blob: 46d3cd79e7008511d4b322b4153ef488565c5da4 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script does a very rough simulation of BUILD file expansion,
# mostly to see the effects of glob().
# We start by adding some symbols to our namespace that BUILD.public calls.
import glob
import pprint
def noop(*args, **kwargs):
# Simulates BUILD file glob().
def BUILD_glob(include, exclude=()):
files = set()
for pattern in include:
for pattern in exclude:
return list(sorted(files))
# With these namespaces, we can treat BUILD.public as if it were
# Python code. This pulls its variable definitions (SRCS, HDRS,
# DEFINES, etc.) into local_names.
global_names = {
'exports_files': noop,
'glob': BUILD_glob,
local_names = {}
execfile('BUILD.public', global_names, local_names)
with open('tools/BUILD.public.expected', 'w') as out:
print >>out, "This file is auto-generated by tools/"
print >>out, "It expands BUILD.public to make it easy to see changes."
for name, value in sorted(local_names.items()):
print >>out, name, '= ',
pprint.pprint(value, out)