blob: 70a9964a2f730d23140e13510a9dbd5769bf3e79 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrOpsTask_DEFINED
#define GrOpsTask_DEFINED
#include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkStrokeRec.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
#include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "include/private/SkTArray.h"
#include "include/private/SkTDArray.h"
#include "src/core/SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "src/core/SkClipStack.h"
#include "src/core/SkStringUtils.h"
#include "src/core/SkTLazy.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrAppliedClip.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrPathRendering.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrPrimitiveProcessor.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTask.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrDrawOp.h"
#include "src/gpu/ops/GrOp.h"
class GrAuditTrail;
class GrCaps;
class GrClearOp;
class GrGpuBuffer;
class GrRenderTargetProxy;
/** Observer is notified when a GrOpsTask is closed. */
class GrOpsTaskClosedObserver {
virtual ~GrOpsTaskClosedObserver() = 0;
* Called when the GrOpsTask is closed. Must not add/remove observers to 'task'.
* The GrOpsTask will remove all its observers after it finishes calling wasClosed().
virtual void wasClosed(const GrOpsTask& task) = 0;
class GrOpsTask : public GrRenderTask {
using DstProxyView = GrXferProcessor::DstProxyView;
// The Arenas must outlive the GrOpsTask, either by preserving the context that owns
// the pool, or by moving the pool to the DDL that takes over the GrOpsTask.
GrOpsTask(GrDrawingManager*, GrRecordingContext::Arenas, GrSurfaceProxyView, GrAuditTrail*);
~GrOpsTask() override;
GrOpsTask* asOpsTask() override { return this; }
void addClosedObserver(GrOpsTaskClosedObserver* observer) {
void removeClosedObserver(GrOpsTaskClosedObserver* observer);
bool isEmpty() const { return fOpChains.empty(); }
* Empties the draw buffer of any queued up draws.
void endFlush(GrDrawingManager*) override;
void onPrePrepare(GrRecordingContext*) override;
* Together these two functions flush all queued up draws to GrCommandBuffer. The return value
* of executeOps() indicates whether any commands were actually issued to the GPU.
void onPrepare(GrOpFlushState* flushState) override;
bool onExecute(GrOpFlushState* flushState) override;
void addSampledTexture(GrSurfaceProxy* proxy) {
// This function takes a GrSurfaceProxy because all subsequent uses of the proxy do not
// require the specifics of GrTextureProxy, so this avoids a number of unnecessary virtual
// asTextureProxy() calls. However, sampling the proxy implicitly requires that the proxy
// be a texture. Eventually, when proxies are a unified type with flags, this can just
// assert that capability.
void addOp(GrDrawingManager* drawingMgr, GrOp::Owner op,
GrTextureResolveManager textureResolveManager, const GrCaps& caps) {
auto addDependency = [ drawingMgr, textureResolveManager, &caps, this ] (
GrSurfaceProxy* p, GrMipmapped mipmapped) {
this->addDependency(drawingMgr, p, mipmapped, textureResolveManager, caps);
this->recordOp(std::move(op), GrProcessorSet::EmptySetAnalysis(), nullptr, nullptr, caps);
void addDrawOp(GrDrawingManager* drawingMgr, GrOp::Owner op,
const GrProcessorSet::Analysis& processorAnalysis,
GrAppliedClip&& clip, const DstProxyView& dstProxyView,
GrTextureResolveManager textureResolveManager, const GrCaps& caps) {
auto addDependency = [ drawingMgr, textureResolveManager, &caps, this ] (
GrSurfaceProxy* p, GrMipmapped mipmapped) {
this->addDependency(drawingMgr, p, mipmapped, textureResolveManager, caps);
if (dstProxyView.proxy()) {
if (GrDstSampleTypeUsesTexture(dstProxyView.dstSampleType())) {
addDependency(dstProxyView.proxy(), GrMipmapped::kNo);
if (this->target(0).proxy() == dstProxyView.proxy()) {
// Since we are sampling and drawing to the same surface we will need to use
// texture barriers.
