings(familyNames.release());
+int DWriteFontTypeface::onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const {
+    DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE type = fDWriteFontFace->GetType();
+    if (type != DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_CFF &&
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int ttcIndex;
+    SkAutoTUnref<SkStream> stream(this->openStream(&ttcIndex));
+    return stream.get() ? SkFontStream::GetTableTags(stream, ttcIndex, tags) : 0;
+size_t DWriteFontTypeface::onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag tag, size_t offset,
+                                          size_t length, void* data) const
+    AutoDWriteTable table(fDWriteFontFace.get(), SkEndian_SwapBE32(tag));
+    if (!table.fExists) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (offset > table.fSize) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    size_t size = SkTMin(length, table.fSize - offset);
+    if (NULL != data) {
+        memcpy(data, table.fData + offset, size);
+    }
+    return size;
+SkStream* DWriteFontTypeface::onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const {
+    *ttcIndex = fDWriteFontFace->GetIndex();
+    UINT32 numFiles;
+    HRNM(fDWriteFontFace->GetFiles(&numFiles, NULL),
+         "Could not get number of font files.");
+    if (numFiles != 1) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFile> fontFile;
+    HRNM(fDWriteFontFace->GetFiles(&numFiles, &fontFile), "Could not get font files.");
+    const void* fontFileKey;
+    UINT32 fontFileKeySize;
+    HRNM(fontFile->GetReferenceKey(&fontFileKey, &fontFileKeySize),
+         "Could not get font file reference key.");
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fontFileLoader;
+    HRNM(fontFile->GetLoader(&fontFileLoader), "Could not get font file loader.");
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileStream> fontFileStream;
+    HRNM(fontFileLoader->CreateStreamFromKey(fontFileKey, fontFileKeySize,
+                                             &fontFileStream),
+         "Could not create font file stream.");
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkDWriteFontFileStream, (fontFileStream.get()));
+SkScalerContext* DWriteFontTypeface::onCreateScalerContext(const SkDescriptor* desc) const {
+    return SkNEW_ARGS(SkScalerContext_DW, (const_cast<DWriteFontTypeface*>(this), desc));
+void DWriteFontTypeface::onFilterRec(SkScalerContext::Rec* rec) const {
+    if (rec->fFlags & SkScalerContext::kLCD_BGROrder_Flag ||
+        rec->fFlags & SkScalerContext::kLCD_Vertical_Flag)
+    {
+        rec->fMaskFormat = SkMask::kA8_Format;
+    }
+    unsigned flagsWeDontSupport = SkScalerContext::kDevKernText_Flag |
+                                  SkScalerContext::kForceAutohinting_Flag |
+                                  SkScalerContext::kEmbolden_Flag |
+                                  SkScalerContext::kLCD_BGROrder_Flag |
+                                  SkScalerContext::kLCD_Vertical_Flag;
+    rec->fFlags &= ~flagsWeDontSupport;
+    SkPaint::Hinting h = rec->getHinting();
+    // DirectWrite does not provide for hinting hints.
+    h = SkPaint::kSlight_Hinting;
+    rec->setHinting(h);
+    IDWriteFactory* factory = get_dwrite_factory();
+    if (factory != NULL) {
+        SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteRenderingParams> defaultRenderingParams;
+        if (SUCCEEDED(factory->CreateRenderingParams(&defaultRenderingParams))) {
+            float gamma = defaultRenderingParams->GetGamma();
+            rec->setDeviceGamma(gamma);
+            rec->setPaintGamma(gamma);
+            rec->setContrast(defaultRenderingParams->GetEnhancedContrast());
+        }
+    }
+//PDF Support
+using namespace skia_advanced_typeface_metrics_utils;
+// Construct Glyph to Unicode table.
+// Unicode code points that require conjugate pairs in utf16 are not
+// supported.
+// TODO(arthurhsu): Add support for conjugate pairs. It looks like that may
+// require parsing the TTF cmap table (platform 4, encoding 12) directly instead
+// of calling GetFontUnicodeRange().
+// TODO(bungeman): This never does what anyone wants.
