Add DDL jobs for Intel

To work around skia:8709, I'm moving the DDL tests to IntelIris640. The
ASAN jobs still show memory leaks in the driver, but at least I can
identify which calls are leaking and suppress the LSAN warnings.

Adds an SK_ENABLE_SCOPED_LSAN_SUPPRESSIONS define that indicates that
the LSAN header files are available, which is set in recipes for the
Linux ASAN builds. Adds __lsan::ScopedDisabler in four locations for
two Vulkan API calls:
 - CreateGraphicsPipelines in GrVkPipeline::Create and
 - CreateDescriptorSetLayout in
   constructor (2 calls)

Also adds a regular suppression for

See bugs listed below for more details on the leaks.

Bug: skia:8710, skia:8712, skia:8713
Change-Id: I55c6e5d483b4aeed5cd44c64219539ca7214187f
Commit-Queue: Ben Wagner <>
Reviewed-by: Robert Phillips <>
Auto-Submit: Ben Wagner <>
9 files changed