fRenderPassXferBarriers |= GrXferBarrierFlags::kTexture;
SkASSERT(dstProxyView.dstSampleType() != GrDstSampleType::kAsInputAttachment ||
if (processorAnalysis.usesNonCoherentHWBlending()) {
fRenderPassXferBarriers |= GrXferBarrierFlags::kBlend;
this->recordOp(std::move(op), processorAnalysis, clip.doesClip() ? &clip : nullptr,
&dstProxyView, caps);
void discard();
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
int numClips() const override { return fNumClips; }
void visitProxies_debugOnly(const GrOp::VisitProxyFunc&) const override;
void dump(bool printDependencies) const override;
const char* name() const final { return "Ops"; }
int numOpChains() const { return fOpChains.count(); }
const GrOp* getChain(int index) const { return fOpChains[index].head(); }
bool isNoOp() const {
// TODO: GrLoadOp::kDiscard (i.e., storing a discard) should also be grounds for skipping
// execution. We currently don't because of Vulkan. See
// TODO: We should also consider stencil load/store here. We get away with it for now
// because we never discard stencil buffers.
return fOpChains.empty() && GrLoadOp::kLoad == fColorLoadOp;
void deleteOps();
enum class StencilContent {
kUserBitsCleared, // User bits: cleared
// Clip bit: don't care (Ganesh always pre-clears the clip bit.)
// Lets the caller specify what the content of the stencil buffer should be at the beginning
// of the render pass.
// When requesting kClear: Tilers will load the stencil buffer with a "clear" op; non-tilers
// will clear the stencil on first load, and then preserve it on subsequent loads. (Preserving
// works because renderTargetContexts are required to leave the user bits in a cleared state
// once finished.)
// NOTE: initialContent must not be kClear if caps.performStencilClearsAsDraws() is true.
void setInitialStencilContent(StencilContent initialContent) {
fInitialStencilContent = initialContent;
// If a renderTargetContext splits its opsTask, it uses this method to guarantee stencil values
// get preserved across its split tasks.
void setMustPreserveStencil() { fMustPreserveStencil = true; }
// Must only be called if native color buffer clearing is enabled.
void setColorLoadOp(GrLoadOp op, const SkPMColor4f& color);
// Sets the clear color to transparent black
void setColorLoadOp(GrLoadOp op) {
static const SkPMColor4f kDefaultClearColor = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f};
this->setColorLoadOp(op, kDefaultClearColor);
enum class CanDiscardPreviousOps : bool {
kYes = true,
kNo = false
// Perform book-keeping for a fullscreen clear, regardless of how the clear is implemented later
// (i.e. setColorLoadOp(), adding a ClearOp, or adding a GrFillRectOp that covers the device).
// Returns true if the clear can be converted into a load op (barring device caps).
bool resetForFullscreenClear(CanDiscardPreviousOps);
class OpChain {
OpChain(GrOp::Owner, GrProcessorSet::Analysis, GrAppliedClip*, const DstProxyView*);
~OpChain() {
// The ops are stored in a GrMemoryPool and must be explicitly deleted via the pool.
OpChain(const OpChain&) = delete;
OpChain& operator=(const OpChain&) = delete;
OpChain(OpChain&&) = default;
OpChain& operator=(OpChain&&) = default;
void visitProxies(const GrOp::VisitProxyFunc&) const;
GrOp* head() const { return fList.head(); }
GrAppliedClip* appliedClip() const { return fAppliedClip; }
const DstProxyView& dstProxyView() const { return fDstProxyView; }
const SkRect& bounds() const { return fBounds; }
// Deletes all the ops in the chain.
void deleteOps();
// Attempts to move the ops from the passed chain to this chain at the head. Also attempts
// to merge ops between the chains. Upon success the passed chain is empty.
// Fails when the chains aren't of the same op type, have different clips or dst proxies.
bool prependChain(OpChain*, const GrCaps&, GrRecordingContext::Arenas*, GrAuditTrail*);
// Attempts to add 'op' to this chain either by merging or adding to the tail. Returns
// 'op' to the caller upon failure, otherwise null. Fails when the op and chain aren't of
// the same op type, have different clips or dst proxies.