+// What is really wanted is the text to glyphs mapping
+static void populate_glyph_to_unicode(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
+                                      const unsigned glyphCount,
+                                      SkTDArray<SkUnichar>* glyphToUnicode) {
+    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+    //Do this like free type instead
+    UINT32 count = 0;
+    for (UINT32 c = 0; c < 0x10FFFF; ++c) {
+        UINT16 glyph;
+        hr = fontFace->GetGlyphIndices(&c, 1, &glyph);
+        if (glyph > 0) {
+            ++count;
+        }
+    }
+    SkAutoTArray<UINT32> chars(count);
+    count = 0;
+    for (UINT32 c = 0; c < 0x10FFFF; ++c) {
+        UINT16 glyph;
+        hr = fontFace->GetGlyphIndices(&c, 1, &glyph);
+        if (glyph > 0) {
+            chars[count] = c;
+            ++count;
+        }
+    }
+    SkAutoTArray<UINT16> glyph(count);
+    fontFace->GetGlyphIndices(chars.get(), count, glyph.get());
+    USHORT maxGlyph = 0;
+    for (USHORT j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
+        if (glyph[j] > maxGlyph) maxGlyph = glyph[j];
+    }
+    glyphToUnicode->setCount(maxGlyph+1);
+    for (USHORT j = 0; j < maxGlyph+1u; ++j) {
+        (*glyphToUnicode)[j] = 0;
+    }
+    //'invert'
+    for (USHORT j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
+        if (glyph[j] < glyphCount && (*glyphToUnicode)[glyph[j]] == 0) {
+            (*glyphToUnicode)[glyph[j]] = chars[j];
+        }
+    }
+static bool getWidthAdvance(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace, int gId, int16_t* advance) {
+    SkASSERT(advance);
+    UINT16 glyphId = gId;
+    HRESULT hr = fontFace->GetDesignGlyphMetrics(&glyphId, 1, &gm);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+        *advance = 0;
+        return false;
+    }
+    *advance = gm.advanceWidth;
+    return true;
+SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* DWriteFontTypeface::onGetAdvancedTypefaceMetrics(
+        SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::PerGlyphInfo perGlyphInfo,
+        const uint32_t* glyphIDs,
+        uint32_t glyphIDsCount) const {
+    SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* info = NULL;
+    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+    const unsigned glyphCount = fDWriteFontFace->GetGlyphCount();
+    fDWriteFontFace->GetMetrics(&dwfm);
+    info = new SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics;
+    info->fEmSize = dwfm.designUnitsPerEm;
+    info->fMultiMaster = false;
+    info->fLastGlyphID = SkToU16(glyphCount - 1);
+    info->fStyle = 0;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> familyNames;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteLocalizedStrings> faceNames;
+    hr = fDWriteFontFamily->GetFamilyNames(&familyNames);
+    hr = fDWriteFont->GetFaceNames(&faceNames);
+    UINT32 familyNameLength;
+    hr = familyNames->GetStringLength(0, &familyNameLength);
+    UINT32 faceNameLength;
+    hr = faceNames->GetStringLength(0, &faceNameLength);
+    UINT32 size = familyNameLength+1+faceNameLength+1;
+    SkSMallocWCHAR wFamilyName(size);
+    hr = familyNames->GetString(0, wFamilyName.get(), size);
+    wFamilyName[familyNameLength] = L' ';
+    hr = faceNames->GetString(0, &wFamilyName[familyNameLength+1], size - faceNameLength + 1);
+    hr = sk_wchar_to_skstring(wFamilyName.get(), &info->fFontName);
+    if (perGlyphInfo & SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kToUnicode_PerGlyphInfo) {
+        populate_glyph_to_unicode(fDWriteFontFace.get(), glyphCount, &(info->fGlyphToUnicode));
+    }
+    DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE fontType = fDWriteFontFace->GetType();
+    if (fontType == DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE_TRUETYPE ||
+        info->fType = SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kTrueType_Font;
+    } else {
+        info->fType = SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kOther_Font;
+        info->fItalicAngle = 0;
+        info->fAscent = dwfm.ascent;;
+        info->fDescent = dwfm.descent;
+        info->fStemV = 0;
+        info->fCapHeight = dwfm.capHeight;
+        info->fBBox = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
+        return info;
+    }
+    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableHead> headTable(fDWriteFontFace.get());
+    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTablePostScript> postTable(fDWriteFontFace.get());
+    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableHorizontalHeader> hheaTable(fDWriteFontFace.get());
+    AutoTDWriteTable<SkOTTableOS2> os2Table(fDWriteFontFace.get());
+    if (!headTable.fExists || !postTable.fExists || !hheaTable.fExists || !os2Table.fExists) {
+        info->fItalicAngle = 0;
+        info->fAscent = dwfm.ascent;;
+        info->fDescent = dwfm.descent;
+        info->fStemV = 0;
+        info->fCapHeight = dwfm.capHeight;
+        info->fBBox = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
+        return info;
+    }
+    //There exist CJK fonts which set the IsFixedPitch and Monospace bits,
+    //but have full width, latin half-width, and half-width kana.
