always fma in mad_f32()

We can always move data around so that an FMA is possible using no more
registers than we would otherwise, and on x86, evne using no more

The basic idea here is that if we can't reuse one of the inputs to
destructively host the FMA instruction, the next best thing is to copy
one of the arguments into tmp() and accumulate the FMA there.

Once the FMA has happened, we just need to copy that result to dst().
We can of course skip that copy if dst() == tmp().  On x86 we never need
that copy; dst() and tmp() are picked using the same logic except that
dst may alias one of its inputs, and we only fall into this case after
we've already found it doesn't.  So we can just assert dst() == tmp()
rather than check it like we do on ARM.

It's subtle, but I think sound.

I'm using logical-or to copy registers around.  This is a little lazy,
but maybe not as lazy as it looks: on ARM that is _the_ way to copy
registers.  There's a vmovdqa instruction I could use on x86, TBD.

All paths through this new code were being exercised on ARM, but we
didn't have anything hitting the tmp case on x86, so I've added a new
unit test that hits the corner cases of both implementations.

Change-Id: I5422414fc50c64d491b4933b4b580b784596f291
Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <>
Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <>
2 files changed