GrOp::Owner appendOp(GrOp::Owner op, GrProcessorSet::Analysis,
const DstProxyView*, const GrAppliedClip*, const GrCaps&,
GrRecordingContext::Arenas*, GrAuditTrail*);
void setSkipExecuteFlag() { fSkipExecute = true; }
bool shouldExecute() const {
return SkToBool(this->head()) && !fSkipExecute;
class List {
List() = default;
List& operator=(List&& that);
bool empty() const { return !SkToBool(fHead); }
GrOp* head() const { return fHead.get(); }
GrOp* tail() const { return fTail; }
GrOp::Owner popHead();
GrOp::Owner removeOp(GrOp* op);
void pushHead(GrOp::Owner op);
void pushTail(GrOp::Owner);
void validate() const;
GrOp::Owner fHead{nullptr};
GrOp* fTail{nullptr};
void validate() const;
bool tryConcat(List*, GrProcessorSet::Analysis, const DstProxyView&, const GrAppliedClip*,
const SkRect& bounds, const GrCaps&, GrRecordingContext::Arenas*,
static List DoConcat(List, List, const GrCaps&, GrRecordingContext::Arenas*, GrAuditTrail*);
List fList;
GrProcessorSet::Analysis fProcessorAnalysis;
DstProxyView fDstProxyView;
GrAppliedClip* fAppliedClip;
SkRect fBounds;
// We set this flag to true if any of the ops' proxies fail to instantiate so that we know
// not to try and draw the op.
bool fSkipExecute = false;
bool onIsUsed(GrSurfaceProxy*) const override;
void handleInternalAllocationFailure() override;
void gatherProxyIntervals(GrResourceAllocator*) const override;
void recordOp(GrOp::Owner, GrProcessorSet::Analysis, GrAppliedClip*,
const DstProxyView*, const GrCaps& caps);
void forwardCombine(const GrCaps&);
ExpectedOutcome onMakeClosed(const GrCaps& caps, SkIRect* targetUpdateBounds) override;
friend class OpsTaskTestingAccess;
friend class GrRenderTargetContextPriv; // for stencil clip state. TODO: this is invasive
// The RTC and OpsTask have to work together to handle buffer clears. In most cases, buffer
// clearing can be done natively, in which case the op list's load ops are sufficient. In other
// cases, draw ops must be used, which makes the RTC the best place for those decisions. This,
// however, requires that the RTC be able to coordinate with the op list to achieve similar ends
friend class GrRenderTargetContext;
// This is a backpointer to the Arenas that holds the memory for this GrOpsTask's ops. In the
// DDL case, the Arenas must have been detached from the original recording context and moved
// into the owning DDL.
GrRecordingContext::Arenas fArenas;
GrAuditTrail* fAuditTrail;
SkSTArray<2, GrOpsTaskClosedObserver*, true> fClosedObservers;
GrLoadOp fColorLoadOp = GrLoadOp::kLoad;
SkPMColor4f fLoadClearColor = SK_PMColor4fTRANSPARENT;
StencilContent fInitialStencilContent = StencilContent::kDontCare;
bool fMustPreserveStencil = false;
uint32_t fLastClipStackGenID = SK_InvalidUniqueID;
SkIRect fLastDevClipBounds;
int fLastClipNumAnalyticElements;
GrXferBarrierFlags fRenderPassXferBarriers = GrXferBarrierFlags::kNone;
// For ops/opsTask we have mean: 5 stdDev: 28
SkSTArray<25, OpChain> fOpChains;
// MDB TODO: 4096 for the first allocation of the clip space will be huge overkill.
// Gather statistics to determine the correct size.
SkArenaAllocWithReset fClipAllocator{4096};
SkDEBUGCODE(int fNumClips;)
// TODO: We could look into this being a set if we find we're adding a lot of duplicates that is
// causing slow downs.
SkTArray<GrSurfaceProxy*, true> fSampledProxies;
SkRect fTotalBounds = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
SkIRect fClippedContentBounds = SkIRect::MakeEmpty();