+    bool fixedWidth = (postTable->isFixedPitch &&
+                      (1 == SkEndian_SwapBE16(hheaTable->numberOfHMetrics)));
+    //Monospace
+    if (fixedWidth) {
+        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kFixedPitch_Style;
+    }
+    //Italic
+    if (os2Table->version.v0.fsSelection.field.Italic) {
+        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kItalic_Style;
+    }
+    //Script
+    if (SkPanose::FamilyType::Script == os2Table->version.v0.panose.bFamilyType.value) {
+        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kScript_Style;
+    //Serif
+    } else if (SkPanose::FamilyType::TextAndDisplay == os2Table->version.v0.panose.bFamilyType.value &&
+               SkPanose::Data::TextAndDisplay::SerifStyle::Triangle <= os2Table->version.v0.panose.data.textAndDisplay.bSerifStyle.value &&
+               SkPanose::Data::TextAndDisplay::SerifStyle::NoFit != os2Table->version.v0.panose.data.textAndDisplay.bSerifStyle.value) {
+        info->fStyle |= SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kSerif_Style;
+    }
+    info->fItalicAngle = SkEndian_SwapBE32(postTable->italicAngle) >> 16;
+    info->fAscent = SkToS16(dwfm.ascent);
+    info->fDescent = SkToS16(dwfm.descent);
+    info->fCapHeight = SkToS16(dwfm.capHeight);
+    info->fBBox = SkIRect::MakeLTRB((int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->xMin),
+                                    (int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->yMax),
+                                    (int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->xMax),
+                                    (int32_t)SkEndian_SwapBE16((uint16_t)headTable->yMin));
+    //TODO: is this even desired? It seems PDF only wants this value for Type1
+    //fonts, and we only get here for TrueType fonts.
+    info->fStemV = 0;
+    /*
+    // Figure out a good guess for StemV - Min width of i, I, !, 1.
+    // This probably isn't very good with an italic font.
+    int16_t min_width = SHRT_MAX;
+    info->fStemV = 0;
+    char stem_chars[] = {'i', 'I', '!', '1'};
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(stem_chars); i++) {
+        ABC abcWidths;
+        if (GetCharABCWidths(hdc, stem_chars[i], stem_chars[i], &abcWidths)) {
+            int16_t width = abcWidths.abcB;
+            if (width > 0 && width < min_width) {
+                min_width = width;
+                info->fStemV = min_width;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    */
+    // If Restricted, the font may not be embedded in a document.
+    // If not Restricted, the font can be embedded.
+    // If PreviewPrint, the embedding is read-only.
+    if (os2Table->version.v0.fsType.field.Restricted) {
+        info->fType = SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kNotEmbeddable_Font;
+    } else if (perGlyphInfo & SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::kHAdvance_PerGlyphInfo) {
+        if (fixedWidth) {
+            appendRange(&info->fGlyphWidths, 0);
+            int16_t advance;
+            getWidthAdvance(fDWriteFontFace.get(), 1, &advance);
+            info->fGlyphWidths->fAdvance.append(1, &advance);
+            finishRange(info->fGlyphWidths.get(), 0,
+                        SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::WidthRange::kDefault);
+        } else {
+            info->fGlyphWidths.reset(
+                getAdvanceData(fDWriteFontFace.get(),
+                               glyphCount,
+                               glyphIDs,
+                               glyphIDsCount,
+                               getWidthAdvance));
+        }
+    }
+    return info;
diff --git a/src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.h b/src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b064ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ports/SkTypeface_win_dw.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#ifndef SkTypeface_win_dw_DEFINED
+#define SkTypeface_win_dw_DEFINED
+#include "SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics.h"
+#include "SkDWrite.h"
+#include "SkHRESULT.h"
+#include "SkTScopedComPtr.h"
+#include "SkTypeface.h"
+#include "SkTypefaceCache.h"
+#include "SkTypes.h"
+#include <dwrite.h>
+class SkFontDescriptor;
+struct SkScalerContextRec;
+static SkTypeface::Style get_style(IDWriteFont* font) {
+    int style = SkTypeface::kNormal;
+    DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT weight = font->GetWeight();
+    if (DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT_DEMI_BOLD <= weight) {
+        style |= SkTypeface::kBold;
+    }
+    DWRITE_FONT_STYLE angle = font->GetStyle();
+        style |= SkTypeface::kItalic;
+    }
+    return static_cast<SkTypeface::Style>(style);
+class DWriteFontTypeface : public SkTypeface {
+    DWriteFontTypeface(SkTypeface::Style style, SkFontID fontID,
+                       IDWriteFactory* factory,
+                       IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
+                       IDWriteFont* font,
+                       IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily,
+                       IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader = NULL,
+                       IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader = NULL)
+        : SkTypeface(style, fontID, false)
+        , fFactory(SkRefComPtr(factory))
+        , fDWriteFontCollectionLoader(SkSafeRefComPtr(fontCollectionLoader))
+        , fDWriteFontFileLoader(SkSafeRefComPtr(fontFileLoader))
+        , fDWriteFontFamily(SkRefComPtr(fontFamily))
+        , fDWriteFont(SkRefComPtr(font))
+        , fDWriteFontFace(SkRefComPtr(fontFace))
+    { }
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFactory> fFactory;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontCollectionLoader> fDWriteFontCollectionLoader;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFileLoader> fDWriteFontFileLoader;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fDWriteFontFamily;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFont> fDWriteFont;
+    SkTScopedComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fDWriteFontFace;
+    static DWriteFontTypeface* Create(IDWriteFactory* factory,
+                                      IDWriteFontFace* fontFace,
+                                      IDWriteFont* font,
+                                      IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily,
+                                      IDWriteFontFileLoader* fontFileLoader = NULL,
+                                      IDWriteFontCollectionLoader* fontCollectionLoader = NULL) {
+        SkTypeface::Style style = get_style(font);
+        SkFontID fontID = SkTypefaceCache::NewFontID();
+        return SkNEW_ARGS(DWriteFontTypeface, (style, fontID,
+                                               factory, fontFace, font, fontFamily,
+                                               fontFileLoader, fontCollectionLoader));
+    }
+    virtual void weak_dispose() const SK_OVERRIDE {
+        if (fDWriteFontCollectionLoader.get()) {
+            HRV(fFactory->UnregisterFontCollectionLoader(fDWriteFontCollectionLoader.get()));
+        }
+        if (fDWriteFontFileLoader.get()) {
+            HRV(fFactory->UnregisterFontFileLoader(fDWriteFontFileLoader.get()));
+        }
+        //SkTypefaceCache::Remove(this);
+        INHERITED::weak_dispose();
+    }
+    virtual SkStream* onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkScalerContext* onCreateScalerContext(const SkDescriptor*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void onFilterRec(SkScalerContextRec*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics* onGetAdvancedTypefaceMetrics(
+                                SkAdvancedTypefaceMetrics::PerGlyphInfo,
+                                const uint32_t*, uint32_t) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor*, bool*) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual int onCharsToGlyphs(const void* chars, Encoding encoding,
+                                uint16_t glyphs[], int glyphCount) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual int onCountGlyphs() const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual int onGetUPEM() const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings* onCreateFamilyNameIterator() const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual int onGetTableTags(SkFontTableTag tags[]) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    virtual size_t onGetTableData(SkFontTableTag, size_t offset,
+                                  size_t length, void* data) const SK_OVERRIDE;
+    typedef SkTypeface INHERITED;
diff --git a/src/utils/win/SkDWrite.h b/src/utils/win/SkDWrite.h
index 06e9c8b..679447d 100644
--- a/src/utils/win/SkDWrite.h
+++ b/src/utils/win/SkDWrite.h
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
  * found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef SkDWrite_DEFINED
+#define SkDWrite_DEFINED
 #include "SkTemplates.h"
 #include <dwrite.h>
@@ -36,3 +39,38 @@
 typedef decltype(GetUserDefaultLocaleName)* SkGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc;
 HRESULT SkGetGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc(SkGetUserDefaultLocaleNameProc* proc);
+// Table handling
+class AutoDWriteTable {
+    AutoDWriteTable(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace, UINT32 beTag) : fFontFace(fontFace), fExists(FALSE) {
+        // Any errors are ignored, user must check fExists anyway.
+        fontFace->TryGetFontTable(beTag,
+            reinterpret_cast<const void **>(&fData), &fSize, &fLock, &fExists);
+    }
+    ~AutoDWriteTable() {
+        if (fExists) {
+            fFontFace->ReleaseFontTable(fLock);
+        }
+    }
+    const uint8_t* fData;
+    UINT32 fSize;
+    BOOL fExists;
+    // Borrowed reference, the user must ensure the fontFace stays alive.
+    IDWriteFontFace* fFontFace;
+    void* fLock;
+template<typename T> class AutoTDWriteTable : public AutoDWriteTable {
+    static const UINT32 tag = DWRITE_MAKE_OPENTYPE_TAG(T::TAG0, T::TAG1, T::TAG2, T::TAG3);
+    AutoTDWriteTable(IDWriteFontFace* fontFace) : AutoDWriteTable(fontFace, tag) { }
+    const T* get() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(fData); }
+    const T* operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(fData); }